At-most Sentence Examples
You'd have thought they were rare gems, not just plastic baubles costing pennies at most.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 inches.
Such arguments as the indivisibility of the soul and its persistence can at most indicate the possibility of immortality.
It may be remarked that in Poncelet's memoir on reciprocal polars, above referred to, we have the theorem that the number of tangents from a point to a curve of the order m, or say the class of the curve, is in general and at most = m(m - 1), and that he mentions that this number is subject to reduction when the curve has double points or cusps.
Even the Virgin Mary, though she is styled Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, receives only dulia or at most hyperdulia.
Yet his early military education could have consisted at most of the perusal of the Swedish Intelligencer and the practice of riding.
In the case of the plain or directly excited antenna the oscillations are highly damped, and each train probably only consists at most of half a dozen oscillations.
The Post Office proposed to engage in active competition with the telephone companies, but the Treasury at that time opposed this policy on the ground that the state should at most be ready to supplement and not to supersede private enterprise.
After his arrival at Safed Luria lived at most six years, and died in 1572.
It should be remembered that a single complete defoliation of a herbaceous annual may so incapacitate the assimilation that no stores are available for seeds, tubers, &c., for another year, or at most so little that feeble plants only come up. In the case of a tree matters run somewhat differently; most large trees in full foliage have far more assimilatory surface than is immediately necessary, and if the injury is confined to a single year it may be a small event in the life of the tree, but if repeated the cambium, bud-stores and fruiting may all suffer.
AdvertisementIt may be admitted that the identification of fragmentary leaf-remains is at most precarious.
The apex of the cochlea is turned towards, and almost reaches the anterior wall of the occipital condyle; at most it makes but half a twist or turn; it possesses both Reissner's membrane and the organ of Corti.
All the existing Ratitae (with the exception of the ostriches of Africa and South America, belonging to the genera Struthio and Rhea, and comprising at most but five species) are found in Austrogaea and nowhere else.
Only two or three thousand American emigrants - at most - have come to Liberia since 1860.
The ninth and tenth segments are at most times retracted within the eighth.
AdvertisementIn the first case all the driving is done on one or at most two axles, sufficient tractive force being obtained by coupling these axles when necessary to others carrying heavy loads.
The summer pruning of established wall or espalier-rail trees consists chiefly in the timely displacing, shortening back, or rubbing off of the superfluous shoots, so that the winter pruning, in horizontal training, is little more than adjusting the leading shoots and thinning out the spurs, which should be kept close to the wall and allowed to retain but two or at most three buds.
Carefully revised editions of these and of the other maps are brought out at intervals of 15 years at most.
Education is given by a public-school system, which, while nominally providing for separate schools for Catholics and Protestants, makes it practically impossible at most points to carry on such schools.
Mr Crowe, consul-general in the island, in 1885, stated that " the institution was rapidly dying, - that in a year, or at most two, slavery, even in its then mild form, would be extinct."
AdvertisementThis would make him at most sixty-three.
The emperor gathered little from the confused reports of their purposeless manoeuvres, but, secure in the midst of his " battalion square " of 200,000 men, he remained quite indifferent, well knowing that an advance straight on Berlin must force his enemy to concentrate and fight, and as they would bring at most 127,000 men on to the battlefield the result could hardly be doubtful.
The adoption of the Roman liturgical dress had, however, at most an indirect connexion with these claims. Charlemagne was active in prescribing the adoption of the Roman use; but this was only as part of his general policy in the organization of his em pire.
Opisthosoma confluent throughout its breadth with the prosoma, with the dorsal plate of which its anterior tergal plates are more or less fused; at most ten opisthosomatic somites traceable; the generative aperture thrust far forwards between the basal segments of the 6th appendages.
The Brazilian composer Carlos Gomes (1839-1896) is the best known of those who have adopted music as a profession, his opera Il Guarani having been produced at most of the European capitals.
AdvertisementThe finest work is excessively trying to the eyes of the plaiters, who can at most give to it two or three hours' labour daily.
This case is, however, at most very special and exceptional.
The course of the subsequent history makes it very intelligible that the Psalter was finally closed, as we have seen from the date of the Greek version that it must have been, within a few years at most after this great event.'
The outlying parts of the county to east, south and north are not lacking in open spaces, but there is an extensive inner area where at most only small gardens and squares break the continuity of buildings, and where in some cases old churchyards serve as public grounds.
On this occasion the Turks made a determined resistance; but the Allies' line was advanced by a few hundred yards at most points, and a three days' lull then ensued in the Helles area.
The tempestuous weather, moreover, created serious damage at most of the landing-places, where solidly constructed jetties were in some instances completely demolished by the seas.
Furthermore, the visionary who is found at most periods of great spiritual excitement was forced by the prejudice of his time, which refused to acknowledge any inspiration in the present, to ascribe his visionary experiences and reinterpretations of the mysterious traditions of his people to some heroic figure of the past.
Ice is a very poor conductor of heat and accordingly protects the surface of the water beneath from rapid cooling; hence new-formed pancake ice does not increase excessively in thickness in one winter, and even in the centre of the Arctic Basin the ice-covering only amounts to 6 or at most 9 ft.
Nearly 10,000 pupils are said to receive their education in its 140 madrasas or theological colleges; primary schools are kept at most mosques.
In 1851 these balances, improved by Richard Pitcher, were introduced at the Royal Mint, and modifications of them are now used at most foreign mints.
But Irenaeus was at most fifteen when thus frequenting Polycarp; writes thirty-five to fifty years later in Lyons, admitting that he noted down nothing at the time; and, since his mistaken description of Papias as " a hearer of John " the Zebedean was certainly reached by mistaking the presbyter for the apostle, his additional words " and a companion of Polycarp " point to this same mistaken identification having also operated in his mind with regard to Polycarp. In any case, the very real and important presbyter is completely unknown to Irenaeus, and his conclusion as to the book's authorship resulted apparently from a comparison of its contents with Polycarp's teaching.
But probably in practice there is not a sufficient interval between source and hearer for these tones to grow into any importance, and they can at most be only a small addition to those formed in the source or the ear.
The latter therefore had to stand fast in the face of the Russian Eastern Detachment, which was three days' march at most from Feng-hwang-cheng and could be supported in three more days by Kuropatkin's main body, whereas the pressure of Oku's advance would not begin to be felt by the Russian Southern Detachment until the twelfth day at earliest.
Though many syllables have to do duty for the expression of more than one idea, the majority have only one or at most two meanings, but there are some which are used with quite a number of different inflections, each of which gives the word a new meaning.
Of this species Crowther's bear from the Atlas Mountains, the Syrian bear (Ursus arctus pyriacus) and the snow or isabelline bear (Ursus arctus isabellinus) of the Himalaya are local races, or at most subspecies.'
Both Chodkiewicz and olkiewski frequently had to pay the expenses of their campaigns out of their own pockets, and were expected to conquer empires and defend hundreds of miles of frontier with armies of 3000 or 4000 men at most.
Birds and mammals take the first place; the leading collections devote a good deal of attention to reptiles and batrachians; fishes and aquatic invertebrata are most often to be found only when there are special aquaria, whilst non-aquatic invertebrates are seldom to be seen and at most consist of a few moths and butterflies, spiders, scorpions and centipedes, molluscs and crustaceans.
Quantities can be learned from experience, and from watching individual cases; frequency varies within very wide limits, from reptiles which at most may feed once a week and fast for long periods, to the smaller insectivorous birds which require to be fed every two or three hours, and which in the winter dark of northern latitudes must be lighted up once or twice in the night to have the opportunity of feeding.
In a few days, or at most a fortnight, after a rainfall numberless specimens of these sizes were found swimming about, " and as not a single one was to be found in the water-pools prior to the rain, these must have been developed from the egg."
The next, the copepodid or cyclopid, stage is characterized by a cylindrical segmented body, with foreand hind-body distinct, and by having at most six cephalic limbs and two pairs of swimming feet.
Its adherents feel themselves to be the isolated, the few, the free and the enlightened, as opposed to the sluggish and inert masses of mankind degraded into matter, or the initiated as opposed to the uninitiated, the Gnostics as opposed to the " Hylici " (Wiwi); at most in the later and more moderate schools a middle place was given to the adherents of the Church as Psychici (1/vXtKoi).
Thus canoe navigation may be carried on for hundreds of miles, with here and there a waterfall or a rapid requiring a portage of a few hundred yards or at most a mile or two.
After that date the B&bis divided into two sects, Ezelis and Baha'is, of which the former steadily lost and the latter gained ground, so that in 1908 there were probably from half a million to a million of the latter, and at most only a hundred or two of the former.
Further, if the cavalry had to walk, or at most trot, through the fields the opposing infantry was almost always unable to fire their muskets.
The natives seldom cultivate more than half an acre apiece, and the Portuguese settlers usually only 25 or 30 acres at most.
Hence, according to Wundt, the world we know is still unitary experience, distinguished, not separated, into subject and object, aggregates of ideas analysed by judgment and combined by inference, an object of idea elaborated into causes and substances by logical thinking, at most a world of our ideas composed out of our sensations, and arranged under our categories of our understanding by our inner wills, or a world of our ideating wills; but nothing else.
He thought not only that a form, or essence, is something different from, and at most conjoined with, matter in a concrete body, but also that in all the bodies of one kind, e.g.
But in all cases the disciplinary authority is evidently the same; we need only note that acts concerning individuals do not claim the force of general law; the legal decisions serve at most to settle matters of jurisprudence, like the judgments of all sovereign courts.
Generally it is found singly or in pairs, or at most in small herds of from eight to ten, and is not inclined to attack other animals or human beings.
Such obligate parasites may be epiphytic (Erysipheae), the mycelium remaining on the outside and at most merely sending haustoria into the epidermal cells, or endophytic (Uredineae, Ustilagineae, &c.), when the mycelium is entirely inside the organs of the host.
It appears from the foregoing account that at most localities the diamond is found in alluvial deposits probably far from the place where it originated.
The secret of this attachment was soon discovered by Fanny Burney, but Johnson at most only suspected it.
The Gospel narratives are unanimous in describing Peter as one of the first disciples of Christ, and from the time of his call he seems to have been present at most of the chief incidents in the narrative.
The workmen contribute at the rate of two-thirds and the employers at the rate of one-third; the sum payable in respect of each worker varying from 11/2-3% of the earnings in the communal sick fund to at most 11/2-4% in the others.
Diurnal Variation.-The apparent daily period at most stations is largely determined by the influence of daylight on the visibility.
The fact that at most places the morning shows a marked decay of auroral frequency and intensity as compared to the evening, the maximum preceding midnight by several hours, is certainly favourable to theories which postulate ionization of the atmosphere by some cause or other emanating from the sun.
They are, as a rule, small in extent, and are managed by the owners with the help of five, ten or at most twenty workmen.
But they were assemblies of barons, or at most of barons and citizens; they could only have represented the Latin elements, Norman and Lombard, in the island.
And further, we must always remember that entertainment and aesthetic effect were at most subsidiary objects.
The goal towards which these tendencies verged was monotheism; and though this goal was only once, and then quite ephemerally, reached, still the monotheistic idea was at most periods, so to speak, in the air.
The XXVIth Dynasty, which lasted 139 years, is particularly clear, and synchronisms fix, its regnal dates to the years B.C. within an error of one or two years at most.
It is at most a string of passages, drawn up in similar form to assist the memory, and intended, not to be read, but to be learnt by heart.
There were rajas in the clan, but the word meant at most something like consul or archon.
A candidate who obtains only 50% of the marks in performing such operations cannot be regarded as being able to perform them; and, if the examination is to be treated as a test of his capacity to perform them, he should be rejected unless he obtains full marks, less a certain allowance (say 10, or at most 20%) in view of the more or less artificial conditions inherent in all examinations.
On a small scale it is possible to push the decomposition as far as 90% of the hydrochloric acid, but on the large scale only at most 60% is reached.
It has been introduced at most large Leblanc alkali works, and has, so to say, given them a new lease of life.
As the weight of bleaching-powder consumed in the world is at most one-fifth of that of alkali, calculated as Na2C03, it follows that only about one-tenth of all the alkali required could be made by electrol y sis, even supposing the Leblanc process to be entirely abolished.
In the following years Thorbecke undertook a journey of research and study in Germany, staying at most of her famous universities, and making the acquaintance of his best-known contemporaries in the fatherland.
The answer to Hegel is that being and not-being are at most similarly indeterminate, and to Bradley that each animal has its own different lungs, whereby they are only similar.
For Aristotle, too, God in his essence is far above the world and at most its first mover.
Thus from the fall of the Samanidsto the invasion of the Mongols five or at most six important dynasties held sway over Persia, while some forty small dynasties enjoyed a measure of local autonomy.
Already they were used at most of the conspicuous functions of the Church.
It is difficult to extract any historical fact out of this maze of myths; the various groups cannot be fully co-ordinated, and a further perplexing feature is the neglect of Thebes in the Homeric poems. At most it seems safe to infer that it was one of the first Greek communities to be drawn together within a fortified city, that it owed its importance in prehistoric as in later days to its military strength, and that its original "Cadmean" population was distinct from other inhabitants of Boeotia such as the Minyae of Orchomenus.
Philosophy seeking knowledge for its own sake; morality, manifested in the sense of truth, right, and virtue; and religion, the belief in and communion with superhuman powers ruling and pervading the universe, are human characters, of which it is instructive to trace, if possible, the earliest symptoms in the lower animals, but which can there show at most only faint and rudimentary signs of their wondrous development in mankind.
He has left dated notes and drawings made at most of the stations we have named, besides a set of six large-scale maps drawn minutely with his own hand, and including nearly the whole territory of the Maremma, Tuscany and Umbria between the Apennines and the Tyrrhene Sea.
He was now often in Dublin, at most twenty miles distant, and through Lady Berkeley and her daughters he became the familiar and chartered satirist of the fashionable society there.
Regarding now the outcrops of bed-rock, there are exposures of Algonkian (doubtful, and at most a mere patch on Pilot Knob), Archean, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, sub-Carboniferous and Carboniferous.
The automatic personal weighing machine found at most railway stations operates by means of a steelyard carrying a fixed weight on its long arm, the load on the platform being inferred from the position of the steelyard.
Supposing that the two curves are of the orders m, n, respectively, then the order of the resultant equation is in general and at most = mn; in particular, if the curve of the order n is an arbitrary line (n= 1), then the order of the resultant equation is = m; and the curve of the order m meets therefore the line in m points.
Zeuthen that at most eight of these are real.
It may be remarked generally that there are at most three infinite branches, and that there may besides be a re-entrant branch or oval.
A non-singular quartic has only even circuits; it has at most four circuits external to each other, or two circuits one internal to the other, and in this last case the internal circuit has no double tangents or inflections.
Between 1631 and the edict of February I641 Richelieu strove against the continually renewed opposition of the parlements to his system of special commissions and judgments; in 1641 he refused them any right of interference in state affairs; at most would he consent occasionally to take counsel with assemblies of notables.
Silica is used in furnace-building in the forms of sand, ganister, a finely ground sandstone from the Coal Measures of Yorkshire, and the analogous substance known as Dinas clay, which is really nearly pure silica, containing at most about 2-1% of bases.
Generally, at most stations, the midnight foF2 reach the maximum in summer, and no winter anomaly can be discerned.
The fee must be paid by bank draft in Canadian Dollars and can be purchased at most major banks.
Landowners will often offer moorings for a small charge, and in addition to these overnight berths are available at most marinas.
In the wild, chimps usually give birth at most only every 6 years.
The fishery is fishing exceptionally well with mixed bags of species being caught at most locations with the occasional bonus chub running to 3lb.
The Jacobites numbered at most 5,000 men, while the Government army facing them was perhaps 8,000 strong, including 800 mounted dragoons.
If you are not prescribed an emollient you can buy a big tub of Aqueous Cream for around £ 3 at most pharmacies.
That claim would seem at most to license the very different inference that we cannot tell whether they tell the truth or lie.
Home 6.2 WRITING lex programS A lex programS A lex specification consists of at most three sections.
I would take years to become a master Magus; I had six months at most.
All this has been done in dynamic mode for the most part and with delays on several milliseconds at most.
The needles are inserted rapidly into the key acupuncture points, and this should feel like a small pinprick at most.
It is also relatively quick, taking about 20 minutes at most.
September is a busy month with principal sales of mule gimmer shearlings and ewe lambs at most of our sales centers.
Fuel poverty remains a killer in Britain today despite repeated efforts by government, with older people and the chronically sick at most risk.
The air is also full of fungal spores at most times of the year.
What he described as six-lane superhighways for data " are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university campuses.
There will be two hatha yoga classes a day, with both teachers on hand at most classes.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 in.
Accordingly, in tracing the antecedents of the modern philosophic doctrine we shall have to glance at most of the principal systems of cosmology, ancient and modern.
The error due to the neglect of the former would at most amount to 1%, while a reduction to the mean level of the sea necessitates but a trifling reduction, amounting, in the case of a base-line 300,000 metres in length, measured on a plateau of 3700 metres (12,000 ft.) in height, to 57 metres only.
From the point of view which Berkeley had inherited from Locke it seemed to follow that not only material substance, but the whole conception of a world of objects, is at most an inference from subjective modifications which are the only immediately certain objects of knowledge.
On the contrary, he is probably pursuing you with detachments, or at most with an army corps much weaker than the army entrusted to you.
There is at most 1 seedling in a quadrate.
Hotel Tax and Service Charges At most hotels, a 10-15% service charge is added to the bill in lieu of tipping.
These markers can be obtained at most stationery suppliers.
What he described as six-lane superhighways for data are reduced to two-lane roads at most college and university campuses.
Here is no dwelling of man, and scarce any passage, or at most of vagabond children running at their play.
Rocking recliner chairs tradtional and more modern styles, can be purchased at most furniture stores or online.
Sports bras for nursing are available at most department stores and maternity retailers.
You can easily find Game Boy Advance SP systems at most retail stores or online.
You can find these at most major department stores, kithen supply stores, and other similar retail outlets.
Power washers can be found at most large DIY, outdoor and cleaning equipment stores.
It can be found at most sporting goods stores and
The usual cost for these do-it-yourself soft-sided pool ranges from $350 to $800 and they can be bought at most gardening centers found in popular retail stores, such as Wal-Mart.
They can be found at most major online retailers and at popular stores like Cabelas and Bass Pro Shops.
While at most places you purchase in bulk, there are times when you just need one or two or want to buy wholesale Christmas decorations for your own home.
You can sometimes get club fittings at most golf shops.
They're even available at most wholesale clubs and discount retail stores, although you will almost never find the latest models in either of these locations.
This type of propane tank is typically available at most propane dealers.
Used golf clubs can be found for sale all over the Internet at most auction and flea market sites like Craigslist and eBay.
Cat furniture can be found at most pet supply stores.
You can find it at most of your larger pet supply stores or online.
Fresh Step cat litter can be purchased at most retailers and pet supply stores.
You will need to purchase either goat's milk in a specialty store or a kitten milk replacement found at most pet supply stores.
This carpet texture should be scratch-friendly since cats enjoy tearing away at most fabrics.
Vanilla syrups are available at most large supermarkets and at speciality coffee shops that sell beverage flavorings and additives.
You can buy prepaid gasoline cards at most gas stations, but there are other options available.
The Visa and MasterCard cards can be used online or at most retail outfits.
The Walmart MoneyCard is a reloadable, prepaid Visa card that can be purchase at most Walmart locations.
Since there may be no fees, and the account is usually free to maintain at most financial institutions, there is little downside to choosing this route.
These gift cards are good at most gas stations, restaurants and entertainment facilities, plus anywhere else that American Express cards are accepted.
If you do need cash right away, you can use the RSVP card at most ATMs to make a withdrawal.
You can use the card to shop online at most retailers that accept Visa or MasterCard and to get cash at ATMs.
Since there is so much variety in co-parenting situations, a broad range of topics, from general to specific, enter into the discussion at most workshops.
From a planning standpoint, your best bet is to choose plans that only involve one or two new skills at most.
You can drop-off small appliances and consumer goods at most local recycling facilities.
Ginger in its various forms is available at most health food stores, pharmacies, and nutrition supplement stores as well as online.
Available at most health and natural food stores, this medicine chest in a bottle is a great addition to your first aid kit.
Acai in capsule form is readily available at most vitamin outlets and health food stores and can be swallowed very quickly.
Make sure you keep your fabric choices to three or four at most in any room.
It can be purchased at most hardware and paint supply stores.
If not, a retractable clothesline (available at most large home improvement stores) can be installed to achieve the same results.
Area rugs that are washable are now available at most major rug retailers.
Conair has an excellent one called Illumina Collection Two-Sided Lighted Makeup Mirror ($26.99) available at most drug stores.
It's also certainly the cheapest option, costing $2-4 at most stores.
Available in major cities such as Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, you can also find Paul & Joe at most Anthropologie stores as well as on their website
This Max Factor mascara is inexpensive and found at most drugstores.
This system can be found at most drugstores and discount stores such as Walmart or Target.
Although a season-long rotisserie style is available at most online sites, classic fantasy sports enthusiasts usually prefer to play head-to-head.
The game is available at most retail outlets and averages $19.99 to $29.99 depending on which operating system you have and which release you buy.
Portable portfolios can be purchased at most camera shops and can also be bought online.
The "CIA" has a large faculty of certified Master Chefs, and students spend more time in the kitchen at this school than at most other schools -- over 1,300 hours!
Though it does involve some planning ahead, a quiche makes a good presentation and is a nice change from the traditional egg bakes, scrambled eggs, or omelets offered at most brunches.
Start by purchasing 12x12 frames, which are available at most major craft stores or scrapbooking supply retailers.
Albums are available in many sizes, shapes, and themes at most Hallmark stores.
It can be purchased at most larger craft stores such as Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Stores, Hobby Lobby, and Michaels Crafts.
You can also find scrapbooking cardstock at most craft stores and scrapbook specialty shops; however, this cardstock may not be ideal for your printer.
You can find adhesive-backed paper at most office supply store and scrapbooking or craft shops.
Fischer skis can be found at most ski shops and sporting goods stores.
While you can find decent instruction at most ski resorts, Aspen Colorado has some unique programs.
You can pick up coupons and gift cards at most major retailers.
If you are unable to come up with your own stress free gift basket ideas, or do not have the time to design your own baskets, you can purchase pre-made baskets at most stores and online.
You can find Juniors styles at most department stores, and these stores are typically large enough to offer a great selection.
Windsor prom dresses are not the typical formals that appear at most proms.
In addition, it is widely available in health food stores and at most major grocers.
All three of these products are available at most grocery stores.
Garlic is good for you, low cost, and readily available at most health food stores and many pharmacies.
Textured Vegetable Protein - Textured vegetable protein, or TVP, can be purchased at most grocery or health food stores.
You can find bridesmaid wedding jewelry at most major bridal salons as well as online.
Keep the speech short - no more than 2-3 minutes at most.
A three- or four-tiered cake is common at most weddings, so the first way couples can make their cake stand out is by its size.
So, unless the wedding you plan to attend is a theme event or an ultra-swank black tie event, you'll do just as well to purchase your wedding wear at most department stores.
Three colors are an ideal way to add depth to the typical two color scheme used at most weddings, but are not as busy as a multi-hued rainbow palette.
Wilton cake decorating books are available at most booksellers and many kitchen and baking supply stores.
If you feel jittery about making your own fondant, considering purchasing it in pre-mixed tubs instead, available at most cake decorating and pastry supply stores.
Basic Christmas cake decorations are sold at most craft stores and large grocery stores.
Use letter candles, available at most cake decorating specialty and supply stores, to form a "Congrats" message on the cake.
Find them at most department stores, including Macy's, Kohl's, Dillard's, Boscov's, and TJ Maxx.
As mentioned previously, dressy clothes for young boys can be purchased at most children's clothing stores, not to forget department stores and super stores.
They are readily available at most brick and mortar retailers that carry toddler clothing.
Transfer programs allow credits to be accepted at most accredited colleges throughout the United States.
Available at most college career centers and also online, career aptitude tests assess your skills and interests and analyze results to provide recommendations for vocations or fields of study that might appeal to you.
The majority of students at most universities are also undergraduates, but they may not be enrolled full-time, and some may not even be working toward degrees.
While there are many different programs available to obtain your paralegal certificate, the coursework at most schools is relatively similar.
You'll find them at most media outlets, pet supply stores, and even in the video section at most department stores.
The next step at most dog training schools is basic obedience training.
You can test your yard with litmus paper kits found at most garden centers.
Easily found at most garden centers, these plants aren't fussy about their growing conditions and often thrive with little care.
Pinks remain fairly small, growing only about twenty-four inches tall at most.
Like cedar, it's readily available at most home and garden centers and lumber yards, and is easy to work with using common saws and tools.
If you have raised beds in the garden, a simple frost protection cold frame method is to place clear acrylic plastic sheets, available at most home centers, over the cold frame if the plants are small enough to cover.
And if you do a lot of pick slides, forget about it; you pick won't last more than a few days at most.
These handy gadgets are available at most home improvement outlets.
Grapefruit seed extract is available at most health food stores, and a little bit goes a very long way.Combine 20 - 30 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 2 cups of water and shake well to combine.
You can find a Cabot stain for your deck at nearly every home improvement retailer, as well as at most paint stores.
Sunsetter awnings are available at most deck and patio retailers, as well as many home improvement stores.
You can buy or rent heat guns at most home improvement stores.
You can purchase garage heaters online or at most home improvement centers.
Any of these pieces can blend Celtic symbolism with the classic beauty of gemstones, but it can be difficult to find suitable pieces at most jewelry stores.
Gem stone silver rings can be purchased at most major jewelry retailers and the jewelry department of many department stores.
As female fashionistas have always known, being in fashion can be frustrating, because trends change quickly, so something you spent a decent amount of money on can only be worn for a season or a year at most.
A man in the 1940s could tie several different knots to suit his shirt, an all-in-one try that took about a minute at most.
Although the prices are higher than you'll find at most discount outlets, you'll see exactly what to look for in a pair of men's blue jeans.
Leather money clips can be found at most department stores accessories sections as well as at leather goods stores and specialty men's shops.
In fact, just by browsing the toy aisles at most any store, it's easy to see that a good majority of children's toys are made with some form of petroleum based plastics.
Or, you can follow the bra sizing instructions that are found online at most plus size lingerie sites.
Since plus size trendy peasant tops are so popular right now, you can find them at most stores that sell casual plus sized clothing.
A white turtleneck, Christmas vest, jeans and boots is an easy, comfortable ensemble that will look great at most holiday parties.
Nowadays, plus size socks are found at most retail and department stores such as Target, Walmart and Kohl's.
Plus size women can easily find traditional, queen size pantyhose at most department stores, and pantyhose offering additional styles and features are available through plus size stores, specialty stores and online retailers.
Because many retailers are selling the same chairs, the prices for the chairs are often similar at most retailers.
They are available at most grocery stores and pharmacies.
Florida residents get discounts at most of the major theme parks throughout the state.
The titles sell for $19.95 or less and can be easily purchased at most retail outlets or video game stores such as EB Games.
That's because the Wii is only capable of producing 480p widescreen video at most.
Today, the price of the PS3 with the 80GB hard drive is generally $399 at most American retailers.
You can find wine coolers at most home stores and stores where small and large appliances are sold.
Price guides and identification manuals for antique tools are available at most bookstores and local libraries.
When you look at most the handsets offered as part of pay-as-you-go packages, they're typically not the latest and greatest that the mobile world has to offer.
Two main models of Motorola satellite phones are available for purchase, though they are likely branded as Iridium devices at most major retailers.
Early symptoms of hypoglycemia can be treated with oral glucose tablets or gel, available at most pharmacies.
Oral rehydrating solutions, including brands such as Pedialyte, Infalyte, Ceralyte, and Oralyte, are available at most grocery stores and drug stores.
Females are most likely to be the victim of sexual assault at age 14, while males are at most risk at age four.
Elastic wristbands sold at most drugstores are also used as a source of relief due to the pressure they place in this area.
Oral rehydrating solutions-including brands such as Pedialyte, Infalyte, Ceralyte, and Oralyte-are available at most grocery and drug stores.
Head lice cannot survive without a human host for more than a few days at most.
This drops to at most 40 percent when only one parent is nearsighted, and for 15 percent of myopic children, neither parent has myopia.
If you have a hard time finding crystals, buy semi-precious stones available at most arts and crafts stores, they emit the same positive energy as natural crystals.
These braids should only be left in the hair for a few weeks at most.
At-home waxing and sugaring kits can be purchased at most drug stores, but the process may take longer than if it was administered by a professional.
Barrettes and hair clips with ribbons can be found at most craft fairs and hair accessory boutiques, while a large selection of styles, colors, and sizes are available online.
Prior to their big day, many brides book pampering services at the beauty spas and salons found at most upscale resort locations.
To achieve it, spritz your hair with a thickening spray (a budget-friendly choice is John Frieda Luxurious Volume Thickening Spray, available at most drugstores and grocery stores).
Herbal Essences shampoos and conditioners are widely available at most major retailers, including grocery and drug stores.
While quality hair cuts can be had at most any upper end salon, many men and women choose to find an alternative hair salon that caters not only to their personal style, but to their lifestyle choices as well.
Hair consultations are usually a free service offered at most high end hair salons.
Catwalk products by TIGI are available at most upscale beauty salon stores, as well as hair salons that carry the entire TIGI hair product line.
They are generally inexpensive and available at most craft stores.
You can find a range of stylish maternity items at most major department stores, but there are also many great palces to shop that specialize in maternity wear.
Fortunately the food at most food carts is relatively inexpensive, so you can experiment with as many as you like to discover your own favorites.
You can buy pre-made piping by the yard at most fabric stores or make your own by wrapping a narrow length of fabric around a piece of cotton cord.
The 2007 swimwear style picks are available at most swimwear shops.
Since the tankini is so popular, you can purchase its numerous styles at most major department stores, as well as specialty swim boutiques like Everything But Water.
You can also find clamp on umbrellas at most beach chair stores.
They are usually sold at most swimsuit shops and in the boutiques at resort areas.
An extreme bikini can come in different styles for the ultimate in a sexy swim look, but offers the most minimal coverage and won't be allowed at most public pools and beaches.
Understand that due to the risqué nature of this type of suit, you will have a hard time trying to find one at most local retail or department stores.
Gottex Swimwear can be found at most major department stores, including Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and Bloomingdales as well as many swimwear boutiques.
Swimsuits for tween and teen girls are typically designed with an A or at most a B cup bra size and come in small, medium or large, but not all girls are sized that way.
You can find Roxy swimwear at most quality swimsuit shops and many online sources, including their official site at Roxy.
Micro bikinis are often more suitable as show pieces, and their wear is restricted at most public swimming venues.
It's available at most toy stores and big box stores, such as Target, Walmart and Kmart.
Twilight Barbie dolls are available at most stores that sell fashion dolls.
You can find Webkinz Jr. at most stores where you are able to purchase Webkinz and Lil'kinz, including brick-and-mortar stores like Wal-Mart, Hallmark, Target, and Barnes & Noble.
Dora Links dolls and accessories are available at most toy retailers, including Target, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart and
This baby doll is available at most major toy stores as well as online at Hasbro Toy Shop.
You can find Nerf Swords at most toy retailers, including, Walmart.
Avatar toys can be found at most stores selling toys, both brick-and-mortar shops and online retailers.
Harumika fashion sets are available at most toy retailers, both brick-and-mortar and online.
This Barbie is priced under $50 and can be purchased at most toy stores.
As a popular dietary supplement, cod liver oil can be found at most health food stores and vitamins shops.
Cod liver oil can be found at most retail locations that sell vitamin supplements.
Now Foods sell a great bee pollen product which can be found at most natural and health foods stores.
A routine practice at most conventional hospitals is to give newborn infants an injection of vitamin K shortly after birth.
Liquid supplements can be found at most major pharmacies, or wherever vitamins are sold.
This may be fine for you if you are interested in very high fashion, as you'll only want something that lasts a season at most anyway.
That's when the widest range of colors and styles will be available at most locations.
If you would prefer to purchase parts in a physical store, you can find them at most retailers that sell small, personal appliances.
You can also purchase common replacements, such as the vacuum bags at most national retailers like Target and Walmart.
Portable air conditioners can be purchased at most home improvement stores and retail establishments that sell small household appliances.
Cuisinart coffee pots can be purchased at most major retailers who sell kitchen appliances, such as Sears and Lowes, and at smaller retailers who specialize in kitchens.
Electric can openers can be found at most discount stores, such as Target or Walmart, as well as in the household section of department stores like Macy's.
Presto electric griddles are available at most stores that carry kitchen small appliances.
Candle centerpieces can be purchased at most home décor and specialty candle stores.
Floral wreaths and hurricane sleeves are available at most craft stores during the holidays, and you can add small accents to the arrangement to match your décor.
Scented oils for home fragrance can be found at most major department stores, online at specialty and gift shops, or anywhere you would find household products.
You can pick up a candy making thermometer at most craft and cooking stores.
You can purchase them at most candle and gift stores.
Decorative rings designed for candles are available at most major retailers that carry a basic selection of pillar or taper candles.
You can find flameless candles, including those with a patriotic theme, at most stores that carry home décor items.
Decorated tote bags or gardening gloves add a personal touch -- you can find stencils and patterns at most craft stores.
This is a thicker and stiffer paper that is available at most craft and office supply stores.
Coloring books are available at most major retailers, discount stores, craft stores and dollar stores beginning sometime in the fall.
Pirate hats can easily be made with store-bought felt, or you can buy them at most any Halloween store or in the Halloween section of your local discount chain or even some grocery stores.
Doggie Dracula costumes can be found at most costume shops during the Halloween season.
Baby Christmas costumes are available at most discount retailers, such as Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart.
Bring some money for snacks and drinks usually sold at most teen dances.
You can make your own for a special touch, or purchase extra large designs at most card shops.
Prices range from less than $100 to several thousand, but there is an extraordinary selection available for less than $1,000 at most jewelers.
Two tone rings are more difficult to find than classic engagement rings, but they are regularly available at most engagement ring stores and other types of jewelers.
Double heart rings with diamonds are popular at most major jewelers, though they are not usually displayed with traditional engagement ring designs.
Perhaps you want your engagement ring to stand out from the standard styles seen at most jewelry stores or you are searching for a ring to fit the taste of a woman who prefers one-of-kind or artistic jewelry.
These days, you can find an emerald-cut diamond ring at most jewelry stores; however, for a truly special style, you may want to consider a vintage style option.
Many modern wedding bands offer couples a chance to find unique wedding rings that are different from traditional gold rings, current jewelry trends or what is sold at most jewelry stores.
You can find them at most any jeweler or department store with a jewelry counter.
For most writers this is a day's worth of work at most.
The recipe instructions on a package of cranberries found at most grocery stores, is already gluten-free.
Kathy Van Zeeland and Tignanello have a great range of purses for under $100 and are sold at most major department stores.
You can purchase Tommy Hilfiger bags at most major department stores and online from a variety of places, including, Amazon, Zappos, eBags, and Smart Bargains.
Since purple is the rage, leather totes in this color are plentiful at most handbag retailers and department stores.
Lightweight, sporty fabric backpacks are best used to carry just the minimum essentials - a wallet, phone and a few extras at most.
The Marc by Marc Jacobs Strippy Zippy Groovee handbag, or any Marc by Marc Jacobs bag, can be found at most of the better department stores, such as Saks and Barneys.
Simple plastic totes are readily available at most retailers, but you'll also find designer styles released each summer.
Pedometers cost about ten dollars and are available at most discount stores.
Dora the Explorer merchandise is widely available and can be found at most department stores, toy stores, book stores, grocery stores, and online stores.
Kids' loft beds are available at most traditional furniture stores, but the selection is usually greater at children's furniture stores.
If you do decide that Bratz dolls are a good fit for your family, you can find them at most department stores, malls, toy stores, and online retailers.
These posters can be bought at most brick and mortar stores such as Wal-Mart, Hot Topic, and F.Y.E.
January and July are typically the best times to purchase clearance models at most furniture stores, since new merchandise is scheduled to arrive in these months.
When looking at the coupons in your Sunday newspaper, pull out the store fliers for the places you shop at most frequently.
These products are available at most large sporting good stores such as Champ's Sports and Sport Chalet.
Metal baseball cleats can be purchased at most athletic equipment stores such as Sports Chalet and Champs Sports.
This silicon spray (available at most shoe stores) should be applied before you even wear your shoes outside.
In addition, you can purchase casual Blazers for men, women and children at most major athletic footwear stores.
Today, while TV Guide is still available for purchase at most checkstands, you can read up online instead.
You can find kits for temporary tattoos at most craft stores.
India ink is a black carbon ash that can be purchased at most craft and hobby stores.
Thin, flexible sheets of compressed foam, available at most craft stores make adequate stencils or you can purchase material from most supply shops.
It is also possible to rent camp equipment at most of these facilities.
More than likely, you'll find other moms on vacations at most spa resorts.
In addition, uniformed representatives from Apple Vacations are available at most departing and destination airports to personally meet travelers and assist them in getting to and from their destinations.
This car would win at most meets and shows.
Synthetics are also known as paint sealants at most dealerships, and are usually not worth the extra charge for an application considering how easy it is to apply yourself.
Thankfully, most schools have EMTs or other medical professionals at most sporting events.
Steam cleaners made for tile and grout can be rented at most home supply stores.
Using one of these blenders (which can be purchased for $15 to $20 at most any discount or department store) cuts down the tiem to trace from about an hour to about five minutes.
You can also find classic bar-shaped molds at most craft supply stores, and these are available in sets of four or six molds to a set.
Envelopes for your homemade greeting cards are readily available at most stationary and office supply stores.
You will need a plain canvas tote bag, which you can get at most craft stores.
While pieces of felt can be purchased at most craft supply stores, many people prefer to practice the art of felting wool, a craft that dates back many centuries.
You can find a small assortment of beads for jewelry making in the craft department at most Wal-Mart stores.
You can find glass etching supplies at most craft stores, but if you want to create a custom design, you may want to consider ordering your own unique stencil from one of the following Internet retailers.
You can purchase commercial colorants at most craft stores in the same aisle as the soap making supplies.
You can purchase friendship bracelet making kits online and at most major craft stores.
Use a clear glycerin soap base, available at most craft stores, and microwave the soap until it is a liquid.
Likewise, if you eat out on a regular basis, food options should reflect what is offered at restaurants you eat at most often.
Inexpensive dumbbells are available at most fitness stores.
Fad diets only tend to have a life-span of a couple of weeks at most.
There is also a book that explains the DASH plan and is available at bookstores, Amazon and at most local libraries.
These numbers indicate that if you were to eat a meal at most of these fast food restaurants, say a burger, fries and a soda, you could potentially eat more you're your daily caloric requirement in one sitting!
A standard burger at most fast food restaurants contains 10 grams of sugar, which is about as much sugar as you'd find in a couple of cookies.
You can purchase a Pilates machine at most places that sell exercise equipment.
While aqua jogging belts can be expensive, an aqua noodle can be purchased at most toy stores.
Indoor cycling classes are available at most gyms, and there are even some fitness DVDs available for you to complete an indoor cycling program at home.
They require a specialized piece of equipment that is available at most gyms.
You can find adjustable kettlebells online and at most major sporting goods stores.
They are also available at most gyms, and because you are sitting on a stationary bike, it is easy to read or watch television to entertain yourself during a workout.
You can find portobellos at most grocery stores nationwide in the produce section.
Medical release forms are available at most schools, local health departments, and hospitals.
Bust, waist and hips measurements are available at most online vintage stores.
You can also find the pads at most lingerie shops and on Amazon.
These gift sets are available at most lingerie shops and often includes lingerie and other products like massage oils.
Lingerie for warmer weather can be found at most department stores or upscale lingerie shops.
White cotton panties are available at most retailers, anytime of the year.
Similar MP3 downloads can be found at most major online music download sites.
If you are a Halo fan, you'll want to pick up the Halo 2 soundtrack, which can be purchased at most music stores or downloaded from mp3 sites.
You can find music lyrics for the song at most popular lyrics sites, such as and A-Z Lyrics Universe.
They are regulars on the touring circuit and put in appearances at most of the major music festivals.
Use take out boxes for packaging, available at most party supply stores or through Paper Source.
Instead, invest in a professional nail piercer which can be found at most drugstores or beauty supply shops.
You can purchase scar reduction products, aloe vera and vitamin products, exfoliating scrubs, and stretch mark creams at most drug stores and many health and beauty stores nationwide.
Nail stamps and stencils in a zebra pattern can be found at most beauty suppliers and will help you create professional results at home.
Although there is usually an additional fee at most nail salons for a French manicure, the investment is worth it if you want a flawless application.
Chiropractic lab coats can be found at most stores that specialize in scrubs and medical uniforms.
I do pretty good at most stuff and the teacher is nice enough but Janet doesn't like her.
With four days at most remaining in her ability to control the Black God, she suspected she'd be dead in five.
The country was at most periods independent though nominally tributary to China.
The causes of migration from country to city are mainly economic. In early stages of culture men are scattered over the country, or at most gathered together in hamlets and villages.