As Sentence Examples
She's as perfect as she can be.
Her face warmed as she thought of it.
As she left the kitchen, his voice followed her.
The fire snapped as it grew.
For a few minutes they held on to each other, kissing as if they hadn't seen each other in a week.
As a matter of fact, I did.
He was very tall--as tall as a man.
He deserves to be treated as a gentleman.
I'm as hungry as the horse is, and I want my milk.
He pulled away from her, propping up on an elbow as he studied her face.
AdvertisementIt's as simple as that.
As they had no wings the strangers could not fly away, and if they jumped down from such a height they would surely be killed.
She had to get a car as soon as possible.
I came, I saw, I conquered, as the first baby in the family always does.
But the noise and clatter seemed as dreadful to them as Jim's heels, for all who were able swiftly turned and flew away to a great distance.
AdvertisementAndrew was not held long as a prisoner.
Crash after crash echoed far above their heads, as the earth came together where it had split, and stones and chunks of clay rattled around them on every side.
And as I look to the past and the present, I see two phenomena that especially drive my optimism.
It will all happen as quick as a wink.
He did not even hear his mother's footsteps as she came into the room.
AdvertisementHis tone suggested impatience, but his expression gave no clue as to why.
But I'm afraid you cannot rule the Emerald City, as you used to, because we now have a beautiful Princess whom everyone loves dearly.
As they looked down the street they saw a horseman coming.
As the nation grew, so did what came to be called the American Dream.
As always, he had been there when she needed him.
AdvertisementIt is a custom in the South to build a small house near the homestead as an annex to be used on occasion.
And why are children born to such men as you?
That idea was troublesome to Carmen as well.
She frowned as she unbuttoned her blouse.
I know you as well as I know anyone else.
So, as you are now too old to wander abroad and work in a circus, I offer you a home here as long as you live.
Andrew's gray eyes blazed as he stood up straight and proud before the haughty captain.
There was the usual amount of discussion as to a name for me.
Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father.
A long sigh escaped her lips as she slid back down under the covers.
Our friends had a good start and were able to maintain it, for with their eight wings they could go just as fast as could the Gargoyles.
After reading my arguments, you may or may not believe the future I describe is inevitable, as I say it is.
At Smolensk the armies at last reunited, much as Bagration disliked it.
He pronounced every word plainly, as though he were talking to his schoolmates.
A few minutes later his deep voice drifted back down the hall as he discussed something with her.
As I said, I enjoy having a female around.
Father will need to rest as well.
Now, Brother Felix says I can read almost as well as he.
The whole truth didn't sound nearly as bad as part of the conversation.
Of the war Princess Mary thought as women do think about wars.
Hope that you'll start accepting me as your husband - your mate; not just a lover.
Both were watching her as if she had something earth-shattering to say.
I had noticed that my mother and my friends did not use signs as I did when they wanted anything done, but talked with their mouths.
As is always the case with a thoroughly attractive woman, her defect--the shortness of her upper lip and her half-open mouth--seemed to be her own special and peculiar form of beauty.
The retired naval man was speaking very boldly, as was evident from the expression on the faces of the listeners and from the fact that some people Pierre knew as the meekest and quietest of men walked away disapprovingly or expressed disagreement with him.
Not only was Pierre's attempt to speak unsuccessful, but he was rudely interrupted, pushed aside, and people turned away from him as from a common enemy.
Barclay de Tolly tried to command the army in the best way, because he wished to fulfill his duty and earn fame as a great commander.
And not only was Napoleon not afraid to extend his line, but he welcomed every step forward as a triumph and did not seek battle as eagerly as in former campaigns, but very lazily.
In August he was at Smolensk and thought only of how to advance farther, though as we now see that advance was evidently ruinous to him.
The only thing that made Princess Mary anxious about him was that he slept very little and, instead of sleeping in his study as usual, changed his sleeping place every day.
As it was, the kids might pick up on her fear and emulate.
His chuckle was soft as he pulled her gently against him.
The shepherd did as he was bidden.
I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well.
As they blended in with the rest of the dancers, she glanced back at the table where the man sat.
They knew that the master would be as good as his word.
He learned many languages and became known all over the world as "The Learned Blacksmith."
It seemed as if no one saw that coming because, frankly, no one could conceive of it happening.
History, Poetry, Mythology!--I know of no reading of another's experience so startling and informing as this would be.
We may waive just so much care of ourselves as we honestly bestow elsewhere.
Their chairs made a scraping noise as the gentlemen who had conferred rose with apparent relief, and began walking up and down, arm in arm, to stretch their legs and converse in couples.
She could not have read the letter as she did not even know it had arrived.
He slapped her on the backside playfully as she passed.
Katie made a face as she sat in the chair opposite Carmen.
As for Alex, he likes to control people.
As for buying a child - was it so different from what they were doing?
His bright smile with the two missing front teeth faded as he realized they were leaving without her.
For a moment he looked as startled as she felt.
The trip back was every bit as exciting.
The third time that he thrust out the weapon there was a loud roar and a fall, and suddenly at his feet appeared the form of a great red bear, which was nearly as big as the horse and much stronger and fiercer.
One day as he was riding through the woods, some British soldiers saw him.
The slim, tall boy seemed to grow taller, as he answered, "I'll not be the servant of any Englishman that ever lived."
He glanced at her as he set the roasting pan on the stove top to cool.
Carmen carried the basket of eggs to the counter beside the sink and watched as Alex took the lid off the roasting pan.
Still, as a child she had never thought about it.
There was no good way to say it, so she might as well get to the facts.
Besides, she was as hungry as she was exhausted.
She wouldn't describe him as being tall.
The topaz gaze was intense as he sipped the hot liquid.
Well, as I said.
The stone flipped back and forth, winking at her as it caught the light.
As she watched, the horses plunged down a dune, sending a spray of white sand into the dry air.
Cassie, a woman as good looking as you should be used to saying no.
As it came to a stop the conductor called out in a loud voice.
Jonathan came in as Carmen was setting the table.
As his fingers laced through hers, she opened her eyes and found Alex watching her.
I used to work with Alex as a Jr.
Lisa asked, as she gazed at the beautiful buckskin gelding.
Lisa asked as she turned to look at Sarah.
She flattened against the rock wall as she heard the horse scramble down into the ravine a little way down from her.
I'd as soon die here as live much longer among these cruel and heartless people.
Lisa put up a hand as Yancey started toward her.
Davis watched her as she cleaned the camp.
As much as she would like to have offered to walk while he rode, she knew they would cover ground faster if she rode and he walked.
It shall be on your family's behalf that I'll start my apprenticeship as old maid.
His gaze flitted to Carmen as they passed.
As she rounded the curve in the staircase, the room became silent.
There was nothing she could do about it until he got home, so she might as well not think about it.
A cold wind tore at her hair as she stomped across the courtyard and out to the chicken coup.
Life's too short as it is.
You might as well give up.
She shuddered as she urged the bay closer to Bordeaux.
Cassie could feel them all watching her as she settled to the ground.
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.
We pass the time as we can, but in war as in war!
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
Her face flamed as she thought of how it must have looked to Morino.
His nod was noncommittal as he examined the place where the car had gone over.
As he had pointed out, it wasn't as if she had much of a choice.
She caught her breath as another thought struck her.
An armadillo stared at them from a rocky ledge as they passed, and a doe and her fawn darted across the trail not more than a hundred yards ahead, disappearing into the brush.
Brandon glanced at Adrienne as he opened the door for Julia.
You hired on as a cook.
As if in answer to her question, he dug a tin from his shirt pocket and handed it to her.
Cassie, I'm not leaving you, so you might as well try to go on.
They waited in tense silence as the horses slowly moved on.
As exhausted as she was, riding on the horse with him was exciting.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
He reached the edge of the tall roof, stepped one foot out into the air, and walked into space as calmly as if he were on firm ground.
The maiden's gown was soft as satin and fell about her in ample folds, while dainty lace-like traceries trimmed the bodice and sleeves.
The boys looked at her and wondered if the master would really be as good as his word.
There was to be music and dancing; and Cyrus was to invite as many guests as he chose.
Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.
Adraksin was in uniform, and whether as a result of the uniform or from some other cause Pierre saw before him quite a different man.
Well, whatever we do, I'd like to do it as a family.
The words of formality trailed off as she stared at the room.
A middle-aged woman entered the room, her hands full of hamburger meat as she formed a patty.
Fayetteville is long distance, but I'll be glad to pay you for the call as soon as I get my things.
Her hand hung over the phone a minute as she fought with the urge to call Howard.
It looks like I'll have to accept your invitation to spend the night, but I'll pay you as soon as I get my things.
Her stomach lurched again as she thought about the way the car had stopped.
Had fate brought her to these people who welcomed her as if she were family?
A little further ahead, they glimpsed a white flash of tail as a deer bounded crossed the trail no more than fifty feet ahead of them.
Everything seemed clearer, as though she had come out of a fog.
Come to think of it, maybe that thought troubled him as well.
As the path turned, the broad side of a metal building came into view, nestled at the foot of a cliff.
With Yancey's kind, there's no such thing as a mild emotion, neither in anger nor in love.
There could be a number of reasons that Sarah would welcome her as a daughter-in-law, not the least of which was the goings-on down that path.
Yancey looked down at her as he helped her from the ATV.
Brandon glanced down as he stepped around her and then grabbed her arm She smiled up at him mischievously.
His voice was gentle as he instructed her.
She had a short career as a writer.
The girl's hair was soft and fluffy and her skin as smooth as satin.
As soon as she retrieved her purse and clothes, she could call Connie to come get her.
Surely it couldn't be as bad as Giddon had indicated.
As a girl, she had wandered the woods with friends.
On the other hand, if he wanted to harm her, he might snatch the stick from her and use it as a weapon against her.
Even so, it was as if a something had been lifted from her chest, allowing the flow of oxygen and blood to a starving brain.
She stumbled as she dismounted from the ATV and Giddon reached out to help her.
She had her purse, and it wasn't as though he had done any physical harm.
An unidentifiable expression lurked in his dark features as he nodded.
Listen, I got a summer job in the Mountains as a sitter and it includes room and board.
It was like Connie to spend as little time on the telephone as possible.
It wasn't as though she could explain her sudden Jekyll and Hide personality, either.
I'm as ready as I'm going to get.
He was handsome, though she wouldn't go so far as to call him gorgeous.
She stared out the windows at the telephone poles as they approached and sped off in a blur.
He waved a hand as if to brush her inquest off.
If she knew I was hiring you as a companion, she'd be embarrassed.
Lisa closed the phone and listened as Giddon walked by.
Maybe it was the intrigue, or maybe it was that gut feeling that something wasn't as it appeared.
Tammy could swim almost as well as Lisa, but Sarah couldn't swim at all, confessing unabashed that she was afraid of the water.
She lifted the hair off her neck and sighed as she paused in the shade of a huge oak tree.
The wild hills were calling, as they had in her youth.
Giddon paid no attention to the three at the pool, patting Diablo's nose and talking softly to him as if no one was around.
Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half-closed as Giddon tossed a saddle blanket over his back and then swung up the saddle.
As Giddon grabbed the reins, Diablo turned his head to look at his master.
His paintings were so unique as to require no signature for identification.
He seemed oblivious to anyone else in the house as he carried her down the hallway to her room.
Surely you have time off as well, otherwise, how would you have time to come all the way out here.
There was a light step behind her, and then Allen's eyes widened as his attention shifted to a point behind her.
He towered over them both, the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining against his shirt as he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans.
Allen swallowed again, almost cringing as he licked his lips and turned desperate eyes on Lisa.
From the door she turned and watched as he climbed into his car and drove away.
This is what is commonly known as a swimming suit.
She changed into a sleeveless blouse and shorts, wondering as she did so if he would object to the shorts.
Tammy's tiny fingers coaxed a cookie from the package, giggled as she handed it to Lisa.
Even now, as his eyes sought her forgiveness, his chin stayed up proudly.
It wasn't as if she had any part in becoming that way, nor did it make her a better person.
When Lisa questioned Sarah about the car, she passed it off as a friend of Giddon's, and quickly changed the subject.
She stayed in the brush beside the trail, as she had done in her dream.
Lisa drew further back into the brush as the car drove by.
Giddon met her as she neared the house, eyeing her suspiciously.
As strong as he was, it would be useless to resist.
Anyway, hadn't Giddon said that he wouldn't let anything happen to her as long as she was close to him?
Yancey walked in as she was setting the table.
It was as if she were talking about someone she didn't know.
I keep telling him that as long as he gives her money, she'll never get out of trouble, but he just says she's the only sister he has and he has the money.
Giddon had barely left the yard on Diablo and Lisa instantly recognized it as a chance to investigate the building.
She screamed as she wind milled her arms in the hot air.
She screamed again as she tumbled down a steep hill.
A sharp pain shot through her ankle and a cry escaped her lips as she dropped back to the ground.
Her attention focused on finding something to use as a crutch.
She couldn't outrun it - in any condition, and it could climb a tree as fast as she could.
They reached an open place in the brush where Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half closed - as if all hell wasn't getting ready to burst loose.
She felt his breath on the back of her neck and stiffened as one arm slipped around her waist.
His big hands were surprisingly gentle as he wrapped her foot and secured it with tiny safety pins.
His expression was sober as he placed a hand on the counter on each side of her.
It ignited a fire in his eyes as well.
His feelings for her were as genuine as hers for him.
Her eyes widened as she noticed the bandaged foot.
That's what happens when you don't do as you're told.
She gave the sack of groceries undue attention as she quarried Lisa.
He could be tender and thoughtful, as well as charming.
Yet as the world began to open beyond her little circle, she realized that he had been open about his interest all along.
He might as well learn that he wasn't going to dominate her.
Besides, his volatile nature was as interesting as his spontaneous moods.
As she brushed by him on her way to her room to dress, she asked over her shoulder.
He grinned as he realized her interpretation of his answer.
He chuckled softly as he pulled her closer, his hand gently caressing her back.
He was a tall dark figure in the night, as he stood looking down at her.
Lisa turned her face away and hoped Tammy didn't notice her shoulders shaking as she laughed silently.
The thought must have occurred to Yancey as well, and he reassured Tammy in a voice choked with suppressed humor.
Maybe Yancey would be more careful in the future about using the threat of bears as a method of keeping Lisa away from that building.
Was he falling in love as well, or was he simply taking what he could get?
He leaned forward, as if to say something in her ear.
He sighed and rubbed his head as though the whole idea gave him a headache.
The only person who didn't view her as a sitter or maid was Yancey, and his viewpoint was as a lover.
His eyes were dancing with amusement as he used one hand to jerk the towel free and expose cut-off blue jeans.
Maybe I would have if you hadn't retracted it as soon as you said it.
He stopped, tugging her hand urgently as he turned toward the door.
He hadn't been accepted as their roommate because he was pretty.
His gaze shifted to the doorway as Julia entered the room.
Rachel glanced up as Adrienne entered the kitchen, and smiled warmly.
An uncomfortable silence surrounded them for a while as Rachel diced tomatoes and Adrienne chopped the lettuce.
I've never met anyone who could evade a question as well as he can.
As she turned her head, the spoon distorted her nose, making it look longer and hooked.
He grimaced as he popped the top on the can.
As usual, her stomach was grumbling for food.
You're as stubborn as a mule.
It wasn't as if she was going to chase after him.
Anyway, with all the money in his family and the good looks as well, he couldn't hold a candle to Brandon in the charm department.
As Adrienne stepped off the sidewalk, she heard quick steps from behind.
As they climbed out of the car, a screen door squealed on the front porch and a short stocky man emerged, running a hand through graying hair.
All the same, Brandon introduced them as his parents - and Adrienne as a friend he had met in Tulsa.
He held her chair as she took a seat and then sat quietly as Mrs. Marsh said grace.
Brandon scowled at his mother as he handed her the tray of fried chicken.
Mr. Marsh was the undisputed king of the castle, but he obviously acknowledged his wife as the queen.
Brandon was fortunate to have been raised by two people who cared as much about each other as they cared for him.
She threw the covers back and gasped as her feet hit the cold floor.
Brandon should have told them, and when they finally made it to the barn, she said as much.
It turned its head and watched as she placed a foot in the stirrup.
As she swung into the saddle, the horse sidestepped.
It probably looked better for him, anyway, as he didn't have a date.
She leaned forward and stood on her toes, gripping his shoulders as she kissed his cheek.
He laughed shortly as he crammed his hands into his pockets.
Their kisses were usually shared after dark, but as the season progressed, that was getting later in the evening.
As long as they weren't sleeping together or disrupting the household, what difference did it make that they were in love?
Was she going to have her career and him as well?
Brandon smiled sardonically as he gazed down at Adrienne.
Everyone was so supportive - even her parents, who came up to meet Brandon as soon as they heard the news.
She was going to have her lifelong dream as well as the dream she had recently developed - a life with Brandon.
I guess I should stay here and study as well, but...
Through her bedroom doorway, Adrienne watched him as he listened solemnly.
Darting across the room, she used the door jam to break her speed as she turned to Brandon's room.
She gripped the armrest as he passed two cars at a time.
Still, the car weaved as he guided it back into the right lane.
Adrienne screamed, cramming her foot into the floor as if she, too, had a break pedal.
For one brief instant, he looked at Adrienne as if he actually saw her.
She stroked his hair and kissed his forehead, while tears coursed down her cheeks as well.
Brandon must have wanted something different as well.
Country kids need a good nurse as much as a city kid, you know.
Getting over Brandon wasn't near as easy as getting her cap and stripes.
To make matters worse, lately she had been dreaming of the ranch as well.
She'd be willing to bet the woman was as hard nosed in her sleep.
She glanced up as a figure approached, and her smile was genuine.
The hours were perfect, nine to five, and the job sounded as if it were tailored for her.
I was using my mother as an excuse.
His caustic expression served as a catalyst to her boredom.
I'm not against a woman having a job, as long as she sticks to work meant for women.
Getting upset about it wasn't going to change anything, though, so she forced a grin as she met the troubled gaze of Fritz.
I don't think she's as impressed with your hunting skills as you are, Bordeaux.
His bay gelding had the sleek lines of a racehorse and the look of endurance as well.
At sixty-two, he was as wiry as any of his men, and twice as cagey.
As the big wheels turned, they tossed sand up and over the rim.
The white sand was almost as blinding as snow.
As it always did, memories of the twins sparked a fire of anger at her father.
As far as she was concerned, he had relinquished his right to the ranch.
As usual, that thought brought the sting of tears to her eyes.
It wasn't as if that was the most important part, so why did it hurt the most?
As the teams came to a halt, the rasp of leather against sandy wheels assured her that the other wagons were following suit.
As he joined her they squinted into the heat waves, shielding their eyes against the bright sun - trying to discern something of the shadows below the plume.
Her voice trailed off as realized he was talking to Bordeaux.
A strange feeling of excitement filled her as she watched him.
As they watched, the figures in the dusty heat waves finally became recognizable as cavalry - even to the naked eye.
The rest of the teamsters joined them and they all waited in silence as the horses approached and drew to an organized halt.
Pete's eyes were twinkling as he took his plate and a cup of coffee.
Much as she enjoyed watching them eat crow for desert, she knew their shame would be forgotten by suppertime.
As if challenging his statement, the bay jerked his nose up and sucked in a breath.
As they watched, three Indians rode around a bend in the gully and passed below them.
As they entered the Indian encampment, hostile black eyes turned to follow them.
As they approached, the sound of running water welcomed them.
She leaned back and held her nose as she completely immersed herself.
His gaze lifted to hers and he smiled as he noted the rising color in her cheeks.
As she watched, Bordeaux glanced up and met her gaze.
She slid down the rock and joined them, casting a sour look at Bordeaux as she brushed by him.
As usual, he was right.
Pete allowed as how Bordeaux would take care of you.
She knew her face was as red as his.
Their food arrived about the same time as Pete and Bordeaux.
Cassie felt the warmth of the sun as her cloud descended to the ranch.
As he had promised, Bordeaux was demanding a decision to his proposal of marriage.
She lay the flower and note aside and lifted a dress from the package, blushing as she realized his estimation of her size was accurate.
Later, as she soaked in a deliciously warm tub of water, she thought of the twins.
As she stepped off the walk to cross an alley, a lean figure stepped out of the saloon.
Her knees were weak, but her legs finally obeyed as she turned back toward the hotel.
It's just as well.
She felt his sympathetic gaze on her back as she turned toward the stairs.
Darting down the stairs, she ran to the stage office, arriving as the driver was preparing to climb into the seat.
As for having the town in a... dither,...
As for the ranch, she had always known it could be taken away.
She picked up a small valise and lifted her skirt as she stepped off the boardwalk into the dust.
Darcie looked confused as she smiled graciously.
He said mildly as he climbed into the seat beside her.
Cassie clung to the seat to keep from falling out of the lurching buggy as Bordeaux took them out of town at a run.
She released his arm only to grab it again as one of the buggy wheels dropped into a pothole.
As they stopped in the ranch yard, the twins bolted from the house.
As far as I'm concerned, it's yours.
His warm lips found hers as he pulled her close.
She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization.
As far as that went, Mom did seem mighty upset for a while after Dad left.
You might as well know right now that I wanted to buy your ranch so I could use the creek.
And I think you felt something as well.
Fighting a band of renegade Indians isn't half as hard as lassoing this little filly.
That's not as far out as you might think.
It's an heirloom of sorts; a big old house - too much for me to take care of and work the ranch as well.
He was offering her a job as a live-in maid.
His expression was bland – his voice unemotional, as if he were discussing the weather.
The rest of the time you're free to do as you please.
That's as far out as I can get.
He's as sweet as he can be and I have no doubt his intentions are honorable.
As for what the town thinks, I don't care.
Anyway, he's about as romantic as a doorstop.
Mr. Catlin at the bank says he's as honest as they come.
Maybe you could hire on as a nanny at Old Man Taylor's ranch.
He lifted his brows as she stopped at his table.
Her gaze tried to outrun the headlights and then followed the broken line on the highway as it leaped from the dark and shot forward, disappearing under the truck.
She held her breath as they approached and turned into the circular drive.
As the truck came to a halt in front of the house, she stared up at it in awe.
She followed Cade up the steps and across the wide porch, waiting as he unlocked the door.
The sting of his cool hospitality was quickly replaced with awe as she turned back to the room.
I recently put a new inner spring mattress on the bed, but the rest of it is exactly as she left it.
The floor was as clean as the counters.
The laundry room was also clean and an old wringer tub still sat in one corner, as though unwilling to completely surrender to modern appliances.
He turned and left the room, his boots clicking across the tile floor and then fading as he moved across the hardwood family room floor and down the hall.
You may call or have friends over anytime you wish - as long as they don't interfere with your work.
The floor creaked as she chose the one on the right.
Three empty bedrooms were closed off to the heat, as well as a full bath that looked as though it hadn't been used in years.
As she glanced into the last bedroom, she noticed it had a patio door.
Even as the idea occurred that she would rather have this room, she knew she couldn't ask.
The stairs groaned as she climbed and the door squealed as she opened it.
As she descended the long stairway again, her palm caressed the smooth dark wood of the banisters.
Working as fast as she could, she started a pot of coffee and sliced some ham.
As she completed setting the table, the screen door squealed and Cade opened the door.
He stomped his boots and shook white flakes from his hat and coat before entering the house Cynthia poured them both a cup of coffee as he washed at the sink.
He strode to the door, clamped on his hat, shrugged into his coat and left the house without so much as a good-bye.
The screen door squeaked and the kitchen floor complained as someone crossed it.
She shoved the book back into its place and gave the shelf a last swipe, curbing her tongue as she dismounted the chair.
As he strode across the room she chanced a last remark.
She called to him as he hunkered down beside a rose bush with a few brown leaves clinging to it.
Cade leaped from the couch as she entered.
Working for Cade might not be as dull as she had first thought.
The work was rewarding, though, as the house began to take on a homey atmosphere.
As for Cynthia, her cheeks weren't the only things filling out.
Cade was slowly emerging from his shell, but the cat was still as wild as ever.
She watched from the family room window as he wolfed the food - a habit that had prompted Cade to dub him Scruffy.
The idea was especially welcome, as she had become so organized that cleaning took no more than half the day.
His eyes expressed approval and the thin lips twitched in what she had grown to accept as a smile - fleeting as it was.
That was as close to praise as she was likely to get from him and she smiled her appreciation.
Cynthia leaned over as they drew near one and tried to pet it, but the cow moved away a few steps and began grazing again.
I guess they're not as tame as they look.
Her face was hot as she pushed away from him, avoiding his gaze.
As long as you eat what you catch.
She tried to smile cheerfully as she looked at him over one shoulder.
Cade was her boss, and thinking such things was not only disrespectful of him, but job threatening as well - especially if he suspected the existence of such thoughts.
Of course, that includes Pumas and coyotes as well.
Most of the ranchers are barely getting along as it is.
State game officials are involved as well.
The next time she talked to Mary, she said as much.
She could feel the warmth of the blush as it crawled up her neck.
Mary studied her reflectively and finally spoke in a hushed tone, as if she didn't actually want to know the answer to her question.
Cade was trying to be accommodating, but sometimes he was as skittish about conversation as the cat was about being touched - and likely for the same reason.
Like the way his broad shoulders swayed so gracefully with each step as he strode to the corral - or the way he lounged in a doorway, coffee in one hand, one long leg thrown carelessly over the other.
You know, this house wouldn't be as cold if there were some curtains on the window and some rugs on the floor.
This place is dark enough as it is.
As she re-entered the kitchen, he watched her cross to the table.
Anyone as bright and curious as you would have to explore that attic.
He nodded absently as he searched through the mail.
As she picked up the dishes and turned toward the sink he finally responded.
Then let me express a personal opinion as well.
As she watched the sink fill, she considered his proposal - and that other thing.
She glanced up as she spoke, and his expression became wary.
She caught her breath as the blood lunged painfully up her neck.
As they packed the last of the items into the back of his truck, he glanced up at her.
She cut her explanation off short as Cade pulled into the drive.
As it turned out, the truck repair was minor, so she was able to follow Cade home that evening.
And now it was gone, not even a trace lingering as he spoke.
How the dream began, she couldn't remember but she was in his arms and he was gazing down at her, his expression as bland as usual.
She clutched his sleeve as he turned away.
It was time to pack up and get out - as soon as the visit from his sister was over.
She tugged the curl from his hand and turned to the old piano as a diversion tactic.
She made her way clumsily through one episode and then watched as his long fingers moved gracefully over the keys.
She glanced up as they entered, and then stared.
I hired her as a housekeeper a few months ago.
She wrinkled her nose at him as she brushed by and he tugged playfully at her hair.
How could she stay, feeling as she did about Cade?
Her smile broadened into a grin as she reached for the cat.
The smile was replaced by a surge of color as he jerked the barn door open.
Any denial would be immediately detected as a lie, anyway.
No. As a matter of fact, I think it has character.
As far as I'm concerned, good riddance to the ranch.
Later, as she was straining the water from the potatoes, Cade wandered in.
He leaned against the wall, sipping his coffee silently as he watched her mash the potatoes.
His lips crushed down on hers, bruising them as his fingers dug into her shoulders.
And then he released her as suddenly as he had begun the assault.
Tears stung her eyes as she brought her hand around and struck his other cheek with a ringing blow.
She brushed past Cade, giving him a stern look as she left the room.
I never knew you thought of me as anything but a housekeeper - an opinionated one at that.
And Cade had become more solemn in the last few weeks, as if he sensed her dilemma and felt uncomfortable as well.
She sighed as she set out the supper dishes.
He washed and bellied up to the table, proving his statement as he delved into the food.
His expression was openly compassionate as he reached out, drawing her into his arms and guiding her head to his shoulder.
Inside was everything she had ordered - as well as a box of chocolates.
He sat on the end of the bed and watched reflectively as she ate the ice cream.
I was out there yesterday when I came back from riding and noticed that the barn was almost as clean as this house.
He tucked her under the covers as if she were a child.
For a moment he gazed down at her as though something were troubling him, but then he finally turned.
She smiled as she reached them.
And he's getting as fat as a hog on all the table scraps.
Had Mary accused him as well?
He rode as if he were part of the horse, his lean body swaying with the stride of the graceful animal.
He pulled as she lunged up, and as soon as she was settled behind him, he urged the horse into a lope.
Tiny drops of rain spattered their faces as she took his hand again and dismounted.
Wind and rain slashed at her as she reached the kitchen doorway and she hurried into the house.
His boots sloshed as he tiptoed across the kitchen floor.
The storm moved over them as they ate, rumbling and flashing angrily.
He leaned forward as he helped her dismount at the barn, rain rolling off the brim of his hat in a stream.
She came awake with a start as thunder rattled the entire house.
Her bare feet made no noise as she moved across the room toward him, so when she reached his side he glanced up sharply.
His fingers gripped her wrist as she started to move away.
His voice was husky and bewildered as he gazed down at her.
But no words came from her mouth as she lay there, mesmerized by his ardent expression.
And then he moved over her, his fingers sliding up her arm as it lay beside her head.
His lips became more urgent as they found hers again.
The fire flickered feebly, its passion curbed by time as well.
After all, she had made the first move, turning her head as he kissed her cheek.
Tears spilled down her cheeks as she slipped away from the couch.
She dressed as the sun was sending its first rays through the bathroom window.
Warmth invaded her cheeks as she thought of something else.
A hawk made a wide swing across the grassland and then suddenly dived, jerking up at the last second, its great wings straining as it pumped back into the air with added weight.
Cade was standing over her, a puzzled expression on his face as he contemplated her work.
As a matter of fact, the place could use a little sprucing up.
He dodged the screen door as it narrowly missed his forehead.
She glanced up as he walked across the floor and poured a cup of coffee.
He watched her with an amused expression as she petted the kitten and talked to it.
Not working as hard as you, that's for sure.
Bordeaux jumped back as her wagon moved to catch up with the others.
Much as she hated to admit it, they tasted good.
She continued the conversation as if nothing had happened.
Apparently scrounging food off the desert wasn't nearly as easy as harnessing a team of mules.
Had he seen them as well?
He laughed as he turned to his mount.
They could do their own cooking, even though it wouldn't be as nice.
He rolled a cigarette as he spoke.
The end glowed as he inhaled.
But I know for a fact that the glowing end of a cigarette butt can be seen as far away as an arrow can be shot accurately.
Cassie glanced up at him as he moved by her, but he paid her no mind.
He probably thought she was getting serious about him as well.
She stiffened as he stepped closer and placed a gentle hand on each of her shoulders.
You're as bad as he is!
Much as she was tempted to punish him, Bordeaux wasn't guilty of what Davis thought.
He killed Mom, just the same as if he'd plunged a knife into her heart.
As for abandoning his children, there's more to it than you think.
She might as well get some rest.
He stepped away from the team as she walked approached and she glared at him.
After all he had done, he dared talk to her as if she were a child.
Her voice died in her throat as he turned and started for her.
She glanced up as Bordeaux stopped beside her.
He wasn't going to leave until she did as he told her, so she removed the lid and tipped the canteen to her lips.
He wasn't impervious to harm, much as he might think so.
He rested a comforting hand on her shoulder as he joined her vigil.
She readied supper, careful to spend as little time in the ring of firelight as possible.
She dropped to the sand as a hail of bullets whistled above her head.
Oblivious to her frozen stare, his black eyes fixed on Bordeaux as he dashed for cover.
They packed as much as they could on six mules and left the other six for riding.
If something happens to the rest of us, I want you to ride as fast as you can to Ashley.
We need to travel as far as we can tonight.
Even the animals were quiet, as if they knew danger lurked in the darkness.
As Cassie mounted, she frowned at Bordeaux.
They'll have to wait for water, the same as we did.
As she trudged along behind him she considered her newfound desire.
He lifted his rifle, cocking it as quietly as he could, and she followed suit.
He squinted as he surveyed the black oven surrounding them.
His thumb caressed her jaw as he gazed down into her face.
She whispered softly as she slipped her arms around his neck and returned his passionate kiss.