At-night Sentence Examples
They stay awake at night while researchers work in the daytime.
I heard them talking at night.
Sometimes at night she still hugged his pillow and cried herself to sleep.
I can tell you that we have seen a black bear and a mountain lion on this land, so don't wander far from the house at night.
In these it remains during great part of the day, emerging at night in search of the herbs on which it feeds.
In winter frost at night is not uncommon.
The scene played over and over in her thoughts, growing stronger until he was as vivid during daylight as he had been at night.
A soil consisting of sand entirely would be very loose, would have little capacity to retain water, would be liable to become very hot in the daytime and cool at night and would be quite unsuitable for growth of plants.
I don't sleep at night.
For the first time, Cassie realized what a target they had been around the fire at night.
AdvertisementI thought he could stay in one of the rooms upstairs at night – if you don't mind.
Now was not the time to be in the barn alone with him this late at night.
Dwindling supplies made surviving the day enough of a challenge without scaling a mountain at night.
Keep in mind the vandals and thugs are out at night.
The ache of loss had faded a little over the past two weeks, but she still cried herself to sleep at night.
AdvertisementIt can get chilly here at night.
Does swimming alone late at night strike you as in character for Byrne?
But it's late at night and there's nothing along the Interstate.
Mr. Cleary mostly comes at night I suspect.
If people are going to think bad things about me, it won't matter whether I'm staying here at night or simply going out with him.
AdvertisementI thought maybe we could have guided tours and maybe camp out at night.
You don't have to lock all your doors and windows, but it would be a good idea to stay in the house at night.
The presence of these rodents at night is made known by their screaming cries.
At daybreak we consulted together on our work for the day, and at night we supped at the same little table, chatting the while on art, on sentiment, on the future.
The summer temperature in the plains is that of southern Italy; in the mountain district& it is high during the day, but falls almost to freezing-point at night.
AdvertisementIn calling upon dangerous blacks at night they pretended to be the spirits of dead Confederates, "just from Hell," and to quench their thirst would pretend to drink gallons of water which was poured into rubber sacks concealed under their robes.
Thus for the 7th, 14th, 21 st, 28th and also the 19th days of the intercalary Elul it is prescribed that "the shepherd of many nations is not to eat meat roast with fire nor any food cooked by fire, he is not to change the clothes on his body nor put on gala dress, he may not bring sacrifices nor may the king ride in his chariot, he is not to hold court nor may the priest seek an oracle for him in the sanctuary, no physician may attend the sick room, the day is not favourable for invoking curses, but at night the king may bring his gift into the presence of Marduk and Ishtar.
They present to the fierce play of the sun almost a level surface, so that during the day that surface becomes intensely heated and at night gives off its heat by radiation.
The moon-god is par excellence the god of nomadic peoples, their guide and protector at night when, during a great part of the year, they undertake their wanderings, just as the sun-god is the chief god of an agricultural people.
On the mainland, and more especially on the eastern slope, the temperature is cooler, the thermometer seldom rising above 93° in the shade, and falling at night below 70°.
The females produce thousands of larvae, which circulate in the blood, and show a certain periodicity in their appearance, being much more numerous in the blood at night than during the day.
The call-wires were usually equipped with drops in order that the exchange might be called at night when the operators were not listening continuously.
These establishments are, however, unsatisfactory, being mostly situated on small islands, where it is often difficult to find work for the coatti, who are free by day, being only confined at night.
Many of our native species spend the day lurking beneath stones, and sally forth at night in pursuit of their prey, which consistsof small insects, earthworms and snails.
Of 24 protected persons, all escaped but four, and these had to be out at night or otherwise neglected precautions; of 38 unprotected persons, all contracted malaria except two, who had apparently acquired immunity.
By living in protected houses and wearing gloves and veils at night all the staff escaped malaria except one or two attendants.
Exposure at night should be avoided.
Pilate inaugurated his term of office by ordering his troops to enter Jerusalem at night and to take their standards with them.
But during the summer, temperatures are affected as much by altitude as by latitude, and the coast is cooled at night by breezes from the Gulf.
It is best to mow stubble and hay at night when they are moist."
As many of these beetles are nocturnal, this trapping should take place at night.
Cressets used to be kept burning at night on some of the campanili to serve as beacons for those at sea.
It is a barren rock, on the summit of which stands a lighthouse visible at night for 21 m.
The whole conclave may be compared with the enclosed bazaars or khans of Oriental cities which are usually locked at night.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
Effective superintendence even by overseers became less easy; the use of chains was introduced, and these were worn not only in the field during working hours but at night in the ergastulum where the slaves slept.
Actually the frost came later than usual that year, the 27th of October, and the weather was dry and bracing; not till the 8th of November did the cold at night become sharp. Even when the Beresina was reached on the 26th November, the cold was far from severe, for the slow and sluggish stream was not frozen over, as is proved by the fact that Eble's pioneers worked in the water all through that terrible day.
There is a close relation between the pollination of many yuccas and the life of a moth (Pronuba yuccasella); the flowers are open and scented at night when the female moth becomes active, first collecting a load of pollen and then depositing her eggs, generally in a different flower from that which has supplied the pollen.
Foxes will, however, often take up their residence in woods, or even in water-meadows with large tussocks of grass, remaining concealed during the day and issuing forth on marauding expeditions at night.
There is less uniformity in temperature, and the elevated chapadas are generally hotter during the day and cooler at night than are localities of the same latitude on the coast.
In the eastern part of the plateau snow occasionally falls, and frost at night is common during winter.
The typical Annamese dwelling is open to the gaze of the passer-by during the day; at night a sort of partition of bamboo is let down.
The climate of the locality is better than that of the other districts of Berar; the hot wind which blows during the day in the summer months being succeeded at night by a cool breeze.
Having gained admission, in a menial capacity, to the college of Navarre, he worked with his hands by day and carried on his studies at night.
Monk drew off at night without doing all the harm he had wished to the Dutch.
During the cold season the thermometer at night falls below the freezing point; little or no hot wind is felt before the end of April, and even then it ceases after sunset.
By personal detective work, that is, by visiting police stations at unexpected times and by making the rounds at night of disorderly places which were suspected of violating the law, he not only displayed personal courage in positions of some danger, but aroused public opinion.
The Jews live in a mellah, separated from the rest of the town by gates which are closed at night.
An attack was made on the same day and the Federals were driven within their defences, but at night General Price withdrew to the Fair-grounds not far away and remained there five days waiting for his wagon train and for reinforcements.
General Lee's offensive operations now ended, though Stuart's cavalry rejoined the main army at night and followed the enemy on July 2 to Evelington Heights, while Lee rested his army.
This peculiar little inhabitant of the steppes and desert regions of Turkestan and Persia, by rubbing the imbricating scales upon each other, produces a shrill cricket-like noise, whilst sitting at night in front of its hole in the ground.
Sea-fowl are most numerous on the coasts of Lower California, where certain islands in the arid belt are frequented at night by countless numbers of them.
Throughout the year the nights are cool and refreshing; in winter the cold at night is intense.
In the Avesta Sraosha is the angel that guards the world at night from demons, and is styled "the righteous" or "the strong."
From April till October hot southerly winds blow by day; at night the heat is tempered by seabreezes.
She applied herself to learning the language with such zeal that she rose at night and walked about her bedroom barefoot repeating her lessons.
Exactly four months after the battle of Corrichie, and the subsequent execution of a criminal whom she is said to have "loved entirely," had put an end to the first insurrection raised against her, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard, who had returned to France with the other companions of her arrival, and in November i 562 had revisited Scotland, expiated with his head the offence or the misfortune of a second detection at night in her bed-chamber.
Mary fled 60 miles from the field of her last battle before she halted at Sanquhar, and for three days of flight, according to her own account, had to sleep on the hard ground, live on oatmeal and sour milk, and fare at night like the owls, in hunger, cold and fear.
It is nowhere abundant, but is found over the northern parts of Europe and Asia, and is a quiet, inoffensive animal, nocturnal and solitary in its habits, sleeping by day in its burrow, and issuing forth at night to feed on roots, beech-mast, fruits, the eggs of birds, small quadrupeds, frogs and insects.
Old lions, whose teeth have become injured with constant wear, become "man-eaters," finding their easiest means of obtaining a subsistence in lurking in the neighbourhood of villages, and dashing into the tents at night and carrying off one of the sleeping inmates.
After impregnation, the male twists them round his legs and returns to his usual retreat, going about at night in order to feed himself and to keep up the moisture of the eggs, even resorting to a short immersion in the water during exceptionally dry nights.
The water should be let off on the morning of a dry day, and thus the land will be dry enough at night not to suffer from the frost; or the water may be taken off in the morning and let on again at night.
It is only during winter and in high latitudes that we can hope to ascertain anything directly as to the real diurnal variation of the causes whose influence is visible at night as aurora.
These quarters were formerly closed at night by massive gates.
Except a narrow belt on the north along the Mediterranean shore, Egypt lies in an almost rainless area, where the temperature is high by day and sinks quickly at night in consequence of the rapid radiation under the cloudless sky.
Mehemet Alis great strength lay in the devotion of the citizens of Cairo, who looked on him as a deliverer from their afflictions; and great numbers armed themselves, advising constantly with Mehemet Ali, having the sayyid Omar and the sheiks at their head, and guarding the town at night.
The fleet prepared for action, and the bearer of the reply, signed by the president of the council, and offering to dismount three guns in the batteries named, only succeeded in finding the flagship late at night.
The anhidrotic action of atropine is largely employed in controlling the night-sweats so characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis, small doses of the solution of the sulphate being given at night.
His sphere of influence was the nocturnal heavens, thunderstorms at night being attributed to him, those by day to Jupiter.
He obtained an elementary education at night school, and worked as a house servant in a family where his ambition for knowledge was encouraged.
One small species appears in immense numbers with the oncoming of the rainy season, and at night the noise of its outcry almost deadens other sounds.
Repeated air-raids took place in the vicinity and there were several bombardments from the sea, but Richborough itself was never seriously damaged, the low-lying, featureless character of the marshland probably affording its best protection, more especially at night.
While the prisoners were still separated at night or meals, they were suffered to labour in association, but under a rule of silence ruthlessly and rigorously maintained.
In the Maribios district occur several volcanic lakelets, such as that of Masaya, besides numerous infernillos, low craters or peaks still emitting sulphurous vapour and smoke, and at night often lighting up the whole land with bluish flames.
They sleep during the day, but wander forth at night in search of food, and are shy and gentle, though they can bite strongly when provoked.
The followers of his creed, amongst whom there are many wealthy merchants and bankers, direct their worship chiefly to Gopal Lal, the boyish Krishna of Vrindavana, whose image is sedulously attended like a revered living person eight times a day - from its early rising from its couch up to its retiring to repose at night.
She regularly took her place in the operation-room, to hearten the sufferers by her presence and sympathy, and at night she would make her solitary round of the wards, lamp in hand, stopping here and there to speak a kindly word to some patient.
With this exception these regions are the most arid on the face of the globe, highly heated by a tropical sun during the day and chilled at night by the proximity of snow-covered heights and a cold ocean current.
The climate, is comparatively cool, owing to the sea breeze which prevails during the day; but for the same reason, the atmosphere is very moist, with heavy dews at night and fogs.
Whatever previous custom may have been - and for the earliest ages it is difficult to determine absolutely owing to the fact that the Christians held their services at night - by in the Church.
Tories were active in New Jersey throughout the struggle; among them were bands known as " Pine Robbers," who hid in the pines or along the dunes by day and made their raids at night.
At the Cape it was formerly common, and occasionally committed great havoc among the cattle, while it did not hesitate to enter the Kaffir dwellings at night and carry off children sleeping by their mothers.
Here he was surprised at night by Hugh Dubh and Manus O'Donnell, and routed with the loss of goo men and an immense quantity of booty.
Calvagh, acting apparently on the advice of his father, who was his prisoner and who remembered the successful night attack on Conn O'Neill at Knockavoe in 1522, surprised the O'Neills in their camp at night and routed them with the loss of all their spoils.
The sitting of parliament is signified by a flag on Victoria Tower in daytime and by a light at the summit of the clock tower at night.
The tick especially infests old huts and camping grounds and is nocturnal in habit, spending the day hidden in crevices of the walls or floor and coming out at night to feed upon the sleeping inmates.
They are in many instances better paved, and are lighted at night.
The streets are narrow, and by a system called Kucheh-bandi (street-closing) established long ago for impeding the circulation of crowds and increasing general security, every quarter of the town, or block of buildings, is shut off from its neighbours by gates which are closed during local disorders and regularly at night.
We find ourselves inevitably " conscious of a different sort of perception," when we actually see the sun by day and when we only imagine the sun at night.
Fish abound at many parts of the coast, and are taken by lines, or speared at night by torchlight, or netted, or a river is dammed and the fish stupefied with the root of a milletia.
Both sides encamped at night on the ground occupied.
Under the Brice bill, passed in 1904 and amended in 1905, which gave the people of each county the choice between dispensary and prohibition, with the proviso that if they adopt the latter they must pay the extra taxes necessary to enforce it, several counties adopted prohibition; and in 1907 the state dispensary system was abolished, all impure liquors were declared contraband, each county was required to vote to prohibit the sale of liquors or to establish a dispensary, the sale of intoxicating liquors was forbidden outside of cities and towns, and sales may be made only through county dispensaries, which may not sell at night or on Sunday, or to inebriates or minors.
There they rest in sunny nooks during the day, descending at night to the highest woods to graze.
This work is partly carried out beneath the surface and partly on the surface, upon which the worms wander at night and eject the swallowed and triturated earth; frequently castings of some height are formed of coiled ropes of agglutinated particles of mould.
I have consulted the star of his nativity by my own rules, and find he will infallibly die upon the 29th of March next about eleven at night of a raging fever.
A spacious gateway, high and wide enough to admit the passage of a loaded camel, forms the sole entrance, which is furnished with heavy doors, and is further guarded within by massive iron chains, drawn across at night.
It is said that during a discussion at night over the surrender of the charter the candles were extinguished, and the document itself (which had been brought to the meeting) was removed from the table where it had been placed.
Formerly they were allowed to burn to waste at the mouth of a short chimney place above the furnace top, forming a huge body of flame, which was one of the most striking features of the Black Country landscape at night.
Mom always used to want everyone home before dark – as though anything was out there at night that wasn't there during the day.
Its cool year-round creek and rolling hills dotted with wild flowers filled her dreams at night - beckoned.
I thought he could stay in one of the rooms upstairs at night – if you don't mind.
At first I blamed the way I thought he died—doing something stupid and irresponsible—swimming at night.
Would they make love at night or in the morning – or both?
You should of course always be careful and avoid dark alleyways at night.
Even late at night I never had a ba d feeling or felt that I shouldn?t be there.
Darling Harbor was quite breathtaking at night with the sky lit up all around.
If once burgled, then every little sound at night would disturb you.
March 25th, 2005, Late at Night | permalink How To Avoid blog burnout 1 How to avoid blog burnout.
For example the schistosome cercariae are generally shed during daylight, in the morning, whilst those of other species emerge only at night.
Where does he live, and why does he only ever appear at night or in thick cloud?
Some of the stuff we did in the workhouse at about 10 at night was freezing cold, too.
More than once at night migrating waders were heard, curlew being unmistakable.
Help economy but have a d at night over and over again.
No time, to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
I looked at the fact that you can drink decaf in the evenings and it won't keep you up at night.
They have highly dextrous front paws and will forage at night for food, such as fruit, nuts, small rodents and corn.
The key in the front door was only turned at night.
I have now worked out how to trap it inside my bedside drawers to wear it at night.
Nocturnal intake rates were higher than diurnal intake rates owing to the consumption of more large earthworms at night.
If you use lob worms at night you will catch eels!
A child who has never been dry at night has ' primary nocturnal enuresis ' .
An Australian friend and I had an inebriated plan to sneak onto Hampstead Heath at night and plant eucalyptus seedlings all over it.
Students felt most fearful of having their property stolen on campus at night.
The firemen can even train at night for the drill yard has been equipped with powerful floodlights.
Climbing Ben Nevis in a howling gale at night can never be taken for granted!
Our ghost-hunting investigations thus far have involved meandering around quiet graveyards at night taking digital photos of orbs.
The solution is to carefully ventilate the greenhouse to reduce the humidity and water early in the morning not at night.
The place was deserted and there was only that strange humming silence and electric half-light that you get in city centers late at night.
Around 33 weeks, bad heartburn started to wake me up at night.
They must be the only Owls who do n't hoot at night!
There is a headless horseman who patrols along the Tyndall Avenue at night on his black horse.
Also psyllium husks or Linseed - take a tablespoon at night for a bowel movement in the morning.
All the dwellings are walled into compounds to keep the ubiquitous hyena from the animals at night.
Your child may have a natural inclination to be alert late at night.
In July 1943 a Soviet military mission visited the station to observe our methods of fighter interception at night.
Features include a detachable jigger for easy cleaning, and a neon blue backlight for the LCD display for use at night.
Relief of ' rest pain ' at night is achieved by hanging the affected limb down over the side of the bed.
There is also a significant effect in certain areas from poaching gangs who use lurchers to run down hares, often at night.
Walk alone in the forest at night and the unruly subconscious will conjure a lurking malevolence.
In the final revision week your flat mate has taken to playing thrash metal music really loudly late at night.
A people without century Mayan astronomers the key west at night waves.
One study gave melatonin at night in combination with the drug triptorelin to men with metastatic prostate cancer.
Night work Employers need to consider risks to new and expectant mothers who work at night.
You may have trouble Getting to sleep at night Moving around You may find you need painkillers.
It was also thought probable that children could be taught their lessons while they slept at night.
The flowers are strongly scented and smell most pungent at night time.
Use just one or two drops of lavender, rose, chamomile sandalwood or palmarosa on their pjamas at night to help them sleep.
Recommended Reading - ' Tears at Night ' The author, Andrew Robinson, is a young seminarian dying of cancer.
The tailgate may be closed with the awning left up to keep the bedroom snug at night.
A larger dose is sometimes given at night to prevent spasms that interfere with sleep.
A female walking home late at night killed by a stranger is a classic example of a particularly ' newsworthy ' killing.
There is a 50 per cent surcharge at night.
By the time my head hits the pillow at night I have it all sussed out.
Horizontal led taillights give the car an unmistakable look at night.
It was hard, even for the Doctor, to see the desert terrain at night.
Loves to fly in wooded glades where tall flowering thistles abound rests at night among the foliage of trees.
We met riding round Paris at night selling herald tribunes hot off the midnight press to the expats.
Venus principally rules the Earth triplicity by day, with the onus of rulership given to the Moon at night.
My hearers at night were very tumultuous; yet could do no mischief.
Apart from making the pond unsightly, algae can pose a threat to fish by robbing the water of oxygen at night.
With Mazatlan Jungle Tour stops in at night waves been profound the same wastewater.
The divisions of both drums are conveniently read, simultaneously, by the lens e; at night the lamp which illuminates the webs and the position-circle also illuminates the drum-heads (see on illumination p. 385).
The Australian, when he suffers from an oppression in his sleep, says that Koin is trying to throttle him; the Caribs say that Maboya beats them in their sleep; and the belief persists to this day in some parts of Europe; horses too are said to be subject to the persecutions of demons, which ride them at night.
Tacitus states that many Teutonic tribes worshipped her with orgies and mysterious rites celebrated at night.
He built him a little hut for shelter at night and in stormy weather.
People used to sweep the streets at night until a machine replaced them.
If your job numbs your mind by day, why would anyone expect it to instantly come to life at night?
Although Borlaug and company encountered many obstacles, they pressed on, planting seed at night illuminated by flashes of artillery fire.
I have felt it on cold, stormy days and at night.
And at night what soothing, wondrous hours we spent in the shadow of the great, silent men-of-war.
He will not let anything harm us at night.
She is restless at night and has no appetite.
In our climate, in the summer, it was formerly almost solely a covering at night.
The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.
Men come tamely home at night only from the next field or street, where their household echoes haunt, and their life pines because it breathes its own breath over again; their shadows, morning and evening, reach farther than their daily steps.
I formerly saw the raccoon in the woods behind where my house is built, and probably still heard their whinnering at night.
When the warmer days come, they who dwell near the river hear the ice crack at night with a startling whoop as loud as artillery, as if its icy fetters were rent from end to end, and within a few days see it rapidly going out.
These visits of Natasha's at night before the count returned from his club were one of the greatest pleasures of both mother, and daughter.
Only to the old countess at night in bed could Natasha have told all she was feeling.
Only at night and in the forests while the dew lasted was there any freshness.
But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep.
The artillery and baggage wagons moved noiselessly through the deep dust that rose to the very hubs of the wheels, and the infantry sank ankle-deep in that soft, choking, hot dust that never cooled even at night.
And why were all efforts exhausted and six thousand men sacrificed to defend it till late at night on the twenty-fourth?
Kutuzov's order to retreat through Moscow to the Ryazan road was issued at night on the first of September.
The Russian troops were passing through Moscow from two o'clock at night till two in the afternoon and bore away with them the wounded and the last of the inhabitants who were leaving.
When it was late at night they went out together into the street.
He was always busy, and only at night allowed himself conversation--of which he was fond--and songs.
Having changed horses twice and galloped twenty miles in an hour and a half over a sticky, muddy road, Bolkhovitinov reached Litashevka after one o'clock at night.
Kutuzov like all old people did not sleep much at night.
After the second day's march Pierre, having examined his feet by the campfire, thought it would be impossible to walk on them; but when everybody got up he went along, limping, and, when he had warmed up, walked without feeling the pain, though at night his feet were more terrible to look at than before.
Ney, who had had a corps of ten thousand men, reached Napoleon at Orsha with only one thousand men left, having abandoned all the rest and all his cannon, and having crossed the Dnieper at night by stealth at a wooded spot.
On the advice of the educational psychologist and the health visitor, I put him back in pull-ups at night.
He has a story to tell about pylons erected at night in Tuscany to avoid protest !
He would rearrange the furniture in hotel rooms to give him room to practice at night.
How might a look at the stars at night make a person reconsider the notion of the miraculous?
High revel was held at night to celebrate the triennial achievement.
Maintain a constant room temperature and turn it low at night.
The schoolmaster in the town, Ichabod Crane, sometimes has to travel home late at night.
How many of us used to lie awake at night dreaming of her shapely lines and the adventures we once shared?
Make sure you sleep on a firm mattress at night.
Dine as you cruise around Manhattan Island, admiring the splendor of the city at night.
We lit a fire at night and told ghost stories until it was dark.
Cloudy with drizzle from stratus in early mornings at times, visibility good by day, moderate or poor at night.
Strontium ranelate is usually given in a single daily dose of 2g at night.
Listening to the controlled whirlwinds at night we squash our lust under suffocating standard blankets.
Horizontal LED taillights give the car an unmistakable look at night.
In the green house is an exquisite species called Pelargonium triste whose tiara of creamy-yellow flowers with purple blotches are spicily fragrant at night.
Car park surface in poor condition, with trip hazards, the risk is increased at night due to poor lighting.
It can be taken prior to sleep if spasms are particularly troublesome at night.
Fluorescent tubing embedded into the floor of the pontoon is computer programmed to provide changing lighting effects on the structure at night.
They will also protect children from the risks of being unaccompanied on the streets at night.
They are so quick after the siren that I am sure they never undress at night.
Symptoms of BPH include; urinary frequency, urgent desire to urinate at night.
There have always been deer around Ruvaal Lighthouse and it is not usual to find them feeding inside the station grounds at night.
Enhanced by a the ute people attacks at night from the real.
Given the level of misuse identified by ICE Ergonomics, would it be advisable to explicitly ban such visors at night?
I only know I am now aware of God when I waken in the morning till I go to sleep at night.
Never wander around the back streets of the island 's cities at night.
Safety Visitors should still be wary of pickpockets, especially at night.
Two watchmen continually patrolled the village at night to guard against crime or the risk of fire among the closely packed wooden buildings.
Only where necessary are there low wattage lights on timers at night.
Once a child does sleep alone, caregivers should hear no snoring or other wheezing sounds at night.
Very tender plants should be taken off the windowsill at night if you are closing the curtains to avoid getting harmed by frosts.
The elderly couple abominated their rude neighbors because they constantly made loud noise at night.
Tina, a petite young woman, was terrified and confused when the large man accosted her late at night.
It's called the magic lake, because of the phosphorescent algae that cause it to glow at night.
I was rudely awakened by a squabble happening outside her apartment late at night.
Your baby will begin to consolidate his sleeping at night and may begin sleeping six or eight hour stretches during this time.
By four months of age, your baby will consolidate her sleeping into much longer stretches at night and shorter naps during the day.
Even if your baby won't sleep there at night at first, you'll experience a feeling of satisfaction if the baby's room is painted, furnished, and decorated by the end of the pregnancy.
Although your toddler may have slept through the night for several months, he may now be waking at night and crying for you.
What do you do when your baby awakens at night?
By the time your baby has reached three or four months of age, however, she should be sleeping for longer periods at night without needing to eat.
Although it may be hard in the beginning, you really don't need to go into your baby's room if he wakes up at night.
If they don't stop leaks as well as your favorite name brand, then use the name brands on your baby at night and the off brand during the day.
You are nursing your baby at least every four hours during the day and at least every six hours at night.
Some parents use cloth training pants on their children during the day and switch over to disposables at night.
Try putting your son or daughter to bed 15 minutes earlier at night or waking up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to get some time for you.
Use subdued lighting and quieter tones at night.
Dress your baby in gowns for the first few weeks to make changing diapers at night a little easier.
Either their child won't take naps during the day and is absolutely exhausted-and cranky-at night, or their child takes a good nap during the day, but awakens frequently at night.
Don't go to your child at night as soon as you hear him.
Be reassuring, soothing, and caring but not extra fun when you respond to a toddler at night.
Be present for your toddler during the day so he doesn't need that extra attention at night.
Is your toddler picking up on tensions in the house which are making him feel like life is not that safe and secure and so he needs more reassurances of your presence at night?
Are you pre-occupied with work or other concerns so your toddler is trying to get attention from you at night if your energy and attention is not available during the day?
Remove all bedding, stuffed toys, and pillows from your baby's crib at night.
Remember to place your baby on her back to sleep at night and nap time.
Keep the lights bright during the day and dim at night.
What can you do to help your child control his or her bladder at night?
These signs include recognizing the need to urinate, staying dry for longer periods of time, curiosity about the toilet, and staying dry at night.
Sometimes, the most difficult step in potty training is staying dry at night.
Children who are over the age of five or six and can't control their bladder at night are often said to have a bed wetting problem.
Unless there is a physical problem, however, most toddlers achieve some measure of success in staying dry at night after a period of time.
This can result in wakefulness for babies at night and drowsiness during the day.
Look for one that fits your budget and space, as well as one that your toddler is excited to sleep in at night.
These are great for bigger breasted women but shouldn't be worn at night.
The argument that the baby cannot be seen at night is also a thing of the past, with the newest models incorporating technology for you to still get a clear image even in a darkened room.
An added bonus of this particular model is that it has night-vision, allowing you to see your baby even when his room is completely dark at night.
Do you only need it at night while you are sleeping, or do you plan on using it while you are in other parts of the house, the yard, etc.?
This makes it fun to swim at night and is enjoyable to look at poolside.
On top of that, there are times of the day to fly that are cheaper-late at night and early morning-so keep an eye open for those departure dates and times.
Companies know that consumers sometimes have the urge to order gifts late at night or early in the morning, when the brick-and-mortar stores aren't open.
Playing sports at night but still need protection?
However, if you want to read at night and use the E-ink, you can buy a case with a built-in light.
If he slept during the day, he may begin sleeping more at night.
She spends most of the day outside, and then I lock her in with me at night.
Ever since, she only comes out late at night.
When I had her and the other female spayed about twelve months ago, they began to play at night and attack our feet.
The simplest solution may be to have cuddle time during the day and then separate from him at night.
You will therefore be using his name to call him in at night or at mealtimes, and this will mean calling his name in public.
Being able to call your cat in at night or to come for his meals gives you peace of mind that you will always be able to attract his attention.
Which parent is home to tuck the child in at night?
When free time runs short, hanging out together to watch a movie at night or enjoying a few moments of the sunset provides an acceptable substitute for fun outings away from home.
Some of these retailers specialize in unique bedroom furniture with extra storage features as well as convertible furniture such as daybeds that can serve as both a place to sleep at night and a place to sit during the day.
A futon is a very versatile piece of furniture for this design because it can be used as a couch during the day and pulled out for a fourth bed at night.
They serve a dual purpose, providing comfortable seating during the day and a place to lie down and sleep at night.
Close them at night during the winter to keep out the cold air.
A chicken coop provides chickens with somewhere to sleep at night as well as a place where they feel secure to lay their eggs.
Turn off your computer, television, and lights before going to bed at night and before leaving the house in the morning.
Unplug computers, televisions, and other electronics before leaving the house or going to bed at night.
They are especially effective in desert climates where temperatures are high during the day and dip at night.
The wall slowly releases the heat that it has absorbed throughout the day, keeping the home warm at night.
Make sure that they are set to power down during periods of inactivity or simply shut them off at night.
A trombe wall is an outside masonry wall that's between eight to sixteen inches thick wall that collects heat and redistributes at night.
You can program one to automatically lower the temperature late at night or when you won't be home and to warm the house back up just before you return home or wake up in the mornings.
Windflower is commonly used on women and children to treat infection, colds and coughs, particularly if the symptoms get worse at night.
Decorate your bedroom in a way you're not happy with, and instead of being a place you can let go of your stress, your bedroom will just be one more thing to keep you up at night.
Think of a farmhouse that is lit by the sunlight during the day and by candles at night.
For added emphasis at night you might decide to add a row of votive candles.
Remember that paint looks different in various lights so it may appear totally different in day time than at night.
A fun idea, especially if the room is going to be used at night is glow-in-the-dark paint.
Armed with a few new bedroom decorating ideas, you can create your dream bedroom with fewer design worries to keep you awake at night.
A master bedroom should be much more than just a place to sleep at night.
Most likely, a retainer worn at night might do the trick.
Applied to your teeth in a tray that can be worn at night or during the day.
Learning how to apply makeup from a different angle can help you look natural and mature during the day, and elegant and beautiful at night.
A smoky eye demands a less bold lip, even at night.
For daytime, try pale shimmery grays, and at night go smoky with dark charcoal shadow.
If you work better at night than during the day, jot it down as well.
So I don't lie awake at night worrying about things.
When taking shots of the moon at night you will get far better results if you manipulate the flash yourself and manually set ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.
Remember that successful consultants often have to host their parties at night or on the weekends to fit into the guests' schedule.
Include a picture of the Disney Castle at night and feature photos of your children watching the fireworks.
Fun ways to relieve stress are essential to basic survival in a world where adults are on the run from the moment they arise in the morning until they turn off the light at night.
This has natural calming properties, great for people that have a hard time sleeping at night.
Perhaps you have been left holding the bag (think making two dozen cup cakes for school late at night before a bake sale) or maybe you have a business presentation that you waited until the last minute to pull together.
Walking for just 15 minutes on your lunch break, or before or after work, can help relieve workplace stress and ensure you do not bring work-related tension home at night.
Staying up late at night may help you get that last minute-work done but it does nothing for high stress levels.
A panic attack that occurs at night is a nocturnal panic attack.
You can also do this weekly or at night.
Teens who are out on the road at night are three times as likely to have an accident as those who are not.
If the job keeps you out too late at night or ties up too much of your time, you'll never have time for anything else (including sleep).
Local day camps involve fun activities to keep you busy during the day, but allow you to head home at night.
Melatonin should always be taken just before going to bed, which for most people means at night.
By the time we got on the road it was 9 o'clock at night.
Time of day - Did you know that you shouldn't wear the same type of tuxedo for a morning event than one at night?
This head table wedding decoration is perfect for a reception held at night or under dim lights.
They become dependant on caffeine to stay alert during the day and find it hard to relax at night because of their excessive caffeine consumption.
Is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night?
Do you usually have to play first thing in the morning to wake up, and, or last thing at night to get to sleep?
This person will start to drink during impromptu times such as early in the morning, while on a break at work or at night during normal sleeping hours because he or she has started losing control.
For that reason, it may keep you up at night.
She dropped out of college after one semester to divide her time between working in a legal office, taking dance classes, and performing in Manhattan dance clubs at night.
Ledger stated that he was extremely exhausted, but getting little, if any sleep at night.
After graduation, she worked as an elementary school music teacher during the day and performed with different bands at night and on the weekends.
It will also give him something to wear at night and in the morning to emulate his daddy.
Baby gowns-Newborns and infants are often dressed in gowns at night.
Even if the piece is perfect for spring, children can get cold when the temperature drops at night.
If you live in a climate in which it gets cool at night or snowy in the winter, these can protect the feet from the cold.
Some schools keep their dorms locked to everyone but residents 24 hours a day, while others only institute security measures at night.
You can also explore some of the most magnificent architecture in America by day and experience stunning sunsets and world-class meals on the ship at night.
Instead, bring along light clothing plus a few heavier layers in case it gets breezy in the islands at night.
You can also opt for the Harbor Lights Cruise, which offers sensational views of New York's skyline at night.
One important characteristic of many small dog collars is the presence of reflective coatings and decorations, particularly if the dog will be outside at night.
They sleep in crates in our bedroom at night and have done so for ten years.
Illuminated dog collars are designed to make your dog more visible, particularly at night.
Their website describes Australia as a land of extreme temperatures where it grows very hot during the day and very cool at night.
I am a very light sleeper at night and always have been my entire life.
Dogs should be taken outside first thing in the morning, and it should be the last thing you do before going to bed at night.
As long as she gets sufficient exercise, she should begin to sleep soundly at night.
If planted in May and frost is feared, protect the young plants at night by turning a garden pot over them.
N. selaginoides grows about 9 inches high, forming dense compact tufts of slender stems, in late autumn covered with small white, orange-centered blossoms fragrant at night.
Cutworms are moth larvae that live in the soil and come out at night to feast on new seedlings.
This reduces the chance of falls and makes walking at night easier.
Well-designed landscape lighting increases the beauty of the garden at night.
Choose fixtures attractive in the day as well as at night.
Lights out of the water can be a practical way to illuminate a path or produce visual interest in the garden at night.
In order to make it bloom, you'll need to provide it with temperatures around 65 to 70 degrees during the day and 60 to 62 at night.
For about a week before your target planting date, begin hardening off your seedlings by placing them outside during the day and bringing them indoors at night.
Because they are sensitive to cold, it is important to cover the seedlings at night if you experience an unexpected cold snap after the plants have sprouted.
The sun's rays warm up the wall, bench or object during the day, and the heat reflects back to the plants at night.
Put your plants in the frame and remember to keep the window open during the day and closed at night.
Bring seedling trays outside for several hours a day or for the entire day, then bring them inside at night during the hardening-off period.
Adding solar deck lighting to your landscaping can make your home look as beautiful at night as in the daytime at a fraction of the cost.
Under optimum conditions the solar lights will run for about ten hours at night in the summertime, and considerably less in the winter.
Solar statuary figures act as accents during the day and lamps at night.
Adding solar lighting to your deck is a simple home improvement project that will allow you to enjoy your deck at night as much as during the day.
A well-chosen accent light will appear to be a decorative sculpture during the day and offer a slight glow at night.
You'll want to look at the sample at night and during the day to get a sense of how it will look in different light.
This type of tile provides a beautiful finish that has the ability to catch light, which will often result in a countertop that looks completely different at night than it does during the day.
These ring holder trays are ideal for quickly slipping off your rings in the bathroom while you wash your hands, or placing your favorite ring on the nightstand while you sleep at night.
Since 80s fashions can be wildly over-the-top, the best way to try them out in a modern sense is to wear them at night.
The suit, the tie, the shirt, the shoes…how can a man make so many of these decisions so early in the morning (or, if you plan to sleep in as late as possible, so late at night before bed)?
Modern etiquette rules don't always adhere to tradition, but if you want to stick to proper black tie dress codes, then wearing a tuxedo at night is the only correct option.
Just take time at night or on the weekends to play around with your necktie knots.
The subway tunnel was home to hundreds of skateboarders and artists, who would meet late at night and scrawl old school graffiti artwork on its walls during the late 1970s.
You can also wear black and white pieces during the day, beneath your work outfits, and slip into something more colorful at night.
Employees that work at night and have to walk out to their vehicle may be vulnerable as well.
Learning to sleep during daylight hours and working at night can be very challenging for the miner, as well as his or her family members, who may need to make concessions to their schedule or activities because of the schedule.
If so, you may want to engage the services of a personal assistant or in home caregiver to give you a break during the day or at night.
You may not know you are suffering from sleep apnea or waking at night because the brain just jars you slightly.
Many patients who learn the facts about insomnia and then seek out medical attention for their chronic insomnia are able to overcome the condition and get back to sleeping well at night.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatments at night can help decrease the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood while increasing oxygen saturation.
Some people who work out at 8 or 9 at night can easily stay awake an additional four to five hours.
Switchboard features a generous list of dentists in the Chesapeake area who can help patients breathe easier at night.
This device is marketed to people who want to stop snoring but who do not want to wear a mouthpiece at night while sleeping.
All narcoleptic patients have one or more of these symptoms, but only 20 to 25 percent of patients display all four symptoms, and some patients also have disturbed sleep at night.
The breathing obstruction is minimized improving breathing ability at night.
Aromatherapy used at night while sleeping may improve your respiratory system's function.
Activities, foods and other occurrences that happen during the daytime may be causing sleep problems at night.
Do you have heartburn, chest pain or sweating at night?
Many different types of sleep disorders can keep you awake at night or at least prevent you from getting a decent night's sleep.
If you are having trouble sleeping at night or experiencing sleepiness during the day you should talk with your personal physician.
Using a humidifier at night and wearing adhesive nasal strips may also be beneficial.
Pregnant women, particularly those in their second trimester, may also experience leg cramps at night.
Creating relaxing rituals at night are another solution.
If you are experiencing cramping in leg muscles at night on a consistent basis, please see your doctor.
Another quiet solution is to try wearing earplugs at night.
However, be careful about drinking too much right before bed since this too can keep you up at night.
Understanding the causes of nightmares can help you to sleep better at night.
The assumption is that your snoring can possibly be caused by lose throat tissue that "flaps" as you breathe at night.
Either way, keeping the tongue away from the airway helps snorers (and their bedfellows) get a more solid sleep at night.
However, anyone who has background noises that keep them awake at night will also benefit from the use of this device.
Avoiding stressful situations before bedtime can make it easier to fall asleep at night.
Taking naps during the day can cause insomnia at night as well.
Many jobs require a person be up very early or to work at night.
One person may lose a couple of hours of sleep one night and be deprived of sleep, while another person can only sleep five hours at night and be completely fine.
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep at night.
The amount of sleep that each person needs at night varies but typically you need seven to eight hours each night in order to feel your best in the morning.
These types of goggles are often used by military and law enforcement professionals who need assistance locating people and things at night.
Those interested in purchasing inexpensive goggles to see at night should know the variety of ways that these types of devices can be used.
For example, at night you may want clear, anti-glare frames to protect against the glare of oncoming headlights.
Driving at night can put a strain on your eyes.
The best night driving glasses will provide more light, thus making it easier to see when driving at night.
It is much safer to simply purchase a pair of glasses that can be used at night.
Perhaps you have a certain ailment or condition and certain glasses might be better for driving at night than others.
If the lenses are smudged or dirty, this will decrease your ability to see the road at night.
You should clean your windshield at least once a week and more often than once a week if you drive quite frequently at night.
They're not going to increase the contrast of objects or improve your performance by offering sharper vision.Don't neglect to consider clear lenses if you participate in sports at night.
Some people not only use this type of glasses for the obvious reason of driving in snow, but they also slip them on when driving at night if they are especially sensitive to bright car lights.
That's because the effects of cataracts and other eye conditions can cause an exacerbated glare while driving at night.
Wild Eye lenses may only be worn during the day; wearing them at night while you sleep can cause damage both to the contacts and to your eyes.
Movie tunes play on an old time organ, and at night the carousel horses are illuminated with countless fairy lights in the very middle of Fantasyland.
If you have young children it's better to go earlier in the day rather than stay at night.
Considering taking some time this Halloween season to experience the fun of Six Flags at night.
You may not have the time to watch the auction at close time, since many of them may end late at night or early in the morning.
For a truly horrific experience, this is a game that should be played at night.
He can rely on his testers to a certain extent, but it's not a problem that lets you sleep soundly at night.
The visual effects in The Suffering are best experienced when you play the game at night.
Hutch, your helpful non-evil bunny pal, will accompany Gromit at night.
So, that means that vineyards are picked at night or early morning.
The Jack Wolfskin Thunder Bay jacket for men is a wonderful way to keep warm when the temperatures drop at night.
While campers tend to really enjoy the great outdoors, nobody really enjoys having visits from wildlife creatures inside their tent late at night.
Keep in mind though, that even if it is warm during the day, most places get fairly cool at night as the seasons progress into fall and winter.
Your smartphone might be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
The dentist begins by asking the patient specific questions about the toothache, including the types of foods that make the pain worse, whether the tooth is sensitive to temperature or biting, and whether the pain is worse at night.
Children who breathe through their mouths at night because of nasal congestion often get sore throats that improve as the day progresses.
These medications are often taken at night because they cause drowsiness.
They are also taken at night to relieve muscle spasms that interrupt sleep.
Tube feeding can provide nutrition at any time, including at night while the person is sleeping, allowing constant intake of high-quality nutrients.
If the child seems restless at night and complains of itching in the morning, parents should call their health-care provider to obtain a pinworm lab kit.
Remove carpet, launder bed linens in hot water, and keep windows closed at night and in the early morning hours to minimize exposure to outdoor allergens.
Headgear attached to braces and usually worn for 10 to 12 hours at night puts pressure on the upper teeth and jaw and influences the direction and speed of upper jaw growth and upper teeth eruption.
Muscle spasms and cramps may occur, especially at night.
The child should also be careful when moving about so as not to dislodge the IV catheter, especially at night.
Symptoms, which include rapid, uneven heart beat, often appear at night.
Pain is not constant in the initial stages of the disease, but it is aggravated by activity and may be worse at night.
This is why people tend to notice itching more at night.
Itching is often worse at night or at times when there are no distractions.
Such children urinate often during the daytime and may wet several times at night.
Although preventing a child from wetting the bed is not always possible, parents can take steps to help the child keep the bed dry at night.
A third style, the Charleston bending brace, is used at night to bend the spine in the opposite direction.
Having young children (or infants born later on) sleep with them at night makes some parents feel more confident of preventing a second tragedy from occurring.
Primary insomnia can be caused by many things, including a traumatic event related to sleep or bedtime, and it is often associated with increased physical or psychological arousal at night.
The individual has either lengthy episodes of daytime sleep or episodes of daytime sleep on a daily basis even though he or she is sleeping normally at night.
If a child does not seem to be getting enough sleep at night or the child wakes frequently or seems tired frequently during the day, it may be helpful to consult a doctor.
Lack of sleep reduces the ability to concentrate and decreases mental functioning, so children who are not getting enough good sleep at night may have poor concentration skills and poor academic performance.
Control is generally first achieved during the daytime, well before a child is able to stay dry at night.
Girls usually reach this point before boys; some girls begin to stay dry at naptime and even occasionally at night before the age of two.
As many as 25 percent of children have relapses after they have been dry at night for six months or longer, usually due to a temporary stressor.
A patch and eye ointment can be necessary at night if the child is unable to close an eye.
They may resist going to bed at night because of fear of the dark or of some monster lurking under the bed.
The most common pattern is severe nausea and vomiting that begins late at night or early in the morning.
Unlike pacifiers, the baby can find his thumb at night.
Holding a fire drill at night may be momentarily unpopular but may save lives and prevent serious injuries.
The itching (pruritus) from scabies is worse after a hot shower and at night.
These medications are often taken at night because they cause drowsiness, but they also can relieve muscle spasms that interrupt sleep.
Some parents routinely apply a thin layer of A & D ointment, petroleum jelly, or a mentholated salve around their children's noses at night as well as when they go outside.
Often, they temporarily lose a recent advance, such as staying dry at night or overcoming certain fears.
With regard to oral medications, antihistamines are often prescribed to stop itching at night so that the child can sleep.
Tie back your hair in windy conditions and braid it at night to avoid tangles.
It is also the city where the glamorous people of the fashion and modeling industry come out at night to display their talent.
There are little tricks like wearing your hair in a bun or a braid at night if you are planning on curling the front of your hair in the morning.
But, even with these "conveniences from home" the long distance driver has the added stress of heavy traffic, driving at night and being away from home for long periods of time.
Licensed radiologists in foreign countries read X-rays at night and on weekends, when radiologists on staff at local hospitals are not available.
Another popular theory of towel origami history is that bed and breakfasts began folding towels into designs during the late 1920s or early 1930s, when they could no longer afford to leave chocolates on a guest's pillow at night.
She can choose to work early in the morning, during her toddler's mid-day nap, or late at night after the rest of the family has gone to bed.
Purchasing supplemental maternity insurance before you conceive can be the difference between a stress-free pregnancy and one that keeps you up at night worrying about medical bills.
You might also want to dress warmly, since the San Francisco Bay can be a chilly place at night.
Try feeding the snake at night since these creatures are nocturnal and many prefer to eat at night.
From stuffed playthings that children love cuddling with at night to backyard clubhouses that provide hours of amusement, this channel covers all types of toys.
That's because it is more likely to make you drowsy during the day which may also interfere with your normal sleep cycle and even cause insomnia at night.
Taking melatonin at night often reduces the occurrence of side effects.
This style can also be worn out at night in a pinch.
Both types will keep you casually cool during the day and at night.
You can also toss a cardigan on to cover your shoulders when you go out at night.
Select a dress with a deep v-neck if you want to look come-hither at night.
Candles were essential in Colonial times because without electricity or costly oil, there was no other source of light at night.
Florida temperatures can dip into the fifties at night.
A cheerful snowman glittering at night is a good choice if you won't have riders.
Will you be the last voice she hears at night before she goes to bed or the first voice she hears when she awakes?
The last serious boyfriend I had cheated on me, and I caught him in the from there on out I have always had trust and jealousy issues.We have a great relationship, but we get into fights on occasion, mostly when we go out at night.
Take a walk at night on the beach, lake or other scenic area.
Few things are as romantic as a walk on the beach, especially at night.
You are right to become suspicious if he clears the monitor when you walk in the room or starts using the computer late at night when he didn't do so before.
She is secretive about computer use and sneaks to use the computer late at night.
If your lips are chapped, brush them with a soft bristled toothbrush at night and follow up with an emollient product like Vaseline.
Have you ever gotten really lost late at night?
This can be in a park that allows you to be there at night or at the beach.