As-much-as-possible Sentence Examples
We've gotta curb the damage as much as possible.
You understand, I need to know as much as possible about the guy who finally landed my girl here.
Alcohol should be avoided as much as possible.
They have promised to let me have a free hand and help me as much as possible.
He restrained himself as much as possible to keep from injuring Ully.s test subject.
They had also to free themselves as much as possible from the world; but in truth they lived very much as their non-Manichaean fellow-citizens.
The paper, with the specimen upwards, is then laid on bibulous paper for a few minutes to absorb as much as possible of the superfluous moisture.
The Cossacks were supposed to be left alone as much as possible by the Polish government so long as they faithfully fulfilled their chief obligation of guarding the frontiers of the Republic from Tatar raids.
Some of the smaller gardens in Europe, and perhaps a majority of those in other parts of the world, pay much attention to this side, but the more important collections are as much as possible limited to natural species and wild animals.
His critical principles are explained in the preface, where he dwells on the necessity of starting as much as possible from trustworthy contemporary sources, or at least from those nearest to antiquity - the touchstone by which verbal traditions can be tested being contemporary poems. He inclines to rationalism, rejecting the marvellous and recasting legends containing it in a more historical spirit; but he makes an exception in the accounts of the introduction of Christianity into Norway and of the national saint St Olaf.
AdvertisementIn machinery, abrasion between moving surfaces has to be prevented as much as possible by the use of suitable materials, good fitting and lubrication.
All Alexius had to do was to sit still, keep out of his father's way as much as possible and await the natural course of events.
The paper with the specimen is then carefully removed from the water by sliding it over the edge of the dish so as to drain it as much as possible.
The magnetism of these two needles is never reversed, and they are as much as possible protected from shock and from approach to other magnets, so that their magnetic state may remain as constant as possible.
To avoid as much as possible prejudicing the case, we shall therefore take the different groups of Fringillidae which it is convenient to consider in this article in an alphabetical arrangement.
AdvertisementInsurrection and rebellion triumphed everywhere, and all that Sigismund could do was to minimize the mischief as much as possible by his moderation and courage.
The majority of animals taken for their fur are trapped or snared, the gun being avoided as much as possible in order that the coat may be quite undamaged.
The king also sought as much as possible to remove from the domain of politics every irritating question, believing that a union of the different parties was most for the advantage of the state.
The size of this depends water is usually preferable for grass land, thick for y P g upon the quantity of water required, but whatever its size its bottom at its origin should be as low as the bed of the river, in order that it may carry down as much as possible of the river mud.
The object of the engineer is so to utilize this flood-water that as little as possible of the alluvium may escape into the sea, and as much as possible may be deposited on the fields.
AdvertisementThe king lived as much as possible in a retired mansion, to which he gave the name of Sanssouci - not the palace so called, which was built after the Seven Years' War, and was never a favourite residence.
After slowly cooling, the outer mould was broken away from outside the statue and the inner core as much as possible broken up and raked out through a hole in the foot or some other part of the statue.
In spite of all precautions a certain quantity of impurities is always formed, but this should be kept down as much as possible by strictly watching the temperature in the vats and by taking care that the black-ash in the wet state is never exposed to the air.
In any case, it is desirable to diminish the loss of heat as much as possible by polishing the exterior of the calorimeter to diminish radiation, and by suspending it by non-conducting supports, inside a polished case, to protect it from draughts.
The effects of temperature being so marked on the readings of the horizontal and vertical force magnetographs, it is usual to place the instruments either in an underground room or in a room which, by means of double walls and similar devices, is protected as much as possible from temperature changes.
AdvertisementMore was done by the gentler missionary zeal of the Franciscans and Dominicans in the early 13th century; but St Thomas Aquinas had seen half a century of that reform and had recognized its limitations; he therefore attenuated as much as possible the decree of Nicholas II.
We must transport as large a number as possible of adult healthy individuals to some intermediate station, and increase them as much as possible for some years.
Many small rooms and tortuous paths, where nothing of special interest can be found, are avoided as much as possible on the regular routes; but certain disagreeable experiences are inevitable.
The duty of consuls, under the " General Instructions to British Consuls," is to advise His Majesty's trading subjects, to quiet their differences, and to conciliate as much as possible the subjects of the two countries.
The new allied offensive, therefore, begun all along the Serbian line on the 15th, and starting on the battle-front above mentioned (Golemi Vrh-Sivakobila-Obochna), resolved itself into a series of local combats with the object of cutting off as much as possible of Ivanov's rearguard detachments and of making strategic connexion with the Greek left at Pehchevo.
The royal power, however, was exerted to reduce the privileges of the province as much as possible.
The latter, an able, ambitious man, wishing to keep the government as much as possible in his own hands, purposely neglected the young king's education, and encouraged him in his love of pleasure, his idleness and his excessive devotion to outdoor sports.
In a remarkable speech delivered in 1872, he spoke with great warmth of the slighting of the colonies, saying that "no minister in this country will do his duty who neglects any opportunity of reconstructing as much as possible our colonial empire, and of responding to those distant sympathies which may become the source of incalculable strength and happiness to this island."
In 1553, however, we find him in opposition to the court and thwarting as much as possible the designs of the young king.
From the moment that such former revolutionists as Sagasta, Ulloa, Leon y Castillo, Camacho, Alcnzo Martinez and the marquis de la Vega de Armijo declared that they adhered to the Restoration, Canovas did not object to their saying in the same breath that they would enter the Cortes to defend as much as possible what they had achieved during the Revolution, and to protest and agitate, legally and pacifically, until they succeeded in re-establishing some day all that the first cabinet of Alphonso XII.
He wanted a strong union and energetic government that should " rest as much as possible on the shoulders of the people and as little as possible on those of the state legislatures "; that should have the support of wealth and class; and that should curb the states to such an " entire subordination " as nowise to be hindered by those bodies.
A school needs to approach allegations practically to minimize the negative effects as much as possible.
They manipulate them and seek out the political careerists who have no principles except getting paid as much as possible.
Luangpor looked after us but he did n't coddle us, and as much as possible left us to find out for ourselves.
Protecting your car from the weather as much as possible will ensure it remains immaculate.
Placing the students in the role of lawyers as much as possible enhances quicker learning.
The engine unit is exceptionally rigid, with vibration and noise reduced as much as possible.
It may be said in general that while Luther insisted that public worship ought to be conducted in a language understood by the people, and that all ideas and actions which were superstitious and obscured the primary truth of the priesthood of all believers should be expurged, he wished to retain as much as possible of the public service of the medieval church.
In the case of the unifilar suspension, the provision of a temperature compensation is not so easy, so that what is generally done is to protect the instrument from temperature variation as much as possible and then to correct the indications so as to allow for the residual changes, a continuous record of the temperature being kept by a recording thermograph attached to the instrument.
I had a French grammar in raised print, and as I already knew some French, I often amused myself by composing in my head short exercises, using the new words as I came across them, and ignoring rules and other technicalities as much as possible.
I read it as much as possible without the help of notes or dictionary, and I always like to translate the episodes that please me especially.
There's no great hurry, and I want to get as much as possible out of my studies.
I want her to know children and to be with them as much as possible.
They relieved me as much as possible.
Unconsciously imitating her father, she now tried to express herself as he did, as much as possible by signs, and her tongue too seemed to move with difficulty.
It is advisable, wherever possible, to allow individual employees sufficient flexibility for them to organize their own work as much as possible.
Cold water was provided and we were encouraged to drink as much as possible to avoid dehydration in the sweltering sun.
Museum Island is a good way to see as much as possible without traipsing back and forward across the city.
Try to involve your child as much as possible.
Still, you'll want to understand as much as possible about your newborn's body and her health.
Get your finances in order as much as possible before beginning the adoption process!
Schedule play dates, shopping trips, birthday parties, etc. around your child's naps as much as possible.
You want to reduce the risk of diaper rash as much as possible!
Choose a regular naptime and stick to it as much as possible.
The thing that makes this a little tricky is that kids aren't just naked while on the potty, the goal is to keep them naked as much as possible for the 3-5 days it takes to train.
Regardless of the regimen you choose, try to do it at the same time every day, and work your other activities around your child's nap as much as possible.
In order to keep the costs as low as possible, focus on the gifts inside the basket as much as possible.
All parts of the tree should be protected as much as possible during transport.
Knowing as much as possible about the fund will help you have an idea of what to expect, so research is crucial.
They never actually become affectionate friends, but instead, avoid each other as much as possible.
Children who are poor readers need to practice reading as much as possible.
We can strive to become carbon neutral by reducing our contributions to greenhouse gasses as much as possible and then buying credits (also known as carbon offsets) to make up for the carbon we are putting into the atmosphere.
Unplug the television when it is off and keep it off as much as possible.
It should mimic natural light as much as possible and be warm enough to give you a healthy glow.
It's important to de-personalize it as much as possible.
The trend quickly changed to show-off the floor as much as possible.
Keep your rug out of direct sunlight as much as possible.
Shorten the shutter speed as much as possible and make the aperture as large as possible.
La Varenne offers five-day Master Class programs that are limited to twelve participants; the goal is for students to learn as much as possible about French cooking techniques and ingredients.
If you're interested in scrapbooking for others, you'll want to advertise your services as much as possible.
Make sure the photos you use are clear and distracting elements are cropped out as much as possible so the focus is on the primary subject.
Try to refine your search as much as possible.
If there are certain people or situations that cause you to feel stressed, you may be able to take steps to avoid them as much as possible.
One of the major keys of stress management is to notice what triggers feelings of stress for you and to minimize those triggers as much as possible.
Empty the area as much as possible by clearing away anything that you find distracting.
Their thoughts are hard to change during this time and they want to rebel as much as possible.
Taking courses at the local community college to learn as much as possible.
You can easily spruce up what you already have by really focusing on one color and using it as much as possible.
Uniqueness comes along when you personalize your prom theme as much as possible.
If the liar is someone you work with or just an acquaintance, try to stay away as much as possible.
Lastly, keep in mind that liars are toxic people, and it's important to rid your life of toxic individuals as much as possible.
Identify your triggers and avoid them as much as possible.
Despite their youthful sitcom beginnings, both Mary-Kate and Ashley have grown into savvy business women and designers while avoiding the celebrity rumor mill as much as possible.
If you want to continue the African tradition as much as possible and use a belt on your child, you can pick a fabric belt fashioned from African material.
You can consider these jobs, or you can also try to find a job that pays as much as possible.
When investigating undergraduate courses through distance learning, it's always a wise idea to find out as much as possible about a program before committing.
To avoid being left luggage-less hours before your ship departs, consider carrying on as much as possible.
You'll want to stand out as much as possible with a resume and cover letter that are specific and memorable.
There is no guarantee the cruise will have a place for you; however, cruise lines often want to fill their ships as much as possible and will discount remaining rooms to do so.
Make sure someone is around as much as possible in those last days in case she needs help during the delivery.
Try to isolate your sick dog from the others as much as possible.
As with any pup, knowing as much as possible about its heritage and its peculiarities will make it easier to welcome a Cavachon pup into your home.
Again, time your watering sessions so your plants receive an even amount of water each day, as much as possible.
Make this cut a high one so the grass is able to take in nutrients as much as possible during the last few weeks before winter sets in.
Hydraulically powered trailers used in the plant run on vegetable-based oil, and even the packaging of Trex decking utilizes recycled paper and plastic as much as possible.
Protect your leather motorcycle vest from the elements as much as possible.
For us at Kopali, starting this brand as we did to have positive impact, we are aware that every snack we sell is having that impact - so it is critical that we grow our reach as much as possible.
When you're baking cakes and other light-textured items and using organic all-purpose flour instead of cake flour, make sure to sift and aerate the flour as much as possible.
Before selecting a convalescent home, research your options as much as possible.
You want to work your lower body as much as possible.
Finally, try to reduce the stress in your life as much as possible.
Allow your hair to air dry as much as possible.
A doctor will try to treat the symptoms to improve the quality of life as much as possible for the patient.
Doctors will want to minimize symptoms as much as possible through these methods.
A room that is too bright makes sleeping difficult, so it's best to darken the room as much as possible.
Here are some steps to make sure your dreams and sleep are experienced as much as possible.
You won't find many understated styles within this line, so if you want your glasses to disappear as much as possible when you have to wear them, you may want to look within another line.
Because the summer heat in Texas can be extreme, guests should stay hydrated and cool as much as possible and avoid riding the roller coasters if they feel dizzy, weak, or otherwise ill.
Since you can die if you get hit 3 or 4 times, avoid head on attacks as much as possible.
Of course, you want to keep it in the "yes" as much as possible.
It's best to avoid Highway 29 as much as possible unless you like to breathe exhaust.
To reduce the risk of ITP associated with other illnesses, children can be immunized against childhood diseases and kept away as much as possible from other children or adults with known or unidentified viruses.
The child's doctor can advise the parents on how to manage the child's blood glucose levels to avoid hypoglycemic reactions as much as possible.
They should keep the child from picking at a cold sore as much as possible.
These people should avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible.
The goals of surgery are to correct the deformity as much as possible, to prevent further deformity, and to eliminate pain as much as possible.
The surgical procedure for scoliosis is called spinal fusion, because the goal is to straighten the spine as much as possible and then to fuse the vertebrae together to prevent further curvature.
They manipulate the environment and other people as much as possible.
The parent, the person who knows the child best, should participate in development tests as much as possible.
The American Academy of Adolescent and Child Psychiatry (AACAP) maintains that parents should limit as much as possible the time children must be at home alone because of the many risks involved.
Airborne irritants are removed from the individual's environment as much as possible.
The first step in bringing asthma under control is to reduce or avoid exposure to known allergens or triggers as much as possible.
However, all persons with galactosemia should limit galactose intake as much as possible.
It is important to maintain close contact with the child's diabetes team of professionals and to learn as much as possible about the disease and the symptoms to watch for in the child that may signal hyperglycemia.
Besides comforting their children simply by their presence, parents can also help them cope by trying as much as possible to help the child feel he or she has some control over things, such as what toys to play with, or what to eat or wear.
Parents should respect the child's fear as much as possible and allow her to approach people as she is able.
After your theme is chosen, incorporate it into your competition as much as possible.
Practicing the steps the same day that you learned them will enable you to retain as much as possible.
A man-made pond should resemble a natural pond as much as possible with a gentle circular or oval shape.
Further your genealogy research by filling out the chart as much as possible and then print out multiple copies to give to family members to complete.
If you have dry curly locks, try to avoid chemical services, including hair coloring, as much as possible.
While stress may be unavoidable, try to minimize the effects of a stressful situation or lifestyle as much as possible.
When this is the case, it falls to the parents to make certain there is access to other children as much as possible in a variety of settings.
Learn about Kenya as much as possible before you decide to live there.
You are about to move from your home, but you are going to maintain the home as a rental property, and you want to lower the monthly payments as much as possible before you no longer hold it as a primary residence.
Others would be asked to refrain from talking, as much as possible.
For some, the answer is to ignore the feelings as much as possible.
Preparing for childbirth can be overwhelming and technology offers help for people who want to learn as much as possible about the birthing process as they can before labor begins.
Enjoy sex during pregnancy as much as possible because once your newborn enters your lives, you may find you're too tired and busy to engage in the intimacy you used to.
You can help ease your worries by saving as much as possible well before your due date, as well as working out a flexible budget with your partner or spouse.
If you experience some of the miscarriage symptoms in the first trimester, it's important to relax as much as possible and hope for the best.
Unless you're a total exhibitionist, chances are you want to avoid a "bikini oops" as much as possible.
A lot of pear-shaped girls feel like they should cover up their bottom halves as much as possible to make them visually shrink.
You know what you want to show off and what you would rather keep concealed as much as possible.
Since a roaster loses heat much more quickly than an oven, removing the lid to often will reduce the temperature so try to keep the lid on as much as possible.
It's a good idea to network as much as possible.
Any event needs to be advertised as much as possible.
Be sure to get church volunteers involved to help with fundraiser and promote it as much as possible.
The best solution is to choose photos that hide your beauty as much as possible.
To enhance your enjoyment of role-playing, try to get into your roles as much as possible.
Kissing During Work allows participants to play a virtual game that involves kissing a co-worker as much as possible before being discovered by the boss.
Do you want the person to be happy as much as possible?
Even if the interior compartment is padded, you'll want to avoid dropping your backpack containing your laptop as much as possible.
Leo's warm personality wins him loyal friends, and he wants to socialize with them as much as possible.
Try to keep to daily routines as much as possible.
Although keeping babies and toddlers barefoot as much as possible is the best way to ensure proper foot development and an easy transition to walking, there are times when toddlers will need to wear shoes.
Although younger kids generally create more work for the parent as they cook, it is a good idea to involve them as much as possible.
Although many toddlers and preschoolers go through stages of only desiring one type of food, try as much as possible to offer foods from all five food groups.
Limit the changes in your child's life as much as possible.
There are many games kids can play, but the most important thing is to keep things fun and interesting and let the children learn on their own as much as possible.
These videos use shock and surprise to scare the viewer as much as possible.
There is no denying that babies are expensive, and free samples of baby wipes can help parents save as much as possible while finding just the right products.
This means you will periodically receive coupons and other special money saving offers to keep your costs down as much as possible.
You want to protect your feet as much as possible.
As your child develops into a toddler and starts to take those first tentative steps, it's still a good idea to allow him or her to go barefoot as much as possible.
Look for shoes that conform to the shape of your foot as much as possible without squeezing anywhere.
Sit down as much as possible and try not to walk long distances.
To avoid ink migration as much as possible while still donning art on your feet, try to stick to the top of your foot rather than the toes or the sides.
Rather than spend a bundle on disposable items, try to invest as much as possible into the machine and the amp since these tools are sure to serve your needs much longer than latex gloves and bottle caps.
Bend forward, trying as much as possible to hinge from the hips and not the middle of your back, while keeping your back as straight as possible.
Try to curve your back as much as possible higher up rather than in the lower back, and keep pelvis in grounded contact with the floor.
Lessons, free time, lunchtime, and other activities should occur at the same time every day as much as possible.
Learn as much as possible about biomedicine for autism and get the right biomedical professional to help make treatment decisions.
It is important to consult a financial advisor when preparing end of the year tax forms for your small business, both to ensure you reduce your tax bill as much as possible and to follow all appropriate tax guidelines.
Make sure your computer is virus free, uses a high speed internet connection, and your hard drive is cleared out as much as possible.
If your education included proposal or grant writing, courses in second language or ESL, or leadership training, expand upon these as much as possible.
School mascots and cheerleaders should work together as much as possible.
If previous symptoms appear, it is wise to avoid that particular food as much as possible.
Many members felt it best to avoid fast food as much as possible so as not to waste most of a day's points on a single meal.
For this reason, to achieve optimum nutrition it is advisable to limit sugar as much as possible.
For this reason, food items containing these culprits are best avoided as much as possible.
Now that you've looked at some good foods to load up on, you are ready to consider those foods that should be avoided as much as possible when going through a low-carb diet.
The best way to ensure adequate nutrition and the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and macronutrients is to eat whole, natural foods as much as possible.
So, if you are on a budget and are reluctant to purchase yet another workout DVD, be sure to utilize all the resources available online to ensure that you've learned as much as possible about kettlebell workouts.
Before deciding between whole life insurance and term life insurance, you should learn as much as possible about each option.
The information provided by this department can assist residents in learning as much as possible prior to actually purchasing an insurance policy.
This structure offers normal policyholders a valued stake in the company that maintains their dental health, motivating policyholders to reduce their own personal health costs as much as possible.
Eventually women began to tighten their corsets as much as possible in order to make their waists appear slimmer.
Aiken has a legion of fans who maintain a tight Internet community dedicated to keeping Aiken in the spotlight as much as possible.
Play it low key, and try to blend into the surroundings as much as possible.
If you drink a lot of soda, tea, or coffee, try substituting with water as much as possible.
To be safe, stay out of the sun as much as possible or wear protective clothing.
Since mosquitoes are naturally drawn to things that are reminiscent of mammalian flesh, it's helpful to stay covered as much as possible.
Once your bruise has been iced and elevated, you'll need to rest as much as possible to help your body recover.
It's important to wear a sunscreen if you know you'll be outside while taking phototoxic or photoallergic drugs, but to be on the safest side, stay indoors as much as possible.
No matter how severe your burn, it's important to drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun as much as possible until you heal.
Excessive sweating due to extreme temperatures should be avoided as much as possible.
It may take several attempts to create a clean tip line, so have some patience and try to steady your hand as much as possible during the application.
You want the uniform to wick away moisture as much as possible to help regulate body temperature as you run up and down the field.
They research the look of the uniforms and also recreate the manufacturing process and fabrics as much as possible.
She'd forced herself to try to watch human-Deidre as much as possible.
She pushed back away from him into the seat as much as possible.
They were a long way from the nearest hotel and Katie wanted to see him as much as possible.
She cleaned up as much as possible without changing clothes.