Articles Sentence Examples
Dean helped Weller carry the remaining articles into Bird Song.
She continued to examine the articles.
Dean reached up on the sofa and pulled down a few articles of the clothing.
With his brain still churning from the phone conversation, it took sometime before his eyes focused on a penciled circle on one of the articles.
Hutton took charge of the literary side of the paper, and by degrees his own articles became and remained up to the last one of the best-known features of serious and thoughtful English journalism.
Thus the court of king's bench (curia regis de banco) was founded, and the foundation of the court of common pleas was provided for in one of the articles of Magna Carta.
Articles written in common soon led to a complete literary partnership, and 1831 there appeared in the Revue de Paris a joint novel entitled Prima Donna and signed Jules Sand.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about people from the Old Testament.
Besides its legislative functions the House prepares articles of impeachment and prosecutes the proceedings before the Senate.
He served in the New York legislature (1759-1760), but his political influence was long exerted chiefly through pamphlets and newspaper articles.
AdvertisementThis page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Gre to Gri.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Oceania.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the history of Africa.
The concordat was solemnly promulgated on Easter Day 1802, but the government had added to it unilateral provisions of Gallican tendencies, which were known as the Organic Articles.
He also contributed largely to the Internationale theologische Zeitschrift, a review started in 1893 by the Old Catholics to promote the union of National Churches on the basis of the councils of the Undivided Church, and admitting articles in German, French and English.
AdvertisementThe Courrier de Lyon contained articles the success of which reached even to the capital and attracted the attention of the Parisian press.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the Middle East.
See Verginia (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Verginia.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about sculptors.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about chemists.
AdvertisementThere he led a healthy outdoor life, and also became a large and indiscriminate reader, and before long contributed humorous and poetical articles to the provincial newspapers and magazines.
He wrote in this connexion a number of articles collected in 1887 under the title Treu and Frei.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about French politicians.
I've also moved articles on cities in South Tirol and Kustenland to this category, as well as those on cities in Galicia, Bukovina, Transylvania, and Dalmatia.
Schwartz, articles "Aristobulos (14)," "Arrianus," "Quintus Curtius," "Diodorus" in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopadie.
AdvertisementThis page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Pos to Pre.
All these, except Elbassan, Metzovo and Kroia, are described in separate articles.
He fully accepted the recognized teaching of the Church of England, and publicly appealed to the Prayer Book and the Thirty-nine Articles in justification of the doctrines he preached.
Scotland, as the history is fully covered under the separate headings of Church of Scotland, and allied articles.
Without setting aside the Confession as the church's standard, twenty-four "Articles of the Faith" have been adopted.
The two parties united under the act of 1729, which adopted the Westminster symbols "as being, in all the essential and necessary articles, good forms of sound words and systems of Christian doctrine."
This adopting act allowed scruples as to "articles not essential and necessary in doctrine, worship or government" - the presbytery being judge in the case and not the subscriber.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Gis to God.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Greek mythology.
The following tables, showing the growth of the largest towns in France, are drawn up on the basis of the fourth classification, which is used throughout this work in the articles on French towns, except where otherwise stated.
Manufactu red Articles 2
Amongst imports raw materials (wool, cotton and silk, coal, oilseeds, timber, &c.) hold the first place, articles of food (cereals, wine, coffee, &c.) and manufactured goods (especially machinery) ranking next.
Amongst exports manufactured goods (silk, cotton and woollen goods, fancy wares, apparel, &c.) come before raw materials and articles of food (wine and dairy products bought chiefly by England).
The decline both in imports and in exports of articles of food, which is the most noteworthy fact exhibited in the preceding table, was due to the almost prohibitive tax in the Customs Law of 1892, upon agricultural products.
The average value of the principal articles of import and export (special trade) over quinquennial periods following 1890 is shown in the two tables below.
But in communes the revenues of which exceed 120,000, the budget is always submitted to the president of the republic. The ordinary revenues include the produce of additional centimes allocated to communal purposes, the rents and profits of communal property, sums produced by municipal taxes and dues, concessions to gas, water and other companies, and by the octroi or duty on a variety of articles imported into the commune for local consumption.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to rhetoric.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Bok to Bor.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to South West England.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Lao to Lav.
For the Christian doctrine, see Eschatology; and for other religions see the separate articles.
There are, however, numerous spacious harbours, especially on the eastern coast, which are referred to in the detailed articles dealing with the different states.
The principal items of export are wool, skins, tallow, frozen mutton, chilled beef, preserved meats, butter and other articles of pastoral produce, timber, wheat, flour and fruits, gold, silver, lead, copper, tin and other metals.
The chief articles of import are apparel and textiles, machinery and hardware, stimulants, narcotics, explosives, bags and sacks, books and paper, oils and tea.
They neither manufactured nor possessed any chattels beyond such articles of clothing, weapons, ornaments and utensils as they might carry on their persons, or in the family store-bag for daily use.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Het to Hir.
To the Cambridge Mathematical Journal and its successor, the Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Boole contributed in all twenty-two articles.
The works of Boole are thus contained in about fifty scattered articles and a few separate publications.
Money had to be raised by taxation, and at a meeting of the states-general (March 20, 1569) the governor-general proposed (1) an immediate tax of 1% on all property, (2) a tax of 5% on all transfers of real estate, (3) a tax of io% on the sale of all articles of commerce, the last two taxes to be granted in perpetuity.
Rathenau published various books, pamphlets and articles, on social and economic questions, some of which attracted world-wide attention, especially his Von kommenden Dingen (1920).
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to England.
With the old Czechs he refused to recognise the constitution of 1867; he helped to draft the declaration of 1868 and the fundamental articles of 1871, and took a leading part in the negotiations during the ministry of Potocki and Hohenwart.
There was nothing in the Reformation to appeal to him, except the repudiation of papal control; and he was one of those numerous Englishmen whose views were faithfully reflected in the Six Articles.
These last articles show a keen analysis and interpretation of facts.
The rest sat on, discussing the constitution, drawing up lists of damnable heresies and of incontrovertible articles of faith, producing plans for the reduction of the army and demanding - consolidating his rule and power.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Gem to Ges.
Cotton, cloth, gold and silver ornaments, copper wares, fancy articles in bone and ivory, excellent saddles and shoes are among the products of the local industry.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Spl to St.
It contains over 40,000 articles written by over 1,500 authors within their various fields of expertise.
One of the earliest monuments records the purchase by a king of a large estate for his son, paying a fair market price and adding a handsome honorarium to the many owners in costly garments, plate, and precious articles of furniture.
For editions of texts and the innumerable articles in scientific journals see the bibliographies and references in the above works.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about animals.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under X to Yve.
The three great islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica are closely connected with Italy, both by geographical position and community of language, but they are considered at length in separate articles.
The wood of the olive is also used for the manufacture of small articles.
Many articles formerly imported are now made at home, and some Italian manufactures have begun to compete in foreign markets.
Before the tariff reform of 1887 manufactured articles, alimentary products and raw materials for manufacture held the principal places in the imports.
In the exports, alimentary products came first, while raw materials for manufacture and manufactured articles were of little account.
Taxes proper are divided into (a) taxes on business transactions and (b) taxes on articles of consumption.
The former apply principally to successions, stamps, registrations, mortgages, &c.; the latter to distilleries, breweries, explosives, native sugar and matches, though the customs revenue and octrois upon articles of general consumption, such as corn, wine, spirits, meat, flour, petroleum butter, tea, coffee and sugar, may be considered as belonging to thu class.
It will be seen that the revenue is swollen by a large number o taxes which can only be justified by necessity; the reduction and still more, the readjustment of taxation (which now largely falls or articles of primary necessity) is urgently needed.
Cavours stirring against articles in the Risorgimento hastened the kings decision, Austria.
Articles 6 and 7 forbade access of any Italian official or agent to the above-mentioned palaces or to any eventual conclave or oecumenical council without special authorization from the pope, conclave Or council.
On the 12th of July 1871, Articles 268, 269 and 270 of the Italian Penal Code were so modified as to make ecclesiastics liable to imprisonment for periods varying from six months to five years, and to fines from 1000 to 3000 lire, for spoken or written attacks against the laws of the state, or for the fomentation of disorder.
Peter, Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae (1870, 1906), and Historicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (1883); also articles ROME, History (ancient) ad fin., section "Authorities," and Liv y, where the use made of the annalists by the historian is discussed; Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopddie, art.
Both in parliament and in Convocation he opposed the Six Articles of 1539, but he stood almost alone.
John accepted the Articles on the same day and at once the great seal was affixed to them.
It should be mentioned that, although the charter was evidently not sealed until the 19th, the four existing copies of it are dated the 15th, the day on which John accepted the articles.
In dealing with this matter the Articles of the Barons had declared that aids and tallages must not be taken from the citizens of London and of other places without the consent of the council.
No chapter corresponding to this is found in the Articles and none was inserted in the reissues of Magna Carta.
We now come to an important series of articles which deal with abuses in the administration of justice.
Magna Carta is an elaboration of the accession charter of Henry I., and is based upon the Articles of the Barons.
It is, however, very much longer than the former charter and somewhat longer than the Articles.
Moreover, it differs in several particulars from the Articles, these differences being doubtless the outcome of deliberation and of compromise.
For instance, the provisions in Magna Carta concerning the freedom of the church find no place in the Articles, while a comparison between the two documents suggests that in other ways also influences favourable to the church and the clergy were at work while the famous charter was being framed.
Certain privileges granted to them in the Articles are not found in Magna Carta, although, it must be noted, this document bestows exceptionally favoured treatment on the citizens of London.
On this occasion some supplementary articles were added to the charter; these were intended to limit the taxing power of the crown.
The British Museum also contains the original parchment of the Articles of the Baron.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about biographies.Matthew Fontaine Maury
Franke in two articles in the Journal of the Pali Text Society for 1903, and in his Geschichte and Kritik der einheimischen Pali Grammatik.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Ancient Mesopotamia.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under O to Ogd.
The distribution of life is discussed in the various articles in this Encyclopaedia dealing with biological, botanical and zoological subjects.'
From the bottom of this sea they have been raised to form the dry lands along the shores of Suffolk, whence they are now extracted as articles of commercial value, being ground to powder in the mills of Mr [afterwards Sir John] Lawes, at Deptford, to supply our farms with a valuable substitute for guano, under the accepted name of coprolite manure."
A general assembly of his inquisitors was convoked at Seville for the 29th of November 1484; and there he promulgated a code of twenty-eight articles for the guidance of the ministers of the faith.
Though a Protestant, he supported the government of Mary of Guise, showed himself violently anti-English, and led a raid into England, subsequently in 1559 meeting the English commissioners and signing articles for peace on the border.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Sup to Szo.
That chapter of comparative anatomy (together with other anatomical details, for which see the separate articles) is now dealt with in the article Skull; here only the most avine features are alluded to, and since some of Parker's original illustrations have been retained, the description has been shortened considerably.
Oyonnax and its environs, north of Nantua, are noted for the production of articles in wood and horn, especially combs.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Cin to Cla.
He was one of the three Massachusetts delegates in Congress in 1785 who refused to present the resolution of the General Court proposing a convention to amend the articles.
The records of his life and work are noticed in the articles Exodus, Numbers,.
See further articles, Aaron; Decalogue; Hebrew Religion; Levites.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about British Members of Parliament.
The reader to whom the study is new will gain some idea of the bulk of the extant patristic literature, if we add that in Migne's collection ninety-six large volumes are occupied with the Greek fathers from Clement of Rome to John of Damascus, and seventysix with the Latin fathers from Tertullian to Gregory the Great.2 For a discussion of the more important fathers the student is referred to the articles which deal with them separately.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about military people.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to performing arts.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to economy.
These writings, mainly collections of articles and lectures intended for the general public, display enlightened views and wide information.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Hep to Hes.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about American military people.
In 1827, with Stephen Elliott (1771-1830), the naturalist, he founded the Southern Review, of which he was the sole editor after Elliott's death until 1834, when it was discontinued, and to which he contributed articles on law, travel, and modern and classical literature.
A large number of articles by his hand appeared in Le Producteur, L'Organisateur, Le Globe, and other periodicals.
To ascertain the ship's speed by the common log four articles are necessary - a log-ship or log-chip, log-reel, log-line and log-glass.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about painters.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to petrology.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Turkey.
Dorpfeld, articles in Mittheilungen d.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under I to Iol.
As regards the members of the school, the separate articles On Antisthenes, Crates, Diogenes and Demetrius contain all biographical information.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about invertebrates.
He also wrote several literary articles for the first two volumes of the Encyclopaedia, and to the remaining volumes he contributed mathematical articles chiefly.
It is to be observed, moreover, that as Alembert confined himself chiefly to mathematical articles, his work laid him less open to charges of heresy and infidelity than that of some of his associates.
For other sources see articles "Bohmische-Bruder" and "Zinzendorf" in Hauck's Realencyklopaedie; and for latest results of historical research, Zeitschrift fur Briidergeschichte (half-yearly).
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Fos to Fra.
For his place in the development of early philosophy see also articles IONIAN SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY and LOGOS.
The official divisions of the empire are given here, and details are given in separate articles.
In a secret article of the treaty the sultan undertook in the event of a casus foederis arising, and in consideration of being relieved of his obligations under the articles of the public treaty, to close the Dardanelles to the warships of all nations " au besoin," which meant in effect that in the event of Russia being threatened with an attack from the Mediterranean he would close the Dardanelles against the invader.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about Scottish, Irish and Welsh writers.
In the practical carrying out of this principle, railways divide all articles of freight into classes, the highest of which are charged two or three, or even four times the rates of the lowest.
This classification is based partly upon special conditions of service, which make some articles more economical to carry than others (with particular reference to the question whether the goods are offered to the companies in car-loads or in small parcels), but chiefly with regard to the commercial value of the article, and its consequent ability to bear a high charge or a low one.
From being struck by articles thrown from passing trains 12.
The long hauls in the United States make it specially important that the cars should carry a load in both directions, and so bcx cars which have carried grain or merchandise one way are filled with wool, coal, coke, ore, timber and other coarse articles for the return journey.
See also articles "Sacrifice" in Ency.
He was soon promoted to be one of Edward VI.'s chaplains and prebendary of Westminster, and in October 1552 was one of the six divines to whom the Forty-two articles were submitted for examination before being sanctioned by the Privy Council.
Copra and cocoa beans are - the chief articles of export.
For his philosophy see Cynics, and for his pupils, Diogenes and Crates, see articles under these headings.
The winter found him arranging for the publication in England of the selection from his articles and reviews which appeared in 1845, under the title of Critical and Historical Essays, and was issued almost contemporaneously at New York under the title of Biographical and Critical Miscellanies.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Tic to Tob.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ati to Aur.
See also articles on CATHERINE OF ARAGON and HENRY VIII.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about poetry.
Before a similar mode of reasoning, all the other distinctive articles of the Romish creed "disappeared like a dream "; and " after a full conviction," on Christmas day, 1754, he received the sacrament in the church of Lausanne.
The articles were published in collected form in 1889.
See Nevada (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Nevada.
Silks, wood-carvings, silver and jade ornaments, tin and copper wares, fruits and tobacco are the chief articles of the local trade.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the history of Asia.
He wrote articles on free will, the philosophy of theism, on science, prayer and miracles for the Dublin Review.
His collected works, including the series of articles on the proper-
Sergiyevo has long been renowned for its manufacture of holy pictures (painted and carved), spoons, and other articles carved in wood, especially toys, which are sold to pilgrims who resort to the place to the number of ioo,000 annually.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about British painters.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Dro to Dzu.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to gnosticism.
After the decline of the medieval tradein cloth, lace and buttons were the only articles manufactured here until the introduction of silk-weaving in 1740.
Benzinger, articles " Government," "Family " and " Law and Justice," Ency.
In Spain Jewish life had participated in the general life, but the expulsion - while it dispersed 1 On the writers mentioned below see articles s.v.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about classical scholars.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the early Middle Ages.
Cereals are imported from the Black Sea and Danube ports, ready-made clothing from Austria and Germany, articles of luxury from Austria and France, and cotton textiles from England.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the history of the United States
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about astronomy.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about historians.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to South America.
The principal articles of its trade are rice and cotton, some sugar cane (nai shakar), flax (Katun) and hemp (Kanab) are also grown.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Virginia.
We are trying to pick out those articles ath are really great and exemplary in the 1911.
The following are pages that are fundamentally wonderful articles, but need serious work.
Once these articles are fixed up, we can feature them on the home page.
I'd like to help clean up some articles, but I don't have a scan of the original article and find it difficult to know what mangled word is supposed to be.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Judaism.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ske to Smy.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Sao to Sax.
Large flocks of sheep are kept, both for their flesh and their wool, and there are in the province large numbers of horned cattle and of pigs, Geese and goose feathers form lucrative articles of export.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Southern Italy.
Linseed and other oil-bearing grains are also important articles of commerce, as well as wool and butter.
Brewer, in his elaborate prefaces to the Letters and Papers (reissued as his History of the Reign of Henry VIII.), originated modern admiration for Wolsey; and his views are reflected in Creighton's Wolsey in the "Twelve English Statesmen" series, and in Dr Gairdner's careful articles in the Dict.
See articles in Ency.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Gos to Gra.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Government.
Peace, he thought, might be made "if men would not call all opinions by the name of religion, and superstructures by the name of fundamental articles."
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to New York.
They have a passion for fine clothes and ornaments, tricking themselves out with glass trinkets, rings and articles of ivory and horn.
The work was strongest in the scientific department, and many of its most valuable articles were from the pen of the editor.
At a later period he was one of the leading contributors to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (seventh and eighth editions), the articles on Electricity, Hydrodynamics, Magnetism, Microscope, Optics, Stereoscope, Voltaic Electricity, &c., being from his pen.
After parting company with Jameson, Brewster started the Edinburgh Journal of Science in 1824, sixteen volumes of which appeared under his editorship during the years 1824-1832, with very many articles from his own pen.
Manufacturing industry is confined to a few articles and commodities, such as cement, tea, tin cans (for oil), cotton goods, oil refineries, tobacco factories, flour-mills, silk-winding mills (especially at Shusha and Jebrail in the south of Elisavetpol), distilleries and breweries.
Between 1755 and 1756 he composed various articles for the Encyclopedic, and between 1757 and 1760 an article on Valeurs et monnaies, probably for the Dictionnaire du commerce of the abbe Morellet.
His sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Sna to Sor.
He also contributed important articles to the 9th, 10th and 1 1th editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and edited a number of Oriental works.
In addition, he was the author of a number of books and articles.
Among his articles may be mentioned those which he wrote for the ninth edition of this Encyclopaedia on Light, Mechanics, Quaternions, Radiation and Thermodynamics, besides the biographical notices of Hamilton and Clerk Maxwell.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ble to Bo.
For further information on the routine and details of' farming, reference may be made to the articles under the headings of the various crops and implements.
The awards here summarized are quite distinct from those of silver medals which are given by the society in the case of articles possessing sufficient merit, which are entered as " new implements for agricultural or estate purposes."
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to mathematics.
In his Representative Government (1860) he systematized opinions already put forward in many casual articles and essays.
He supplied part of the money for carrying it on, contributed several articles, and assisted the editor, Fraser Rae, with his advice.
Reference to the articles on Logic, Metaphysics, &c., will show that subsequent criticism, however much it has owed by way of stimulus to Mill's strenuous rationalism, has been able to point to much that is inconsistent, inadequate and even superficial in his writings.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Wau to Wes.
Articles of furniture are frequently made of it, and it is in great esteem for carving and for the construction of stringed instruments.
Various summaries, controversial articles, &c., formerly quoted, are now superseded by recent discoveries.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about philologists.
In aquatic insects various devices for obtaining or entangling air are found; these modifications are described in the special articles on the various orders of insects (Coleoptera, Hemiptera, &c.).
For details, the reader may consult the special articles on the various orders and groups of insects.
For further classificatory details, reference must be made to the special articles on the various orders.
Further details of the geological history of the Hexapoda will be found in the special articles on the various orders.
Further references will be found appended to the special articles on the orders (Aptera, Coleoptera, &C).
The more important monographs will usually be found cited in the separate articles on birds contained in this work, though some, by reason of changed views of classification, have for practical purposes to be regarded now as general works.
See articles in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopadie and Roscher's Lexikon der Mythologie.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the United States Midwest.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about sculptors from Greek and Roman times.
See Ohio (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Ohio.
During that war also, those states which had no claims in the West contended that title to these western lands should pass to the Union and when the Articles of Confederation were submitted for ratification in 1777, Maryland refused to ratify them except on that condition.
See also bibliography to Possession, Animism and other articles.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Nes to New.
The metallurgic industries are well developed, and consist in the production of iron, steel, machinery, small-arms, lead articles, wire-cables and rails.
But of course it was far less important than various other articles of trade in the aggregate values of commerce.
He published Aristoteles fiber die Farben (1849), Aristoteles' acht Blcher der Physik (1857), and numerous minor articles on smaller points, such as the authenticity of the thirty-eight books of the Problems. The work by which he is best known is the Geschichte der Logik im Abendland (Leipzig, 1855-1870).
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the history of Germany.
References to the works of the above authors, and to many others, will be found under HEXAPODA and the special articles on various insect orders.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ded to Dep.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Kna to Kra.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about architectural elements.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Bav to Bee.
Kuenen was also the author of many articles, papers and reviews; a series on the Hexateuch, which appeared in the Theologisch Tijdschrift, of which in 1866 he became joint editor, is one of the finest products of modern criticism.
Descriptions of the solid forms will be found in the articles on asphalt or asphaltum, albertite, elaterite, gilsonite, hatchettite and ozokerite.
See the articles, Godfrey Of Bouillon and Raymund Of Toulouse.
For the history of the orders see the articles on the Templars; ST John Of Jerusalem, Knights Of; Knights, and the Teutonic Order.
The authorities for the Crusades have been collected in Bongars, Gesta Dei per Francos (Hanover, 1611) (incomplete); Michaud, Bibliotheque des croisades (Paris, 1829) (containing translations of select passages in the authorities); the Recueil des historiens des croisades, published by the Academie des Inscriptions (Paris, 1841 onwards) (the best general collection, containing many of the Latin, Greek, Arabic and Armenian authorities, and also the text of the assizes; but sometimes poorly edited and still .incomplete); and the publications of the Societe de l'Orient Latin (founded in 1875), especially the Archives, of which two volumes were published in 1881 and 1884, and the volumes of the Revue, published yearly from 1893 to 1902, and containing not only new texts, but articles and reviews of books which are of great service.
Other articles of export are silk cocoons, wool, hides, sponges, eggs and fruits (oranges, almonds, raisins and the like); the amounts of cotton, tobacco and wine sent out of the country are small.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about Greek poets.
For any aboriginal race inhabiting these countries, such important articles of diet as the duri-an, &c., could not fail to be among the first natural objects to receive a name, and thus we find primary terms in use among the Sakai and Semang, the aborigines of the Peninsula, to describe these fruits.
See also the authorities cited in the articles on WILLIAM I.
The hill is worked like a mine; pieces cut from it are carved by artists in Cardona into images, crucifixes and many articles of an ornamental kind.
The principal imports are coal, grain, manufactured articles and articles of luxury.
He entered upon his great work by a systematic publication of pamphlets and articles in journals and magazines in behalf of his reform, but for some years he met with a discouraging lack of interest.
In 1904, as it was felt that the college was unable properly to carry on its work under existing conditions, it was proposed to amalgamate it with Hackney College, but the Board of Education refused to sanction any arrangement which would set aside the requirements of the deed of foundation, namely that the officers and students of Cheshunt College should subscribe the fifteen articles appended to the deed, and should take certain other obligations.
Camphor, sugar, tea, indigo, ground peanuts, jute, hemp, oil and rattans are all articles of export.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the Hellenistic period.
See further the articles on Xenophanes; Parmenides; Zeno (of Elea); Melissus, with the works there quoted; also the histories of philosophy by Zeller, Gomperz, Windelband, &c.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about plants.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Das to Dec.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to technology.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about Italian composers.
See articles s.v.
Here is treated the history of descriptive inorganic chemistry; reference should be made to the articles on the separate elements for an account of their preparation, properties, &c.
Other branches of this subject are treated in the articles Chemical Action; Energetics; Solution; Alloys; Thermochemistry.
Their full significance is treated in the section of this article dealing with organic chemistry, and in the articles Isomerism and STEREO-Isomerism.
Reference should be made to the separate articles on the different elements and the more important compounds for their preparation, properties and uses.
Here we shall only discuss the structure of these compounds in the light of the modern benzene theories; reference should be made to the articles Naphthalene, Anthracene and Phenanthrene for syntheses, decompositions, &c.
There is no general procedure for these operations, and it is customary to test for the acids separately by special tests; these are given in the articles on the various acids.
It is unnecessary here to dwell on the precautions which can only be conveniently acquired by experience; a sound appreciation of analytical methods is only possible after the reactions and characters of individual substances have been studied, and we therefore refer the reader to the articles on the particular elements and compounds for more information on this subject.
Details will be found in the articles on particular metals.
We have seen (in the articles on Harmony and Music) how harmonic music originated in just this habit of regarding combinations of sound as mere sensations, and how for centuries the habit opposed itself to the intellectual principles of contrapuntal harmony.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about scientists.Matthew Fontaine Maury
In 316 Antigonus had defeated and killed Eumenes and made himself supreme from the Aegean to Iran, and Cassander had 1 For details see separate articles on the chief generals.
The import trade is chiefly with Great Britain and India, the articles in chief demand being cotton, coloured shawls and hardware.
Detailed information on these orders and on their position in England is given in separate articles.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about British philosophers.
See articles in Roscher's Lexikon der Mythologie and Daremberg and Saglio's Dictionnaire des antiquites.
Other articles of export are wine, brandy, hides and tobacco.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Ope to Oro.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the history of Persia
See York (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title York.
See further the very full articles in the Jewish Ency.
A fugitive slave clause was inserted in the Articles of Confederation of the New England Confederation of 1643, providing for the return of the fugitive upon the certificate of one magistrate in the jurisdiction out of which the said servant fled - no trial by jury being provided for.
From it the native draws lumber for his hut, utensils for his kitchen, thatch for his roof, medicines, preserved delicacies, and a long list of other articles.
The leading articles of export are sugar, tobacco and fruit products; of import, textiles, foodstuffs, lumber and wood products, and machinery.
For the subjects under this heading see the articles CONIC SECTIONS; CIRCLE; CURVE; GEOMETRICAL CONTINUITY; GEOMETRY, Axioms of; GEOMETRY, Euclidean; GEOMETRY, Projective; GEOMETRY, Analytical; GEOMETRY, Line; KNOTS, MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF; MENSURATION; MODELS; PROJECTION; Surface; Trigonometry.
For the subjects of this general heading see the articles Mechanics; Dynamics, Analytical; Gyroscope; Harmonic Analysis; Wave; HYDROMechanics; Elasticity; Motion, Laws Of; Energy; Energetics; Astronomy (Celestial Mechanics); Tide.
But although oranges, pine-apples and some other fruits form important articles of commerce, it is only rarely that systematic and thorough methods of cultivation are prosecuted.
According to these statistics the most important articles of export are coal and turf, fruit, minerals, soda, iron and steel, and cattle.
Other articles of export are chemicals, dyeing and tanning stuffs, tobacco, sugar-beet and kitchen-salt.
All these are described in separate articles.
Clocks and watches are manufactured here and also other articles of silver, while the town has a considerable trade in corn, hops and fruit.
So far as geographical description is concerned, the separate articles on Asia Minor, Albania, Armenia, and other areas mentioned below - constituting the Turkish Empire - may be consulted.
The following tables show the total value of exports and imports arranged according to countries of origin or destination for1905-1906and 1908-1909; the same information for the year1905-1906with respect to the principal ports of the empire, and the tonnage of vessels cleared thereat during the year 1908-1909; and the value of the principal articles imported and exported for the year 1905-1906.
Under the old commercial treaties which lapsed about 1890 - but which have been maintained " provisionally " in force until one or other of the great powers consents to set a term to the negotiation of fresh treaties - an ad valorem duty of 8% was imposed on all articles imported into the Turkish empire.
Fraser, The Short Cut to India (London, 1909); with the books cited under Turks and in articles on the separate divisions of the empire and on Mahommedan law, institutions and religion.
Wishing to make this important privilege permanent, Russia by secret articles of the Treaty of Bucharest had secured the cession of this district, in return for an undertaking to destroy the forts of Kilia and Izmail on the Danube.
But the sultan refused to ratify these articles, and the relations between Russia and Turkey were therefore determined by the patent treaty only, which positively stipulated for the evacuation by the Russians of every spot occupied by them on Turkish soil in Asia.
By the patent articles of the treaty the powers agreed to secure the autonomy of Greece under the suzerainty of the sultan, but without any breach of friendly relations with Turkey.
By additional secret articles it was agreed that, in the event of the Porte not accepting the offered mediation, consuls should be established in Greece, and an armistice proposed to both belligerents and enforced by all the means that should " suggest themselves to the prudence " of the high contracting powers.
The staple articles of export are hides, wool and dates.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Pec to Pen.
The chief articles of commerce are fattened poultry, prunes (pruneaux d'Agen) and other fruit, cork, wine, vegetables and cattle.
But Clement always regards the articles of the Christian creed as the axioms of a new philosophy.
He studied law, and while still young took to politics, associating himself with the most advanced movements, writing articles for the anarchist journal Le Peuple, and directing the Lanterne for some time.
The principle upon which the government acts is to give the natives low prices for their produce, but to sell them European articles of necessity at prime cost, and other stores, such as bread, at prices which will scarcely pay for the purchase.
The prices to be paid for European and native articles are fixed every year, the prices current in Danish and Eskimo being printed and distributed by the government.
The chief articles of export (together with those that have lapsed) have been already indicated; but they may be summarized as including seal-oil, seal, fox, bird and bear skins, fish products and eiderdown, with some quantity of worked skins.
Walrus tusks and walrus hides, which in the days of the old Norse settlements were the chief articles of export, are now of little importance.
He spent the summer months in Scotland, writing articles, poems, and above all his first romance, The Sea-Cook, afterwards known as Treasure Island; but he was driven back to Davos in October.
The appendix de Benedictionibus to the Rituale Romanum contains formulae, often of much simple beauty, for blessing all manner of persons and things, from the congregation as a whole and sick men and women, to railways, ships, blast-furnaces, lime-kilns, articles of food, medicine and medical bandages and all manner of domestic animals.
See the articles in Herzog-Hauck's Realencyklopadie and the Allgemeine deutsche Biographie; and cf.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to clothing.
Among the chief industries are those for the production of articles of food and drink.
Among other important articles of domestic industry are tobacco and cigars (manufactured mainly in bond, within the free harbour precincts), hydraulic machinery, electro-technical machinery, chemical products (including artificial manures), oils, soaps, india-rubber, ivory and celluloid articles and the manufacture of leather.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about American painters.
From the girdle hung the single-edged missile axe or francisca, the scramasax or short knife, a poniard and such articles of toilet as scissors, a comb (of wood or bone), &c. The Franks also used a weapon called the framea (an iron lance set firmly in a wooden shaft), and bows and arrows.
See the articles French Revolution and Marie Antoinette.
Ecclesiastical vestments, with which the present article is solely concerned, are the special articles of costume worn by the officers of the Christian Church "at all times of their ministration" - to quote the Ornaments Rubric of the English Book of Common Prayer, i.e.
Tomlinson, The Prayer Book, Articles and Homilies (1897), a polemical work from the Protestant point of view, but scholarly and based on a mass of contemporary authorities to which references are given; the bishop of Exeter, The Ornaments Rubric (London, 1901), a pamphlet.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to German or Norse mythology.
By the treaty of the eighteen articles, however, concluded at London on the 29th of June 1831, the kingdom of Belgium was recognized, and Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was elected king.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Maf to Mal.
Most articles made of cut sheet rubber would, however, be of very limited utility were they not hardened or vulcanized by the action of sulphur or some compound of that element.
Another method of vulcanizing articles made from cut sheet rubber consists in exposing them to the action of chloride of sulphur.
Tubes are generally made up around mandrels, and allowed throughout the curing to remain imbedded i n p u lverized French chalk, which affords a useful support for many articles that tend to lose their shape during the process.
The manufacture of springs, valves and washers does not require any very special notice, these articles being generally fashioned out of mixed rubber, and vulcanized either in moulds or in powdered French chalk.
Such articles contain varying proportions of rubber (12-60%), about 1-2% of combined sulphur, and from 25-70% of mineral matter.
The united Hussites formulated their demands in a statement known as the "articles of Prague."
These articles, which contain the essence of the Hussite doctrine, were rejected by Sigismund, mainly through the influence of the papal legates, who considered them prejudicial to the authority of the Roman see.
The principal articles of export are salt, stone, timber, live-stock, woollen and iron wares and paper.
In commercial importance Iloilo ranks next to Manila among Philippine cities; it has manufactures of pina, jusi, coconut oil, lime, vinegar and various articles made from palm wood.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Loe to Los.
Though Siberia has within itself all the raw produce necessary for prosperous industries, it continues to import from Russia all the manufactured articles it uses.
Owing to the distances over which they are carried and the bad organization of trade, all manufactured articles are exceedingly dear, especially in the east.
There are numerous markets in which a considerable trade is done in native products and articles of European manufacture.
Palm-oil, timber, rubber, yams and shea-butter are the chief articles of trade.
Articles on Omars life and works are found in Reinauds Geographie dAboulfeda, pref., p. 101; Notices et extraits, ix.
He worked intensely on the Talmud and contributed no less than 190 papers to Chambers's Encyclopaedia, in addition to essays in Kitto's and Smith's Biblical Dictionaries, and articles in periodicals.
Eminent as a philosopher, Ravaisson was also an archaeologist, and contributed articles on ancient sculpture to the Revue Archeologique and the Memoires de l'Academie des Inscriptions.
See Thames (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Thames.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Vin to Vys.
Rodney (1772-1824), laid their articles of impeachment before the Senate.
On only three articles was there a majority against Judge Chase, the largest, on article viii., being four short of the necessary two-thirds to convict.
In 1837 he wrote for the Atlas a series of articles vigorously opposing the annexation of Texas.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about German painters.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the southern United States.
As editor of the Omaha World-Herald he then championed the cause of bimetallism in the press as vigorously as he had in Congress and on the platform, his articles being widely quoted and discussed.
The fundamental articles of Parker's religious faith were the three "instinctive intuitions" of God, of a moral law, and of immortality.