Aspects Sentence Examples
I guess people don't realize the far-reaching aspects of cheating.
In almost all aspects of life, the application of this process will bring improvements.
Dean was hesitant to discuss this or any aspects of the job with Ethel.
Though apocalyptic served its purpose in the opening centuries of the Christian era, it must be confessed that in many of its aspects its office is transitory, as they belong not to the essence of Christian thought.
The Ku Klux movement in its wider aspects was the effort of the first class to destroy the control of the second class.
Did you need to modify certain aspects of your design?
The history of the Dual Monarchy during his reign is told under the heading of AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, and here it is only necessary to deal with its personal aspects.
They thus corresponded, at any rate in some measure, respectively to the fiercer and milder aspects of the dog-tribe.
This article is restricted to general oceanography in its physical aspects, the closely-related meteorological,, biological and economic aspects being dealt with elsewhere.
On the whole subject in its older aspects, see Ludolf's Historia Aethiopica and its Commentary, passim.
AdvertisementThe physiological and psychical aspects of sound are treated in the article Hearing.
There is only one reservation to be made in speaking of the modern decorative industry of Japan under its better aspects.
The country is essentially a highland tract, divided naturally into three distinct portions, differing in their superficial aspects, the character of their soil and their geological formation.
The greater steepness of its sides makes Meru in some aspects a more striking object than its taller neighbour.
The Social Democrats were believed not to be averse from Stinnes' vaster scheme, as it corresponded in certain aspects with their own plans, when they were in power, for coordinating all German industries, pending the possibility of socializing them.
AdvertisementAn instrument for superintending this coordination in the social and economic aspects was ready to hand in the Economic Council of the German Reich, set up by the new Republican constitution of 1919.
Negatively, his philosophy is a polemic against the Stoic theory of knowledge in all its aspects.
Congregationalism proper, as a theory of the organized Christian life contemplated in the New Testament, re-emerges only at the Reformation, with its wide recovery of such aspects of evangelic experience as acceptance with God and constant access' to Him through the sole mediation of Christ.
Barton, A Text-Book on Sound (1908), aims to provide students with a text-book on sound, embracing both its experimental and theoretical aspects.
There is a kind of anticipation of the scientific spirit in the careful zeal with which he picks up odd aspects of mankind and comments upon them as he places them in his museum.
AdvertisementYet their very use of the same terms or ideas makes us the more aware of "a marked contrast to the depth and clearness of conception with which the several Apostolic writers place before us different aspects of the Gospel" (Lightfoot).
An account of the Bible as a whole involves so many aspects of interest, that, apart from the separate articles on its component books, the general questions of importance arising out of its present shape require to be discussed in separate, sections of this article.
On account of the interest shown by the compiler in the ecclesiastical aspects of the history, his work has been not inaptly called the " Ecclesiastical Chronicle of Jerusalem."
This, however, is only one of the aspects which have to be taken into consideration when one advances to the Rabbinical Midrash.
It was only in so far as the community of faith still possessed certain external features of nationality that postexile prophecy was possible at all, and very soon the care of the national or quasi-national aspects of religion passed altogether out of their hands into those of the scribes, of whom Ezekiel was the first father, and whose Torah was not the living word of prophecy but the Pentateuchal code.
AdvertisementHe is pictured on monuments and seal cylinders with the lightning and the thunderbolt, and in the hymns the sombre aspects of the god on the whole predominate.
To reconcile the contradictory aspects of his character, two kings of the name of Minos were assumed by later poets and mythologists.
Palaeontology both borrows from and sheds light upon geology and other branches of the physical history of the earth, each of which, such as palaeogeography or palaeometeorology, is the more fascinating because of the large element of the unknown, the need for constructive imagination, the appeal to other branches of biological and physical investigation for supplementary evidence, and the necessity of constant comparison with the present aspects of nature.
The subject will be treated in its biological aspects, because the relations of palaeontology to historical and stratigraphic geology are more appropriately considered under the article Geology.
The Influence of Sea Power upon History, by Captain Mahan, gives the best critical examination of the naval aspects of the war.
As an example of this stage in one of its aspects may be taken the European belief in the corn spirit, which is, however, the object of magical rather than religious rites; Dr Frazer has thus defined the character of the animistic pantheon, "they are restricted in their operations to definite departments of nature; their names are general, not proper; their attributes are generic rather than individual; in other words, there is an indefinite number of spirits of each class, and the individuals of a class are much alike; they have no definitely marked individuality; no accepted traditions are current as to their origin, life and character."
Indeed, the doctrine of "aspects" and "influences" fitted excellently with his mystical conception of the universe, and enabled him to discharge with a semblance of sincerity the most lucrative part of his professional duties.
It is proposed here to note simply the present legal aspects of nonconformity apart from its history, that is, the matters in which the law as to nonconformists still differs from that applicable to members of the Church of England.
Such cruel customs were, of course, and still are associated in many lands with the cult of the dead; but, on the other hand, there are gentler and more beneficial aspects observable to-day in China and Japan.
We must now pass on to other aspects of it less important for the student of ancient law, but interesting to the folklorist.
The name Busiris in this legend may have been caught up merely at random by the early Greeks, or they may have vaguely connected their legend with the Egyptian myth of the slaying of Osiris (as king of Egypt) by his mighty brother Seth, who was in certain aspects a patron of foreigners.
The deeper aspects of Berkeley's new thought have been almost universally neglected or misunderstood.
His sermons were generally portions of a series; and to this period belong the volumes Christus Consummator (1886) and Social Aspects of Christianity (1887).
These works were attacks on the divine authority of kings and of the clergy, but as the sermon dealt more specifically and distinctly with the power of the church, its publication caused an ecclesiastical ferment which in certain aspects has no parallel in religious history.
Another agency, called the " American Association for International Conciliation," seeks by the publication of essays on the different aspects of international friendship to promote the same cause.
Accordingly, he calls these and all other processes " psychophysical "; and as he recognized two parallel energies, physical and psychical, differing only as outer and inner aspects of the same energy, he called this " psychophysical energy."
Rejecting everything in the Kritik which savoured of the " metempirical," he yet sympathized so far with Hegel's noumenalism as to accept the identification of cause and effect, though he interpreted the hypothesis phenomenalistically by saying that cause and effect are two aspects of the same phenomenon.
His championship of the voluntary schools, his adroit parliamentary handling of the problems opened up by the so-called "crisis in the Church" caused by the Protestant movement against ritualistic practices, and his pronouncement in favour of a Roman Catholic university for Ireland - for which he outlined a scheme that met with much adverse criticism both from his colleagues and his party, - were the most important aspects of Mr Balfour's activity during these years.
Special periods, or aspects are dealt with in fuller detail elsewhere, e.g.
We may pass over those temporary congregations of cardinals known also as "special," the authority and existence of which extend only to the consideration of one particular question; and also those which had as their object various aspects of the temporal administration of the papal states, which have ceased to exist since 1870.
Its great elevation causes the climate to be rather arctic than tropical, so that there is no gradual blending of the climates and physical conditions of India and Tibet, such as would tend to promote intercourse between the inhabitants of these neighbouring regions; on the contrary, there are sharp lines of demarcation, in a mountain barrier which is scalable at only a few points, and in the social aspects and conditions of life on either side.
For practical purposes this refinement is of small value, the two ideas being aspects of the same thing; cf.
Here it is only necessary to deal with the more primitive views of death and with certain legal aspects.
A simple illustration will serve to explain these two aspects of mimicry and to show the advantage in the struggle for existence that mimicry confers upon the species concerned.
There are, however, certain general aspects of the subject which will be more conveniently noticed apart, since they apply alike to each department.
The slips are also convenient as affording a variety of aspects, and thus helping to prolong the season of particular vegetable crops.
The eastern and western aspects are set apart for fruits of a somewhat hardier character.
A southern aspect, or one varying to south-east or south-west, is preferable; if these aspects cannot be secured, the plants selected must be adapted to the position.
The lean-to house is in most respects inferior to the span-roofed; one of the latter could be converted into two of the former of opposite aspects by a divisional wall along the centre.
Next let us imagine that, in a series of cast irons all containing 4% of carbon, the graphite of the initial skeleton changes gradually into cementite and thereby becomes part of the matrix, a change which of course has two aspects, first, a gradual thinning of the graphite skeleton and a decrease of its continuity, and second, a gradual introduction of cementite into the originally pure ferrite matrix.
It was the first attempt at a comprehensive treatment of historic facts, the first to introduce the social and literary aspects of a nation's life as only second in importance to its political fortunes, and the first historical writing in an animated yet refined and polished style.2 While the History was in process of publication, Hume did not entirely neglect his other lines of activity.
The philosophical writings, which mark a distinct epoch in the development of modern thought, can here be considered in two Phlloa only of the many aspects in which they present themselves sophy.
To some extent Berkeley removed this radical inconsistency, but in his philosophical work it may be said with safety there are two distinct aspects, and while it holds of Locke on the one hand, it stretches forward to Kantianism on the other.
The ideas of the quantitative aspects of phenomena are exact representations of these aspects or quantitative impressions; consequently, whatever is found true by consideration of the ideas may be asserted regarding the real impressions.
In Rome, under the broadening influence of classical and ecclesiastical art, he learned to look at Christianity in its human and universalistic aspects, and began to develop his great idea, the inseparable relation of religion and morals.
C. t is on selection of sites; c. 2 on the planning of buildings to suit different sites; c. 3 on private houses, their construction and styles, the names of the different apartments; c. 4 on the aspects suited for the various rooms; c. 5 on buildings fitted for special positions; c. 6 on farms and country houses; c. 7 on Greek houses and the names of various parts; c. 8 on construction of houses in wood, stone, brick or concrete.
This intimate relation with women has been held a proof that Hera was originally a moon-goddess, as the moon is often thought to influence childbirth and other aspects of feminine life.
Or else several of the chief deities were consciously combined and regarded as different emanations or aspects of a Sole Being; thus a Ramesside hymn begins with the words Three are all the gods, Ammon, Re and Ptah, and then it is shown how these three gods, each in his own particular way, gave expression and effect to a single divine purpose.
There is close interconnexion between the two aspects of the double activity that in physiological theory constitute the chemical life of protoplasm, between dissimilation and assimilation.
For many years he made the aspects of life at sea his particular theme, and he contrived to rouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the Danish public as it had never been roused before.
From associates like these Di.irer could imbibe the spirit of Renaissance culture and research; but the external aspects and artistic traditions which surrounded him were purely Gothic, and he had to work out for himself the style and formlanguage fit to express what was in him.
The great cities of Flanders also, with their world-wide commerce and longestablished eminence in the arts, presented aspects of more splendid civic pomp and luxury.
Carlyle's general conception of history made him comparatively blind to aspects of the subject which would, to writers of other schools, have a great importance.
It is in some of its latter aspects, viz.
The various ways in which this special style could be modified by the scale of the work, and contrasted with the broader and more elaborate parts, gave the Mass (even in its merely technical aspects) a range which made it to the 16th-century composer what the symphony is to the great instrumental classics.
Every truth, every reality, has three aspects or stages; it is the unification of two contradictory elements, of two partial aspects of truth which are not merely contrary, like black and white, but contradictory, like same and different.
And in this way we pass on to the quantitative aspects of being.
And to the sentimental rather than to the heroic side belongs also Stella, " a drama for lovers," in which the poet again reproduced, if with less fidelity than in Werther, certain aspects of his own love troubles.
The ideas which characterize the Old Testament are planted upon lower levels of thought, and they appear in different aspects (legal, prophetical, historical) and with certain developments both within its pages and in subsequent literature.
The former is exceptionally intricate, being in its various aspects distinctly earlier, and in parts even later than the " priestly."
That sophistry must be studied in its historical development was clearly seen by Plato, whose dialogue called the Sophist contains a formal review of the changing phases and aspects of sophistical teaching.
The interest of the missionaries in education, which has never ceased to the present day, though now comparatively overshadowed by government activity, had two distinct aspects.
Buying and selling in their aspects most characteristic of India are to be seen, not at these great towns, nor even at the weekly markets, but at the fairs which are held periodically at certain spots in most districts.
In art Pan is represented in two different aspects.
The astral theology of the Babylonian-Assyrian religion, while thus bearing the ear-marks of a system devised by the priests, succeeded in assimilating the beliefs which represented the earlier attempts to systematize the more popular aspects of the religion, and in this way a unification of diverse elements was secured that led to interpreting the contents and the form of the religion in terms of the astral-theological system.
The gods, to be sure, are easily aroused to anger, and in some of them the dire aspects predominated, but the view becomes more and more pronounced that there is some cause always for the divine wrath.
Gardthausen, Augustus and seine Zeit (2 vols., Leipzig, 1891-1904), which deals with all aspects of Augustus's life, vol.
The physical methods and spiritual exercises recommended by theosophists are those inculcated in the systems known in Hindu philosophy as Raja Yoga in contradistinction to the Hatha Yoga system, which is most commonly to be met with in India, and in which the material aspects are given greater prominence.
For Germany it is best to consult Richard Schroder, Lehrbruch der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (5th ed., Leipzig, 1907), §§ 51 and 56, where a bibliography as complete as need be is given, both of monographs dealing with various aspects of the question, and of works on the history of individual towns.
An examination of these arguments throws light on two chief aspects of the relation between Homer and his " cyclic " successors.
In language, and perhaps in style and manner, it is akin to the tenth; while the twenty-fourth is in the pathetic vein of the ninth, and like it serves to bring out new aspects of the character of Achilles.
He is rather to be treated as a biographer than as a historian of the Crusade in its broader aspects.
But they are eminently sincere, and they have the great merit of illustrating the local aspects of landscape and temperament and manners.
Still less did they perceive the connexion between these two aspects of finance.
How great has been the progress in these aspects is best illustrated in the case of English finance, but both French and German fiscal history can supply many instructive examples.
The phenomena of day and night, of sunshine and storm, and other aspects of nature, were invoked by different interpreters to explain the conceptions of the gods, their origins and their relations.
To exhibit the general character of the sacred as it exists for primitive religion it is simplest to take stock of various aspects recognized by primitive thought as expressed in language.
If some, and not the least essential, of these aspects are quasi-negative, it must be remembered that negations - witness the Unseen, the Unknown, the Infinite of a more advanced theology - are well adapted to supply that mystery on which the religious consciousness feeds with the slight basis of conceptual support it needs.
To concentrate, induce and renovate are, however, but aspects of one process of acquisition by the transfusion of a transmissible energy.
The grand interest of his life at Dresden was the composition of a work which should give expression in all its aspects to the idea of man's nature and destiny which had been gradually forming within him.
But it is darkest just before the dawn; and Kant, the Copernicus of philosophy, had really altered the aspects of the doctrine of ideas.
Chronic poisoning by antimony is very rare, but resembles in essentials chronic poisoning by arsenic. In its medico-legal aspects antimonial poisoning is of little and lessening importance.
A Stoic might consistently maintain that World-Soul, Providence, Destiny and Germinal Reason are not mere synonyms, for they express different aspects of God, different relations of God to things.
It had become clear that, apart from their religious and scientific aspects, these voyages of discovery were highly profitable.
The first part of this article deals with the general scientific aspects of the subject, while a second part is concerned with the medical aspects.
It does not, like Villehardouin, give us a picture of the temper and habits of a whole order or cast of men during a heroic period of human history; it falls far short of Froissart in vivid portraying of the picturesque and external aspects of social life; but it is a more personal book than either.
The prominence thus given to the moral aspects of the history tends to obscure in some degree the true relations and real importance of the events narrated, but it does so in Livy to a far less extent than in some other writers.
Certain aspects which are of profound significance are dwelt upon, and this without there being any great difference between this Gospel and the two other Synoptics in respect to the facts recorded or the beliefs implied.
It remains to consider briefly certain moral aspects of his cult.
Dorsal and ventral aspects as seen from behind; showing auger-like conformation of wing.
Dorsal and ventral aspects, as seen from behind.
Each county is treated in a separate article in the topographical, geological, economical and historical aspects.
The state church, the Church of England as by law established, represents the tradition of a time when church and state were regarded as two aspects of one divinely ordered organism.
The literature on Abelard is extensive, but consists principally of monographs on different aspects of his philosophy.
But, although her connexion with the moon has practically disappeared, in all other aspects a development from the Semitic divinity is clearly manifest.
He soon satisfied himself that the artist who was content to reproduce the external aspects of things without searching into the hidden workings of nature behind them, was one but half equipped for his calling.
Again, a peasant of Vinci having in his simplicity asked Ser Piero to get a picture painted for him on a wooden shield, the father is said to have laughingly handed on the commission to his son, who thereupon shut himself up with all the noxious insects and grotesque reptiles he could find, observed and drew and dissected them assiduously, and produced at last a picture of a dragon compounded of their various shapes and aspects, which was so fierce and so life-like as to terrify all who saw it.
In one of the sections of his projected Treatise on Painting, Leonardo has detailed at length, and obviously from his own observation, the pictorial aspects of a battle.
Aristotle's methodic intellect led him to separate the different aspects of reality here confounded.
In this the same "facts" appear differently, because no longer separated from other aspects that belong to the full reality of the known world.
The subjects of Longfellow's poetry are, for the most part, aspects of nature as influencing human feeling, either directly or through historical association, the tender or pathetic sides and incidents of life, or heroic deeds preserved in legend or history.
His aim was to impress upon her familiar facts and aspects the seal of his own gracious nature.
Roscher, in the article "Apollo" in his Lexikon der Mythologie, derives all the aspects and functions of Apollo from the conception of an original lightand sun-god.
For the last, see Sewerage; the following article being devoted to the agricultural aspects of this subject.
The prorachidial and metarachidial aspects of the rachis are sterile, but the sides or pararachides bear numerous daughter zooids of two kinds - (I) fully-formed autozooids, (2) small stunted siphonozooids.
His Roman Provinces already mentioned gives a singularly interesting picture of certain aspects of social life under the empire.
One of the primary distinctions in the use of number is between ordinal and cardinal numbers, or rather between the ordinal and the cardinal aspects of number.
The two statements are in fact merely different aspects of a single relation, considered in the next section.
Lodge, Easy Mathematics, chiefly Arithmetic (1905), treats the subject broadly in its practical aspects.
But putting aside the constitutional aspects of the Wars of the Roses, it is necessary to point out that they had another Motives of aspect.
Of course it had other aspects and elements as well.
More successful have been the attempts to treat particular aspects of the Revolution.
Wisdom will necessarily maintain orderly activity, and this latter consists in regulation by wisdom, while the two more special virtues of Courage (avbpeia) and Temperance (6cwcpotruvf) are only different sides or aspects of this wisely regulated action of the complex soul.
His virtues are not arranged on any clear philosophic plan; the list shows no serious attempt to consider human life exhaustively, and exhibit the standard of excellence appropriate to its different departments or aspects.
These three Augustine (after St Paul) regards as the three essential elements of Christian virtue; along with these he recognizes the fourfold division of virtue into prudence, temperance, courage and justice according to their traditional interpretation; but he explains these virtues to be in their true natures only the same love to God in different aspects or exercises.
Such aspects as concern ethics include, for example, the limited indeterminism involved in the theory, the attitude of the religious consciousness expressed by William James (Will to Believe and Pragmatism), and the pragmatic conception of the good.
Records dating from the reign of Sargon of Akkad (3800 B.C.) imply that even then the varying aspects of the sky had been long under expert observation.
The subject of the moon may be treated as twofold, one' branch being concerned with the aspects, phases and constitution of the moon; the other with the mathematical theory of its motion.
In this general article the geography of Austria - physical, economical and political - has been treated in its broad aspects, and those points insisted upon which give an adequate idea of the country as a whole.
Authorities.-As regards the scientific aspects of the country, almost everything of value in previous books and papers is included in the magnificent work (1882 et seq.), in 28 4to vols., by Alfred Grandidier, entitled Histoire naturelle, physique, et politique de Madagascar.
Writers are apt to speak of Egyptian religion as if it were a single phenomenon of which all the aspects could be observed at a given time.
In criminal poisoning repeated doses are usually given, so that such cases may not be typical, but will present some of the aspects of acute and some of chronic arsenical poisoning.
On the other hand, he came to represent those aspects of Peripateticism most alien to the spirit of Christendom; and the deeply religious Moslem gave his name to the anti-sacerdotal party, to the materialists, sceptics and atheists, who defied or undermined the dominant beliefs of the church.
But to indicate this opposition in the qualities of the reals A+B, we must substitute for these symbols others, which, though only "contingent aspects" of A and B, i.e.
The calculation is affected by the "aspects," i.e.
He throws a flood of light upon the manners and ideas of his own age; he sometimes comments with surprising shrewdness upon the broader aspects and tendencies of history.
His publications include After the War (1867), in which he gives his observations during a journey through the Southern States in 1866; Ohio in the War (2 vols., 1868); Some Consequences of the Last Treaty of Paris (1899); Our New Duties (1899); Later Aspects of Our New Duties (1899); Problems of Expansion (1900); The Greatest Fact in Modern History (1906), and How America faced its Educational Problem (1906).
Pharmacology is also related to toxicology, as many remedial and other agents are more or less poisonous when given in large doses, but it does not include the detection, tests, and the other strictly medico-legal aspects of poisoning.
But it is readily seen, and in the Logik Kant shows himself fully aware of the fact, that these pure connective links of experience, general aspects of objects of intelligible experience, do not resemble concepts formed by the so-called logical or elaborative processes from representations of completed objects.
Reason was, for Kant, an organic whole; the speculative and moral aspects are never severed; and the solution of problems which appear at first sight to belong solely to the region of speculative thought may be found ultimately to depend upon certain characteristics of our nature as practical.
Reference of representations to the unity of the object, synthetic unity of apperception, and subsumption of data of sense under the categories, are thus three sides or aspects of the one fundamental fact.
The Kapp coup in Berlin, which in some of its aspects sprang from similar anxieties in Prussia, gave the signal for political action in Munich, and at a midnight sitting the Bavarian Socialist Ministry was somewhat unceremoniously hustled out of office - it is alleged under military pressure - and a Coalition Cabinet under von Kahr installed.
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These aspects of DNA damage and repair following acute UV irradiation are discussed further in this section.
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This with many other aspects of the production by Ron Daniels, betrayed a conscious artifice, with reference to ballet and magical tricks.
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Some aspects of the synoptic climatology of the British Isles as measured by simple indices.
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There is a natural desire to conceal and deny the less savory aspects involving criminality.
He could not add to many of the technical aspects of the Western science of textual criticism.
Virgo The figure here is of an old crone four miles long, one of the aspects of the Goddess.
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A vote for Tom would be a vote truly in keeping with the finer aspects of international fandom.
Research into the many aspects of sport has never been so far-reaching as in Scotland today.
In summary, the role of the service is to support fe and HE in all aspects of technology and disabilities and/or learning difficulties.
In addition, the group has a number of postdoctoral fellows working at any one time on various aspects of virology.
Other publications include articles on various aspects of contemporary fiction in Irish.
In writing up their preliminary findings, the national research coordinators chose to emphasize different aspects of their projects.
In this speech I want to concentrate upon some of the more neglected aspects of these changes, primarily fiscal policy.
The point of considering the emotional aspects of gift behavior is not to expose human foibles, or to suggest methods of manipulation.
The storyline is inspired by Japanese folklore and incorporates the more chilling aspects normally found in the better horror movies.
Aspects of care for vulnerable adults remain fraught with legal uncertainty.
This book provides the equine expert and general veterinary practitioner with a complete review of the latest information on all aspects of equine gastroenterology.
Sussex's field class to Nova Scotia examines aspects of its glacial history, sea-level change and coastal geomorphology.
The School is fully committed to mainstream geology (with emphasis on the applied aspects) in addition to the marine geosciences.
Piety, Fraternity and Power Detailed investigation of the religious gild, showing its importance to all aspects of medieval life.
In the final analysis, vital force, reason or anything are nothing but different aspects of the one and same supreme godhead.
The school governors are involved in all aspects of school life.
To help you find your way around, Aspects brings you this quick guide to the changes.
All are illustrated and cover all aspects of naval gunnery.
The result here is an indispensable, easy-to-read handbook for practitioners in all aspects of forestry and natural resource management.
Wider aspects of parental leave are slower making headway, despite legal back-up.
International experts in various aspects of childhood hemiplegia each contribute a chapter.
The design and use of a simple computer model which simulates aspects of hillslope hydrology is described in a teaching context.
Along the way we have discovered many new aspects of therapeutic immunology relevant to other projects.
The Unnameable The nature of I AM, the existent one, is so multi-dimensional that to catalog a few aspects seems almost impertinent.
Aims to promote better awareness of all aspects of sexuality, including impotence.
Regardless of the topic, a unified theory, as sated above, seeks to explain seemingly incompatible aspects of various theories.
Despite its problematic aspects, however, " Huckleberry Finn " is one of the truly indispensable classics of the American canon.
Andrew specializes in commercial and contractual disputes, all aspects of employment law and emergency injunctions.
Banks and governments need only instill confidence to head off the financial aspects of the crisis completely.
The Ruskin Laboratory, which coordinates many aspects of the School's research, has developed interdisciplinary working relationships within Oxford, and beyond.
It is this that underlies the depression caused by giving interferon, which is itself a cytokine controlling aspects of the immune system.
These aspects are closely interlinked, they can't be torn apart.
These features include aspects internal to the language and aspects of Japanese in relation to other languages.
The study trip explored the interplay between theoretical aspects of the MA course with the operational reality of NGOs working in conflict areas.
Not to mention a rather sound grasp of some of the more academic aspects of biblical interpretation.
All these symbolize different yet interrelated aspects of ourselves.
What aspects of Japanese culture do you find intriguing?
It does enable us to focus on the readily observable aspects of users ' behavior.
Readers are introduced to behavior aspects of reproduction, such as how to detect oestrus and how to minimize neonatal mortality.
In addition, the security aspects of operating a visitors gallery had become too onerous.
In the harmonic chart all 3 aspects are within a 12 degree orb.
It covers all aspects of keeping Oscars and.. .
We will integrate aspects of these standards and extend them for numerical computing on massively parallel systems.
Take, for example, the reports from widely scattered regions of the globe, of the seemingly paranormal aspects of some UFO reports.
The two authors ' accounts of traumatic paraplegia are both quite detailed, although emphasizing different aspects of the condition.
The included learning modules are designed to introduce the participant to many aspects of internet usage.
The practical work of the poor peasants ' committees, however, embraced all aspects of village life.
Greece used a pentagram to depict 5 different aspects of Greece at the beginning of the show.
As globalization and the aspects of global integration associated with it advance, questions of culture and identity have gained renewed pertinence and relevance.
The contents cover many aspects of numeracy including pictographs, bar graphs, number, length, volume, mass, and word problems.
There are five outer planet inter aspects from Jupiter.
Training is a key factor and practicing planners undoubtedly need an understanding of the technical aspects of minerals and waste management.
In addition the Spanish introduced many aspects of their own cuisine when passing through including plantains, ginger and oranges.
The University of Sheffield is engaged in research on all aspects of the physics of conjugated polymers.
My interest is not aspects of drug security, but rather drug potency.
Thus, he strived to advance the principle of materialism and deduced a property of ideality from certain aspects of material praxis.
There is also a short preamble during which the more convivial aspects of the weekend are touched upon.
Other aspects of the technology were similarly largely predetermined.
It architecture was published in 1982, tho we still await publication of the finds which will clarify aspects of the dating.
There are certain ideological and cultural aspects of contemporary radicalism which deserve at least a brief examination.
Training for radionuclide radiology is based on a curriculum, which is identical with the imaging aspects of nuclear medicine physicians ' training.
Therefore a younger person will practice the physical aspects more strongly, whereas an older student will have the emphasis more on spiritual realization.
Support for Banks and other Mortgagees We can offer lenders expert and strategic advice on all aspects of property-based recovery and fixed charge receivership.
I'll give a few examples showing some useful and some genuinely weird aspects of polymorphic recursion.
The purpose of this paper to is to provide critical reflection on two aspects associated with the use of the virtual classroom.
One of the most valuable aspects of this book is the extensive repertory of emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.
For my 4th year project I will be working with the university genetics department to model certain aspects of plasmid replication.
Cultural aspects The almond is highly revered in some cultures.
We provide a wide range of services to cover all aspects of general rheumatology including inflammatory joint disorders, connective tissue diseases and vasculitides.
Its aim is to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on the theoretical and practical aspects of interactive media in education.
Imagine, if the Euro, similar in more aspects to the Russian rouble than any currency, took Britain over.
Could it be that the darker aspects of the play that so scandalized the British have somehow been softened in translation?
The remainder of the week was spent with Prof. Ed Derbyshire, looking at various aspects of glacial sedimentology.
Learn about many aspects of dating, flirting, seduction, romance, love, relationships and related topics.
The glossary contains a broad collection of terms that cover most aspects of earthquake phenomena including seismology, geophysics and structural geology.
They recognized that some aspects of their discussions might cover commercially sensitive issues.
Since the two aspects of SDI are not entirely separable, some overlap is going to occur.
The Ultimate sewing Book is an invaluable reference to all aspects of home sewing, from choosing material to finishing garments.
Try counting how many individual aspects are at work in a grand sextile!
These directional aspects do not affect the planned sightseeing or tour highlights.
These writings suggest a growing sophistication in the PLA's understanding of all aspects of IO.
For example, teachers used the spirometer (a big machine that you breathe into) to explain aspects of lung function.
With a wide range of disciplines covered our highly trained staff are able to deal with all aspects of Grounds Maintenance.
Education may reveal the real, not sterilized, history of science, which includes humanistic aspects of the scientific enterprise.
This includes all aspects of staff management, maintaining accurate accounts, menu planning, ordering, stocktaking and budget control.
Hannah works alongside Kate in providing administrative support for all aspects of property purchases and the formation of syndicates.
The key aspects of Buñuel's work will be considered, including surrealism, psychoanalysis ethics and humor.
Diagnosis of scrotal swellings To determine the nature of a scrotal swelling four aspects need to be assessed.
It therefore appears appropriate to organize a symposium were we can share information and have discussions on the various aspects of training birds.
Once I had decided to read tarot professionally I studied copious amounts of material on all aspects of the subject.
By the 1980s, the deportations and show trials and other aspects of the Stalinist terror were fading from public memory.
We have a huge amount of customer testimonials at are disposal, for various aspects of our business.
To combat potential negative aspects of stainless, choose a model with a satin texture finish.
In all other aspects of civil life, it should (no, must) be entirely irrelevant, unless you want a theocracy.
What aspects of liberation theology still seem relevant to you?
The purely theoretical aspects of the module will be delivered in a small number of lectures.
To fully define theosophy, we must consider it under all its aspects.
Aspects of our daily politics remain stuck in a 1940s time warp.
Identify the key aspects of fault tolerance in networks.
Using the tetanus toxin model we have identified some aspects of the seizures.
It may be necessary to use mixture models to capture aspects of the within-group infection process in a computationally tractable manner [3] .
There are on offer three self-guided trails to help the visitor enjoy different aspects of the Park.
We can take care of the legal aspects of the commercial transaction enabling you to plan for the future.
It only uses the 5 major aspects (conjunct, sextile, square, trine, and opposition ).
There are decidedly unchristian aspects such as reincarnation (of the elves) and the ancestor worship many of the characters indulge in.
He has advised statutory undertakers on all aspects of Parliamentary matters.
Marxism understands a dialectical unity of humanism and naturalism in determining the origins and aspects of consciousness.
By contrast, many aspects of Longhorn, the next full upgrade of Microsoft Windows, are still unsettled, he said.
Yet, despite growing interest over the decades, some aspects of the period remain largely unstudied.
The CD covers all aspects of driving for this age group, from gaining their license through to becoming a safe road user.
Research has also been conducted on aspects of molecular virology.
All aspects of health are interrelated and interdependent, and there needed to be a broader and more holistic approach to employe well-being.