Arthritic Sentence Examples
Person with arthritis NOT crippled with arthritis, arthritic.
Since my chemo treatment I'm having terrible arthritic pain which the nurse said was perhaps a reaction to chemo treatment I'm having terrible arthritic pain which the nurse said was perhaps a reaction to chemo drugs.
We also do craft work with them - knitting, sewing, toy-making, helping to keep sometimes arthritic fingers moving.
Massage therapy will relax your cat, and help take the stiffness out of arthritic joints as well.
Pomegranate juice is an easy way to add a healthful cocktail to your daily foods and beverages that may reduce painful arthritic flare-ups.
Heated beds give arthritic pets an extra measure of comfort.
Senior dogs, arthritic and/or injured pets may all have difficulty climbing up into a dog cot, even if it is only a few inches off the ground.
Even gentle massage will help with strained, sprained or arthritic joints.
So, even dogs with arthritic or dysplasia problems can partake.
Likewise, if buttons are difficult to manage, choose pullovers and t-shirts to avoid arthritic pain.
AdvertisementFastenings such as oversized buttons, gripper snaps, and zippers accommodate arthritic hands and wrists.
Protrusio acetabulae may require artificial hip joint surgery in adult life, if the arthritic pains are severe.
In older cats, petting-induced aggression is often a sign that the cat feels pain from touching or pressure on arthritic joints in its neck or back.
After changing her diet, Rhonda Jean lost over 80 pounds and her arthritic symptoms disappeared.
How do I lose weight and exercise with an arthritic hip?