Aspirates Sentence Examples
It therefore made the aspirates A, E, Q and the semi-vowel I into vowels, and apparently converted the semi-vowel Y = w into the vowel which it placed at the end of the alphabet and substituted for it as the sixth symbol of the alphabet the letter F with the old value of w.
The Greek aspirates were not the sounds which we represent by ph, th, ch (Scotch), but corresponded rather to the sound of the final consonants in such words as lip, bit, lick, the breath being audible after the formation of the consonant.
Szontagh, in America, have introduced a method of circulating the solution in each vat by forcing air into a vertical pipe communicating between the bottom and top of a tank, with the result that the bubbling of the air upward aspirates solution through the vertical pipe from below, at the same time aerating it, and causing it to overflow into the top of the tank.
Pneumocystis carinii was identified by immunofluorescence in only one (placebo) of 73 nasopharyngeal aspirates from children with pneumonia.
None of the 60 pus aspirates analyzed was positive for Peptostreptococcus magnus DNA.
Bacterial pneumonia develops after the child inhales or aspirates pathogens.
The mediae have become aspirate tenues with a low intonation, which also marks the words having a simple initial consonant; while the former aspirates and the complex initials simplified in speech are uttered with a high tone, or, as the Tibetans say, " with a woman's voice," shrill and rapidly.
The Phoenician alphabet possessed many more aspirates than were required in Greek, which tended more and more to drop all its aspirates.