Associate Sentence Examples
The Associate Reformed Synod of the South had a membership of 13,201.
Even a prisoner on this planet was unwilling to associate with her!
Technically, it's Swami Associate but I won't quibble.
The bishops, particularly St Irenaeus of Lyons, declared themselves in favour of the usage of Rome, but refused to associate themselves with the excommunication pronounced by Victor against their Asiatic colleagues.
Rather, you will have to spend some time with a sales associate who will order the specific piece for you.
You probably associate stucco walls with Tuscan design.
About 292, thanks to his friend Theophrastus, he was able to return to Attica, and took up his abode in the country with a former associate, Proxenus.
When, however, Dbllinger and his school in their turn started the Old Catholic movement, Frohschammer refused to associate himself with their cause, holding that they did not go far enough, and that their declaration of 1863 had cut the ground from under their feet.
Most have an associate dean whose job it is to advise overseas doctors.
Separate school districts were abolished; a new city superintendent, with associate superintendents, was appointed; the scattered and unrelated school agencies were consolidated; new high schools and junior high schools established and buildings erected, such as the Schenley high school, built in 1916 at a cost of $1,500,000 and accommodating 2,000 students.
AdvertisementThe judicial department comprises a supreme court consisting of a chief justice and (since 1881) four associate justices elected for terms of six years, and lower courts consisting of district courts with original jurisdiction in civil cases in law and equity, and in criminal cases upon indictments by grand juries; justices' courts, in which the amount in litigation cannot exceed $ioo, or the punishment cannot exceed three months' imprisonment or a fine of $loo; and of municipal and probate courts with the usual jurisdictions.
After serving in the Maryland convention which ratified for that state the Federal Constitution, and there vigorously opposing ratification, though afterwards he was an ardent Federalist, he became in 1791 chief judge of the Maryland general court, which position he resigned in 1796 for that of an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
In 1763 he was elected an associate of the Academy of Inscriptions, and began to arrange for the publication of the materials he had collected during his eastern travels.
Robertson, a political opponent of Conkling, as collector of the port of New York, and when this appointment was confirmed by the Senate in spite of Conkling's opposition, Conkling and his associate senator from New York, Thomas C. Platt, resigned their seats in the Senate and sought re-election as a personal vindication.
The salary of the chief judge is $14,200, of the associate judges $13,700 a year.
AdvertisementThe administration of justice is entrusted to a supreme court, a continually increasing number of circuit courts (thirty-eight in 1909), one probate court in each county, and not exceeding four justices of the peace in each township. The supreme court is composed of one chief justice and seven associate justices, all elected for a term of ten years, not more than two retiring every two years; it holds four sessions annually, exercises a general control over the inferior courts, may issue, hear and determine any of the more important writs, and has appellate jurisdiction only in all other important cases.
In 1782 the presbyteries of the Associate and Reformed churches united, forming the Associate and Reformed Synod of North America; but as there were a few dissenters in both bodies the older Associate and Reformed Presbyteries remained as separate units - the Associate Presbytery continued to exist under the same name until 1801, when it became the Associate Synod of North America; in 1818 it ceased to be subordinate to the Scotch General Synod.
The Associate Reformed Synod added in 1794 a fourth presbytery, that of Londonderry, containing most of the New England churches, but in 1801 "disclaimed" this presbytery because it did not take a sufficiently strict view of the question of psalmsinging.
The Associate Presbyterian Church, or Associated Synod of North America had a membership of 786.
This circlet of gill-lamellae led Cuvier to class the limpets as Cyclobranchiata, and, by erroneous identification of them with the series of metamerically repeated ctenidia of Chiton, to associate the latter mollusc with the former.
AdvertisementOld Roman formula of prayer mention a Hora Quirini, his female cult associate, afterwards identified with Hersilia, the wife of Romulus.
As a rule these organs only extend a short way along the anterior end of the body, a concentration which we may associate with the development of a vascular system I--- to bring the products of excretion to a fixed spot.
On the death of Sir Hans Sloane in 1 753, Hales was chosen foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences.
He was elected an associate of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours in 1876, and a full member in 1880; an associate of the Royal Academy in 1885, and an academician in 1893; and at Paris, in 1887, where he exhibited "The Newhaven Packet" and "The Clearness after Rain," he received a grand prix and was made a knight of the Legion of Honour.
He was senior editor of the Congregationalist (1849-1855), and an associate editor of the Christian Union from 1870.
AdvertisementMarmots inhabit open country, either among mountains, or, more to the north, in the plains; and associate in large colonies, forming burrows, each tenanted by a single family.
A dissentient remnant (eight congregations) of the General Associate Synod united with the Constitutional Associate Presbytery in 1827, the resultant body being called the Associate Synod of Original Seceders.
With whom should I associate but with suffering men?
Jarvis is now an Associate Reporter for CNBC.
Not till 1736 were the statutes against witchcraft repealed; an act which the Associate Presbytery at Edinburgh in 1743 declared to be" contrary to the express law of God, for which a holy God may be provoked in a way of righteous judgment."The recognition and condemnation of errors in religious belief is by no means confined to the Christian Church.
In the winter of the same year he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy.
During his public life he had become a leader of the Democratic party in New York, Martin Van Buren being his closest associate.
After a short pastorate at Brandon, Vermont, he was successively professor of English literature in the University of Vermont (1845-1852), professor of sacred rhetoric in Auburn Theological Seminary (1852-1854), professor of church history in Andover Theological Seminary (1854-1862), and, after one year (1862-1863) as associate pastor of the Brick Church of New York City, of sacred literature (1863-1874) and of systematic theology (1874-1890) in Union Theological Seminary.
Like his father, he was a member of almost every learned society of Europe, and he succeeded him as foreign associate of the Academy of Paris.
Six judges - a chancellor, a chief justice, and four associate justices - of whom there shall be at least one resident in each of the three counties, and not more than three shall belong to the same political party, are appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, for a term of twelve years.
He was again a representative in the state legislature in 1851, became an associate justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts in 1852, and during the administration (1853-1857) of President Pierce, was attorneygeneral of the United States.
Though not himself belonging to any of the great senatorial families, he was in a position to associate with them on equal terms. This circumstance contributed to the boldness, originality and thoroughly national character of his literary work.
They associate in parties and are mainly arboreal, leaping from bough to bough with an agility that suggests flying through the air.
This court consists of a chief judge and six associate judges elected from the state at large for a term of fourteen years.
To expedite business, at the request of the court, the governor may designate not more than four justices of the supreme court to act temporarily as additional associate judges of the court of appeals.
Montaigne was not only put out to nurse with a peasant woman, but had his sponsors from the same class, and was accustomed to associate with it.
If he was evolved from the wind, his character had become so anthropomorphic that the Greeks had practically lost the knowledge of his primitive significance; nor did Greek cult ever associate him with the wind.
The leading varieties of teaching, the Sayings of Jesus, Paul, the Johannine writings, the Epistle to the Hebrews, connect the atonement with Christ especially with His death, and associate it with faith in Him and with repentance and amendment of life.12 These ideas are also common to Christian teaching generally.
The rule laid down by the Order is abstinence so far as possible from all foods which are obtained by the cruel infliction of pain, and the minimum that is set is complete "abstinence from flesh and fowl," while net-caught fish may be used by associate members.
De Monts, now governor of Paris, was too busy to occupy himself in the waning fortunes of the colony, and left them entirely to his associate.
Returning to the presidency of the chamber, he again abandoned his post in order to associate himself with the obstructionist campaign against the Public Safety Bill (1899-1900), and was rewarded by being enabled to form an administration with the support of the Extreme Left upon the fall of the Saracco cabinet in February 1901.
Exclusive of the city of Baltimore, the state is divided into seven judicial circuits, in each of which are elected for a term of fifteen years one chief judge and two associate judges, who at the time of their election must be members of the Maryland bar, between the ages of thirty and seventy, and must have been residents of the state for at least five years.
The judicial power is vested in a supreme court, consisting of a chief justice and four associate justices elected by the people; six appeal courts, each with three judges, also elected by the people; and twenty-six courts of first instance, each consisting of one judge appointed by the president and two by the chief justice of the supreme court.
But if classification is to express relationship, it is impossible to associate in the same order families whose kinship to insects of other orders is nearer than their kinship to each other.
He is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Oxford Center for Science of the Mind.
The supreme court and the superior court consist each of one justice and four associate justices.
A position as state official, at first as associate of the academy of sciences and secretary of the academy of arts, afterwards as secretary of the philosophical section of the academy of sciences, gave him ease and leisure.
The Karroo formation and associate dolerites (Loalemandelstein) occur in the same region.
In 1637 he emigrated to America, and from 1638 until 1641 was an associate pastor at Plymouth, where, however, his advocacy of the baptism of infants by immersion caused dissatisfaction.
Henri Milne-Edwards in 1844 demonstrated the affinities of the Polyzoa with the Molluscan class Brachiopoda, and proposed to associate the three classes Brachiopoda, Polyzoa and Tunicata in a large group " Molluscoidea," co-ordinate with the remaining classes of Cuvier's Mollusca, which formed a group retaining the name Mollusca.
Alexander was succeeded by his associate Hildebrand, who took the title of Gregory VII.
He was associate justice of the United States Supreme Court in 1789-91, and chief justice of the supreme court of South Carolina in 1791-95.
That a sovereign like St Louis should be able to associate himself officially with the feudalism of his realm to repress abuses of church jurisdiction; that a contemporary of Philip the Fair, the lawyer Pierre Dubois, should dare to suggest the secularization of ecclesiastical property and the conversion of the clergy into a class of functionaries paid out of the royal treasury; and that Philip the Fair, the adversary of Boniface VIII., should be able to rely in his conflict with the leader of the Church on the popular consent obtained at a meeting of the Three Estates of France - all point to a singular demoralization of the sentiments and principles on which were based the whole power of the pontiff of Rome and the entire organization of medieval Catholicism.
He was United States districtattorney for the eastern district of New York in 1866-1873, and an associate judge of the New York court of appeals in 1881-1882.
The large basin of drinking-water in front of the exedra was fed thence, and served to associate the name of Herodes with a benefit of the highest practical value.
When in 1747 "the Associate Synod," by a narrow majority, decided not to give full immediate effect to a judgment which had been passed in the previous year against the lawfulness of the "Burgess Oath," Gib led the protesting minority, who separated from their brethren and formed the Antiburgher Synod (April loth) in his own house in Edinburgh.
Insect-eating birds soon learn to associate distastefulness with the size, form and colour of the bees, and consequently leave them alone after one or more trials.
With two exceptions, these chickens that had learnt to associate black and yellow banding with a bitter taste also refused to touch the caterpillar of the cinnabar moth (Euchelia jacobaeae), which is banded with these colours.
The era of modern missions, based on associate organizations, begins with William Carey, and is closely connected with the great evangelical revival of the latter part of the r8th century.
Darby induced many of the inhabitants of Plymouth; England, to associate themselves with him for the promulgation of his opinions.
In the case of villas or picturesque residences, gardens of irregular form may be permitted; when adapted to the conditions of the locality, they associate better with surrounding objects, but in such gardens wall space is usually limited.
He is said to have studied under St Anselm at Bec. About 1076 he taught with great success at Paris, where, as the associate of William of Champeaux, he upheld the realistic side of the scholastic controversy.
The government appealed to the pope, but the Holy See declined to take any action, and so great was the embitterment that the Belgian minister at the Vatican and the papal nuncio at Brussels were recalled, and in 1880 the clergy refused to associate themselves with the fetes of the national jubilee.
The Norse king had with him seventy-one vessels, but part of them belonged to an associate, Sigwald, a chief of the Jomsburg vikings, who was an agent of his enemies, and who deserted him.
Gold (also platinum) is a not infrequent associate, but this may only mean that the sands in which the diamond is found have been searched because they were known to be auriferous; also that both gold and diamond are among the most durable of minerals and may have survived from ancient rocks of which other traces have been lost.
Further, the ilmenite, which is the most characteristic associate of the diamond in blue ground, and other of the accompanying minerals, may have come from basic rocks of a different nature.
Though not strictly gregarious, lions appear to be sociable towards their own species, and often are found in small troops, sometimes consisting of a pair of old ones with their nearly fullgrown cubs, but occasionally of adults of the same sex; and there seerp.s to be evidence that several lions will associate for the purpose of hunting upon a preconcerted plan.
In such noble projects of reform as the emancipation of the serfs (see Reventlow) Bernstorff took a leading part, and so closely did he associate himself with everything Danish, so popular did he become in the Danish capital, that a Swedish diplomatist expressed the opinion that henceforth Bernstorff could not be removed without danger.
Judge David Davis, who knew Lincoln on the Illinois circuit and whom Lincoln made in October 1862 an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, said that he was "great both at nisi Arius and before an appellate tribunal."
In this last regard it may be remarked that the impulse is less from religious conviction than from a desire to associate on more equal terms with their neighbors.
At this important stage in their contest with the crown a mighty ally suddenly offered himself, and with indecent eagerness they hastened to associate themselves with him.
He was continually harassed by the Turks until peace was made in 1562, and connected therewith were troubles in Bohemia and especially in Hungary, two countries which he had acquired through marriage, while North Germany was disturbed by the wild schemes of Wilhelm von Grumbach (qv.) and his associate John Frederick, duke of Saxony.
It did not occur to him, any more than to the other German sovereigns of the 18th century, to associate his people with him in the govern.ment of the country; he was in every respect a thoroughly absolute sovereign.
Almost coincident with his ordination as associate pastor came his marriage with Theodosia Alleine, daughter of Richard Alleine.
Then came the religious fanaticism of Akhenaton, mutilating all figures of Ammon and all inscriptions containing his name; this made havoc of the exquisite monuments of Hatshepsut; and the restorers of the XIXth Dynasty, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the queen, had no scruples in replacing her names by those of the associate kings Tethmosis I., II.
He entered at an early age the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, where he became first a pupil (1705), then an associate (1714) and finally a pensionnaire (1722).
After the organization of the Federal government, President Washington offered him at different times appointments as associate justice of the Supreme Court (1791), secretary of war (1795) and secretary the document sent by Pinckney to Adams in 1818 is a genuine copy of his original plan.
Some authorities, however, hold that it commemorates the red flare of the torches by whose light the work of construction was carried on nightly for many years; others associate it with the name of the founder, Mahomet Ibn Al Ahmar; and others derive it from the Arabic Dar al Amra, " House of the Master."
In 1837 he became professor of Hebrew at Andover, and from 1848 until his death was associate professor of sacred literature there.
Elected Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1870, Reid attained full membership in 1877, and took up his residence in Edinburgh in 1882.
Thus it is pointed out that Cook's estimate of 240,000 for the Society Archipelago (Tahiti) was at the time reduced by his associate, Forster, to 150,000, so that the 300,000 credited by him to the Sandwich Islands should also be heavily discounted.
They are merely consultative bodies, and the primary intention of their foundation was to associate the laity in the deliberations of convocation.
From 1876 almost until his death he was connected with the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, being in turn a fellow, an associate in history (1878-1883), an associate professor (1883-1891) and after 1891 professor of American and institutional history.
Among the Hebrews, Yahweh, some of whose features associate him with thunder, lightning and storm, and with the gifts of the earth, has now become the national god, like the Moabite Chemosh or the Ammonite Milcolm.
Chroniclers lavish on him the titles of "archipirata," "vir flagitiosissimus et nequissimus," and poets made him an associate of the devil.
The supreme court consists of seven members, four Americans and three Filipinos; and the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court are appointed by the president of the United States with the consent of the Senate.
By the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences he was made correspondent (1857) and foreign associate (the first Englishman since Macaulay) (1864).
From an evidential point of view the apparition is the most valuable class of death-warning, inasmuch as recognition is more difficult in the case of an auditory hallucination, even where it takes the form of spoken words; moreover, auditory hallucinations coinciding with deaths may be mere knocks, ringing of bells, &c.; tactile hallucinations are still more difficult of recognition; and the hallucinations of smell which are sometimes found as death-warnings rarely have anything to associate them specially with the dead person.
On the 3rd of March 1714 James wrote to Anne, Oxford and Bolingbroke, urging the necessity of taking steps to secure his succession, and promising, on the condition of his recognition, to make no further attempts against the queen's government; and in April a report was circulated in Holland that Anne had secretly determined to associate James with her in the government.
The supreme judicial authority is vested in a Supreme Court, which consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, all appointed for life by the president, subject to confirmation by the Senate.
We have every reason to trust the Church's tradition at this time, particularly as Luke was not prominent enough as an associate of Paul to suggest the theory as a guess.
Although the Vaishnava sects hitherto noticed, in their adoration of Vishnu and his incarnations, Krishna and Ramachandra, usually associate with these gods their Brot wives, as their saktis, or female energies, the sexual element is, as a rule, only just allowed sufficient scope to enhance the emotional character of the rites of worship. In some of the later Vaishnava creeds, on the other hand, this element is far from being kept within the bounds of moderation and decency.
In 1872 he was elected an associate of the Royal Astronomical Society, receiving its gold medal in 1874.
Except Benjamin Franklin he was the only American to become an Associate of the French Institute.
In the United States the supreme court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, any six of whom make a quorum.
The supreme court consisted of a chief justice and five associate justices appointed by the President.
His death, as well as that of his associate, Rosa Luxemburg, who perished on the same night at the hands of the soldiers or the mob, was constantly made a subject of reproach to the Government Socialists by the extreme Communist party.
The treatment of inflammation of mucous membrane is based upon the same principles as inflammation of the skin, and there too we usually associate means (I) for removing microbes, (2) for destroying them, (3) for lessening the irritation they produce, and (4) for repairing any mischief they have done.
Previous to this (in 1629) Parkinson, the friend and associate of Johnson, had published his Paradisus, in which (p. 517) he gives an indifferent figure of the potato under the name of Papas seu Battatas Virginianorum, and adds details as to the method of cooking the tubers which seem to indicate that they were still luxuries.
He studied mathematics, civil and military architecture, and astronomy, and became associate of the Academie des Sciences, professor of geometry, secretary to the Academy of Architecture and fellow of the Royal Society of London.
The supreme court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices, but it may be held by the chief justice alone or by any one of the associate justices.
Later each of these twelve sold onehalf of his share to another associate, thus making twenty-four proprietors; and on the 14th of March the duke of York confirmed the sale, and gave them all the powers necessary for governing the province.
He graduated at Yale in 1827, was associate editor of the New York Journal of Commerce in 1828-1829, and in 1829 became a tutor at Yale.
At the head of the department of justice is the supreme judicial court, which consists of a chief justice and seven associate justices appointed by the governor and council for a term of seven years.
In 1829 he married a beautiful but delicate young woman, Miss Ellen Tucker of Concord, and was installed as associate minister of the Second Church (Unitarian) in Boston.
The invention of the conic sections is to be assigned to the school of geometers founded by Plato at Athens about the 4th century B.C. Under the guidance and inspiration of this philosopher much attention was given to the geometry of solids, and it is probable that while investigating the cone, Menaechrnus, an associate of Plato, pupil of Eudoxus, and brother of Dinostratus (the inventor of the quadratrix), discovered and investigated the various curves made by truncating a cone.
He was a Methodist circuit rider and pastor in Indiana and Minnesota (18J7-1866); associate editor (1866-1867) of The Little Corporal, Chicago; editor of The National Sunday School Teacher, Chicago (1867-1870); literary editor and later editor-in-chief of The Independent, New York (1870-1871); and editor of Hearth and Home in 1871-1872.
In 1890 the Rabbinical Diploma was conferred on him by Lector Weiss of Vienna, but again he evidenced his self-denial by declining to stand for the post of associate Chief Rabbi in the same year.
As for your love sick associate, be it him or her, I only express prudence and caution, by everyone.
I would be grateful if anybody can help John distribute these books, get more associate members or help with publicity.
It boasts an associate Dean for Enterprise, and considers linking academia with enterprise central to its activity.
Most whistleblowers were senior academics, chiefly professors and associate professors, and they made about half of the allegations.
David is an Associate in the Construction & Engineering Department, having been a qualified and practicing architect before turning to law.
Get them to write down a definition or hold a brainstorm of words they associate with economics.
These are not the arid canyons you normally associate with Arizona.
Martin Wolf is associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times.
Only Fulbright rose to associate himself with Mansfield's remarks and to express condemnation.
The work was overseen by the associate director and director of general practice education and the dean of postgraduate education.
The Orthodox were the first to associate themselves with the movement, tho initially their participation was carefully delimited.
Who came in Michael Grandage (associate director) Angela Galvin (chief executive ).
Since May 2004, as Associate Artist at Forma, he has been researching the highly experimental and technologically demanding Signal Transposition project.
Max's problem comes down to his associate Riton, whose lover has left him for rival gangster Angelo.
We are well aware of the multi-page tomes, written in dense legalese, which many people associate with the writing of wills.
The Research Associate worked closely with ESL's technical team to develop a full-size mock-up of the bath for public exhibit.
This gets rid of the rather mickey mouse questions of which set of ' outcomes ' should be Associate.
Requirements To join the Associate Engineer program, degree in engineering (civil or chemical ), chemistry and/or petroleum engineering is required.
The scheme is open to full-time, part-time, undergraduate, postgraduate and associate college students of the university.
Last year I had been present during the annual review of associate professors for tenure.
Back to Associate List Audrey Neill Audrey is a psychodynamic counselor, currently completing her training in psychoanalytical psychotherapy.
In addition to the complexes referred to above, the MBD proteins might associate with several other complexes involved in transcriptional repression.
They didn't associate themselves with lower case roman, as we usually see today, but with roman caps and small caps.
Associate Professor takeda is planning to take a sabbatical year in the UK in 2007-2008 to pursue this research.
Former Norwich City associate schoolboy Ricky Martin is a busy man.
There is even a php script that enables affiliates to search RegNow and display all your associate vendors products Click Here for details.
Such thinking rather smacks of the historical determinism that Third Way thinkers associate with the 'old left ' and claim to have moved beyond.
However, people can learn to associate tightrope walking, fighting in battles or defusing a bomb with a state of psychological calm.
The opposition which he had made to Hegel's formalism had induced some to associate him with the materialistic school, others to count him among the followers of Herbart.
Frazer's latest view is that he is the old cult associate of Diana of Aricia (to whom he is related as Attis to Cybele or Adonis to Venus), the mythical predecessor or archetype of the kings of the grove.
Most of them are natives of the Old World, and chiefly of its eastern division, but several inhabit the western portion of North America, and one, C. githagineus (of which there seem to be at least two local races), is an especial native of the deserts, or their borders, of Arabia and North Africa, extending even to some of the Canary Islands - a singular modification in the habitat of a form which one would be apt to associate exclusively with forest trees, and especially conifers.
From 1807 until his death he was an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, and he wrote political pamphlets under the pen-name "Decius."
His installation into this congenial post at once introduced him to the best literary society of the time; and in becoming the associate of Charles Lamb, Cary de Quincey, Allan Cunningham, Proctor, Talfourd, Hartley Coleridge, the peasant-poet Clare and other contributors to the magazine, he gradually developed his own intellectual powers, and enjoyed that happy intercourse with superior minds for which his cordial and genial character was so well adapted, and which he has described in his best manner in several chapters of Hood's Own.
In1769-1774there was a futile attempt to secure the union of the Associate Presbytery with the main American Church.
The agitation with reference to African slavery threw the bulk of the Southern Presbyterians on the Old Side, which was further strengthened by the accession of the Associate Reformed.
In 1850 the New School Assembly declared slave-holding, unless excusable for some special reason, a cause for discipline; in 1853 it asked the Southern presbyteries to report what action they had taken to put themselves in accord with the resolution of 1850; The separation of the southern part of the Associate Reformed Church from the northern in 1821, and the establishment of the Associate Reformed Synod of the South had not been due to slavery, but was for convenience in administration.
From 1851 to February 1856 he was an associate justice of the state supreme court, and from December 1854 was chief justice.
The atmosphere is a cause of disease in the neighborhood of chemical works, large towns, volcanoes, &c., in so far as it carrie, acid gases and poisons to the leaves and roots; but it is usual tc associate with it the action of excessive humidity which brings about those tender watery and more or less etiolated condition, which favor parasitic Fungi, and diminish transpiration and therefore nutrition.
His eye rested only on superficial characteristics which have served to associate the name " Byzantine " with treachery, cruelty, bigotry and decadence.
As a general statement of the position of orthodox Congregationalism he drew up and t annotated the "Associate Creed of Andover Theological Seminary" (1883), and the anonymously published "Worcester Creed" of 1884 was his popularized and simplified statement.
A Chaldaean sage prophesies to him his future greatness, and another Persian slave, Oebares, becomes his associate.
In 1772, the year in which he was chosen a foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences, he accepted the position of librarian and literary companion to Lord Shelburne (afterwards ist Marquess of Landsdowne) at Calne, with a salary of £250 a year and a house.
In the animistic attitude we have in- Anim- deed the true background of the genuine Roman religion; but its characteristic and peculiar development is a kind of "higher Animism," which can associate the "spirit" not merely with visible and tangible objects, but with states and actions in the life of the individual and the community.
But though he formulated no system of philosophy, and seemed to show the influence now of Plato, now of Kant, or of German thought as filtered through the brain of Coleridge, he was, like his American master, associate and friend, steadily optimistic, idealistic, individualistic. The teachings of William Ellery Channing a little before, as to the sacred inviolability of the human conscience - anticipating the later conclusions of Martineau - really lay at the basis of the work of most of the Concord transcendentalists and contributors to The Dial, of whom Alcott was one.
Some regard the legend as a chthonian myth, Aea (Colchis) being the under-world in the Aeolic religious system from which Jason liberates himself and his betrothed; others, in view of certain resemblances between the story of Jason and that of Cadmus (the ploughing of the field, the sowing of the dragon's teeth, the fight with the Sparti, who are finally set fighting with one another by a stone hurled into their midst), associate both with Demeter the corn-goddess, and refer certain episodes to practices in use at country festivals, e.g.
Clinch, a kinsman, and about $9,262,000 to Judge Henry Hilton (1824-1899), a business associate of Stewart, who had received a legacy of $1,000,000 from Stewart, and who managed Mrs Stewart's business.
Future Hope 's rugby team is an Associate Club of Quins and play in the famous quartered jersey.
Rose to the rank of colonel in the New Model Army and was a close political associate of John Lambert.
They did n't associate themselves with lower case roman, as we usually see today, but with roman caps and small caps.
Associate Professor Takeda is planning to take a sabbatical year in the UK in 2007-2008 to pursue this research.
Does the word regularly associate with other meanings (the notion of semantic prosody)?
We are conditioned to associate stodgy food with comfort.
The Labor Government is quite wrong to associate support for the continuing surrender of the British veto in EU policy matters with patriotism.
There is a tendency in the literature to associate Mackie 's model of causality with a deterministic view of the universe.
It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humiliating thyself thou hast saved thy life to-day.
Research Associate in the Department of Engineering Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate, to work on transonic helicopter noise.
I choose not to associate myself with those who adamantly disagree with my lifestyle choices.
As they associate the signing with their words, they are less frustrated and more at ease in their communicating, thus opening the door for language development.
While many people may associate attachment style parenting with adoptive families, the goal of many parenting organizations is to encourage all parents to become nurturers toward their children, both physically and emotionally.
Sometimes people associate jungle nursery themes with little boys.
Some parents choose a name that they associate with a special memory, such as a place they honeymooned, like "Cheyenne," or a favorite time of year, like "Noelle."
Ask your sales associate about anything you don't understand.
Lots of people still associate most businesses with .com!
Most have conference call capability allowing you to connect two or three of your associate's phone lines for impromptu meetings.
Online stores are a good place to look if you don't need the assistance of a sales associate.
Most tennis shoe soles are non-marking, but confirm with the sales associate before making your purchase.
Otherwise, the next time you're in your local TV retailer, ask the sales associate.
You can always change these specifications later, but it is good to have a list so that a sales associate at a store will not be able to pressure you into buying something you really do not need.
The process of choosing among available wireless routers will be much less stressful when you know what the numbers and terms associate with different models mean.
They soon begin to associate scratching the sofa with getting wet, and they will soon stop scratching.
He'll soon learn associate brushing with pleasant attention.
Make sure to take him to the vet's for a checkup and all shots before you allow him to associate with your other household pets, just in case he might have an infectious disease.
Your cat may associate the pain it experiences when urinating with its litter box.
The cat will begin to associate mealtime with the raw food.
These are hardly the content times you may typically associate with purring.
She would then learn to associate touch as a pleasant experience.
Also, when the two cats are brought into the same environment, try to encourage playful activities and generously dole out the kitty treats so that your cats will associate "togetherness" with positive feelings.
Most people think of juleps as drinks served annually at the Kentucky Derby and certainly don't associate them with easy cocktail recipes.
A thank-you gift for a business associate or a floral arrangement for a relative can be ordered by your concierge.
For example, the non-custodial parent may be required to continue paying support until the child reaches the age of 21 or completes a training program, associate's degree or bachelor's degree at a college or university.
Most people associate Asian furniture with Oriental style furniture.
Many products you associate as green cost more, but provide little more than the satisfaction of doing something for the planet.
In the case of home office design, you just want a place to associate with work.
Most schools offer different levels of training, from interior design certificates to associate and bachelor degrees.
In some instances, it is possible to complete a certificate program or associate's degree online and transfer those credits to a bachelor's program at a traditional school.
Admission for the diploma program requires a high school GPA of 1.5 or higher, a GED score of 225 or higher, or an associate degree or above.
For the bachelor's program, a high school GPA of 2.0 or higher, GED score of 225 or above, or an associate degree or higher is required.
An Associate degree in interior design is generally the result of completing a two-year dedicated interior design course of study.
Associate degrees are offered by dozens of community colleges, art schools, and interior design schools around the country.
Berkeley College offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in interior design and the Art Institute of Pittsburg Online Division offers an Associates in Kitchen and Bath Design.
Wade College was founded in 1962 and offers an Associate of Arts Degree in interior design. in addition to computer-aided drafting, students also learn how to create freehand and perspective drawings.
The next level up is the two-year associate degree which can be found at numerous colleges and universities.
New York School of Interior Design - This well-known design college offers associate, bachelor, and masters degrees along with a certificate program.
American InterContinental University - This school offers associate or bachelor degree programs in interior design at their campuses in South Florida, Atlanta, Los Angeles, London, and Dubai.
Harrington College of Design - With a campus based in exciting Chicago, this school offers associate and bachelor degrees in interior design.
Many schools may offer associate and bachelor degrees in interior design fields.
Since many people associate patriotic colors and designs with summertime and cookouts, the sunroom is one of the most popular locations for patriotic décor.
Asian style decor also tends to be less cluttered than many Western interiors, making many homeowners associate it with minimalist home design.
While some people associate tapestries with Old World style decorating, cool wall tapestries in abstract patterns, bright colors and modern prints are available to fit the contemporary home as well.
Women associate scents to memories stronger than men, which is why so many ladies purchase colognes for their boyfriends and husbands.
Receiving a generous product sample is as easy as requesting one from a sales associate.
The sales associate informed me that the problems associated with the older lip products no longer applied to these, and that the Stickglosses in particular were being met with great fanfare.
If you'd like to test out a new scent, simply ask the sales associate for a free sample.
Few people associate Antonio Banderas with the beauty industry, so it may come as a surprise to some that he's established himself as a major player in the fragrance world.
If you need some inspiration for a formal look that flatters your features, stop by any cosmetic counter or a makeup retailer such as Sephora or Ulta and visit with a cosmetic sales associate.
A sales associate recommended I try the Smashbox primer on a whim.
Consult with a makeup artist or cosmetics associate at your local department store if you need help choosing the right palette for your skin tone.
If you need inspiration for the best MAC kit either for yourself or for a lucky gift recipient, stop by a MAC counter and enlist the help of a cosmetic sales associate.
If you're still not sure which option is best for you, get help from a Bank of America associate through a their 24-hour toll-free customer support line.
Many people associate female glamour photography with images of scantily clad women in compromising positions.
Although many people associate scrapbooking with chronicles of birthday parties and family vacations, the act of creating a layout has significant therapeutic value.
While most people associate scrapbooking with layouts made from cardstock and patterned paper, an increasing number of digital scrapbookers are starting their own businesses as well.
Many people associate the Summit County ski resorts with Colorado skiing.
While most people associate snow makers with ski areas, there are other lesser-known uses for this piece of equipment.
Most people do not associate Pennsylvania with skiing and snowboarding, but the state actually has more than 22 ski areas.
He also serves as an Associate Pastor at his church.
However, stress can cause small health-related symptoms people don't always associate with the concept of stress.
Eventually, the individual learns to associate the physiological and biological changes in the body that take place under a false or real danger and the learned behavior repeatedly results in a panic attack.
Members of cliques are usually told with whom they can associate.
If you associate cardigans with images of grandpa, it's time to rethink the look.
Ask your friends and family who they recommend and ask the associate questions when you enter the store.
Many places will ask you if you want one, but sometimes the associate forgets.
Be sure to let the associate know it is a gift and if they have these receipts with no prices on it.
Parents who do drugs may associate with drug dealers on a regular basis, and teens end up dealing drugs with the dealers along with their unknowing parents.
Keep in mind that if you remove the tags from the clothes, the sales associate may reject a return.
People associate poems and prayer with special moments where time seems to stop.
A secret friend may be someone who you have known for many years, but is not a part of the in-crowd or a new friend that you don't want to publicly associate yourself with.
Also, measure yourself or have a sales associate at a department store help you determine your size.
Were you able to meet with the same associate each time you visited?
Many falsely associate the punk rock style with grunge or a general sloppiness.
Most people associate the financial cost of underage drinking with the court costs assigned to an "underage drinking ticket."
Pneumonia is another one of the side effects of heroin that most people may not associate with using this drug.
Most people associate spas with pampering and ultra-high quality products, especially the very soft and expensive towels that are often the signature of a world class spa.
All of that came to a head on September 14, 2006, when U.S. Marshalls arrested Dog, his son, and his business associate.
As a teenager, Angelina adopted the goth/punk persona that many people came to associate her with.
Although you might associate western wear with plaids or blue chambray, little girls western shirts can actually be found in virtually any pattern or style.
It's easy to associate summer dresses with the typical sundress style, but parents often forget how cool a summer evening can become in just a few short hours.
Associate's degrees are available from community colleges and junior colleges.
Some associate's degrees are stand-alone degrees, designed to prepare students for specific careers like fire science, nursing, office administration, or massage therapy.
Associate's degrees can also be used as a start towards a bachelor's degree.
The school features five main degrees, leading students to an associate's degree in either applied science, business administration, general studies, liberal arts or science.
Like many other community colleges, Everett Community College offers associate's degrees and certification in a wide variety of majors including aviation, graphic design, nursing, tribal enterprise management and many more.
Brevard CC is most popular for its Associate of Arts degree.
These programs allow students to earn associate degrees at Brevard Community College and move on to four-year institutions seamlessly.
The community college supports distance, online and traditional brick-and-mortar education for students enrolled in associate degree and certificate programs.
The school ranks second for providing associate degrees to Native American students and supports more than 8,000 students returning to college or seeking a higher education annually.
The University of West Florida offers associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in a variety of areas.
Currently the college offers 36 different associate's degrees and 18 certificate programs.
If you completed part of a college degree or completed an associate's or bachelor's degree and would now like to pursue a master's degree, there are additional considerations in making your back to school choice.
Look for accelerated bachelor's programs if you already hold an associate's degree in your field.
Kaplan University is an online college granting associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees in many fields, from nursing, to education, to business.
By 1959, the college was accredited by the State Board of Education in Ohio to offer associate degrees in sciences and arts.
The Culinary Institute of America holds a yearly apple-pie-baking recipe contest that awards one winning student $25,000 toward a bachelor's degree at the school or $12,500 toward an associate's degree.
It is able to award Associate of Arts degrees, Associate of Applied Science degrees and career/technical certificates to students.
At MCCC, students have access to over 82 associate degrees and more than 48 certificate programs.
The college also offers more than 50 certificate programs in addition to the associate degrees, allowing career and community growth through continuing education.
The school features over 125 degree and certificate programs as well as a 60+60 Bachelor's Degree Transfer Program that guarantees PPCC associate degree graduates transfer to any four-year university in Colorado as a junior.
The multi-campus college offers continuing education, associate degree programs and vocational training for the residents of Davidson County and the surrounding area.
As the DCCC, the school began offering Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees and by 1966, transferable course credits were added, allowing DCCC students to move on to four-year universities.
Associate degrees are available in areas like Animal Sciences and Nursing.
While some associate degrees are offered by this institution, many student choose to take classes here and transfer to another degree-granting school.
As a junior college, Kilgore offers associate's degrees, continuing education and workforce development.
The college offers associate's degrees and occupational certificates.
The school offers associate's degrees and certificates, but it does not offer bachelor's degrees.
They provide a variety of educational services, including associate's degrees, career training and continuing education, and transferable general education courses for those wishing to transfer to a four-year college.
Lorain County features over 80 educational programs for its students, from Associate of Arts and Science degrees to Applied Associate Degrees.
Several types of programs offer high school and college students financial assistance for completing an associate's or bachelor's degree.
The college issues over 2,000 vocational certificates and associate's degrees each school year, and has one of the highest graduation rates in the area.
In addition, there are numerous certificate options available to students in many of the same fields where they can earn associate's degrees.
For instance, students who don't wish to complete a full Associate of Applied Science degree in Digital Illustration can instead take courses towards a Computer Graphics and Visual Communication Digital Illustration Certificate.
With 120 programs, Kirkwood students can earn associate's degrees or certificates in a variety of fields.
Student can earn an associate's degree or simply take a set number of courses, depending on their needs.
Paradise Valley Community College also offers 21 Associate in Applied Science degrees that are considered occupational degrees.
Associate degree programs typically take two years to complete and provide a basic foundation in engineering and the sciences.
Students in associate degree programs usually complete basic course requirements and then transfer into bachelor's degree programs for advanced instruction in bioengineering.
How can you complete a distance learning for physical education associate's degree when physical education requires physical activities?
Most distance learning for physical education associate's degrees are offered through community colleges.
Online physical education degrees tend to be very generalized at the associate's degree level.
A school's accreditation and the state's certification standards will play a huge role in determining the specific curriculum of an online physical education associate's degree.
Achieving an associate's degree in physical education is a strong first step towards careers related to sports, exercise science, recreation management, coaching and teaching.
Associate's degree graduates will be ready to enter a bachelor's degree program to further their career objectives.
Troy State University offers associate, bachelor's, and master's degree programs in a variety of areas.
Troy's Associate of Science degree is available to students seeking a two-year final degree, or who are utilizing this program as a stepping stone towards a bachelor's degree.
In order to be admitted to the associate program, students must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Murphy Center for Continuing Education and Distance Learning, students can earn bachelor's and associate's degrees in accounting, business administration, criminal justice, information systems and human services.
Students seeking an online degree with Ventura College should consult the course catalog to verify that all courses required for the school's associate's degrees are offered in an online format.
In addition to general topics, most online universities offer specialized certificate programs, associate's degrees, or vocational courses designed to train students in specific occupations.
You might be surprised to learn that you can earn your associate's, bachelor's, master's, or even doctoral degree online through the Phoenix program.
Liberty University distance learning includes a vibrant and growing online program offered on the high school, associate, bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.
Nationally accredited and well-known amongst online paralegal students, NPC offers certification within seven months, an associate's degree in 15 months, or a bachelor's degree in legal studies in less than three years.
Relatively new amongst online paralegal programs, CCCOnline offers Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees as well as a variety of certifications on different levels to suit your career needs and goals.
They also have an advanced start program that you can begin if you've already earned your associate's degree, which means you only need to study for two additional years to receive your bachelor's.
An alternative to an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree in paralegal studies, a paralegal certificate is generally faster to obtain, making it an excellent choice for those who are looking to begin their careers as soon as possible.
There are a huge number of associate degree programs in Pittsburgh to choose from if you're a prospective student.
Associate programs award you with a degree in just two years rather than the four that a bachelor's degree takes.
Several Pittsburgh schools offer associate degree programs, including the Pittsburgh Technical Institute, Bradford School, Triangle Tech, the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and DeVry University.
Each associate degree takes two years to earn, but PTI also offers a number of certificate programs that you can complete in less than that time.
Triangle Tech offers technical degrees, diplomas, and associate degree programs in Pittsburgh.
The campus also has an online division with associate options in graphic design, kitchen and bath design and web design with interactive media.
It has associate degree programs in network systems administration and web graphic design.
If you're interested in pursuing further education after getting your associate degree, the university offers a much larger range of bachelor's and master's programs as well.
Do you want to earn a bachelor's degre or an associate degree?
He may be just a customer-service representative, but when he completes his associate's degree, he could become eligible for his company's corporate management training.
Texas is the last place many people associate with cruises, but the Port of Galveston on the state's southeastern coast offers a range of options for interested travelers, and none are more popular than Galveston Royal Caribbean cruises.
That simple, easily recognizable icon helps customers identify the brand and come to associate it with the quality and service they desire.
Pick a one word command such as 'potty' and repeat it over and over so your puppies associate the word with the deed.
Doing this repeatedly will teach her what her name is, and also associate coming to you with pleasant things.
Make sure that you are calm when you put him in it so he doesn't associate it with a punishment.
He will associate this "special" treat with going outside and he will be easier to house train.
He will associate taking the pill with a positive activity and be more willing the next time.
The double white and the double pink should be planted near each other, and will clothe banks or associate with bold rocks.
The evergreen Polypodiums associate well with flowering plants that do not require frequent removing, and they may be made to cover bare spaces beneath trees, or to overrun stumps.
Oftentimes people associate gospel music with church organs and full choirs, but what many music fans don't realize is that gospel music can be played beautifully on the guitar.
From there, the sales associate at the shop can help you figure out which level of power you need at this point in your musical career.
Western European Judeo-Christian traditions associate the Virgin Mary with the new moon, symbolizing peace and purity.
In the United States, many associate the paisley design to the psychedelic Summer of Love in the 1970's.
Many associate Richard Simmons with striped running shorts; however, there are many styles with stripes that will not have you looking like the fitness guru himself.
While elbow patches are not necessary for the hard-wearing fabric, it's still the look we associate with professors.
It will also follow standards which regulate the entire production through processing which you typically associate with organic products.
A sales associate will run a tape measure around your bust, waist and hips areas to determine your size.
If you're shopping for plus size lingerie of any kind, it can prove helpful to seek assistance from a sales associate if you're shopping at a brick and mortar location.
They are mentioned only because those with any of these conditions may have problems with snoring, and relatives or caregivers may not associate the chronic snoring with the condition itself.
Vorona is an associate professor in the Division of Sleep Medicine, and is board certified in Sleep Disorders, Pulmonary Medicine, and Internal Medicine.