Ascent Sentence Examples
The temperature was in the high teens but as the sun began its ascent it felt far warmer.
The ascent of Fuji presents no difficulties.
The ascent of Ben Ledi is commonly made from the town.
I nodded my ascent.
Pilatre de Rozier, whom he accompanied in a balloon ascent in 1784.
The second plateau, reached by a steep ascent, has an elevation of from nearly 4000 to fully 5000 ft.
The ascent is best undertaken in summer or autumn.
The ascent to the plateaus is generally by three tiers of hills rising one behind the other.
The Japanese regard it as a sacred mountain, and numbers of pilgrims make the ascent in midsummer.
He had twelve disciples, who after His ascent into heaven went forth into the provinces of the world and taught His greatness; whence they who at this day believe their preaching are called Christians."
AdvertisementThe summit ascent will normally be undertaken in near freezing temperatures (Even colder with wind chill).
He turned to Howie who nodded his ascent.
The most convenient starting-point for the ascent is Assergi, To m.
Oyster Professional Explorer - It was created exclusively for the ascent of Mount Everest in 1953 by John Hunt and his team of climbers.
He turned and without hesitation, began the short ascent to the mine without even inquiring about directions.
AdvertisementSomething else caught, and their ascent stopped suddenly, slamming her against the harness and knocking the breath from her.
These forces however fail to furnish a complete explanation of the ascent of the current, and others have been thought to supplement them, which have more or less weight.
This was a candle of very large dimensions, set in a candlestick big enough to hold it, which was usually placed on the north side, just below the first ascent to the high altar.
From the gas-equation in general, in the atmosphere n d dp _ I dp 1 de _ d0 de i de (8) z p dz-edz-p-edz-k-edz' which is positive, and the density p diminishes with the ascent, provided the temperature-gradient de/dz does not exceed elk.
He continued the ascent of the Parana as far as the rapids of Apipe, and finding his course barred in this direction, he afterwards explored the river Paraguay, which he mounted as far as the mouth of the affluent called by the Indians Lepeti, now the river Bermejo.
AdvertisementThe ascent of the Sadlen or the Tyven in the neighbourhood is usually undertaken by travellers for the view of the barren, snow-clad Arctic landscape, the bluff indented coast, and the vast expanse of the Arctic Ocean.
The ascent of the Hoher Goll is made from here.
He began first a short ascent, then a drop to a sharp curve he nearly missed, causing him to reduce his speed further.
Khulasa, " Quintessence"), or according to its fuller title `Enyaneuderashed'mabutha umassektha (" Songs and Discourses of Baptism and the Ascent," viz.
The ascent of the Cameroon mountain was first attempted by Joseph Merrick of the Baptist Missionary Society in 1847; but it was not till 186r that the summit was gained, when the ascent was made by Sir Richard Burton, Gustav Mann, a noted botanist, and Senor Calvo.
AdvertisementThe first winter ascent of the gully remains unknown.
The ascent of the mountain from Wynberg by Hout's Bay Nek is practicable for horses.
The ascent was first made in 1794 by Orazio Delfico from the Teramo side.
The Indian flying-squirrel (P. oral) leaps with its parachute extended from the higher branches of a tree, and descends first directly and then more and more obliquely, until the flight, gradually becoming slower, assumes a horizontal direction, and finally terminates in an ascent to the branch or trunk of the tree to which it was directed.
The ascent from Chamonix is now frequently made in summer (rarely in winter also), but, owing to the great height of the mountain, the view is unsatisfactory, though very extensive (Lyons is visible).
To mitigate a steep ascent, a central carriage-way, 200 yds, long, is cut along the main street to a depth of 15 ft., the opposite terraces being connected by a bridge.
The Ascent of Water in Trees.The supply of water to the peripheral protoplasts of a tree is consequently of the first importance.
These are places where the mode of travelling or of transport is changed, such as seaports, river ports and railway termini, or natural resting-places, such as a ford, the foot of a steep ascent on a road, the entrance of a valley leading up from a plain into the mountains, or a crossing-place of roads or railways.'
Following on this first experiment, the East India Company, in 1841, proposed to maintain a permanent flotilla on the Tigris and Euphrates, and set two vessels, the " Nitocris " and the " Nimrod," under the command of Captain Campbell of the Indian navy, to attempt the ascent of the latter river.
In 1827 he discovered the modern ascent of Mont Blanc. After the death of his mother in 1832 he passed the greater portion of his time in Italy, Greece and the Levant.
The ascent of Popocatepetl is made on the northeastern slope, where rough roads are kept open by sulphur carriers and timber cutters.
The first ascent was made in 1786 by two Chamonix men, Jacques Balmat and Dr Michel Paccard, and the second in 1787 by Balmat with two local men.
The ascent is usually made from Castleton of Braemar, by way of the Linn of Dee, Glen Lui and Glen Derry.
Westward of Berbera the ascent to the high country is not so abrupt as in the east but is made by several steps, the mountains forming a chaotic mass.
The bridle road up the mountain leaves Glen Nevis at Achintee; it has a gradient nowhere exceeding 1 in 5, and the ascent is commonly effected in two to three hours.
The latter with at least 50,000 men was marching in two columns, and ought therefore to have delivered its men into line of battle twice as fast as the French, who had to deploy from a single issue, and whose columns had opened out in the passage of the Kosen defile and the long ascent of the plateau above.
The harbour town is Adamanta; from this there is an ascent to the plateau above the harbour, on which are situated Plaka, the chief town, and Kastro, rising on a hill above it, and other villages.
The exploration of the river followed the ascent of the White Nile by the Egyptian expeditions of 1839-1842.
The ascent of water is most rapid through coarse sands, but the height to which it will rise is comparatively small.
So gentle is the incline of the hills that in driving over the wellconstructed roads the ascent is scarcely noticeable.
A traveller can reach the usual point of departure, Gotemba, by rail from Yokohama, and thence the ascent and descent may be made in one day by a pedestrian.
Koiµnvcs or dvhXmlics is a festival of the Christian Church celebrated on the 15th of August, in commemoration of the miraculous ascent into heaven of the mother of Christ.
In building the fortress of Sacsahuaman, heights had to be scaled; in Tiahuanaco stones weighing 4 00 tons were carried seventeen miles; in the edifices of 011antaytambo not only were large stones hauled up an ascent, but were fitted perfectly.
The third 4= 5 X Z X z or ascent through an interval 4, which has no special name, and a descent through two octaves, and so on.
Christ flew upward with his mother, and in their ascent a spark of light fell on the waters as Sophia.
In 1714 Ditton published his Discourse on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and The New Law of Fluids, or a Discourse concerning the Ascent of Liquids in exact Geometrical Figures, between two nearly contiguous Surfaces.
To the west of Parr's Ridge the surface for the most part slopes gently down to the east bank of the Monocacy river (which flows nearly at a right angle with the streams east of the Ridge), and then from the opposite bank rises rapidly toward the Catoctin Mountain; but just above the mouth of the Monocacy on the east side of the valley is Sugar Loaf Mountain, which makes a steep ascent of 1250 ft.
It was taught that even the redeemer-god, when he once descended on to this earth, to rise from it again, availed himself of these names and formulas on his descent and ascent through the world of demons.
First, there is timber, such as gates, stiles and rails; the first two are, nine times out of ten, awkward jumps, as the take off is either poached by cattle, or else is on the ascent or descent.
The western boundary of the plains is usually well defined by the abrupt ascent of the mountains.
The surface is shown to be a plain of degradation by a gradual ascent here and there to the crest of a ragged escarpment, the cuesta-remnant of a resistant stratum; and by the presence of lava-capped mesas and dike-ridges, surmounting the general level by 500 ft.
The climatic effects of relief are seen directly in the ascent of the higher mountain ranges to altitudes where low temperatures prevail, thus preserving snow patches through the summer on the high summits (over 12,000 ft.) in the south, and maintaining snowfields and moderate-sized glaciers on the ranges in the north.
The mountains also introduce controls over the local winds; diurnal warming in summer suffices to cause local ascending breezes which frequently become cloudy by the expansion of ascent, even to the point of forming local thunder showers which drift away as they grow and soon dissolve after leaving the parent mountain.
South of this tract there is a gradual ascent to the Central India plateau, and at Sipri the general level is 1500 ft.
In the dry season, however, it is obstructed by reefs, sandbanks, shallows, snags, trees and floating timber from the "Apostadero" up, so that even canoes find its ascent difficult, while savage hordes along its banks add to the dangers to be encountered.
Forbes, with Agassiz, Desor and Du Chatelier, made the fourth ascent by the 1812 route.
George succeeded in making the first ascent from the west or Interlaken side.
The place is a centre for artists, geologists and botanists, for the ascent of Snowdon, Moel Siabod, Glydyr Fawr, Glydyr Fach, Tryfan, &c., and for visiting Llyn Ogwen, Llyn Idwal, Twll du (Devil's Kitchen), Nant Ffrancon and the Penrhyn quarries.
The upward ascent of the column of gases is as swift as the descent of the solid charge is slow.
The history of furs can be read in Marco Polo, as he grows eloquent with the description of the rich skins of the khan of Tatary; in the early fathers of the church, who lament their introduction into Rome and Byzantium as an evidence of barbaric and debasing luxury; in the political history of Russia, stretching out a powerful arm over Siberia to secure her rich treasures; in the story of the French occupation of Canada, and the ascent of the St Lawrence to Lake Superior, and the subsequent contest to retain possession against England; in the history of early settlements of New England, New York and Virginia; in Irving's Astoria; in the records of the Hudson's Bay Company; and in the annals of the fairs held at Nizhniy Novgorod and Leipzig.
They demonstrated the ascent of the sap through the wood of the tree, and supposed the sap to "precipitate a kind of white coagulum or jelly, which may be well conceived to be the part which every year between bark and tree turns to wood and of which the leaves and fruits are made."
Describing his ascent in 1904,.
In 1522 Francisco Montano made the ascent and had himself let down into the crater a depth of 400 or 500 ft.
From the landing-place, where a mole is cut out of the rock, there is a steep ascent to the upper town, characteristically Spanish in appearance.
A steep ascent leads past the Pillar of Charles V., a fountain erected in 1554, to the main entrance of the Alhambra.
Humboldt, who unsuccessfully attempted its ascent in 1802, gives its elevation as 21,425 ft., Reiss and Stiibel as 20,703, and Whymper as 20,498.
In one ascent of Pichincha in 1880, Mr Whymper collected 21 species of beetles, all new to science, between 12,000 and 15,600 ft.
The former is of no use for irrigation, except in the immediate neighbourhood of its banks, and is a barrier to cross which involves the labour of a considerable ascent at any point except its most northern section.
Erebus, reaching the summit on the 11th, the second occasion of its ascent.
At Annesley Bay the narrow coast plain is succeeded by foothills separated by small valleys through which flow innumerable streams. From these hills the ascent to the plateau which constitutes northern Eritrea is very steep. This tableland, which has a general elevation of about 6500 ft., is fairly fertile despite a desert region - Sheb - to the S.E.
The northern leads by a comparatively easy ascent to Yejju, the more southern follows the valley of the Hawash.
The representations are usually ranged round the church; sometimes they are found in the open air, especially on the ascent to some elevated church or shrine.
In their first ascent from the garden of the Conservatoire des Arts on the 24th of August 1804 an altitude of 4000 metres (about 13,000 ft.) was attained.
But this elevation was not considered sufficient by Gay-Lussac, who therefore made a second ascent by himself on the 16th of September, when the balloon rose 7016 metres (about 23,000 ft.) above sea-level.
But he thought that inferences other than syllogism are imperfect; that analogical inference is rhetorical induction; and that induction, through the necessary preliminary of syllogism and the sole process of ascent from sense, memory and experience to the principles of science, is itself neither reasoning nor science.
It is inductive only in the sense that it is identical in purpose with the ascent from particulars.
Salvation henceforth is not the descent of the New Jerusalem out of heaven, but the ascent of the saints to heaven; for the individual it is not the resurrection of the body but the immortality of the soul.
The first traveller to make the climb was Herr Gebhard in 1805 (sixth ascent).
The streets of the higher and older part of the town are narrow and tortuous, and in places so steep that means of ascent is provided by flights of steps.
Ascending mountains, however, is very different, because in walking up a steep ascent all the muscles of the body are thrown into action, and not only those of the legs.
The railroad in making this ascent makes curves equivalent to forty-two whole circles in a distance of 81 m., at one place paralleling its track five times in a space of about 300 ft.
From the Mongolian plateau the ascent is on the whole gentle, but from the plains of Siberia it is much steeper, despite the fact that the range is masked by a broad belt of subsidiary ranges of an Alpine character, e.g.
On the eastern side the slope is so abrupt as to make ascent difficult and at places impossible, but the western slope, on account of a dip of the rock to the N.W., is more gradual.
Thus, when the wing descends it draws after it a strong current, which, being met by the wing during its ascent, greatly increases the efficacy of the up stroke.
It only remains to be stated that the wing acts as a true kite, during both the down and the up strokes, its under concave or biting surface, in virtue of the forward travel communicated to it by the body of the flying creature, being closely applied to the air, during both its ascent and its descent.
The Vaenol slate quarries are here, and hence is the easiest ascent of Snowdon, with a railway to the summit.
Very high mountain ranges usually consist of many ridges, among which rain-clouds are entangled in their ascent, and in such cases precipitation towards the windward side of the main range, though on the leeward sides of the minor ridges of which it is formed, may occur to so large an extent that before the summit is reached the clouds are exhausted or nearly so, and in this case the total precipitation is less on the leeward than on the windward side of the main range; but in the moderate heights of the United Kingdom it more commonly happens from the causes explained that precipitation is prevented or greatly retarded until the summit of the ridge is reached.
They denied accordingly, the resurrection and the ascent into heaven.
The first ascent of the river was made in 1638 by Pedro Texiera, a Portuguese, who reversed the route of Orellana and reached Quito by way of the Rio Napo.
The last reference contains an allusion to the weekly fasts which were observed on the 2nd and 5th days of each week, in commemoration, it was said, of the ascent and descent of Moses at Sinai.
The nave is thus covered completely by a domical canopy, which, in its ascent, swells larger and larger, mounts higher and higher, as though a miniature heaven rose overhead.
There is, however, a yet higher point to be reached in the upward ascent of the Neoplatonist from matter; and here the divergence of Plotinus from Platonic idealism is none the less striking, because it is a bona fide result of reverent reflection on Plato's teaching.
The ascent of all the points named is not difficult from the Swiss side, but excessively dangerous on the east or Italian side.
A winding ascent led to the summit of the tower, where there was a chapel, containing, according to Herodotus, a couch and golden table (for the showbread), but no image.
The Trans-Alai is a true border range, the ascent to it from the Pamir plateau (13,000 ft.) on the south-east being gentle and relatively short, while both it and the Alai tower up steeply to a height of 11,000-14,000 ft.
As a rule on all the Tian-shan ranges the ascent from the north is steep and from the south relatively gentle.
They consist throughout of rocks and hills, separated from each other by narrow valleys or ravines; but, though the hills rise abruptly, there are often on their summits, or at different stages of their ascent, plains of considerable magnitude.
It has given its name to the district, being the first hill seen from the Nile in the ascent of some 000 m.
Elsewhere the coast lowlands merely form the lowest steps of the system of terraces which constitutes the ascent to the inner plateaus.
The ascent of Ben Wyvis (3429 ft.) is commonly made from Strathpeffer.
The fifth and sixth volumes of the Origins of Christianity (the Christian Church and Marcus Aurelius) show him reconciled with democracy, confident in the gradual ascent of man, aware that the greatest catastrophes do not really interrupt the sure if imperceptible progress of the world - reconciled also in some measure, if not with the truths, at least with the moral beauties of Catholicism, and with the remembrance of his pious youth.
In spite of the breath-catching vertical drop-offs, boulder-strewn tilting and rolling Jeep roads with their impossible angles of ascent, the solitude of being able to stare for miles and miles in any directions with not a soul in sight—all this melted away to a sense of awe and peace that made any anxiety evaporate like mountain mist on a summer morning.
Some people acclimatize quickly, and can ascend rapidly; others acclimatize quickly, and can ascend rapidly; others acclimatize slowly and have trouble staying well even on a slow ascent.
Ascent occurs ahead of a surface warm anomaly warm advection (Laplacian of the thermal advection ).
At the last minute it was considered advisable that only two persons should make the ascent instead of the three which had been planned.
Our computers were now telling us to begin ascent.
B started an assisted ascent, gripping A by the left shoulder.
Trek over wild rugged mountains; through arid gorges; attempt an ascent of Jebel Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa.
Cross the col then make the steep ascent NW then N to the summit of Red Pike.
We begin with a gradual ascent of the Santa Cruz valley.
At the time of the buoyant ascent the computer had ' cleared ' .
At 8m they turned up the right way to dump air from their suits and they conducted an uncontrolled buoyant ascent to the surface.
His rapid ascent in the pack meant passing half the field in only three laps!
From their high camp at 4,900m the team of eight roped up for their succesful summit ascent.
During his brief stay he managed an impressive solo ascent of Le Dernier Cri in Holwell Quarry.
Some characters in the font might extend above the font ascent line.
To maintain neutral buoyancy, you use a pattern that results in an average that results in neither an ascent nor a decent.
Both divers commenced the ascent but at 30m the casualty lost buoyancy and started to sink feet first.
Course content is appropriate for ascent capture end users as well as Solution Providers, integrators and consultants who are certified in Ascent Capture.
Ghana's first cardinal seems shocked by the speed of his ascent.
The last section of the ascent path with the summit crag beckoning ahead.
The ascent of the Wrekin, along the main track, initially found dark fine-grained dolerites, which were very weathered and somewhat crumbly.
We made the ascent as normal, and I learned from first hand experience that the rebreather does not need any diluent during ascent.
Any effort expended on the ascent is amply repaid once you reach the summit.
A short ascent brings us to a delightful picnic spot among mountain gentians.
The poor laddie will scream the whole flight as the air expands on ascent but can't get out.
Unfortunately during the ascent we watched lightning in clouds below to the north, our summit.
The most demanding day was the ascent of Piz Buin (the mountain that lends its name to the sun-tan lotion ).
Another short Via Ferrata has to be tackled on the descent, which provides equally magnificent rock scenery to the ascent.
One had made an emergency ascent after suffering narcosis and the other had followed at a similar rate.
Over Hadrian's Wall An ascent from Ullswater to Little Mell Fell passes alpine enchanters nightshade.
The final ascent begins between giant lion's paws carved in the rock.
Using his octopus regulator he made a safe ascent, accompanied by his buddy.
The remainder of the day is spent resting in preparation for the final ascent which begins around midnight.
Typically, the minimum interline spacing between rows of text is given by ascent + descent.
The challenge of ' the Ascent of Olympus ' entailed building a stairway of 26 levels using 1200 blocks.
The summit ascent will normally be undertaken in near freezing temperatures (Even colder with wind chill ).
It's the 2,000 feet Binnian ascent finishing among the summit tors.
Gregory has maintained (Dead Heart of Australia, 1906, pp. 273-341) that the ascent of water in these wells is due to the tension of the included gases and the pressure of overlying sheets of rocks, and that some of the water is of plutonic origin.'
In some cases, as when heat is converted into the kinetic energy of moving machinery or the potential energy of raised weights, there is an ascent of energy from the less available form of heat to the more available form of mechanical energy, but in all cases this is accompanied by the transfer of other heat from a body at a high temperature to one at a lower temperature, thus losing availability to an extent that more than compensates for the rise.
The cultivated lands of Britain being disposed in ridges which usually lie in the line of greatest ascent, it became customary to form the drains in each furrow, or in each alternate, or third or fourth one, as the case might require, or views of economy dictate and hence the system soon came to be popularly called "furrow draining."
It 's the 2,000 feet Binnian ascent finishing among the summit tors.
Egyptian legend believed that tourmaline came in a wide variety of colors because during its ascent from the center of the earth it passed over a rainbow and took on all the colors of the rainbow.
In 1996, Fossil completed its ascent into retail with the opening of several company-owned outlet and accessory stores.
Four dive memory, Auto start dive module, Rapid ascent warning signal, One-way rotating elapsed time bezel.
Along with making use of a 24 hour 1/100th second chronograph and countdown timer, serious divers can also access decompression data, depth alarms and data, ascent alarms, nitrogen levels and Nitrox diving data.
An ascent made by Dr Honda of the imperial university of Japan showed that, up to a height of 6000 ft., the mountain is clothed with primeval forests of palms, banyans, cork trees, camphor trees, tree ferns, interlacing creepers and dense thickets of rattan or stretches of grass higher than a man's stature.
The ascent to the upper plain then becomes very gentle, though there is a rise of 400 or 50o ft., until it reaches the south-eastern portion of Sargent county and changes into the more abrupt Coteau des Prairies, a plateau about 2000 ft.
Like Plato, he believed in real Universals, real essences, real causes; he believed in the unity of the universal, and in the immateriality of essences; he believed in the good, and that there is a good of the universe; he believed that God is a living being, eternal and best, who is a supernatural cause of the motions and changes of the natural world, and that essences and matter are also necessary causes; he believed in the divine intelligence and in the immortality of our intelligent souls; he believed in knowledge going from sense to reason, that science requires ascent to principles and is descent from principles, and that dialectic is useful to science; he believed in happiness involving virtue, and in moral virtue being a control of passions by reason, while the highest happiness is speculative wisdom.
Bouger and La Condamine were the first to reach its brink in 1742, after which Humboldt made the ascent in 1802, Boussingault and Hall in 1831, Garcia Moreno and Sebastian Wisse in 1844 and 1845 (descending into the crater for the first time), Garcia Moreno and Jameson in 1857, Farrand and Hassaurek in 1862, Orton in 1867, and Whymper in 1880.
Four days were occupied in the ascent to a level stretch at 7,000 ft.; and severe weather compelled a halt at this point for four days more.
Below it is the conducting surface (B) of glassy epidermal cells, with short downward-directed points, which facilitate the descent, but impede the ascent of an insect.
The town is the point from which the ascent of Ben Nevis-42 m.
When a field is ridged in the line of the greatest ascent of the ground, there is an obvious convenience in adopting the furrows as the site of the drains; but wherever this is not the case the drains must be laid off to suit the contour of the ground, irrespective of the furrows altogether.
Ben Lomond (3192 ft.), the ascent of which is made with comparative ease from Rowardennan, dominates the landscape; but there are other majestic hills, particularly on the west and north-west banks.
Warmbad Villach, a watering-place with hot sulphur baths, and Mittewald, a favourite summer resort, whence the ascent of the Dobratsch can be made, are in the neighbourhood of Villach.
The height of the tower is 179 ft., but the ascent is easy by a stair in the wall, and the visitor hardly perceives the inclination till he reaches the top and from the lower edge of the gallery looks "down" along the shaft receding to its base.
Since Bishop Brooks died I have read the Bible through; also some philosophical works on religion, among them Swedenborg's "Heaven and Hell" and Drummond's "Ascent of Man," and I have found no creed or system more soul-satisfying than Bishop Brooks's creed of love.
The wells were first called artesian in the belief that the ascent of the water in them was due to the hydrostatic pressure of water at a higher level in the Queensland hills.
At each ascent or descent of the road the crowds were yet denser and the din of shouting more incessant.
Three years later, at an unusually early age, he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences, and in 1804 he accompanied Gay Lussac on the first balloon ascent undertaken for scientific purposes.
The ascent towards God and the functions of the "threefold eye of the soul " - cogitatio, meditatio and contem- platio - were minutely taught by him in language which is at once precise and symbolical.
From 1881 till 1904 meteorological observations were taken from the summit of Ben Nevis, the observers at first making the ascent daily for the purpose.
The biggest ascent is that from the Kalta-alaghan to the Arka-tagh, namely, nearly 1850 ft.
Having said all of that, government should certainly be watched with a suspicious eye, for it could conceivably delay or derail our ascent to the next golden age.
This observatory, the foundations of which were fixed in the snow that appears to cover the summit to a depth of ten metres, was built in September 1893, and Janssen, in spite of his sixty-nine years, made the ascent and spent four days taking observations.
But as each successive range, proceeding south, represents a higher step in the terraced ascent from the desert of Gobi to the plateau of Tibet, the ranges when viewed from the north frequently appear like veritable upstanding mountain ranges, and this appearance is accentuated by the general steepness of the ascent; whereas, when viewed on the other hand from the south, these several ranges, owing to their long and gentle slope in that direction, have the appearance of comparatively gentle swellings of the earth's service rather than of well-defined mountain ranges.
The rotators caught, pulling them out of the spin, slowed their ascent, then gave out once again.
During the second stage small increments of magnetizing force are attended by relatively large increments of magnetization, as is indicated by the steep ascent of the curve.
From the East Turkestan lowlands on the north the ascent is very steep, and the passes across both sets of ranges lie at great altitudes; for example, the pass of Sanju-davan in the lower range is 16,325 ft.
Thus the second A = 2 X 2 X 2, and we may regard it as an ascent through two fifths in succession and then a descent through an octave.
But the routes to be followed were difficult to find in the dark, the ascent was rapid, the ground was much broken, and the enemy opposed a stubborn resistance to the advance, with the result that this was greatly retarded, and that at daybreak the most forward of the columns was not much more than halfway up. The Ottoman staff had, moreover, on the first alarm begun to hurry reinforcements on the Sari Bair from the rear, while the Allied troops were so much exhausted by their nocturnal experiences that all attempts to win the upper ridge failed on the 7th.
West of the Mu river, in the centre of the district, there is a gradual ascent to the hills which divide Sagaing from the Upper Chindwin.