Arrive Sentence Examples
We expect visitors to arrive soon.
The question as to the total number of slaves at Rome or in Italy is a very difficult one, and it is not, perhaps, possible to arrive with any degree of certainty at an approximate estimate.
Here help was expected to arrive from England, and the tide might yet have turned, for the Russian armies were gathering in the east.
She was exhausted, and morning would arrive all too soon.
Her son has been called from Denver and is to arrive tomorrow on the afternoon train.
I didn't expect you to arrive this way.
Last to arrive was Donald Ryland.
He then left for Boston and a flight that would arrive a few hours after Julie's.
If she left from Ashley, she would arrive in time to plant a garden at the ranch.
They should arrive there before the suns set, and I shortly after.
AdvertisementOrlov-Denisov, still waiting for the other columns to arrive, advanced no further.
An infantry regiment which had left Tarutino three thousand strong but now numbered only nine hundred was one of the first to arrive that night at its halting place--a village on the highroad.
This time, however, Bennigsen, with over 60,000 men in position and 15,000 Prussians expected to arrive next morning, had no desire to avoid a battle, and deployed for action, his front protected by great batteries of guns, many of them of heavy calibre, numbering some 200 in all.
We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period, but we would preserve the true course.
With these words she greeted Prince Vasili Kuragin, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception.
AdvertisementFrom all sides adjutants continued to arrive at a gallop and as if by agreement all said the same thing.
Dean planned to telephone Fred directly from Willoughby's to make absolutely sure no inquisitive eavesdropper could arrive at the bar before he was securely in place.
We then arrive at the second order Volucres, which is divided into two " series."
As no transports could arrive, the men dispersed about the abandoned and deserted villages, searching for potatoes, but found few even of these.
The weekend before her guests were scheduled to arrive, they finally found the time to scout out a trail.
AdvertisementWe arrive thus at the essential aim of geographical botany, which, as stated by Schimper, is an inquiry into the causes of differences existing among the various floras.
They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or New York.
Yes, first I thought that we are driving along and imagining that we are going home, but that heaven knows where we are really going in the darkness, and that we shall arrive and suddenly find that we are not in Otradnoe, but in Fairyland.
All right, I'll call when we arrive.
Her mother was to arrive the next day and stay through the memorial service on the following Wednesday.
AdvertisementThere she waited for Alex to arrive with Lori's sister.
Dierdirien will arrive soon and can help us remove any king unwilling to accept peace.
Military affairs in this period are dealt with under Napoleonic Campaigns; but it may be noted here that during the anxious days which Napoleon spent at the camp of Boulogne in the second and third weeks of August 1805, uncertain whether to risk all in an attack on England in case Villeneuve should arrive, or to turn the Grand Army against Austria, the only step which he took to avert a continental war was the despatch of General Duroc to Berlin to offer Hanover to Prussia on consideration of her framing a close alliance with France.
It was found impossible to arrive at an agreement. assigning quarters as soon as they arrive and providing a hot meal afterwards.
His first plan was to continue the work, already initiated by his predecessor Tourny, of making a fresh survey of the land (cadastre), in order to arrive at a juster assessment of the taille; he also obtained a large reduction in the contribution of the province.
Tiryns and Hissarlik, other communities of the early race began to arrive at civilization, but were naturally influenced by the more advanced culture of Crete, in proportion to their nearness of vicinity.
On the morning of the day that the young couple were to arrive, Princess Mary entered the antechamber as usual at the time appointed for the morning greeting.
This arrangement makes no difference to the food-supply of the people, for dead meat continues to arrive at British ports in ever-increasing quantity.
The senses with their changing and inconsistent reports cannot cognize this unity; it is by thought alone that we can pass beyond the false appearances of sense and arrive at the knowledge of being, at the fundamental truth that "the All is One."
We advise students to use public transport or to arrive early.
As soon as you arrive home, plan on spending a few minutes petting your pet and giving him some attention.
The cafe's wait is long on the weekends, so arrive early.
The solution is to survive until reinforcements arrive from overseas.
And they are sending their armies south but may not arrive before several days.
When the trial of Servetus was in progress (1553), Calvin was anxious for Farel's presence, but he did not arrive till sentence had been passed.
From his writings we derive the impression of an amiable personality, who is honestly at pains to arrive at an understanding with his opponents.
Laurent tells us that the present government having found it absolutely impossible to arrive at even an approximate estimate of this " occult debt," recourse was had, in order to fix it, to the creditors themselves, and a short act of parliament was passed declaring all debts prescribed which should not be claimed by a fixed date.
In exchange for the subsistence of the French troops of occupation, a corresponding number of these new levies were moved to the south of France, where they commenced to arrive at.
But the Christian Democracy, which, starting in Belgium and France, had now extended its activity to Italy, Austria and Germany, and was striving to arrive at this solution, degenerated everywhere into a political party.
But Miss Sullivan did not arrive until the following March.
You will in the meanwhile have earned your fare, and arrive there some time tomorrow, or possibly this evening, if you are lucky enough to get a job in season.
I thought maybe a half hour or so before guests arrive.
It is therefore just as much the business of the zoogeographer, who wishes to arrive at the truth, to ascertain what groups of animals are wanting in any particular locality (altogether independently of its extent) as to determine those which are forthcoming there.
Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."
As the /see' is longer than a synodic revolution of the moon, the sun cannot arrive twice at a chung-ki during the same lunation; and as there are only twelve tsee, the year can contain only twelve months having different names.
To find the relation of the velocity to displacement and pressure we shall express the fact that the wave travels on carrying all its conditions with it, so that the displacement now at M will arrive at N while the wave travels over MN.
How then do we arrive at causality?
The skins arrive simply salted.
By the 25th of December 2220 men had reached Korti, of whom about 800 only had, been con.veyed by the whale-boats, the last of which did not arrive till the 27th of January.
The age at which the northern pine and Norway fir arrive at maturity is between seventy and one hundred years.
But it did not seem to Fries that Kant had with sufficient accuracy examined the mode in which we arrive at knowledge of this a priori element.
Our information concerning him is so imperfect, and the scanty notices preserved to us from his work are so meagre and discordant, that it is difficult to arrive at anything like a sound conclusion.
The war went on uninterruptedly, for the popes prevented all attempts to arrive at an understanding, as they were determined that the rights of the church should be fully recognized.
A curious tradition, illustrating the efforts of the dispersed people to conciliate their oppressors, asserts that the Jews of Worms gave their voice against the crucifixion, but that their messenger did not arrive at Jerusalem until after the event.
When on the 18th of March Field Marshal Radetzky, feeling that the position of the Austrian garrison was untenable, sounded the rebels as to their terms, some of the leaders were inclined to agree to an armistice which would give time for the Piedmontese troops to arrive (Piedmont had just declared war), but Cattaneo insisted on the complete evacuation of Lombardy.
To arrive at some estimate of the speed of the solar motion, we may consider the motions of those stars whose parallaxes have been measured, and whose actual linear speed is accordingly known (disregarding motion in the line of sight).
Hence the manner in which induction aided by identification discovers necessary principles must be studied by the logician in order to decide when the syllogism can really arrive at necessary conclusions.
Every major physics concept is treated, but should arrive to the student in a real-world context.The book departs from the "physics for physicists" approach of concentrating on physics principles and trying to find applications.
This issue seems more devoted to questions posed, but where the answers fail to arrive.
Owing to the count's customary carelessness nothing was ready for their departure by the twenty-eighth of August and the carts that were to come from their Ryazan and Moscow estates to remove their household belongings did not arrive till the thirtieth.
Certain chemicals arrive on scene like firefighters and firefighting equipment.
For example, a casual slipcover can cover your sofa on most days, but when guests arrive it can be removed to showcase a luxurious designer fabric.
When you first arrive at the website, you see it's clean and well-organized.
The generally wet character of the seasons in 1879 and the two or three years following was mainly responsible for the high prices of meat, so that the supplies of fresh beef and mutton from Australia which now began to arrive found a ready market, and the trade in imported fresh meat which was thus commenced has practically continued to expand ever since.
The failure of the archduke John to arrive in time at Wagram (5th of July), the lack of support accorded by the Spaniards to Wellesley before and after the battle of Talavera (28th of July), and the slowness with which the British government sent forth its great armada against Flushing and Antwerp, a fortnight after Austria sued for an armistice from Napoleon, enabled that superb organizer to emerge victorious from a most precarious situation.
One of the fragments may again be broken, and again two bipolar magnets will be produced; and the operation may be repeated, at least in imagination, till we arrive at molecular magnitudes and can go no farther.
We have no measure of the degree of power manifested by various animals - though it would be possible to arrive at some conclusions as to how that "power" should be estimated.
Suppose now that the plate is introduced so as to cover half the aperture and that it retards those pulses which would otherwise arrive first.
The army corps was about to arrive, practically as a whole unit, in South Africa; but it was evident that the exigencies of the situation, and the widely divided areas of invasion, would at least defer the execution of the plan which had been formed for an invasion of the Orange Free State from Cape Colony.
The process was slow, as it was necessary to repeat it three times so as to arrive at a mean result.
Our range must embrace a much wider area - must comprise, in fact, all living matter - if we are ever to arrive at a scientific conception of what disease really means.
Towards the end of the month the 13th Division, the first of the new divisions to arrive, disembarked in this southern area as a temporary measure, bringing welcome relief for the troops in the trenches.
The last divisions to arrive, the 53rd and 54th, were to be employed wherever should seem best after the offensive had begun.
Thus we arrive at the latter half of the 1st century A.D.
Cyrus did not arrive till the 3rd of Marchesvan (October), Gobryas having acted for him in his absence.
Prisoners began to arrive in February 1864, before the prison was completed and before adequate supplies had been received, and in May their number amounted to about 12,000.
An inn was erected in 1788, and new settlers, largely New Englanders, began to arrive.
If, starting from E, the same amount of heat h is restored at constant pressure, we should arrive at the point F on the adiabatic through B, since the substance has been transformed from B to F by a reversible path without loss or gain of heat on the whole.
Some people arrive at seeing the glass ball milky or misty, and can go no further.
By this method we arrive at the conclusion that while the gross immigration during the five years1901-1905was 3, 8 33, 0 7 6, the net immigration was only 1,779,976, showing an outward movement of 273,134, or about 7.12% of the total number of immigrants.
It is evidently impossible to arrive at a final decision until much more spade work has been done in the investigation of early Eastern creeds.
This last-named formation began to arrive in the army area on Aug.
Next he groups these sections into fourteen larger masses of apocalyptic matter, and by a process of synthesis seeks to arrive at the plan on which the author constructed his book.
In order to arrive at the date here implied, we can begin the reckoning from Julius Caesar or Augustus, we can include or exclude Galba, Otho and Vitellius, and, finally, when we have drawn our conclusions from these data, there remains the possibility that the book was after all not written under the sixth emperor, but was really a vaticinium ex eventu.
As a result of these considerations we may arrive at the date of the work with almost greater certainty than that of any other New Testament book.
On the 16th of November 1870 he was proclaimed king of Spain by the Cortes; but, before he could arrive at Madrid, Marshal Prim, chief promoter of his candidature, was assassinated.
If she flies off, he starts up in an instant to arrive before her at the next place of alighting, and all his actions are full of life and spirit.
Thisbe was the first to arrive, but, terrified by the roar of a lion, took to flight.
The similarity between the two colonies led to a close relationship, and considerable reinforcements continued to arrive until 1640.
Continuing the construction of the diagram in the same way, we arrive at fig.
But in spite of the constant renewal of negotiations for a compromise it was impossible to arrive at any agreement, until the outbreak of war left all the projects for a Ruthenian university at Lemberg, a Slovene one in Laibach, and a second Czech one in Moravia, unrealized.
A saw-mill was built in 1834, and settlers began to arrive.
In 1814 he was sent to North America; on the return of Napoleon from Elba he was recalled, but did not arrive in time to take part in the battle of Waterloo.
Nestorius, with sixteen bishops and a large following of armed men, was among the first to arrive; soon afterwards came Cyril with fifty bishops.
Longstreet and Jackson had been despatched to his support, but the former did not arrive before nightfall and the latter failed to appear until the next day (July 4).
The process consists in taking the geometric mean of numbers above and below 5, the object being to at length arrive at 5 000Ooo.
The kids are born small, but grow fast, and arrive early at maturity.
When this decision was taken the Othonian forces had already crossed the Po and were encamped at Bedriacum (or Betriacum), a small village on the Via Postumia, and on the route by which the legions from Dalmatia would naturally arrive.
Now if we add together all these savings in the rate of rail and ocean freights and incidental expenses, we arrive at an aggregate economy of 8s.
From the axiom which has just been cited it follows that this connexion can be due only to community of source, and we thus arrive at the idea of families of MSS.
By the methodical employment of these means we shall arrive at a text different from any existing one.
Both works arrive at it from the classification of categories, which is the same in both; except that in the former the categories are treated rather as a logical classification of names signifying things, in the latter rather as a metaphysical classification of things.
So can we men, not, as Plato thought, by having in our souls universal principles innate but forgotten, but by acquiring universal principles from sense, which is the origin of knowledge, arrive at judgments which are true, and true because they agree with the things which we know by sense, by inference and by science.
May and the early part of June are wet and foggy, so that few visitors arrive before the middle of the latter month.
The reason is that the sum of the solar and lunar inequalities, which are compensated in the whole period, may amount in certain cases to io, and thereby cause the new moon to arrive on the second day before or after its mean time.
The Solar Equation Occurs Three Times In 400 Years, Namely, In Every Secular Year Which Is Not A Leap Year; For In This Case The Omission Of The Intercalary Day Causes The New Moons To Arrive One Day Later In All The Following Months, So That The Moon'S Age At The End Of The Month Is One Day Less Than It Would Have Been If The Intercalation Had Been Made, And The Epacts Must Accordingly Be All Diminished By Unity.
Thus The Epacts I 1, 22, 3, 14, &C., Become 10, 21, 2, 13, &C. On The Other Hand, When The Time By Which The New Moons Anticipate The Lunar Cycle Amounts To A Whole Day, Which, As We Have Seen, It Does In 308 Years, The New Moons Will Arrive One Day Earlier, And The Epacts Must Consequently Be Increased By Unity.
Hence, If In That Year The Epact Should Be 19, A New Moon Would Fall On The 2Nd Of December, And The Lunation Would Terminate On The 30Th, So That The Next New Moon Would Arrive On The 3 Ist.
It is accordingly quite possible that a full moon may arrive after the true equinox, and yet precede the 21st of March.
The growth of lichens is extremely slow and many of them take years before they arrive at a spore-bearing stage.
The attitude of theologians generally regarding individual destiny is well expressed by Dr James Orr, "The conclusion I arrive at is that we have not the elements of a complete solution, and we ought not to attempt it.
The air and gas, the latter coming from the gas producers or other source, arrive through H and J respectively, and their path thence is determined by the position of the reversing valves K and K'.
We arrive thus at two distinct and opposite uses and values of fur.
This was followed by the treaty of alliance between Denmark and Russia of the 12th of August 1773, which was partly a mutually defensive league, and partly an engagement between the two states to upset the new constitution recently established in Sweden by Gustavus III., when the right moment for doing so should arrive.
In northern Germany these birds arrive from twenty to thirty days later than in the south.
Capital data are possibly waiting there under ground - the Kabul valley for instance is almost virgin soil for the archaeologist - and any conclusion we can arrive at is merely provisional.
We arrive thus'.
Not till the discovery of the skeleton of the' species described by Mr Matthew was it possible to arrive at an adequate conception of the affinities of this remarkable ruminant.
The Percies were to rise in arms, and meeting Owen at Shrewsbury, overwhelm the prince before help could arrive.
We now arrive at the greatest of all the problems of sidereal astronomy, the structure and nature of the universe as a whole.
Cadorna's general line of argument, when rumours of attack began to arrive, resembled that of Falkenhayn.
But before they arrive a woman with a superficial resemblance to Charlotte arrives at his door.
Miss Taro deliberately gives Bond the wrong house number because he 's never meant to arrive.
If a newer version is soon due to arrive, you can either wait for it, or expect to pay for updates.
This allows homeowners to purchase large quantities of tile, stone, accents or bathroom vanities and know that they will arrive within 3 - 4 weeks of purchase.
Arrive early to the ceremony - preferably 30 minutes prior to the start time indicated on the invitation.
A worker will scan your ID when you enter the cafeteria or when you arrive at the cash register.
If the puppy will be in the crate for several hours, such as when you are at work, expect to find a mess when you arrive home.
This is a good thing to practice before you arrive, as it can be a bit tricky to convey such personality and emotion without making any noise.
This arrangement has the effect that the salts, as they separate out, slide down the sloping part and arrive in the central channel, which is not exposed to the fire-gases, so that they quietly settle there, without caking to the pan, until they are fished out by means of perforated ladles.
But the Royalists were not masters of the city, for the French in Castel Sant' Elmo and the Republicans in Castelnuovo and Castel dell' Uovo still held out and bombarded the streets, while the Franco-Spanish fleet might arrive at any moment.
But of these universal propositions the first imperfectly expresses a categorical belief in existing things, the second in thinkable things, and the third in nameable things, while the fourth is a slipshod categorical expression of the hypothetical belief, " If any candidates arrive late they are fined."
His problem was the claim to arrive at propositions universally valid, and so true of the object, whosoever the individual thinker.
In the 4th century this and the allied doctrine of Marcellus of Ancyra were frequently confounded, so that it is exceedingly difficult to arrive at a clear account of it in its genuine form.
Not so, but by following the new aim we shall also arrive at a true knowledge of the universe in which we are, for without knowledge there is no power; truth and utility are in ultimate aspect the same; " works themselves are of greater value as pledges of truth than as contributing to the comforts of life."
The time must eventually arrive when the Boers will be in a small minority, as the country is very sparsely peopled; and would it not therefore be a very near-sighted policy to recede now from the position we have taken up here, simply because for some years to come the retention of 2000 or 3000 troops may be necessary to reconsolidate our power.
This attitude, which was that of most educated Byzantine laymen, has in particular cases made it possible for him to arrive at very free judgments.
We see, then, that the removal of a stratum from between neighbours where it is out of order and its introduction between neighbours where it will be in order is doubly favourable to the reduction of the sum of tensions; and since by a succession of such steps we may arrive at the order of magnitude throughout, we conclude that this is the disposition of minimum tensions and energy.
At length in February 1871 a commission was appointed to sit at Washington in order, if possible, to arrive at some common understanding as to the mode in which the questions at issue might be settled.
In 1818, when he was created a baronet, he was commissioned by the British government to examine the papyri of Herculaneum in the Neapolitan museum, and he did not arrive back in England till June 1820.
All children between the ages of 7 and 15 are required to attend school for the full school year, and those who at 15 years of age have not completed the grammar school course must continue to attend until they either complete it or arrive at the age of 17.
But even before he could arrive, the outspread of the Mutiny had already been checked by the gallantry and skill of a mere handful of Britons and their faithful native allies.
The history of Mecca is full of the record of these inundations, unsuccessfully combated by the great dam drawn across the valley by the caliph Omar (Kutbeddin, p. 76), and later works of Mandi.5 The fixed population of Mecca in 1878 was estimated by Assistant-Surgeon `Abd el-Razzaq at 50,000 to 60,000; there is a large floating population - and that not merely at the proper season of pilgrimage, the pilgrims of one season often beginning to arrive before those of the former season have all dispersed.
If, then, we determine that the depth of overflow shall not exceed 1 ft., we arrive at 64 ft.
The reason for this is that in most cases the decretals did not formulate any law, but were merely solutions of particular cases, given as models; to arrive at the abstract law it was necessary to examine the solution in each case with regard to the circumstances and thus formulate a rule; this was the work of the canonists.
Nay, I wondered, that seeing the difference of refrangibility was so great, as I found it, Telescopes should arrive to that perfection they are now at."
For the former meaning we count forwards, till we get to 4, and then make a new count, parallel with the continuation of the old series, and see at what number we arrive when we get to 9.
We can, however, denote the result of the process by a symbol, and deal with this symbol according to the laws of arithmetic. In this way we arrive at (i) negative numbers, (ii) fractional numbers, (iii) surds, (iv) logarithms (in the ordinary sense of the word).
Ten marks, for instance, might be taken as equivalent to a farthing; but 13 marks are not equivalent to anything except one farthing and three out of the ten acts of counting required to arrive at another farthing.
The second method is to work out by slow and sure steps the lines of descent of the different families, orders, and classes, and so either to arrive at the ancestral form of each class, or to plot out the curve of evolution, which may then legitimately be projected into "the dark backward and abysm of time."
The homestead status ceases, however, whenever the widow marries again or when all the children arrive at the age of majority.
The dissensions am9ng the Irish themselves, and the hostility which English constituents were displaying to the proposal, emboldened the Peers to arrive at this decision.
But although we thus arrive by projection at the notion of a circuit, it is not necessary to go out of the plane, and we may (with Zeuthen, using the shorter term circuit for his complete branch) define a circuit as any portion (of a curve) capable of description by the continuous motion of a point, it being understood that a passage through infinity is permitted.
He was the first of the crusading princes to arrive, and on him fell the duty of deciding what the relations of the princes to the eastern emperor Alexius were to be.
Waiting for Mr Disraeli did not enhance the pleasure of meeting him, nor when he did arrive did his appearance predispose us in his favour.
The harvest labourers begin to arrive from the south about the middle of July, and by the end of this month the harvest is at its 0 height.
Quotations arrive hourly in the selling season, and the superintendent keeps in close touch with his agents in the wheat-pits marketing.
The medieval treatment of the problem follows in the main Augustinian or Aristotelian traditional lines of thought, though successive thinkers arrive at very diverse conclusions.
Though, however, Socrates was the first to arrive at a proper conception of the problems of conduct, the general idea did not originate with him.
To arrive at any estimate of the national wealth is exceptionally difficult in the case of Ireland, since the largest part of its wealth is derived from agriculture, and many important factors, such as the amount of capital invested in the linen and other industries, cannot be included, owing to their uncertainty.
This is specially important, for otherwise pencils from points placed somewhat laterally to the axis arrive with diminished aperture at the image.
In the year named settlers began to arrive.
On the other hand, if we assume unity of authorship, it seems impossible to arrive at finality on the chronological relations of these two works.
He waited for the Guardian to arrive, entertained by the idea that Jessi denied him verbally while yielding to him physically.
While waiting for the food to arrive, we were happy to sit and chat in the relaxing surroundings.
It's a real anticlimax after winning an eBay auction to eventually find the item arrive in a worse state than advertised.
The central bus station can feel a little bit like a gladiatorial arena if you arrive looking disorganized and vulnerable to tour operators.
Will giving electric shocks to a patient who is not in cardiac arrest be more harmful than just waiting for the professionals to arrive?
Think about your bike It is your responsibility to arrive at the training session with a roadworthy bicycle.
Beyond, climb the wide grassy path, ascending through dense bracken, to arrive at the tall cairn on the summit.
She claimed to have seen a young camel arrive at the zoo in a circus trailer.
Steel folding picnic chairs cost £ 7. Standard delivery is £ 5, and items normally arrive within two working days.
As the sailing colliers tended to arrive en masse on a favorable wind, the river became clogged.
I rejected all local colloquialisms to arrive at a dialog that had a certain naivety and innocence.
An alien spacecraft is heading for Earth and will arrive within weeks, bringing colonists who offer partnership and prosperity.
When they arrive back there to collect her cousin, they come across the very concussed and confused man they accidentally picked up earlier.
Le Monde reports refugee convoys without men have begun to arrive in Macedonia.
The young countess had seen me arrive, and received me on the stairs in the most amiable manner.
She needed some cakes to be sent by courier, all to arrive on the same day.
Over 1,500 were to arrive for an unlimited stay with their " country cousins.
Once we arrive at the concept of human action, Mises ' deductive logical derivations can come into play.
You you can start enjoying your self catering holiday Devon from the moment you arrive!
Once things are going all hunky dory, trouble must arrive.
Students who need to arrive early will be given information by their Faculty / Department.
When retirement does arrive Peter is hopeful of studying Egyptology.
You will arrive at an imposing lichen encrusted gateway.
The royal entourage will arrive at Blackburn railroad station shortly before 10am before making its way to the venue.
Also the moral boosting dawn seemed to take an eternity to arrive.
Every moment I expect to see the executioner arrive with his ax.
You then arrive at an oasis of smooth roads and manicured fairways.
Letters continue to arrive begging the question ' Why didn't I know of the Unitarians and National Unitarian fellowship long ago?
The other story involves two traveling fiddlers who arrive in Inverness seeking somwhere to play.
Arrive in your own finery or choose from a wide selection of our costumes.
The flotilla begins to arrive at lock 31 Soon the flotilla of boats began to arrive from the east.
British freighters packed with weaponry and ammunition arrive in the country five times each week.
The new governess is due to arrive on the same day.
Shortly afterward witnesses see the harem arrive at Elysee restaurant in central London TOGETHER.
There is little seed in the region to plant, and what meager harvest is expected will not arrive until August.
When you first arrive it is easy to see only traffic and hear only the hooters of vespers and cars.
We were able to arrive at our new home within two hours of landing - a pretty impressive exit.
They arrive bearing the imprint of landscapes, from a shore to a night sky, from Mali to the Solomon Islands.
Many interns choose to take Spanish lessons when they arrive in Ecuador, then begin the internship after a week of lessons.
We get a ridiculously early flight back and I arrive at the office feeling slightly jaded.
Everyone keeps a arrive in Tokyo japan visited china in sound like king.
In the past, most arrive in the communities unannounced and begin shooting without seeking permission from either local landholders or councils.
When you first arrive you feel like you have entered a strange world, with an almost lunar landscape.
Applications sent by fax or email or any that arrive late will not be accepted so always be aware of the deadline!
New species continue to arrive and spread rapidly, for example the horse chestnut leaf miner, which probably first appeared in 2002.
Further proof of XTC's classic pop leanings arrive with ' This Is Pop ' which was later sparklingly re-recorded for single release.
If you march thirty li with the same object, two-thirds of your army will arrive.
Why not arrive in style using our silver stretch limousine.
Passengers will arrive in fully made-up cabins with fresh towels and bed linen.
Did they think they could arrive in holy matrimony together at the pristine war clinic where everyone is saved?
With so many packets flying around the internet, some of them arrive at routers at the exact same microsecond.
You need to arrive 10-15 minutes before the start of your interview.
However, help was to arrive in the shape of a small mongrel called Ceri - a fully trained hearing dog.
You will arrive at a huge art decor monolith.
If you cannot get the right time to arrive at the restaurants you can buy some bread and boiled mutton.
She was kindness itself and when we arrive d a clean nightie and pjamas were laid on the bed.
Then she hikes 1 mile north to arrive at her camp.
The chart below gave a clue as to when our first ospreys might arrive.
If you arrive after a leisurely breakfast, expect to park in the car park on the hill that overlooks the pier.
Your signals will arrive in the wanted area with horizontal polarization.
A night porter will greet you whatever time you arrive or help you to catch a night or early ferry.
When major new pieces, such as cots, playpens etc, arrive keep them in the nursery and keep puss out.
We waited for another half an hour to see if more ramblers would arrive.
And now, with the option of overnight sailing you can sleep on the ferry and arrive feeling refreshed and ready to explore!
From the initial concept in 1988 River Island has undergone several reincarnations to arrive at the stores you see today.
The band will arrive at 5pm in a horse drawn carriage accompanied by " real reindeer " .
In keeping with the aims of the new project, she will arrive in a pedal-powered rickshaw.
A number of students also arrive at university lacking self-confidence in their mathematical skills.
They arrive empty from the continent and book into various fishing ports to load live shellfish.
There is also a large number of people who arrive in one-stop shops with official forms from every possible source in unopened brown envelopes.
The original intention was to augment the design with neon signage but this took some while longer to arrive.
He does he contain AA batteries Ages 8 and he does he arrive skein in china.
We expected our 2006 proof sovereigns to arrive here by about 20th January, direct from the Royal Mint.
The portal vessels run down the pituitary stalk (infundibulum) to arrive at the pituitary gland.
But I'll have it all straighten out when I arrive on the 21st -- hey that's less than a week!
To avoid getting stuck in traffic, please arrive by 7am.
The hardware of the digital superhighway -- optical fiber -- isn't due to arrive in many poorer parts of the country for years.
The first Europeans to arrive were the Portuguese, who were quickly supplanted by the Dutch in the 17th century.
Your beds will be made up and there'll be a welcoming tea tray when you arrive.
Arrive Riga, check in Hotel De Rome Day 5 - Tue Morning sightseeing tour of Riga including the 20th century Art Nouveau district.
Yet even as their guests arrive, events are slowly unraveling, setting up the tone of the rest of the play.
The paper had to be filled and could not wait for as-yet unwritten stories and features to arrive.
At peak times hundreds of thousands of data items arrive and must be processed by the system, whilst still remaining up-to-date.
The name comes from the Latin ad venire meaning ' to come ' or ' to arrive ' .
So think about a New Millenium's resolution - place a subscription for one of our fruit and veg boxes to arrive weekly.
She had hoped by conciliation to arrive at an understanding which should have ranged the church among the conservative and not among the disruptive forces of the country, but she was keenly desirous to retain the papacy as a preponderatingly Italian institution, and was ready to make whatever formal concessions might have appeared necessary to reassure foreign Catholics concerning the reality of the popes spiritual independence.
As we arrive at the r 9th century, though yet before the days of Darwin, biology is already beginning to affect the general aspect of thought.
The ends of the twigs represent individuals, the ` smallest groups of twigs species, larger groups genera, and so on, until we arrive at the source of all these ramifications of the main branch, which is represented by a common plan of structure.
On all this the recent archaeological discoveries (see the section on Archaeology) have thrown great light, but the earliest written history of Crete, like that of most parts of continental Greece, is mixed up with mythology and fable to so great an extent as to render it difficult to arrive at any clear conclusions concerning it.
Not contented with a careful attention to details, Tull set himself, with admirable skill and perseverance, to investigate the growth of plants, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of the principles by which the cultivation of field-crops should be regulated.
The specimens should be collected when the capsules are just appearing above or in the colesule or calyx; if kept in a damp saucer they soon arrive at maturity, and can then be mounted in better condition, the fruit-stalks being too fragile to bear carriage in a botanical tin case without injury.
From the Eskimo hunting and fishing stations blubber is the chief article received, and is forwarded in casks to the coloni, where it is boiled into oil, and prepared for being despatched to Copenhagen by means of the government ships which arrive and leave between May and November.
Applying these principles to the consideration of the Arachnida, we arrive at the conclusion that the smaller and simpler Arachnids are not the more primitive, but that the Acari or mites are, in fact, a degenerate group. This was maintained by Lankester in 1878 (19), again in 1881 (20); it was subsequently announced as a novelty by Claus in 1885 (21).
The Anglo-French army concentrated in Mudros Bay, the great natural harbour of Lemnos, in the third week of April and, after a short delay enforced by bad weather, the armada put to sea during the nights of the 23rd-24th and the 24th-25th, so that the transports and the covering warships should arrive at the various rendezvous at or before dawn on the 25th.
Since the landgrave, however, was reluctant to see the colloquy brought to an absolutely fruitless close, he requested Luther to draw up a list of the most important points of doctrine on which it might yet be possible to arrive at some degree of unanimity.
That, however, complete conduction should arrive with alternations only ten times slower than light was an unexpected and remarkable fact, which verifies the presumption that the process of conduction is one in which the dynamic activities of the molecules do not come into play.
This recovery was due also to the forcible-feeble character of the Radical campaign against the House of Lords, the unpopularity of the Licensing Bill, the failure of the government to arrive at an education settlement, the incapacity of its Irish administration, its apparent domination by the "little navy" section, and its dallying with Socialism in the budget of 1909.
In 1886 the Left, having no constitutional means of dismissing the Estrup ministry, resorted for the first time to negotiations; but it was not till the 1st of April 1894 that the majority of the Folketing could arrive at an agreement with the government and the Landsting as to a budget which should be retrospective and sanction the employment of the funds so irregularly obtained for military expenditure.
Sometimes dead bacteria, living virulent bacteria, and living supervirulent bacteria, are used in succession, the object being to arrive ultimately at a high dosage, though the details vary in different instances.
The final fall of Napoleon in 1815 gave the people of the United Kingdom leisure to think about their possessions at the Ante podes; and in 1817 free settlers commenced to arrive in coy siderable numbers, attracted by the success of Captain Joh i M'Arthur, an officer in the New South Wales Regiment, who had demonstrated that the soil, grass and climate were well adapted for the growth.
The rejection of Mr Birrell's bill in 1906 by the House of Lords was accordingly accompanied by denunciations of that body from Dr Clifford and his followers; but as year by year went by, up to 1909, with nothing but failure on the part of the Liberal ministry to arrive at any solution of the education problem, - failure due now not to the House of Lords but to the inherent difficulties of the subject (see Education),-it became increasingly clear to the public generally that the easy denunciations of the act of 1902, which had played so large a part in the elections of 1906, were not so simple to carry into practice, and that a compromise in which the denominationalists would have their say would have to be the result.
Atmospheres will form, then plants will be seeded, and then the colonists will arrive.
Prince Eugene of Wurttemberg fired from a hill over the French crowds that were running past, and demanded reinforcements which did not arrive.
Lewis Schaffer Arrive early to catch the London-based quick-fire wit of US stand-up Lewis Schaffer.
These data, which are archived at the individual radiosonde stations, will start to arrive at the BADC shortly.
I was fortunate to arrive at their flat only minutes after the police had left and ransacked the place.
And now, with the option of overnight sailing you can sleep on the ferry and arrive feeling refreshed and ready to explore !
The band will arrive at 5pm in a horse drawn carriage accompanied by " real reindeer ".
Spotted Flycatchers, one of the last migrants to arrive, are a regular sight, making repeated sallies from the same perch.
First to arrive probably saunters off right, up the hill.
I find it best to walk through them when you arrive and wait in a nearby cafe until things have settled down a bit.
A Czech soldier is murdered, the Bolsheviks arrive, and there is a spectacular shootout at the end.
I arrive at my hotel in Auckland to find incredible humidity and overcast skies.
Finally you arrive in Aqaba, on the shores of the Red Sea, and have an opportunity to snorkel over colorful coral reefs.
But I'll have it all straighten out when I arrive on the 21st -- hey that 's less than a week !
The hardware of the digital superhighway -- optical fiber -- is n't due to arrive in many poorer parts of the country for years.
In the 1920s Chinese arrive to swell the ranks of outsiders working on the Fiji Islands.
After about 20 minutes you will arrive adjacent to the threshold of runway 07.
A ship would arrive, the throb of diesels engines carrying across the water on the rising tide.
These characteristics are required for high throughput protein crystallography, where samples of unknown quality will arrive for screening and immediate data collection.
We arranged for the children 's meals to arrive with our starters which all arrived in a timely fashion.
Trestle tables would be stacked in the corners for school dinners, which would arrive from central kitchens in Kings Lynn.
It was also the last season for The Log Flume 2003 ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE 2003 saw the Tweenies arrive at Alton Towers.
Fully uncut for the first time in the UK, it 's nice to see this long-forgotten gem finally arrive on DVD.
The name comes from the Latin ad venire meaning ' to come ' or ' to arrive '.
So think about a New Millenium 's resolution - place a subscription for one of our fruit and veg boxes to arrive weekly.
The latest RAV4 is bigger than ever â it might even arrive in seven-seater stretched wheelbase guise eventually.
We waited quite a while for the food to arrive, but were happy to sit and chat in the relaxing surroundings.
But in the end, it really doesn't matter, because after the bust another up cycle will arrive.
Before the guests arrive, however, they'll need to receive a party invitation.
Once guests arrive, let them decorate their own animal masks, put on some fun music, and let them jump around the room as they act like their favorite animal!
Once your baby's teeth begin to arrive, continue to brush them with a very small amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush or soft cloth.
Congratulations arrive in duplicate when you experience a pregnancy.
Your baby's first birthday hasn't arrive yet, and you're expecting another baby!
In addition to worrying about what you will need when you arrive, you need to make sure you have the necessities while en route.
Be happy if you are lucky enough to arrive with your baby bag still full.
Once you arrive at your hotel, you'll want to be sure to keep your baby safe in the new environment.
As you prepare for the birth of your baby, you stock the nursery and wait expectantly for the big day to arrive.
Often, premature babies arrive too soon and quite unexpectedly.
Legally, when you arrive home the adopted child is legally yours.
As guests arrive, ask them to decorate the onesies however they like, using fabric paint you provide.
Anytime you buy a used DVD online there's a chance it will arrive damaged.
Some require a deposit, while others allow you to pay when you arrive.
When you arrive at the dealership, prepare yourself for salespeople.
As soon as ads appear on websites, cease and desist letters often arrive from retailers asking the websites to remove the ads for a couple of reasons.
While express shipping guarantees that your items will arrive in time for the holidays, it also costs much more.
A large cooler with plenty of ice will keep your game cold until you arrive home to freeze it properly.
When your blades arrive, consider installing it yourself or having a professional install them for you.
When you arrive at each store, show your list of specifications to sales associates at each store and have them help you find a few options that fit your needs for your new computer.
With buy now pay later online shopping, you order your desired items from the comfort of your own home and wait for them to arrive.
You don't even have to struggle with loading heavy items into your car and unloading them when you arrive home from the store.
Of course, this presupposes that you already have enough knowledge and experience about how the stock market works and the patience and diligence required to arrive at sound, logical decisions to make great profits.
Arrive at a good mix to make your child happy and to make sure that your holiday gifts serve a useful purpose.
Offline shoppers probably have it easy because most of the ads arrive as inserts in your newspaper.
The money order can arrive same day, typically in minutes, or you can arrange for it to arrive in three business days using your bank account, which will help cut down on processing and shipping fees.
Ingredients arrive at the manufacturer fresh on a daily basis.
When the first few litters arrive, breeders often choose a theme to help name the kittens and identify them as being from the same litter.
When everything else has been tried and the kittens continue to arrive, you can expect the strangest and most original names to surface.
Assured Reservations - You can guarantee your room with an American Express Card and be assured that your room will be there even if you arrive late.
If the application is approved, the card is sent through the mail and will arrive within approximately two weeks.
Some Citi cards offer rewards and incentives for making electronic payments, and opting for paperless statements that arrive via email instead of the mail.
There is an additional charge for a customized gift card and it may take longer for a customized gift card to arrive in the mail.
Cards purchased online may take as little as two days to arrive or may take longer than a week.
A rate that is just a bit over what you're willing to pay may not seem like a big deal now, but it certainly will when the monthly bills arrive, if you don't pay off your balance each month.
As the parent works through the calculations on the worksheet, they arrive at a figure that the non-custodial parent should be paying for child support.
While the mediator and the couple are working together to arrive at an agreement fair to both parties, a number of official forms will come into play.
The fact that they fold means they don't take up a lot of space in a car or camper, so they can be easily packed and then taken out when you arrive at your destination.
New items arrive regularly, so it's a good idea to visit the store in person to get an accurate idea of exactly what pieces are available.
New shipments arrive regularly, so visiting the store may be the best way to determine exactly what pieces the store has that may meet your needs.
If harvesting berries in areas frequented by bears, sing, clap or talk so that bears scatter before you arrive.
For some people, living rooms are formal rooms that are used only when guests arrive.
It's the first thing you see when you arrive home, and you want it to look comforting and welcoming.
The advantages in whitening your teeth arrive from the perception of a white tooth.
This is not a powder that will rub off on your boyfriend's collar or disappear the second you arrive at the party.
I eagerly anticipated its arrival and when it finally did arrive, I was not disappointed.
Find a place you're comfortable in and practice until you arrive at the perfect look.
When you arrive there, you'll find details on creating your owner profile, signing up for leagues and lots of valuable NFL information.
You've decided to only buy books online to take advantage of great deals and the convenience of having them arrive right at your door.
When you arrive at, you'll see a featured quiz in the middle of the page.
Virtual online worlds arrive and go quietly sometimes.
When you first arrive at the site, you can just do simple translations of words, sentences or phrases.
When looking for an assistant position, arrive armed with your portfolio and be ready to talk about your experience.
The season is upon us when ghouls and goblins arrive at Halloween parties looking for candy goodies and your job is to make them happy--with your own Halloween cake ideas.
Waiting for a package to arrive when you're eager to scrap can be quite frustrating.
For paper scrapbooks, don't throw away any papers you come across, whether it's the envelopes that your bills arrive in or construction paper cast-offs that your children only colored on one side.
One person needs to be the designated shipping address and when the wholesale scrapbook products arrive, she will be responsible for repackaging the items for each group person.
Be sure to arrive early for your ski lesson and get to know your instructor.
To get on a chair lift you need to wait for the chair to arrive.
Once you arrive, you'll be glad that the resort was so close, and you're sure to enjoy the small-resort feel.
Arrive at the interview alert and dressed in business casual clothes or in more formal business clothes.
Although many runaways arrive home safely, there are many unfortunate situations such as rape, molestation, abduction and murder that can, and do occur.
That's because most car service companies know that teenagers want to arrive, and leave, their proms in style.
Fill out some of the address requests and then kick back and wait for your catalog to arrive.
Interview guests as they arrive and have the 'paparazzi' snap a keepsake photo.
Just be sure to allow enough time for the order to arrive and the tux to be fitted to your measurements.
When you arrive at your first appointment, show the sales person the pictures of the dresses you culled from wedding magazines.
Make sure you hang the dress up as soon as you arrive at your hotel or location.
On the other hand, wedding dress rentals may not fit perfectly and the selection might be limited to what is in the shop when you arrive.
Be sure to pack it carefully before travel and take it out once you arrive on site to smooth any wrinkles.
When your guests arrive, they probably won't all be acquainted.
Of course if you're planning a short engagement, you won't have six to nine months to wait for your dress to arrive.
Alex, my best friend, who lives in upstate New York, would be driving into the city the same day we arrive.
Always ask questions so you are clear of what's included before you arrive.
In what condition did your dress arrive?
Since guests arrive 30 to 60 minutes before the bride, you might want to schedule an ice breaking bridal shower game before the bride arrives.
Allows bride and/or groom and their entourage to arrive at the church on time looking fresh.
By spreading out and driving to each destination in comfort, the bride and groom, and even the bridal party, can arrive at each event looking fresh and pressed.
Arrange for a package deal with the limo service so the bridal party, families of the bride and groom and any other special people can arrive via limousine.
You simply fill out an online form and supply your measurements along with a thirty dollar deposit, and you tux will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive.
Ice breaker games are played at the very beginning of the shower, after all the guests arrive.
When your guests arrive give them each five coins (or five of something else).
Their external look is massive and powerful, an automatic head turner when you arrive at your wedding reception.
Have the safety of a designated driver without any of your friends missing out on the fun, and you'll all arrive together, in style.
For your wedding, you'll arrive comfortably and without looking rumpled.
While this can also be done via the mail, unless you purchase expensive special mailers, your invitations can arrive crushed.
Dim the regular lights before guests begin to arrive, then lower them to your final level once the ceremony begins.
Priced at under fifty dollars, they do take up to two weeks to arrive.
Start your Christmas theme as guests arrive at the ceremony.
Start planning your autumn decorations with the first thing guests will see as they arrive to your ceremony location - the doors.
Expect to wait 2-3 weeks for it to arrive.
Without an invitation, your friends and family would have no idea what to expect until they arrive at your ceremony, which could cause a potentially embarrassing situation for either you or them.
Be sure to order any online games early so they arrive in time for the event.
Bridal gowns and bridesmaid dresses sometimes take up to six months to arrive, and a few weeks to alter.
Traditional wedding dresses may take up to three months to arrive after ordering, so finding the dress should be a priority.
Skip the large SUV limousine rental; instead, the bride can arrive at the ceremony in a horse-drawn sleigh.
Order any specialty supplies far in advance so that they'll arrive before you need to make the cake.
This person will be handling virtually everything in Hawaii until you arrive several days or weeks before the actual wedding.
Call 9-1-1 immediately, stay on the phone with the dispatcher and follow any instructions he or she has for you until the paramedics arrive at your location.
When this happens the organs begin to shut down, and death may follow if help doesn't arrive in time.
Note that this item is available for special order only and will take one to two weeks to arrive.
When the celebrities arrive at the location, they are given a little background information on the types of activity that have been witnessed.
In some instances, however, the show presents a non-elimination twist, where the last team to arrive is not sent home, but must give up their money and/or possessions before the next leg of the race.
The baby is expected to arrive in the spring of 2008.
Luckily, there are many online stores that make personalized children's clothing; you can order your personalized items through these websites and then just sit back and wait until they arrive in the mail.
Sometimes you can even find maternity clothes at The Patch, so when you're shopping for your soon to arrive newborn and older children, you can sneak in something for yourself at the same time.
Coupons and discounts from Janie and Jack will arrive regularly in your mailbox.
A customer favorite is the 'Elmo loves' romper suit; simply give the name of the child when ordering the item, and it will arrive screen printed with 'Elmo loves Sarah' or 'Elmo loves John', etc. printed right on it.
It would be slightly gauche to arrive at a wake with an infant clad in a ruffled cupcake pink dress.
If you've ever made an online purchase with a major children's clothing retailer, you'll soon learn that clothing catalogs for girls are not hard to come by, whether they arrive by e-mail or in your mailbox.
There are clothing catalogs and then there are the clothing catalogs; seasonal items that arrive crisp in the mail, featuring all kinds of colorful and imaginative photography.
When clothes first arrive, they will be priced at full retail.
Find out the offerings ahead of time so you're not disappointed when you arrive for the first day of school.
The EFC calculator will generally arrive at a reasonable figure that they feel you should be expected to pay for your own education.
Thus, it is important to not only consider a school's ranking, but also to consider what criteria was used to arrive at that ranking.
Passengers should feel free to arrive at the port earlier than that, however, especially when sailing on larger ships that accommodate thousands of passengers.
For passengers planning to arrive by air, The city's International Airport is just northwest of downtown, and shuttle, bus, and taxi transportation is plentiful.
Cruise ships that visit Maui typically depart from Honolulu and arrive at either Kahului or Lahaina (Maui's primary cruise ship docks) in mid-voyage.
Also, keep in mind that bags can take hours to arrive in your cabin, so if you can't live without a particular item for a long period of time, it's best to pack it in your tote.
To make the most of your time in "The Big Easy" arrive a few days prior to your cruise, so you have enough time to take in all the city has to offer.
You can find additional options with local tours when you arrive.
Once you arrive in Orlando, you need to get to the port terminal.
You may request the enhancements upon boarding or order them prior to sailing, so that they are in place when you arrive in your stateroom.
If you are traveling from North America it is a good idea to arrive in Ushuaia at least a day in advance of your Antarctica cruise.
Discovery Cruise Line offers kids' cruises that depart from Ft. Lauderdale in the early morning and arrive in Grand Bahama Island by lunch time.
If you arrive first thing in the morning as the staff is going through clean up and exercising the dogs, you can expect a bit more mess than you might find later in the day.
But what happens when you arrive at the check-in desk with Rover in tow, only to be told "No pets allowed"?
Your pet must arrive at its destination in an approved travel carrier.
Pyrenees, like most dogs that find themselves in rescue centers, arrive at shelters through no fault of their own.
Often puppies are bought sight unseen and arrive via airplane.
When I take Senny camping I never take his vest off once we arrive at the campgrounds.
When the final moments arrive, the dog's breathing will be very shallow and spaced far apart.
Homeowners with small dogs frequently experience similar situations every day when they arrive home from work or a day out shopping.
When you arrive home, clean up any messes the puppy made while you were gone and immediately take him outside to relieve himself.
Select a single word command such as "potty" and repeat it once you arrive with your pup in that area.
Amazingly, his bag did not arrive at Denver with him, but instead made its own journey through Calgary, Canada and on to Dallas-Forth Worth.
Often a site will advertise that it has tabs for a particular song only to give you basic guitar chords when you arrive at the site.
When your cabinets arrive, examine them immediately, in the presence of the delivery people if possible.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to examine the cabinetry in person and the merchandise might not arrive looking as it did in a photograph.
Retractable awning kits arrive in packages including the shade, support tube and other components depending on the system you plan to install.
This information, along with the characteristics of the home help us arrive at our professional recommendations, which we work through with the homeowners until we all agree on one window make and model.
Remember to allow plenty of time for your sink to arrive, up to 10 - 12 weeks in some cases.
Measure the location the patio door both horizontally and vertically to arrive at the correct size requirements.
Once you arrive at the outlet, visit the customer service counter or information desk.
Simply fill out a short form with your name and address and then kick back as you wait for it to arrive in the mail.
Though not always the case, many men's catalogues will arrive in mailboxes with a deal or incentive attached to them, be it free shipping, a free gift or a discount off the total purchase.
This custom-made design may take a few weeks to arrive but it is reasonably priced.
The top can make a great statement, and if you pick one well suited to your occasion, you can arrive in style no matter where you go.
For the bold wearer - Surprise your significant other at the door or allow them to arrive home where you are preparing dinner in your new open cup teddy.
School bus safety for middle school students is essential to help students arrive at and depart from school without fear of missing their bus, being in an accident, or being bullied while riding.
Pack food tightly and as soon as you arrive at your destination, place it in a refrigerator or on ice.
Always tell someone where you are going and what time you are expected to arrive at your destination.
That way, if you don't arrive as scheduled, the authorities have good information to start their search efforts.
That way, you will know whether to stay put or if you should be evacuating the area or waiting for help to arrive.
When an emergency call is activated, the person in the call center will keep the individual on the line while waiting for emergency services to arrive.
Life Guardian - Not only does this company's system call for the local police or 9-1-1 for help, but also a neighbor or relative will then be telephoned so that someone can be there to sit with you until professional services arrive.
If you see an event advertised, always check if there will be people of all ages so you will feel comfortable when you arrive and will have an opportunity to meet someone who is also a senior.
Keep your schedule free for the first couple of days after you arrive at your destination, and avoid situations that require you to be mentally alert.
Just be sure to do your research ahead of time so that when your lenses arrive, you can wear them comfortably.
Why not go all out and arrive with a pair of cat eyes?
You can check with your local optical shop for Flexon eyeglass frames or go ahead and order some online with or without your prescription lenses intact when they arrive.
Once the glasses arrive at Ray Bans, there is a processing fee of $12.50.
This is a UK-based site so it may take longer for your replacement lenses to arrive.
All lenses are ordered through Ray-Ban Italy and take 14 days to arrive at a minimum.
You don't want to arrive at the resort only to find out the park closes early for a special event!
When you arrive at your casting call, there will be someone to check you in and orient you on how the audition process will go.
When you arrive at this hub, you have two options.
For example, many visitors who arrive especially early to a park can take their maps and head to the farthest point in the back, then work their way forward to the entrance.
For example, you arrive at the Animal Kingdom head over to Expedition Everest.
In addition to lighting up the attractions, Santa's Workshop is fully decorated even before the elves arrive.
If you opt for the hard copy version, you can also have your tickets waiting for you at will call when you arrive at the park.
Some vegetables will arrive in the center of the screen.
From the moment you arrive at the convention center, opportunities to play video game titles that haven't been released yet is too cool to miss.
It didn't arrive on the market with the same kind of fanfare as the latest instalment of Resident Evil, but this horror game arguably blows Jill Valentine and crew clear out of the water.
Stick with it, work diligently and you'll arrive at the end.
When you arrive, switch out the item that your dog is wearing.
Once they arrive, you can play them for as long as you like (no late fees), then return them in the complimentary prepaid envelope.
Games and movies ship from California, Colorado, Kentucky or Pennsylvania, which means that ordered items should actually arrive at your house in less than a week.
When you arrive, you discover that your sister -- who had began her studies there shortly before you -- has disappeared!
The last thing you want to see when you arrive at the local video game store is a "sold out" sign, so it's probably in your best interest to preorder Nintendo Wii games.
You must narrow the possibilities until you arrive at the one number that fills that square.
As you progress in the puzzle you can erase these numbers until you arrive at the only possible solution.
In fact, because many games arrive much later in Europe than in North America, you will find several titles being sent from the United States to Germany, France, Spain, and other neighboring countries.
While you do have to wait for your games to arrive, you do not have to leave the comfort of your sofa or computer chair.
Of course, the next day, the questions of the day were "Do you have any Xbox 360's left?" and "Do you know when your next shipment will arrive?".
Although wine purveyors do their best to package wine in thermal-resistant materials, sometimes they arrive damaged anyway.
The grapes arrive to the winery and are put on a sorter conveyor belt to be sorted through again.
If you still can't convince your wine snob friends that wine from a box is actually consumable, put it in a decanter before they arrive.
That way, if there are mistakes on the label or something happens during the production or shipping process, you have time to make corrections and time enough to ensure your labels will arrive before the event.
Once you arrive at the 40-acre estate, visitors can enjoy a guided tour or settle down in luxurious accommodations on-site at the Inn at Glenora Wine Cellars or at the Vineyard Cottage.
There is nothing to tow, and no worries about being able to get around easily once you arrive at your destination.
Otherwise, there is a good chance that you won't be able to find anywhere to camp when you arrive.
If you arrive at the park without a reservation and discover that no campsites are available, you will have to go off-site to make accommodation arrangements.
The scenery leading to the basin is gorgeous, and what you see when you arrive is sure to astound you.
By planning ahead, you can make sure that your destination of choice will be available when you arrive.
Looking toward the future, most industry analysts and pundits are assuming that a Palm Pre, or some slightly modified variation, will arrive at Telus Mobility as well.
When you arrive at your destination, like somewhere in Asia or Europe, you can go through the process of buying a SIM and activating the service.
While waiting for help to arrive, quick action to lower body temperature must take place.
Children should habitually contact their parents when they arrive and leave a destination and if their plans change.
People who are trained to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should, if appropriate, begin first aid while waiting for emergency medical help to arrive.
While waiting for emergency help to arrive, the victim should wash the wound site with soap and water and then keep the injured area still and at a level lower than the heart.
It is important to stay calm and wait for emergency medical aid if it can arrive quickly.