Assuming Sentence Examples
Assuming this is true, what was the price?
She believes you to be interested only in assuming her position.
He'd entered twice since assuming his duties.
Assuming you make it that far.
I'm assuming he kept you because you're the best surgeon there is.
Assuming the dream was over, she lay down again.
Lana stepped out of the doorway as he approached, assuming he meant to ignore her and head to the bedroom to rest.
Assuming she survived, it was an option.
She was assuming he was actually interested in her personally, not professionally.
You're assuming the worst of me.
AdvertisementSo, I'm assuming he isn't the looming problem.
Am I right in assuming I'm the last person you want to see right now?
Assuming she hadn't missed more fine print in her deal with Darkyn, she wanted to survive the removal of the tumor.
Donnie won the first game with "cant" which Dean questioned, unsuccessfully, assuming the boy meant the more common version, "can't," which was unacceptable.
I was joking about being afraid of assuming his debts.
AdvertisementEventually she would have to hire someone to help with the tours – assuming they became more frequent.
Assuming she survives tonight.
Gabriel felt again he was missing something huge, the key to assuming the power he hadn't inherited with his responsibilities.
Frustrated with herself for assuming the worst about her remaining friend, she returned to the veranda.
What reason was there for assuming any probability of an uprising in the city?
AdvertisementAssuming the above formula to represent guncotton, there is sufficient oxygen for internal combustion without any carbon being left.
A parliamentary commission, appointed to inquire into the charges against him, discovered only that Crispi, on assuming office in 1893, had found the secret service coffers empty, and had borrowed from a state bank the sum of £12,00o for secret service, repaying it with the monthly instalments granted in regular course by the treasury.
Assuming, with Sedgwick and others, this amassed and bound condition of the tissues to be true, it would be necessary to reject the cell-doctrine in pathology altogether, and to regard the living basis of the organism as a continuous substance whose parts are incapable of living independently of the whole.
Fries, assuming leadership, organized an armed band of about sixty men, who marched about the country intimidating the assessors and encouraging the people to resist.
It was shortly after this revolution, in 317, that Agathocles with a body of mercenaries from Campania and a host of exiles from the Greek cities, backed up by the Carthaginian Hamilcar, who was in friendly relations with the Syracusan oligarchy, became a tyrant or despot of the city, assuming subsequently, on the strength of his successes against Carthage, the title of king.
AdvertisementAssuming a weight of 13 cub.
Assuming, for example, the life of the mine at ten years as before, and taking the interest to be earned by the amortization fund at 3%, and that on the investment at io%, we shall find that the annual income should amount to 18.7% per year.
Even assuming that the fleet forced the Dardanelles, its communications would have to be safeguarded, and there would still be Constantinople and the Bosporus to be dealt with.
Eine Prophetenstimme aus der Gegenwart, in which, starting from texts in the Old Testament and assuming the tone of a prophet, he discussed topics of every kind.
However we may explain the inconsistency, we are precluded by the moral earnestness of the writer from assuming the visions to be pure inventions.
From his power of assuming whatever shape he pleased Proteus came to be regarded, especially by the Orphic mystics, as a symbol of the original matter from which the world was created.
In the case of the motion of the moon around the earth, assuming the gravitation of the latter to be subject to the modification in question, the annual motion of the moon's perigee should be greater by I 5" than the theoretical motion.
Assuming that Yahweh was primitively a nature god, scholars in the 19th century discussed the question over what sphere of nature he originally presided.
He also took a leading part in the senate in securing the passage of laws for funding the national debt, assuming the state debts and establishing a United States bank.
From that time (1359) till 1378 no single ruler held the whole empire under control, various members of the other branches of the old house of JO assuming the title.
We order that the adherents of this faith be called Catholic Christians; we brand all the senseless followers of the other religions with the infamous name of heretics, and forbid their conventicles assuming the name of churches.
The tragic writers had occasionally taken their subjects from Roman life (fabulae praetextae), and in comedy we find the corresponding togatae of Lucius Afranius and others, in which comedy, while assuming a Roman dress, did not assume the virtue of a Roman matron.
This provides us with a definition of a unit of electric force, for it is the strength of an electric field at that point where a small conductor carrying a unit charge is acted upon by unit mechanical force, assuming the dielectric constant of the surrounding medium to be unity.
To avoid unnecessary complications we shall assume this latter condition in all the following discussion, which is equivalent simply to assuming that all our electrical measurements are made in air or in vacuo.
Thomson (Lord Kelvin) from Regnault's tables of the properties of steam, assuming the gaseous laws, did not vary exactly as J/T.
Joule failed to observe any change of temperature in his apparatus, and was therefore justified in assuming that the increase of intrinsic energy of a gas in isothermal expansion was very small, and that the absorption of heat observed in a similar experiment in which the gas was allowed to do external work by expanding against the atmospheric pressure was equivalent to the external work done.
Putting d0/dp=A/0 2 in equation (15), and integrating on the assumption that the small variations of S could be neglected over the range of the experiment, they found a solution of the type, v/0 =f(p) - SA /30 3, in which f(p) is an arbitrary function of p. Assuming that the gas should approximate indefinitely to the ideal state pv = R0 at high temperatures, they put f(p)=Rip, which gives a characteristic equation of the form v= Re/p - SA /30 2 .
The value of the co-aggregation volume, c, at any temperature, assuming equation (17), may be found by observing the deviations from Boyle's law and by experiments on the Joule-Thomson effect.
Assuming that no heat is supplied from external sources and no external work is done, the intrinsic energy remains constant by the first law.
Assuming the function G to be expressed in terms of p and 0, this condition represents the relation between p and 0 corresponding to equilibrium between the two states, which is the solution of the relation (v" - v')dp/dO=L/D, (5).
So certain is the ore-bearing formation that engineers in estimating its auriferous contents feel justified in assuming, as a factor in their calculations, a vertical extension limited only by the lowest depths at which mining is feasible.
Assuming, then, that the proper names found in the Persian portion of the Behistun inscription occurred also in the Assyrian portion, retaining virtually the same sound in each, a clue to the phonetic values of a large number of the Assyrian characters was obviously at hand.
He accepted the dignity at any rate without demur, and there seems little doubt that the question of assuming, or obtaining, this title had previously been discussed.
Hence we conclude that the grounds are lacking which would entitle our assuming a priori that the Apocalypse is pseudonymous.
Solar radiation warms the tropical more than the polar waters, but, assuming equal salinity, this cause would not account for a difference of level of more than 20 ft.
Accord Table 111.-Composition of Fuels (assuming Carbon = Ioo).
Assuming the genuineness of the documents mentioned, we now proceed to collect the scanty information which they afford with regard to Polycarp's career.
In this way the principle of continuity, which is the basis of the method of Fluxions and the whole of modern mathematics, may be applied to the analysis of problems connected with material bodies by assuming them, for the purpose of this analysis, to be homogeneous.
But a priori we are hardly justified in assuming that waves can be propagated at all, and certainly not justified in assuming that they go on unchanged by the action of the internal forces alone.
He determined that Cuba should not be taken over by the United States, as all Europe expected it would be, and an influential section of his own party hoped it would be, but should be given every opportunity to govern itself as an independent republic; by assuming supervision of the finances of San Domingo, he put an end to controversies in that unstable republic, which threatened to disturb the peace of Europe; and he personally inspired the body of administrative officials in the Philippines, in Porto Rico and (during American occupancy) in Cuba, who for efficiency and unselfish devotion to duty compare favourably with any similar body in the world.
Assuming this writing to be the work of Hippolytus, the information given in it as to the author and his times can be combined with other traditional dates to form a tolerably clear picture.
On the question of the reform of the university of Oxford, he sympathized with the reformers, but felt himself prohibited, by the oaths which he had taken, from assuming any active part.
It is of course always possible that in any particular case we may be deceived; we may be assuming as self-evidently true what is in reality not so.
Assuming the title of king of Jerusalem and Sicily, he raised an army by pledging his Swabian estates and marched to Italy in 1251, where with the help of his illegitimate half-brother, Manfred, he overran Apulia and took Capua and Naples.
Assuming an average pressure of 8 tons per sq.
Assuming, however, that the agreement is close enough for practical requirement, the conbustion of the cordite may be considered complete at this stage P, and in the subsequent expansion it is assumed that the gas obeys an adiabatic law in which the pressure varies inversely as some mtn power of the volume.
Here, in Judah, from the accession of Athaliah to the accession of Ahaz, tradition gives 143 years, whereas, in fact, there were but 196 years (842-736); and in Israel, from the death of Menahem to the fall of Samaria, it gives 31 years, whereas from 738 (assuming that Menahem died in that year) to 722 there are actually only 16 years.
To some extent influenced by and using Bousset's results, Schmidtke has tried to show that certain small lines in the margin of B point to a connexion between that MS. and a Gospel harmony, which, by assuming that the text of B is Hesychian, he identifies with that of Ammonius.
If these conditions are not fulfilled, the wattmeter readings, assuming the wattmeter to have been calibrated with continuous currents, may be either too high or too low when alternating currents are being used.
There has been much discussion in regard to the origin of the Toltecs, some assuming that they were a distinct race, and others that they belonged to the Nahuatlaca.
To the home government the purely military problem, although assuming larger dimensions and more difficulties, still seemed to admit of a simple solution, namely, to strike hard where the rebellion was most active and capable of the longest resistance.
In the following year the archduke Ferdinand, on assuming the government of his hereditary dominions, issued an edict of banishment against Protestant preachers and professors.
The most obvious distinctions between Totaninae and Tringinae may be said to lie in the acute or blunt form of the tip of the bill (with which is associated a less or greater development of the sensitive nerves running almost if not quite to its extremity, and therefore greatly influencing the mode of feeding) and in the style of plumage - the Tringinae, with blunt and flexible bills, mostly assuming a summer-dress in which some tint of chestnut or reddish-brown 1 These are Phalaropus fulicarius and P. (or Lobipes) hyperboreus, and were thought by some of the older writers to be allied to the Coots (q.v.).
Assuming that a double-reined bridle is used, the third finger of the left hand should be first inserted between the snaffle reins; then the little, third and second fingers should be between the curb reins, the two outside reins being the curb, and the two inside ones the snaffle.
Whatever theoretical reasons there may be for assuming his earlier existence, they must be held as warranting no more than a presumptive conclusion, which up to the present time lacks confirmation by certain evidence.
In bringing about a system of penny postage throughout the empire; in forwarding the construction of the Pacific cable to secure close and safe imperial telegraphic connexion; in creating rapid and efficient lines of steamship communication with the motherland and all the colonies; in granting tariff preference to British goods and in striving for preferential treatment of inter-imperial trade; in assuming responsibility for imperial defence at the two important stations of Halifax and Esquimalt, - Canada, under the guidance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his party, took a leading part and showed a truly national spirit.
Let us suppose that from a text which we will call A a copy has been made which we will call B, and from this again a copy which we will call C. If the copyist of B goes wrong once and the copyist of C twice in a hundred times, then, assuming that there is no coincidence or cancelling of errors, the relative correctness of the three texts A, B, C will be zoo (absolute correctness), 99 and 97.
Assuming Therefore P'= 4, We Have M' =60 52 =8; And Consequently, Since X=19 M' 16, X=19X8 16=168.
The Supreme Court dismissed the bill on the grounds that equity has no jurisdiction over political matters; that, assuming the fraudulent character of the objectionable constitutional provisions, the court was in effect asked to assist in administering a fraud; and that relief "must be given by them {the people of the state} or by the legislative and political departments of the government of the United States."
His position as a naturalized foreigner, his influence and his wealth naturally made Balbus many enemies, who in 56 put up a native of Gades to prosecute him for illegally assuming the rights of a Roman citizen, a charge directed against the triumvirs equally with himself.
Assuming that these ancestral forms resembled the existing Nautilus in their internal anatomy, they had two pairs of renal ducts and one pair of genital ducts, which would apparently indicate, not a single metamere or unsegmented body, but three metameres.
Assuming for a moment the change to be one of density and leaving out of account the pressure shift, the cases (e) and (f) point to the fact that it is the closeness of packing of similar molecules which is effective, e.g.
Compounds generally show spectra of resolvable bands, and if an elementary body shows a spectrum of the same type we are probably justified in assuming it to be due to a complex molecule.
Now, Kant and his followers start from this second and narrower meaning, and usually narrow it still more by assuming that what appears to the senses is as mental as the sensation, being undistinguishable from it or from the idea of it, and that an appearance is a mental idea(Vorstellung) of sense; and then they conclude that we can know by inference nothing but such mental appearances, actual and possible, and therefore nothing beyond sensory experience.
In connexion with this attribution of superhuman powers, we may mention also the widespread belief that certain persons had the faculty of " changing shape," and especially of assuming the forms of animals.
But he may be asked whether certain facts or symptoms, assuming them to be proved, are or are not indicative of insanity.
Assuming such a base to exist, Newton admitted at the outset the difficulty of identifying it, but pointed out that the key to the situation might be found in the identification of forces; that is to say, in the mutual character of laws of acceleration as applied to any given body and any other by whose presence its motion is influenced.
The analysis of air was conducted by determining the amount of oxygen present and assuming the remainder to be nitrogen.
Elean officials, who not only adjudged the prizes at Olympia; but decided who should be admitted to compete, marked the national aspect of their functions by assuming the title of Hellanodicae.
The savage explains the processes of inanimate nature by assuming that living beings or spirits, possessed of capacities similar to his own, are within the inanimate object.
Assuming, however, that knight was originally used to describe the military tenant of a noble person, as cniht had sometimes been used to describe the thegn of a noble person, it would, to begin with, have defined rather his social status than the nature of his services.
Assuming the materials to be of equal tensile strength per unit of area - hard-drawn copper is stronger, but has a lower conductivity - the adoption of aluminium thus leads to a reduction of 52% in the weight, a gain of 60% in the strength, and an increase of 26% in the diameter of the conductor.
Assuming these three main divisions, we must now consider in detail the 18 sub-divisions which we distinguish; the first 5 forming the Western Alps, the next 7 the Central Alps, and the rest the Eastern Alps, the heights throughout being, of course, given in English feet and representing the latest measurements.
In cooler structures it becomes necessary in the dull season of the year to prevent the slopping of water over the plants or on the floor, as this tends to cause " damping off," - the stems assuming a state of mildewy decay, which not infrequently, if it once attacks a plant, will destroy it piece by piece.
The towns, assuming a certain independence, became strong and wealthy as trade increased, and the citizens of Munich and Regensburg were often formidable antagonists to the dukes.
At times, and not unfrequently, a troop may be heard, roaring in concert, one assuming the lead, and two, three or four more regularly taking up their parts, like persons singing a catch.
Such are the scales of a bulb, and the various parts of the flower, and assuming that the structure ordinarily termed a leaf is the typical form, these other structures were designated changed or metamorphosed leaves, a somewhat misleading interpretation.
The external heat-loss was eliminated by comparing observations taken at the same mean temperatures during heating and during cooling, assuming that the rate of loss of heat f(S) would be the same in the two cases.
Lorenz, assuming that the ratio k/k'=aG, had previously given 0 2 maz Bo g = E2/4a, (12) which is practically identical with the preceding for small differences of temperature.
Henry, who hitherto had treated the new pope with excessive respect, now announced his intention of going to Rome and assuming the imperial title.
The nation now plucked bitter fruit from the seed planted by Otto the Great in assuming the imperial crown and by a long line of kings and emperors in lavishing worldly power upon tile church.
After Maximilian had taken the novel step of assuming the title of Roman emperor at Trent in 1508 the last of the reforming diets met at Cologne in 1512.
Duke William before his death had arranged that the government should be carried on by a council of regency so long as the heir was prevented from actually assuming the government; at the end of a year a regent was to be chosen from among the non-reigning German princes.
The persecution of the Poles in Prussia naturally iroused indignation in Austria, where the Poles had for long been among the strongest elements on which the government depended; and it was not always easy to prevent the agitation on behalf of the Germans in Bohemia from assuming a dangerous aspect.
Smoothing them, Carlheim-Gyllenskold gives f = too' -7.3c as the most probable linear relation between c, the amount of cloud, and f, the frequency, assuming the latter to be loo when there is no cloud.
Later generations reconciled these radictions by assuming the existence of two Horuses, one, brother of Osiris, Seth and Isis, being named Haroeris, i.e.
On assuming office, the first thing it had to do was to bring to trial the chiefs of the rebellion.
Logical analysis, after assuming that truth is independent and not of our making, has to confess that all logical operations involve an apparently arbitrary interference with their data (Bradley).
It never again had the opportunity of assuming political importance, the civil powers naturally adopting the most stringent measures to suppress an agitation whose avowed object was to suppress them.
Even during the period that the Assyrian monarchs exercised complete sway over the south, they rested their claims to the control of Babylonia on the approval of Marduk, and they or their representatives never failed to perform the ceremony of "taking the hand" of Marduk, which was the formal method of assuming the throne in Babylonia.
No party is formed, no programme is announced, no doctrine is formulated; without assuming the title of Messiah, He offers Himself as the centre of expectation, and seems to invite an unlimited confidence in His person.
Assuming human freedom it at the same time assumes that the ills of life may be overcome by a wise employment of man's resources, and it silently regards universal happiness on earth as the goal of human development.
C. Crus-Galli, with a somewhat similar distribution and introduced about the same time, is a very decorative species with showy, bright red fruit, often remaining on the branches till spring, and leaves assuming a brilliant scarlet and orange in the autumn; numerous varieties are in cultivation.
But there are grounds for assuming that A.D.
Above that there is a rich temperate flora which in the eastern chain may be regarded as forming an extension of that of northern China, gradually assuming westwards more and more of a European type.
Assuming with Sir William Herschel.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
Salemi, whence he issued a proclamation assuming the dictatorship of Sicily in the name of Victor Emmanuel, with Crispi as secretary of state.
On assuming this benefice he resigned, with rare disinterestedness, that of the abbey of Loc-Dieu.
We thus find in the post-Khammurabic period the pantheon assuming distinct shapes.
This can be roughly estimated by observing the rate of change of temperature before and after the experiment, and assuming that the loss of heat is directly proportional to the duration of the experiment and to the average excess of temperature.
These Losses Were As Far As Possible Eliminated By Combining The Trials In Pairs, With Differ Ent Loads On The Brake, Assuming That The Heat Loss Would Be The Same In The Heavy And Light Trials, Provided That The External Temperature And The Gradient In The Shaft, As Estimated From The Temperature Of The Bearings, Were The Same.
The Expansion Per Degree At Constant Pressure Is V/9 = R/P. The External Work Of Expansion Per Degree Is Equal To R, Being The Product Of The Pressure And The Expansion, And Represents The Difference Of The Specific Heats S S, At Constant Pressure And Volume, Assuming As Above That The Internal Work Of Expansion Is Negligible.
For Such Gases, Assuming A Constant Ratio Of Rotation To Translation, The Specific Heat At Low Pressures Would Be Very Nearly Constant.
It seems difficult to account for the very remarkable and unsymmetrical distribution of the motions, unless we suppose that the stars form two more or less separate systems superposed; and it has been found possible by assuming two drifts with suitably assigned velocities to account very satisfactorily for the observed motions.
It can be shown that, if the density of distribution of the stars through infinite space is nowhere less than a certain limit (which may be as small as we please), the total amount of light received from them (assuming that there is no absorption of light in space) would be infinitely great, so that the background of the sky would shine with a dazzling brilliancy.
The language of the Magyars is FinnoUgric and most nearly allied to the speech of the Ostiaks now found on the east of the Ural, but we have no warrant for assuming that the Huns, and still less that the Ephthalites and Hunas, spoke the same language.
Assuming that he broke through and reached the plain, he could hardly expect to do more.
Madison now opposed Hamilton's measures for the funding of the debt, the assumption of state debts, and the establishment of a National Bank, and on other questions he sided more and more with the opposition, gradually assuming its leadership in the House of Representatives and labouring to confine the powers of the national government within the narrowest possible limits; his most important argument against Hamilton's Bank was that the constitution did not provide for it explicitly, and could not properly be construed into permitting its creation.
The small minority which still retained the name joined the Original Seceders in 1842, the resultant body assuming the designation of United Original Seceders.
But Hamilton's special object required that these laws should be such as to lead to certain assumed results; and he therefore commenced by assuming these, and from the assumption determined how the separate time-steps must be involved in the couple.
Assuming an equation of the form log (p/760) =a log (0/373), their results give a = S/R =4.305, or S=0.474, which agrees very perfectly with Regnault's value.
Perry (Steam Engine, p. 580), assuming a characteristic equation similar to Zeuner's (which makes v a linear function of the temperature at constant pressure, and S independent of the pressure), calculates S as a function of the temperature to satisfy Regnault's formula (10) for the total heat.
If the steam at A were dry and saturated, we should have, assuming Regnault's formula (to), H A -H D = 305 (0'-O), whence, if S = .475, we have zL = .3 0 5 (0 '- 0)-.
By assuming suitable forms of the characteristic equation to represent the variations of the specific volume within certain limits of pressure and temperature, we may therefore with propriety deduce equations to represent the saturation-pressure, which will certainly be thermodynamically consistent, and will probably give correct numerical results within the assigned limits.
Taking for ice and water the following numerical data, L = 674.7, 6 74.7, L 1 =595.2, L r = 79.5, R = o 11 03 cal./deg., po = 4.61 mm., s-S = 519 cal./deg., and assuming the specific heat of ice to be equal to that of steam at constant pressure (which is sufficiently approximate, since the term involving the difference of the specific heats is very small), we obtain the following numerical formulae, by substitution in (23), Ice..
Epiphytous plants are very common, many that are usually independent assuming here the parasitic character; the Vanda lowii, for example, grows on the lower branches of trees, and its strange pendent flower-stalks often hang down so as almost to reach the ground.
Assuming, however, that the original form of the " Western " text had been reached, the question of its historical value, i.e.
Assuming that r=a+x, where x is small, we have, approximately, dix hiI 3x\
Then assuming that the acceleration of one point of a particuar link of the mechanism is known together with the corresponding configuration of the mechanism, the two Vectors Ac and ct can be drawn.
They worship Siva in his form of Bhairava, the" terrible."A sub-section of this order are the Dandi Dasnamis, or Dandi of ten names, so called from their assuming one of the names of Sankara's four disciples, and six of their pupils.
For the purpose of comparing the circumstances of the same community at successive periods this method is fairly trustworthy, assuming that there has been no material shifting of the age-proportions during the intervals.
The belief that he had not really died, but would return again to confound his foes, was long prevalent, not only in the remoter provinces, but even in Rome itself; and more than one pretender was able to collect a following by assuming the name of the last of the race of Augustus.
On assuming the directorship of the Nautical Almanac he became very strongly impressed with the diversity existing in the values of the elements and constants of astronomy adopted by different astronomers, and the injurious effect which it exercised on the precision and symmetry of much astronomical work.
The church saw no danger in encouraging a pseudo-pagan ideal of life, violating its own principle of existence by assuming the policy of an aggrandizing secular state, and outraging Christendom openly by its acts and utterances.
In 121 0 John married the heiress Mary (daughter of Isabella and Conrad of Montferrat), assuming the title of king in right of his wife.
In 3 9 he visited Athens, where he behaved in a most extravagant manner, assuming the attributes of the god Dionysus.
The city was left almost bankrupt, and as a means of relief the legislature of the state in January 1879 repealed the city's charter, and, assuming exclusive control of its taxation and finances, constituted it simply a "taxing district," placing its government in the hands of a "legislative council."
Assuming the proper fulfilment of the ritual of death, ethics gradually extends its control over the future.
Assuming the words here, "as he is only a valet," to refer to Dauger, and taking into account the employment of Dauger from 1675 to 1680 as Fouquet's valet, Mr Lang now obtains a solution of the problem of why a mere valet should be a political Funck-Brentano argues that "un ancien prisonnier qu'il avait a Pignerol" (du Junca's words) cannot apply to Dauger, because then du Junca would have added "et a Exiles."
It rapidly absorbs oxygen, assuming a blue colour.
The principal task confronting President Santa Maria on assuming the presidency was to negotiate a treaty of peace with Peru and provide for the evacuation of the Chilean army of occupation.
On assuming office President' Balmaceda endeavoured to bring !
From this time they are called livery companies, "from now generally assuming a distinctive dress or livery."
Only here, instead of assuming something immaterial (and therefore unverifiable), we fall back upon a current of air or gas (irv€Uµa); the essential reason of the thing is itself material, standing to it in the relation of a gaseous to a solid body.
The early writers on capillary action supposed that the diminution of capillary action was due simply to the change of density corresponding to the rise of temperature, and, therefore, assuming the surface-tension to vary as the square of the (37)?(f) =eP f (38) density, they deduced its variations from the observed dilatation of the liquid by heat.
The tree grows rapidly; it flourishes best in a sandy, somewhat moist loam, and attains a height of 50 to 60 or more ft., assuming a pyramidal outline.
This period is known by the capsules yielding to pressure with the fingers, assuming a lighter green tint and exhibiting a kind of bloom called " cougak," easily rubbed off with the fingers; they are then about 12 in.
His father, after a vain search for him, consulted the oracle, and was referred to the person who should suggest the aptest comparison for one of the cows of Minos which had the power of assuming three different colours.
When Charles returned to Germany, after assuming the crowns in Rome and Milan, Petrarch addressed a letter of vehement invective and reproach to the emperor who was so negligent of the duties imposed on him by his high office.
Public opinion in Belgium was disturbed and anxious at the prospect of assuming responsibility for a vast, distant, and badly administered country, likely for years to be a severe financial drain upon the resources of the state.
The prolonged effort, mainly of English scholarship, to vindicate the superscription, even on the condition of assuming priority to the Pauline epistles, grows only increasingly hopeless with increasing knowledge of conditions, linguistic and other, in that early period.
Assuming also that it is incapable of crushing under its own weight and the pressure of the water, it must, in order to fail entirely, turn over on its outer toe, or upon the outer face at some higher level.
Assuming this, and rejecting the evidence of the 1476 chronicle as an interpolation and full of mistakes, and that of the song as not proved to have been in existence before 1531, Herr Burkli comes to the startling conclusion that the phalanx formation of the Austrians, as well as the name and act of Winkelried, have been transferred to Sempach from the fight of Bicocca, near Milan (April 27, 1522), where a real leader of the Swiss mercenaries in the pay of France, Arnold Winkelried, reall y met his death in very much the way that his namesake perished according to the story.
But it is open to the objection of assuming that a particular analysis of consciousness has reached all the possible elements in humanity and in history, and all their combinations.
But assuming such a relationship we arrange them in two grades.
Archbishop Langton, who on assuming possession of his see had shown at once that he was a patriotic English statesman, and not the mere delegate of the pope, besought his master to hold back, and, when he refused, threatened to renew the excommunication which had so lately been removed.
To redeem man from this state of guilt, and to recover him from corruption, the Son of God became incarnate, assuming man's nature into union with His own, so that in Him were two natures in one person.
There are also many cases on record, and specimens may be seen in the principal museums, of old female birds assuming, to a greater or less extent, the plumage of the male.
Savage man also believes that many of his own tribe-fellows have the power of assuming the shapes of animals, and that the souls of his dead kinsfolk revert to animal forms.
On one occasion Indra got at the soma by assuming the shape of a quail.
The values of d 2 E/dt 2 agree as well as can be expected, considering the difference of the ranges of temperature and the great variety in the methods of observation adopted; they are calculated assuming the parabolic formula, which is certainly in many cases inadequate.
It is generally believed that he was imported in Anne's reign, but the exact date is immaterial, for, assuming that he was brought over as early as 1700 from Aleppo, he could scarcely have had a foal living before 1701, the first year of the 18th century.
With the Liberal reaction and strong reform movement which characterized the earlier years of Alexander II.'s reign (1855-1881) he thoroughly sympathized, and for some time he warmly advocated the introduction of liberal institutions of the British type, but when he perceived that the agitation was assuming a Socialistic and Nihilist tinge, and that in some quarters of the Liberal camp indulgence was being shown to Polish national aspirations, he gradually modified his attitude until he came to be regarded by the Liberals as a renegade.
Assuming that he was overlord of Hungary, he declared that its crown should fall to the house of Anjou.
Moreover we commonly find the logician assuming that the process of thought has advanced a certain length before his examination of it begins; he takes his material full-formed from perception, without, as a rule, inquiring into the nature of the conceptions which are involved in our perceptive experience.
In assuming this attitude Professor Weismann decidedly differed from Herbert Spencer, who some years ago mentioned that he had evidence "enough to prove the fact of a previous sire asserting his influence on a subsequent progeny."
In the absence of control experiments there is therefore no reason for assuming Lord Morton's chestnut mare would have produced less striped offspring had she been mated with the black Arabian before giving birth to a quagga hybrid.
Assuming revolutionary powers, it deposed Governor Jackson and other state officers, appointed their successors, declared vacant the seats of members of the Assembly, and abrogated the disloyal acts of that body.
These bands Julius calls dispersion bands, and then, assuming that a species of tubular structure prevails within a large part of the sun (such as the filaments of the corona suggest for that region), he applies the weakening of the light to explain, for instance, the broad dark H and K calcium lines, and the sun-spots, besides many remoter applications.
There appears, however, to be no instance on record of the poet himself assuming the "de" of nobility.
In assuming a demand at the beginning of the year below the mean, resulting in an overflow equal in this case to b e at the end of February and increasing our reservoir to meet it, we assume also that some additional supply to that reservoir beyond the 11% of the streamflow from the driest year can be obtained from the previous year.
As the loss by evaporation is a deduction lying between a constant figure and a direct proportional to the rainfall, we should err on the safe side in assuming the flow in the second driest year to be increased proportionally to the rainfall, or by the difference between 63 and 87 equal to 24% of the mean of 50 years.
But in determining the capacity of reservoirs intended to yield a supply of water equal to the mean flow of two, three or more years, the error, though on the safe side, caused by assuming the evaporation to be proportional to the rainfall, is too great to be neglected.
Thus, assuming a mean rainfall of 60 in.
The secondary septa show a regular gradation in size, and, assuming that the smallest were the most recently formed, it will be noticed that in the chief quadrants the youngest septa lie nearest to the main septum; in the other quadrants the youngest septa lie nearest to the alar septa.
Chrysostom says that the substitutes were put into the beds of the deceased, and assuming the voice of the dead asked for baptism and remission of sins.
And, assuming the above theory of geometrical imaginaries, a curve such that m of its points are situate in an arbitrary line is said to be of the order m; a curve such that n of its tangents pass through an arbitrary point is said to be of the class n; as already appearing, this notion of the order and class of a curve is, however, due to Gergonne.
We may consider in relation to a curve, not only the line infinity, but also the circular points at infinity; assuming the curve to be real, these present themselves always conjointly; thus a circle is a conic passing through the two circular points, and is thereby distinguished from other conics.
In the first two cases a scoop, filled with coal from an overhead hopper carried by the travelling machine, is made to enter the retort and is turned over; the operation is then repeated, but this time the scoop is turned over in the opposite direction, the coal thus assuming such a position that as much of its under surface as possible is exposed to the heated side of the retort.
Though this does not prove that the beliefs themselves were not held earlier, it suggests caution in assuming that they were.
I The allusion to the ark warns us to be cautious in assuming the laws of the Mishna to have been ever in force.
Very probably the power which the appendage of a given segment has of assuming the perfected form and proportions previously attained by the appendage of another segment must be classed as an instance of " homoeosis," not only where such a change is obviously due to abnormal development or injury, but also where it constitutes a difference permanently established between allied orders or smaller groups, or between the two sexes.
Conversely, assuming this law of attraction, it can be shown that the planets will move according to Kepler's laws.
Assuming the mean motion of the moon to be known and the perigee to be fixed, three eclipses, observed in different points of the orbit, would give as many true longitudes of the moon, which longitudes could be employed to determine three unknown quantities - the mean longitude at a given epoch, the eccentricity, and the position of the perigee.
The wife, regarding union with her producer as incest, fled from his embraces as Nemesis did from those of Zeus, and Rhea from Cronus, assuming various animal disguises.
This is soon followed by uncontrollable vomiting, and a little later by severe purging, the stools being first of all faecal but later assuming a rice water appearance and often containing blood.
The Iroquois were assuming a threatening attitude towards the inhabitants, and Frontenac's successor, La Barre, was quite incapable of leading an army against such cunning foes.
But his arguments are generally vitiated by the fallacy of assuming what they profess to prove.
It is a colourless crystalline substance, assuming forms belonging to the hexagonal system, and distinguished by a well-marked habit of twinning, which occasions the beautiful "ice flowers" displayed by hoar-frost.
What "actually happens" as distinct from all that seems to happen, when two reals A and B are together is that, assuming them to differ in quality, they tend to disturb each other to the extent of that difference, at the same time that each preserves itself intact by resisting, as it were, the other's disturbance.
But as this surface is obtained by assuming that the interfering streams follow the same route in the crystal, and by neglecting the refraction out of the crystal, it does not lend itself to accurate numerical calculations.
Airy extended Fresnel's hypothesis to directions inclined to the axis of uniaxal crystals by assuming that in any such direction the two waves, that can be propagated without alteration of their state of polarization, are oppositely elliptically polarized with their planes of maximum polarization parallel and perpendicular to the principal plane of the wave, these becoming practically plane polarized at a small inclination to the optic axis.
Fresnel obtained his formulae by assuming that the optical difference of media is due to a change in the effective density of the ether, the elasticity being the same - an assumption inconsistent with his theory of double refraction - and was led to the result that the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of polarization.
Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign.
The author contends that the existence of evil is best explained by assuming that God is confronted with Satan, who in the process of evolution interferes with the divine designs, an interference which the instability of such an evolving process makes not incredible.
Like Proteus, he had the power of assuming any shape he pleased, which enabled him to win the love of Pomona.
Assuming the correctness of these, friction is generally measured in terms simply of the total pressure between the surfaces, by multiplying it by a "coefficient of friction" depending on the material of the surfaces and their state as to smoothness and lubrication.
In some corollas the two lips become hollowed out in a remarkable manner, as in calceolaria, assuming a slipper-like appearance, similar to what occurs in the labellum of some orchids, as Cypripedium.
At this date, though still nominally associated with the Evangelicals, Newman's views were gradually assuming a higher ecclesiastical tone, and while local secretary of the Church Missionary Society he circulated an anonymous letter suggesting a method by which Churchmen might practically oust Nonconformists from all control of the society.
On the 23rd of that month his nephew took the oath to observe the constitution, assuming the title of Albert I.
So Sigurd, assuming Gunnar's shape, rode through the flames on his magic horse, and in sign of troth exchanged rings with the Valkyrie, giving her the ring of Andvari.
Kant does not, in this place, raise the question as to the reason for assuming that the arbitrary syntheses of mathematical construction have any reference to reality.
Assuming at the outset an opposition between the two, self and matter of knowledge, he is driven by the exigencies of the problem of reconciliation to insert term after term as means of bringing them together, but never succeeds in attaining a junction which is more than mechanical.
On assuming power in 1432, Sigismondo was already affianced to the daughter of Count Carmagnola; but when that famous leader was arraigned as a traitor by the Venetians, and ignominiously put to death, he promptly withdrew from his engagement, under the pretext that it was impossible to marry the child of a criminal.
Comforted by Fate's words, Deidre obeyed Darkyn's order with trepidation but no hesitation, assuming he meant to drink from her again.
I'm assuming the transition happened recently.
That subjected them to all kinds of trouble—not just a spanking, but police involvement, assuming they were older.
Cynthia questioned aloud if the Beaumont would have a vacancy while Dean questioned the "alone," his dirty mind assuming Ginger would be sub-letting one side of Dickinson Faust's king-size bed.
Sister Edna, assuming the bones were old and broken props—albeit realistic ones—couldn't discard them fast enough.
Assuming it was some sort of uncivilized training exercise engineered by the half-breed in charge of the Council, he was nonetheless stopped from enjoying his first tea since returning from Hell.
Assuming the role of Death heightened his senses about dealing with Immortals.
If the Ancient Immortal surgeon I had for years couldn't do it with modern science and magic, and Death doesn't know the answer, then I'm assuming it's not gonna happen.
You are still my top assassin, assuming you don.t fail in your executions.
Actually, she hadn't given much thought to his motive for working on the hen, assuming it was merely something to pass the time.
She knew where we wanted her to go, and—assuming she's alive—she has access to every facility on the route.
Eventually she would have to hire someone to help with the tours – assuming they became more frequent.
Technicians ' Information Assuming 15 working groups Per working group First lesson 3 malt extract agar ' lawn ' cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
I am assuming that the journey is as shown, with no backtracking.
I made a mistake here, assuming she could hold a beanbag.
We cannot dismiss a priori biblical chronology simply by assuming genealogical gaps.
He is assuming that we obey the first commandment.
You are quite wrong and utterly confused to say that I am assuming that these things did not happen.
Assuming, then, that the artist owns the works consigned to the gallery, on what terms was that particular deal made?
Kant resolves this contradiction by assuming two points of view or modes of existence.
Nor is it clear how he escapes the familiar chicken and egg conundrum involved in assuming that language is learned from others.
Assuming it's not doable, does anyone have any recommendations on how I can ship marine life from Hawaii?
Assuming the corneal thickness = 1 unit, assess the width of the " aqueous gap " from corneal endothelium to iris.
I'm assuming that you have a modest skill with Guitar but that you find doing it on your own a rather insular experience.
Simulated GPS data, constructed assuming that the ionosphere is the international reference ionosphere, are inverted via the Multi Instrument Data Analysis System.
Assuming the cause is not some physical malady, Scripture contains the only reliable remedy.
Jesus expected the miracle to end a forty year cosmic battle, assuming him to be an Essene.
With our meal being served at 3.30pm, this gave us plenty of time assuming we had no mishaps!
Assuming that Terri really was a Capuchin monkey, Alison agreed to give the monkey a new home.
To secure victory next time, the Democrats have to prevent the Republicans from assuming sole occupancy of the moral high ground.
Yes, if your bishop approves, assuming you have already begun the process of seeking ordination with your diocese.
Iâm assuming some ideas get rejected, but probably not outright.
This survival horror game from Midway will see you assuming the role of a prisoner on death row in a haunted maximum security penitentiary.
But this isn't about assuming some false persona when things aren't going well; in fact, just the opposite.
So is this an accurate map of what is going on in contemporary German poetry - assuming such a thing were possible?
Dates for registration will be considered to be met assuming that legible postmarks are on or before the dates and airmail is used.
Here's why (assuming that the four letters are equally probable, like the four suits in a pack of cards ).
Spread The diameter of a diamond or the normal weight equivalent assuming ideal proportions.
Perhaps the most important is this - you're assuming people have made a real effort to save the red squirrel before now!
Several traders reported assuming that some bad news such as a terrorist attack had sparked the sell-off.
By assuming a low stance the vertical doors are reduced from three to two.
Anelka should do well assuming he doesn't turn into the incredible sulk at some point.
Being proud of ones ancestry is not assuming superiority.
Technicians ' information Assuming 15 working groups Preparation consists of preparing sufficient nutrient agar plates and sterile swabs.
A substantial change would alter the substance of the copyright assuming it is not a mere transposition.
For module (i) the t-Test two sample assuming unequal variance was employed.
Historically, these confounding effects have been controlled using linear models assuming a constant additive error variance.
Assuming it doesn't can be a fatal weakness.
Assuming they do not really yearn to become latter-day Roman legions, many people may be relieved to hear the truth.
To take the simplest possible case, if Dalton had been correct in assuming that the molecule of water was made up of one atom of oxygen and one of hydrogen, then the experimental fact that water contains eight parts by weight of oxygen to one part of hydrogen, would at once show that the atom of oxygen is eight times as heavy as the atom of hydrogen, or that, taking the atomic weight of hydrogen as the unit, the.
Our idea of body, e.g., involves colour and weight, and yet when we try to think carefully, and without assuming anything, we find that we cannot attach any distinct idea to these terms when applied to body.
But, unlike Mayer and Seguin, Joule was not content with assuming that when air is compressed or allowed to expand the heat generated or absorbed is the equivalent of the work done and of that only, no change being made in the internal energy of the air itself when the temperature is kept constant.
The deflection observed on the galvanometer when the lines are leaky is d, while D is the deflection obtained through one coil of the galvanometer with all the other resistances in circuit; and assuming that no leakage exists on the lines, this deflection is calculated from the " constant " of the instrument, i.e., from the known deflection obtained with a definite current.
Humbly born, he had been tutor in the house of the Albizzi, and afterwards librarian of the Medici at Florence, where he imbibed the politics together with the culture of the Renaissance, Soon after assuming the tiara, he found himself without a rival in the church; for the schism ended by Felix V.s resignation in 1449.
With the accession of the Danish king Canute, the original raison d'être of the tax ceased to exist, but it continued to be levied, though for a different purpose, assuming now the character of an occasional war-tax.
With the data of the previous example, and assuming in addition that the grate area is 24 sq.
Assuming that we have in our minds this safeguard against loose thinking and neglect of important factors, the investigation Diffi= of the special problems arising out of the general inquiry resolves itself into a careful definition of each to of problem we wish to deal with, and the collection, tabulation and interpretation of the evidence.
He was charged with "depraving the public worship of God contained in the liturgy of the Church of England, asserting the same to be superstitious and unchristian, preaching, writing and conversing against the creeds and the divinity of our Saviour, and assuming to himself the power of making arbitrary alterations in his performance of the public worship."
Succinosuccinic ester behaves both as a ketone and as a phenol, thereby exhibiting desmotropy; assuming the ketone formula as indicating the constitution, then in Baeyer's equation we have a migration of a hydrogen atom, whereas to bring Ladenburg's formula into line, an oxygen atom must migrate.
There, on the river Darejya, assuming that the passage (Vend., 19, 4) is correctly interpreted, stood the house of his father; and the Bundahish (20, 32 and 24, 15) says expressly that the river Daraja lay in Airan Vej, on its bank was the dwelling of his father, and that there Zoroaster was born.
Hence, if, after assuming a body and sojourning upon earth, it becomes polluted by sin and fails to acquire the experience for which it descends from heaven, it must three times reinhabit a body, till it is able to ascend in a purified state through repeated trials.
He was still with Davout, but, concluding that he had missed an order directing him to Dornburg, he thought to conceal his error by assuming the receipt of the order evidently alluded to in the last words, and as a result he marched towards Dornburg, and his whole corps was lost to the emperor at the crisis of the next day's battle.
Although the genuineness of these writings has been impugned on various occasions by different scholars, there seems to be no reason for assuming that they did not emanate from the saint's pen.
Teutonic legend does not lightly exaggerate, and what to us seems incredible in it may be easily conceived as credible to those by whom and for whom the tales were told; that Sigmund and his son Sinfiotli turned themselves into wolves would be but a sign of exceptional powers to those who believed in werewolves; Fafnir assuming the form of a serpent would be no more incredible to the barbarous Teuton than the similar transformation of Proteus to the Greek.
Amadeus accepted the dignity, assuming the style of Felix V., and abdicated the dukedom.
Assuming this energy to be propagated in hemispherical waves, it is easy to find the quantity per second going through I sq.
Though his own account of his share in the campaign is characteristically modest, one can gather from it that the success of the British troops was chiefly owing to his assuming the command at an important crisis during the battle of Kirkee.
This latter belief, which was, moreover, flattering to their vanity, the Greek leaders were astute enough to foster; the propaganda of Adamantios Coraes (q.v.) had done its work; and wily brigands, like Odysseus of Ithaka, assuming the style and trappings of antiquity, posed as the champions of classic culture against the barbarian.
Institution, 1888, employing Siacci's method and about twenty arcs; and Captain Ingalls, by assuming a mean tenuity-factor T=0.68, corresponding to a height of about 2 m., on the estimate that the shot would reach a height of 3 m., was able to obtain a very accurate result, working in two arcs over the whole trajectory, up to the vertex and down again (Ingalls, Handbook of Ballistic Problems).
Thus it would be advisable to use the physiological antidote only when the dose of the poison - assuming estimation to be possible - was known to be comparatively small.
On assuming the government of Styria he set to work to extirpate Protestantism, which had made considerable progress in the Austrian arch-duchies.
These reacted upon this institutional religion, which readapted and reinterpreted itself from time to time, and when they did not help to build up another theology (as in Christianity), they ended by assuming too rigid and unprogressive a shape (see Qaraites), or, breaking away from long-tried convention, became a mysticism with mixed results (see Kabbalah).
Generally, if a solid be heated to a certain temperature, it melts or fuses, assuming the liquid condition (see Fusion); if the heating be continued the liquid boils and becomes a vapour (see Vaporization).
If now we assume the water to have a depth d above the base, the total water pressure represented by the triangle kbh will have its centre at d/3 from the base, and by the parallelogram of forces, assuming the density of the masonry to be 2.5, we find that the centre of pressure upon the base bc is shifted from the centre of the base to a point i nearer to the outer toe c, and adopting our assumption of uniformly varying intensity of stress, the rectangular diagram of pressures will thus be distorted from the figure bfgc to the figure of equal area bjlc, having its centre o vertically under the point at which the resultant of all the forces cuts the base bc. For any lower level the same treatment may, step by step, be adopted, until the maximum intensity of pressure cl exceeds the assumed permissible maximum, or the centre of pressure reaches an assigned distance from the outer toe c, when the base must be widened until the maximum intensity of pressure or the centre of pressure, as the case may be, is brought within the prescribed limit.
Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes suppose the single element which they respectively postulate to be transformed into the various sorts of matter which they discover in the world around them, thus assuming the non-existence of that which is elemental and the existence of that which is non-elemental]; another, pursued by " restless " persons, whose " road returns upon itself," assumes that a thing " is and is not," " is the same and not the same " [an obvious reference, as Bernays points out in the Rheinisches Museum, vii.
But even the estimate of Ctesias, assuming the stade to be its usual length, would imply an area of about loo sq.
Assuming they existed, the quoins at the former northwest corner are hidden by the diagonal buttress of the tower.
Perhaps the most important is this - you 're assuming people have made a real effort to save the red squirrel before now !
Assuming an accurate cell has already been obtained so no further refinement of cell parameters is required.
Assuming approval in the first half of 2003, royalty revenues for CAT from HUMIRA are expected to commence in the 2004 financial year.
Finally, a forward-looking interpretation of the short-run dynamics, assuming quadratic adjustment costs, cannot be rejected by the data.
Anelka should do well assuming he does n't turn into the Incredible Sulk at some point.
Thatâs assuming one could afford walking boots after swingeing local tax increases !
By assuming a heroic, uncompromising moral stance they have isolated themselves from the " morally fragile " majority of society.
He gives sound advice for Indian workers impersonating Westerners, warning about the dangers of Indian call center staff assuming cultural stereotypes.
Assuming it does n't can be a fatal weakness.
Assuming this isn't the action of a virus or spyware, slowing performance means you've outgrown the memory capacity your computer originally came with.
The cat is extremely friendly, and I'm assuming she is owned by someone or she wouldn't make it through the winters.
When you say bath mats, I'm assuming you mean rugs on the bathroom floor.
Remember that the lender is assuming most of the risk.
Assuming everything checks out, the company will mail the consumer a permanent card within the next couple weeks.
The consumer ignores the lawsuit notifications, assuming the debt is no longer valid since it is so old.
If you know someone who has been divorced, you could ask them for a referral to an attorney (assuming they were happy with the service they received).
Don't make the mistake of assuming you know how to do something without reading the directions.
At the very least, assuming your couch is still in stock, you may be able to order matching fabric and make your own replacement cushion case, or hire a seamstress to do it for you.
The finished sheets will therefore also be organic, assuming that the rest of the manufacturing process is also free from harmful chemicals.
Out of all the various appliances and fixtures that require water to function, toilets are responsible for the largest percentage of water used in most households, assuming that modern low-flow devices have not been installed.
Once they're in place paint the area between the paint strips black (this is assuming that the wall underneath is white, but you can really do this in any color of your choosing).
In fact, I reach for it with blind confidence, assuming it will be there for me without fail.
Once an account is opened, it may be possible to begin online trading almost immediately, assuming there has been some cash transferred into the account to get things going.
Mistral Adoption Centre is a site where, assuming you meet the right requirements, you can adopt a beautiful baby Mistral, a dragon-like creature that lives among the Fae.
However, satisfactory results can also be achieved with point-and-shoot digital cameras as well, assuming that they have enough manual controls to override the automatic settings.
You could also award prizes for the best layouts in categories like travel or baby pages, assuming the judging process doesn't manage to accidentally hurt anyone's feelings.
Assuming that middle school encompasses 6th, 7th, and 8th grades (middle school sometimes only refers to 7th and 8th grade), your child should tackle the following objectives.
Assuming all has gone well with the interview and any subsequent tests, you will be offered the job.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that if a person is talking about committing suicide that they aren't serious about going through with it.
Remember to allow a few days for proofing, at least a week for printing, and a week for shipping (assuming rush service is not requested).
Many couples make the mistake of assuming everything will be covered by the bride's parents and are disappointed when the funds do not support the anticipated wedding.
It is not uncommon for cigarette smokers to begin using chewing tobacco as an alternative, wrongly assuming it to be healthier.
Most twin comforters come in the standard size, assuming they will work well on most twin-sized beds.
Assuming the transition has been made; Webelos scouts wear a tan shirt and forest green pants.
I'm assuming there has been some contact between your sister and son, and possibly their dogs too?
I'm assuming that since he sold you a different brand of dog food, he suspected your dog's problem was food allergy related.
However, you are correct in assuming that your dog's reaction to your boyfriend was in direct response to his anger and tone of voice.
I'm assuming that your dog is trustworthy when you leave him out during the day, so maybe one of these options will help your situation.
Assuming that there are no special clauses to consider then you can start shopping for the best jewelry box.
They are the perfect nitrogen rich addition to your compost pile, assuming you allow them to dry for a day or so before adding them to the heap.
They are available in several frame shapes and lens colors so you can make just the statement you desire, assuming that statement has something to do with edgy glamour.
To prevent this problem, you can purchase a scratch resistant coating for your lenses when you order them (assuming you order from an optical shop and have your glasses custom made).
To shop for your sunglass readers (assuming you're shopping in person and don't know your prescription), you can take a newspaper or book with you into the store or grab one while you're there.
The game starts out with you assuming the role of Andre Francis, but his co-workers just call him "Freeze".
A role playing gamer is assuming the role of one or more characters.
While you may be the victim of cheaters in a live game, it is less likely that someone will be able to cheat with an online game, assuming that they system has been designed and configured properly.