Assessment Sentence Examples
Talal's assessment of there being something wrong returned to her.
His assessment tore through her mind, digging up memories and laying them bare on the surface.
Mayer's assessment of Byrne's true abilities were kept to a minimum.
He was in better shape than half the office, by Mayer's assessment.
Evaluation techniques include clinical assessment and modified barium swallow procedure.
When we turn to the social divisions we find in Domesday and other documents classes of society in these districts bearing purely Norse names, dreng, karl, karlman, bonde, thrall, lysing, hold; in the system of taxation we have an assessment by carucates and not by hides and virgates, and the duodecimal rather than the decimal system of reckoning.
Assessment is also an ongoing activity which must be continually reviewed and reappraised to ensure that the care is meeting the patient 's needs.
The average real rate of assessment was $0.72 in 1880 and $074 in 1902.
The assessment is important because it will inform monitoring programs and provide a starting point for the river basin management planning process.
If any system deserves that name, it is that of village assessment, which still lingers in the memories of the people in the south.
AdvertisementEach field is measured, and an assessment placed upon it according to the quality of the soil without any attempt to fix the actual average produce.
The process of assessment began in 1789 and terminated in 1791.
Physical assessment will determine the presence or absence of bowel sounds, flatus, or abdominal distention.
Assessment During the program, you will progress from participant observer, via support teacher and sharing teacher, to lead teacher.
Suitable people will then have an assessment by a qualified assessor in order to obtain social services funding.
AdvertisementAn assessment of the case for a national consumer advice helpline is available to read on-line.
Assessment for becoming a respite carer An initial visit to your home will take place to discuss the respite scheme.
The first step is to recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea followed by a physical assessment with a primary care physician.
Boiamund proposed to assess the tax, not according to the old conventional valuation but on the true value of the benefices at the time of assessment.
But from 1600 onwards the same persons fulfilled both functions, the object being, by giving the assessors the duty of collecting the tax, to lead to a duster and more conscientious assessment.
AdvertisementAthens, as the chosen leader, and supported no doubt by the synod, enforced the contributions of ships and money according to the assessment.
They have original jurisdiction in all cases in equity, in all cases at law which involve the title or possession of real property, or the legality of a tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal fine, and in all other cases at law in which the amount in controversy is $loo or more, in nearly all criminal cases, in matters of probate, in proceedings for divorce, and in various other cases; and they have appellate jurisdiction of cases originally tried before a justice of the peace or other inferior courts where the amount in controversy is more than $20.
To make it easier, the justiciar ordered the assessment to be made by a sworn jury in every hundred, and one may reasonably conjecture that these jurors were also elected.
The Peloponnesians had no reserve and no fixed revenue assessment.
Under this system the oppression and extortion practised under native rule gave place to a carefully regulated method of assessment.
AdvertisementThe administrative officers were entrusted with the assessment and acted as arbitrators and referees in case of illegal exactions.
The existing assessment, made before the British occupation, had long been condemned by all competent authorities, but the inherent intricacies and difficulties of the problem had hitherto postponed a solution.
Rates and taxes on land are mostly levied according to a uniform system of assessment, the unit of which is called a Tonde Hartkorn.
In the island of Bornholm, the assessment is somewhat different, though the general state of agricultural holdings is the same as in other parts.
Under the Athenian naval confederacy, Paros paid the highest tribute of all the islands subject to Athens - 30 talents annually, according to the assessment of Olymp. 88, 4 (4 2 9 B.C.).
For parliamentary purposes some counties have been united, as Clackmannan and Kinross, Elgin and Nairn, Orkney and Shetland, and Peebles and Selkirk, and others divided, as Aberdeen, Ayr, Lanark, Perth and Renfrew, while others retain in certain respects their old subdivision, Lanarkshire for assessment purposes being still partitioned into the upper, middle and lower wards.
The system of revenue is based upon the general property tax; the local assessment of all real and personal property is required, with the aim of recording all kinds of property upon the assessment rolls.
As theland furnishes the main source of Indian revenue, so the assessment of the land tax is the main work of Indian administration.
In Bengal the assessment has been accomplished once and for all, but throughout the greater part of the rest of India the process is continually going on.
Hasting's great rival, Francis, was among those who urged the superior advantages of a permanent assessment.
The aggregate assessment was fixed at sikkd Rs.
According to this system, an assessment is made with the cultivating proprietor upon the land taken up for cultivation year by year.
This assessment holds good, without any possibility of modification, for a term of thirty years.
That in areas where the State takes the land revenue from the cultivators, the proposal to fix the assessment at one-fifth of the gross produce would result in the imposition of a greatly increased burden upon the people.
The rate is a little more than 2l% on all incomes exceeding £133 a year, and a little more than 2% on incomes exceeding £66, the minimum income liable to assessment having been raised in 1903 from £33.
But no principle of assessment existed, and the amount actually realized varied greatly from year to year.
The total assessment amounted to sikka Rs.26,800,989, or about 24 millions sterling.
This he effected by reductions in permanent expenditure, amounting in the aggregate to 12 millions sterling, as well as by augmenting the revenue from land that had escaped assessment, and from the opium of Malwa.
As a member of its committee on religion, he opposed the giving of special privileges to the Episcopal (or any other) church, and contended against a general assessment for the support of the churches of the state.
His petition of remonstrance against the proposed assessment, drawn up at the suggestion of George Nicholas (c. 1755-1799), was widely circulated and procured its defeat.
The attempt to raise a tithe for the crusade in 1189 failed, however, before a general resistance owing to an unfair assessment.
It is evident that William desired to know the financial resources of his kingdom, and probable that he wished to compare them with the existing assessment, which was one of considerable antiquity, though there are traces that it had been occasionally modified.
The great bulk of Domesday Book is devoted to the somewhat arid details of the assessment and valuation of rural estates, which were as yet the only important source of national wealth.
Taxation has been very erratic. From 1877 to 1893 the total assessment rose steadily from $3,453,946 to $238,722,417; it then fell at least partly owing to the depreciation in and uncertain values of mining property, and from 1894 to 1900 fluctuated between 192.2 and 216.8 million dollars; in 1901 it was raised to $465,874,288, and fluctuated in the years following; the estimated total assessment for 1907 was $365,000,000.
The assessment (Ti nmµa) included all the property of the contributor, whose accuracy in making full returns was safeguarded by the right given to other citizens to proceed against him for fraudulent under-valuation.
The careful regulations given in the Codes and the Digest show the observance of technical conditions as to assessment and accounting.
A new assessment of the maliat, based upon the present value of the produce of lands and actual profits of artisans and tradesmen, has frequently been spoken of, and government, aided by a strong minister of the interior and an able minister of finance, ought to have no difficulty in raising the maliat to its proper level and the total revenues of the country to about two millions sterling.
The assessment roll thus prepared is reviewed by a local board of review; an equalization between the assessing districts in a county is made annually by the county board of supervisors, and between the counties in the state every five years (and at such other times as the legislature may direct) by the state board of equalization, which is composed of the lieutenant-governor, auditor-general, secretary of state, treasurer, and commissioner of the land office.
The constitution as amended in 1875 forbids the legislature to pass any private or special laws regulating the affairs of towns or counties, or to vote state grants to any municipal or industrial corporations or societies, and prescribes that in imposing taxes the assessment of taxable property shall be according to general laws and by uniform rules; and anti-race-track agitation in1891-1897led to a further amendment prohibiting the legalizing of lotteries, of pool-selling 1 The constitution of 1844 limited the suffrage to white males, and although this limitation was annulled by the fifteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, it was not until 1875 that the state by an amendment (adopted on the 7th of September) struck the word " white " from its suffrage clause.
In 1885 the total assessment was $69,000,000; in 1895 $146,000,000 and in 1906 $167,411,000, the rate of taxation being 182 mills.
As a general rule the poorlaw valuations are followed, but this is not universally the case, some county councils adopting the assessment to income tax, schedule A, and others forming an independent valuation of their own.
The department of public safety controls the bureaus of police, detectives, fire, health, electricity and building inspection; the department of public works controls bureaus of surveys, construction, highways and sewers, city property, water, assessment of water rents, parks, deed registry, bridges and light.
As originally instituted in April 1798, during the great war with France, under the name of a "triplicate assessment," it was rather a consolidation of various assessed taxes levied upon the luxuries of the rich and upon property, than a wholly new tax.
The land tax is quite unimportant, being an ancient tax upon an old assessment which has long become obsolete, and it interests economists most of all by the illustration it furnishes of what may be called a rentcharge tax - a tax, that is, which has been so long in existence and so fixed in its basis that it becomes in reality a charge upon the property, and not a direct burden upon the person who pays it, as the income tax is upon the person who pays it or for whom it is paid.
The payers of income tax, unfortunately, are not one class but many, and although the rate of duty is the same, the definition of income seems imperfect, so that many pay on a much larger assessment of income than seems fair in comparison with other incomes of nominally the same amount, but really of much greater value when all deductions from the gross sum are fairly reckoned.
There are six administrative departments (the number is often less in cities of the lower classes, where several departments may be combined under one head)-departments of public works, public safety, public health and charities, law, finance, and collection and assessment.
He does not claim to have rearranged the whole realm on a new basis, or to be levying his revenue on a new assessment made at his own pleasure.
Other administrative officers are a commissioner of insurance (from 1867 to 1878 the secretary of the state was commissioner of insurance; the office became elective in 1881); a commissioner of labour and industrial statistics; three railroad commissioners,3 who have jurisdiction over all public utilities, including telegraph and telephone; a commissioner of banking; a diary and food commissioner; a state superintendent of public property; three tax commissioners who act (since 1901) as a state board of assessment; commissioners of fisheries (established 1874); a state board of agriculture (1897); and a state board of forestry (2905, succeeding a department created in 2903).
Emergency assessments, not to exceed 2%, may be made whenever necessary to pay in full the depositors in an insolvent bank; if the guaranty fund is impaired to such a degree that it is not made up by the 2% emergency assessment, the state banking board issues certificates of indebtedness which draw 6% interest and which are paid out of the assessment.
Any surplus of produce over the assessment is sold to contractors, and the money received is returned to the natives.
The sept had its special meeting summoned by its chief for purposes such as the assessment of blood-fines due from the sept, and the distribution of those due to it.
An amicable division of the imperial succession was arranged, and after an assessment of the empire which took almost a year, an agreement was signed at Verdun in August 843.
The assessment of taxes under British administration was successfully carried out in 1904, and taxes are collected without trouble.
Lindsey in Norman times was divided into three ridings - North, West and South - comprising respectively five, five and seven wapentakes; while, apart from their division into wapentakes, the Domesday Survey exhibits a unique planning out of the ridings into approximately equal numbers of i 2-carucate hundreds, the term hundred possessing here no administrative or local significance, but serving merely as a unit of area for purposes of assessment.
He resolutely reformed all existing taxation, as well as the system of assessment and collection, and before he left office he was able to place on record an increase of close upon three millions sterling in the ordinary sources of revenue.
In the same year, following the example of Oklahoma, Nebraska passed a law guaranteeing bank deposits from a fund created by an assessment on the basis of total deposits.
The revenue of the university is from the income of Congressional land grants under the Morrill Acts and from a one mill per one dollar tax on the current assessment roll of the state.'
Though gradually shorn of much of its old importance, the heritors' meeting retained the power of imposing an assessment for the purpose of providing and maintaining a church and church - yard and a manse and glebe for the minister.
The importance of the distinction arose in connexion with the rule of assessment adopted for various parochial burdens, and the nature of the rights of the minister and corresponding obligations of the parishioners.
The article was somewhat tongue in cheek in its assessment of paranormal powers but insisted the tips defied coincidence.
He has an ego like the Goodyear blimp, was Quinn's assessment.
Letters trickled in over the years, but Edith's early assessment of Josh Mulligan as a miscreant proved to be correct.
Gabriel didn't have time, and Wynn's assessment that Deidre was starting to deteriorate made Gabriel afraid to give her more than he already had this night.
Finally, some thought needs to be given to the somewhat contentious issue of assessment time.
Carol Shiels Your basic assessment of the problem seems accurate.
Method of independent assessment The process focused on verifying the adequacy of existing project plans, know-how and methods of testing.
Kinetic methods which measure the clearances (removal) of urea and creatinine are now the gold standard for the assessment of dialysis adequacy.
Jacobs' assessment of the place adverbial in (42 ), however, has to be rejected.
A thorough Environmental Impact Assessment, supplemented by further studies and liaison with key stakeholders, predicts no significantly adverse effects.
If risks are identified by the assessment, information about them should be given to all women of childbearing age in the workplace.
No detailed assessment has yet been made of the running costs of the Forum, but £ 300,000 per annum has been provisionally allocated.
These require the inset appointee to submit to the Inspectorate a risk assessment for each works.
By June 2001, undertake an appraisal of the options for an assessment of take-up of selected social security benefits.
We take a varied and often innovative approach to teaching, learning and assessment.
Reading Evaluation and Assessment Reading comprehension and phonics online education aptitude tests for free!
This advocates that assessment is carried out in the following four areas; visual recording, critical thinking, practical research and personal development.
It is non-invasive and has replaced arteriography as the investigation of choice in the assessment of carotid artery disease and in post-operative graft surveillance.
History is assessed in accordance with the school's assessed in accordance with the school's assessment policy.
In this case, the chair of governors should conduct the assessment.
The recumbent patient may undergo assessment of leg lengths.
H2 Noted by several staff focusing on lack of progress with formative assessment.
Progress on the course is monitored by continuous assessment.
Firstly, who should carry out the initial assessment?
This will enable you to carry out an environmental assessment of your premises with our support.
The decision Council made is subject to a regulatory impact assessment.
Assessment is via a portfolio, which can include evidence such as live observation, peer assessment is via a portfolio, which can include evidence such as live observation, peer assessment or spoken evidence on tape.
The assessment will take place in the nursing home and will be carried out by an NHS qualified nurse assessor.
Theoretical assessment - At the end of the course each student submits a written assignment which examines a relevant aspect of nursing practice.
Assessment Varies with course, tutor marked assignments plus final exam.
B3 is developed through self assessment of assignments, staff feedback on formative assignments, and student self-appraisal.
The Infant Distraction Test uses similar principles, but the VRA assessment should always be carried out at a specialist audiology clinic.
These guidance notes outline the background to the audit assessment process Available on the website.
We would not want to see any artificial barriers placed in the way of appropriate recognition of new units of assessment.
Assessment will be by means of the production of a detailed research proposal accompanied by preliminary bibliography.
In most cases, treatment is continued for about three months, with further therapy dictated by regular blood biochemistry assessment.
In the 2004 and 2005 trials differences between treatments at the final assessment of foliar blight were small.
In response to reports of the presence of feral wild boar, the Government have engaged in a risk assessment exercise.
Assessment of naturally ventilated building envelope to control noise break-in.
Cost per QALY is a useful metric, although more often a rather broad-brush assessment of value.
The assessment of traffic of prospective buyers dropped to 32 from 39.
Abstract Hazard assessment and risk mitigation at restless calderas is only possible with adequate geophysical monitoring.
A further project, funded by the School, aims to develop methodologies for stability assessment of drugs using isothermal calorimetry.
She presented a paper and poster on assessment of resistance to light leaf spot and stem canker in oilseed rape cultivars.
Previous assessment revealed considerable catch-up but significant residual problems especially among those children who experienced the most extended period of institutional care.
Publications R S Zimmer (2001) Using the assessment centrality table to focus the conceptual coverage of assessment questions.
Detailed assessment identified oak charcoal along with traces if charred cereal grains which included oat, barley and wheat along with fused plant ash.
In later pregnancy ultrasound assessment of the fetal abdominal circumference is the most sensitive predictor of fetal weight.
For a vascular assessment it is necessary to establish whether the patient has intermittent claudication.
Two very short chapters make a coda with an account of Gregory's death, and a general assessment.
Some boys brought in a mare, her nine week old foal and a 2 year old colt for treatment and assessment.
Work is broadly commensurate with the 80 hours effort specified for the assessment.
It thus differs from assessment designed primarily for the purposes of accountability or ranking or certifying competence.
Environmental assessment identified fecal concretions and chewed fish bone in all three deposits.
Assessment is fully congruent with the Code of practice.
The most important part of the FSR is an assessment of the global conjuncture and potential risks to the UK financial system.
One of the aims of the annual review of the assessment regulations is to improve the consistency of treatment of students.
The proposals have no special priority in the assessment process; there are always several worthy contenders for each place on the program.
Crisp color assessment is known to be positively correlated with dry matter content.
Age related macular degeneration, cataract, multidimensional assessment.
Teaching and Assessment Teaching methods include lectures, demonstrations, seminars, workshops, group and practical skills work.
Action - referring dentists should ask patients to bring all medication and BM stix to the assessment visit.
Section 221 provides for the temporary suspension of the measure in an assessment order which authorizes detention of the patient in hospital.
Project Spectrum Project Spectrum offers an alternative approach to assessment and curriculum development for the preschool and early primary years.
A troublesome increase in vaginal discharge may need assessment.
Assessment was made two weeks after drug discontinuation and no detailed results are reported.
Four out of five units of assessment were rated internationally distinguished, with two rated internationally outstanding.
Once you can do, say 20 lengths without getting any problems with your sugar, then see a dive doc for your assessment.
With the TQA we had to prepare a self assessment document, but for 2001 it's a self evaluation document!
Students requiring access to specialist dyslexia support will need an appropriate diagnostic assessment.
Assessment Tough laws on migration and asylum stringently enforced.
Provision of a further later assessment to attain a satisfactory standard is thus entirely equitable.
Registry will require an assessment which has been carried out by an appropriately qualified chartered psychologist (or approved equivalent ).
We can offer advice and support, risk assessment (including ergonomics and pregnancy ), health surveillance and supervised return to work programs.
Attention needs to be given to risk assessment, employe training and workplace ergonomics.
The Academy deliberately eschews any finer-grained assessment scale of reports in order to maintain the principal of proportionality.
Assessment B1 and B2 are assessed through term-time essays, oral presentations, and examinations.
Treatment was monitored by serial ultrasound scans and assessment of serum estradiol.
Research in Earth Sciences The 5A rating maintained in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise recognized the excellence of our research.
Written material is sent to two independent academic experts for detailed assessment.
The other two methods of pseudo-diagonal identification both involve the exportation of interim LEM model results and their assessment for pseudo-diagonal trends.
I am not aiming to give a full exposition or assessment of the Private Language Argument here.
Little evidence of phasing for this building and the whitewashed exterior only serves to hinder the assessment.
This simple test may therefore be sufficient to identify potential fallers and trigger a full assessment.
Assessment of three schemes for stratifying stroke risk in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.
The assessment strategy has an adequate formative and diagnostic function.
These include written formative and summative tests to monitor and advance progress, essays and seminar presentations and continuous practical assessment.
There are ways to make summative assessment more formative, and to get students to take formative tasks seriously.
Assessment is not only evaluative; it is also formative and diagnostic.
The training modules include generic Teaching and Learning strategies such as Starters, Plenaries and Assessment for Learning.
During your assessment we will check your blood group and measure your height, weight and abdominal girth.
A structured assessment was carried out of the Novartis economic evaluation of imatinib for unresectable and/or metastatic gist.
Environmental assessment of these deposits identified only occasional burnt grain and possible hammerscale, although this could be natural magnetic material.
First, I think there are ways in which we could go on to offer much greater diversity in assessment.
Adrienne said, " Simply doing a risk assessment can prevent something untoward happening.
The maps provided are the best available estimates of seismic hazards in Lebanon and are recommended for use in risk assessment.
The coastguard helicopter picked up the diver from the vessel Tango for assessment by a diving specialist doctor.
The research student must provide a signed statement to indicate that he/she understands all components of the ' risk assessment ' .
However the assessment of Del Grande spatial perception is not hierarchical.
A transport assessment will be required to assess the need for any off-site highway works and improvements to encourage non-car modes of travel.
Brains were rapidly removed for neurobiological assessment of the severity of the chronic inflammatory pain being suffered using in situ hybridisation histochemistry.
The book begins with an astute assessment of the problems facing historicist practices and proposes a modified critical methodology, " cultural historicism.
The risk assessment must take into account all factors that may influence the safe use of a hydraulic hoist.
The program provides specialist knowledge in tunnel, surface and underground excavation design, and applied hydrogeology and risk assessment.
You can provide a link to any assessment from the topic page or course outline using the text hyperlink or through button / hotspot.
Although the significance for man cannot be discounted the NOEL for interstitial cell hyperplasia can be used in the risk assessment.
His current research interests include adaptive hypertext, on-line adaptive assessment and interoperability and architectural issues within eLearning systems.
They are not, however, given information which might reveal the identity of the individual providing a written assessment.
The tribunal There should be an independent decision-maker to authorize the imposition of compulsory care and treatment beyond the initial assessment period.
Any program exceeding any of these timings may be considered ineligible for assessment.
Evaluation of patients with post-myocardial infarction should always include assessment of renal function.
Nine subjects with a viral infection returned for assessment.
There has also been much initial anxiety about the interpretation of new standards and how to manage the flexibility available in the assessment regime.
Methodological innovations have been added to the officially ' legitimate ' repertoire of poverty assessment tools, yet the diagnosis still looks faulty.
These facilities ensure appropriate assessment for all emergency inpatients.
The cut and thrust of debate and development has covered everything from pay to targets, from assessment success to merging inspectorates.
The recruitment process was fairly intense, and consisted of a first interview then a longer, two-day assessment center.
This holistic assessment would determine the nursing interventions required.
A previous draft proposed the introduction of risk assessment and action obligations on employers at EU level.
This occurs either through poorly designed assessment tasks or through the existence of an overly intrusive regime of compliance.
He was noted to be tearful and emotionally labile during the assessment.
The assessment tool for the Introduction to Health Psychology and Communication module is particularly laudable and innovative.
Quarry Products Association ' Assessment of impacts of aggregates levy ', Sept 2003.
An understanding of the natural behavior or ethology is a requirement in the assessment of the welfare of domesticated livestock.
We recommend day care using local anesthesia and protocols for assessment, surgery, and follow-up.
Assessment Criteria 10.1 Explain the legal requirements for fundraising, in the learners locality.
Research My research in rock and mineral magnetism focuses on the assessment of the reliability of geomagnetic field recorders.
This was previously based on an assessment by BT of how many man-hours would be required to complete the work.
A copy of the CPA Corporate Assessment document is attached marked 14.
Other research areas include dyslexia and dynamic assessment in persons with severe mental retardation.
In the absence of a metabolic profile on the product, unintended toxic metabolites might have easily escaped notice in safety assessment.
Operator protection A written Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment must be made before using methyl bromide.
The paper provides a detailed assessment of the behavior of the security forces and the handling of the Islamist militia group Laskar Jihad.
Our Services Self assessment The term ' self assessment ' is proving to be one of the great misnomers of all time.
Assessment centers are already offering domestic natural gas and LPG in permanent dwellings ' tailored ' and packaged initial assessments.
Changes in curriculum, pedagogy and indeed assessment style have all proven necessary.
In Tameside the review and assessment identified nitrogen dioxide and particulates as the two pollutants unlikely to meet the air quality objectives.
They can also refer you to an NHS obstetrician if you need obstetric assessment.
I have had my pre op assessment and just come back from a lovely week in Wales.
The IPCC Third Assessment Report notes that this would place additional stress on the already overextended health systems of most Pacific Island Countries.
A second consultation paper, which will include the outcome of an Equality Impact Assessment, is due to issue shortly.
The necessary changes needed at client, staff and organizational levels if Impact Assessment is made more participatory are also explored.
This seems odd given the emphasis on strengthening partnership working with district councils and others in the county and unitaries corporate assessment.
The company revised its risk assessment to include segregating pedestrians from FLTs.
The fire risk assessment should be carried out by a competent person.
Training in assessment techniques is provided for fire brigade personnel by the clinic.
Initial assessment of the wafer using photoluminescence has shown promising results, and these are awaiting processing into test structures for assessment.
These volunteers were given litter pickers, a reflective jacket to wear if they wished and a risk assessment of the job.
Is it possible to restart a partly finished assessment using pip?
The Assessment for Learning framework The Assessment Reform Group's Assessment for Learning framework is included in the booklet as a pull-out poster.
Overall the process of the health needs assessment enables practitioners to meet all the Department of Health's recommendations.
We then undertake preliminary Risk Assessment on the application, and if you pass this, your check is banked for clearance.
Assessment The maxilla was too narrow for a natural tongue resting position, having had four premolars removed at age 12.
Work submitted for assessment must include preparatory supporting studies and be carried out during the 132 hours of unaided time.
Assessment will be made at recruitment followed by a two-year probation.
Students who pass the exams, including the final Norland Assessment, become probationers.
The assessment carried out by experienced listeners consisted in marking the sounds heard on the vowel quadrilateral.
You will need to be able to demonstrate that an appropriately qualified individual completed the assessment.
My thesis is on the automated assessment of total hip replacements from anteroposterior radiographs.
It also achieved a rating of 4 in the Research Assessment Exercise.
It received the top 5* rating for its research at the most recent research assessment exercise.
The basis of an assessment is the gross rents receivable less any allowable expenses incurred by the landlord in any income tax year.
Other than some kind of rational assessment, what can one invoke here that is not already indebted to reason for its own rectitude?
Assessment of ankle reflexes is of limited value in determining risk of ulceration.
A simple privacy risk assessment of the situation by the system administrators prior to any changes made could avoid potentially serious repercussions.
Assessment bodies carry out the audits and submit reports and recommendations to the SIA.
The mediator may ask the legal representatives to do a risk assessment with their parties.
Assessment for becoming a respite carer An initial visit to your home will take place to discuss the respite carer An initial visit to your home will take place to discuss the respite scheme.
Are the assessment methods used rigorous, valid and reliable?
Checklists are a useful preliminary tool for expert assessment Full evaluation ultimately required road tests.
External examiners ' reports and the reviewers ' scrutiny of a range of students ' work confirm that assessment processes are rigorous and fair.
Indeed, in Marta's case, as in many others, the assessment processes she had been through had reinforced a negative self-image.
It involves human assessment of tactile sensations, with the object hidden from the assessor's view.
These results also are consistent with the results from the assessment of deep-water sharks.
Coombs may have fallen trying to initiate rescue assessment At this point the details become sketchy, according to Telemark Tips.
The program offers teaching, learning and assessment methods which develop subject specific skill and transferable key skills.
There hasn't been one for GM crops, so risk assessment has to consider speculative " what if?
Our latest assessment is that there is a high risk of further global geographic spread of avian flu in birds.
Initial Assessment As alluded to above, pre-operative tumor staging can be unpredictable.
The presentations, which will be made at the first assessment point, should reflect the subject matter of the lectures and seminar sessions.
The data were derived from a nationally representative subsample of students who participated in the 2002 main NAEP reading assessment.
Her previous experience in historic building survey and recording has been in on-site surveying and rectified photographical assessment using 3-Dimensional design packages.
In some exam syllabuses students may do spoken work for assessment in a GCSE Shakespeare study.
His interests include systematic reviewing, health technology assessment, particularly clinical trials, and training for public health.
The importance of assessment and feedback in learning will be demonstrated with examples of how IT can make the process more tailored and efficient.
His interests cover curricula development, output-driven learning, research-led teaching and assessment strategy.
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present an engineering assessment of a proposal for a deployment brake for a momentum exchange tether.
The primary outcome was the sex therapists assessment of response to treatment.
The exact timing for the bid assessment process will depend to some extent on the volume of bids received.
In particular no assessment has been made of the scheme's impact on rail freight tonnage.
The council is offering free trials of the RoSPA Driver Profiler on-line risk assessment tool via the website.
To get a track record in assessment of risks, the parameters would need to be set initially to limit liability.
The assessment of necessity must be made at the time the decision is made to commit the otherwise unlawful act.
Self assessment material based on clinical vignettes is provided.
Provide an up-to-date curriculum vitae, prior to the assessment.
In response, Secunia upped its assessment of the vulnerability to " extremely critical ", its most dire warning.
An assessment of methods of treating viral warts by comparative treatment trials based on a standard design.
For each assessment, the general subject area of the first part was described in the module workbook.
Secondly, the assessment provides a yardstick with which to measure any change.
The reviews should take place within three months of your assessment and then yearly.
Vexatious methods of assessment and collection had made it so unpopular that the Italian government in 1859-1860 had thought it expedient to abolish it throughout the realm.
His assessment was universally accepted as equitable, and continued as the basis of taxation for the greater part of the league's duration; it was probably from this that he won the title of "the Just."
His chief measures are contained in his instruction to the itinerant justices of 1194 and 1198, in his ordinance of 1195 for the conservation of the peace, and in his scheme of 1198 for the assessment of the carucage.
Operating Precautions A COSHH Special Assessment must be carried out before using pyrophoric material.
The health and safety regulations contain a number of recurring themes such as ' Risk Assessment '.
In the 32 months to June 1995, 43 patients with alcoholic liver disease were referred for assessment for liver transplantation.
It encourages students to reflect critically on practice in assessment in RE observed in schools.
This practice suggests that the power of remand for assessment may not be of practical value.
This component of sport science is essentially concerned with the assessment of how the body responds to single or repeated bouts of exercise.
Emergency responders will take account of the external warnings in their dynamic risk assessment.
Many students have a limited English proficiency, and come from a schooling that valued rote memorisation as the means of assessment.
Additional Information Pupils must be aware of health & safety precautions with risk assessment carried out.
When the time came for assessment and salary increments, I was not the favored staff.
An assessment was also made at this time as to the amount of lifting tackle and scaffolding required to safely dis-assemble the engine.
This is to ensure that essential seamanship knowledge is learned which is not focussed upon in the RYA Yachtmaster assessment.
A seascape assessment should provide the information for at least a broad framework to guide this judgment.
Indeed, in Marta 's case, as in many others, the assessment processes she had been through had reinforced a negative self-image.
It involves human assessment of tactile sensations, with the object hidden from the assessor 's view.
The individual may also submit, if s/he wishes, an assessment of the benefits which would result from career support.
The physical presence of the witness is essential for an adequate assessment of the sincerity conditions of her oral statements.
It encouraged a slackening of tempo in delivering the action on which the assessment of remote risk actually depended.
Many will disagree with this assessment, thinking it smacks of western arrogance.
Surface interval we caribbean cruise royal sea ship vision sounder assessment of.
Assessment There was spasm in the suspensory muscles of the larynx.
There has n't been one for GM crops, so risk assessment has to consider speculative what if?
However, our own self- assessment established that we havenât achieved a consistently high standard of cleanliness across our seven hospital sites.
The procedures are compatible with the existing assessment procedures for sulfate content, and include limiting values for reduced sulfur species.
The new edition of " Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structures - Bulk Carriers " - supercedes the 1994 edition.
In particular no assessment has been made of the scheme 's impact on rail freight tonnage.
Precautionary action requires assessment of the costs and benefits of action, and transparency in decision-making.
Emphasis will be placed on assessment of client issues from a transpersonal perspective.
Level 2 triage assessment is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment.
A triangulation interview brings together the student, specialist practice mentor and the link tutor to verify evidence of achievement at each assessment point.
Assessment and Examination For the first two years undergraduates sit tripos examinations at the end of the Easter Term.
This assessment will be used to design a program of language tuition tailored to your needs.
All equipment carried on assignments must be of a type specified by the risk assessment.
A housing needs assessment is currently being undertaken on behalf of Fife Council the results of which will further inform the Local Plan.
I want, and every President must have, the best, unbiased, unvarnished assessment of America 's intelligence professionals.
The biopsy may be used for histological assessment, microbiological culture and the urease test.
Urodynamic studies Assessment of the pressure and flow of urine in the bladder and connecting tubes.
Teaching, learning and assessment The course utilizes a variety of teaching and learning styles.
A brief viva voce test may form part of the assessment.
The viva voce assessment will be held at the BCLA Clinical Conference.
The first step in your assessment involves sitting down with your spouse and discussing your family's philosophy.
An evaluation of your child's strengths and weaknesses typically takes place, and this initial assessment serves as a benchmark for future testing and assessments.
If a deal seems too good to be true, have a trusted piano technician come with you to make an assessment.
This assessment should include any special conditions, for instance the climate might be relatively dry, however the dehumidifier is to operate in a laundry or other damp environment.
When you take your pet to the vet, he will do an assessment of all the cat's symptoms.
According to the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, silica had been classified under California's Proposition 65 as a material that is known to cause cancer.
You can read the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment's release regarding the stipulations and safety issues of crystalline silica at the official OEHHA site.
Taking turmeric for three days will not yield an accurate assessment of the herb's abilities.
Every interior decorator takes an assessment of an area before beginning work or sometimes even accepting a job.
Some decorators have a special assessment team or person that will come in and perform this part of a job.
After the initial meeting and the assessment, most interior decorators offer an estimate to the client.
The company's catch phrase, "Try Before You Buy," showcases the company's practice of allowing the customer to get a free skin assessment and makeup suggestions before making their purchase.
This is an easy way to make an assessment before you decide if you want to meet someone in person.
You can also find out what the houses have sold for in that neighborhood (by lot) and the property tax assessment.
This will provide you with a more accurate assessment of your heaviest weight. - This site offers a free anger management assessment test.
If you aren't sure what to look for in a position to determine if it's right for you, consider seeking advice from a career counselor or taking a career assessment test.
Anyone who is having anxiety problems and who wants an assessment of the severity of his or her problems could benefit from the test.
The program starts with an anger management assessment and then skill development is the focus of the classes.
At the end of the course, participants receive another assessment to find out how their stress level and management of it has changed.
These schools must rank in the top 10 percent of their state's assessment reports.
For some programs, they will do an assessment to decide if he/she would be a good candidate for the camp.
The staff at the camp does an assessment of strengths, weaknesses and needs and establishes goals.
A doctor's assessment should be the first step in any treatment program.
Getting an assessment done at a treatment center like Hazeldon, where several treatment options are offered, can help give each individual patient the best option for his/her problems.
An assessment is offered either face-to-face or over the phone.
Assessment, lectures, and different therapies are used.
You can view much more information about BDI II assessment scoring and reliability at the Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education.
The assessment does give a fairly accurate indication (when given correctly) that someone may or may not be depressed.
It's such an easy assessment that often patients are simply handed the inventory and asked to fill it out.
The bottom line is that the BDI II is a decent assessment for measuring symptoms of possible depression; even major depression, when given properly.
The assessment alone cannot help you if you are depressed, but a doctor can provide support and discuss treatment options with you.
In situations where valium is legitimately prescribed and used under careful observation and assessment, complications such as addiction will be detected and dealt with early by the prescribing physician.
Your physician will most likely give you a depression assessment.
His hairstyles, wardrobe, and hobbies seem to change with each new lover, but April says this is an unfair assessment.
Following that debacle, Washington went on to release a public service announcement against the use of hate speech, met with gay leaders and agreed to a psychological assessment and counseling.
Historically, the SAT was developed by Carl Brigham (Brigham-Young Tests) who helped develop the first measurable assessment and achievement tests for the military.
The reasoning behind a College Board entrance or assessment exam developed due to students of very different social and economic backgrounds seeking entrance into college.
Assessment tests occur at the time of enrollment.
All students must take the College Assessment Testing Program.
Take assessment exams to determine placement in courses.
Units in this course include an introduction and course overview, threat and hazard assessment, risk management, explosive blast, layout design guidance, electronic security systems and building design guidance.
Other online studies for emergency management specialist include risk assessment and emergency response planning.
When considering enrolling, review the course requirements, expectations and syllabus for a fair assessment of the commitment level expected of graduate students.
While the US News and World Report does not outline its exact ranking process, the entity uses a combination of expert assessment and statistical data to rank each school in its repertoire.
Individuals enroll in a Prior Learning Assessment program and take courses to help them document all experience that will help satisfy the requirements for each course in the degree program.
Excelsior College has its Prior Learning Assessment Student Resource Manual online for more information.
The best way to pursue this type of degree is to contact each one of these colleges to ask about the assessment as well as course requirements for your intended program.
Many pet rescue organizations provide veterinary care, personality assessment, behavioral training, socialization, and have the dogs spayed and neutered.
This will give you a chance to get a current assessment of his health, as well as an opportunity to discuss the dietary changes you're planning to make.
Ask your local energy company to come to your home and provide a free energy assessment.
Each company has a different assessment policy, so call your local service for details.
Reading this article is a good first step, but you should also read the manufacturer's directions for the shingle variety you will be using, and make an honest assessment of the scope of the work involved.
An honest assessment of your handy skills can save you a lot of money down the road.
The process begins with an assessment of what are affordable losses.
Review senior singles sites carefully for initial cost, as well as additional fees for access to more profiles, assessment of personality questionnaires, and more site features.
It also refers visitors to ElderCarelink for a more detailed assessment and recommendation.
The most prevalent reason an older person receives a geriatric care assessment is for dementia or Alzheimer's, but other health conditions may also indicate the need for geriatric care.
There is also an online needs assessment page to determine the type of assistance needed.
Proper assessment is a necessity if the patient wants to get the right snoring treatment.
The medical history is followed by an assessment of the problem with an examination of the maxillofacial region.
This last section is a report on a general assessment of a wine region followed by a list of various producers from that region and a report card on their respective new wine releases.
A formal assessment can help parents identify potential behavioral and learning problems.
The developing science of proteomics studies specific proteins in cells and may someday be able to provide detailed assessment of cancer cells.
Form M, which contains 93 items and is a self-scoring assessment, is the most commonly used.
The assessment, called the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) uses the same four psychological types as the MBTI, but is written for a second grade reading level.
Testing and Assessment Office of the Science Directorate. 750 First St., N.E.
Individualized educational plan (IEP)-A detailed description of the educational goals, assessment methods, behavioral management plan, and educational performance of a student requiring special education services.
Treatment of anorexia nervosa includes both short- and long-term measures and requires assessment by dietitians and psychiatrists as well as medical specialists.
Accurate assessment of the number of platelets requires other methods of counting.
In most cases, the child with WS will require multidisciplinary care throughout adult life, with continued medical assessment to diagnose and treat medical complications early.
Nerve conduction studies and an electromyogram (EMG) are usually performed together to provide a comprehensive assessment of nerve and muscle function.
Such tests include the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, and the Kaufmann Assessment Battery for Children.
He or she may conduct a developmental assessment which will determine any delays the child has and to what extent the delay is present.
In a developmental assessment, the physical therapist assesses the ability and quality of the child's use of legs, arms, and complete body by observing the display of specific gross motor skills as well as observing the child in play.
Normalizing nutritional status starts with a nutritional assessment.
Many different adaptive behavior scales are used in the United States for assessment purposes.
The VABS assessment provides the information required for the diagnosis or evaluation of a wide range of disabilities, including mental retardation, developmental delays, functional skills impairment, and speech/language impairment.
Parental involvement in the developmental assessment of their children is very important.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2; MMPI-A) is a written psychological assessment, or test, used to diagnose mental disorders.
The MMPI is only one element of psychological assessment, and should never be used as the sole basis for a diagnosis.
Family members may also be interviewed during the assessment process.
Distinguishing normal friendship problems from problem peer relations that signal serious deficits in social competence is an important goal of assessment.
A variety of methods are available for the assessment of social competence.
When choosing a particular assessment strategy, it is important to consider the nature of a particular child's problem.
A third approach to assessment of social competence involves children's self-reports.
Because of the many conditions that cause macrocephaly, a true assessment of its incidence is difficult.
A psychological assessment is not part of a routine headache evaluation but may be performed to identify stress triggers.
One of these is an assessment of c-peptide levels, a protein released along with insulin that can help a physician determine whether or not a patient is producing sufficient amounts of insulin.
Like the TAT and the Rorschach inkblot test, the CAT is a type of personality assessment instrument known as a projective test.
Its use in clinical assessment is generally part of a larger battery of tests and interview data.
Although it can provide useful information about a child's personality, the CAT, as a projective measure, relies heavily on the interpretations of the test administrator and is often referred to as an assessment tool rather than a test.
Parents need to keep in mind that psychological tests such as the CAT, which should be administered only by well-trained professionals, are only one element of a child's psychological assessment.
This is the most important assessment and can be determined by auscultation with a stethoscope or palpation at the junction of the umbilical cord and skin.
Assessment of neonatal reflexes is a screening tool for at-risk children with neurological difficulties.
Systematic diagnostic interviews with parents and children provide opportunity for a thorough assessment of individual risk factors and family and societal dynamics.
Such assessment should include parent-adolescent relationships; peer characteristics; school, home, and community environment; and overall health of the individual.
Once assessment has led to a diagnosed problem with alcohol, its severity determines the treatment needed.
Children's drawings are visual representations made with crayons, markers, or pencils that are generated for pleasure but can also be used for therapeutic purposes or developmental assessment.
They can also be used for developmental and therapeutic assessment.
Drawings in this case are not assessment instruments, but become therapeutic tools.
Children who score significantly below the normal range may be referred for additional assessment.
Although no two children reach these milestones at precisely the same age, a significant lag may indicate the need for assessment of auditory discrimination and/or other components central auditory processing.
Pets are typically not sensitive to urushiol, but a dog or cat that seems to be experiencing symptoms of poison plant rash following exposure should be taken to the veterinarian for assessment.
Asking the patient to review in a coherent and chronological fashion his or her illness or personal life events can provide the opportunity for assessment of remote memory.
These procedures allow for assessment of dominant (left-sided brain) functioning or higher cortical function.
Perception assessment examines the individual's sensory ability to hear, see, touch, taste, and smell.
Attention and concentration assessment indicates the child's ability to focus on a specific task or activity.
Orientation assessment determines if the child has a normal sense of time, place, and identification of self (can state his or her own name).
Memory assessment includes determining the child's remote, recent, and immediate memory capabilities.
Judgment assessment evaluates the individual's ability to exercise appropriate judgment.
Insight assessment pertains to determining the patient's awareness of their problem that prompted them to seek professional examination.
Spinal cord lesions or disease can possibly be detected by pinprick and temperature assessment.
The MSE is the first step in a continuous assessment to determine the diagnosis.
Little preparation is needed for this assessment, but parents should explain to young children what will happen in order to encourage their cooperation.
In trauma cases (e.g. car accident, sports injury), the NE is a quick and essential component of emergency assessment.
There are no risks associated with initial neurologic assessment.
The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) is an intelligence and achievement test for children ages 2.5-12.5 years.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-An intelligence and achievement test for children ages 2.5 to 12.5 years.
These tests are useful in evaluating a child's muscular activity and provide a comprehensive assessment of nerve and muscle function.
Children who are not talking at all by the age of two should have a complete developmental assessment.
Since language delay is the most common early symptom of global intellectual impairment, the test provides a comprehensive developmental assessment.
The Mullen Scales of Early Learning is a comprehensive assessment of language, motor, and perceptual abilities in children from birth to five years eight months of age.
Play-based assessment-A form of developmental assessment that involves observation of how a child plays alone, with peers, or with parents or other familiar caregivers, in free play or in special games.
Parents who suspect that their child may be deliberately hurting themselves or falsifying symptoms should contact their pediatrician immediately for assessment.
However, true assessment of a child's ability to make speech sounds must be done by a speech-language pathologist.
The Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF) has collaborated with NIMH in developing several assessment tools to identify children at risk for behavioral problems.
Once the infant starts breathing, he or she is transferred to a nursery for observation and further assessment.
Diagnosis of these disorders usually requires consultation and assessment by a specialist in childhood developmental disorders, such as a child psychiatrist, pediatric neurologist, neuropsychologist, or developmental child psychologist.
Educational skill testing, communication assessment, and motor skill assessment may also be conducted.
A neuropsychologist can perform an in-depth neuropsychologic assessment that can determine presence or absence and extent of impairment.
Rather it may indicate that a child should be referred for developmental assessment or evaluation.
Berry Brazelton and his colleagues developed the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), commonly known as "the Brazelton."
The Clinical Newborn Behavioral Assessment Scale (CLNBAS), based on the NBAS, was developed in 2004 for use by clinicians.
These tests often are administered by a development assessment specialist, a developmental pediatrician, or an early-childhood special educator.
Sometimes developmental milestones are used as part of an assessment method known as minimum adequate surveillance that combines simple testing with the collection of relevant data.
The Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) for infants and children often is used to test three to six-year-olds.
Normative tests or milestone scales should not be the major basis for the developmental assessment of infants and young children.
They have highlighted the urgent need for consistent international standards for proper management of PKU patients, which should emphasize comprehensive psychological as well as physiological monitoring and assessment.
Developmental screening and assessment are provided for the students.
As of 2004 it was recognized that parental involvement in the developmental assessment of their children is very important.
Another type of personality test is the projective personality assessment.
Another projective assessment, the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), asks the child to tell a story about a series of pictures.
Psychological tests are only one element of a psychological assessment.
Assessment is a process of gathering and documenting information about the achievement, skills, abilities, and personality variables of an individual.
Assessment is used in both an educational and psychological setting by teachers, psychologists, and counselors to accomplish a range of objectives.
The choice of an assessment tool depends on the purpose or goal of the assessment.
An assessment tool that is appropriate for one goal is often inappropriate for another, leading to misuse of data.
Assessment tools fall broadly into two groups.
A criterion-referenced assessment allows interpretation of a test-taker's score in relation to a specific standard or criterion.
Performance assessment can be used to evaluate any learning that is skill-based or behavioral.
Performance assessment requires the test-taker to perform a complex task that has to do with producing a certain product or performing a specific task.
Authentic assessment derives its name from the idea that it tests students in skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the real world.
Authentic assessment focuses on student task performance and is often used to improve learning in practical areas.
An advantage of authentic assessment is that students may be able to see how they would perform in a practical, non-educational setting and thus may be motivated to work to improve.
Portfolio assessment uses a collection of examples of the actual student's work.
One of the hallmarks of portfolio assessment is that the student is responsible for selecting examples of his or her own work to be placed in the portfolio.
The student controls the assessment samples, helping to reinforce the idea that he or she is responsible for learning and should have a role in choosing the data upon which he or she is judged.
The assessment interview involves a one-on-one or small group discussion between the teacher and student, who may be joined by parents or other teachers.
To be successful, interviews require both the teacher and the student to be motivated, open to discussion, and focused on the purpose of the assessment.
In assessment, the journal allows the student to share his or her thoughts on the learning process.
A journal may substitute for or supplement a portfolio in providing a student-directed assessment of achievement and goals.
However, this type of assessment may be of limited use if the student's negative attitude makes him or her unwilling to actively participate in the assessment.
Computer-aided assessment is increasingly employed as a supplement to other forms of assessment.
A key advantage in the use of computers is the capability of an interactive assessment to provide immediate feedback on responses.
Psychological assessment of children is used for a variety of purposes, including diagnosing learning disabilities and behavioral and attention problems.
The child's pediatrician, parents, or teacher may ask for psychological assessment to gain a greater understanding of the child's development and needs.
Interviews or verbal questionnaires for personality assessment may be structured with a specific series of questions or be unstructured, allowing the subject to direct the discussion.
Assignment of tasks is an assessment method involving the performance of a specific task or function.
Assessment of children is challenging given the rapid changes in growth they experience during childhood.
Observer biases and inconsistencies have been identified through study of the assessment procedures.
This observer bias can influence the outcome of an assessment.
They have the right to understand the purpose of the assessment, how it will be performed, how the information will be used, who will see the assessment results, and how the privacy of their child will be protected.
Any professional performing an educational or psychological assessment should be willing discuss these concerns and to share the results of the assessment and their implications with the parent.
Parents should be willing to share with examiners any information that might alter interpretation of the assessment results (for example, medical problems, cultural concerns).
Parents should request an assessment from the teacher whenever necessary to understand their child's progress, both in relation to expected grade-level expectations and performance in relation to other children in the class.
Most schools and teachers offer parents many opportunities to discuss the assessment of their child.
When teacher assessment indicates that a child has special needs or problems, the parent should request an evaluation by the school's child study team or an outside expert.
Criterion-referenced test-An assessment that measures the achievement of specific information or skills against a standard as opposed to being measured against how others perform.
Task-A goal directed activity used in assessment.
A nutritional assessment performed by a registered dietitian may be included in the child's diagnostic evaluation.
The nutritional assessment includes a review of the child's fiber intake as well as his or her usual consumption of sugars such as sorbitol and fructose-common culprits of diarrhea.
When symptoms persist, a nutritional assessment, performed by a registered dietitian, may be included in the child's diagnostic evaluation.