Attaching Sentence Examples
The joint attaching fore-pastern and forearm.
Like another Socrates, he taught them to know themselves, repressing vanity, encouraging the despondent, and attaching all alike by his unobtrusive sympathy.
For attaching it to the paper a strong mucilage of gum tragacanth, containing an eighth of its weight of spirit of wine, answers best.
In the latter case, the numerous bands of muscle attaching the pharynx to the parietes have obliterated the regular partition by means of septa.
The muscular columns (c) attaching the foot to the shell form a ring incomplete in front, external to which is the free mantleskirt.
The beginnings of this rupture, as well as a sharp affray between his volunteers and the townsfolk of Ajaccio, may have quickened Bonaparte's resolve to return to France in May 1792, but there were also personal and family reasons for this step. Having again exceeded his time of furlough, he was liable to the severe penalties attaching to a deserter and an émigré but he saw that the circumstances of the time would help to enforce the appeal for reinstatement which he resolved to make at Paris.
The benefits attaching to membership and the number of the members were increased during the Empire, when the average number somewhat exceeded thirty thousand.
Moreover, whatever the lovers of the fine arts may say, it is nearly certain that the " Bewick Collector " is mistaken in attaching so high a value to these old editions, for owing to the want of skill in printing - indifferent ink being especially assigned as one cause - many of the earlier issues fail to show the most delicate touches of the engraver, which the increased care bestowed upon the edition of 1847 (published under the supervision of John Hancock) has revealed - though it must be admitted that certain blocks have suffered from wear of the press so as to be incapable of any more producing the effect intended.
This may consist simply in attaching one end of the wire to an index lever and the other to a fixed support, or the elongation of the wire may cause a rotation in a mirror from which a ray of light is reflected, and the movement of this ray over a scale will then provide the necessary means of indication.
Attaching himself afterwards to Cardinal de Tournon, he accompanied him in 1554 to Italy, whence he was several times sent on embassies to the king, with reports on the siege of Siena.
AdvertisementThe school of Cnidus, as distinguished from that of Cos, of which Hippocrates is the representative, appears to have differed in attaching more importance to the differences of special diseases, and to have made more use of drugs.
There is no modern survival of the name of Tyburn, which finds, indeed, its chief historical interest as attaching to the famous place of execution which lay near the modern Marble Arch.
In the case of texts from the oldest historical periods we encounter hundreds of names that are genuinely Sumerian, and here in view of the multiplicity of the phonetic values attaching to the signs used it is frequently difficult definitely to determine the reading of the names.
Each fresh apocalypse would in the eyes of its writer be in some degree but a fresh edition of the traditions naturally attaching themselves to great names in Israel's past, and thus the books named respectively Enoch, Noah, Ezra would to some slight extent be not pseudonymous.
About the same period, too, arose the custom of making the rochet sleeveless and attaching the "lawn sleeves" to the chimere.
AdvertisementIt proved to be easier to hold the lord responsible for the public duties of all his dependants because he was the king's vassal and by attaching them as conditions to the benefices which he held, than to enforce them directly upon every subject.
Later regulations are also laid down in the Talmuds in order to prevent any appearance of authority attaching to the translation, and also to ensure reverential 1 Cf.
Struve also points out that by attaching a fine scale to the focusing slide of the eye-piece, and knowing the coefficient of expansion of the metal tube, the means would be provided for determining the absolute change of the focal length of the object-glass at any time by the simple process of focusing on a double star.
Jansen ended by attaching himself strongly to the latter party, and presently made a momentous friendship with a like-minded fellow-student, Du Vergier de Hauranne, afterwards abbot of Saint Cyran.
The characteristic features of these divisions are very clearly marked, and their difference affords an explanation of the variety and vagueness of meaning attaching to the term "Alexandrian School."
AdvertisementIt consists in attaching to the loop or ventral segment of a vibrating body, e.g.
Another statute prohibited the burgesses from holding landed property and enjoying the privileges attaching thereto.
In 1793 the Paris Museum of Natural History was re-established by law, and Buffon's idea of attaching to it a menagerie was carried out; the latter, as the collection in the Jardin des Plantes, still survives.
Many species have a special glandular organ at the back of the head, which Sida crystalline uses for attaching itself to various objects.
The town council consented to build one new church, attaching to it a parish of 10,000 persons, mostly weavers, labourers and factory workers, and this church was offered to Dr Chalmers that he might have a fair opportunity of testing his system.
AdvertisementA medusa with a remarkable habit of life is Mnestra parasites, which is parasitic on the pelagic mollusc Phyllirrhoe, attaching itself to the host by its subumbral surface; its tentacles, no longer required for obtaining food, have become rudimentary.
The Jesuits abandoned the system of free education which had won them so much influence and honour; by attaching themselves exclusively to the interests of courts, they lost favour with the middle and lower classes; and above all, their monopoly of power and patronage in France, with the fatal use they had made of it, drew down the bitterest hostility upon them.
Two months later Eric was crowned at Upsala, on which occasion he first introduced the titles of baron and count into Sweden, by way of attaching to the crown the higher nobility, these new counts and barons receiving lucrative fiefs adequate to the maintenance of their new dignities.
The pecuniary advantages attaching to scholarship (20 Irish, free commons, and rooms at half the charge made to other students) last for four years.
Such persons have flourished at all times in the history of mathematics; but the interest attaching to them is more psychological than mathematical.2 It is of recent years that the most important advances in the theory of circle-quadrature have been made.
But, instead of employing a number of instruments differing only in the weights with which they are loaded, we may employ the same instrument, and alter its weight either by adding mercury or shot to the interior (if it can be opened) or by attaching weights to the exterior.
He was allowed to come close to the Turkish flagship, and succeeded in attaching his fireships to her, setting them on fire, and escaping with his party.
Thus the resolutions of the Institute have the authority attaching to a mature expression of the views of the leading international jurists of Europe.
He was entrusted with ruling powers in 1894, and in all respects continued the reforming policy of the council, while paying personal attention to every department, being a keen soldier, an energetic administrator, and fully alive to the responsibilities attaching to his position.
Pope Zosimus (417) made trial of a similar organization in the hope of attaching the churches of the Gauls more closely to himself.
Nor is there any record of royal privileges attaching to any person at the period of Purim such as occurs in the festivals with which it is supposed to be connected by Frazer.
Other individual enterprises have been launched by persons or single churches, but such have not usually flourished for any length of time, their workers gradually attaching themselves to the larger associations.
Without attaching himself to any particular system of philosophical doctrine, he fought error incessantly, and in regard to art, poetry and the drama and religion, suggested ideas which kindled the enthusiasm of aspiring minds, and stimulated their highest energies.
Any exactitude attaching to the conclusions of geometrical reasoning arises from the comparative simplicity of the data for the primary judgments.
Deferring his criticism of the significance of self and object, Hume yet makes use of both to aid his explanation of the belief attaching to reality.
Working on these lines, and attaching special importance to common descent, naturalists applied the term with more and more precision, until Linnaeus, in his Philosophia botanica, gave the aphorism, "species tot sunt diversae, quot diversae formae ab initio sunt creatae" - "just so many species are to be reckoned as there were forms created at the beginning."
Linnaeus' invention of binomial nomenclature for designating species served systematic biology admirably, but at the same time, by attaching preponderating importance to a particular grade in classification, crystallized the doctrine of fixity.
Round this core threads of glass were wound of various colors; the whole could be reset in the furnace to soften it for nsoulding the foGt or neck, or attaching handles, or dragging the surface into various patterns.
Heidenhain's view is that the cortical centres of the hemisphere are inhibited by peculiar conditions attaching to the initiatory sense stimuli.
Throughout his life he profited by the gift of attaching to himself the right men, whether as patrons or, like Weidenbach and Stern, as assistants.
To all the readings on this margin he attached special marks indicating the precise degree of probability in his opinion attaching to each.
By annexation, as between civilized peoples, the annexing state takes over the whole succession with the rights and obligations attaching to the ceded territory, subject only to any modifying conditions contained in the treaty of cession.
The temperature compensation is obtained by attaching a small weight to the magnet, and then bringing it back to the horizontal position by twisting the fibre.
Circular shifting is regulated by attaching two or more points of the shifting piece to ends of equal and parallel rotating cranks, or by combinations of wheel-work to be afterwards described.
Whilst in Chaitanya's creed, Krishna, in his relations to Radha, remains at least theoretically the chief partner, an almost inevitable step was taken by some minor sects in attaching the greater importance to the female element, and making Krishna's love for his mistress the guiding sentiment of their faith.
He entered parliament in 1872 as a liberal Catholic, attaching himself at first to the Deal party; but the feudal and ultramontane traditions of his family circle profoundly modified, though they could never destroy, his popular ideals.
It is probable that Villiers at this time had really a sense of the duties attaching tohisposition4 and was willing to be guided by a man of approved wisdom.
Attaching no value to logical proof and argument, he enlarged on the wonders and mysteries of nature, and maintained his position by the working of miracles.
The authority attaching to apostles was essentially spiritual in character and in the conditions of its exercise.
Such was the kind of authority attaching to apostles, whether collectively or individually.
So the notion of formal or constitutional authority attaching to the apostolate, in its various senses, is an anachronism for the apostolic age.
Nor is there mention of sacerdotal grace attaching to the succession in apostolic truth.
Attaching himself at once to the formidable band of discontented Whigs known as the Patriots, whom Walpole's love of exclusive power had forced into opposition under Pulteney, he became in a very short time one of its most prominent members.
All advances were lodged by him in the Bank of England until required, and all subsidies were paid over without deduction, even though it was pressed upon him, so that he did not draw a shilling from his office beyond the salary legally attaching to it.
The morality attaching to the oath, so deeply rooted in the conscience of primitive peoples, was expressed in the cult of Zeus "OpKCOS, the God who punished perjury.
Among other textile industries attaching to definite localities may be mentioned the silk manufacture of eastern Staffordshire and Cheshire, as at Congleton and Macclesfield; and the hosiery and lace manufactures of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire.
In spite of his friendliness towards the Roman church Manuel was refused the title of "Augustus" by Alexander, and he nowhere succeeded in attaching the Italians permanently to his interests.
The hatred of the aristocracy, for which Lord Holland says he was noted at Oxford, would naturally deter an ambitious young man with his way to make in the world, and with no fixed principles, from attaching his fortune to the Whigs.
It is difficult to estimate the value of abnormalities as evidence bearing on morphological interpretation; the chief danger lies perhaps in attaching undue weight to them, but there is also a risk of minimizing their importance.
The original reason for this was the reverence monies attaching to the memory of the Confessor, whose shrine and monu- stands in the central chapel behind the high altar.
This can be accomplished by attaching balance-weights to the pulley until it will remain stationary in all positions, when its shaft rests on two horizontal knife-edges in the same horizontal plane, or, preferably, the pulley and shaft may be supported on bearings resting on springs, and balanced by attached masses until there is no perceptible vibration of the springs at the highest speed of rotation.
In calculating the amount of compensation the most characteristic and important element was Einechlan (= honour-price, honour-value), a value attaching to every free person, varying in amount from one cow to thirty cows according to rank.
It is mainly a theological conception, blind to economic influences, and attaching excessive importance to the effects of the individual action of emperors and popes, kings and cardinals.
But while the summer is thus relatively ungenial on the top of the Harz, the usual summer heat of the lower-lying valleys is greatly tempered and cooled; so that, adding this to the natural attractions of the scenery, the deep forests, and the legendary and romantic associations attaching to every fantastic rock and ruined castle, the Harz is a favourite summer resort of the German people.
The union in the London fund was ruptured in 1693; in course of time differences in the administration of the two funds led to the attaching of the Presbyterian name to theological liberals, though many of the older Unitarian chapels were Independent foundations, and at least half of the Presbyterian chapels (of 1690-1710) are now in the hands of Congregationalists.
From this time he kept aloof from political strife, attaching himself to no particular party, and continuing on intimate terms with men so opposed as Caesar and Pompey, Antony and Octavian.
The functions attaching to the office varied at different times.
This work is a severe criticism of all previous moral systems, especially those of Kant and Fichte, Plato's and Spinoza's finding most favour; its leading principles are that the tests of the soundness of a moral system are the completeness of its view of the laws and ends of human life as a whole and the harmonious arrangement of its subject-matter under one fundamental principle; and, though it is almost exclusively critical and negative, the book announces clearly the division and scope of moral science which Schleiermacher subsequently adopted, attaching prime importance to a "Giiterlehre," or doctrine of the ends to be obtained by moral action.
The principal buildings of entertainment are the aquarium (also used as a concert hall); the museum, a rotunda in Doric style, containing excellent antiquarian and natural history collections; two theatres, and the assembly rooms attaching to the Spa House.
It was in vain that the emperors tried to rivet the chains of the curia in this hereditary bondage, by attaching the small proprietor to his glebe, like the artisan to his gild and the soldier to his legion.
His increased power came rather from moral value, from the prestige attaching to one who had given proof of it, than from actual authority over men or centralization; this is shown by the division between the Empire and feudalism.
He hoped to ruin him by attaching him to his cause.
Logic does not come in contact with things, except as they are subject to modification by intellectual forms. In other words, universality, individuality and speciality are all equally modes of our comprehension or notion; their meaning consists in their setting forth the relations attaching to any object of our conception.
But the close relation of its very rich frog-fauna to that of the Ethiopian and Indian regions speaks against attaching too great importance to these negative features.
The problem of making mediation adversarial by attaching it to courts is also interestingly identified.
The unit is installed by attaching the bracket to the windscreen by its sucker - no actual fastening is required.
There is no other " general rule of law " dealing with the effect of attaching chattels to real property.
Damping is included by attaching a viscous damper to the mass.
It was agreed that attaching a distribution map for migratory greylags to any publicity about this might simplify understanding.
The researchers ' next step was to make this peptide lethal by attaching it to another peptide that promoted cell suicide.
Try taking a fly fringe and attaching it to the nose band so it hangs over the horse's nostrils.
Letter of 12 July from Gerry Sutcliffe MP, attaching an initial ria.
Having done this they then assisted the Fire Service in attaching a strop to the vehicle to lift it clear of the water.
This involves attaching a syringe to a line and holding it up so that gravity lets it flow into her stomach.
The RhythmTech Hat Trick is an ultra lightweight, small tambourine designed for attaching to the Hi-Hat pull rod.
By attaching chrome vanadium flexible rods, in 5 meter lengths, distances of up to 260 meters can be achieved.
The discredit attaching to bowling alleys, first established in London in 1455, probably encouraged subsequent repressive legislation, for many of the alleys were connected with taverns frequented by the dissolute and gamesters.
Apart from the interest attaching to these manuscripts as the work of Napier, they possess an independent value as affording evidence of the exact state of his algebraical knowledge at the time when logarithms were invented.
By unity Boole denoted the universe of thinkable objects; literal symbols, such as x, y, z, v, u, &c., were used with the elective meaning attaching to common adjectives and substantives.
Geulincx carried out to their extreme consequences the irreconcilable elements in the Cartesian metaphysics, and his works have the peculiar value attaching to the vigorous development of a one-sided principle.
Where the debt does not exceed £ioo the simplest procedure for its recovery is that of the county court, but if the debt exceeds £ioo the creditor must proceed in the high court, unless the cause of action has arisen within the jurisdiction of certain inferior courts, such as the mayor's court of London, the Liverpool court of passage, &c. When judgment has been obtained it may be enforced either by process (under certain conditions) against the person of the debtor, by an execution against the debtor's property, or, with the assistance of the court, by attaching any debt owed to the debtor by a third person.
Sella hoped by the application of a mechanical meter both to obviate the odium attaching to former methods of collection and to avoid the maintenance of an army of inspectors and tax-gatherers, whose stipends had formerly eaten up most of the proceeds of the impost.
One might prefer as a theist to hold (1) that we need a philosophical doctrine of the nature of reality - the " Absolute "; given in popular form in the Cosmological argument; (2) that we take the risk of attaching a higher degree of significance and authority to the revelations of the moral consciousness, which, although moulded or educed by society, do not terminate in the authority of society, but point beyond it to God; this position has its popular form in the moral argument; possibly (3) that necessities of thought shut us up to belief in omnipotence or infinity; (4) that divine help is the supreme revelation.
Apart from the interest attaching to the pleasant country town and its pastoral environment, through their influence traceable in Shakespeare's writings, there are further connexions with himself and his family to be found.
It is also a fact that with each recurring decade these general expenses (also called indirect, undistributed or fixed charges) have an increased importance as compared with the particular (direct, distributed or operating) expense attaching naturally to the particular portions of the traffic. For with increased density of population it becomes profitable to make improvements on the original location, even though this may involve increased charges for interest and for some parts of its maintenance, for the sake of securing that economy of operation, through larger train-loads, which such an improved location makes possible.
Attaching himself with enthusiasm to Hegel's system, Vera (who wrote fluently both in French and in English as well as in Italian) became widely influential in spreading a knowledge of the Hegelian doctrine, and became the chief representative of Italian Hegelianism.
The Theridiidae eject on to the insect from their spinning mamillae drops of liquid adhesive silk; the Argyopidae, steadying it with the tips of their long front legs, sweep additional strands of silk over it with the legs of the hinder pair; the Agalenidae, attaching a long thread to a point hard by, run round and round the victim in circles, gradually winding it up beyond all hope of breaking loose.
The females of some snare-spinning species, like the Pholcidae, carry it in their jaws; but in the case of the Argyopidae the females usually leave the cocoon to its fate as soon as it is constructed, sometimes rolling it in a leaf, sometimes attaching it by a stalk to a branch.
Becket's opposition rested upon a casuistic interpretation of the canon law, and an extravagant conception of the dignity attaching to the priesthood; he showed, moreover, a disposition to quibble, to equivocate, and to make promises which he had no intention of fulfilling.
Arguing from the existence of only one mono-substitution derivative, and of three di-derivatives (statements of which the rigorous proof was then wanting), he was led to arrange the six carbon atoms in a ring, attaching a hydrogen atom to each carbon atom; being left with the fourth carbon valencies, he mutually saturated these in pairs, thus obtaining the symbol I (see below).
In so far as the older Greek cities fell within their sphere of power, the successors of Alexander were forced to the same ambiguous policy as Alexander had been, between recognizing the cities' unabated claim to sovereign independence and the necessity of attaching them securely.
The old ambiguity attaching to the interpretation of earlier treaties, however, remained, and in April 1899 the question by an agreement between the two states was referred to the arbitration of the president of the Swiss confederation..
East of it there is an abrupt transition to the district commonly known as the " East End," as distinguished from the wealthy " West End," a district of mean streets, roughly coincident with the boroughs of Stepney and Poplar, Shoreditch and Bethnal Green, and primarily (though by no means exclusively) associated with the problems attaching to the life of the poor.
If we desire to insulate a metal ball to make it hold a charge of electricity, it is usual to do so by attaching it to a handle or stem of glass or ebonite.
But while of the first importance in matters of religion, there is no evidence in Babylonian literature of any special political importance attaching to Eridu, and certainly at no time within our knowledge did it exercise hegemony in Babylonia.
The position of the author as regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford and canon of Christ Church in succession to Pusey, and his wellestablished reputation as a profound Hebrew scholar, commanded wide attention; the qualities of the book itself - its marked sobriety, its careful discrimination between the differing degrees of probability attaching to various conclusions and suggestions, and in general its soundness of method - rapidly extended the understanding of what Old Testament criticism is and commanded acceptance of the well-established conclusions.
The needs for these are obvious - buoyancy in water and resistance to wetting for the first, some form of parachute for the second, and some attaching mechanism or attractive structure for the third.
But he admits that " some of the old poems may have been borrowed from tradition, without any intermediary " (ibid.); and when it is considered that the traces of the " cantilenes " are slight, and that the degree in which they inspired the later poetry must be a matter of impression rather than of proof, it does not surprise us to find other scholars (notably Paul Meyer) attaching less importance to them, or even doubting their existence.2 When Leon Gautier shows how history passes into legend, and legend again into romance, we are reminded of the difference 1 Die exegetischen Scholien der Ilias, p. vii.
The senate itself might, in the later Republic, invite a victorious general to assume the title; and in these two customs - the salutation of the troops, and the invitation of the senate - we see in the germ the two methods by which under the Empire the princeps was designated; while in the military connotation attaching to the name even under the Republic we can detect in advance the military character by which the emperor and the Empire were afterwards distinguished.
The glory attaching to the name of Prince Henry does not rest merely on the achievements effected during his own lifetime, but on the subsequent results to which his genius and perseverance had lent the primary inspiration.
Letter of 12 July from Gerry Sutcliffe MP, attaching an initial RIA.
Taken out by Dave Sweeting on the swaging method of attaching ladder rungs to the wire rope.
Install the fixed side at the back portion of the crib by attaching each end to the headboard and footboard.
However, while pop-up cards are typically designed by attaching cut and folded pieces of paper to a card, origamic architecture is created by cutting and folding the card itself.
Attaching catnip-scented toys, feathers or other lures will add to your cat's amusement.
They may also try to collect the amount due them by attaching a lien to your bank accounts.
Be sure to stretch the material tightly across the base of the chair when attaching.
Be sure to stretch the material tightly across the base of the chair when attaching it.
If you're replacing all of it, start at the back of the chair seat and lay the webbing across the seat (side to side), attaching it at the bottom of the frame.
Build a simple square or rectangular frame from the 2 x 4s by pre-drilling holes in the ends of them and attaching them together using wood screws.
Using the screws and a drill or screwdriver, attach the hinges at the top and bottom of each panel, in turn attaching each panel to the one next to it.
To tone it down, only add extensions to the ends of natural lashes, or ramp up the look by attaching the entire extension.
It also comes with as a carabineer hook perfect for attaching to a backpack, beach bag or yoga bag strap.
Although some premade chipboard embellishments come with an adhesive layer, you'll generally need to find your own method of attaching the embellishment to the page.
Play with your photos and journaling on your computer, then add a few ribbons, buttons, or other embellishments to the printed layout before attaching it to a sheet of cardstock or patterned paper.
If this is your preferred method of attaching photos to your scrapbook layout, watch for sales and coupons at your local craft store.
Add rub-on phrases to the blank space on your photos before attaching them to the page.
For a distressed look, lightly sand the edges of your photos before attaching them to the page.
The first is called the "bow effect," because it is comparable to the archer who lets the bow slip from his or her grasp while flexing it in preparation for attaching the string.
Realizing that transport was going to be a challenge, they came up with a clever idea that involved attaching wood, oblong extensions to their snow boots.
Additionally, they discovered that attaching a fur covering to the bottom of these makeshift skis, and arranging the hairs so that they pointed backwards would keep the snow from sticking to the bottom.
It's somewhat unclear about how it works but studies show that it may activate the nicotine receptors in the brain - which creates a feeling of having smoked even though you haven't and blocks real nicotine from attaching to the receptors.
The first Wilton product, a cake ruffle for attaching to a tray or serving plate, was made in 1959.
Assemble the box by first attaching the lumber to the bottom of the plywood base with the two and one-half-inch long wood screws.
Next is the progression of assorting and attaching.
Drill pilot holes - If you're confident about the location of your wall studs, go ahead and drill pilot holes into the wall cabinets to make attaching them to the wall much easier.
Make sure it's level - When you have the cabinet up in it's proper place, check to make sure it's level before attaching it to the wall.
To actually, install the doors, start by attaching weather stripping to the bottom edge of the first door panel.
You will need, at a minimum, a ruler, pencil, saw, hammer, level, tape measure and staple gun for attaching a foam cushion.
Panels - Armstrong's panel system works by attaching panels to a suspended grid that's installed below your existing ceiling.
Remove the showerhead from the outlet arm by unscrewing the attaching bolt.
Hanging drywall sheets on the wall is much easier than attaching them to the ceiling.
While the actual stair and ladder system may be fairly easy to assemble, the real work is in the process of attaching the stairs to the ceiling.
Depending on what type of guard you purchase, there may be different methods of attaching them to your gutter.
This is a bracelet worn on the forearm with a chain attaching it to a ring.
No matter what a woman's size, she tended to wear foundation garments such as girdles (all the better for attaching the stockings) to give a bit more control and evenly distribute flesh.
Repeat the same procedure for the left side of your frames, attaching three or four more LEDs and another battery.
Wine glass charms are available where wine glasses are sold, and they allow your guests to identify which glass is theirs by attaching to the stem.
Normal tent stakes will not work well in snow, so buy snow stakes or anchor down the tent by attaching cord to the stake loops and placing rocks or snow-filled freezer bags on top of them.
Attaching one of these fun trinkets to your mobile phone depends on the exact model of phone that you have.
Rotationoplasty, sometimes performed after a leg amputation, involves attaching the lower leg and foot to the thigh bone, so that the ankle replaces the knee.
The measurement of fetal heart activity is performed most accurately by attaching an electrode directly to the fetal scalp.
Parents should avoid attaching too much significance to deviations from the average.
Pulse oximetry, another way of assessing oxygen levels, involves attaching a device called a pulse oximeter to the patient's finger.
In the summer, the larval ticks hatch from eggs laid in the ground and feed by attaching themselves to small animals and birds.
B. pertussis causes its most severe symptoms by attaching itself to those cells in the respiratory tract that have cilia.
The other end splits, with one end attaching to the clavicle (collarbone) and the other to the top of the sternum (breastbone).
Before attaching any addition, do an adhesive allergy test first.
Attaching themselves to the hair shaft and scalp with tiny claws, head lice may go undetected until uncontrollable itching and scratching begins.
Attaching themselves to the human scalp with tiny claws, head lice feed off the blood of their human host and cause itching, scalp irritation, and chronic head lice conditions if they aren't treated promptly and properly.
One of the oldest methods of attaching hair extensions is by weaving them into your natural hair.
Another method of attaching extensions is by bonding or sealing them to your hair, which should also be completed by a professional stylist.
They allow you to make a bigger, more impressive bun by attaching a ponytail hair extension and coiling it against your head.
Make decorations for cupcakes by attaching tiny origami hearts to toothpicks.
Continue folding bills and attaching them with the ribbon until the lei is the desired length.
People often make money trees by simply attaching bills to a branch or plant.
You can give any origami animal a Christmas theme by placing a wreath around its neck or attaching a string to turn it into an ornament.
Turn money origami into an ornament by attaching a paperclip on a discrete fold and then tying a small ribbon or fishing line to the paperclip.
Plan B stops an egg from attaching to the uterus.
Halter straps actually run along the outer edges of the breast cups and connect behind the neck, instead of attaching to the back band of the swimsuit like many other styles.
Antioxidants combat this decay by attaching to and neutralizing oxygen molecules.
Typical under cabinet appliance installation involves attaching brackets to the cabinet that will support the unit.
If the board has more than a single printed page, attach the pages to the cardboard first instead of attaching the pages together and then taping them to the cardboard.
Attaching photos, like a small one of the birthday boy or engaged couple, can also personalize a votive candle label.
The children at St. Jude Ranch make the cards by taking off the front cover of an old card and attaching a new back.
Make a large gift tag and attaching it to the Christmas gift.
A funny card is also perfect for attaching to a Christmas gag gift.
When attaching a tail to your costume, take care to place it high enough so it won't get in the way when you sit down.
Make this costume rough cutting two holes on both sides of the Spiderman costume and attaching fake arms to each.
Wear a leotard and tights or leggings and add a tutu - you can make one by attaching tulle to a strip of elastic.
Otherwise, consider applying green make-up all over your face and attaching a plastic or rubber dog nose that has been dyed or painted green.
Collect pine cones from outside and wrap each cone from the middle with thin green craft wire, leaving long ends for attaching to the frame.
The site features a helpful facial structure diagram to aid in determining shapes and styles, and step-by-step instructions for attaching various accessories.
This is a fine, classic method of attaching the upper to the leather sock lining and the sole.
The smiley piercing runs horizontally through the flap of skin which connects the upper lip to the gums, and the frowny piercing runs horizontally through the skin attaching the lower lip to the gums.
It's because when you decide to attach a heavy trailer with a large load to the hitch of your vehicle, you really need to be certain how close to the maximum gross vehicle weight rating you already are before attaching the trailer.
Add a bottom to the planter by attaching the box to one of the remaining pieces of three-foot wood using wood screws.
You might consider adding fabric flowers, stenciling a design with paint, or attaching an appliqué.
You will also engage your quads, particularly the muscles attaching to your hip flexors, as you pull your thigh upward toward your hip.
They can be worn with any convertible bra simply by attaching them to the bra strap hooks.
Plus sized women can also find panties with an option for attaching a garter.
The leather harness bra usually features metal O-rings for attaching long chains for further bondage or discipline.
Some hose are thigh-length and multi-piece, attaching to a garter belt with garters.
Embrace your inner pin-up girl by slipping into these and attaching them to a garter belt or skirt.
Beyond this practical observance, you'll also want to think about whether or not you'll want to, or have the time to, go through the process of putting on and attaching the Cami.
Hold a piñata over the pool by either attaching it to a long pole (the pole that attaches to the pool vacuum works great) or stringing it up over the pool.
Tagging is a manner of attaching names to photos to show exactly who's pictured.
When she met him outside, he was attaching a pillow to his ATV with bunji cords.
They stayed in remote contact with someone while they worked, attaching an IV and doing something with the knife wound.
On the accession of the latter to the throne, Andrew Stone was appointed treasurer to Queen Charlotte, and attaching himself to Lord Bute he became an influential member of the party known as "the king's friends," whose meetings were frequently held at his house.
There was no birthright attaching to the position of eldest son, but he usually acted as executor and after considering what each had already received equalized the shares.
Small leeches taken into the mouth with drinking-water may give rise to serious symptoms by attaching themselves to the fauces and neighbouring parts and thence sucking blood.
The chief interest, however, attaching to the Brahmanas is doubtless their detailed description of the sacrificial system as practised in the later Vedic ages; and the information afforded by them in this respect should be all the more welcome to us, as the history of religious institutions knows of no other sacrificial ceremonial with the details of which we are acquainted to anything like the same extent.
If there is any difference between " theism " or " Natural Theology " on the one hand, and Natural Religion on the other, it is to be found in the more practical character attaching to natural " religion."
The balance of these tendencies has been against the attachment of great importance to sexual selection, and in favour of attaching a great importance to natural selection; but the dominant feature in the recent history of the theory has been its universal acceptance and the recognition that this general acceptance has come from the stimulus given by Darwin.
But Valerian, well aware of the dangers and difficulties attaching to the office at such a time, declined the responsibility.
Consistency of conduct was not among the objects which he aimed at, nor did he shrink from thwarting in secret a policy which he supported in public. A large share of the discredit attaching to the measures of James II.
On the 14th of June 1909 a bill was passed removing the disabilities hitherto attaching to some 15,000,000 of Old Believers.
There are two main ways of attaching the rails to the sleepers, corresponding to two main types of rails - the bull-headed rail A B FIG.
A parliamentary regime was thus inaugurated, and party warfare for a time took the place of the old religious antagonism, the Moslems attaching themselves to one or other of the political factions which now made their appearance among the Christians.
Circular nodal lines unaccompanied by intersecting lines cannot be produced in the manner described; but may be got either by drilling a small hole through the centre, and drawing a horse-hair along its edge to bring out the note, or by attaching a long thin elastic rod to the centre of the plate, at right angles to it, holding the rod by the.
These are combinatory of parts, attaching or detaching predicates, and so involving 9 References such as are the result of subsequent editing and prove nothing.
The strongest argument for the derivation from the Latin alphabet is undoubtedly the value of f attaching to P; for, as we have seen, the Greek value of this symbol is w, and its value as f arises only by abbreviation from FH.
There are many stories of his getting to know an officer in just such a chance way and attaching him to himself!
The murder of Kotzebue by Karl Sand, however, shocked him out of his extreme revolutionary views, and from this time he tended, under the influence of the writings of Hamann and Herder, more and more in the direction of conservatism and romanticism, until at last he ended, in a mood almost of pessimism, by attaching himself to the extreme right wing of the forces of reaction.
The later English artists have somewhat changed the mode of communicating motion to the slides, by attaching the screws pdrmanently to the micrometer head and tapping each micrometer screw into its slide.
They frequently progress after the fashion of a "looper" caterpillar, attaching themselves alternately by the anterior and the posterior sucker.
This he did during fourteen years, and his administration was signalized by two important innovations - the attaching of the peasants to the land (adscriptio glebae) and the creation of the patriarchate - both of which deserve a passing notice.
After his dismissal from headquarters Zherkov had not remained in the regiment, saying he was not such a fool as to slave at the front when he could get more rewards by doing nothing on the staff, and had succeeded in attaching himself as an orderly officer to Prince Bagration.
Granvelle was made first archbishop of Malines, and all the odium attaching to the increase of the episcopate was laid at his door, though he was in reality opposed to it.