Ashamed Sentence Examples
I was ashamed of my desire.
I am ashamed of myself.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
He felt ashamed, and with one arm covered his legs from which his cloak had in fact slipped.
You came rushing into the drawing room so that everyone felt ashamed of you.
I guess I should be ashamed, but I'm more interested in getting married than the wedding.
She hesitated, ashamed to feel a sense of suspicion after Ne'Rin's betrayal.
If that were so, no one need be ashamed to profess it; and the younger generation of Frenchmen began to gravitate back to the Church.
He felt ashamed; he felt that he was occupying someone else's place here beside Helene.
And you won't feel ashamed to write to him?
AdvertisementThe boy felt very much ashamed.
Shan't I be ashamed to remember this?
Don't feel ashamed to admit the way you feel.
All are now thoroughly ashamed of their former behavior.
To tell them that she felt ashamed for herself and for them would be to betray her agitation, while to decline their offers to dress her would prolong their banter and insistence.
AdvertisementThen when I saw your face, I was ashamed.
You should be ashamed of yourself!
Thus he tells us that Montaigne is the first French author whom an English gentleman is ashamed not to have read.
There were a few rich men, but they were almost ashamed to differ from their neighbours and, in some known cases, they affected democracy in order to win popularity.
He was ashamed of his last words to her.
AdvertisementThat's nothing to be ashamed of.
How is it you're not ashamed to bury such pearls in the country?
I'm never ashamed of you, Jonny.
She wanted to reach out to him, but she was ashamed even to look at him.
Why isn't she dull and ashamed?
AdvertisementI wonder you're not ashamed!
Once November 1st arrives, don't be ashamed to check every day!
But he cannot be reproached with undue bias; he writes with the straightforwardness of a soldier, and is not ashamed on occasion to confess his ignorance.
Paul tells Timothy do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner.
Jill snaps and storms out, utterly ashamed of the lot of them.
Both Boswell and Hawkins had dipped into Johnson's diaries without his permission; no doubt each felt somewhat ashamed of such sneaky behavior.
He who thus obeys it will attain tranquillity of mind; nothing can irritate him, for everything is according to nature, and death itself "is such as generation is, a mystery of nature, a composition out of the same elements, and a decomposition into the same, and altogether not a thing of which any man should be ashamed, for it is not contrary to the nature of a reasonable animal, and not contrary to the reason of our constitution."
Little Giotto came out from a corner, trembling and ashamed.
She was very much ashamed and hurt, for it was the first time that she had ever been in disgrace at school.
She evidently felt frightened and ashamed to have accepted charity in a house where such things could be said, and was at the same time sorry to have now to forgo the charity of this house.
Parents or caregivers who make a child feel ashamed or embarrassed that he's soiled his underpants can unintentionally set back the process.
Personal lubricants are nothing to be ashamed of; people of all ages and from all walks of life use them every day.
Don't be ashamed if you need a digital camera buyer's guide.
What you want is a bikini bottom you're not ashamed to be seen in.
Clean language, decent photos, and a profile your mother wouldn't be ashamed to read are the requirements for participation.
The benefit of asking these types of question is that it will allow her to open up and share what is in her heart without feeling ashamed.
Erectile Dysfunction is not anything of which to be ashamed or to hide.
Tell him that you realize by not telling your friends and family about him, it appears you are ashamed of the relationship and this is not the case.
A wallet does not last forever, unlike your student loans, but it should be a faithful companion, the sort of item you should feel ashamed to lose.
If you buy your own bowling shoes, you can often find a style you won't be ashamed to be seen in!
While a few cross dressers are with women who are open-minded enough to accept this habit, the majority of men who don women's clothes do so in secret, ashamed of what others will think of them.
Many children waver between resentment and guilt, unhappy with the situation that has befallen the family, yet ashamed of the way they sometimes feel about their brother or sister with autism.
Most binge-eaters hide their binging because they are terribly ashamed of their "lack of control."
To refute this book and to prove that there could be no such thing as religion, he wrote and printed a small pamphlet, A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which brought him some curious acquaintances, and of which he soon became thoroughly ashamed.
When she heard strange noises in the night, a simple nudge would replace the telephone call she was too ashamed to make.
The answer is embarrassingly simple, and they don't even seem ashamed of it.
They become ashamed of the whole lot, including heroes.
I am ashamed to say that hitherto I have only given myself out of mere complaisance.
They seem ashamed of talking seriously about small government and big tax cuts â the issues for which she was renowned.
Any soldier who has seen action surely feels this fright, it is nothing to be ashamed of.
I felt ashamed, until I remembered my own impatience as a driver.
I am ashamed of the food I serve up, salty, processed junk.
Unfortunately still today people feel ashamed about contracting leprosy.
The king, ashamed, gave him some of his land, on which later a Benedictine monastery was built.
Finally, making an easy cast, she so far outdistanced the others that everyone was amazed, and I was really ashamed.
In the biblical parable in Genesis, Adam and Eve became ashamed of their bodies after they disobeyed God.
I was very ashamed of this little peccadillo of mine.
There is a dirty rascal who is a cousin of mine, I'm ashamed to say.
A little ashamed, she goes on a journey of discovery to seek out a new pair of dancing glass slippers.
The young gentleman was surprised and ashamed.
I remember that I came to you afterwards and wanted to comfort you, but do you know, I felt ashamed to.
You would set all Russia against you and every one of us would feel ashamed to wear the uniform.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Why should you be ashamed?
There is a dirty rascal who is a cousin of mine, I 'm ashamed to say.
So I am ashamed of all I have said and repent in dust and ashes.
Not that they 're ashamed of their Essex roots, they just blame their southern rivals for sullying the good name of the county.
I 'm not ashamed that I have a vagina.......
If the situation becomes dangerous for any of your cats, do not be ashamed to place the most aggressive cat in another home.
A new player should start at the beginning and not be ashamed of being new to the game.
It's not uncommon to feel worthless, or even ashamed at losing a job (all of which can lead to anger), but keep in mind that jobs, much like life, can be transitory.
Additionally, know too that there is no reason whatsoever for a parent or child to feel ashamed if he or she needs additional help.
He or she tends to feel out of control and ashamed about the behavior.
Nothing hurts more than thinking you have something like a great friendship with someone only to find out that he or she is ashamed of being seen with you.
However, there is no reason to feel ashamed of suffering from depression or having suicidal thoughts.
Keep in mind that compulsive gamblers might be embarrassed or ashamed about their behavior, so confrontation should be done in a compassionate and concerned manner just like any intervention.
During the weeks leading to the Iraq invasion, band member Natalie Maines announced during a London concert that the Dixie Chicks were "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas," Maines' home state.
They should all be ashamed of themselves, picking on a woman who did nothing to them.
She goes on to say that for her, the reconciliation was a mistake and she was embarrassed and ashamed of herself for going back to him.
There is no reason to be ashamed of living in public housing.
The band originally formed in Australia in 1985, and just two short years later entered the US music scene, gaining huge acclaim with their 1992 album Not Ashamed.
I feel so ashamed.
Maybe she should be ashamed for thinking such a thing.
I'm ashamed that I caused so much harm to everyone.
Why do you think he will be ashamed of you?
After his defeat at the Boyne (July 1, 1690) he speedily departed from Ireland, where he had so conducted himself that his English followers had been ashamed of his incapacity, while French officers had derided him.
No patriotic Pole, we imagine, can read the history of this miserable war without feeling heartily ashamed of his countrymen.
The dissidents had no political rights, and their religious liberties had also been unjustly restricted; but two-thirds of them being agricultural labourers, and most of the rest artisans or petty tradesmen, they had no desire to enter public life, and were so ignorant and illiterate that their new protectors, on a closer acquaintance, became heartily ashamed of them.
The phrase " when ye shall be stripped and not be ashamed " contains an idea which has some affinity with two passages found respectively in the Gospel according to the Egyptians and the so-called Second Epistle of Clement.
For in general the Moslems, though very fond of stories, are ashamed to recognize them as objects of literary curiosity.
There was a time before they were exiled where he would've been ashamed to see them in such plain clothing.
I didn't go to church because I was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know I ran you off.
You're ashamed because now it's the women who whip the men in line.
I have to say I felt a bit ashamed of myself.
At least he was prepared to admit he was " deeply ashamed " .
I also -- and I'm slightly ashamed to admit it -- don't read anything more than twenty years old.
People were never willing to discuss details of these quarrels in cold blood afterward - they were always rather ashamed of them.
According to his own testimony he arrived at the university " with a stock of information which might have puzzled a doctor, and a degree of ignorance of which a schoolboy might be ashamed."
Formerly the Czech labourers, artisans and domestic servants who came to Vienna were somewhat ashamed of their mother-tongue, and anxious to conceal that evidence of their origin as speedily as possible.
At Ascalon there was a lake full of fish near the temple of Atargatis-Derketo, into which she was said to have been thrown together with her son Ichthys (fish) as a punishment for her arrogance, and to have been devoured by fishes; according to another version, ashamed of her amour with a beautiful youth, which resulted in the birth of Semiramis, she attempted to drown herself, but was changed into a fish with human face (see Atargatis).
What man but a philosopher would not be ashamed to see his furniture packed in a cart and going up country exposed to the light of heaven and the eyes of men, a beggarly account of empty boxes?
Drive a nail home and clinch it so faithfully that you can wake up in the night and think of your work with satisfaction--a work at which you would not be ashamed to invoke the Muse.
Are you not ashamed to deprive us of your charming wife?
I am ashamed as it is to leave her on your hands...
He recalled his labors on the Legal Code, and how painstakingly he had translated the articles of the Roman and French codes into Russian, and he felt ashamed of himself.
I had to re-housebreak the two little boys, Cappy and Little Man!I have tried diapers in the past, but they were ugly and did not stay on, not to mention my poor dogs felt ugly and ashamed.
In this case "appropriate", means something you wouldn't be ashamed of wearing in front of your mother.
It was expected that you would be ashamed to have a body that was outside the standards of beauty.
Most plus sized women have been told that their bodies are something of which to be ashamed.
For years people tended to be hush-hush about wearing shapewear, like it was a big secret or something to be ashamed of.
If that is so...they should be ashamed of the Xbox.
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder feel ashamed of their problem and often try to hide their symptoms.
Children should be taught to not feel ashamed of toileting behaviors, and psychotherapy may help decrease the sense of shame and guilt that many children feel.
No longer do men have to feel ashamed when hair loss begins.
If you're having trouble becoming pregnant, there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Some individuals have spent their entire life feeling ashamed at the way their bodies look.
Wear undergarments you are not ashamed of when you go for a fitting.
Though it was once thought that exotic lingerie was meant to be hidden and ashamed of, woman today embrace exotic lingerie.
In the past, all lingerie, including bra straps, were kept tightly under wraps, and if these pieces of lingerie were seen, many women felt embarrassed or ashamed.
Despite the visual given at the beginning of this article, it is important to note that if you still prefer the cotton nightgown over the sexy alternatives, don't be ashamed.
He's so good you don't even have to be ashamed to like him anymore, so go ahead, give in, and click the link.
It's strange, but I've learned from Darkyn not to be ashamed of my nature.
She had no self-image and was ashamed of being a prostitute.
Instead I should be ashamed of myself for not telling Gibbons to be mum about our looking for the guy.
I'm ashamed to say.
In the 18th century British public men were not ashamed to say that Barbary piracy was a useful check on the competition of the weaker Mediterranean nations in the carrying trade..
Hippolyte laughed as if ashamed of laughing.
But I replied that I should be ashamed to do it, and suddenly everything vanished.
Mamma, one need not be ashamed of his being a widower?
He knew that none of the words now uttered by Napoleon had any significance, and that Napoleon himself would be ashamed of them when he came to his senses.
That evening she expected several important personages who had to be made ashamed of their visits to the French theater and aroused to a patriotic temper.
It wasn't as if he had anything to be ashamed of.
And I'm ashamed I did not act before now, when it may be too late to counter Sirian.
On the 30th of September 1693 Millington wrote to Pepys that he had been to look for Newton some time before, but that " he was out of town, and since," he says, " I have not seen him, till upon the 28th I met him at Huntingdon, where, upon his own accord, and before I had time to ask him any question, he told me that he had writt to you a very odd letter, at which he was much concerned; added, that it was in a distemper that much seized his head, and that kept him awake for above five nights together, which upon occasion he desired I would represent to you, and beg your pardon, he being very much ashamed he should be so rude to a person for whom he hath so great an honour.
Glancing, however, at Boris, he saw that he too seemed ashamed of the hussar of the line.
Ashamed to be seen so soon in Bergen, he stopped at Christianssand, where he lived through the winter, supporting himself by giving lessons in French.
From Flanders to Rome his distinction was acknowledged, and artists of less invention, among them some of the foremost on both sides of the Alps, were not ashamed to borrow from his work this or that striking combination or expressive type.
Or he would suddenly feel ashamed of he knew not what.
And I should be ashamed to write to Boris.
Prince Andrew was afraid and ashamed to speak of it.
Really very good! said Nicholas with some unintentional superciliousness, as if ashamed to confess that the sounds pleased him very much.
I'm ashamed that you felt the need to hide it from me, though.
Yet this eminent, this superior personage was an habitual drunkard, an uncouth savage who intruded upon the hospitality of wealthy foreigners, and was not ashamed to seize upon any dish he took a fancy to, and send it home to his wife.
She knew what it was all meant to represent, but it was so pretentiously false and unnatural that she first felt ashamed for the actors and then amused at them.
They slander him as a traitor, and the only result will be that afterwards, ashamed of their false accusations, they will make him out a hero or a genius instead of a traitor, and that will be still more unjust.
A mockery of popular institutions, under the name of a burgher council, indeed existed; but this was a mere delusion, and must not be confounded with the system of local government by means of district burgher councils which that most able man, Commissioner de Mist, sought to establish during the brief government of the Batavian Republic from 1803 to 1806, when the Dutch nation, convinced and ashamed of the false policy by which they had permitted a mere money-making association to disgrace the Batavian name, and to entail degradation on what might have been a free and prosperous colony, sought to redeem their error by making this country a national colonial possession, instead of a slavish property, to be neglected, oppressed or ruined, as the caprice or avarice of its merchant owners might dictate.
The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits.
I read one or two shallow books of travel in the intervals of my work, till that employment made me ashamed of myself, and I asked where it was then that I lived.
They were ashamed to be called cowards, ashamed to leave, but still they left, knowing it had to be done.
Hirata answered by anticipation the modern reproach against Shinto, founded on the absence of any definite morality connected with it, by laying down the simple rule, " Act so that you need not be ashamed before the Kami of the unseen."
He thought about the redhead, but felt too ashamed to mention her, and reasoned it was not pertinent to the situation.
He now felt ashamed of his speech with its constitutional tendency and sought an opportunity of effacing it.
You have no reason to feel ashamed of desire for me.
Do you think he was ashamed of my mother?