At-times Sentence Examples
It gets to be a pain at times.
Maybe it would be wise to separate the two at times.
That made it hard to protect her at times.
To be honest, thinking about the responsibility of making those decisions was overwhelming at times.
At times he acted as viceroy in William's absence; at times he led the royal forces to chastise rebellions.
No doubt that got old at times.
The fact that the kings were often absent from England, and that the justiciarship was held by great nobles or churchmen, made this office of an importance which at times threatened to overshadow that of the Crown.
The peace concluded in 1568 arfd thrice renewed (in 1 573, 1 57 6 and 1584) had not prevented the continuance of raids and forays, from either side of the frontier, that at times assumed the dimensions of regular campaigns.
He gets a bit vexatious at times.
He further showed himself helpful in arranging difficulties which at times arose in connexion with the lesser chiefs of his province.
AdvertisementIn fact, at times she had been almost brutally clear that she was no longer interested in him.
We're probably all a little hypocritical at times - and we're all sinners, so I hear.
In Cade's case, that was probably a blessing at times.
He gets stymied at times because of lack of access to certain information sources.
You must have wondered about Fred's past at times.
AdvertisementHis route to Philly looked like a drunkard's path, zigzagging a series of country roads that were at times crowded with local traffic.
He told her about Cynthia and she talked about someone named Jack who was a med student whose family thought she was a jerk and they both decided life was too damned complicated and lots of the times it sucked, but not at times like this.
Memon presided over all before him, at times as still as the statues lining the halls and at times barking orders for more wine or shouting at servants who placed food wrong on the tables.
Life might get stressful at times with you Carmen, but I'll never be bored.
As much as he looked forward to a life with Megan, at times the thought was intimidating.
AdvertisementThe traveller and farmer are at times annoyed by the mosquito.
During the 9th and 10th centuries the Netherlands suffered cruelly from the attacks of the Northmen, who ravaged the The in- shores and at times penetrated far inland.
The presence of these parasites seems at times to have little effect on the host, and men in whose system it is calculated there are some 40-50 million larvae have shown no signs of disease.
The great blot on his memory is his cruelty, which at times was frightful, and showed itself in its full fierceness in the punishment of persons accused of witchcraft, soothsaying or magical practices.
Yet, as Strauss and others have shown, Kant's mind betrayed a decided leaning at times to a more mechanical conception of organic forms as related by descent.
AdvertisementHe became very expensive in his habits, fell at times into difficulties, and had to urge his valid claims upon the marquis's attention.
But no great writer and no great administrator came from Narbonensis; itinerant lecturers and journalists alone were produced in plenty, and at times minor poets.
Thomas' great rival, Duns Scotus, does this to a large extent, at times affirming " two truths."
The prevalent winds from the west, south-west and south blow continuously, at times approaching the force of a hurricane.
The largest of these occurs in the Black Rock Desert, in the N.W., and at times is from 450 to 500 m.
The " black mouse " or Carson field mouse (Microtus montanus) is found throughout Nevada, as well as in Utah, north-eastern California, and eastern Oregon; it multiplies rapidly under favourable conditions, and at times causes serious injury to crops.
Although at times he states his principles with a wonderful degree of breadth and insight, he mars the effect by looseness of statement, and by the incorporation of irrelevant psychological matter.
The church officers (generally unpaid) comprise bishops (or ministers), elders, teachers, deacons (or visiting brethren) and deaconesses - chiefly aged women who are permitted at times to take leading parts in church services.
At that period the Georgians were divided into various petty principalities, the chief of which were Imeretia and Georgia (Kharthlia), owing at times a more or less shadowy allegiance to the sultan of the Ottoman Turks at Constantinople.
It is noteworthy that though Napoleon at times sought to shift the responsibility for this deed on Talley-rand or Savary, yet during his voyage to St Helena, as also in his will, he frankly avowed his responsibility for it and asserted that in the like circumstances he would do the same again.
The Church as a whole took but little interest in apologetics and polemics, nay, had at times even an instinctive feeling that in these controversies that which she held holy might easily suffer loss.
The freshness, the air of leisure, the enthusiasm of discovery that mark the work of these old writers have lessons for the modern professional zoologist, who at times feels burdened with the accumulated knowledge of a century and a half.
Wind is another important factor, as cotton does not do well in localities subject to very high winds; and in exposed situations, otherwise favourable, wind belts have at times to be provided.
It is at times sacculated, but its chief interest is that, as Lebedinsky 1 has shown, the tip of the caecum in embryonic life opens to the exterior as the blastopore.
This ideal, when put forward by the consummate eloquence of Demosthenes and other orators, created great enthusiasm among the Athenians, who at times displayed all their old vigour in opposing Philip, notably in the decisive campaign of 338.
Though produced by crossing, it now generally breeds true to colour, at times throwing back, however, to the silver greys from which it was derived.
From these structural and palaeontological evidences, geologists suppose that the formation of the cave was carried on simultaneously with the excavation of the valley; that the small streams, flowing down the upper ramifications of the valley, entered the western opening of the cave, and traversing the fissures in the limestone, escaped by the lower openings in the chief valley; and that the rounded pebbles found in the shingle bed were carried in by these streams. It would be only at times of drought that the cave was frequented by animals, a theory which explains the small quantity of animal remains in the shingle.
Through the mountain passes come at times dry winds from the Pacific coast, which lick up the snow in a few hours.
Each of the larger streams, as well as a large proportion of the smaller ones, is accompanied by a belt of bottom land, of greater or less width, lying low as regards the stream, and liable to overflow at times of high water.
The hammer-head attains a weight at times of 600 lb.
The Jews bury here their chief priests, a right the Moslems at times contest, and in 1889 a serious conflict between Jews and Moslems resulted from an attempt of the former to exercise this right.
The discoveries of silver brought great wealth to the margraves, but they resorted at times to bedes, which were contributions from the nobles and ecclesiastics who met in a kind of diet.
Except in the larger nuggets, which may be more or less angular, or at times even masses of crystals, with or without associated quartz or other rock, gold is generally found bean-shaped or in some other flattened form, the smallest particles being scales of scarcely appreciable thickness, which, from their small bulk as compared with their surface, subside very slowly when suspended in water, and are therefore readily carried away by a rapid current.
Even in the time of the later Amoraim there is no mention of a written Palestinian Targum, though the official Babylonian Targum is repeatedly referred to in the Babylonian Talmud, in the Midrashim, and at times also by Palestinian Amoraim.
It is unfortunately not found in any extant MS. The second stage is that found in the quotations of Origen which is fairly well represented in B, though Origen seems at times to have used MSS.
Of the latter there are probably 12,000 to 15,000 species, including 140 butterflies, at least 180 grasshoppers, several hundred bees, &c. The so-called " grass hoppers," true locusts, have done great damage at times in Nebraska.
But earthquakes are frequent and at times disastrous.
Parents are very overprotective at times when you are a young teen, and so breaking through the family barrier is important.
Finding size 10 girls' clothing can be a challenge at times.
When coming out, you may feel lonely at times and isolated from the rest of the world.
The campus is also home to a conference center that at times hosts special events.
Catholic in spirit rather than dogmatic, John ranks himself at times among the Academics, " since, in those things about which a wise man may doubt, I depart not from their footsteps."
Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula.
But as an example of Syriac prose style it is of the best, and the author at times shows considerable dramatic power.
Women at times wore the calceus, but are generally represented in art with soft shoes or sandals.
The praise, though it has been at times exaggerated, is on the whole just, certainly in respect of variety of work and mastery of form.
His restlessness leads us at times to a comparison with Skelton, not in respect of any parallelism of idea or literary craftsmanship, but in his experimental zeal in turning the diction and tuning the rhythms of the chaotic English which only Chaucer's genius had reduced to order.
Pamela was entrusted with all her husband's secrets and took an active part in furthering his designs; and she appears to have fully deserved the confidence placed in her, though there is reason to suppose that at times she counselled prudence.
When a chamber has been excavated and completely filled the slice adjoining is mined out, or at times a block of ground may be left untouched between two filled chambers and then mined out.
These laws are enforced by mine inspectors of the timber produces falls of ground, making necessary the excavawho are empowered to call upon the courts and other government tion and removal at times of hundreds of tons of heated rock and burning coal, in order to reach the fire.
While mining is not necessarily an unhealthy occupation, miners are subject to certain diseases resulting from vitiated air, and from unusual or special conditions under which at times they are forced to work.
These Hittites had close relations with other Asia Minor peoples, and at times headed a confederacy.
The mildew is in its turn attacked by a fungus of the same tribe, Cicinnobolus Cesatii, which lives parasitically within the hyphae of its host, and at times even succeeds in destroying it.
The fungoid diseases of tobacco are comparatively unimportant; there are, however, some diseases of obscure origin which at times cause considerable damage.
While the population of Nejef is estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000, there is in addition a very large floating population of pilgrims, who are constantly arriving, bringing corpses in all stages of decomposition and accompanied at times by sick and aged persons, who have come to Nejef to die.
The southern boundary never greatly altered; it did at times reach the Kur and the Aras, but on that side the Khazars were confronted by Byzantium and Persia, and were for the most part restrained within the passes of the Caucasus by the fortifications of Dariel.
There was a charming side to his trustful simplicity, which was at times almost like that of a sailor set ashore.
Bahya portrays an intensely spiritual conception of religion, and rises at times to great heights of impassioned mysticism.
Its strident voice is heard most loudly at times of great heat, when the song of the birds is hushed.
His lacquer-ware is distinguished for a bold and at times almost eccentric impressionism, and his use of inlay is strongly characteristic. RitsuO (1663-1747), a pupil and contemporary of KOrin, and like him a potter and painter also, was another lacquerer of great skill.
Hydraulic mining has for the most part been confined to the country of its invention, California, and the western territories of America, where the conditions favourable for its use are more fully developed than elsewhere - notably the presence of thick banks of gravel that cannot be utilized by other methods, and abundance of water, even though considerable work may be required at times to make it available.
Homilies, legends, traditional sayings and explanations, in fact every form of Haggadic expansion are utilized by the Targumist, so that at times his works convey the impression more of a late Midrash than of a translation.
Up to the 14th century it was at times the capital of the Servian tsars.
The Gospel and the First Epistle are written in correct and flowing Greek, and there is not a barbarism, a solecism, or a provincialism in them; whereas the Greek of the Apocalypse is inaccurate, disfigured by unusual or foreign words and even at times by solecisms."
Brown or even blood-red stripes have been observed in the North Atlantic when swarms of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus were present; the brown alga Trichodesmium erythraeum, as its name suggests, can change the blue of the tropical seas to red; swarms of diatoms may produce olive-green patches in the ocean, while some other forms of minute life have at times been observed to give the colour of milk to large stretches of the ocean surface.
The total of men, women and children for whom quarters are provided is at times as high as 24,000.
During the monsoon the climate is very damp, and at times even cold and raw, thick clouds and mist enveloping the sky for many days together.
The early history was rendered unquiet at times by wars with the Indians, the chief of which were the Pequot War in 1637, and King Philip's War in 16 75-7 6; and for better combining against these enemies, Massachusetts, with Connecticut, New Haven and New Plymouth, formed a confederacy in 1643, considered the prototype of the larger union of the colonies which conducted the War of American Independence (1 7758 3).
Failures there have been many, and scandals not a few in Benedictine history; but it may be said with truth that there does not appear to have been ever a period of widespread or universal corruption, however much at times and in places primitive love may have waxed cold.
He still, to use his own words, hung his new exposition on to "the old doctrines, however much they at times pained me, rather than on to the purer and clearer"; for he hoped that the reformation of the Church would proceed quietly and from within.
This was the work of the remainder of Trench's life; it exposed him at times to considerable misconstruction and obloquy, but he came to be appreciated, and, when in November 1884 he resigned his archbishopric from infirmity, clergy and laity unanimously recorded their sense of his "wisdom, learning, diligence, and munificence."
When baffled in minor objects he gave way with a goodnatured flexibility which brought upon him at times charges of inconsistency.
As to the products of other industries closely related to agriculture that of beer and brandy varied, and was at times extraordinarily large.
His wife, Maria Luisa of Parma, his first cousin, a thoroughly coarse and vicious woman, ruled him completely, though he was capable of obstinacy at times.
Add to this a correspondence so extensive as to require him at times to write forty letters in one day.
He was at times suspicious of the papal policy, while his relations with Spain were somewhat inharmonious.
In 1892 he distinguished the former as those in which the first antennae of the male have both members modified for holding the female, and the genital openings of the female have a ventral position, sometimes in close proximity, sometimes strongly lateral; the latter as those in which the first antennae of the male are similar to those of the female, the function of holding her being transferred to the male maxillipeds, while the genital openings of the female are dorsal, though at times strongly lateral.
More especially since the time of Capellus the value of the Septuagint for correcting the Hebrew text has been recognized; but it has often been used uncritically, and the correctness of the Hebrew text underlying it in comparison with the text of the Hebrew MSS., though still perhaps most generally underestimated, has certainly at times been exaggerated.
And yet, none the less, Ignatius is conscious of acting and speaking at times from a kind of inspiration.
Strathearn, as the valley of the Earn is called, extending from the loch to the Firth of Tay, is a beautiful and, on the whole, fertile tract, though liable at times to heavy floods.
South American palaeogeography has been traced by von Ihring into a northern land mass, " Archelenis," and a southern mass, " Archiplata," the latter at times united with an antarctic continent.
They consist of a pair of tubules with an intracellular lumen running up the sides of the body, at times merely sinuous, at others considerably convoluted.
In the first place experiment has shown that biting-flies, other in all probability than the true, natural hosts, may at times transmit the parasites - as it were - accidentally, if, after feeding on an infected animal, they are allowed to bite a fresh one within a limited time.
Henceforward their military power declined and they fell at times under Pontic ascendancy, from which they were finally freed by the Mithradatic wars, in which they heartily supported Rome.
It is an important left bank tributary of the Danube, rising in the Franconian plateau (Frankische Terrasse), and after a tortuous course of 116 m., at times flowing through meadows and again in weird romantic gorges, joins the Danube at Kelheim.
In character the Indians are, as a rule, peaceable, though conscious of their numerical superiority and at times driven to join in the revolutions which so often disturb the course of local politics; they are often intensely religious, but with a few exceptions are thriftless, indolent and inveterate gamblers.
On account of the rapid deposition of sediment near the main channel at times of overflow, the flood plain, as is normally the case on mature valley floors, has a lateral slope of as much as 5, 10, or even 12 ft.
These digressions at times interrupt the symmetry of his plan; but Strabo had all the Greek love of legendary lore, and he discusses the journeyings of Heracles as earnestly as if they were events within recent history.
It was almost necessary that he should select what he thought most important for description, and at times omit what we deem of more importance.
The tidal currents, or races, or roost (as some of them are called locally, from the Icelandic) off many of the isles run with enormous velocity, and whirlpools are of frequent occurrence, and strong enough at times to prove a source of danger to small craft.
That in knowing objects certain thoughts are implied which are not presentations or their copies is at times dimly seen by Berkeley himself; but he was content to propound a question with regard to those notions, and to look upon them as merely Locke's ideas of relation.
In 1887 it was found that he had exhausted (spent, and given away) the whole of the fortune he had received from his father, amounting, it is said, to something like £200,000; and he was dependent on the vast and increasing sale of his works, which produced an average income of £4000 a year, and at times on the sale of his pictures and realizable property.
Progress was at times interrupted by the conduct of the officers of foreign powers.
Silesia remained a principal objective of the various contending armies and was occupied almost continuously by a succession of ill-disciplined mercenary forces whose depredations and exactions, accentuated at times by religious fanaticism, reduced the country to a state of helpless misery.
His career as senator was marked by a degree of independence which at times made his party position uncertain, notwithstanding the fact that his political ideas continued to be those of a thoroughgoing strict constructionist.
Her letters are full of vivacity, of colour, and at times of insight and wit, but she never learnt to write either French or German correctly.
Then, though flushed quite as suddenly, it will fly round the intruder, at times almost hovering over his head.
He did so, and then governed like an evil-disposed boy - indulging the merest animal passions, listening to a small camarilla of low-born favourites, changing his ministers every three months, and acting on the impulse of whims which were sometimes mere buffoonery, but were at times lubricous, or ferocious.
The party and the principles of Oldenbarneveldt, however, though crushed, were not extinguished, and though Frederick Henry by his personal influence and prudent statesmanship had been able to surmount the difficulties placed in his way, he had had to encounter at times strong opposition, and had been much hampered in the conduct both of his campaigns and of his policy.
He saw clearly the inherent defects of the existing federation, and he wished to remedy a system which was so complicated as to be at times almost unworkable.
He had to contend, like his predecessors, with the perennial hostility of the burgher aristocracy of Amsterdam, and at times with other refractory town councils, but his power in the States during his life was almost autocratic. His task was rendered lighter by the influence and ability of Heinsius, the grand pensionary of Holland, a wise and prudent statesman, whose tact and modera tion in dealing with the details and difficulties of internal administration were conspicuous.
But while it may be admitted that Gregory was inclined to be unduly subservient to the great, so that at times he was willing to shut his eyes to the vices and even the crimes of persons of rank; yet it cannot fairly be denied that his character as a whole was singularly noble and unselfish.
Moreover, this same carburizing action of the fuel would at times go so far as to turn part of the metal into a true cast iron, so brittle that it could not be worked at all.
Nevertheless the press uses much less power than the hammer, because much of the force of the latter is dissipated in setting up useless - indeed harmful, and at times destructive - vibrations in the foundations and the surrounding earth and buildings.
Charles of Lorraine thoroughly identified himself with the best interests of the country, and was the champion of its liberties, and though he had at times to make a stand against the imperialistic tendencies of the chancellor Kaunitz, he was able to rely on the steady support of the empress, who appreciated the wise and liberal policy of her brother-in-law.
It consists at times of a low deep moaning, repeated five or six times, ending in faintly audible sighs; at other times he startles the forest with loud, deep-toned, solemn roars, repeated in quick succession, each increasing in loudness to the third or fourth, when his.
In most cases he is successful, but should his intended victim escape, as at times happens, from his having miscalculated the distance, he may make a second or even a third bound, which, however, usually prove fruitless, or he returns disconcerted to his hiding-place, there to wait for another opportunity."
The art of irrigation is so well understood that the water supply is at times exhausted, no river water being allowed to run to waste.
The laminar portion of a leaf is occasionally articulated with the petiole, as in the orange, and a joint at times exists between the vaginal or stipulary portion and the petiole.
There are at times marked differences between the produce of adjoining estates, with apparently identical conditions of soil and situation.
From the middle of the 17th century, when this region was annexed by the Turks, until about the middle of the 19th century, the vilayet of Bagdad was the largest province of the Turkish empire, constituting at times an almost independent principality.
To this, which seems authentic, is usually added the tradition (due to the abbe Boileau) that afterwards he used at times to see an imaginary precipice by his bedside, or at the foot of the chair on which he was sitting.
In the west no chain of hills intercepts the warmer and moister winds which blow from the Atlantic, and these accordingly influence at times even the eastern regions of Germany.
The continual poverty which hindered the successful prosecution of the war against the Hussites, and which at times placer Sigismund in the undignified position of having to force himsel, as an unwelcome guest upon princes and cities, had, however, one good result.
Thus, solely under the influence of social and economic conditions, various risings of the peasants had taken place during the latter part of the 15th century, the first one being in 1461, and at times the insurgents had combined their forces with those of the lower classes in the towns, men whose condition was hardly more satisfactory than their own.
The above three breeds were designated Yorkshire Whites, and are still so named at times.
The colour is red or chestnut, with at times darkish spots on the skin.
The story of the Hungarian wars is a monotonous record of forays, of assistance given at times to the Babenbergs by the forces of the Empire, and ending in the gradual eastward advance of Austria.
First we will consider the types of apparatus which are used to record the rapid back-and-forth movements of earthquakes which can be distinctly felt and at times are even destructive.
The soil of the Delta is a dark grey fine sandy soil, becoming at times almost a stiff clay by reason of the fineness of its particles, which consist almost wholly of extremely small grains of quartz with a few other minerals, and often numerous flakes of mica.
Although a picture sign may at times have embarrassed the skilled native reader by offering a choice of fixed values or functions, it was never intended to convey merely an idea, so as to leave to him the task of putting the idea into his own words.
In spite of his caprices he appears to have shown competence in the management of external affairs; enterprises of pretenders both in Egypt and Syria were crushed with promptitude; and his name was at times mentioned in public worship in Aleppo and Mosul.
Pouqueville, who spent no less than ten years as French General Consul at Iannina, had special facilities for obtaining firsthand information and although his observations and deductions seemed at times somewhat suspect to the British they were later recognized as being truest to the realities of the epoch.
A fringe of ice generally lines the greater part of the Danish coasts on the eastern side for some time during the winter, and both the Sound and the Great Belt are at times impassable on account of ice.
The inhabitants of the district they administered had to provide for their subsistence, and at times they led the host to battle.
In addition there were extraordinary missi who represented the emperor on special occasions, and at times beyond the limits of his dominions.
See George Ticknor Curtis, The Life of James Buchanan (2 vols., New York, 1883), the standard biography; Curtis, however, was a close personal and political friend, and his work is too eulogistic. More trustworthy, but at times unduly severe, is the account given by James Ford Rhodes in the first two volumes of his History of the United States since the Compromise of 1850 (New York, new edition, 1902 et seq.).
Dunbar often, and at times deliberately, recalls the older verse-habit, even in his vigorous shorter poems; and Douglas, in his Palice of Honour and King Hart, and even in his translation of Virgil, is unequivocally medieval.
But it is now well known that at times there are westerly winds in the region over which they would have to travel, and that there would be no insuperable difficulties in the way of such a voyage.
If our increased appreciation and knowledge of Greek and Roman art makes us at times impatient with the mechanical perfection of the works of Wedgwood and his contemporaries, the fault is even more the fault of a nation and a period than that of any individual, however com - manding.
She too, like Assur, was viewed as a war deity, and to such an extent was this the case that at times it would appear that she, rather than Assur, presided over the fortunes of the Assyrian armies.
There were philosophic and philanthropic elements in his political faith which will always lead some to class him as a visionary and fanatic; but although he certainly indulged at times in dreams at which one may still smile, he was not, properly speaking, a visionary; nor can he with justice be stigmatized as a fanatic. He felt fervently, was not afraid to risk all on the conclusions to which his heart and his mind led him, declared himself with openness and energy; and he spoke and even wrote his conclusions, how ever bold or abstract, without troubling to detail his reasoning or clip his off-hand speculations.
They are possessed of certain privileges, such as exemption from the chief taxes and the duty of bearing arms. They, however, often take a foremost part in tribal administration, and are frequently called upon to perform the office of arbitrators in questions of disputed policy, &c. In the Jemda, too, the Marabout at times takes the place of honour and keeps order.
He led a quiet and retired life, and suffered at times considerably from the jealousy and suspicion of his elder brother, the Sultan `Abdul Hamid II.
According as the one or the other aspect of such a power is brought into the foreground, Ishtar becomes the mother of mankind, the fertile earth, the goddess of sexual love, and the creative force among animals, while at times she appears in hymns and myths as the general personification of nature.
Intercommunication no doubt takes place; men working together in quarry, brickfield or barrow-run, and out of earshot of their guardians, may and do converse at times.
He clung to his right of regale, or enjoyment of the revenues of bishoprics during their vacancy, though it was at times commuted for a fixed payment.
Horses were slaughtered wholesale at times to make way for cattle on the ranges.
During the reign of Hia-wu Ti of the Han dynasty, Chinese colonies and high roads lined with fortified cities were established along this route, and though at times the government have lost possession of the line beyond the Great Wall, it has always succeeded in re-establishing its supremacy over it.
Earthquakes are felt at times on the Pacific slope, but in Nicaragua they are less violent than in the neighbouring countries.
In the Rigveda he is represented as the god of prayer, aiding Indra in his conquest of the cloud-demon, and at times appears to be identified with Agni, god of fire.
At 18 of these resorts are situated, some of which have at times had considerable social vogue.
General Motion of a ParticleLet P, Q be the positions of a moving point at times t, t+t respectively.
Let P, Q be the positions of a u-i.aa moving point at times t, t + &, V Q
But, though one may at times find it convenient to speak of "Brahmanism and Hinduism," it must be clearly understood that the distinction implied in the combination of these terms is an extremely vague one, especially from the chronological point of view.
Whilst at times a truly monotheistic fervour manifests itself in the adoration of these two gods, the polytheistic instincts of the people did not fail to extend the pantheon by groups of new deities in connexion with them.
Although at times subject to fierce criticism with regard to matters of administration and finance, he was recognized as one of the ablest men on the Confederate side, and he remained with Jefferson Davis to the last, sharing his flight after the surrender at Appomattox, and only leaving him shortly before his capture, because he found himself unable to go farther on horseback.
An account of Colorado agriculture would not be complete without mentioning the depredations of the grasshopper, which are at times extraordinarily destructive, as also of the "Colorado Beetle" (Doryphora decemlineata), or common potato-bug, which has extended its fatal activities eastward throughout the prairie states.
In order to meet the cost of the early wars a special contribution from property (tributum ex censu) was levied at times of emergency, though it was in some cases regarded as an advance to be repaid when the occasion of expense was over.
His relations with the British authorities in Canada after the War of 1812 were at times very trying, as these officials persisted in searching American vessels on the Great Lakes and in arousing the hostility of the Indians of the territory against the American government.
This may ultimately throw some light on the disappearance of native forms; for these have at times declined without any assignable cause.
Under certain circumstances, however, the native animals may recover, for in some cases they even profit by man's advent, and at times themselves become pests, like the Kea parrot (Nestor notabilis), which attacks sheep in New Zealand, and the bobolink or rice-bird (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) in North America.
He also conversed at times on more serious topics with the simple people with whom he lodged, often, for example, talking over the sermon with them when they came from church.
The Chilean slopes of the Andes appear to be a favourite haunt of the condor, where neighbouring stock-raisers suffer severe losses at times from its attacks.
In 1889 congress became distinctly hostile to the administration of President Balmaceda, and the political situation became grave, and at times threatened to involve the country in civil war.
Along the shores of the Caspian, particularly in Gilan and Mazandaran, and of the Persian Gulf from the mouth of the Shatt el Arab down to Bander Abbasi, the air during a great part of the year contains much moisturedry- and wet-bulb thermometers at times indicating the same temperatureand at nights there are heavy falls of dew.
They are never sold, save on importation, though at times they are given away..
Among the very religious during the mourning month (Muharram) the shirt is at times dyed black.
The Isfahan merchant and the Armenian at times wear the hat very tall.
The eyebrows are widened and painted till they appear to meet, while sham moles or stars are painted on the chin and cheek; even spangles are stuck at times on the chin and forehead.
The hair, though generally hidden by the char-kadd, is at times exposed and plaited into innumerable little tails of great length, while a coquettish little skull-cap of embroidery, or shawl, or colored silk is worn.
On reaching Ipoto on the Ituri he came within the region of the Arab slave raiders and ivory hunters, in whose company he at times travelled.
It would seem that, in the extreme spiritual vicissitudes of his life, conscious alternately of personal weakness and of the largest speculative grasp, he at times threw himself entirely on the consolations of evangelical faith, and at others reconstructed the cosmos for himself in terms of Neo-Platonism and the philosophy of Schelling.
From its healthy situation and the convenience of its anchorage, Chi-fu has become a favourite rendezvous for the fleets of the European powers in Chinese waters, and consequently it has at times been an important coaling station.
It attains at times an extreme degree of violence, and is apt to be aggravated by movement, loud noises or bright light.
But at times he uses language that almost compels one to attribute to him the popular view of conscience as passing its judgments with unerring certainty on individual acts.
The town has suffered much from the periodical breaking of the Hindieh dam and the consequent deflection of the waters of the Euphrates to the westward, as a result of which at times the Euphrates at this point has been entirely dry.
The Claridades de Sul of Gomes Leal, a militant anti-Christian, at times recall Baudelaire, and flashes of genius run through AntiChristo, which is alive with the instinct of revolt.
San Franciscan climate is breezy, damp and at times chilling; often depressing to the weakly, but a splendid tonic to others.
The interior of Novaya Zemlya shows hardly a trace of animal life, save here and there a vagrant bird, a few lemmings, an ice-fox, a brown or white bear, and at times immigrant reindeer.
The roads are rough and at times almost impassable, 'however, and the river crossings difficult and dangerous.
The northern race has ever kept pressing down on the broadskulled, brown-complexioned men of the Alps, and intermixing with them, and at times has swept right over the great mountain chain into the tempting regions of the south, producing such races as the Celto-Ligyes, Celtiberians, Celtillyrians, CeltoThracians and Celto-Scythians.
Thus it agrees at times with the Samaritan, or Septuagint, or Syriac, or Vulgate, or even with Onkelos against all the rest.
But his contempt for the annalistic form makes him at times careless in his chronology and arbitrary in his method of arranging his material; he not infrequently flies off at a tangent to relate stories which have little or no connexion with the main narrative; his critical faculty is too often allowed to lie dormant.
There seems to have been at times a pardonable confusion between some quasilegitimate unions and those marriages by mere word of mouth, without ecclesiastical or other ceremonies, which the church, after some natural hesitation, pronounced to be valid.
Most of the Alaskan glaciers are receding, but not all of them; and at times there is a general advance.
Behind the bluffs that form in large part its immediate border its basin is a rolling country, at times sinking into great dead levels like the Yukon flats between Circle City and the Lower Ramparts, some 30,000 sq.
But the Alaska summer is the uncertain season; at times the nights are cold into July, at times snow falls and there are frosts in mid-August; sometimes rain is heavy, or again there is a veritable drought.
Others explain it as German Berg-geist, " mountain demon," or Bar-geist, " bear-demon," in allusion to its alleged appearance at times as a bear.
Some of the rulers of the larger provinces have at times been given, or have given themselves, the title of negus or king, so that on occasion as many as three, or even more, neguses have been reigning at the same time; and this must be borne in mind by the student of Abyssinian history in order to avoid confusion of rulers.
Between 1809 and 1822 there was a period of comparative eclipse, during which he was indeed at times in office, but in lesser places than he would have been prepared to accept between 1804 and 1809, and was regarded with general distrust.
It must not only be strong enough to sustain all possible vertical loads, but it must be sufficiently rigid to resist without deformation or weakening all lateral disturbing forces, the principal of which are the pressure of wind, the possible sway of moving crowds or moving machinery, and the vibration of the earth from the passage of loaded vans and trolleys, and slight earthquakes which at times visit almost all localities.
It was rumoured at the time that Stella was the natural daughter of Temple, and Swift himself at times seems to have been doubtful as to his own paternity.
In the 16th century, when the English began to make determined efforts to bring the whole of Ireland under subjection to the crown, the O'Donnells of Tyrconnel played a leading part; co-operating at times with the English, especially when such co-operation appeared to promise triumph over their ancient enemies the O'Neills, at other times joining with the latter against the English authorities.
It is even at times a very burdensome tax, falling upon a family when its sources of income are otherwise diminished, while it has the demerit of striking a small number annually instead of being diffused equally.
The arm was imperfectly set, and it was a source of trouble to him at times throughout his life, and was the means of identifying his body after his death.
Convinced by the experience of the wars that France needed an energetic central power, he pushed at times his royal prerogatives to excess, raising taxes in spite of the Estates, interfering in the administration of the towns, reforming their constitutions, and holding himself free to reject the advice of the notables if he consulted them.
He was affable to the point of familiarity, quick-witted like a true Gascon, good-hearted, indulgent, yet skilled in reading the character of those around him, and he could at times show himself severe and unyielding.
The loss of sleep to a person of Newton's temperament, whose mind was never fiat rest, and at times so wholly engrossed in his scientific pursuits that he even neglected to take food, must necessarily have led to a very great deal of nervous excitability.
It feeds on small fish and on the animal refuse that floats on the sea, eating to such excess at times that it is unable to fly and rests helplessly on the water.
Military necessity, the heat of action, the violence of the feelings which come into la will always at times defeat the most skilfully- law of war.
Freshets and droughts at times work havoc. The former made notable 1844 and 1858; and the latter 1860, 1874 and 1894.
Yet they continued to multiply, and exercised at times considerable influence; though they had few supporters among the baronage, yet among the lesser gentry and still more among the burgher class and in the universities they were strong.
But now his brain seemed to be turned by successindeed his wild language at times seemed to argue that he was not wholly sane.
Even so, the issue of the struggle was for long doubtful, and there were moments when it might have ended by a policy of wise concession; but the Americans, though reduced at times to desperate straits, had the advantage of fighting in their own country, and above all they found in George Washington a leader after the model of the English country gentleman who had upheld the standard of liberty against the Stuarts, and worthy of the great cause for which they fought.
Like his predecessors, Addington continued to be a partisan after his acceptance of this office, took part at times in debate when the house was in committee; and on one occasion his partiality allowed Pitt to disregard the authority of the chair.
The species inhabiting cold climates construct a winter nest in which they hibernate, waking up at times to feed on an accumulated store of nuts and other food.
Petrels are archaic oceanic forms, with great powers of flight, dispersed throughout all the seas and oceans of the world, and some species apparently never resort to land except for the purpose of nidification, though nearly all are liable at times to be driven ashore, and often very far inland, by gales of wind.'
Dionysius, in reply, admits that Demosthenes does at times depart from simplicity, - that his style is sometimes elaborately ornate and remote from the ordinary usage.
Since the close of the Cretaceous period the Bohemian massif has remained above the sea; but the depression which lies immediately outside the Carpathian chain has at times been covered by an arm of the sea and at other times has been occupied by a chain of salt lakes, to which the salt deposits of Wieliczka and numerous brine springs owe their origin.
Sacrifices of fowls and sheep are made at many places at sacred stones and altars, both in thanksgiving at times of harvest, &c., and as propitiatory offerings.
The new dynasty was thus the poorest and weakest of the great civil and ecclesiastical lordships which occupied the country from the estuary of the Scheldt to that of the Liobregat, and bounded approximately by the Meuse, the Sane and the ridge of the Cvennes; yet it cherished a great ambition which it revealed at times during its first century (987Ifo8)a determination not to repeat the Carolingian failure.
The first-named expounds the views of the author; the second is an eager and intelligent listener; the third represents a well-meaning but obtuse Peripatetic, whom the others treat at times with undisguised contempt.
In the worst cases the larvae even die after the cells are sealed over; a strong characteristic and offensive odour being developed in some phases of the disease, noticeable at times some distance away from the hive.
Nevertheless civil servants gradually replaced military officers in the work of administration, army officers being liable to be suddenly removed for war or other service, often at times when the presence of officials possessed of local experience was most important.
It was a nature worship, which at times became wild and sensuous.
The conflict of the ministers and the House assumed at times the fort to discuss a reform of the confederation, Bismarck Foreign policy.
By a provision unique in 1875, the constitution authorized the legislature to provide that the electors might express their preferences for United States senators; but this was not treated as mandatory on the legislature, and though votes were at times taken (1886, 1894), they were not officially canvassed, nor were any senatorial The amendment increased the pay of members from three dollars to five dollars a day " during their sitting," and provided that sessions should last at least sixty days, and that members should not receive pay " for more than sixty days at any one sitting"; the original constitution had provided that they should " not receive pay for more than forty days at any one session " and had prescribed no minimum length for a session.
Many of the pioneers of Nashville were slain by the Creek and Cherokee Indians, and at times the settlement was saved from destruction only by the heroism of Robertson, but in 1794 the savages were dealt a crushing blow at Nickojack on the lower Tennessee and much more peaceful relations were established.
Although at times he persecuted heretics with great cruelty, he tolerated Mahommedans and Jews, and both acts appear rather to have been the outcome of political considerations than of religious belief.
Volcanic action is still going on in these latitudes, as the glaciers are at times covered by ashes, but the predominant rocks to the east are the Tertiary granite, while to the west gneiss, older granite and Palaeozoic rocks prevail.
Although at times she caught him watching her thoughtfully.
Her writing showed she was intelligent and perceptive, though she demonstrated incredibly poor judgment at times.
Sarah found her self control quickly, and could retract her fangs of her own accord, though Jackson still required verbal cues, and at times physical restraint from Gabriel to stop feeding.
Although Dalton seems amiable enough, he struggles at times to find anything worthy to say.
It's at times like this I lament the loss of people like Robin Cook.
The customer has the right to carry out periodic audits at times mutually agreeable to both parties.
I generally try to avoid using cells but the limited ammo at this level left me with little choice at times.
Its days like this that make me realize how dim we carp anglers are at times.
Yet despite this great desire to belong to something, we Brits can appear remarkably apathetic at times.
I guess some of your life must have felt truly awful at times.
When my Sister and I were young we had an Irish nanny for a while who could be rather beastly at times.
Clearly stats and football can be odd bedfellows at times tho.
It has to be said that at times the outlook appears bleak.
We crossed safely, but the boat scraped the bottom of the lagoon at times as we crawled slowly along toward the hotel jetty.
I had to be quite bullish at times to ensure that staff were covered, even if this put additional strain on the college.
Its hard because the void he has left seems almost cavernous at times.
Especially as I have had a chronic and at times debilitating illness for the last 15 years.
Fine writes about a serious subject with a deftness of touch that is at times darkly comic.
The world number two had held off the challenge of his younger countryman Gregory Gaultier 3/1, admitting to feeling tense at times.
There's almost no background hiss, leaving you with incredibly creepy silences at times.
This is especially critical at times of highest demand - examples include lactation or during hot weather.
This easy angled slab (for a scramble) only has small holds and can feel a bit delicate at times.
Coulthard at times appeared to be driving in a demolition Derby.
All interesting topics and worthy of exploration but I felt at times the book came across as slightly disjointed.
Who it sounds like Crystal has a powerful voice not dissimilar to Whitney Houston at times.
The 1974 album is a very fine soul offering, at times sounding not too dissimilar to the Reverend Al Green in parts.
Men they are so dozy at times and dont think further than their noses.
Most people with non-ulcer dyspepsia, however, seem to have sensitive stomachs which cause symptoms at times of emotional stress.
The books which inspired the two cinematic epics of 1999 are exultant calls to national pride at times of turbulance.
I wear the famous eyeglass at times in the serial.
Traveling has been one of the highlights of my life so far, at times an overwhelming experience and a great eye-opener.
In fact, Job got pretty feisty at times.
Regular expressions can get quite fiendish to read at times.
He was high-spirited and had a very fiery temper, which led him at times to acts of cruelty.
The book is written with a humorous, at times almost flippant tone.
What's more, Mankell does sound a little flowery at times.
She has hair loss, is so skinny and seems very forgetful at times.
Unlike her, I play by ear and that organ gets a little forgetful at times.
Talking about pictures, an e-mail, which is otherwise complimentary, comments upon the photographs saying that they appear fuzzy at times.
The PR department has made numerous gaffes into the bargain, whilst Andrew Watson has at times appeared out of touch with the fans.
They were leaping quite high out of the water at times and many gannets were diving in the area.
Although these are all legitimate and interesting themes, at times their exploration feels gratuitous.
This leg proved quite hard work at times as we were flying into an increasingly gusty head wind.
A love story, an adventure story - at times rather harrowing in its descriptions of torture by the Germans.
City could not match the quality of football in the second half and there was a little hesitancy at times.
They really took note of what we said and were refreshingly honest at times.
The vocal timbre is full of rich bass tones which can become almost hypnotic at times.
The anti-smoking mob do get a bit hysterical at times.
Winter operations are very hard with adverse weather conditions with severe icing at times.
The media are perplexed and at times downright irritated by this turn of events.
The procedure can seem a bit long-winded at times.
Humorous fantasy is still a labor of love, albeit with a slightly manic turn at times.
Crack is an intelligent sort just a little mischievous at times - he is quiet human actually!
This can make the movie slightly muddled at times.
My pond is small and at times full of algae, with the water looking rather murky.
An immense collection, that at times threatens to drown his own muse.
In the past, I have found the peshwari nans to be delicious here, although at times a little too sweet.
The picture quality is excellent, a vast improvement on the VHS release which looked rather nasty at times.
Conclusion At times Ross suggests that acts that are prima facie obligatory tend to be morally obligatory.
Our hunt for this band has been a long and tireless affair and quite obsessive at times.
Tho it be spoken at times in a mere whisper it has omnipotence behind it.
We think that she probably had osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) and this made her feet achy at times.
Conditions were bright and warm, tho slightly overcast at times.
Tho the constant use of red and blue is perhaps slightly overdone - at times it's like watching a tinted silent movie!
Visits must only be made at times convenient to the borrower, and you must not overstay your welcome.
He was always prolific but at times his painting lacked passion and became repetitive or obscure almost to the point of self parody.
Mrs Thrale could never understand the partiality which all her acquaintances felt for him and indeed Johnson seems to have irritated him at times.
How do you cope at times when you are feeling pessimistic?
This at times sounds like Gregorian plainchant crossed with West Coast psychadelia.
This then developed during the medieval period to the bhattaraka becoming an important pontiff, at times like a king.
The Interpreter does get a bit preachy at times with its (thinly) veiled resemblance to current political issues.
The episode was far from standard West Wing, at times it became preachy.
Critical EAP is appealing pedagogically because of its restive questioning of discourse norms, although it can seem reactionary at times.
The at times lazy assertion by penal reformers that they do has done little to enhance the cause of prison reform.
Friedman's arguments are provocative but at times lack rigor.
The only thing which lets The Gambler down is the rather ropy dialog, which seems very thoughtlessly constructed at times.
There is a Priority Order for delivering sandbags at times of flood.
Treated with a seriousness and dignity, well tempered by gentle humor, at times they actually seem more self-aware than the adults.
It gets ridiculous at times - like actively avoiding conversations with others when feeling particularly self-conscious.
However, your grasp of reality may be rather shaky at times.
The specialist has at times been called a shaman, or a witch doctor, or a doctor or a surgeon.
American road signage leaves a lot to be desired at times!
The process of demonization includes generalization, hyperbole, lies and outright slander at times.
Maybe fans of zany slapstick will find it less wearing than I did at times.
They're nothing special, but they look quite slick at times.
But as a consequence, he comes across like a terrible snob at times.
Maddy and Bobby We have had him 6 months now and the change in him makes me quite soppy at times.
No signs of edge enhancement; there were signs of light grain at times and a few speckles.
Syrian food is very tasty and quite spicy at times.
Our records are incomplete - at times we would need a stenographer to keep full details on file.
A generally cloudy day with drizzle patches, bringing the low stratus down to almost station level at times.
For somebody who has a stutter, life at times is a struggle.
A blinding sunlight drowned all this at times in a sudden recrudescence of glare.
Everything is set on an absurd, mythical level that at times becomes wonderfully surreal.
Additional traffic lights on the Pentagon roundabout have created tailbacks to the Wyvern center at times when previously there had been none.
And I'm afraid it can also at times seem a very thankless task.
You may at times be short of cash; I know you are very thoughtless in that respect.
Spellings at times can become quite tiresome for some of the children.
I find a good haze to be quite trippy at times.
In overcoming the opposition the conspirators employed methods which were entirely unconstitutional and at times wholly ruthless.
Unfortunately they appeared to be under-rehearsed and it looked pretty ungainly at times.
But there is still much to value in this book and at times it is utterly unputdownable.
The questioning, which at times seems unrelenting, was sustained over a two, sometimes three day period.
I must confine myself here to underscoring the two salient points of the debates which were very vehement at times.
The spontaneity, the sheer human verve, and the naivety at times of the apostolic writings is there for all to see.
Patience is a virtue... I don't seem to be very virtuous at times.
The reserve has either fairly shallow water or mud depending on the water levels; there are islands at times some with sallows.
The weather was still bright, with a very watery sun visible at times.
To be fair his podium talks were OK, if at times a little wayward.
I have never seen roads like it before, giant potholes which I thought would swallow the bus whole at times.
The shipbuilding yards of La Seyne have, however, been axed, closing the book on a centuries-old and at times notorious industry.
In the 13th century the island stood as a rule under the control of Italian adventurers, who were, however, at times compelled to acknowledge the overlordship of the emperors of Nicaea, and failed to protect it against the depredations of Turkish corsairs.
There are (a) given instinctive " propensions "; (b) a part of higher principles, " benevolence " and " rational self-love," equally valid with each other, though at times they may seem to conflict; (c) there is the master principle of conscience, which judges between motives, but does not itself constitute a motive to action.
Thomas's great rival, Duns Scotus, does this to a large extent, at times affirming " two truths."
The Minoan goddess is sometimes seen in her chthonic form with serpents, sometimes in a more celestial aspect with doves, at times with lions.
When at times I think, as think at times I must, of the appalling contrast between the hallowed glory of that creed which once was mine, and the lonely mystery of existence as now I find it - at such times I shall ever feel it impossible to avoid the sharpest pang of which my nature is susceptible."
For, though he declares at times " Le pyrrhonisme est le vrai," " Se moquer de la philosophie c'est vraiment philosopher," or, again, " Humiliezvous, raison impuissante, taisez-vous, nature imbecile," other passages might be quoted in which he assumes the validity of reason within its own sphere.
Like the Wycliffite Versions it is merely a secondary rendering from the Latin Vulgate, and it suffered from many of the defects which characterized these versions, extreme literalness, often stilted, ambiguous renderings, at times unintelligible except by a reference to the Latin original, as in Luke xxii.
No truthful man, however much he may love the bird, will gainsay the depredations on fruit and eggs that it at times commits; but the gardeners and gamekeepers of Britain, instead of taking a few simple steps to guard their charge from injury, deliberately adopt methods of wholesale destruction - methods that in the case of this species are only too easy and too effectual--by proffering temptation to trespass which it is not in jay-nature to resist, and accordingly the bird runs great chance of total extirpation.
Though it has at times denied this spirit, been guilty of crimes, persecutions, wars and greed - still the Church has never quite forgotten him who went about doing good, nor freed itself from the contagion of his example.
He was harassed with debt and at times so disheartened that he contemplated retirement from public life.
If at times they had recourse to ambiguity of speech and veiled polemic, this might be partly excused when we remember the hanging of Thomas Aikenhead in 1697 for ridiculing the Bible, and Woolston's imprisonment in 1729.
He was not going very fast, but on his flanks specks of foam began to appear and at times he would tremble like a leaf.
But at times in history, left-handedness was thought to be a malady in need of curing (and in some parts of the world still is).
This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted.
There is but one cloud in my sky at present; but that is one which casts a dark shadow over my life, and makes me very anxious at times.
The wide expanse that opened out before the heights on which the Russian batteries stood guarding the bridge was at times veiled by a diaphanous curtain of slanting rain, and then, suddenly spread out in the sunlight, far-distant objects could be clearly seen glittering as though freshly varnished.
From time to time he heard a soft rustle and at times a sigh.
Through the smoke glimpses could be caught of something black--probably men--and at times the glint of bayonets.
The smoke spread out before them, and at times it looked as if the smoke were moving, at times as if the troops moved.
Yet such alliances may at times break down and have then to be reconstructed on a new basis.
Friedman 's arguments are provocative but at times lack rigor.
American road signage leaves a lot to be desired at times !
They 're nothing special, but they look quite slick at times.
We were the better team by far and tho we were let down by being sloppy at times we were always in control.
Being a Brand snob at times I would normally go for something that was n't the cheapest just to assure quality.
Check out ' Reggae Rocker ' a light hearted stomping number, a little repetitive at times but fun nonetheless.
I suspect largely because it is young and different, and behaves a bit like a stroppy teenager at times.
The voice-over was quite hard as we kept on stuttering at times and we had to start all over again.
I 've been involved in football for a few years and games on the 1st January can be a little subdued at times.
Their driving play was superb at times and they must be encouraged to build on this.
And I 'm afraid it can also at times seem a very thankless task.
Perhaps tragic at times but always tinged with humor.
It is at times like this that people frequently trot out the phrase " This is the end of an era ".
The pressure he lived with must have been unbearable at times.
This an eccentric and at times unnerving experience where live art meets jazz meets champagne.
This film is very good, and violent at times.
Patience is a virtue... I do n't seem to be very virtuous at times.
We fall by the wayside at times because we are not perfect in our present state of human consciousness.
A very whiny voice, which at times seemed to have just an approximation to pitch.
Our boat speed at times matched our wind speed of 1 or 2 knots which showed our crew 's skill.
The day was windy with a little light rain at times and poor visibility.
During the morning the showers, moderate at times, turned wintry with small hail at times.
Startups can be the most rewarding of undertakings, but they can also just crush you at times.
You have to be committed to make the startup successful, and at times you must demonstrate an obstinate, even pig-headed determination to make your business successful.
You will need to wear nursing pads at least for the first few months of breastfeeding, since your milk may leak at times.
The residue that is left in the colon by the formula can be difficult for baby to process, causing constipation at times.
While you may be madly in love with your sweet babies, you'll also be exhausted, overly emotional, and at times absolutely overpowered by the sheer demands of feeding, diapering, and loving your three tiny bundles of joy.
Play time should be an interactive adventure between your child and the toy, as well as a parent at times.
As a single adoptive parent, life may be difficult at times.
These outlet stores are in many ways similar to a mall, except that the layout may at times resemble that of a very elegant strip mall.
My Siamese snores at times and enjoys sitting on the arm of my chair.
Debt can be very overwhelming and at times can seem like an endless cycle.
Decorating is a fun but at times frustrating activity, and at some point during the process you've probably thrown up your hands and cried out, "Give me some ideas on interior design!"
Depending on your browser and screen resolution, at times part of the control screen may be inaccessible, making it difficult to scroll through all the different furnishing options.
However, at times strong colors can often clash, like wearing a red blouse with an exceptionally pink or orange lipstick.
One advantage of doing so is that you could access your messages at times when you are not allowed to use a cell phone, such as at school or work.
Yahoo mail users have many complaints at times.
Facial features can be distracting at times.
While reducing stress levels sounds simple, for anyone going through it, reducing stress can be quite difficult at times.
You cannot be in two places at one time--as much as you would love to, at times.
Drugs-Because children often believe themselves invincible, often having a "it won't happen to me attitude," it's hard to convince them at times that drugs can kill.
Parents and relatives in these situations only want what is best for the teenage mom and at times teenagers take offense at honest and practical advice that is given.
In a time of life so heavily focused on creating your own identity and image, having a twin can make the experience much harder at times.
It is difficult to tell at times if affects such as these are due to the supplement or just the placebo effect.
Claims may be exaggerated or even fabricated at times.
Although the Internet has revolutionized the way we, as tourists, plan our vacations, it has also opened up a vast world of information, and sorting through that information can be a daunting task at times.
This violent behavior may be unpredictable at times.
In her role as Joey Potter, Holmes was at times a tough tomboy and at others a vulnerable child.
The movie is stark and painful at times and Jake's performance is beautiful and deeply moving.
Actually beginning the work can be frustrating at times as you run into obstacles created by finances, time or geography.
As a last resort, you can use biodegradable stool bags at times when you really need them.
She may also tremble at times and appear anxious.
Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis Fruticosa) - A shrubby kind, hardy in warm dry soils, with evergreen stems at times reaching 6 to 8 feet, but mostly 3 or 4 feet high, and clothed with evergreen woolly-grey leaves of wrinkled texture.
Similarly, electric guitar players use amps and pedals to delay, distort, modulate and modify the sound of the guitar until it is almost unrecognizable at times.
The bass sound is usually more straightforward, but at times the bass tracks can feature some effects as well.
Solar powered motion sense lighting is also in places where electricity is difficult or at times impossible to obtain.
Slate can be busy at times and if your counter is busy as well, your backsplash may end up competing instead of complementing.
Each has its own, unique advantages, which can make the decision seem overwhelming at times.
It can be difficult at times for large men to find suits to fit them made by such designers, so ExecStyle could be your one-stop shopping place for designer duds.
Upon returning home from serving during World War I, however, The 1920s, in contrast, were sharp and even ostentatious at times.
Even if you work in a casual atmosphere, at times you will be required to wear something more professional.
Combine that with the desire to track something down that really flatters your figure and minimizes trouble spots, and it can seem almost impossible at times.
Formal gowns and dresses can be challenging at times for plus size women.
The writers and editors of LoveToKnow Seniors understand that the senior years are enriching and exciting, but also frustrating at times.
Vaginal dryness is something which all women will encounter at times during their lives.
Finding a gift for an elderly friend or relative may seem like an impossible task at times.
These goggles can be used for camping trips where being able to see and navigate through the darkness is necessary at times.
This allows you to maintain your speed as you turn around corners, as well as being able to take sharper turns at times.
This game is mission-based and at times you'll make allies with Dr. Dre, Eminem and other rap stars playing different characters.
Starcraft, a doddering grandfather by American standards, is enormously popular, and at times there are two Starcraft matches being observed and commented on, ESPN-style, at the same time on South Korean cable television.
Eventually things do pick up a bit and if you really don't have anything else to play, you may even start to enjoy the game at times.
Audio soundtrack is good, but some of the music tracks tend to repeat themselves at times.
I found this a little irritating at times.
The gameplay in EBA is incredibly simple, but it can -- at times -- be impossibly difficult.
Kingdom Hearts is a fun game; however, you can get stuck at times if you're not prepared.
However, some of the areas you explore are a little plain at times.
It's bad because the precise passing isn't so precise at times.
The three difficulty levels, 50cc, 100cc and 150cc, give a good challenge. 150cc can be impossible at times.
His lifelong quest is to free his "people" from the tyrannical clutches of the Outworld (his home world is Zaterra, annexed by Shao Kahn), and his absolute dedication to this goal leads to fits of insanity at times.
Dialog in the game can be graphic at times with the Prince cursing every now and then, but the voices fit the characters.
I did love the fact you had lots to do during the mission, but at times there were gaps of inaction between checkpoints that wasted my time.
Moving through the Shenmue world is awkward at times.
They're adequate for the Dreamcast, though the actual characters, bosses, and background are a little blurry at times.
The game also pretty much assumes you know the origins of the main characters, so newcomers might be a bit confused by what goes on at times.
Boss fights are mildly entertaining, but chasing them down is frustratingly difficult at times.
I found that the punches would "lag" sometimes, and aiming for the right shot was frustratingly difficult at times.
When you are learning about wine varieties and information related to wine varieties, it might seem a little overwhelming at times.
Users in Los Angeles, for instance, may find intermittent AT&T service at times.
They may have problems in coordinating the eyes in fixing and tracking objects (strabismus), which may lead to an appearance of having "crossed eyes" at times.
Itching is often worse at night or at times when there are no distractions.
Parents should remove all pressure and expectations for the child to speak, conveying to their child that they understand he or she feels "scared" to speak or has difficulty speaking at times.
The most important of these is the potential for an irregular heartbeat, which can at times (though rarely) be fatal.
Medical therapy achieves hormonal balance most of the time, but at times appropriate levels can be hard to maintain.
As the country went through many changes in government, at times the dance had to go underground, as regimes would ban public gatherings, try to moderate cultural expression, or come up with other modes of repression.
When sending a note of thanks, it can at times be difficult to express your feelings in a way that truly justifies them.
The female, for the most part, is weak, vulnerable and at times unable to function normally.
The properties of passive energy means it gives in to the other forces surrounding it and at times even absorbs those energies.
Hair color and other chemical services such as perming and straightening damage the hair, at times to the point of no return.
You might see some surfers, but those unfamiliar with San Francisco should be aware the beach is miles from the heart of the city and can be very foggy at times.
The history of Alcatraz prison is varied, fascinating, and at times tragic.
Dolls and accessories are available for purchase, and special offers may also be available at times to give you a discount on the collection.
Dora can also walk by herself and easily stands unsupported, though she may fall over at times.
From the generally staid color-blocked styles to the far more ostentatious graphic prints in wild colors, the pants tended to resemble pajamas at times.
The little boxes were abundant on the runway, looking at times properly demure and at times ostentatious in vibrant, attention-grabbing hues.
The story lines are captivating, at times humorous and definitely full of secrets.
Therefore candles can be set so that they are switched off at times when the house is empty or during daylight.
It's important to note that labels and product descriptions can be tricky at times.
They are out there, but can be elusive at times.
If you have been involved with a charity or nonprofit organization for any significant length of time, you know how stretched the dollar can be at times.
This proves his self-esteem is low and mine is at times too.
I bet your wife has at times had similar thoughts to yours.
These feelings and bodily sensations are so intense at times that you think of little else.
Still, love remains as an emotion so overwhelming, so fragile, and at times so fleeting, that mere words could never capture its true meaning.
Because you carry this same sort of determination through other areas of your life, you can also be perceived as a bit stiff and uncooperative at times.
There isn't much give and take, and the element can make the star sign set in his ways at times.
One partner will have to be willing to take the back seat at times.
This fear can drive her to behave erratically at times.
It can be harsh and may seem malicious at times.
She'll also be a caring and loving parent who is surprisingly strict at times.
Scorpio might find Cancer too clingy at times and perhaps not as adventurous when it comes to sex.
You'd never think to look at the goat that he would care what anyone thought of him, but he does to the point of being obsessive at times.
You may find yourself conflicted at times and could suffer from an occasional outburst of passion, anger or some other strong emotion.
Understand that she may be moody and inconsistent at times.
Nonetheless, be prepared to feel jealous and resentful at times of those bonds.
The symptoms of ADHD in children can be confusing to recognize at times.
Kids love to be challenged, but finding new ways to do so can be difficult at times.
Be sure the camp you are thinking of has sessions available at times other than when you want to plan a family getaway.
She appears at times in period clothing browsing the bookshelves, and other times she appears alongside other ghosts.
The true nature of ghost voices is difficult to discern, due to the fact that the events are so unpredictable, and at times even the words that the voices convey appear meaningless.
The communications between the command center and Flight 19 were broken and at times the squadron couldn't hear the center, but the center could hear the radio transmissions between the crew.
There are so many tips for being frugal that it may seem overwhelming at times to decide which ones help the most.
Since child shoes can be pricey at times and your child will rapidly outgrow them, it is best to do all that you can to get that perfect fit while allowing for a little growing room.
Unless you prefer very subdued footwear all the time, there's no reason you can't let loose at times with shoes with fun embellishments on them.
This means that a winner may have only had a featured role for a short time but still win, leaving some fans and other performers a bit outraged at times.
True Blood, however, is definitely an adult oriented show featuring nudity, sexual scenes and graphic violence at times.
Despite the popularity of the show, there are some fans who were disappointed to see Betty transform into another pretty face and thought she deserved better than her love interest, Armando, who came across at times as mean and insincere.
The Young and the Restless began airing on network television in 1973, and is considered to be one of the most diverse and cutting edge soap operas on the air with its plotlines that are socially conscious and even a bit daring at times.
You can keep it covered at times when displaying your tats isn't in your best interest, and you can put on some low-rise pants and draw plenty of attention when you want it.
Does the yoga studio offer classes at times that fit well with your work schedule and family commitments?
If you store your emails on your PC or laptop, you are doomed to being separated from your email at times when you need it.
If you live in Canada and notice at times that vehicle prices are higher in Canadian dollars than they are in U.S. dollars, this is a positive indication that the Canadian economy is doing fairly well.
One way to find great new car incentives is to shop at times when automakers have a lot of inventory to move.
Calligraphy can be both functional and artistic; at times beauty takes over and trumps even being able to read the words that are written.