As-opposed-to Sentence Examples
They are united on the value of faithknowledge as opposed to "metaphysic."
In the sense of "flowing water," the word is applied to the inflow of the tide, as opposed to "ebb."
The form q`tal illustrates one main peculiarity of Aramaic, as opposed to the other Semitic languages, viz.
The heart lies in front of, instead of to the side of, the attachment of the ctenidium - hence Opisthobranchia as opposed to " Prosobranchia," which correspond to the Streptoneura.
If you would rather order a gift basket as opposed to creating your own, there are numerous websites that offer adorable baby gift baskets, many of which you can custom order.
He felt then, and still more after the Reform Act of 1866, that "we must educate our masters," 1 and he rather scandalized his old university friends by the stress he laid on physical science as opposed to classical studies.
The modern doctrine of evolution or " evolving," as opposed to that of simple creation, has been defined by Prof. James Sully in the 9th edition of this encyclopaedia as a " natural history of the cosmos including organic beings, expressed in physical terms as a mechanical process."
To form a true understanding of what is strictly implied in the word "nobility," in its social as opposed to a purely moral sense, it is needful to distinguish its meaning from that of several words with which it is likely to be confounded.
His was, indeed, a typically logical, as opposed to a historical, mind.
Keeping a Portuguese Water Dog in a show cut or lion cut (shaved muzzle, hindquarter, tail) is also more expensive as opposed to an all over close clip known as a lamb or puppy cut.
AdvertisementAt the end of the month, children with all their stickers or check marks can earn a prize.Table charts can break down behavior further by listing the expected behaviors as opposed to overall behavior for the day.
These shoes are being made on a machine specifically designed to cut narrow soles, with lasts based from narrow molds, as opposed to regular molds that have been trimmed.
Finally, it may be noted that many immoral acts, such as the use of false weights, lying, &c., which could not be brought into court, are severely denounced in the Omen Tablets as likely to bring the offender into " the hand of God " as opposed to " the hand of the king."
Y g Y P process, so manipulated as to secure an overwhelming preponderance for the wealthy, and especially the landed classes, and also for the representatives of the Russian as opposed to the subject peoples.
But in Judaism monotheistic conceptions reigned supreme, and the Satan of Jewish belief as opposed to God stops short of the dualism of Persian religion.
AdvertisementThat designation may mean " head of the (infantry) host " as opposed to his subordinate, the magister equitum, who was " head of the cavalry."
The word "monarchy" has, however, outlived this original meaning, and is now used, when used at all, somewhat loosely of states ruled over by hereditary sovereigns, as distinct from republics with elected presidents; or for the "monarchical principle," as opposed to the republican, involved in this distinction.
It is clear from the treatise of Radbertus Paschasius already quoted that the word "substance" was used for reality as distinguished from outward appearance, and that the word "species" meant outward appearance as opposed to reality.
The other view traces it to khem or khame, hieroglyph khmi, which denotes black earth as opposed to barren sand, and occurs in Plutarch as XvAda; on this derivation alchemy is explained as meaning the " Egyptian art."
In 754 he assembled at the palace of Hiereion 338 bishops, by whom the worship of images was forbidden as opposed to all Christian doctrine and a curse pronounced upon all those who upheld it.
AdvertisementThis province was called Numidia Cirtensis, as opposed to Numidia Inferior or proconsular Numidia.
They have appeared independently in connexion with a change in the excretion of nitrogenous waste in Arachnids, Crustacea, and the other classes of Arthropoda when aerial, as opposed to aquatic, respiration has been established - and they have been formed in some cases from the mesenteron, in other cases from the proctodaeum.
During 1919 internal politics centred in a struggle between the Radicals, who still possessed the best party machine and stood for a narrowly Serbian as opposed to a Yugoslav programme, and the newly constituted Democratic party, which absorbed most of the Serbian Opposition parties, the old Serbo-Croat coalition of Zagreb, and the Slovene Liberals.
Speaking generally, it has been found that the East as opposed to the West has undergone relatively little alteration in the principal constituents of dress among the bulk of the population, and, although it is often difficult to interpret or explain some of the details as represented (one may contrast, for example, worn sculptures or seals with the vivid Egyptian paintings), comparison with later descriptions and even with modern usage is frequently suggestive.
From the sewers rate and lighting rate, land, as opposed to buildings, was entitled to certain exemptions.
AdvertisementSometimes it is held to be restricted to county roads as opposed to town-ways.
But, although greatly strengthened, the Guelphs, who now may be called the democrats as opposed to the Ghibelline aristocrats, were by no means wholly victorious, and in 1251 they had to defend themselves against a league of Ghibelline cities (Siena, Pisa and Pistoia) assisted by Florentine Ghibellines; the Florentine Uberti, who had been driven into exile after their plot of 1258, took refuge in Siena and encouraged that city in its hostility to Florence.
There the synod of Ephesus was declared to have been a "robber synod," its proceedings were annulled, and, in accordance with the rule of Leo as opposed to the doctrines of Eutyches, it was declared that the two natures were united in Christ, but without any alteration, absorption or confusion.
Swedenborg wholly rejects the orthodox doctrine of atonement; and the unity of God, as opposed to his idea of the trinity of the church, is an essential feature of his teaching.
He planted the seed of the modern Liberal party as opposed to the pure Whigs.
The common use of the word animal as the equivalent of mammal, as opposed to bird or reptile or fish, is erroneous.
The method, by which the text was thus utilized as a vehicle for conveying homiletic discourses, traditional sayings, legends and allegories, is abundantly illustrated by the Palestinian and later Targums, as opposed to the more sober translations of Onkelos and the Targum to the Prophets.
The authors generally favoured Lutheranism as opposed to Roman Catholicism.
His great principle was that of Harmony or Balance, and he based it on the general ground of good taste or feeling as opposed to the method of reason.
The individual ego is only possible as opposed to a non-ego, to a world of the senses; thus God, the infinite will, manifests himself in the individual, and the individual has over against him the non-ego or thing.
There followed an expression of nationalist and particularistic as opposed to ultramontane and also to German feeling, which undoubtedly was of supreme importance for the whole of the subsequent career of Huss.
Aristotle himself used "dialectic," as opposed to "science," for that department of mental activity which examines the presuppositions lying at the back of all the particular sciences.
Aristotle also uses the term for the science of probable reasoning as opposed to demonstrative reasoning (a7robECKTCK?7).
All philosophy is the search for reality and rational certainty as opposed to mere formalism on the one hand, to authority and dogmatism on the other.
This law had in effect secured the misrepresentation of the mass of the people in the diet, the representation of the country population at the expense of that of the towns, of the interests of agriculture as opposed to those of industry.
It is remarkable that the difference between the State educational estimates in Austria and in Hungary was one of 9.3 millions in the former as opposed to 67.6 in the latter.
According to the statistical returns there were 139 administrative sub-districts where only Czech was spoken and 95 speaking only German, as opposed to only five bilingual ones.
He was at this time identified with the Independents as opposed to the Presbyterian party.
The life of the Church, moreover, was affected by the economic changes due to the rise of the power of money as opposed to the old economic system based upon land.
To make any alteration in its frontiers a constitutional law is required - a law which, as opposed to an ordinary law, has to be passed by a three-fifths majority of Parliament.
They pursued a national as opposed to an international social policy, being thus opponents of the Social Democrats and in particular antagonistic to Communism.
In 1921 the total number of Socialists of every complexion in the House of Deputies was 141, as opposed to 137 Bourgeois members (Czechoslovaks 199, Germans 72, Magyars 7).
Their distinctive name is the Evangelical, - as opposed to the Reformed church.
Well provided with funds, he speedily bought over many of the leading magnates, and his popularity reached its height when he strenuously advocated the adoption of the mode of election by the gentry en masse (which the szlachta proposed to revive), as opposed to the usual and more orderly "secret election" by a congress of senators and deputies, sitting with closed doors.
During this period De la Gardie was the ruling spirit of the government and represented the party of warlike adventure as opposed to the party of peace and economy led by Counts Bonde and Brahe (qq.v.).
These intentional alterations, however, only affect a very limited portion of the text, and, though it is possible that other changes were introduced at different times, it is very This represents the Western tradition as opposed to the Eastern text of ben Naphtali.
This appears to be the great Celtic measure, as opposed to the old English, or Germanic, mile.
The primeval Being is, as opposed to the many, the One; as opposed to the finite, the Infinite, the unlimited.
The empirical science of the Renaissance and the two following centuries was itself a new development of Platonism and Neoplatonism, as opposed to rationalistic dogmatism, with its contempt for experience.
Its adherents feel themselves to be the isolated, the few, the free and the enlightened, as opposed to the sluggish and inert masses of mankind degraded into matter, or the initiated as opposed to the uninitiated, the Gnostics as opposed to the " Hylici " (Wiwi); at most in the later and more moderate schools a middle place was given to the adherents of the Church as Psychici (1/vXtKoi).
They consider killing, violence, and in general all relations to living beings not based on love as opposed to their conscience and to the will of God.
The lettre de cachet belonged to the class of lettres closes, as opposed to lettres patentes, which contained the expression of the legal and permanent will of the king, and had to be furnished with the seal of state affixed by the chancellor.
It is probable also that the " extraneous discourses " (Oi i wTEpLKoi Aoyoc) sometimes mentioned in them here mean dialectical discussions of a subject from opinions extraneous to its nature, as opposed to scientific deduction from its appropriate principles.
At the beginning of the reform period there had been much enthusiasm for scientific as opposed to classical education.
Their general tendency was distinctly in a Catholic as opposed to a Puritan direction, and the two thousand Puritan incumbents who vacated their benefices on St Bartholomew's Day rather than accept the altered Prayer Book bear eloquent testimony to that fact.
The country, as opposed to the towns, of Roman Britain seems to have been divided into estates, commonly (though perhaps incorrectly) known as " villas."
To many minds the papacy thus came to represent a unifying principle, as opposed to the disruptive tendencies of Liberalism and Nationalism, and the papal monarchy came to be surrounded with a new halo, as in some sort realizing that ideal of a " federation of the world " after which the age was dimly feeling.
In the New Testament it denotes the native language of Palestine (Aramaic and Hebrew being popularly confused) as opposed to Greek.
In the civil law the judex ordinarius is a judge who has regular jurisdiction as of course and of common right as opposed to persons extraordinarily appointed.
This phenomenon is termed " aggressive mimicry " as opposed to the Batesian and Mullerian phenomena, which are termed " protective mimicry."
In official usage the term is applied to any person, whether owner of a large estate or cultivating member of a village community, who is recognized as possessing some property in the soil, as opposed to the ryot, who is regarded as having only a right of occupancy, subject in both cases to payment of the land revenue assessed on his holding.
In view of the many evidences of the linguistic character of Sumerian as opposed to the one fact that the language had engrafted upon it a great number of evident Semitisms, the opinion of the present writer is that the Sumerian, as we have it, is fundamentally an agglutinative, almost polysynthetic, language, upon which a more or less deliberately constructed pot-pourri of Semitic inventions was superimposed in the course of many centuries of accretion under Semitic influences.
The work of the critical philosophy is the introduction of this new mode of regarding experience, a mode which, in the technical language of philosophers, has received the title of transcendental as opposed to the psychological method followed by Locke and Hume.
The history of presbyteral government as opposed to episcopacy and pure congregationalism is not known in detail.
Lincoln had early put himself on record as opposed to slavery, but he was never technically an abolitionist; he allied himself rather with those who believed that slavery should be fought within the Constitution, that, though it could not be constitutionally interfered with in individual states, it should be excluded from territory over which the national government had jurisdiction.
Birney, associated himself after about 1836 with the anti-slavery movement, and became recognized as the leader of the political reformers as opposed to the Garrisonian abolitionists.
The present writer sees no reason to doubt that the idea of a national, as opposed to earlier local chronicles, was inspired by Alfred, who may even have dictated, or at least revised, the entries relating to his own campaigns; while for the earlier parts pre-existing materials, both oral and written, were utilized.
Attempts have been made in modern times to represent the Apocalyptists as opposed to the Pharisees and as occupying the position in popular estimation which Josephus ascribes to the Pharisees.
His principal works are El Heroe (1630), which describes in apophthegmatic phrases the qualities of the ideal man; the Arte de ingenio, tratado de la Agudeza (1642), republished six years afterwards under the title of Agudeza, y arte de ingenio (1648), a system of rhetoric in which the principles of conceptismo as opposed to culteranismo are inculcated; El Discreto (1645), a delineation of the typical courtier; El Oraculo manual y arte de prudencia (1647), a system of rules for the conduct of life; and El Criticon (1651-1653-1657), an ingenious philosophical allegory of human existence.
Thus Celtic principles, as opposed to the western principles of chartered feudalism, did not perish in Scotland without a long and severe struggle.
The chief fruit of these studies is the vast commentary on the Bible (Zurich, 7 vols., 1532-1539), which shows a remarkably sound judgment on questions of the text, and a sense for historical as opposed to typological exegesis.
We marvel at the obstinacy with which he, with inadequate mathematical knowledge, opposed the Newtonian theory of light and colour; and at his championship of "Neptunism," the theory of aqueous origin, as opposed to "Vulcanism," that of igneous origin of the earth's crust.
In Greek philosophy phenomena are the changing objects of the senses as opposed to essences (ra avra) which are one and permanent, and are therefore regarded as being more real, the objects of reason rather than of senses which are "bad witnesses."
The Arab has built his social structure on the Koran, which inculcates absolutism, aristocracy, theocracy; the Berber, despite his nominal Mahommedanism, is a democrat, with his Jemda or " Witangemot " and his Kanum or unwritten code, the Magna Carta of the individual's liberty as opposed to the community's good.
And, though the modern critic will not be prepared with Plato to deny the name of education to all teaching which is not based upon an ontology, it may nevertheless be thought that normal sophistry - as opposed to the sophistry of Socrates - was in various degrees unsatisfactory, in so far as it tacitly or confessedly ignored the " material " element of exposition by reasoning.
The " East Indies," as opposed to the " West Indies," is an old-fashioned and inaccurate phrase, dating from the dawn of maritime discovery, and still lingering in certain parliamentary papers.
In politics he was throughout inclined toward Conservatism, and after the rise of parties under the federal government he stood with Alexander Hamilton and John Adams as one of the foremost leaders of the Federalist party, as opposed to the Republicans or Democratic-Republicans.
It is also to be noticed that the Domesday Survey constantly mentions the terra villanorum as opposed to the demesne in the estates or manors of the time, and that the land of the rustics is taxed separately for the geld, so that the distinction between the property of the lord and that of the peasant dependent on him is clearly marked and by no means devoid of practical importance.
But these differences in detail do not alter the main point that all these are beliefs in the existing, in the real as opposed to the ideal, in actual things which are not ideas.
One of the chief distinguishing features of early as opposed to modern town-life is that each town formed a jurisdictional district distinct from the country around.
Thus to Aristotle the a priori argument is from law or cause to effect, as opposed to what we call a posteriori (posterior, subsequent, derived), from effect to cause.
The kingdom of Chilperic was retrospectively given this name, and in contemporary usage it was given to the kingdom of Clovis II., as opposed to that of Sigebert III., the two sons of Dagobert; and after that, the princes reigning in the West were called kings of Neustria, and those reigning in the East, kings of Austrasia.
The principle contended for and established by this reaction was absolutism as opposed to freedom - monarchical absolutism, papal absolutism, the suppression of energies liberated by the Renaissance and the Reformation.
The conflict ended in the assertion of political independence as opposed to absolute dominion.
Metaphysical dualism postulates the eternal coexistence of mind and matter, as opposed to monism both idealistic and materialistic. Two forms of this dualism are held.
On similar grounds Christianity, as opposed to the Mazdaism enforced officially by the Sassanids, became predominant in Armenia.
This conflict lasted until May 1878, and largely absorbed the energies of Sir Bartle Frere.3 In the meantime a scheme of unification, as opposed to federation, put forward by the Molteno ministry - a scheme which in its essence anticipated the form of government established in 1910 - had met with no support from Frere or the home ministry.
Hence the dominant interest is a priestly one, while the contents are almost entirely legislative as opposed to historical.
It is found, however, that strict reliance cannot be placed on the distinction between the Monotrichous, Lophotrichous and Amphitrichous conditions, since one and the same species may have one, two or more cilia at one or both poles; nevertheless some stress may usually be laid on the existence of one or two as opposed to several - e.g.
Ilaeckel and Fritz Muller) palingenesis " has been used for the exact reproduction of ancestral features by inheritance, as opposed to " kenogenesis " (Gr.
Both these ideas derive from the original meaning of ego, myself, as opposed to everything which is outside myself.
In the true philosophical sense, however, the conception of the ego is still further narrowed down to the individual consciousness as opposed to all that is outside it, i.e.
In the Kantian system the term "noiimena" means things-in-themselves as opposed to "phenomena" or things as they appear to us.
In the fortress of Turin he remained immured during the last twelve years of his life, although part of his time was spent in composing a defence of the Sardinian interests as opposed to those of the papal court, and he was led to sign a retractation of the statements in his history most obnoxious to the Vatican (1738).
The word tribute was also applied in the Roman republic to (I) certain extraordinary taxes, as opposed to the ordinary vectigalia.
Jacobi's next important work, David Hume fiber den Glauben, oder Idealismus and Realismus (1787), was an attempt to show not only that the term Glaube had been used by the most eminent writers to denote what he had employed it for in the Letters on Spinoza, but that the nature of the cognition of facts as opposed to the construction of inferences could not be otherwise expressed.
The word "Pelmatozoa" literally means "stalked animals," but the name is now used to denote all Cystidea, Blastoidea, Crinoidea and Edrioasteroidea, as opposed to the other classes, which may be called Eleutherozoa.
The second half of the I 4th century is the first period in English history in which we can detect a distinct rise in the importance of the commercial as opposed to the landed interest.
We obtain from the equation the notion of an algebraical as opposed to a transcendental curve, viz.
It is true that Socrates brought into prominence the moral importance of rational and intelligent conduct as opposed to action which is the result of unintelligent caprice.
If duty be chosen as opposed to pleasure the opposition between duty and pleasure is a necessary one.
He argued further for the preponderance of the Graeco-Roman element, as opposed to the Jewish, in the Christian writings.
This school flourished at a time when medieval thought was directed to the ancient philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, and had perversely come to regard Aristotle as merely the founder of abstract logic and formal intellectualism, as opposed to Plato whose doctrine of Ideas seemed to tend in a naturalistic direction.
In mathematics and music, the adjective has been used as synonymous with "continuous" as opposed to "discrete," i.e.
The idea of "free" as opposed to necessary expresses simply the fact that the mind can propose to itself ends, though a man cannot alter his own nature.
By the Roman Catholic Church these virtues are regarded as natural as opposed to the theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Charity.
In the Mennonite church they represent the rigid, conservative party, as opposed to the Galenists, who inclined towards the Arminian latitudinarianism and admitted into their community all those who led a virtuous life, whatever their doctrinal tendencies.
Here, for the first time, appears definitely the distinction between synthesis and analysis, and in the distinction is found the reason for the superior certainty and clearness of mathematics as opposed to philosophy.
Dim-Mak - Death point striking is primarily involved with energy disruption as opposed to only brute muscle power.
It is an experiential art, as opposed to a strictly conceptual art.
In high water it all gets much more entertaining and becomes much more continuous as opposed to pool drop.
Replacement Light as opposed to supplementary lighting where you supplement daylight, replacement light means no natural light is used at all.
The lens may just be tilted slightly as opposed to completely dislocated.
So what is a whole plant standardized extract as opposed to an isolated plant constituent and what is a tincture?
By covering the base load, as opposed to peak loads, a greater energy content can be supplied by the distributed generator.
That gives a lovely sheen as opposed to a very glossy finish, in keeping with our gentle approach.
Strangely, if a cat actually eats the catnip it will likely act as a sedative as opposed to giving the kitty a high.
Dry milling is a physical process as opposed to wet milling which involves chemical changes.
A clear mountain pool has life, as opposed to a stagnant pond.
Communicating well is fundamental to philosophy, since clear communication directly reflects clarity of thought as opposed to mere regurgitation.
He also claims that proforms, in contrast to pronouns and definite nouns, require semantic - as opposed to pragmatic - identification.
June 2001 Commencing with London Underground area, officers begin to get issued with yellow high-visibility tabards as opposed to the orange ones.
How could reducing or eliminating tariffs and quotas or eliminating restrictions on foreign investment have different impact on women as opposed to men?
The wall, as opposed to the stone structure of Hadrian's, was a rampart made from stacked turves.
The body was for some years the only important suffrage society, and most of the pioneers of the movement belonged to it; but in 1906 the Women's Social and Political Union was formed, pledged to work by militant, as opposed to constitutional methods.
After the establishment of responsible government the main questions at issue were the secular as opposed to the religious system of public instruction, protection as opposed to a revenue tariff, vote by ballot, adult suffrage, abolition of transportation and assignment of convicts, and free selection of lands before survey; these, and indeed all.
It is applied more particularly to the investigations of those who devote themselves to the study of pure as opposed to applied science, to the investigation of causes rather than to practical experiment; thus while every surgeon or physician who treats an individual case of cancer may add to our sum of knowledge of the disease, the body of trained investigators which is endowed by the Cancer Research Fund are working on different lines.
The favourite name " Israel " with all its religious and national associations is somewhat ambiguous in an historical sketch, since, although it is used as opposed to Judah (a), it ultimately came to designate the true nucleus of the worshippers of the national god Yahweh as opposed to the Samaritans, the later inhabitants of Israelite territory (c).
Hence arises the conception of rights and duties which should be maintained by law, as opposed to those actually maintained; with the further consequence that it may become occasionally a moral duty to rebel against the state in the interest of the state itself, that is, in order better to subserve that end or function which constitutes the raison d'être of the state.
The distinction was never a scientific one, even in the sense in which the word science can be used of the middle ages; it originated in social conceits and in the contempt for mechanical arts which came of the cultivation of "ideas" as opposed to converse with "matter," and which, in the dawn of modern methods, led to the derision of Boyle by Oxford humanists as one given up to "base and mechanical pursuits."
Although defeated in the mayoralty election, his work on behalf of the merit system, as opposed to the spoils system of politics, was such that he was made a Civil Service commissioner - probably the last office a politician would wish to hold who desired further promotion, for the conflict which a Civil Service commissioner must have with members of Congress and other party leaders on questions of patronage is usually, or, at any rate, has been in the past history of American politics, inevitably detrimental to further official advancement.
In the famous "guerre des buffons," he took the part of the "buffonists," so named in consequence of their attachment to the Italian "opera buffa," as opposed to the true French opera; and, in his Lettre sur la musique francaise, published in 1753, he indulged in a violent tirade against French music, which he declared to be so contemptible as to lead to the conclusion "that the French neither have, nor ever will have, any music of their own, or at least that, if they ever do have any, it will be so much the worse for them."
Here, too, the strongly marked characteristics of P, or the Priestly Document, as opposed to JE, enable us to determine the extent of that document with comparative ease; but the absence, in some cases, of conclusive criteria prevents any final judgment as to the exact limits of the two strands which have been united in the composite JE.
Having accepted these two conclusions, we formulate the generalization that tracheae can be independently acquired by various branches of Arthropod descent in adaptation to a terrestrial as opposed to an aquatic mode of life.
Opposed to them, again, are the drift (" knowers," "perceivers," sentientes, as opposed to scientes), to whom religious knowledge comes in the vision of the mystic, not by tradition or reason (see *Ufiism).
It would just take several hours as opposed to a few minutes.
When businesses and people are made to consider the overall effects of their choices as opposed to only their individual effects, efficient outcomes occur.
Long term, we will be better off manufacturing our food as opposed to growing it.
This as opposed to the combined Arab forces that Israel pummel into submission in 6 days in 1967.
The stripped-down production was closer to the sound of demo recordings, as opposed to a polished pop album.
They allow the world to work on them as opposed to imposing their will on the world.
There is a huge difference between what a newborn baby boy wants or needs as opposed to a toddler baby boy.
Take some in black and white - While color prints are nice, black and white often capture more because the focus is on the subject as opposed to the clothing.
Many Indian parents are seeking more "Western" names as opposed to older, more common Indian names.
This strawberry growth is located in the top layer of the skin, as opposed to other hemangiomas which can develop in deeper skin layers.
In others, families may feel that they are better equipped to care for a toddler as opposed to a newborn.
Do thorough research before making a purchase, especially if you are buying a car from the owner as opposed to a dealer.
Be sure to first buy what your daughter needs, as opposed to what you or she wants.
The closer the padding is to your body, the more you want it to be made of natural materials, as opposed to synthetic ones.
In general, a running shoe is designed for forward motion as opposed to a general athletic shoe which is designed for lateral (side to side) motion.
Newer toilets in the United States now use just 1.6 litres of water as opposed to the 5.5 and 3.5 litre ones that were popular previously.
They only use water weight and gravity for flushing as opposed to air pressure.
Real swords are constructed from carbon steel, as opposed to stainless steel, which is reserved for decorative swords or cheaply made swords.
This occurs more often with plush carpet, as opposed to low-pile or stiff carpeting.
Their insecticide also has a citrus scent which makes it more pleasurable to use, as opposed to the harsh and pungent smells of other insecticides.
If you are interested in purchasing a finch you may want to consider getting two, as these types of birds prefer interaction with other birds as opposed to the single life.
Those who are interested in reducing their impact on the planet sometimes prefer to buy things that have been gently used, as opposed to new products.
However, it is important to determine whether you will be making your own food for the long haul as opposed to a short-term measure, perhaps due to a health crisis.
Payroll is deposited to individual employee debit cards as opposed to issuing paper checks.
For example, someone who does transactions at a flea market or on the road will need wireless equipment as opposed to a mail/phone order business that would use electronic equipment with a phone line.
The act of lending money for consolidation should be more about assisting the borrower as opposed to making a profit, although a lender that is not profitable will have problems maintaining operations.
If a service can't promise you that, there isn't much benefit to using it as opposed to continuing to make payments on your own.
This style is very feminine and often close to Victorian except that the colors are generally light and bright as opposed to some of the dark and Gothic looks common in Victorian furniture.
In this way, the straw is used as insulation as opposed to carrying the weight of the house.
There are many reasons why you should recycle ink cartridges as opposed to throwing them away.
In addition, the installation of TAP is a proactive, preventative approach to pest management as opposed to the traditional reactive approach of spraying pesticides once a pest problem is detected.
He is a real doctor whose focus is on treating a person as a whole to help the body heal as opposed to an MD who treats specific diseases and conditions.
The course of study is generally narrowed to specific design topics, as opposed to a four-year degree program that usually includes general education courses as well.
In general, you are more likely to get some leeway with painting the walls when you're renting from a private landlord as opposed to an apartment complex - but it doesn't hurt to ask.
If you are designing on a budget, consider buying a long vanity dresser (sans mirror) and re-purposing it for office supply storage as opposed to clothing storage.
For instance, if you go for a floral print, choose one on a white or off white background as opposed to the strong floral prints on black backgrounds.
If you opt for a table and chairs, you have greater flexibility with rearranging the space as opposed to a booth configuration.
One of the most versatile styles, contemporary homes encompass a wide range of characteristics and lean more toward modern as opposed to traditional.
Chances are you'll get more bang for your buck when buying a set with several items as opposed to just a bottle of men's cologne.
It literally looks as if my skin is glowing from the inside out, as opposed to just "sitting" on my cheeks.
Speaking of the long run, it may actually prove cheaper to buy these two products in a set, as opposed to buying them separately.
The stains are easy to grab and go, though in general I prefer applying them with a lip brush as opposed to dipping my finger in the pot.
While these reviews are fragrance-focused, as opposed to beauty product reviews, they appear to be refreshingly honest.
You need to match the red lipstick to your skin color as opposed to your lip color.
For example, using a true blue eye shadow on blue-green eyes can actually make the color look dull and washed out, as opposed to rich and vibrant.
Spam profiles generally have one very small picture as opposed to several normal-sized ones.
While the basics are the same, there are some minor differences in how people shop online as opposed to at a more traditional store.
You will receive a certificate upon completion, as opposed to a bachelor's or master's degree, but the focused classes may better fit your needs.
One reason to use a chat room as opposed to using an instant messenger would be to meet people you did not know before, or to ask questions to a group of people about a specific topic.
You will generally find this on broadcast channels as opposed to cable channels.
The best part about watching television online is that you can watch it whenever you want, as opposed to when a network schedule says that you have to.
If you prefer to learn by seeing someone create a layout as opposed to reading an article about the latest scrapbooking techniques, video tutorials are a great way to build your crafting skills.
Dollar Days carries discount scrapbooking supplies perfect for the small business owner, as opposed to the large chain stores which have bigger budgets and advertising dollars to spend.
However, you will still be skidding as opposed to carving your turns.
As its name implies, the heli skiing terrain is accessed by helicopter, as opposed to chairlifts or gondolas.
When you're looking for comfort in tension release, consider buying a hand grip stress ball as opposed to the regular round balls.
Mental health professionals look more toward the psychological impact of the worry as opposed to the physical symptoms, although alleviation of the worry and anxiety oftentimes makes the physical symptoms lessen or diminish completely.
An urban prom dress is a prom dress with a modern theme to it, as opposed to the more classical style that traditional dresses tend to have.
Keep the family computer in a public place, such as the kitchen or living room, as opposed to keeping it in an office or in the child's room.
Boot camp is also a great way to help get a teenager motivated to do the right thing again as opposed to getting into more trouble.
Scholarships for private high schools can determine whether a teenager can afford to attend a private institution as opposed to a public high school. even has a feature that allows you to search for only videos that relate to your keyword, as opposed to searching for websites, images and video links like the search engine normally does.
The advantages of using a supplement as opposed to eating several garlic cloves every day are simple.
The benefits of hiring a limo service as opposed to doing the driving yourself abound.
However, you will have to go to an authentic wedding bakery, as opposed to a bakery that merely sells wedding cakes.
Casual couples may request simple glassware as opposed to crystal, since it will get daily use.
If the wedding will physically take place on the beach, as opposed to near the beach but not on the sand, a tea length dress works well.As with all weddings held outside, you must consider the weather when making your dress decision.
Your goal should be to help them learn more positive behavior patterns, as opposed to making them feel worse about themselves.
There are a number of benefits to purchasing wholesale Wilton cake decorating supplies, as opposed to traditional purchasing methods.
It was this role that prompted Natalie to use the stage name of Portman as opposed to her real name of Hershlag.
Pictures began surfacing of Jennifer Lopez in billowy clothing as opposed to her usual form fitting outfits.
After graduating from high school in 1988, McConaughey decided to take a year off to travel as opposed to going straight to college.
At nearly 30 years old, isn't it about time to start enjoying the success of a career that he seemingly worked so hard for as opposed to wasting his time in jail and spending his hard earned money on lawyers and posting bail?
You know, as opposed to holding events to raise much-needed funds to help rebuild the broken city.
Well, I bet those hard working men and women would love to have a pay raise and maybe some time off as a show of appreciation as opposed to a former action hero working with them.
Unlike the other dress up websites listed above, Bonnie Games focuses more on hair and makeup as opposed to clothing and accessories.
Rich was the host of CMT's Gone Country, a show similar to Nashville Star but featuring celebrities as opposed to unknown contestants.
Legal experts around the country state that Murray is being charged with involuntary manslaughter as opposed to murder because he did not willfully or purposefully intend to cause the death of Michael Jackson.
Show creator Shonda Rimes reportedly decided to release Heigl from her contract now, as opposed to later.
Along with the standard insignia tab, trefoil pin and American flag, there are now proficiency badges where girls complete projects, as opposed to the Brownie "try its" where merits are easier and more of an experience than accomplishment.
If you foresee your child wearing this jacket for several months out of the year, it will probably be to your advantage to purchase a more expensive garment as opposed to a cheaper variety.
Old Navy brand clothes are sold only at Old Navy stores, as opposed to clothing brands sold at department stores.
Full slips can also give the appearance of a more uniform look as opposed to the performance of a half slip.
Select a clip-on necktie for a child to wear, as opposed to one that needs to be tied around the neck.
In a move towards preserving the environment, more retailers are favoring online and e-mail catalogs as opposed to mail-outs.
To check your savings, compare the price of a wholesale item as opposed to a retail price tag.
All the items are specially designed with a husky frame in mind, as opposed to being "sized up." All the items are made in the US and they even have a few eco-conscious garments like bamboo T-shirts.
A very well-rounded ranking system will allow you to select the school that is the best based on a variety of factors as opposed to one.
Many teens and their parents use websites to search for colleges as opposed to the thick-spined books that parents may recall using.
Since Greyhounds are sight hounds as opposed to scent hounds, the toy inspires them to run faster.
Choose a tree that is balled-and-burlapped or in a pot as opposed to bare-root selections.
This could be caused by a faulty pruning regimen as some hydrangeas bloom on old wood as opposed to new wood.
It's usually a little easier to get very detailed on a metal pick as opposed to a gemstone pick that could chip during engraving.
If you prefer your tabs in print form as opposed to reading them off of a computer screen, there are some great tab books available for Seether's music.
This bark grows back approximately every three to six years as opposed to the up to 100 years it can take for a maple tree to mature, making cork floors extremely environmentally friendly.
This is what makes the installation of track lighting relatively simple as opposed to recessed lighting, which involves a lot of wiring, installing brackets and cutting holes in your kitchen ceiling.
This allows for warm air to escape to the front of the fireplace and into the room you're heating as opposed to being absorbed in the masonry of the chimney and conducted out of the house.
The extra cost is eventually offset by the advantages of having LED flood lights as opposed to other types of lighting.
Complete kits, as opposed to framing kits or other partial solutions, offer one-stop-shopping.
This can create considerable additional expense, especially if you have to rent equipment to excavate or pour a concrete slab foundation as opposed to gravel.
You can also get additional discounts by going with standard as opposed to custom edge designs.
Corbin tuxedos have a reputation in the menswear world that makes them a prime choice if you are considering purchasing your formalwear as opposed to renting it.
Stick to classic patterns, as opposed to prints of animals or pin-up girls.
Students who wear school uniforms are usually required to wear them, too, and high school students will undoubtedly want to know how to tie a tie -- as opposed to clipping a tie on!
Top grain leather's top layers have been left intact, as opposed to being separated as with split grain leather.
Buying a shirt this way, as opposed to buying off-the-rack or ready-to-wear can ensure that the fit of the shirt is tailored to you.
It's easy to become nostalgic for a decent short that sits at the waist, doesn't flatten the bottom and is an actual short, as opposed to something that hangs to the knees.
Don't forget about the shorts option as opposed to long pants.
However, as opposed to the days when he would show off well-toned calves in stockings, he now wore riding boots.
A dress vest is typically designed with buttons down the front, as opposed to the more casual pullover style (which is often a feature of sweater vests).
Aside from that, the basic differences for the articles of clothing lay more in the quality of the materials used as opposed to the appearance.
The company uses American sourced wool as opposed to the imported Australian and New Zealand wool that many manufacturers use.
Since squash bugs show a preference for Hubbard squash and many types of pumpkin, as opposed to melons and cucumbers, stay away from plantings that will present an attractive buffet for squash bugs.
Happily, home gardening is a pretty hands-on practice as opposed to commercial crop generation.
When you buy organic produce as opposed to commercially available fruits and vegetables, you are assured of a more wholesome product that's been made without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
If you would like to buy toys that are completely organic, look for the work organic in the toy's title as opposed to natural because these two terms can mean different things.
Soft cup bras and underwire styles are more supportive, and choosing a suit with greater back support (an X or Y shape as opposed to the common U) will also increase chest support and overall comfort.
Lingerie tends to last longer with air drying as opposed to dryer heat, so hang your intimates in a laundry room, lay flat to dry or hang them on a clothesline for added freshness.
The advantage of evening wear, as opposed to a business suit, is that if you have a lovely bust, you can choose something with a low neckline - even daringly so - and get away with it.
Use one that contains shaving cream, as opposed to a gel-based product.
It's important to use ping pong balls as opposed to heavier balls, like golf balls.
Choose what you are going to do carefully, and make sure that you keep the focus on funny computer pranks, as opposed to destructive ones.
Make sure that your intended victim will think that your actions are all in good fun and laugh with you, as opposed to getting angry.
With depression, the geriatric has a much firmer grasp upon what they are thinking or feeling, as opposed to dementia where symptoms are seemingly out of the awareness realm of the individual.
Night sweats are similar to the flushes, and are likely to be associated with a sudden drop in estrogen as opposed to a low level of it.
Look at smaller towns as opposed to larger cities.
This research also reveals that narcolepsy is indeed a neurological disorder as opposed to being something psychological.
They adhere to the entire length of the temple arms, as opposed to just sitting on the "ends" of the arms.
To help keep the delicate theme going, here the seashell decal is pink as opposed to gold.
There will, however, still be a transition period of getting used to bifocals as opposed to single vision glasses.
Riders Eye has a few tinted swim goggle styles that may work, especially if you're designing a costume but you aren't super picky about having exact replicas as opposed to just something that gets the message across.
You can choose brighter, colored metals or even just opt for a shinier metal as opposed to the matte ones available.
While discounts and special offers are regularly available, most of the best offers come directly from Disney itself, as opposed to third party providers.
It should also be noted that if you're visiting several parks, it's cheaper to purchase a multi-day, multi-park pass that includes all three Sea World theme parks as opposed to just purchasing one day tickets to each of the three parks.
Over 50 gigabytes of information can be stored on the PS3 disc as opposed to almost 9 gigabytes on an Xbox 360 game disc.
While it's by no means a "dumb" game, it does require fast reflexes as opposed to fast thinking skills.
Anarchy Online is famous for utilizing the sci-fi genre as opposed to the MMORPG-friendly fantasy genre.
Some users criticized the choice of front lighting as opposed to a backlight.
These are in the form of videos for you to watch which include the real Jillian Michaels, as opposed to a digitized version in the actual game.
RuneScape was again re-written from the ground up, this time incorporating 3D graphics as opposed to the isometric view of before.
By that I mean, as opposed to the smooth and easy controls you find in most horror games, it seems they purposely make you play a character who is as befuddled as you might find yourself to be in a similar situation.
As you progress through the game, each new restaurant starts with an easy level, as opposed to the other Diner Dash games where each level just gets more difficult.
The aptly-named GameCube is small and cubical and is the first Nintendo console to use disc media as opposed to cartridges.
This is a great benefit to console gamers who prefer this medium of game play as opposed to the PC-oriented experience!
I was thinking this is one of the few chardonnays that is proud to be American as opposed to trying to out-do the French at their own subtle game.
Steely is a flavor characteristic used to described wines that are aged in vats (usually stainless steel) as opposed to wood barrels.
Perhaps they don't like Zinfandel, or maybe have a preference for Italian whites as opposed to California Chardonnays.
Straw is a descriptive term that is generally used to describe the color of white wine as opposed to the flavor or aromas.
Likewise, alcohol is slightly more calorically dense (seven calories per gram as in alcohol as opposed to four calories per gram in carbohydrates) than carbohydrates, so higher alcohol wines typically contain more calories.
Because of this, you can enjoy a box wine for up to four weeks after opening the box as opposed to a day or two for a bottle.
Blanc de blanc Champagne is made with Chardonnay grapes, as opposed to the traditional Pinot Noir/Chardonnay blend of regular Champagne.
Budgetary constraints are probably the number one reason why camping enthusiasts choose to build their own campers as opposed to buying one.
On average, it takes about 30 minutes longer to digest formula as opposed to breast milk.
Nearly one third (32%) of all adolescents are estimated to suffer from adjustment disorders during teenage years as opposed to a rate of occurrence of only 10 percent among adults.
When caused by hGH deficiency, as opposed to late growth spurt or genetics, abnormally slow growth and short stature with normal proportions may be seen.
Physical, as opposed to verbal, fights usually peak before the age of five.
It can be distinguished from regular, non-poisonous sumac by its berries, which are green to white as opposed to the bright red berries of regular sumac.
In the United States, well over half of the typical adolescent's waking hours are spent with peers, as opposed to only 15 percent with adults, including parents.
Piaget's theory, first published in 1952, grew out of decades of extensive observation of children, including his own, in their natural environments as opposed to the laboratory experiments of the behaviorists.
Maturity starts developing during this time; the young person acquires self-certainty as opposed to self-doubt and experiments with different constructive roles rather than adopting a negative identity, such as delinquency.
Criterion-referenced test-An assessment that measures the achievement of specific information or skills against a standard as opposed to being measured against how others perform.
Consider how the choreography might need to be changed if done on cement or Astroturf as opposed to a basketball court or stage.
However, these additional dances are usually showcases in the professional ballroom dance competitions, as opposed to being the main events.
One of the common characteristicof this dance regardless of tribal origin is that it is performed by both men and women as opposed to most other dances, which are performed only by the men of the tribe.
According to the American Association of Retired Persons, 70.4 percent of members polled chose green burials as opposed to traditional burials or cremations.
Sometimes grief at the death of a loved one is more intense when a parent dies who you were not close to as opposed to a parent you had a great bond with.
Clues to an ancestor's identity in some records may come from co-signers, location and even the way he or she signed his or her name, as opposed to the correct spelling of the given name and surname.
Dark pigment, as opposed to lighter pigment, readily absorbs the light.
The pattern of hair loss is usually more of a thinning process, as opposed to loosing clusters of hair.
Ask the person to hold his or her head still while you move around as opposed to them moving their head.
If you are not sure that what you are looking at is head lice, as opposed to dandruff, use a fingernail to try to move the item away from the hair shaft.
Some chunks may be as thick as one or two inches in width as opposed to the smaller strands that define a traditional weave.
Think braids scream little girl as opposed to edgy prom queen?
Many Christian families believe that homeschooling helps their family stay close and focused on the Lord as opposed to other, less important things.
This is an easy way for kids to see that groups of numbers have a meaning as opposed to just "a bunch."
The concept of a fraction becomes far clearer when students can see the reduction of an object as opposed to the numeric symbols featured in a math problem.
Dissecting poetry and learning to interpret a poem's intent will be a frustrating task for students who are more technically oriented as opposed to those who are gifted with the abstract.
This site focuses on secular, as opposed to Christian, homeschool legal rights and information, and offers a balance in a largely Christian-dominated arena.
This serves to enhance the applicability of the language as opposed to just reading and writing.
These tasks become part of an organized process, where each person involved becomes an efficient specialist, as opposed to a generalist who tries to do everything.
Flexibility - Work can be performed at a time convenient for the employee, as opposed to on a straight 9-5 schedule.
These sources are not perfect when it comes to predicting the direction of interest rates, but they have proven to base their forecasts on scholarly data as opposed to "gut feeling."
An additional benefit of having mortgages specifically available for seniors is that they can remain financially independent as opposed to exclusively depending on others, such as family members, social security, et cetera.
The advantages to buying as opposed to renting are huge, as home buyers essentially invest their money into their living space, whereas renters lose the money they spend for rent.
Government agencies are supposed to give preference to owner-occupants, or people who are buying the home in order to live in it as opposed to reselling it.
It is far better to adhere to due dates as opposed to relying on grace periods.
The last consideration has to do with allowing the child to take his time adjusting to the process of breathing, as opposed to forcing him into breathing by cutting off his oxygen supply.
Even if they were just having fun in the water as opposed to trying to get clean, swimsuits didn't really take hold until the Georgian era.
Although the suits look skimpy, they're carefully designed to accommodate an actual woman's body, as opposed to that of a tiny teenager.
The end result is a loose, comfortable finish as opposed to a tight and constricted look.
In this respect, it may therefore be better to by one in person as opposed to online.
Moreover, because this tankini is lined in red piping, as opposed to allover coloring, it's an understated, and elegantly restrained look that still carries the panache of an eye-catching red.
Also, you want to be sure the fabric at the back stays on your back, as opposed to sticking out.
As for the bikinis, the site is quick to note that these are indeed proper bikinis in which you can swim, as opposed to lingerie.
While the Bluebird dolls were less than one inch tall, Mattel's dolls measure between two and three inches in height and are made of pliable plastic as opposed to the hard plastic of the original doll.
If you plan to buy the dolls in person as opposed to online, it's a good idea to call ahead to the store.
The Glitter Suite Dollhouse has a very modern feel to it as opposed to the more traditional Grandview Dollhouse.