Asbestosis Sentence Examples
Some workers are still likely to develop asbestosis from past industrial exposure, tighter controls now in force should substantially lessen the risk.
Diseases that may results from breathing in these fibers include asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
Most people who develop mesothelioma do not have asbestosis.
You do not have to get asbestosis in order to get mesothelioma.
Her work history is said to be insufficient to cause asbestosis.
In 14 lung cancer cases and all but one of the mesotheliomas there was moderate to severe asbestosis.
Asbestosis legal advice and help making a compensation claim We are here 24 hours a day to offer you free asbestosis legal advice and help making a compensation claim We are here 24 hours a day to offer you free asbestosis legal advice.
Industrial disease asbestosis Accident in a public place Accident caused by a product purchased Slip, trip or fall Any other type of accident.
The main types of asbestos diseases asbestosis A disabling and ultimately fatal scarring of the lungs causing severe breathlessness and chest pains.
Asbestosis is a scarring of the lung caused by prolonged or heavy exposure to asbestos.
AdvertisementAsbestosis diagnosis Diagnosis involves the doctor listening with a stethoscope placed over the lungs to listen for abnormal sounds called crackles.