At-a-time Sentence Examples
Lisa rolled over, coughing and gagging, unable to get enough breath at a time to fill her lungs.
You just have to work at it a little at a time.
I can carry four at a time.
He's not the kind to leave at a time like this.
It was barely enough to water a mule at a time.
Well, yes I do, but I don't know why I gave in to temptation at a time like that.
As she glanced up, Morino and Alex started down the stairs, the tall lanky foreman taking two at a time.
He's never out more than ten to twenty minutes at a time and three or four sessions make a heavy day.
Damian waved to show he'd heard and then took the stairs two at a time to his room.
Controlling a deity would bring incredible power to the demon lord at a time when Rhyn was struggling to battle demons already.
AdvertisementHe hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof.
He would never say 'I told you so' at a time like this.
What an odd thing to say at a time like this, he thought.
Once I have disposed of the you two and your newborn, I shall lure her pack here a few at a time and destroy them all.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
AdvertisementShe heard the gunshots getting closer, one body at a time.
It involves removing your body parts, one at a time.
In the meantime, killing dealers he used to consider colleagues or allies weighed heavily on his emotions at a time when he needed to think clearly.
She heard them and launched herself up the stairs, two at a time.
While not privy to the Council's business, he assessed the appearance of their father at a time when Rhyn was struggling for control did not bode well for any of them.
AdvertisementWe're taking it a day at a time.
I'm not sure I can save you. We'll deal with one soul at a time.
It gives you a hint why the whole crowd wants to carve up Mr. Baratto a piece at a time.
Randy hadn't checked but jogged up the stairs two at a time motioning for Dean to follow to his mother's bedroom.
Carmen watched from the porch as they unloaded them, one at a time.
AdvertisementHe took the steps two at a time and strode to his truck without acknowledging Alex.
He came at a time when I would normally be home - yet if he was in the pasture, he should know I hadn't come home yet.
How can you think of that at a time like this?
Jenn unbuttoned her jacket one button at a time.
Darian hesitated before making his decision and taking the stairs two at a time.
He took the narrow stairs two at a time and reached the top, hacking down a man with his face painted in Memon's colors of black and red.
He made his way to the stairs and jogged up, taking them two at a time.
He took the stairs three at a time and strode into the chambers, barring the door behind him.
He turned and walked away, waiting until he was beyond sight to take the stairs three at a time.
I've caused you so much stress – and at a time when I should have been supporting you.
Sweet, minty and warm, it was comforting at a time when she felt rattled.
But the government of Bombay had hurried on a rupture with the Mahratta confederacy at a time when France was on the point of declaring war against England, and when the mother-country found herself unable to subdue her rebellious colonists in America.
The lesser of these lies towards the east, and its entrance is obstructed by a barrier of rocks, so as to admit the entrance of but one ship at a time.
Wherever they came from, there is abundant evidence that their first occupation of the Australian continent must have been at a time so remote as to permit of no traditions.
His faith made him believe that his adversaries were in the wrong; but how great must have been this faith, which permitted him to undertake the work at a time when mechanical appliances for the execution of such an undertaking did not exist, and when for the utilization of the proposed canal there was as yet no steam mercantile marine !
As late as the accession of Assur-bani-pal and Samas-sum-yukin we find the Babylonians appealing to their city laws that groups of aliens to the number of twenty at a time were free to enter the city, that foreign women once married to Babylonian husbands could not be enslaved and that not even a dog that entered the city could be put to death untried.
On the 23rd of February 1820, at a time of great distress and during the unrest caused by the death of George III., the cabinet ministers had arranged to dine at the earl of Harrowby's house in Grosvenor Square.
He was, moreover, an Imperialist and a Colonial Federationist at a time when Liberalism was tied and bound to the Manchester traditions; and, to the consternation of, the official wire-pullers, he vigorously supported Disraeli's foreign policy, and in 1881 opposed the Gladstonian settlement with the Boers.
But they are handed on only to one member of the family at a time.
The melting of the mountain snow-caps in the spring causes severe freshets, which in turn are followed by long seasons of drought at a time when water is most needed for agricultural purposes.
Crowds of wanderers were to be met on every road; Germany, Holland and Italy were full of Jews who, pack on shoulder, were seeking a precarious livelihood at a time when peddling was neither lucrative nor safe.
More important still were his services in settling the question of the boundary between the United States and British North America at a time when a single injudicious word would probably have provoked a war.
Matthew Paris was unfortunate in living at a time when English politics were peculiarly involved and tedious.
In the case of many subjects this would matter very little, but in that of economics, which touches the ordinary life of the community at so many points, it is of great importance, especially at a time like the present, when economic questions determine the policy of great nations.
In the first of these spheres the victory of Marengo (14th of June 1800) was of special importance, as it consolidated the reputation of Bonaparte at a time when republican opposition was gathering strength.
The number of eggs produced at a time varies enormously according to the species, from about half a dozen, more or less, in some ant-mimicking Attidae or jumping spiders to many hundreds in the larger orbicular-webbed spiders of the family Argyopidae.
The native Christians suffered; the pilgrims of the West found their way made still more difficult, and that at a time when greater numbers than ever were thronging to the East.
The use by the Malays of artificially constructed terms to denote these things may certainly be taken to strengthen the opinion that the Malays arrived in the lands they now inhabit at a comparatively late period in their history, and at a time when they had developed considerably from the original state of primitive man.
These materials were apparently brought together at the beginning of the 9th century, at a time of intense legislative activity at the court of Charlemagne.
He left South Africa while the economic crisis was still acute and at a time when the voice of the critic was audible everywhere; but, in the words of the colonial secretary (Mr Alfred Lyttelton) he had in the eight eventful years of his administration "laid deep and strong the foundation upon which a united South Africa would arise to become one of the great states of the empire."
As regards the first of these, it is curious to observe that the budget decree of 1880 stringently limited the peace strength of the Ottoman army to 100,000 men, " including officers and generals," in order to put a stop to the rapidly increasing military expenditure; but this was merely the expression of a pious wish, at a time when European financial good will was indispensable, that expenditure might be kept down.
They were established at a time when industry was not free, and the government fixed the number of artisans of every kind of trade in each town, no one having 'the right to increase that number.
It was the religious capital of all Islam, and the political capital of the greater part of it, at a time when Islam bore the same relation to civilization which Christendom does to-day.
Care must be taken not to expose goods in the plating-bath to too high a current density, else they may be "burnt"; they must never be exposed one at a time to the full anode surface, with the current flowing in an empty bath, but either one piece at a time should be replaced, or some of the anodes should be transferred temporarily to the place of the cathodes, in order to distribute the current over a sufficient cathode-area.
Lamartine had the advantage of coming at a time when the literary field, at least in the departments of belles lettres, was almost empty.
Although it cannot be said that the science of medicine was advanced at Salerno, still its decline was arrested at a time when every other branch of learning was rapidly falling into decay; and there can be no doubt that the observation of patients in hospitals, and probably clinical instruction, were made use of in learning and teaching.
At the beginning of his reign he ordered a recast of the coinage, with serious results to commerce; civil officials were deprived of offices, which had been conferred free, but were now put up to auction; duties were imposed on exported merchandise and on goods brought into Paris; the practice of exacting heavy fines was encouraged by making the salaries of the magistrates dependent on them; and on the pretext of a crusade to free Armenia from the Turks, Charles obtained from the pope a tithe levied on the clergy, the proceeds of which he kept for his own use; he also confiscated the property of the Lombard bankers who had been invited to France by his father at a time of financial crisis.
Meantime, the men quitting work are ascending in a similar way, as there is room on each platform for two men at a time when passing each other.
When a suitable temperature for the fusion of the particular glass in question has been attained, the mixture of raw materials is introduced in comparatively small quantities at a time.
Two of the number are nominated by their colleagues as burgomasters, who preside in succession for a year at a time and hold office four years, one retiring every two years.
As an application of moving axes, consider the motion of liquid filling the ellipsoidal case 2 y 2 z2 Ti + b1 +- 2 = I; (1) and first suppose the liquid be frozen, and the ellipsoid l3 (4) (I) (6) (9) (I o) (II) (12) (14) = 2 U ¢ 2, (15) rotating about the centre with components of angular velocity, 7 7, f'; then u= - y i +z'i, v = w = -x7 7 +y (2) Now suppose the liquid to be melted, and additional components of angular velocity S21, 522, S23 communicated to the ellipsoidal case; the additional velocity communicated to the liquid will be due to a velocity-function 2224_ - S2 b c 6 a 5 x b2xy, as may be verified by considering one term at a time.
Thus, whereas prophecy had to deal with temporary reverses at the hands of some heathen power, apocalyptic arose at a time when Israel had been subject for generations to the sway of one or other of the great worldpowers.
There were 3200 such citizens, and they sat one-third at a time for six months.
The young shoots from these buds are to be gently brought to a horizontal position, by bending them a little at a time.
In his earlier career he had voiced the aspirations of a section of the people at a time when it appeared to them that their national existence was threatened.
The Yahweh, at a time known only to Himself, shall appear with all His saints on Mount Olivet and destroy the heathen in battle, while the men of Jerusalem take refuge in their terror in the great cleft, that opens where Yahweh sets His foot.
We should thus have in the tablets evidence of the worship of Yahweh among the Western Semites at a time long before the rise of Israel.
Yet, great as had been the services of the tax at a time of national danger, Gladstone could not consent to retain it as a part of the permanent and ordinary finances of the country.
In his lifetime, Defoe, as not belonging to either of the great parties at a time of the bitterest party strife, was subjected to obloquy on both sides.
Swift and Gay speak slightingly of him, - the former, it is true, at a time when he was only known as a party pamphleteer.
Even though we admit that Chios, Lesbos and Samos (up to 440) retained their oligarchic governments and that Selymbria, at a time (409 B.C.) when the empire was in extremis, was permitted to choose its own constitution, there can be no doubt that, from whatever motive and with whatever result, Athens did exercise over many of her allies an authority which extended to the most intimate concerns of local administration.
The sign of the electrification imparted to the electroscope when so charged - that is, whether positive or negative - can be determined by rubbing the sealing-wax rod with flannel and the glass rod with silk, and approaching them gently to the electroscope one at a time.
Asquith, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, as his parliamentary secretary, and continued in that position when his chief succeeded to the premiership. Early in 'giro he was appointed Under-Secretary for India, at a time when Lord Morley's tenure of the Secretaryship of State for India was drawing to a close.
An order in council (1899) making English the language of the courts after fifteen years (by which the Maltese would have obtained the right to be tried in English) was promulgated at a time when the system of taxation was also being revised; henceforth agitation in favour of Italian and against taxation attained proportions unpleasant for those who preferred popularity to reform and progress.
He had to face the dominant fact of the situation - the aggressive pressure of Germany at a time when Russia was drifting into an internal crisis of the first magnitude and was unable to concentrate the material and moral forces required in the coming conflict.
But teachers were poorly paid, and fourteen schools have been closed at a time within a single county from want of teachers.
At any instant of time it is at some point of space, and it is never in more than one place at a time.
In 1901 the population was 11,987; but the census is taken at a time when many of the fishermen and their families are away in the islands.
Had he been a "semi-Graecus," like Ennius and Pacuvius, or of humble origin, like Plautus, Terence or Accius, he would scarcely have ventured, at a time when the senatorial power was strongly in the ascendant, to revive the role which had proved disastrous to Naevius; nor would he have had the intimate knowledge of the political and social life of his day which fitted him to be its painter.
Franklin's position in France was a difficult one from the start, because of the delicacy of the task of getting French aid at a time when France was unready openly to take sides against Great Britain.
He had the good taste to recognize, and the spirit to make public his recognition of, the excellence of Gray's odes at a time when they were either ridiculed or neglected.
As under the republic, the praefect was not allowed to quit the city for more than a day at a time.
Gregory's position was almost inexpugnable at a time when it was conceded by practically all that spiritual concerns were incalculably more momentous than secular, that the Church was rightly one and indivisible, with one divinely revealed faith and a system of sacraments absolutely essential to salvation.
This comes out in the writings both of Robinson and of Henry Jacob, both of whom passed gradually from Puritanism to Separatism at a time when the silencing of some 300 Puritan clergy by the Canons of 1604, and the exercise of the royal supremacy under Archbishop Bancroft, brought these " brethren of the Second Separation " into closer relations with the earlier Separatists.
Several types of horse-drawn hoe capable of working one or more rows at a time are used among root and grain crops.
He lived at a time when the exigencies of state seemed to require the peculiar talents which he possessed.
His long experience, his wide reading and his thorough knowledge of all sorts and conditions of men, enabled him to act quickly at a time of crisis, but his important speeches, or a course of political action that might be far-reaching in its effect, were not cast into their final form without careful consultation with the best advisers he could obtain.
Keller, "in an age when iron and bronze had been long known, but had not come into our districts in such plenty as to be used for the common purposes of household life, at a time when amber had already taken its place as an ornament and had become an object of traffic."
According to the ordinary laws of research, the book, being written at a time long posterior to the events it records, can have only a secondary value, although that is no reason why here and there valuable material should not have been preserved.
But this only means that we cannot draw a hard and fast line between groups of early Christian writings at a time when practical religious interests overshadowed all others.
Education was shamefully neglected, the masses being left in almost heathen ignorance - and this, too, at a time when the upper classes were greedily appropriating the ripe fruits of the Renaissance and when, to use the words of a contemporary, there were "more Latinists in Poland than there used to be in Latium."
He was not to lead the militia across the border except with the consent of the szlachta, and then only for three months at a time.
At a subsequent confederation, held at Lublin in June, Zebrzydowski was reinforced by another great nobleman, Stanislaus Stadnicki, called the Devil, who "had more crimes on his conscience than hairs on his head," and was in the habit of cropping the ears and noses of small squires and chaining his serfs to the walls of his underground dungeons for months at a time.
Here may be mentioned, although living a little time before the reign of Stanislaus, a Polish poetess, Elizabeth Druzbacka (1695-1760), whose writings show a feeling for nature at a time when verse-making of the most artificial type was prevalent throughout the country.
It is important that no more should be supplied at a time than is necessary, as most animals rapidly foul their food, and except in a few special cases, wild animals are peculiarly liable to the evil results of stale or putrid substances.
Several are generally used at a time and without copes, as rats are fierce fighters.
Naultinus elegans of New Zealand is said to be viviparous; the others lay but one rather large egg at a time.
The age of the Reformation gave a great stimulus to the production of catechisms. This was but natural at a time when the invention of printing had thrown the Bible open to all, and carried the war of religious opinion from the schools into the streets.
Improved brakes worked by a treadle strip two rods at a time.
In the early scheme, at a time when a pecuniary valuation had replaced land and its appurtenances (res mancipi) as the basis of qualification, five divisions (classes) were recognized whose property was assessed respectively at Ioo,000, 75,0 00, 50,000, 25,000 and Ii,000 (or 12,500) asses.
John of Gaunt, indeed, at a time when it was possible that he would never obtain the Leicester moiety of the Lancastrian estates, seems to have made an ingenious but quite unfounded claim to the office as annexed to the honor of Hinckley.
It may be said to have begun with the visit of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce to Paris in 1900, at a time when France was still smarting from the humiliation of the Fashoda affair, and the Boer War was exciting hostile demonstrations against Great Britain throughout the continent of Europe.
We cannot but suppose that at a time when the number of the original band of disciples of Jesus who survived must have been becoming noticeably smaller, and all these were advanced in life, the importance of writing down that which had been orally delivered concerning the Gospel-history must have been realized.
In 1647 he records that at a time when all outward help had failed "I heard a voice which said, ` There is one, even Christ Jesus, that can speak to thy condition.'
Motley acknowledges his indebtedness to Groen's Archives in the preface to his Rise of the Dutch Republic, at a time when the American historian had not yet made the acquaintance of King William's archivist, and also bore emphatic testimony to Groen's worth as a writer of history in the correspondence published after his death.
Such a circumstance occurring at a time of general festivity, when devices, mottoes and conceits of all kinds were adopted as ornaments or badges of the habits worn at jousts and tournaments, would naturally have been commemorated as other royal expressions seem to have been by its conversion into a device and motto for the dresses at an approaching hastilude."
But a younger member of the household, Willie Douglas, aged eighteen, whose devotion was afterwards remembered and his safety cared for by Mary at a time of utmost risk and perplexity to herself, succeeded on the 2nd of May in assisting her to escape by a 1 It is to be observed that the above conclusion as to the authenticity of the Casket Letters is the same as that arrived at upon different grounds by the most recent research on the subject.
It was probably at the time when a desire for revenge on her calumniatress made her think the opportunity good and safe for discharge of such a two-edged dart at the countess and the queen that Mary wrote, but abstained from despatching, the famous and terrible letter in which, with many gracious excuses and professions of regret and attachment, she transmits to Elizabeth a full and vivid report of the hideous gossip retailed by Bess of Hardwick regarding her character and person at a time when the reporter of these abominations was on friendly terms with her husband's royal charge.
Here the charging machine lifts one box at a time from its car, pushes it through the momentarily opened furnace door, and empties the metal upon the hearth of the furnace by inverting the box, which it then replaces on its car.
After much unnecessary delay, at a time when prompt action was required, the prince on the 23rd of September entered Brussels and, with little opposition, occupied the upper or court portion of it, but when they attempted to advance into the lower town the troops found the streets barricaded and defended by citizens in arms. Desultory fighting between the soldiers and the insurgents continued for three days until, finding that he was making no headway, the prince ordered a retreat.
It soon became clear, however, that the qualities which had made Clement an excellent second in command were not equal to the exigencies of supreme power at a time of peculiar peril and difficulty.
In the chapter (xx.) of that work where Hobbes dealt with the famous problem whose solution he thought he had found, there were left expressions against Vindex (Ward) at a time when the solutions still seemed to him good; but the solutions themselves, as printed, were allowed to be all in different ways halting, as he naively confessed he had discovered only when he had been driven by the insults of malevolent men to examine them more closely with the help of his friends.
The water is not to be allowed to remain too long on the ground at a time.
The various anti-Nebraska elements came together, in Illinois as elsewhere, to form a new party at a time when the old parties were disintegrating; and in 1856 the Republican party was formally organized in the state.
But in 1234, at a time of great and increasing disorder in Germany, he rebelled; he appealed publicly to the princes for support, gained some followers, especially in his own duchy of Swabia, and made an alliance with the Lombard cities.
Lasker soon died; others, such as Forckenbeck and Bunsen, retired from public life, unable to maintain their position at a time when the struggle of class interests had superseded the old conflicts of principle.
There was therefore a constant decrease in the income from land, and this took place at a time when the great growth of wealth among the industrial classes had made living more costly.
This important reform has thereby been brought to a satisfactory conclusion, and at a time when the political difficulties had reached a most acute stage.
As among the German National party, there were strong nationalist elements in his programme, but they were chiefly directed against Jews and Hungarians; Lueger had already distinguished himself by his violent attacks on Hungary, which had caused some embarrassment to the government at a time when the negotiations for the Ausgleich were in progress.
In 1897, at a time when disputes with France upon the western frontier had reached a very active stage, the company entered upon a' campaign against the Mahommedan sovereign of Nupe.
Akin to this condition is that in which the power of maintaining muscular effort is increased; the individual may lie stiff with merely head and feet supported on two chairs; the limbs can be held outstretched for hours at a time.
It was circumnavigated by one of their vessels in 1525, and the general outline of the coasts is correctly given in their maps at a time when separate portions of Celebes, such as Macassar and Menado, are represented as distinct islands.
After a childhood spent in an austerity which stigmatized as unholy even the novels of Sir Walter Scott, he began his college career at the age of fourteen at a time when Christopher North and Dr Ritchie were lecturing on Moral Philosophy and Logic. His first philosophical advance was stimulated by Thomas Brown's Cause and Effect, which introduced him to the problems which were to occupy his thought.
By eloquence, readiness of wit, and adroit flattery of the jury he contrived to secure his acquittal in the face of the open hostility of the judge - a unique achievement at a time when the condemnation of prisoners whom the authorities wished to convict was a mere matter of course.
Omissions of a few passages written from memory at a time of profound nervous depression would have altered the whole character of the book.
Although a Giolittian at heart, he was in favour of intervention in the World War at a time when many other politicians still hesitated and most of his party were decided neutralists.
On his side, Soimonov had been compelled to break up his regular lines of columns at the narrowest part of the ridge and to push his battalions forward a few at a time.
Five of the seven judges in 1837 were his appointees, and the majority of them were Southerners who had been educated under Democratic influences at a time when the slavery controversy was forcing the party to return to its original strict construction views.
And we may be sure that any such narrative concerning One who was so deeply reverenced would be most carefully scrutinized at a time when many were still living whose memories went back to the period of Our Lord's public ministry.
In the last half of 1920 the great fall in prices, at a time when the administration had placed heavy export duties on cotton, tea and tobacco, caused a financial crisis.
He reduced the army, cut down the soldiers' pay, failed to keep up the supply of war material, and neglected the frontier fortresses at a time when the Seljuk Turks were pressing hard upon the eastern portion of the empire.
The year 1520 saw the publication of his three most important works, all written at a time when he was fully convinced that he had broken for ever with Rome.
Throughout he was conspicuous as an opponent of the extension of slavery, though he was never technically an abolitionist, and in particular he was the champion in the House of Representatives of the right of petition at a time when, through the influence of the Southern members, this right was, in practice, denied by that body.
His conduct of affairs in Egypt at a time when the treasury was empty and the troops were discontented for want of pay, shows that his powers as an administrator were little - if at all - inferior to those he possessed as a general.
The first known mention of it seems to be that by Hsuan-Tsang, at a time when apparently it had already passed its meridian, and was the head of one of the small states into which the empire of the White Huns had broken up. At a later period Bamian was for half a century, ending A.D.
The Tawahhid (The Unity of God), said to have been written in Moroccan Berber and believed to be the oldest African work in existence, except Egyptian and Ethiopic, was the work of the Muwahhadi leader, Ibn Tumart the Mandi, at a time when the officials of the Kairawan mosque were dismissed because they could not speak Berber.
He came to the throne at a time when the attacks of the Greeks in Cilicia, and of Zengi on Edessa, were fatally weakening the position of the Franks in northern Syria; and from the beginning of his reign the power of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem may be said to be slowly declining, though as yet there is little outward trace of its decay to be seen.
A large eccentricity also produces an unsymmetrical light variation, the minimum occurring at a time not midway between two maxima; stars of this character are called Cepheid variables, after the typical star S Cephei.
It was the work of the labour party, passed at a time of high discontent, and goes at great length into the details of government, as was demanded by the state of public opinion.
The contention for Homer, in short, began at a time when his real history was lost, and he had become a sort of mythical figure, an " eponymous hero," or personification of a great school of poetry.
Whilst Sankara's chief title to fame rests on his philosophical works, as the upholder of the strict monistic theory of Vedanta, he doubtless played an important part in the partial remodelling of the Hindu system of belief at a time when Buddhism was rapidly losing ground in India.
Rule Ix.-Cargo, Ship'S Materials, And Stores Burnt For Fuel Cargo, ship's materials and stores, or any of them, necessarily burnt for fuel for the common safety at a time of peril, shall be admitted as G.A., when and only when an ample supply of fuel had been provided; but the estimated quantity of coals that would have been consumed, calculated at the price current at the ship's last port of departure at the date of her leaving, shall be charged to the shipowner and credited to the G.A.
Though to this, the last prince of Wales, political sagacity and a firm desire for peace have often been ascribed, it must be admitted that he showed himself both turbulent and rash at a time when the most cautious diplomacy on his part was essential for his country's existence.
Moreover, in proportion as the clergy, no longer mere ringleaders of a despised and persecuted sect, became beneficiaries and administrators of rich endowments - and this at a time when the external safeguards against embezzlement were comparatively weak - a strong feeling grew up among the laity that church revenues should not go to support the priest's family.
Yet this was at a time when the decisive and continued action of two great popes ought to have left no possible doubt as to the law of the church.
Both Nicholson's and Kijnig's machines printed only one side at a time - the second or backing printing being a separate and distinct operation - but they really embodied the general principles on which all other machines have been constructed or modelled.
Stockholm was founded by Birger Jarl, it is said, in or about 1255, at a time when pirate fleets were less common than they had been, and the government was anxious to establish commercial relations with the towns which were now beginning to flourish on the southern coast of the Baltic. The city was originally founded as a fortress on the island of Stadholm.
The conditions of enlistment and reserve in the territorial force are a four years' engagement (former yeomen and volunteers being however allowed to extend for one year at a time if they desire to do so), within each year a consecutive training in camp of 14-18 days and a number of "drills" (attendances at company and battalion parades) that varies with the branch and the year of service.
It should be remembered that many of these railway enterprises of the desert region originated at a time when the territory belonged to Bolivia and Peru.
It is rare, not more than two being generally found together, and only brings forth one young at a time.
For this purpose solutions of sulphate of copper or of nitrate of silver may be gently introduced into the bowel in quantities of a quart at a time.
Like many other Whigs, he felt that all questions of domestic policy must at a time of European peril be postponed.
It must be remembered that they flourished at a time when the separate interests of master and servant had not yet been created; and, indeed, when that fundamental division of interests arose, the companies gradually lost their functions in the regulation of industry.
The description of Pausanias was written at a time when the lower city was deserted, and only the temples and the gates left; and the references to Thebes in the Attic dramatists are, like those to Mycenae and Argos, of little or no topographical value.
He came just at a time when the characteristic ideas of the 17th century - the ideas of Louis XIV., of Bossuet and Boileau - had lost their savour, and before another creed could arise to take their place.
Zeno's residence at Athens fell at a time when the great movement which Socrates originated had spent itself in the second generation of his spiritual descendants.
His language in approval of the resistance of the colonists was unusually bold, and perhaps no one but himself could have employed it with impunity at a time when the freedom of debate was only imperfectly conceded.
The Kuznetsk Ala-tau mines are only now beginning to be explored, while the copper, and perhaps also the silver, ores of the Altai proper were worked by the mysterious prehistoric race of the Chudes at a time when the use of iron was not yet known.
He began to write at a time when, after a century of disturbance, the mass of men had been contented to purchase peace at the price of liberty.
The discovery (by Professor Helbig in 1886) of two sets of actual apparatus near Perugia and various representations on vases help to elucidate the somewhat obscure accounts of the method of playing the game contained in the scholia and certain ancient authors who, it must not be forgotten, wrote at a time when the game itself had become obsolete, and cannot therefore be looked to for a trustworthy description of it.
He entered the faculty of advocates in 1800, and attached himself, not to the party of his relatives, who could have afforded him most valuable patronage, but to the Whig or Liberal party, and that at a time when it.
Danish peat-mosses again show the existence of man at a time when the Scotch fir was abundant; at a later period the firs were succeeded by oaks, which have again been almost superseded by beeches, a succession of changes which indicate a considerable lapse of time.
They are undoubtedly a group of European or Asiatic origin, and obtained an entrance into America at a time when that continent was connected with Asia by way of Bering Strait.
It was preached to a congregation who were careless and loose in their lives at a time when " the neighbouring towns were in great distress for their souls."
As professor of philosophy at the newly founded academy of Constantinople he revived the cult of Plato at a time when Aristotle held the field; this, together with his admiration for the old pagan glories of Hellas, aroused suspicions as to his orthodoxy.
Thus, at a time when this style (Padishah) was refused by the Sultan to the tsars of Russia, and even to the Holy Roman Emperor himself, it was allowed to the French kings, who in diplomatic correspondence and treaties with Turkey called themselves "emperor of France" (empereur de France).
He taught law subsequently at Pisa, at Florence, at Padua and at Pavia, at a time when the schools of law in those universities disputed the palm with the school of Bologna.
In actual practice, of course, we subtract large multiples at a time.
But-in addition the king kept all wealthy posts, such as bishoprics and abbacies, vacant for years at a time and appropriated the revenue meanwhile.
The king, indignant that an attempt should be made to exempt the vast ecclesiastical lands from taxation at a time of national crisis, sequestrated the estates of the see of Canterbury, and copied Johns conduct in 1208 by outlawing the whole body of the clergy.
It grew gradually worse, and developed into what his contemporaries called leprosya loathsome skin disease accompanied by bouts of fever, which sometimes kept him bedridden for months at a time.
Gladstones great age, and the marvellous powers which he displayed at a time when most men seek the repose of retirement, were the chief causes which affected the results.
Others (the Constantinopolitans) began their fasts seven weeks before Easter, but fasted only on alternate weeks, five days at a time.
At the diet of 1789 Fersen marshalled the nobility around him for a combat d outrance against the throne and that, too, at a time when Sweden was involved in two dangerous foreign wars, and national unity was absolutely indispensable.
The command which his idiosyncrasies had upon him is shown, for example, by reproachful speeches on the treatment of Ireland, and by a startling harangue on behalf of the Chartists, at a time when such irregularities could but damage him, a new man, where he hoped for influence and office.
This appears in his works on social polity, written at a time when the principles of democracy and toleration were struggling with divine right of kings, and when " the popular assertors of public liberty were the greatest engrossers of it too."
The men living at one end of the farm may not see those at the other for months at a time.
He tried to retrieve his position in the country, and succeeded in a great measure, by granting a very liberal constitution (January 1889, or Dec. 1888 O.S.) at a time when all agitation for a new constitution had been given up. Then, to the great astonishment of the Servians and of his Russian enemies, King Milan voluntarily abdicated, placing the government of the country in the hands of a regency during the minority of his only son Alexander, whom he proclaimed king of Servia on the 6th of March 1889.
This school flourished at a time when medieval thought was directed to the ancient philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, and had perversely come to regard Aristotle as merely the founder of abstract logic and formal intellectualism, as opposed to Plato whose doctrine of Ideas seemed to tend in a naturalistic direction.
This courageous offer, made at a time when the situation in France was so menacing, was never forgotten by the Allies, though declined for the moment on purely military grounds.
Handel was appreciated in Dublin at a time when it was still the fashion to decry him in London.
Charles, ad loc. Israel; but this unity was not felt at certain periods of disorganization, and the idea of including Judah among the sons of Israel could not have arisen at a time when Israel and Judah were rival kingdoms.'
Thus Rome allowed the wolves to mingle with the dogs in watching over the flock, just at a time when the civil wars of the 4th century had denuded the Rhenish frontier of troops, whose numbers had already been diminished by Constantine.
Richelieu had been able to surmount these difficulties because he governed in the name of a king of full age, and against isolated adversaries; while Mazarin had the latter against Richelicu him in a coalition which had lasted ten years, with aria, the further disadvantages of his foreign origin and a royal minority at a time when every one was sick of government by ministers.
In the Angevin Vendee the incapable leaders let themselves be beaten at Aubiers, Beauprau and Thouars, at a time when Cathelineau was taking possession of Saumur and threatening Nantes, the capture of which would have permitted the insurgents in La Vende to join those of Brittany and receive provisions from England; Meanwhile, the remnants of the Girondin federalists were overcome by the disguised royalists, who had aroused the whole of the Rhne valley from Lyons to Marseilles, had called in the Sardinians, and handed over the fleet and the arsenal at Toulon to the English, whilst Paoli left Corsica at their disposal.
The festival of the new doctrine, which turned the head of the new pontiff (June 8), the loi de Prairial, or code of legal murder (June 10), which gave the deputies themselves into his hand; and the multiplication of executions at a time when the victory of Fleurus (June 25) showed the uselessness and barbarity of this aggravation of the Reign of Terror provoked against him the victorious coalition of revenge, lassitude and fear.
He was liberal to the poor; it was his custom to comment severely in his preaching on the public characters of his times; and he introduced popular reforms in the order and manner of public worship. It is alleged, too, that at a time when the influence of Ambrose required vigorous support, he was admonished in a dream to search for, and found under the pavement of the church, the remains of two martyrs, Gervasius and Protasius.
When, on the 18th of April 1670, he was dismissed, nobody sympathized with the man who had grown wealthy at a time when other people found it hard to live.
To be chosen superior, fifteen years of membership are requisite as a qualification, and the office is tenable, as all the others, for but three years at a time.
The moulds are frequently arranged in frames, so that by means of an overhead crane one complete row is lifted at a time.
This mode of colonization was especially favourable to the peasantry, who seem in Brandenburg to have retained the disposal of their persons and property at a time when villenage or serfdom was the ordinary status of their class elsewhere.
Their strength, however, was perhaps more usefully shown in their ability to resist the nobles, a proceeding which saved industry and commerce from extinction at a time of unbridled lawlessness.
He was a keen sportsman and would spend many days at a time pursuing chamois or steinbock in the Alpine fastnesses of Piedmont with nothing but bread and cheese to eat.
He hadn.t eaten in too long, and to have his mate so close … Rhyn took the stairs two at a time until he reached the roof.
She reached out her hand again but when Dean turned away, she continued with her breakfast, a nibble at a time.
Please respect the enjoyment of other climbers by not occupying more than two routes at a time.
It was egregious that stores of immense power were wasted on such a creature at a time when Damian needed all the help he could get.
I've caused you so much stress – and at a time when I should have been supporting you.
The tea room can accommodate up to 60 at a time.
Muscle atrophy in rodents is created by suspending the animals by their tails for weeks or months at a time.
This will make many people feel desolate and depressed at a time they need to see their loved ones daily.
The audience enter a booth one at a time to watch a three minute performance through a small rectangular aperture.
Better still this was to happen in October at a time when my local rivers were closed as King Salmon took ascendancy.
I went to all the previews, signed autographs for many, many hours at a time.
I met him at a time in my life when I was ready to see the world and he just took the blinkers off.
Use the four bolts to pull the whole assembly together slowly by tightening opposite bolts a little at a time.
The boxes were intended to hold bonbons or confectionery delicacies at a time when sugar was quite expensive.
The modern clubhouse can provide first class catering for up to 60 persons at a time.
It is probably coincidental that life at the Limebrook Way farm site ceased at a time of unprecedented threat to the mighty Roman Empire.
They make a huge batch of basic curry sauce at a time then use a little for each curry sauce at a time then use a little for each curry.
He was the giant of the new realist theater at a time when our West End was still dallying with drawing room comedies.
We are currently enjoying this planet close to its maximum northern declination at a time when the ring system is wide open.
Each line does something different, but only one can be used at a time!
His election, as might have been expected at a time of such great internal dissension, had not been unattended with difficulties.
This acts to control the amount of digested stomach contents chyme - which slowly enters the duodenum a little amount at a time.
Students are typically expected to work on one sub-problem at a time in small teams using experiential learning methods.
The traditional method would have been to use a tube extractor to pull out one tube at a time.
Many people take an antispasmodic medicine for a week or so at a time to control pain when bouts of pain flare-up.
The second flip-flop can change state at a time other than the active clock edge.
S34 Perhaps, they argue, it is because it suffered two sudden floods in quick succession at a time of year?
Use the cling fim to add the gnocchi in batches, about twenty at a time.
He helped me settle in at a time when I was so homesick I just wanted to go back home.
Only one accelerated increment may be applied for at a time.
There was no explanation for the sudden inrushes of water which were estimated to be up to half a million gallons at a time.
The Profile has been developed at a time when the European Union is undertaking a number of initiatives to promote language learning and teaching.
Apply the varnish in the direction of the grain to a couple of boards at a time along their entire length.
These guys just saved my butt at a time in my life when I just needed levity, there they were.
Indeed Thomas Carlyle had numerous maidservants since he had a large house and only employed one at a time.
I'm really sorry to hear they got the meds wrong, not what you want to hear at a time like that.
Set the timer back to come on at a time when he did n't miaow or cause havoc.
Bathing machines were invented to protect the modesty of female bathers at a time before'mixed bathing ' was acceptable.
It prevents us from understanding Nama and rupa as they present themselves through the six doors, one at a time.
You only had to do this for an hour at a time because it was so nerve-racking.
They treasure stride at a time the all-suite oceanfront shops and a. To settle into in a cart.
This holds to a lesser extent on the client side, with a minimal overhead involved in decompressing a few pages at a time.
You should not take painkillers for headache for more than a few days at a time.
Proposals set down on goatskin parchment were sent to the French Pope at Avignon at a time when Catholicism was divided.
I can fight patriarchy one pickle jar at a time.
He was regarded as the consummate peacemaker at a time of international tension.
Cutting back on the number of tests taken by young people will help relieve pressure on young people at a time of enormous transition.
Take a teaspoon at a time for a natural cough remedy.
The browser will enforce the restriction of one button selected at a time.
Compact home coffee roaster that will roast 150g of green coffee at a time.
My diary is very slippy too & I often have to make up for 6 days at a time.
Members are helped to achieve sobriety by staying away from drink, one day at a time.
We live in a wasteful society at a time of economic stringency.
It was a typical piece of political and verbal swordplay by Ecclestone at a time when he is renegotiating F1's contract with Indianapolis.
The artist invites the participant one at a time to a sensory experience involving a rhythmic time cycle involved in Indian tabla drumming.
He had developed the " harmonic telegraph " which could send more than one message at a time over a single telegraph wire.
The new machine was used for shunting, and had enough power to push three loaded trucks along the tramway at a time.
Ideally only dilute one vaccine vial at a time.
Our silver service waitresses serve your meals at a time to suit you, between 6.30pm and 8.00pm.
The process to master hypnotic selling is the same way you would eat a watermelon; one bite at a time.
Gradually beat in the whisked eggs adding a little at a time using an electric whisked eggs adding a little at a time using an electric whisk.
They can only fly a few yards at a time.
We can take up to about 50 guests at a time all year-round.
As secretary to the conclave which assembled in the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore at Venice, Consalvi had the difficult task of corresponding with the various governments and organizing the assembly at a time when the Revolution had confused all issues and reduced the individual cardinals to beggary.
The discovery of copper had a marked effect on the fortunes of South Australia at a time when the young colony was surrounded by difficulties.
He regards the Australians as representing the lowest and most primitive examples of this primitive Caucasic type, and he urges that they must have arrived in Australia at a time when their ancestors had no pottery, knew no agriculture, domesticated no animals, had no houses and used no bows and arrows.
He appeared at a time when contempt for intellectual pursuits had begun to pervade society.
In the Eulerian notation u, v, w denote the components of the velocity q parallel to the coordinate axes at any point (x, y, z) at the time t; u, v, w are functions of x, y, z, t, the independent variables; and d is used here to denote partial differentiation with respect to any one of these four independent variables, all capable of varying one at a time.
But he was what Horace was not, a thoroughly good hater; and he lived at a time when the utmost freedom of speech and the most unrestrained indulgence of public and private animosity were the characteristics of men who took a prominent part in affairs.
It would on its side be, indeed, a paradox if at a time when the validity of human ideals and the responsibility of nations and individuals to realize them is more universally recognized than ever before on our planet, the philosophical theory which hitherto has been chiefly identified with their vindication should be turned against them.
The early history is therefore contracted into a series of tribal and priestly genealogies, which were doubtless by no means„ the least interesting part of the work at a time when every contained also matter not derived from these works, for it is pretty clear from 2 Kings xxi.
It was written to instruct and encourage the Christians of Asia Minor at a time of persecution, which on the hypothesis of genuineness, would be the Neronian, i.e.
In 1204 Hubert distinguished himself by a long and obstinate defence of Chinon, at a time when nearly the whole of Poitou had passed into French hands.
These movements, promoted by the councils of Constance and Basel, partook of the spirit of the time and were characterized by an extreme austerity of life and a certain hardness of spirit, and a sort of police regulation easily understandable at a time of reaction from grave abuses.
Like many other predominantly religious characters, he had no appreciation of poetic beauty; and if we may believe one anecdote related of him, at a time when every one made verses, he affected ignorance of the most elementary rules of prosody.
It is impossible to give more than approximately accurate statistics of the resultant depopulation of Portugal; but it seems probable that the inhabitants of the kingdom decreased from about 1,800,000 or 2,000,000 in 1500 to The Slave thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and p emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates, unscientifically cultivated by slaves and comparable with the latifundia which caused so many agrarian evils during the last two centuries of the Roman republic. The decadence of agriculture partly explains the prevalence of famine at a time when Portuguese maritime commerce was most prosperous.
Some of it is known, but the function of each of the thirty thousand genes has to be figured out one at a time.
Highly specialized experts are a few keystrokes away and can be hired for just a few minutes or hours at a time.
You might remember the story of Kyle MacDonald who famously traded up from one red paperclip to a house, one small exchange at a time between July 2005 and July 2006.
A century ago, cars were made one at a time by a half dozen people working together.
My teacher and I played it for hours at a time.
I never had patience to arrange more than five or six groups at a time.
He had to pass five hours at a time to have them counted.
Only once afterward in fifteen years was their constant companionship broken for more than a few days at a time.
She has a very sociable disposition, and delights in the companionship of those who can follow the rapid motions of her fingers; but if left alone she will amuse herself for hours at a time with her knitting or sewing.
When Miss Sullivan went out in the barnyard and picked up a little chicken and talked to Helen about it, she was giving a kind of instruction impossible inside four walls, and impossible with more than one pupil at a time.
The little princess and Mademoiselle Bourienne had already received from Masha, the lady's maid, the necessary report of how handsome the minister's son was, with his rosy cheeks and dark eyebrows, and with what difficulty the father had dragged his legs upstairs while the son had followed him like an eagle, three steps at a time.
Pierre heard the French consulting whether to shoot them separately or two at a time.
For this reason we strongly recommend only one user at a time on a rectangular trampoline.
It is capable of refueling 2 aircraft at a time from the wing pods.
One at a time these carts were driven off, sagging under the weight.
The last charge is particularly sensitive at a time when anti-U.S. sentiment is high in the region amid bloody Israeli-Palestinian clashes.
It happened at a time when the Conservative Party needed careerist pragmatism to be supplanted by something else.
Have virtually unassailable that into a that includes a at a time.
This is probably unavoidable at a time when the basic weave and texture of mankind 's experience is changing so radically.
Gradually beat in the whisked eggs adding a little at a time using an electric whisk.
I cannot cope with white-hot heat unless I can avoid moving about for more than a minute at a time - carrying a fan.
This means regularly applying the whitening product at home over two to four weeks, for 30 minutes to one hour at a time.
I plan on focusing on a few chapters at a time and really learning the material well.
I plan on focusing on a few chapters at a time and really learning thematerial well.
A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, but can last for days at a time.
Try each food for two or three days at a time before moving on to the next to check for allergic reactions.
When your child has received an abundance of new toys, you should put some of them away, leaving her only a few to play with at a time.
You should continue to introduce new baby foods, but be sure you introduce only one new food at a time to rule out any food allergies.
Breast milk or formula should still be the main staple of your baby's diet, but you can begin introducing solid foods, one food at a time to rule out food allergies.
You might want to start off small, and add to your child's nursery, one section or wall at a time.
Double Breast Pump-Mothers of twins don't have time to pump one breast at a time.
Enlist the help of friends and family members, and try to take things a step at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed.
You can purchase the entire set or give a piece at a time.
Your pediatrician will probably advise you to only introduce one food at a time.
Don't push your child too quickly; take it one step at a time.
Once you start potty training, take it one day at a time.
Once you become more comfortable with how to make baby food, you can expand your baby's diet a little at a time (barring any food allergies, of course).
Married couples and single women may apply to adopt more than one child at a time.
In some cases, especially with fine china, you can buy one place setting at a time.
It is important that you not buy too much tea at a time.
Most online rental stores allow you two to three DVDs at a time.
Shredders can take a single sheet at a time for shredding or a number of sheets together.
This will ensure that you don't spend inordinate time at the shredder feeding in one sheet at a time!
So, subscribe to the service you choose at a few months at a time until you are confident the company will be there for you long into the future.
Beautiful but territorial, only one male Betta can be kept in a tank at a time.
Give them to your friends, keep them as replacements in case a card from your primary deck becomes lost or bent, or play with more than one deck at a time.
Buying one at a time still gets you a great deal where the wholesale price is usually around half of the suggested retail value.
How many pages do you anticipate needing to print at a time.
The site claims the prices are wholesale prices, but you are able to buy just one item at a time.
With most supply companies you can either visit their showroom or just shop online for the convenience of ordering everything you need -- from filler to the actual basket -- at a time that works best for you.
Once you have made the dough ball, take ½ teaspoon full at a time and roll it into a log shape (or what I call the worm).
Once you get him to use the litter box, begin to slowly move it back to where you want it to be located, showing him where the box is and doing this slowly, a little at a time.
People were all asking questions at once, and we all had to slow down, to let each person ask one question at a time.
But only add a bit at a time - not too much - because you don't want the dough to be too runny to work with.
It's also not a good idea to work your cat to the point of exhaustion, so limit play sessions to about ten minutes at a time.
Be sure to keep the sessions short, never more than three to five minutes at a time.
If it is too thick and you need to add some water, then add ¼ cup of water at a time.
Add the tuna mixture to the dry ingredients, and add the water a little at a time until a slightly sticky dough ball is formed.
Once you have discussed your cat's unique nutritional needs with your veterinarian, you can begin to switch her to homemade foods a little at a time.
This technique requires that one spouse speak at a time while the other spouse actively listens.
However, let him know that when he does decide that it has to be at a time that is convenient for both you and your child.
Having a service member leave a household for months or years at a time causes heartache.