Arteritis Sentence Examples
Where it includes temporal arteritis the symptoms may include unilateral headache and tenderness of the temple.
If you have temporal arteritis the dose of steroids is higher and side effects more common.
Another condition, pseudogout is a form of crystal disease. granulomatous arteritis - see temporal arteritis.
In temporal arteritis your doctor may need to take a biopsy of a blood vessel in your scalp for diagnosis.
In suspected cranial arteritis 40 mg / or up to 80 mg/day if ocular symptoms.
Does anyone on here suffer from either temporal arteritis or vitreous detachment with torn retina?
Other vaccines exist for herpes, rotavirus and EVA (equine viral arteritis ).
This category includes two disorders, only one of which-Takayasu arteritis (TA)-is found in children and adolescents.
Takayasu arteritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the aorta (the large artery that leaves the heart) and its major branches.
Patients with Takayasu arteritis often require surgical repair of damaged arteries.
AdvertisementOther patients may develop inflammation of an artery (arteritis) in their arms or legs.