Asked-for Sentence Examples
You asked for me, all of me.
Once she asked for daddy, but went back to sleep when Carmen told her he was asleep.
Jonathan rarely asked for anything and the idea of having someone in the house playing music was appealing.
He couldn't have asked for a better housekeeper, but the atmosphere between them had become strained.
It was a risky thing, lying down on the couch with a man, but this was Cade - half asleep and asking her to stay - Cade, who never asked for anything.
I have this gift I never asked for but it's like I have an obligation to utilize it.
He was simply helping out his sibling and never asked for details.
I didn't know the names of anyone at organization so I asked for the person in charge of investigations.
He asked for a contact phone number and gave me an emergency number to call.
I was asked for the second time.
AdvertisementRealization of exactly what he'd asked for made Jule breathe out hard.
A tired voice asked for him by name.
I'm overwhelmed—couldn't have asked for more.
At first she thought he might have been a visitor of the other man in the room, but the family said he had asked for Alex, and had stayed with him for a little while.
The whiskey she'd asked for.
AdvertisementYou never asked for the third condition.
When she told them the valuable stuff I had, they asked for my telephone number.
There was no charge for Fred, though the counter girl, with a wink at Dean, asked for age verification, telling Fred he didn't look a day over sixty.
I gave you the phone number when you asked for it, didn't I?
She asked for it—it was her fault!
AdvertisementJackson asked for the first floor to avoid a long elevator ride.
If I had needed help, I would have asked for it.
He'd asked for nothing.
And then I saw how good his heart is. He's a train wreck, but he's honorable and capable of such good. Kris pulled me into this world and assumed I'd do what I was told like a good little human. But when I told Rhyn I wanted to leave him, he asked for another chance. It's like he woke up then and realized he wasn't in Hell anymore or trapped by his brothers' expectations.
Yet Darkyn asked for nothing in exchange for freeing him.
AdvertisementHe also asked for and received Byrne's department personnel file.
The boy asked for a room and paid for it in cash, getting the last two dollars from the girl.
Burgess hesitated, and agreed, but when Dean asked for a phone number to follow up, Burgess said he didn't have one.
She asked for a few minutes to call Randy first and Dean took the time to telephone Fred, filling him in on the latest happenings.
Dean identified himself and asked for Cynthia.
Mrs. Glass said the guy asked for Cleary by name.
Do you honestly think I haven't asked for more than one doctor's opinion?
Once again he asked for forgiveness.
I asked for a guardian, not a master!
If her people asked for proof that they mated, they would see his arm but nothing on hers.
Someone called the office and asked for you?
No, she wouldn't have asked for help.
At the end of the year, when the Austrians were approaching Pesth, he asked for the mediation of Mr Stiles, the American envoy.
Soon after John's accession in 1199 the Scottish king asked for the earldom of Northumberland, which Richard I., like his father, had refused to restore to Scotland.
In March 1821, Count Santorre di Santarosa and other conspirators informed Charles Albert of a constitutional and anti-Austrian plot, and asked for his help. After a momentary hesitation he informed the king; but at his request no arrests were made, and no precautions were taken.
In August 1498, Cesare in the consistory asked for the permission of the cardinals and the pope to renounce the priesthood, and the latter granted it "for the good of his soul."
If a heretic in the Inquisition asked for absolution, he could receive it, but subject to a life imprisonment; but if his repentance were but feigned he could be at once condemned and handed over to the civil power for execution.
She waited, however, until a deputation of the malcontents, who regretted the loss of liberum veto and who were afraid that the party of reform might undertake the emancipation of the serfs, came to St Petersburg and asked for support in defence of the ancient liberties.
He often prided himself on his absolute consistency, and we have Chaptal's warrant for the statement that, after the time of the Consulate, his habit of following his own opinions and rejecting all advice, even when he had asked for it, became more and more pronounced.
Confronted by crusaders where he had asked for auxiliaries, Alexius had two alternative policies presented to his choice.
Desultory warfare was carried on between the colonial troops and the Basuto until 1881, when the intervention of the high commissioner, Sir Hercules Robinson (afterward Lord Rosmead), was asked for.
Metrodorus of Athens was a philosopher and painter who flourished in the 2nd century B.C. It chanced that Paullus Aemilius, visiting Athens on his return from his victory over Perseus in 168 B.C., asked for a tutor for his children and a painter to glorify his triumph.
In addition to the hand of Catherine, however, the English king asked for a large dowry both in money and lands, and when these demands were rejected war broke out.
Knowing the emperor's methods, he wisely restrained the ardour of his subordinates and asked for instructions whether to attack or wait.
Soult (over 20,000), leaving Ney in Galicia, had taken and sacked Oporto (March 29, 1809); but the Portuguese having closed upon his rear and occupied Vigo, he halted, detaching a force to Amarante to keep open the road to Braganza and asked for reinforcements.
In this minute the farmers ascribed all their troubles to one cause, namely, the absence of a representative government, which had been repeatedly asked for by them while still living in Cape Colony and as often denied or delayed, and concluded by a protest against the occupation of any part of their territory by British troops.
He offered, it is true, a seven years' franchise law in place of the five years' franchise which Sir Alfred Milner asked for.
Finally, to enable them to work their mines to their full capacity, the Rand houses asked for leave to import Chinese labourers.'
When asked for his views, Vice-Adml.
The total figure he asked for amounted to 95,000 men, his calculation being based upon the strength of the opposing army, as this was fairly accurately known.
It is related that when he arrived Henry asked for Douglas, and Hotspur demanded in return that his brother-in-law, Edmund Mortimer, should be allowed to ransom himself from Owen Glendower, with whom he was a prisoner.
Of late years some remarkably fine hybrids have been raised between the various distinct groups of narcissi, and the prices asked for the bulbs in many cases are exceedingly high.
The empress bought Pallas's natural history collections for 20,000 roubles, 5000 more than he asked for them, and allowed him to keep them for life.
According to Pindar (apud Plutarch), the brothers built the temple of Apollo at Delphi; when they asked for a reward, the god promised them one in seven days; on the seventh day they died.
When the war with Mexico began in 1846 he asked for field duty, and was ordered to join an expedition going to California by sea.
Next morning, having sold his horse, he walked into Geneva, put up at " the Rose," and asked for a boat to take him towards Zurich on his way to Naples.
Indeed, Holland became the home of modern religious liberty, the haven of innumerable free spirits, and the centre of activity of printers and publishers, who asked for no other imprimatur than the prospect of intelligent readers.
This risk, however, was obviated by the foresight of Emma, who carried her lover across the courtyard of the palace; a scene which was witnessed by Charlemagne, who next morning narrated the occurrence to his counsellors, and asked for their advice.
After the British occupation, a census was taken in 1765 and 1784, and annually from 1824 to 1842, the information asked for differing from time to time.
The last asked for returns regarding valuation, taxation, educational and religious statistics, pauperism, crime and the prevailing rates of wages in each municipal division.
Sadik Beg soon repented of having asked for a Khoja, and eventually marched against Kashgar, which by this time had succumbed to Buzurg Khan and Yakub Beg, but was defeated and driven back to Khokand.
He didn't get the golf ball in the cup, so he asked for a redo.
The enormous prices once given for rare varieties of tulip bulbs no longer obtain, though, even now, two and three guineas are asked for special bulbs.
Meanwhile the white traders in Fiji had played an intimate part in the internal political affairs of the group, and in 1858 King Thakombau, being threatened with reprisals by the American consul on account of certain losses of property which he had sustained, asked for British protection, but did not obtain it.
But the towns asked for permanent French garrisons, which were refused, as weakening their own power of self-defense.
New Hampshire asked for the territory west to within 20 m.
The Doukhobors themselves asked for permission to leave Russia, and the Society of Friends petitioned the emperor to the same effect.
The general election of 1882 turned chiefly upon endorsement of the national policy of protection; in that of 1887 the electoral test was again applied to the same issue, while Sir John Macdonald also asked for approval of the government's action in exacting from Riel the full penalty of his guilt.
He pleaded sickness, asked for more time, and demanded that the accused, instead of enjoying special favour, should share the treatment of other suspected criminals.
Wolseley asked for the help of white troops, and the 2nd battalion Rifle Brigade, the 23rd Fusiliers and 42nd Highlanders were despatched.
The king of Bekwai having asked for British protection, a small force was pressed forward and occupied this native town, about 25 m.
Sir Hyde Parker accepted his offer, and added two ships of the line to the ten asked for by Nelson.
He instituted by proclamation of the 19th of April a blockade of the Southern ports, took effective steps to extemporize a navy, convened Congress in special session (on the 4th of July), and asked for legislation and authority to make the war "short, sharp and decisive."
In a very short time Conrad and the archbishop of Mainz submitted, and although Ludoli held out a little longer he soon asked for pardon.
When the diet met at Cologne in 1505 Maximilian asked for an army and the request was granted, the necessary funds being raised by the old plan of a levy on the estates.
They asked for a renewal of their ancient rights of fishing and hunting freely, for a speedier method of obtaining justice, and for the removal of new and heavy burdens.
The help of the Reichstag was asked for healing social evils by means of legislation.
The Agrarians asked for restrictions on the importation of food; the Centre for the Lex Heinze and the repeal of the Jesuit law; the Liberals for the right of combination.
The Perfect formed the ordained priesthood, were women no less than men, and controlled the church; they received from the Believers unquestioning obedience, and as vessels of election in whom the Holy Spirit already dwelt, they were adored by the faithful, who were taught to prostrate themselves before them whenever they asked for their prayers.
In Bohemia the Czechs were very active; while the Poles were parading their hostility to Russia in such a manner as to cause the emperor to avoid visiting Galicia, some of the Czech leaders attended a Slav demonstration at Moscow, and in 1868 they drew up and presented to the diet at Prague a " declaration " which has since been regarded as the official statement of their claims. They asked for the full restoration of the Bohemian kingdom; they contended that no foreign assembly was qualified to impose taxes in Bohemia; that the diet was not qualified to elect representatives to go to Vienna, and that a separate settlement must be made with Bohemia similar to that with Hungary.
That city, an ally of Athens, asked for Athenian help against its Greek neighbour Selinus.
At the meeting he made stimulating speech, and on the way home asked for advice.
Among them were four beys, one of whom, driven to madness by Mehemet Alls mockery, asked for a drink of water; his hands were untied that he might take the bottle, but he snatched a dagger from one of the soldiers, rushed at the pasha, and fell covered with wounds.
Towards the end of June the chief of the Jaalin tribe, Abdalla wad Said, who occupied Metemma, angered by the khalifa, made his submission to Kitchener and asked for support, at the same time foolishly sending a defiant letter to the khalifa.
When His disciples afterwards asked for an explanation, He prefaced it by saying that the inner circle only were intended to understand.
James and John, who had witnessed the Transfiguration, and who were confident of the coming glory, asked for the places nearest to their Master, and professed their readiness to share His sufferings.
He asked for the secret contained in the conduct and sayings of this man which made him the hope of the human race.
The diet objected, and asked for a conference between Luther and some selected members.
The Bourbonists, although they bombarded the city from the citadel and the warships in the harbour, gradually lost ground, and after three days' street fighting their commander, General Lanza, not knowing that the Garibaldians had scarcely a cartridge left, asked for and obtained a twenty-four hours' armistice (May 30th).
Although unarmed, the people rallied to him as one man, and Lanza became so alarmed that he asked for an unconditional extension of the armistice, which Garibaldi granted.
One of them was the Greek exarch of Tangier, Julian, who, supported by the powerful Berber tribe of Ghomera, had long resisted and even asked for aid from Spain, but had been compelled to surrender and was left governor of Ceuta.
A year later he asked for pardon, and took the oath of allegiance to Mansur.
The treasury was exhausted, the troops asked for pay, the people in Bagdad were riotous.
He asked for permission to split the 9th Div., which had been given him as a reserve, and send a brigade to each of the sectors mentioned.
He also asked for another division to be held in reserve about Vicenza.
At this meeting Bjorn, supported by the earl, asked for peace, and Olaf was compelled by the pressure of the lawman Thorgny to agree to this and also to promise his daughter Ingeger6 in marriage to the Norse king.
Moreover, the Persian government, finding that the previous estimate of the money required for paying its debts was about 50%, below the mark, now asked for double the amount offered by the London capitalists, without, however, proportionately increasing the guarantee.
At the close of 1903 the mine-owners, to meet the deficiency, asked for permission to import Chinese.
On the meeting of parliament in January 1390 Wykeham resigned the great seal; and asked for an inquiry into the conduct of the privy council, and on being assured that all was well resumed it.
They finally asked for redress of several grievances caused by the misrule of Rudolph.
Almost every step of his promotion was gained on the field of battle, and in 1844 the duc d'Aumale himself asked for Cavaignac's promotion to the rank of marechal de camp. This was made in the same year, and he held various district commands in Algeria up to 1848, when the provisional government appointed him governor-general of the province with the rank of general of division.
At the close of 1614, however, the king sent for Donne to Theobald's, and "descended to a persuasion, almost to a solicitation of him, to enter into sacred orders," but Donne asked for a few days to consider.
During the pilgrimage Garnet asked for the prayers of the company " for some good success for the Catholic cause at the beginning of parliament."
Acting on the advice of Bismarck, the prince asked for a short leave of absence, resigned his commission in the Prussian army on crossing the frontier, and hastened down the Danube to Rumania, under a feigned name and with a false passport.
His first work was directed to the restoration of the old Italian dialects, and the French government, which at one time proposed to undertake the task of compiling a complete collection of all extant Roman inscriptions, asked for his co-operation.
Chrysostom says that the substitutes were put into the beds of the deceased, and assuming the voice of the dead asked for baptism and remission of sins.
Later on, in 1887, both Boers and gold prospectors of all nationalities were overrunning his country, and Umbandine asked for a British resident.
The barons expressed their wish for a peace with France, and when summoned to produce their feudal contingents pleaded poverty, and raised a rather shallow theory to the effect that their services could not be asked for wars beyond seasagainst which there were conclusive precedents in the reigns of Henry I.
But now,, when Edward met the Scottish magnates, who had asked for his services as arbitrator, he demanded that they should acknowledge that he was acting as suzerain and overlord Of the whole kingdom of Scotland.
Between 1461 and 1465 he only asked for 37,000 from the nationand won no small popularity thereby.
The queen dowager, Margaret Tudor, aided by a party that favored peace and alliance with England, was strong enough to balance the faction under the duke of Albany which wished for perpetual war and asked for aid from France.
The government ordered the British fleet to pass the Dardanelles and go up to Constantinople; and though the order was subsequently withdrawn, it asked for and obtained a grant of 6,000,000 for naval and military purposes.
All that Huxley asked for was evidence, either for or against; but this he believed it impossible to get.
King Constantine thereupon sent for Venizelos, and, after telling him that he would never consent to Greece drawing the sword against the allies of Germany, asked for his resignation.
The Brehon Laws assume the existence of married as well as unmarried clergy, and when St Patrick was seeking a bishop for the men of Leinster he asked for " a man of one wife."
Scythian envoys sought her aid to stem the invasion of Darius; to her the Greeks of Asia Minor appealed to withstand the Persian advance and to aid the Ionian revolt; Plataea asked for her protection; Megara acknowledged her supremacy; and at the time of the Persian invasion under Xerxes no state questioned her right to lead the Greek forces on land and sea.
He behaved constantly like a wary and cautious trimmer, avoiding all extreme measures, shaking off compromising allies like the Ultramontanes and the Regionalists, elbowing out of the cabinet General Polavieja when he asked for too large credits for the army, taking charge of the ministry of marine to carry out reforms that no admiral would have ventured to make for fear of his own comrades, and at last dispensing with the services of the ablest man in the cabinet, the finance minister, Seor Villaverde, when the sweeping reforms and measures of taxation which he introduced raised a troublesome agitation among the taxpayers of all classes.
Henry asked for permission to invade and subjugate Ireland, in order to gain absolute ownership of that isle.
France asked for a letter of apology, and Benedetti personally requested from the king a promise that he would never allow the candidature to be resumed.
It was to succeed Baker as governor of the equatorial regions that the khedive asked for Gordon's services, having come to the conclusion that the latter was the most likely person to bring the affair to a satisfactory conclusion.
At the same time he was impressed with the necessity of making some arrangement for the future government of the country, and asked for the help of Zobeir (q.v.), who had great influence in the Sudan, and had been detained in Cairo for some years.
Nothing she had seen so far led her to believe Señor Medena was the type who asked for advice - least of all, hers.
In the weeks that followed, the Federal Government, through retired citizen Daniel Brennan, provided us with everything we asked for and more.
I'm overwhelmed—couldn't have asked for more.
Effie choked a tad on her cookie at the enthusiasm of her rambling and asked for a glass of milk.
She asked for it—it was her fault!
The bluefish were running and Hunter tried to coax Dean down for a little R and R. Dean asked for a rain check, explaining that he was going on a biking trip out west though he made no mention of his reason behind the trip.
I came back to the inn, asked for some large empty bottles, and made the amalgam.
Lee asked for a further 15 burglary artifices in Greenwich and Bexley to be taken into consideration.
The young barman asked for id for the young lady who was 22 which she did not have.
Yet when they are asked for specific details of such cases which seem to strongly support the ETH they get very cagey.
When we came to Holy Week I asked for a few volunteers to become cantors and found 12 volunteers.
She asked for the three forms of statutory declaration.
She had asked for the funeral to be held in the Chapel, now very dilapidated.
Pick the one NBA draft loaded ranger is asked for choices in.
Look, they haven't asked for a treatise on quantum electrodynamics.
We have asked for quotes from local glaziers, now that the local Council has blocked our access to grant aid.
I say this because he often arrived at the shed and asked for steam on the lineshaft to use the wet grindstone.
The Committee's report also asked for national planning guidance.
A rather desperate Dewandre discussed the development of the new style hand grenade and asked for Mills ' technical advice.
The POA have formally asked for a full independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the concerted indiscipline at HMP/YOI Hindley.
I am assured, by Monica Redmond that all those meat inspectors who have asked for a module have been sent a module.
They asked for further action to enforce the judgment to be held over.
They present her to Paris, a wealthy young nobleman who has asked for her hand in marriage.
The Dean of the relevant Faculty will be asked for his/her nominees, having been made aware of any suggestions made by the Department.
Such was the success of the first oratorio that The Vienna Music Society asked for a new work.
The first little piggy walked into a bar and asked for a beer then he asked for the bathroom.
He asked for a certain delay in order to create these preconditions in the factories.
The aid of British troops, hitherto declined, was now asked for by the Spanish regency, which had replaced the central junta.
A third great gray shrike asked for closer examination.
I could not have asked for a more thoughtful and loving sister-in-law.
They had asked for four clinical nurse specialists although this was a drop in the ocean in Sussex.
Cardiff City have asked for even more time to deliver its 30,000 seater stadium project.
You will be asked for your ticket as you enter the turnstile.
He asked for total control, got everything he wanted and then promised the Lions would come back victorious, " he said.
His family asked for no flowers, but told well-wishers they could donate money to the Chapel funds.
Outside of Rome relations between the clergy and the authorities were as a rule quite cordial, and in May 1903 Cardinal Sarto, the patriarch of Venice, asked for and obtained an audience with the king when he visited that city, and the meeting which followed was of a very friendly character.
The poets asked for an explanation of this allusion, and Firdousi recited to them the battle as described in the Shahnama, and delighted and astonished them with his learning and eloquence.
When night came on he stopped at a pleasant roadside inn and asked for lodging.
Then she dropped on the ground and asked for its name and pointed to the pump and the trellis, and suddenly turning round she asked for my name.
After she had played with them a little while, the thought occurred to her that the puppies must have special names, like people, and she asked for the name of each pup.
Many a traveller came out of his way to see me and the inside of my house, and, as an excuse for calling, asked for a glass of water.
Here he is, and the count has not once asked for him.
On returning from the review, Kutuzov took the Austrian general into his private room and, calling his adjutant, asked for some papers relating to the condition of the troops on their arrival, and the letters that had come from the Archduke Ferdinand, who was in command of the advanced army.
At the foot of the hill, a pale hussar cadet, supporting one hand with the other, came up to Tushin and asked for a seat.
Prince Andrew, who liked to help young men, was flattered by being asked for his assistance and being well disposed toward Boris, who had managed to please him the day before, he wished to do what the young man wanted.
In spite of this, or rather because of it, next day, November 15, after dinner he again went to Olmutz and, entering the house occupied by Kutuzov, asked for Bolkonski.
He threw the mixture onto the floor and asked for some more water.
In it was the petition to the Emperor drawn up by the auditor, in which Denisov, without alluding to the offenses of the commissariat officials, simply asked for pardon.
Yesterday I learned that, despite the loyalty with which I have kept my engagements with Your Majesty, your troops have crossed the Russian frontier, and I have this moment received from Petersburg a note, in which Count Lauriston informs me, as a reason for this aggression, that Your Majesty has considered yourself to be in a state of war with me from the time Prince Kuragin asked for his passports.
He asked for a samovar and for hay for his horses, and when he had had his tea he went to bed.
They all asked for reinforcements and all said that the Russians were holding their positions and maintaining a hellish fire under which the French army was melting away.
Soon after the duke's departure--before he could possibly have reached Semenovsk--his adjutant came back from him and told Kutuzov that the duke asked for more troops.
The wounded men awaiting their turn outside the tents groaned, sighed, wept, screamed, swore, or asked for vodka.
If anyone gave or asked for personal news, it was done in a whisper and they immediately reverted to general matters.
The count went into the house with him, repeating his order not to refuse the wounded who asked for a lift.
That was why he asked for a copy of them.
Nicholas and Denisov rose, asked for their pipes, smoked, went to fetch more tea from Sonya--who sat weary but resolute at the samovar--and questioned Pierre.
Management of recurrent candidiasis is difficult, and Bandolier readers have asked for evidence.
A third Great gray shrike asked for closer examination.
Once the embarrassment had subsided somewhat, he then added Mind you, I kept on being asked for a purpose-built building.
The sunny weather I asked for on friday seems to be lasting all week !
No one, he claims, has asked for self-government, and, moreover, democracy itself is a two-edged weapon.
My vet has asked for a urine sample from my dog.
He asked for total control, got everything he wanted and then promised the Lions would come back victorious, he said.
In a recent meeting when we asked for some change to the center, we were told, the bus company wont like that.
The pottery class instructor asked for a volunteer to knead the clay in a demonstration.
Baby books are so popular, in fact, that many parents request these over other toys or gifts when asked for suggestions by friends and family.
At this point, you may be asked for an explanation for the company's records, but do not feel obligated to expound on the details.
Note that when you order your report you'll be asked for your Social Security number and other identifying information.
You will be asked for each recipient's email address.
Last year, I asked for a laser measuring device and got a sweater.
You may also be asked for identification such as a driver's license.
Is the gift something the teen asked for?
One kid even came up and asked for us to throw him some candy.
Coleman also made headlines when he was accused of punching a woman who asked for an autograph.
In what was expected to be one of the ugliest of celebrity divorces, Heather Mills originally asked for a reported £125 million (over $200 million U.S. dollars, give or take) of the former Beatles singer/songwriter.
Patterson asked for Carmen's hand in marriage while the two were in Las Vegas celebrating her 36th birthday.
Linda Hogan claims she can't possibly live comfortably on $40,000 a month, which is why she asked for more.
Well, the new mamma, who gave birth to their child on July 22, 2009, got more than what she asked for.
They also asked for privacy as they worked through their divorce.
You may be asked for your name and address, and standard text message charges will apply.
It will be up to you to decide whether the fees being asked for are reasonable.
If you are suddenly asked for additional fees to complete your transaction after you have already paid the amount agreed upon, there may be a problem.
Subjects such as whether the stains are oil-based or water-based, contain natural or synthetic resins and environmental issues were not brought up when consumers asked for recommendations.
A danger of buying Chanel earrings from a less than reputable source is that sometimes real product prices are being asked for poor quality fakes.
The following lists contain the information asked for on the website.
In fact, if you're not asked for a copy of your prescription, don't purchase from that seller at all; the FDA requires that prescriptions be presented for all contact lens sales.
You will then be asked for a "real" profile name.
In the end, Nintendo felt that Sony wanted too much--they asked for a 25% cut of the total profits--and dropped the deal.
The researchers found that although 88 percent of the 253 individuals with IED whom they studied were upset by the results of their explosive outbursts, only 13 percent had ever asked for treatment in dealing with it.
She did as her mother, Herodias, instructed, and asked for the head of John the Baptist.
Not all competitions require pre-registration for exactly which dances you will compete in, but you will often be asked for this information as part of registration.
You will also be asked for your phone number.
Be sure to provide all the information the prospective employer has asked for.
You will be asked for a location you're interested in and then all job opportunities with all of the different FedEx companies and divisions will be shown with an "Apply Now" option.
Just enter the info asked for in the blanks (as accurately as possible), hit calculate and your answer is ready immediately.
If you know someone who has asked for maternity leave at work, ask them what they did that worked or didn't work when they asked for leave.
Be certain that the document provides all of the information requested, but do not include data that is not asked for in the request for proposal outline.
Children can fill in the blanks with toys they asked for in their letters to Santa.
You'll be asked for your zip code in a short questionnaire so you can meet singles in your area.
We have had sex one time in our 20-year relationship, but he hasn't asked for sex since.
Until you talk with her and focus on her, you'll never understand what she has been trying to tell you when she asked for time apart.
At the start of the training, the instructor asked for a volunteer.
Then the instructor asked for another volunteer.
If a girl asked for your number, would you give it to her, just in case we break up?
LoveToKnow caught up with Cunning Minx in Vancouver and asked for some of her expertise on this complicated topic.
Not following the guidelines is the quickest way to get an editor to pitch your story or query into the nearest trash can, so be meticulous about giving magazine editors exactly what they asked for.
Be prepared when you submit the article that you may be asked for revisions or clarifications.
You will be asked for your bag's registration number which is located on the patch inside of the bag.
He is direct and does not mince words when giving his viewpoint, whether he was asked for it or not.
In time, Cayce asked for donations so that he could support his family while practicing full time.
Rocky Mountain Paranormal Group also asked for a copy of the video and conducted their own investigation.
Savalas discovered the man had also written down his phone number, so he called it and talked with a woman who became very upset when he asked for the man.
When Suzanne Rogers was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis (a rare muscle disorder) in 1984, she asked for her character (a core veteran of the Horton family) to be diagnosed with the same disease.
Christine never trusted Phyllis, but when Danny asked for a divorce so he could be with his child, Christine tearfully agreed.
Had you asked for characters, I might have answered differently.
However, when their child was stillborn, Phil asked for a divorce, but Erica refused him.
Local politicians, legal experts, and/or community leaders may be asked for their input as part of the process.
You will be asked for details about your educational background and professional experience.
If you're asked for references during an employment interview, you can provide actual letters or a reference list.
The company has asked for me to provide a few professional references via the enclosed form.
When you have completed those fields, you will be asked for your email address and postal code.
If you're ever asked for your opinion of an online shop's service, let them know you'd like better shipping estimates.
This is to help you as you don't want to do a bunch of work and then not get paid for it because it's not what the notes asked for.
When you first contact a company for a quote, you will be asked for basic information that can impact your overall rate, such as the type of car you drive and your driving history.
You will be asked for your Social Security number (and the Social Security number of any additional drivers) when completing the online quote questionnaire, but this is not required in order to receive the estimate.
She approved, and sent Reitman more music than he asked for - all of which he loved.
You will also be asked for your shoe size and your height and weight.
If your bride has asked for clean bachelorette party ideas, it's important to grant her wishes.
If the bride or another authority has asked for a clean party, it's best to rule out a stripper or other adult entertainment.
When Jon & Kate launched their first website they continually asked for things from the public in the way of prayers.
At the end of his season, Charlie couldn't decide between Sarah Brice and Krisily Kennedy, and asked for more time to make his final choice.
Sagan discuss life, the Universe and other quintessential questions that philosophers have asked for centuries.
When asked for their favorite skin care tips, most experts recommend drinking 64 ounces of water each day.
LoveToKnow spoke with both Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, founders of ProBlogger, and asked for their advice for people new to blogging.
There was an influential political club here from 1786 to 1790, and here, too, sat the several conventions - nine in all - which asked for a separation from Virginia, discussed the proposed conditions of separation from that commonwealth, framed the first state constitution, and chose Frankfort as the capital.