Asgard Sentence Examples
Not much has come forward yet regarding the plot of the film but one of the film's taglines highlights that Thor learns how to be a true hero when the Asgard come to invade planet Earth.
Its three roots go down into the three great realms - (I) of death, where, in the well Hvergelmer, the dragon Nidhug (Niandggr) and his brood are ever gnawing it; (2) of the giants, where, in the fountain of Mimer, is the source of wisdom; (3) of the gods, Asgard, where, at the sacred fountain of Urd, is the divine tribunal, and the dwelling of the Fates.
In their travels to other worlds, the SG-1 team found powerful allies, including the Asgard, a spacefaring race of skinny big-eyed little grey fellowed with that classic 'alien' look, and the Tok'ra, who was the 'good guy' Goa'uld.
Henri de Tourville, in his Histoire de la formation particulariste (1903), basing his argument on the Ynglinga Saga, interpreted in the light of " Social Science," reveals Odin, " the traveller," as a great " caravan-leader " and warrior, who, driven f rem Asgard - a trading city on the borders of the steppes east of the Don - by " the blows that Pompey aimed at Mithridates," brought to the north the arts and industries of the East.