Arrow Sentence Examples
The arrow went over his head and was followed by two more.
The rig was a Pace Arrow.
I tried to remember on which side of the Pace Arrow it was parked.
She gasped and dropped, crying out when the second arrow tore into her.
The warrior drew an arrow and aimed at the door while the others escaped.
If they hit an arrow, it will break and you'll have to replace it.
He looked down and saw the arrow pointed towards one of the symbols.
If no Order of Arrow lodge ensemble is worn, then the boy's nameplate is centered on the right pocket flap.
Sitting on a secluded site at the far side of the circle, on the outside, sat a mid-sized Pace Arrow motor home with California Plates!
You start off playing Beginner and Light songs with simple goals, but as you unlock different areas of the board, you soon find yourself with harder goals, like never hitting the down arrow in a song.
AdvertisementHe opened the box to reveal a man's platinum signet ring with the half-moon, half-sun, and arrow symbol neatly carved on its head.
Although his favourite method was by word of mouth, yet signs were sometimes used; thus Calchas interpreted the flight of birds; burning offerings, sacrificial barley, the arrow of the god, dreams and the lot, all played their part in communicating the will of the gods.
He may have wanted to kill her at one point, but he'd just taken an arrow to the chest and calmly told her to run so he could defend her.
An experienced archer could fire an arrow every five seconds.
The course of the dynasty of Jehu - the reforms, the disastrous Aramaean wars, and, at length, Yahweh's " arrow of victory " - constituted an epoch in the Israelite history, and it is regarded as such.3 The problem of the history of Yahwism depends essentially upon the view adopted as to the date and origin of the biblical details and their validity for the various historical and religious conditions they presuppose.
AdvertisementHence an arrow is at rest at every moment of its flight, and therefore also during the whole of its flight.
He walked until he recognized the Guardians' station, a single story house nestled between two similar houses and marked by a star and an arrow – the White God's symbols – in the corner of one window.
The guardsman finished pulling the last arrow from his chest and climbed to his feet.
Suppose he bought it private, so I started checking the old classifieds and sure enough— pay dirt—a three-year-old Pace Arrow!
Her husband doesn't care—he's got the dough so he closes the deal right there and the guy drives off in the Pace Arrow!
AdvertisementA decal with the symbol of the White God – a sun and moon with an arrow through it – was in the corner of one window.
Some believe he was pierced by an arrow in his eye and others believe he was hacked to pieces by Norman knights.
Such bows could shoot an arrow over a hundred meters.
Later, when wounded by a poisoned arrow, Paris sought Oenone's aid but he died before she could give it.
The pointer will change to the shape of a double-headed arrow.
AdvertisementThat movement is again shown by a curly arrow.
It can be changed by clicking on the drop-down arrow.
To add a color, click the black down-pointing arrow just to the right of the Fill drop down box.
A flint arrow point would have been useful to keep in your pouch.
The user may later use the backspace or left arrow to access the skipped fields.
It has military markings on the dial to indicate this including the broad arrow which denotes HM Government property.
The 1932 Austin 7 Arrow Foursome Sports is a contemporary conversion of the standard factory Austin 7 short wheelbase chassis by Arrow.
A Red Indian chief, with full Feather headdress, walks out of His wigwam, and fires an Arrow at the moon.
The Arrow is likely to face tough competition from other radio groups keen to grab a rare FM license in the important area.
Cupid's arrow begins to heal.
They filled the arrow shaft 3/4 full with Black powder, dropped in the lit firecracker and ran for cover.
Command + O or Command + Down Arrow Key - Opens the selected folder or volume.
Arrow poison frogs pursue the most devoted of family lives high in the boughs.
Slimy Creatures Discover how snails get around, how poison arrow frogs protect themselves and how amphibians breathe.
With graphics-capable viewers that have image-loading turned on, you see the up arrow graphic.
Luckily for myself I had no symptoms until just before arriving at camp 3 Arrow Glacier, where I had a thumping headache.
Click for video clip The cat discovers a whole heck of a lot about what they're dealing with from a GELF arrow.
Moving between cells When editing a cell you can move to adjacent cells using either the arrow keys, or the tab key.
He had an arrow nocked with the speed of thought.
We also saw nudibranches, arrow crabs, sea anemones, the rock formations - nothing big.
This may seem painfully obvious but the notion of an arrow of time is important.
Receipt by Black Arrow Finance Limited of this inquiry form does not constitute an offer of finance to the customer.
No, shoot your lover in the heart with an arrow containing a secret loving note written parchment with words from a secret lover.
Attractive silver dial with square pattern on inner part of the dial and contrasting sweep second hand red arrow pointer.
You can now use the arrow keys to move the selection rectangle around the image.
Then there are the arrow slits, several on each tower.
In the example below, we dragged the magenta color swatch to the middle of the vector arrow to create a richer fill.
Arrow keys let students easily toggle to the word or letter they need to practice.
I was suddenly and rudely enlightened when I heard the twang of the bow, and saw the arrow flying straight toward me.
Arrow worms hunt in the plankton, beard worms live around hydrothermal vents 9000 meters below the sea surface.
He had to find enough white feathers, arrow shafts, and points, bowstrings, wood and glue to sink a battleship.
Page 10 1 [Kagura manages to dodge the arrow.] fx arrow whoosh Kagura { dodging } Hup.
One can read it as " j double arrow y "; or as " j if and only if y " .
Passing to the point Xefa we find two known forces, the load XA acting downwards, and a push from the strut XE, which, being in compression, must push at both ends, as indicated by the arrow, fig.
When you place the arrow over a lip combination, it shows the actual results on the model lips' picture.
The program includes basic vector shapes like rectangle, square, circle, pentagon, star, arch and arrow.
For Rainbow Six 3, you have Raven Shield, Black Arrow and Iron Wrath.
In the DDR series, developed by Konami, you follow arrows to the top of the screen and tap the corresponding arrow on the dance mat when it hits the Target Zone.
Another easy strike tip is to use the up arrow to line up with the pin just to the right side of the center pin.
Clicking on it (in Classic and Action modes) brings up a small white pointer arrow that indicates a spot where a swap can be made.
It's an epic adventure game where you use the Wii remote to swing a sword, aim a bow and arrow and use all types of weapons to explore the land of Hyrule.
There are animated dancers and flashing backgrounds on screen too, which can be a distraction at first but you'll soon learn to keep your focus on the arrow cues.
Lesson Mode gets you started on the basics of Dance Dance Revolution with arrow basics and advanced dancing to improve your skills.
Basically, you follow the scrolling arrows up the screen and when they touch the stationary arrows, you step on the corresponding arrow on your dance pad.
Sure, some moves you probably don't want to try in a club, but even basic arrow movements are fun.
This will help learn the songs so that when you progress to harder levels, the arrow sequences make sense.
The arrows move up from the bottom of the screen, and you step on the corresponding "button" when the moving arrow overlaps with the stationary one.
Use your arrow keys to control the stunt biker in Bike Mania.
Players have 60 seconds to hit as many yellow and red cones, using the arrow keys to navigate.
Most games at AnimixGames rely on the arrow keys and spacebar instead of point and click to operate.
Besides the arrows, you will also see diamonds progressing up the screen on the right arrow or left arrow.
If you're having trouble hitting the back arrow (most beginners do), make sure you are turning your body (hips, torso) towards the leg you want to hit the arrow with.
When you're able to use an object or talk to someone, an arrow will appear on the screen, which indicates which way you need to press the right analog stick.
There are icons that show you the arrow movements because it's hard to describe than see.
As you sing, an arrow pops up letting you know what tone level you are.
Match the arrow with the bar and you're in business.
Use the arrow keys to move the dot and the mouse to light the way.
For instance, Elegost the Ranger will initially have the Arrow Flurry ability, and after using it a few times, will have access to the next level in this skill, Blinding Shot.
Go to page one of the address book and press A on the left blue arrow.
Any movement in a game is accomplished through using either the arrow keys or analog stick.
By using a bow and arrow, try to shoot down birds as they fly across your screen.
Sometimes it is too difficult to attack certain areas of the Colossus without a precise hit from an arrow.
You are armed with a sword, a bow and arrow, and nothing more.
Travel great distances on your trusty horse to find and destroy the Colossi using only an ancient sword and bow and arrow.
To aim, press and hold L1 guiding with your left analog stick, then use the "X" button to release an arrow.
To get arrow refills - pause the game then press L1 +L2 + R1 + R2 at the same time and then Triangle, Up, X, then Down.
Pressing the up arrow would move the character in the direction the game wanted you to go.
The Wii Remote is meant to mimic the arrow that is being held within your bow.
Hold the B button and draw the Remote toward you, just as you would pull and ready the arrow.
Navigate as you would expect, using the arrow keys.
Larger penetrating objects, such as a fishhook or an arrow, should only be removed by a doctor to prevent further damage as they exit.
The dancer selects an arrow by stepping on it.
More difficult songs include steps requiring players to jump on two arrows at once, freezes requiring them to hold their foot on an arrow until the freeze disappears, and steps that fall at the half or quarter-beat of the music.
Each step after that is numbered, usually with an arrow pointing in the direction that the foot is supposed to move.
Occasionally the number is put on an arrow instead, with the foot shape at the final placement of the move.
This creates a poison arrow, bringing negative chi in the space.
The rush of chi (poison arrow) will constantly overwhelm you and create loss and sickness.
Currently, four different models are featured on the homepage, but you can see more models by clicking the red arrow located under the models' pictures.
As the student begins a unit, there is a nice large arrow that points the way to the next lesson and eventually the next unit.
The student will click on the chosen subject and the large arrow will appear showing which lesson the student is working on at any given time.
To limit your search to jobs with Kmart, go to the "Business" search box and use the arrow to scroll through the list until you see "Stores - Kmart" and "Stores - Kmart Supercenter".
An arrow that looks like it is doubling back indicates you should fold and unfold the paper.
A circular arrow with a number inside of it indicates that you should rotate the model in that direction, such as rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Numbers with a box around them or an arrow with hash marks through it indicate that you should repeat those steps a second time before moving on to the next step in the origami project.
For example, this Arrow sewing credenza is 36 inches long when folded up, but expands to a whopping 71 inches, almost six feet, when all the drop-leaf attachments are expanded.
You spin an arrow and move forward to the next color you end on.
A willingness to step into your sweetheart's inner circle may mean you have been hit by Cupid's arrow.
For example, a suitable light humorous poem might say that the boyfriend always avoided cupid's arrow until the girlfriend made her own target on his heart.
Each of these sections are accessible through the horizontal menu under the astrological sign icons, or simply use the right arrow next to each paragraph to cycle through them.
The glyph for Mars, a circle with an arrow pointing upwards, is a quintessential marker for this masculine sign.
The arrow of the glyph points optimistically upwards representing not only Aries' upwards and onwards personality, but also his need to assert himself.
Ride the Wild Surf - In this game, the player uses the arrow keys on the keyboard to guide a surfer on his or her surfboard in the water.
The game is Java supported, and kids use the computer arrow keys to move swimmers through the channel, trying to avoid being eaten by sharks nearby.
Titles available in the Action section of the site include titles featuring superhero characters, such as Batman, Aquaman, the Green Arrow and Hawkgirl.
However, if you do want to download one, click the arrow to open a drop-down menu that allows you to download to your computer or your iPod/iPhone.
There's a giant arrow to click on that says, "Coupons" on that page, as well as a "Printable Coupons" button in the left margin.
Pierce the heart with an arrow to symbolize love or passion.
Everyone knows the basic important symbols of their culture, such as a red octogon representing "Stop" or an arrow that points people in the right direction.
The alarm is set by using arrow keys to adjust the time.
Standard watch bands have a small arrow on the back side of the band (the side that rests against your skin) to indicate which pins can be removed and what direction in which to push.
One college level variation on the Liberty stunt is called the "Bow and Arrow."
Holding this pose in perfect balance, the flyer will then stretch her other arm in a straight horizontal line, providing the "arrow" to her body and leg forming the bow.
There is more than one way to transition into a bow and arrow, and fans may tire of seeing the same stunts performed repeatedly.
However, a cheerleading heel stretch is also a foundation element for many more complicated flyer stunts, though it is not the same stretch needed for a scorpion or bow and arrow.
When you see a program that looks interesting, click on arrow icon next to the name of the podcast to view a description, read subscriber comments, and download sample episodes.
Each phrase or word has an arrow next to it, which when clicked starts the audio so that you can hear the proper French pronunciation of it.
Just click the arrow button next to the song title to hear a bit of that song, or click on "preview all" to hear samples from all the songs in an album or artist list.
A double heart, heart with an arrow, Cupid, or other romantic shape can be enjoyable, or any shape - hexagon, circle, rectangle, square, etc. - can be decorated with a Valentine's Day motif.
Heidik reportedly shot a puppy with a bow and arrow and was subsequently arrested.
But in an episode, aptly titled Justice, Clark teams up with Oliver Queen's Green Arrow, Victor's Cyborg, Arthur's Aquaman and Bart's Impulse to take down Lex Luthor's experimental 33.1 project.
Thalia's story is told in Arrow of the Queen, Arrow's Flight and Arrow's Fall.
Only when the hawk is brought down by a hunter's arrow and they are forced to make haste to seek the help of a strange reclusive monk, played by Leo McKern, does the little thief begin to piece together their story.
Green Arrow asks fellow heroes Black Canary, and Aquaman, to step in and help find Clark who was last spotted in the Arctic.
To start decorating your MySpace page, run your selection arrow over the Profile drop down menu and then click on Edit Profile.
The navigational menu incorporates your number pad, or you can use arrow keys or a touch screen if your device has one.
Tweets are posted in real time, and you can respond to others by clicking on the small arrow on the right hand side of their tweets, and then typing your message in the text box.
At first glance, this appears to be a limited selection, but if you click on the arrow next to "all themes," you will see an extensive variety of MySpace theme options.
You can also get suggestions from Twitter by clicking on the down arrow by your user name in the top right corner of the screen.
Even after clicking the arrow, you still haven't quite created a blog.
Clicking on the arrow will get you to one last page, informing you that your blog has been created!
He will then be presented with the Arrow of Light Award and patch.
The Order of the Arrow lodge insignia should be worn on the right pocket flap and the temporary insignia should be worn centered on the pocket or hung from the button.
By standardizing the Cub Scout patch location, the Boy Scouts of America have created a way for all Cub Scouts from around the world to recognize and know a lot about each other, from the different colors of Arrow Points to the Den Number.
Underneath that pocket go awards such as the Arrow Points (in two rows).
If the scout has an Order of the Arrow sash, he should not wear the merit badge sash.
Now, thanks to widgets, commands can quickly and easily be issued by the click of a button or navigational arrow.
The minute you draw that heart with an arrow, or the stick-figure cupic, it is yours.
But I know for a fact that the glowing end of a cigarette butt can be seen as far away as an arrow can be shot accurately.
I wasn't sure if the Pace Arrow motor home had vacated its site or simply was out for an afternoon jaunt.
One of my men spotted a Pace Arrow and was about to stop it when he saw it had Alabama license plates so he let it pass and kept going.
Jule snapped off the end of the arrow in his shoulder, not about to bleed to death before he'd killed the immortal.
She did as he said and pressed hard on the arrow wound until the bleeding slowed.
She forced herself to sew the arrow wound the best she could then ran from the room, vomiting in the bathroom.
Inside sparkled a diamond choker with an unusually worn, plain charm of a half-sun, half-moon pierced by an arrow.
She halted and quickly piled five small stones in an arrow pointing back the way they'd come, then wiped her muddied hands on her jeans.
With renewed caution, the pair followed the chalk arrow, not the stones, expecting any minute to find someone barring their return.
He was the only person who stayed there on the night of the May sixteenth and he had a Pace Arrow camper!
Suppose he bought it private, so I started checking the old classifieds and sure enough— pay dirt—a three-year-old Pace Arrow!
Her husband doesn't care—he's got the dough so he closes the deal right there and the guy drives off in the Pace Arrow!
His mind was awhirl with the pending confrontation, not to mention the magazine article with one more arrow pointing toward bicycling, the motor home, a trip west, the Rocky Mountains and Jeffrey Byrne, all rolled into one very plausible package.
The first arrow planted itself firmly in the rump of Sirian's spirited grey.
She withdrew the broken shaft of an arrow from a pocket and handed it to him.
Fire exploded in her gullet as an arrow pierced her from behind.
A third arrow drove her unconscious, and she slumped, unaware of Vara catching her.
He felt each arrow as if it punctured his body instead of hers.
Each shot made him doubt more what he did, until his hands shook as the last arrow flew.
Taran drew the bow back and released the arrow, watching it pierce the unconscious woman's chest.
A decal with the symbol of the White God – a sun and moon with an arrow through it – was in the corner of one window.
A well-worn, silver medallion with a symbol of the sun and moon, pierced by an arrow, was at her chest.
The mistletoe figures also in Scandinavian legend as having furnished the material of the arrow with which Balder (the sun-god) was slain by the blind god Hoder.
It consisted in all of 273 galleys which were of lighter build than the Christians', and less well supplied with cannon or small arms. The Turks still relied mainly on the bow and arrow.
While the use of the bow and arrow does not seem to have occurred to them, the spear and axe are in general use, commonly made of hard-wood; the hatchets of stone, and the javelins pointed' with stone or bone.
In his seventieth year, as lieutenant-general of the North, he led the English host on the great day of Flodden, earning a patent of the dukedom of Norfolk, dated 1 February 1513/4, and that strange patent which granted to him and his heirs that they should bear in the midst of the silver bend of their Howard shield a demi-lion stricken in the mouth with an arrow, in the right colours of the arms of the king of Scotland.
Their weapons were the bow and arrow and stones.
Let a couple be applied to the axle tending to turn it in the direction shown by the arrow.
Its general direction thereafter remains south-westerly, and it flows past Stratfordon-Avon, receives the Stour on the south and the Arrow on the north and thence past Evesham and Pershore to Tewkesbury.
Alp Arslan, the most skilful archer of his day, motioned to his guards not to interfere and drew his bow, but his foot slipped, the arrow glanced aside and he received the assassin's dagger in his breast.
He was killed by an arrow while besieging the town of Viseu in northern Portugal, then held by the Mahommedans.
The second group represents, first, the birth of Mithras; then the god nude, cutting fruit and leaves from a fig-tree in which is the bust of a deity, and before which one of the winds is blowing upon Mithras; the god discharging an arrow against a rock from which springs a fountain whose water a figure is kneeling to receive in his palms; the bull in a small boat, near which again occurs the figure of the animal under a roof about to be set on fire by two figures; the bull in flight, with Mithras in pursuit; Mithras bearing the bull on his shoulders; Helios kneeling before Mithras; Helios and Mithras clasping hands over an altar; Mithras with drawn bow on a running horse; Mithras and Helios banqueting; Mithras and Helios mounting the chariot of the latter and rising in full course over the ocean.
Mithras defeated his purpose by discharging an arrow against a rock and miraculously drawing the water from it.
At the beginning of 1857 tidings from China reached England of a rupture between the British plenipotentiary in that country and the governor of the Canton provinces in reference to a small vessel or lorcha called the "Arrow," which had resulted in the English admiral destroying the river forts, burning 23 ships belonging to the Chinese navy and bombarding the city of Canton.
The tract derives its name from the extensive afforestation carried through in this region by William the Conqueror in 1079; and the deaths of two of his sons within its confines - Richard killed by a stag, and William Rufus by an arrow - were regarded in their generation as a judgment of Heaven for the cruelty and injustice perpetrated by their father when appropriating the forest.
A Serpent was the Egyptian equivalent of Scorpio; the Arrow only of Sagittarius was retained; Capricornus became " Life," or a Mirror as an image of life; Aquarius survived as Water; Taurus, Virgo and Pisces remained unchanged.'
Reminiscences of the Greek signs of Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricornus and Pisces are obvious severally in the Hindu Two Faces, Lion's Tail, Beam of a Balance, Arrow, Gazelle's Head (figured as a marine nondescript) and Fish.
Ultimately, while assisting his brother-in-law in an intrigue with the wife of a neighbouring knight, Tristan is wounded by a poisoned arrow; unable to find healing, and being near to death, he sends a messenger to bring Queen Iseult to his aid; if successful the ship which brings her is to have a white sail, if she refuses to come, a black.
The laws and records of suits were set down in picture-writings, of which some are still to be seen; sentence of death was recorded by drawing a line with an arrow across the portrait of the condemned, and the chronicles describe the barbaric solemnity with which the king passed sentence sitting on a golden and jewelled throne in the divine tribunal, with one hand on an ornamented skull and the golden arrow in the other.
Here Thorvald Ericsson was killed by a (Skraeling?) arrow, and the expedition came back to Streamfiord where they passed the next winter (1005-1006).
With its expansions, the narrow and deep Arrow lakes, it is an important waterway in the Kootenay region.
It is pleasantly situated among low wooded hills at the junction of the small stream Alne with the Arrow, a northern tributary of the Avon.
In 1140 a Benedictine monastery was founded here by Ralph Boteler of Oversley, and received the name of the Church of Our Lady of the Isle, owing to its insulation by a moat meeting the river Arrow.
Peebles is a noted haunt of anglers, and the Royal Company of Archers shoot here periodically for the silver arrow given by the burgh.
Iron is smelted by the natives, who, especially amongst the Hausas, are very clever smiths, and manufacture fine lances and arrow heads, knives and swords, and also hoes.
Besides the noose and the net, the arrow, the dart and the hunting pole or venabulum were frequently employed.
The sportsman appears, occasionally at least, in the later periods, to have gone to cover in his chariot or on horseback; according to Wilkinson, when the dogs threw off in a level plain of great extent, it was even usual for him "to remain in his chariot, and, urging his horses to their full speed, endeavour to turn or intercept them as they doubled, discharging a well-directed arrow whenever they came within its range."
He was a good and successful ruler, and his death by an arrow wound, after a brilliant victory over the duke of Brabant near Baesweller (August 1371), was a loss to his country.
The place was long besieged, and finally annihilated (1222) by Jenghiz Khan, whose wrath was exasperated at the death of a favourite grandson by an arrow from its walls.
It is my wood that he has found the hardest and strongest, and I am the arrow which he shoots against you."
At last he fell, pierced by an arrow, and, in spite of the desperate efforts of his followers, his body remained in the hands of the enemy.
Defeated by a hostile combination of parties in the House of Commons on the question of the Chinese war in 1857 and the alleged insult to the British flag in the seizure of the lorcha " Arrow," he dissolved parliament and appealed to the nation.
The stone hatchets are symmetrically shaped and edged by grinding, while the cutting flakes, scrapers, spear and arrow heads are of high finish.
No spear thrower or bow and arrow was known.
On a rock en the eastern side are remains of a more ancient fortress, Bow and Arrow Castle, ascribed to William Rufus.
They are hunters both on land and on the water, using the bow and arrow like the Onas, and building canoes often of large size.
As late as the year 1900 Mr Albert Millican, while collecting orchids on the Opon river, a tributary of the Magdalena between Bogota and the Caribbean coast, was attacked by hostile Indians, and one of his companions was killed by a poisoned arrow.
Arrow heads at the ends of an axis of an ellipse indicate tension as distinct from compression, and the semi-axes in magnitude and direction represent the principal stresses.
When the pull of the band, A, comes upon the wheel, B, it revolves through a certain angle in the direc - tion of the arrow until the three forces, viz.
While hunting with some of his godless companions in the New Forest, he was struck by an arrow, unskilfully shot by one of the party.
The execution of Watt gave to this trial a note of tragedy which was absent from that of certain members of the Corresponding Society, accused of conspiring to murder the king by means of a poisoned arrow shot from an air-gun.
The Chinese war arose from the seizure by the Chinese authorities of a small vessel, the Arrow commanded by a British subject, and at one time holding a licence (which, however, had expired at the time of the seizure) from the British superintendent at Hongkong, and the detention of her crew on the charge of piracy.
Young Lisle was shot under the beaver by an arrow, and the feud ended with his death, all claims of his widow being settled with an annuity of boo.
Foreign questions arose which strongly excited English feeling - the arrangements of peace with Russia, Italian struggles for freedom, an American quarrel, the "Arrow" affair and the Chinese war, the affair of the French colonels and the Conspiracy Bill; and as they arose Palmerston gathered into his own sails (except on the last occasion) every wind of popular favour.
With her left hand she holds a stag, while drawing an arrow from the quiver on her shoulder with the right.
It is clear that at Q this residual force as represented by the arrow will be in the same direction as the actual force.
But at E, since the actual force is less than F, the residual force must tend to diminish F, and must, therefore, act toward the right, as shown by the arrow.
Papuan weapons are the bow and arrow (in the Fly River region, the north and north-east coasts); a beheading knife of a sharp segment of bamboo; a shafted stone club - rayed, disk shaped or ball-headed (in use all over the island); spears of various forms, pointed and barbed; the spear-thrower (on the Finsch coast); and hardwood clubs and shields, widely differing in pattern and ornamentation with the district of their manufacture.
Weierstrass, by strictly banishing all infinitesimals, has at last shown that we live in an unchanging world, and that the arrow at every moment of its flight is truly at rest."
Sealed with a kiss It's that time of year again - time to let Cupid 's arrow fly.
Selection is made using an arrow cursor and confirmed by pressing Enter.
The Thor made an absolutely perfect flight, straight as an arrow, to 3000ft, where it deployed a small drogue ' chute.
The knight Walter Tyrrell, who was persistently accused of being the author of his masters death, as persistently denied his responsibility for it; and whether the arrow was his or no, it was not alleged that malice guided it.
Hrolf Kraki's Saga paraphrases part of Biarkamal; Hromund Gripsson's gives the story of Helgi and Kara (the lost third of the Helgi trilogy); Gautrek's Arrow Odd's, Frithiof's Sagas, &c., contain shreds of true tradition amidst a mass of later fictitious matter of no worth.
Esaul Lovayski the Third was a tall man as straight as an arrow, pale- faced, fair-haired, with narrow light eyes and with calm self- satisfaction in his face and bearing.
The water, sweeping onward with resistless power, shot him like an arrow to the brink.
Enemy snipers will have a yellow arrow indicator them.
By carefully teasing the material, the arrow could be extracted.
These considerations do not mean the radiation arrow reduces in any sense to the thermodynamic arrow.
The tumor mass is growing from the retina (arrow) into the vitreous cavity.
One can read it as " j double arrow y "; or as " j if and only if y ".
If you choose the wrong arrow you will miss out on getting that big buck or doe on your next hunting expedition.
The broadhead is the most effective piece of equipment you have when hunting with a bow and arrow.
If the broadhead isn't attached to your arrow correctly or it isn't weighted properly you may as well have stayed home!
The length and spine of the arrow should match the length of the bow.
Straight fletching can cause the arrow to zig-zag and miss the target in windy conditions.
Straight fletching may cause your arrow to fly erratically, causing you to miss your target.
Whether you're hunting with a bow and arrow or a high-powered rifle, you need the right equipment and tools to hunt safely and effectively.
For instance, one end of the rod might have an arrow or spear tip finial, while the other and has a scrollwork type of design.
To play the game on your computer you will need to use the left and right arrow keys.
Use the arrow keys to move and hit both the left and right keys together with the down arrow to roll.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move.
To spindash, press and hold the down arrow key while pressing the space bar.
To make the blocks drop faster, use the down arrow key.
Using the arrow keys and space bar on your computer keyboard can slow down your pace.
Spookbusters is an easy game, requiring only the use of the arrow keys and the space bar.
The one drawback is that you have to learn to play using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
If you're not used to using arrow keys to move your character around, it will take a little practice.
To play, use the right directional arrow to make SpongeBob run and then click the left mouse button when you want him to jump.
Click the right arrow as the jellyfish to the right pass into the dotted line, the down arrow as the jellyfish in the center get to the dotted line, and the left arrow as the jellyfish to the left approach the center of the dotted line.
Once your trick meter is full you will see a flashing arrow pointing up at the bottom of the screen.
Hit the up arrow and watch the character you chose perform one of your chosen tricks.
Users can also activate an arrow located at the top of the window and add additional tabs and workflow elements to the Utilities screen.
Graphics are aggressive, with rays forming an arrow just before the foot.
Click "Weddings," then use the black arrow to see a number of photos of ceremony sites featuring a number of aisle runners.
Their arrow trademark that came about in the 1950s after much tweaking.
Before he signed off, he added, "Keep your eyes peeled for a Pace Arrow Motor home with California plates."
Jule looked down at the arrow protruding from his shoulder, growing annoyed with her for the first time.
All the guys told you what a straight arrow he was.
Jule hissed through his teeth and more blood bubbled up, but the lodged arrow refused to move.
Feeling stupid, she touched the arrow and turned it into a string that she pulled free.
After doubling back and being rewarded with a branch slap on my cheek I realized I wasn't wrong after all; the Pace Arrow was gone!
So you can pull the arrow out of my shoulder.
She finally gripped what was left of the arrow shaft with the pliers.