Atolls Sentence Examples
Addu Atoll is the furthest south of all the Maldivian atolls and is itself made up of over 30 islands.
Besides the atolls there is a type of island which has been called the elevated coral island.
Tetuaroa and Tubai, besides the three western Leeward Isles, are coral atolls.
One of the main purposes of the exploration was to obtain light on the question of the foundation of atolls.
These atolls are of coralline formation and of irregular shape.
For serious diving go to Rangiroa - one of the world's largest atolls with loads of sharks.
The Maldives is a group of low-lying coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls, situated south west of Sri Lanka.
Maldives - Click here for more details Liveaboards covering atolls from the far north to the deep South.
Maldives Scattered across the Indian Ocean, due west of southern India, is a group of tiny coral atolls.
In the many small atolls without any channel, these causes have not prevented the entire ring attaining the surface.
AdvertisementThe atolls on the south and east side of the bank, which has a circumference of about 270 m., have disappeared through subsidence; a few - Egmont, Danger, Eagle, and Three Brothers - still remain on the east side, but most of the population (about 700) is centred on Diego Garcia, which lies on the south-east side, and is nearly 13 m.
Far otherwise is it with man at the stage of savagery - the stage of petty groups pursuing a self-centred life of inveterate custom, in an isolation almost as complete as if they were marooned on separate atolls of the ocean.
It comprises a large number of low coralline islands and atolls, which are disposed in nine clusters extending over a distance of about 400 m.
It consists of seventeen atolls with an immense number of islands, of which some three hundred are inhabited.
In the extreme south are the isolated atolls of Addu and Fua-Mulaku, separated from Suvadiva by the Equatorial Channel, which is itself separated from the main chain of atolls by One-and-ahalf-degree Channel.'
AdvertisementThey are ridges of aeolian limestone plastered over by a thin layer of corals and other calcareous organisms. The very remarkable "serpuline atolls" are covered by a solid crust made of the convoluted tubes of serpulae and Vermetus, together with barnacles, mussels, nullipores, corallines and some true incrusting corals.
Rarotonga and Mangaia, in the Cook group, and Niue or Savage Island are the largest of these; Penrhyn and Suwarrow, though but small coral atolls, contain excellent harbours.
The average depth varies from 1500 to 2500 fathoms, and from this level innumerable volcanic ridges and peaks rise almost or quite to the surface, their summits for the most part occupied by atolls and reefs of coral formation, while interspersed with these are depressions, mostly of small area, among which the deepest soundings recorded have been obtained.
Often, as has been said, the atoll is divided into a number of islets, but in some smaller atolls the ring is complete, and the sea-water gains access beneath the surface of the reef to the lagoon within, where it is sometimes seen to spout up at the rise of the tide.
For the much debated question as to the conditions under which atolls and reefs are formed, see Coral Reefs.
AdvertisementBut if this is true of the land fauna as a whole, especially on the atolls, where it consists mainly of a few birds, lizards and insects, the opposite is the case with the marine fauna.
Fish are exceedingly abundant, especially in the lagoons of atolls, and form an important article of food supply for the natives, who are generally expert fishermen.
Barrier and fringing reefs, as well as atolls, occur in the group, but the channels between the islands are dangerous chiefly from the strong currents which set through them.
Their colour is a brown, lighter or darker generally according to the amount of their exposure to the sun - being darker on some of the atolls where the people spend much time in fishing, and among fishermen on the volcanic islands, and lighter among women, chiefs and others less exposed than the bulk of the people.
The group consists of a number of atolls ranged in two almost parallel lines, which run from N.W.
AdvertisementThe surface of the atolls is covered with sand, except in a few places where it has been turned into soil through the admixture of decayed vegetation.
The archipelago consists of a number of coral islets and atolls comprising the African Islands (4), the St Joseph group (8), the Poivre Islands (9) and the Alphonso group (3).
The Asiatic and Malayan affinities of many of its animals, as well as the physical conditions of the bed of the Indian Ocean, make it highly probable that Madagascar, while once forming part of Africa, is the chief relic of a considerable archipelago formerly connecting that continent with Asia, its other portions being shown by groups of small islands, and by coral atolls and shoals, which are gradually disappearing beneath the waves.