As-a-result Sentence Examples
I booked two more rooms for Bird Song as a result of it!
The schools were reorganized in 1917 as a result of a " survey."
Thus, the effect of the varying airspeed as a result of blade rotation is nullified.
In a short time, and without any pressure from the Government, but solely as a result of the favourable prices it offered, industrial conditions were completely transformed so as to meet the exigencies of the war.
Many diseases, including myositis, are likely to develop as a result of the combination of genes and environmental exposures.
Many of the homes also have photovoltaics and as a result actually produce more energy than they use.
It is, indeed, probable that it is formed in the intestine, as a result of some decomposition as yet unknown.
In 1876 an agreement was arrived at with Germany for connecting the important drainage canals in Overysel, Drente and Groningen with the Ems canal system, as a result of which the Almelo-Noordhorn (1884-1888) and other canals came into existence.
Committees of students and national guards were formed; on the 13th of May a Central Committee was established; and on the 15th a fresh insurrection broke out, as a result of which the government once more yielded, recognizing the Central Committee, admitting the right of the National Guard to take an active part in politics, and promising the convocation of a National Convention on the basis of a single chamber elected by universal suffrage.
This was preceded, on the 10th of March, by the revolt of the garrison of Alessandria and the military revolution in Piedmont, which in its turn was suppressed, as a result of negotiations at Laibach, by Austrian troops.
AdvertisementThe idea of necessity is not intuitively obvious; the ideas of cause and effect are correlative in our minds, but only as a result of experience.
In 1844-1845 there was some improvement in the condition of the country as a result of financial reforms the pasha was compelled to execute.
Many interior towns lost half their population and some virtually all their population as a result of this emigration; and it precipitated a real estate crash in San Francisco that threatened temporary ruin.
The most important crop, as a result of irrigation, is alfalfa, which is grown for forage, requires little attention, and improves the soil.
This form of neuralgia is occasionally the precursor of an attack of shingles (Herpes zoster) as well as a result of it.
AdvertisementHe suspected this was as a result of farmers burying carcasses.
She would often gain even more as a result of comfort eating.
The waste of heat in the chimney gases is accordingly greater; and further, the metallic shell is liable to be quickly burned away as a result of its contact at a high temperature with free oxygen.
Because of these explorations, and also the long-felt need of a refitting point on the California coast for the galleons from Manila, San Diego was occupied in 1769 and Monterey in 1770 as a result of urgent orders from Charles III.
The Porte now tried once more to modify its terms; but the Western powers were now intent on getting rid of the Russians at all costs, and as a result of the pressure they brought to bear on both parties the preliminary convention of Kutaiah, conceding all the Egyptian demands, was signed on the 8th of April, and Ibrahim began his withdrawal.
AdvertisementIts commerce developed rapidly in the last quarter of the 19th century, largely as a result of improvements in its communications by road and rail; the population in the same period increased by more than one-third.
But more than i r,000 prisoners were taken as a result of the gas bombardment and the breaking of the line at the base of the salient.
In the Coastal Plain region the temperature is quite stable from day to day, as a result of the equalizing effect of the numerous bays which indent this province.
It follows from the formula 15 (10) for the internal kinetic energy of a system of particles that as a result of the impact this energy is diminished by the amount i m1mi 2(1 _ei)m+m(ui_uf)1.
During this visit Frederick summoned the doctors of Bologna to the diet held near Roncaglia in November 1158, and as a result of their inquiries into the rights belonging to the kingdom of Italy he obtained a large amount of wealth.
AdvertisementThe taste and bouquet of wines in the earlier stages of their development, or within the first four or five years of the vintage, are almost entirely dependent upon constituents derived from the must, either directly or as a result of the main fermentation.
As a rule, wines which are kept for many years in cask become very dry, and the loss of alcohol by evaporation - particularly in the case of light wines - has as a result the production of acidity by oxidation.
This general classification, which was made by a conference of brokers in 1855 as a result of many years of observation dating back to the 18th century, is still very fairly descriptive of the average merit of the wines classified.
The tables below will give a fair idea of the variations which occur in the same wine as a result of different vintages, and the variations due to differences of growth " in the same vintage.
Silver-mining ceased to be highly remunerative beginning with the closing of the India mints and repeal of the Sherman Law in 1893; since 1900 the yield has shown an extraordinary decrease - in 1905 it was $6,945,581, and in 1907 $7,411,652 - and it is said that as a result of the great fall in the market value of the metal the mines can now be operated only under the most favourable conditions and by exercise of extreme economy.
Subsequently the proprietors of The Times made various experiments with a view to making a rotary perfecting press, and as a result started the first one about 1868.
There is,1 however, also shown, as a result of the Afghan intrusion and the impotency of the later Safawid kings, a long broad strip of country to the west, including Tabriz and Hamadan, marked conquests of the Turks, and the whole west shore of the Caspian from Astrakan to Mazandaran marked conquests of the czar of Muscovy; Makran, written Mecran, is designated a warlike independent nation.
In weakened conditions of the system from improper or insufficient food, or as a result of any drain upon the body, or in anaemia from any cause, and in such diseases as syphilis or malaria, neuralgia is a frequent concomitant.
The town has suffered much from the periodical breaking of the Hindieh dam and the consequent deflection of the waters of the Euphrates to the westward, as a result of which at times the Euphrates at this point has been entirely dry.
In October of the same year the American government in the Philippines, having to deal with the opium trade, raised the question of the taking of joint measures for its suppression by the powers interested, and as a result a conference met at Shanghai on the 1st of February 1909 to which China, the United States of America, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal and Russia sent delegates.
On the 10th of September 1435, mainly as a result of his diplomacy, was signed the treaty of Arras between Charles VII.
And as a result of the failure of the Public Health Board established in 1848, the royal commission of 1869-1871 led to the establishment in 1871 of the Local Government Board as a central supervising body.
This visit had the effect of causing Ito to turn his attention seriously to the study of the British and of other military systems. As a result he persuaded Choshu to remodel his army, and to exchange the bows and arrows of his men for guns and rifles.
The first town built on Bombay Island was Mahikavati (Mahim),founded byKing Bhima, probably a member of the house of the Yadavas of Deogiri, as a result of Ala-ud-din Khilji's raid into the Deccan in 1294.
The former was in part settled by the acquisition of Bankot (1755) as a result of an alliance with the peshwa, the latter by the successful expedition under Watson and Clive against Vijayadrug (1756).
The engineering profession espoused Fowler's side in the controversy which followed, and as a result the verdict of the Board of Trade was modified.
In February 1803, as a result of the peace of Amiens, the colony was handed over to the Batavian Republic, which introduced many needful reforms, as had the British during their eight years' rule.
An ordinance passed in 1827, abolishing the old Dutch courts of landroost and heemraden (resident magistrates being substituted) and decreeing that henceforth all legal proceedings should be conducted in English; the granting in 1828, as a result of the representations of the missionaries, of equal rights with whites to the Hottentots and other free coloured people; the imposition (1830) of heavy penalties for harsh treatment of slaves, and finally the emancipation of the slaves in 1834,3 - all these things increased the dislike of the farmers to the government.
The discovery of gold in California drew many Oregon settlers to that country in 1848-1850, but this exodus was soon offset as a result of the enactment by Congress in 1850 of the "land donation law," by which settlers in Oregon between 1850 and 1853 were entitled to large tracts of land free of cost.
Under them the Konkan and the coast farther south were governed by chiefs of the Silahara family, whose rule is mainly notable for the revival of trade with the Persian Gulf and, doubtless as a result of this, the arrival in 775 on the west coast of a number of Parsee refugees, who found, in a country where three religions were already equally honoured, the toleration denied to them in Mussulman Persia.
Under Sir Bartle Frere (1862-1867) agricultural prosperity reached its highest point, as a result of the American Civil War and the consequent enormous demand for Indian cotton in Europe.
The British garrisons at Ouiatenon and Fort Miami (near the site of the later Fort Wayne) on the Maumee were captured by the Indians as a result of the Pontiac conspiracy.
Nevertheless, in 1778 Vincennes fell an easy prey to agents sent to occupy it by George Rogers Clark, and although again occupied a few months later by General Henry Hamilton, the lieutenantgovernor at Detroit, it passed finally into American control in February 1779 as a result of Clark's remarkable march from Kaskaskia.
In 1860 he took an active part in the presidential campaign in behalf of Lincoln, in whose cabinet he was postmaster-general from 1861 until September 1864, when he resigned as a result of the hostility of the Radical Republican faction, who stipulated that Blair's retirement should follow the withdrawal of Fremont's name as a candidate for the presidential nomination in that year.
More harmonious relations were in time established, partly because of improvements in the methods of transport, but mainly as a result of outside pressure in the form of criticism of slavery and the adoption by the national government of an economic policy which favoured the manufacturers at the expense of the agricultural interests.
There is (I) the story of a bride or bridegroom who transgresses a commandment of a mystic nature, and disappears as a result of the sin.
Spain was so far relaxed as to permit the re-establishment of the orders of St Vincent de Paul, St Philip Neri and one other among those approved by the Holy See, so that throughout the country the bishops might have at their disposal a sufficient number of ministers and preachers for the purpose of missions in the villages of their dioceses, &c. In practice the phrase one other was interpreted by the bishops, not as one for the whole of Spain, but as one in each diocese, and at the request of the bishops congregations of all kinds established themselves in Spain, the number greatly increasing after the loss of the colonies and as a result of the measures of secularization in France.i The result was what is usual in such cases.
His early work on the movements of gases led him to examine the spontaneous movements of liquids, and as a result of the experiments he divided bodies into two classes - crystalloids, such as common salt, and colloids, of which gum-arabic is a type - the former having high and the latter low diffusibility.
It is an improvement upon the Shire due to the quality contributed by the Clydesdale, and it surpasses the Clydesdale in strength and substance, as a result of the Shire connexion.
An animal ought to be in good condition when being broken in, else it is liable to break out in unpleasant ways when it becomes high-spirited as a result of improved condition.
In the common faith of the Gentile churches after the Apostolic Age "the present dominion of evil demons, or of one evil demon, was just as generally presupposed as man's need of redemption, which was regarded as a result of that dominion.
Too much light is useless for observing delicately coloured or colourless preparations, whose parts only become visible as a result of slight differences of diffraction.
Small doses of any of them dilate the blood vessels from an action on the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata, as a result of which the heart beats more rapidly and the blood circulates more freely; but larger doses have a general depressing effect upon the circulatory system.
The most powerful party in Bavaria, the Bavarian Volkspartei, was then in a state of much anxiety as a result of the experiences of Bolshevism, anarchy and violence through which Munich had passed in the spring of 1919.
It was after this that he was instructed to present to Bismarck French demands for "compensation," and in August, after his return to Berlin, as a result of his discussions with Bismarck a draft treaty was drawn up, in which Prussia promised France her support in the annexation of Belgium.
Punishment ensued as a result of disobedience.
For some people, they just won't notice for far too long and they will be greatly inconvenienced as a result.
A diabetic patient with an open wound in his neck as a result of a surgically drained tooth abscess.
These features are formed as a result of particle acceleration in the hairpin field structure of the distant tail.
The Scheme must not become an indistinct amalgam of action and as a result each diversity area will be clearly identifiable within the Scheme.
A genetic male will have female genitalia as a result of the deficient testicular androgens.
This can happen as a result of a burst appendix, childbirth or abdominal surgery.
But al-Qaeda is growing in support as a result of the ' War on Terror ' and a perceived American ignorant arrogance.
The 11 mm cartridge was improved with the introduction of this rifle and as a result it had better ballistics than the M85.
Many have impairments as a result of repeated beatings and being made to carry heavy loads for long distances.
However, the violence committed is often against robots and as a result is fairly bloodless.
The Americans were unprepared for the very high pressures encountered in wells at relatively shallow depths and suffered some blowouts as a result.
The review is taking place as a result of a co-ordinated request from a number of organizations representing boaters, including IWA.
Complications of whooping cough include bronchopneumonia, acute encephalopathy, and long-term brain damage as a result of cerebral hypoxia.
Seventy-two soldiers of the East India Company die as a result of methane poisoning and third-degree ammonia burns.
In 1997, a worker was fatally electrocuted as a result of faulty washer equipment.
There is evidence that birds moved away from the oiled embayments as a result.
The total stipend may be reduced by the Council as a result of other emoluments a Fellow may receive.
There has been some loss of features as a result of mechanized farming.
Stuart has competed in the Glenfiddich Fiddle Championships a major competition for Scottish fiddlers as a result of being invited three times.
As Robin says, how many of those INS detainees were held as a result of this, or some less deliberate bureaucratic foul-up?
I have come to my present position as a result of decades of debate with fellow freethinkers.
Chronic gastritis can develop as a result of long standing irritation from the factors listed above for acute gastritis.
Violence has become gendered as male and as a result has become a ' norm ' .
Coast Guard pilot Steve Tockterman had flown twice across the United States as a result of letters from this conniving little gold digger.
Then twentieth-century biologists explained heredity and adaptation as a result of genes and mutations.
Clonic movements are common as a result of cerebral hypoxia, but recovery is fairly rapid.
The schism occurred as a result of a second dispute over who should inherit the imamate.
The parish suffered and was greatly impoverished as a result.
Osteoporosis occurs as a result of the body's inability to absorb sufficient levels of calcium.
One baby died as a result of uterine rupture after misoprostol induction, but otherwise outcomes for the babies were similar.
The campaign will continue in its attempts to reduce the grief of families who lose loved ones as a result of driving inexperience.
Weakened by dysentery, Ransome returned to Britain in October, and as a result missed the Bolshevik insurrection four weeks later.
These areas have generally low biodiversity as a result of relatively intensive management.
These exceptions may be thrown as a result of any CORBA operation invocation and may also be returned by many standard CORBA API methods.
The costs deducted are expressly limited to those reasonably incurred by the landlord as a result of the breach.
The earthquake occurred as a result of a northward thrust of the Pacific Ocean sea floor beneath the continental landmass of Alaska.
The referee did himself no favors deciding not to have a linesman and was poor throughout as a result.
Irving had begun to move further to the right, and as a result he had become increasingly marginalized.
Q - I became partially deaf as a result of the german measles at the age of eleven.
Steel Nationalization was shelved as a result of Liberal pressure and saved the country millions of pounds.
Vertigo Vertigo has many causes, but is often paroxysmal, and as a result is sometimes misdiagnosed as epilepsy.
The consciousness of Soviet people became mythological as a result of such ideological repression.
A rejection as a result of a police objection - although the applicant subsequently commenced appeal proceedings, they withdrew at the last minute.
Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to an increase in kidney stones as a result of elevated urinary oxalate.
Distinctive yellow spots can be seen as a result of dead palisade parenchyma cells.
I have made several new cyber pen pals as a result of my last posting.
Moreover, we have replaced heroes with celebrities as a result of major changes in the way we understand personhood and community.
Nevertheless, mouse models of CF clearly demonstrate a range of abnormal pulmonary phenotypes as a result of the Cftr mutation.
The weather had also seen a marked improvement and as a result the deck was much more well patronized by budding photographers.
This will include pneumothorax occurring as a result of positive-pressure ventilation (over-pressure pulmonary barotrauma ).
Food London offers a huge variety of cuisines as a result of its ethnically diverse population.
Before 1858 there was no national probate registry and research is more complicated as a result.
The Board of Pardons receives a telegram from President Wilson requesting a fresh trial and as a result 14 days reprieve are granted.
Females who suffered from a distorted pelvis as a result of childhood rickets often experienced very difficult and sometimes fatal births.
Largely as a result of this book, it was decided to adopt a series of measures to improve sanitation in Manchester.
Very easily upset, she is violently sick as a result of eating sardines on slices of rich cake.
One congregation seceded as a result of this negative view.
This was as a result of his refusal to accept Baldwin's support for the Labor Government's plans for Indian self-rule.
The songs of French troubadours were heard in English courts as a result of England's political affiliations and royal marriages.
Fears of increased cannabis usage as a result of the experiment would thus appear unfounded.
However, the kidneys are continuously removing urea from the blood and producing urine as a result.
Higher atmospheric water vapor would be expected near cities on a continuing basis, as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels.
Five passengers were slightly hurt when a train caught fire near Utrecht - probably as a result of wind damage to the overhead wiring.
An example of this is hearing loss as a result of a noisy workplace.
From it, the Jews learned the German language; from it they imbibed culture; with it there was born a new desire for German nationality; as a result of its popularity was inaugurated a new system of Jewish education.
Very complete collections have therefore, as a result of these expeditions, been brought together; but their examination does not materially change the facts upon which the conclusions arrived at by Darwin, from the evidence of the birds and plants, were based; though he "no doubt would have paid more attention to [the evidence afforded by Land-tortoises], if he had been in possession of facts with which we are acquainted now" (Gunther).
It is probable that the island was not dorized before the 9th century B.C. One of the earliest facts known to us in its history is its membership in the League of Calauria, which included, besides Aegina, Athens, the Minyan (Boeotian) Orchomenos, Troezen, Hermione, Nauplia and Prasiae, and was probably an organization of states which were still Mycenaean, for the suppression of the piracy which had sprung up in the Aegean as a result of the decay of the naval supremacy of the Mycenaean princes.
During recent years a number of fossil (Carboniferous and Permian) plants have been very thoroughly investigated in the light of modern anatomical knowledge, and as a result it has become st i s clear that in those times a large series of plants etisted ear ys intermediate in structure between the modern ferns tern of Cycaand the modern Gymnosperms (especially Cycads), dofiices.
He was still with Davout, but, concluding that he had missed an order directing him to Dornburg, he thought to conceal his error by assuming the receipt of the order evidently alluded to in the last words, and as a result he marched towards Dornburg, and his whole corps was lost to the emperor at the crisis of the next day's battle.
Prosecutions 2 The term "Protestant" is used here in its widest sense of those Churches which reformed their doctrine and discipline as a result of the religious revolution of the 16th century (see Reformation).
Sichard at Basel in 1529, and reissued by Heinrich Peter in 1549 another edition appeared at St Blaise in 1790 under the supervision of Ussermann; and a third, as a result of the collation of numerous MSS., forms part of vol.
They were met by the criticism that possibly such a development had taken place; but, as no one could show as a simple fact of observation that it had taken place, nor as a result of legitimate inference that it must have taken place, it was quite as likely that the past and present species of animals and plants had been separately created or individually brought into existence by unknown and inscrutable causes, and (it was held) the truly scientific man would refuse to occupy himself with such fancies, whilst ever continuing to concern himself with the observation and record of indisputable facts.
This acquired immunity is brought about by the development of a protective body as a result of the struggle of the cells and fluids of the body with the invading bacteria and their toxins.
Jael, the slayer of Sisera (see Deborah), was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who lived near Kadesh in Naphtali; and the appearance of the clan in this locality may be explained from the nomadic habits of the tribe, or else as a result of the northward movement in which at least one other clan or tribe took part (see DAN).
In many Anglican churches it has therefore been restored, as a result of the ritual revival of the 19th century, it being claimed that its use is obligatory under the "ornaments rubric" of the Book of Common Prayer (see Vestments) .
The viscounty of Carcassonne, together with that of Beziers, was confiscated to the crown in 1247, as a result of the part played by the viscount Raymond Roger against Simon de Montfort in the Albigensian crusade, during which in 1209 the city was taken by the Crusaders (see Albigenses).
It is not uncommon in popular writings to attribute this superiority to a crusader strain - a theory which no one can possibly countenance who knows what miserable degenerates the half-breed descendants of the crusaders rapidly became, as a result of their immoral life and their ignorance of the sanitary precautions necessary in a trying climate.
The mean level of the surface of the Baltic rises about 0.5 metres (1.6 ft.) from the coast of Holstein to Memel, probably as a result of the prevailing westerly winds; this mean difference is exceeded with strong westerly winds, and disappears or is reversed with easterly winds.
The cost of their imported food doubles, and I guarantee you the foreign-owned factory won't double wages as a result.
The general had a fit of coughing as a result of shouting and of the powder smoke and stopped in despair.
General Buxhowden was all but attacked and captured by a superior enemy force as a result of one of these maneuvers that enabled us to escape him.
But it is a good thing for proprietors who perish morally, bring remorse upon themselves, stifle this remorse and grow callous, as a result of being able to inflict punishments justly and unjustly.
Adraksin was in uniform, and whether as a result of the uniform or from some other cause Pierre saw before him quite a different man.
The battle of Borodino was not fought on a chosen and entrenched position with forces only slightly weaker than those of the enemy, but, as a result of the loss of the Shevardino Redoubt, the Russians fought the battle of Borodino on an open and almost unentrenched position, with forces only half as numerous as the French; that is to say, under conditions in which it was not merely unthinkable to fight for ten hours and secure an indecisive result, but unthinkable to keep an army even from complete disintegration and flight.
In their attitude toward him could still be felt both uncertainty as to who he might be – perhaps a very important person – and hostility as a result of their recent personal conflict with him.
Besides, as a result of the frequent and rapid change of position by each army, even what information was obtained could not be delivered in time.
Only then, as a result of the contradiction, will they see that they are both wrong.
Such projects have been able to attract further major funding from other sources as a result of our early ' pump priming '.
Porta 's recommendations saw railhead conditioning trains run every night - as a result the adhesion problems disappeared.
And there is evidence that such dormant viruses can be reactivated as a result of genetic recombination.
So while the Treasury has reaped a windfall as a result of Britain 's recent economic success, local government has not benefitted directly.
However, the savings you make as a result mean you can recoup what you spend quite quickly.
The capital received as a result of the sale will be redeployed to support further growth in Prudential 's core businesses.
The original elephant seal population of about 93,000 to 110,000 animals was reduced by 70 percent as a result of these operations.
The political is reduced to the personal and the emotional power of the poem remains intact as a result.
Holdings that disappointed did so as a result of specific, rather than sectorial, issues.
This was as a result of his refusal to accept Baldwin 's support for the Labor Government 's plans for Indian self-rule.
Jennifer did agree that she continues to have feelings of heightened self-worth as a result of the birthday gift.
One of these patients died as a result of septic complications and was the only mortality in the series.
The Thudichum doctrine remained triumphant and the Australian wine industry suffered a fourteen-year setback as a result.
Oil prices are skyrocketing here as a result of this war.
Pretty nasty I know, but these plants look slender, toned and gorgeous as a result !
Whether as a result independent smolt producers would exit the market.
Nobody really took up Chapman 's mantle - and English football stagnated as a result.
His position in the general job market as a result of his sternum fracture has not been put at risk.
The Inquiry similarly confirmed that deer and hares suffer as a result of being hunted and killed by dogs.
Over time, small amounts of sunburn damage can build up and skin cancer or melanoma may develop as a result.
Who should pay for the injuries sustained as a result of sport?
Since reported tangent altitudes unchanged this may be as a result of change in ILS?
What we have suffered as a result of IRA terrorism is unforgivable.
Yes, certainly, although I think I might lose a toenail as a result of the run, ?
How then does tortious interference come into play as a result of simple security-related communications?
The songs of French troubadours were heard in English courts as a result of England 's political affiliations and royal marriages.
The Museum has undergone exciting transformation as a result of a two-phase development project carried out on site.
New members who had joined as a result of the anti-war movement came together with veterans of past struggles.
Many large construction schemes had fallen to the wayside as a result of diverse policy changes made by successive Governments.
The production and trade of these aromatics were in the hands of the ancient South Arabians, who became extremely wealthy as a result.
Health & Safety policy 28 April - International Workers ' Memorial Day Worldwide millions die each year as a result of workplace hazards.
P&O will take a 240 million pound exceptional charge in the current financial year as a result of the review and write-down of goodwill.
It has this advantage as a result of some features that are not available on a regular TV set.
It is, however, quite different as a result of ultrasound technology.
If, however, you stop using it, the stains that built up as a result of your eating, drinking and other lifestyle choices are likely to return.
They may be attracted by the sweet smell of a glass of wine, and could end up with alcohol poisoning as a result.
Some cats may also suffer from recurrent infections and, in the most severe cases, a cat may become crippled as a result of the surgery.
Zero liability for all purchases made as a result of fraudulent activity or a lost or stolen card.
This means that you have to specifically grant your financial institution permission to cover any purchase attempts with your debit card and charge you an overdraft fee as a result of the overdraft action.
In the past, many financial institutions approved overdraft transactions as a courtesy and charged a hefty per-transaction fee as a result.
The name of the airline that was the initial subject of the investigation was not revealed to the public, and it is unclear whether or not any kiosks were taken offline as a result of the probe.
The website for the Department of Justice sometimes posts recent incidents of identity theft along with the details of the crime and the punishment the criminal received as a result of the theft.
Spousal support guidelines vary from one state to another and are designed to financially assist people who will experience a significant decrease in income as a result of divorce.
In fact, the instances of spousal support being ordered as a result of divorce have declined over the years, presumably because it has become more common for both men and women to be actively involved in the work force.
However, as time goes on, these ideals may change as a result of various experiences.
Children are badly injured every year as a result of mishaps involving bunk beds.
Baker prides itself on making furniture of the utmost quality with the best materials and as a result it tends to be somewhat expensive.
The problem begins to occur when these gases are manufactured as a result of industrialized nations.
Marine and aquatic life have suffered as a result of these poisonous chemicals contaminating ocean beds, wetlands and marshlands.
However, it can also occur as a result of runoff, when rain washes chemicals from agriculture and industry into nearby water systems.
For example, many Chinese emperors consumed high fat, high cholesterol diets, and as a result lived very short lives.
Also, diabetics may experience a lowering of their blood glucose as a result of fenugreek.
Family members might end up bumping into pieces of furniture and could possibly fall as a result of improperly placed furniture.
Almay was developed as a result of Fanny May Woititz's need for makeup that was not too harsh for her sensitive skin.
Use it on tanned skin, pair it with several coats of black mascara, dust on some peach blush and keep the lip color minimal; you'll enjoy a healthy, sun-kissed glow as a result.
The skin in this area is thin and delicate, as a result making it more susceptible to irritation.
If you've dealt with any of the following conditions as a result of wearing traditional foundations, you may find yourself considering mineral foundations instead.
It's important for athletes to incorporate tips and strategies for managing stress into daily their daily lives so they don't experience the negative emotional and health side effects that can develop as a result of unchecked stress.
Those who focus all of their energy on competition and physical conditioning often suffer negative consequences as a result of neglecting the other aspects of wellness.
People diagnosed with GAD also express difficulty with getting through their daily duties as a result of their anxiety.
In most instances, a panic attack occurs as a result of stress that has built up over a long period of time.
A person with anxiety may also develop long-term physical complications as a result of the constant stress reactions.
However, if you are experiencing severe discomfort or pain as a result of the medication side effects, let you doctor know right away even if you have only been taking the prescription drug for a short time.
They can occur as a result of exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun or tanning beds.
Sometimes they develop and grow naturally as a result of an item's fermentation; in other cases, they are added to a product during its manufacturing process.
There have been hard feelings and even family feuds as a result of who the groom picks.
I am not going to say that it was as a result of these steps, but maybe it was, I know that it was from being sober.
Everyone knows active alcoholics and have seen the devastation in their lives as a result of alcohol, and if I can be that one example on how it can work, then I have accomplished my goal.
Many alcoholics will have nutritional deficiencies as a result of either not eating or not eating properly.
You may also want to contact the teen's physician who can check for any physical or mental damage that may have been caused as a result of the drug abuse.
The user acquires a chemical dependency on the drug; in the addict using the drug to aid withdrawal, symptoms can be worse as a result.
Nothing seems to matter anymore and you don't care what happens as a result of not going to work or taking care of other responsibilities.
The person who lies without getting any real benefit as a result has a definite issue.
Many people start out with a legal Percocet prescription as a result of an injury or surgery that caused bona fide pain.
In fact, if one side of the body seems to do one thing while the other side of the body seems to do another, this can be a sign that the person is conflicted as a result of not telling the truth.
The risk of infection is lowered as a result.
Becoming depressed and withdrawn as a result of the concern is often another indicator that there is a problem.
Schelske drinks too much and as a result can be verbally abusive.
It was rumored that Carter left Lindsay Lohan to pursue Duff and that the two actresses were feuding as a result.
They also claim that they were injured as a result of using the product, although no details have been revealed about the injuries they endured.
Originally, Paris Hilton was sentenced to 45 days behind bars after violating probation by driving with a suspended license -- privileges that were suspended as a result of a reckless driving charge from September 2006.
His service comes as a result of felony weapon and drug charges from 2006.
She was not injured as a result of the fall.
The 17 year old boy died as a result of his injuries when Garrison's SUV struck a tree and one of the 15 year old female passengers suffered a broken pelvis and arm.
In 2005, Etheridge played at the annual Grammy Awards ceremony - a memorable performance because she was still bald as a result of the chemo.
His cancer was detected early; since his dad dies at the age of 73 as a result of cancer, DeNiro has been proactive in getting regular checkups.
Jon and Kate are under investigation in their home state of Pennsylvania, as a result of a child labor complaint.
Awatef Aboudihaj was taken to a local hospital and died the next day as a result from her injuries.
It's all coming down to a "he said she said" situation, but Jayde Nicole has bruises and a black eye as a result of her night on the town.
Now, authorities are investigating whether the driver died as a result of his injuries sustained during the crash or if he died before the accident, causing the bus to swerve off the road and flip over.
While this seemed like a joyous occasion, the press soon reported that Suleman was already a mother to six young children, and that all of her kids were born as a result of In vitro fertilization.
It's difficult to decide whether she is brave for soldiering on to ensure that she and her children are well provided for or in deep denial about the possible mental and emotional damage on her children as a result of all of these shows.
Flockhart has admitted that she did get too skinny while filming the show, but did so as a result of stress.
He seemed to be recovering in the hospital, but he died as a result of internal bleeding on September 13, 1996.
Her death was ruled a probable suicide as a result of an overdose.
Discount girls dresses have become more popular than ever as a result of today's challenging economic times.
You also may be liable if someone gets injured while attending your party or is harmed afterwards as a result of intoxication.
If you do poorly in school as a result of a busy work schedule, your college degree may not help you accomplish your goals and may end up not being worth the investment.
Large breeds make up the bulk of the registry today (45%) as a result of the Lab being in the top spot.
There have been several dogs that have gained international stardom as a result of a funny or amusing video of their unique talents.
Results, findings and reports generated as a result of the symposiums are also available to AHS members.
The song is also one of the most recognized songs in the world as a result of its performance by numerous celebrities and churches.
The series was canceled as a result of Gass and Black wanting to keep their personal stake in the show.
The economic downturn that occurred as a result of the 1929 stock market crash did not do the industry any favors.
Most commoners did not have more than a few changes of clothing, and as a result the fabrics and sewing were tough enough to stand a great deal of use.
It will be easier to keep clean as a result.
Many people report feeling an energy boost and improved health as a result of adding these whole foods supplements into their diets.
Many women fainted from being unable to breathe well and some developed deformities as a result of constantly wearing constricting corsets.
In recent years they noticed a need for trendy clothing that actually fit curvier plus size young women and as a result today we have the popular Missphit brand.
You'll look great, feel great and enjoy a better workout as a result.
The weakened immune system as a result of continued exposure to molds will cause you to be more likely to pick up other illness in your environment.
The hope of winning a prize helps to keep safety on the minds of all workers, with less on-the-job injuries as a result.
Started as a result of the kidnapping and murder of Amber Hagerman in 1996, the emergency notification system has evolved from a city-wide system in Dallas, Texas, to a national system throughout the United States.
That same year approximately 6,000 more workers died as a result of injuries sustained on the job.
All too often subsidized senior housing facilities are lost as a result of budget cuts or sold and converted into condominiums.
The individual is generally homebound as a result of frailty, illness, or extenuating circumstances.
The cash value of the policy builds as a result of the investment of the insurance premiums paid by the policyholder.
Career changes among boomers are often brought on out of economic necessity - either as a result of downsizing, company closings, or technological changes that lead to positions or skill sets become obsolete.
In these instances, the reversal of the dementia occurs as a result of treating the underlying cause of the disorder.
Cortical dementia occurs as a result of a disorder that influences the cerebral cortex, the outer layers of the brain, where cognitive processes including language and memory take place.
The sleeper may twist around in bed or sit up and cry out as a result of their fear, often with their eyes wide open in a stare, even though they remain asleep.
Oftentimes it is the loved ones of the snorer, such as the spouse who sleeps next to the snorer in bed or the children with bedrooms down the hall, who miss out on sleep as a result of the snoring.
The goal was to find out of the machines were successful at blocking out most intruding noises and as a result helped the individuals to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
This cuts down on the potential for irritated eyes as a result of sun, wind, and sand.
They are also designed to be especially comfortable for those who have had contact lens discomfort in the past as a result of dry eyes.
The warranty will only cover damage that occurs as a result of a defect-not normal wear and tear-so scratched lenses, accidental breakage, and screw replacements are a few of the things on a list of what will not be covered.
Cataracts can form as a result of prolonged UV exposure.
If you do love them, but they break as a result of defective craftsmanship or materials, you have a two-year warranty to fall back on.
Keep in mind that the warranty does not cover normal wear and tear or breaks as a result of accidents on the wearer's part.
However, this resulted in too heavy a focus on the videos in between actual gameplay, and the latter suffered as a result.
The stories then revolve around the lives of these creatures, their handlers, and the interactions that come about as a result.
Sociability This stems as a result of the increased usability, with most consoles up to four people can play at the same time with only one copy of the game, one TV, one console and so on.
Whether you base it off of a movie, improve on an existing title or come up with it as a result of an amazing dream, use your creative thought process and picture your new game world.
LoveToKnow can, in no way, be responsible for anything that may happen to your Wii as a result.
It outstrips the Wii and Xbox 360 in terms of performance and features some amazing-looking games as a result.
In an effort to thwart pirating, version 2 Dreamcasts could not read CD-ROMs, and as a result could not play burned games.
This criticism is largely due to the clunky control system as a result of the isometric viewpoint.
His characteristic right eye patch came as a result of a battle with Dan's father, Go, and the scar on his chest came from Ryu's Metsu Shouryuken.
If the Moves Left goes up, it means that as a result of the previous match, there are more available moves based on the marbles that came pouring down.
When you come across a pre-owned Airstream trailer that you are interested in purchasing, regardless of the age of the unit, you'll want to check the floor to make sure that there are no signs of rot as a result of leaking water.
If the roof is not cleaned on a quarterly schedule, the excess chalk will run down the sides of the camper as a result of exposure to the elements and leave unattractive white streaks in its wake.
Older phones may not necessarily have all three modes and reception may suffer as a result.
However, more recent cell phone trends have moved toward internal antennas and signal quality suffered a bit of a hit as a result.
This way, both hands stay on the wheel and everyone can be much safer as a result.
Shorter contracts are also available, though the effective price of the phone will go up as a result.
Apparently there were no injuries as a result of the error, according the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The application continues to use up memory and resources as a result.
Pictures appear very crisp and clear as a result.
Apple also may have lost sales as a result of the suspension, as some customers may have decided they needed to buy a smartphone right away and couldn't wait for Apple to start pre-selling the iPhone 4G again.
When a stroke affects a child whose brain is still developing, it is thought that the developing brain may be able to compensate for the functions that were lost as a result of a stroke.
When cancers develop as a result of NF, prognosis worsens according to the specific type of cancer.
There is no known way to prevent NF cases that occur as a result of spontaneous change in the genes (mutation).
In 2000, 91 children ages 14 and under died as a result of accidental poisoning.
In the United States, more than 50,000 children are hospitalized and up to 125 die each year as a result of rotavirus infection.
It is not clear, however, whether these are symptoms of Tourette syndrome or occur as a result of having to deal with the symptoms of moderate to severe Tourette syndrome.
As many as 15 to 20 percent of patients with meningococcemia will die as a result of the acute infection.
Battered child syndrome (BCS) refers to non-accidental injuries sustained by a child as a result of physical abuse, usually inflicted by an adult caregiver.
Establishing the diagnosis is often hindered by the excessive cautiousness of caregivers or by actual concealment of the true origin of the child's injuries, as a result of fear, shame and avoidance or denial mechanisms.
Many people with albinism do not have melanin pigment in their skin, do not tan with exposure to the sun, and as a result develop sunburn.
Subsequently, birth defects as a result of exposure to Agent Orange, the U.S. defoliant used in Vietnam, and radiation exposure near the site of the Chernobyl disaster in Russia have left numerous children with malformed or absent limbs.
For example, some individuals who have suffered nerve damage as a result of viral infection experience unbearable pain from just the lightweight of their clothing.
The ATM protein also interacts with other special proteins when DNA is damaged as a result of exposure to some type of radiation.
The disorder can result from a defect in formation during the embryonic stage, as a result of certain degenerative diseases, as a part of various genetic syndromes, or as an inherited family trait.
It is most often caused by torn, bleeding veins as a result of a head trauma.
Children may experience hair loss or excessive thinning as a result of certain nutritional deficiencies.
Short stature as a result of parental neglect can be prevented.
Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (sometimes called the tonic labyrinthine reflex) is activated as a result of turning the head to one side.
A lethal dose of iron is in the range of 200-250 mg iron/kg body weight, meaning that a child who accidentally eats 20 or more iron tablets may die as a result of iron poisoning.
Methemoglobin can accumulate in the blood as a result of nitrite poisoning.
The person's breath may acquire a characteristic garlic odor as a result of the increased production of dimethylselenide in the body and its release via the lungs.
Patients who develop liver failure as a result of the disease may be candidates for a liver transplant.
Children may be poisoned as a result of playing in contaminated soil.
Children who itch as a result of mental problems or stress may benefit from seeing a mental health expert.
While most children have no long-term problems as a result of bed-wetting, some children may develop psychological problems.
Brain injury is most likely to occur in males between ages 15 and 24, usually as a result of car and motorcycle accidents.
A moving head will cause a contrecoup injury where the brain damage occurs on the side opposite the point of impact, as a result of the brain slamming into that side of the skull.
Internal nasal injuries are unusual in infants but occur fairly frequently in toddlers and young children as a result of playfulness or curiosity.
Erosion or destruction of the nasal cartilage as a result of inhalant or cocaine abuse, however, usually requires surgical treatment.
Baseball finger is an injury in which the tendon at the end of the finger is separated from the bone as a result of trauma.
Inflammatory myopathies often occur as a result of exposure to viruses or drugs, but it is almost impossible to predict their development.
Obstruction of the duodenum occurs in infants as a result of congenital causes.
This often is due to the lack of qualified, licensed foster caregivers, but it can also occur as a result of inexperienced or overloaded caseworkers trying to get through their caseloads.
People with an inherited form of retinoblastoma have an increased risk of developing other cancers as a result of this therapy.
Acute blood loss may occur as a result of injury, a ruptured blood vessel, or a complication of surgery or childbirth.
Injury occurs as a result of constant repetition of a particular movement.
Nearly 2,000 children die every year as a result of being shaken.
Behavioral and educational impairments as a result of the injuries require the attention of additional specialists.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, also known as consumption coagulopathy, is not a disease in itself but a clinical emergency that occurs as a result of other diseases and conditions.
One in 500,000 people may be afflicted with this disorder that is often diagnosed in newborns because of bleeding into the brain as a result of traumatic delivery.
There are several causes of thrombocytopenia, which is more commonly acquired as a result of another disorder.
Encopresis-Fecal incontinence that can occur as a result of stress or fear.