Artiste Sentence Examples
Denise has been a solo artiste for over 20 years working all over the world.
Phyllis continues to explain to Buddy how she became an artiste with her life.
Paul has been a Ronan Keating tribute artiste for two years.
You don't have to be a master artiste; all you need is a little imagination.
This is an essential characteristics of many Japanese traditional handiwork and artiste, whose techniques are refined by means of repetition of simple things.
His sister, Elsa, was a daring trapeze artiste.
Tribute Bands Selecting and booking a tribute artiste, lookalike, soundalike, impersonator can be done online !
Alan Carr we liked - the drag artiste in between should have stayed in the States.
He wrote Damnation de ?artiste (1890), Tenebres (1892), Stances dorees (1893), La Nuit (1897) and Promethee (1899).
After Paganini he received a fresh impulse from the playing and the compositions of Chopin, who arrived in 1831, and yet another impulse of equal force from a performance of Berlioz's " Symphonie Fantastique, episode de la vie d'un artiste," in 1832.