Arresting Sentence Examples
Quinn asked, arresting everyone's attention.
Her large eyes were arresting, her delicate features feminine and flawless.
Meanwhile the duplicates had reached Moltke, and he, knowing well the temperament of the "Red Prince" and the impossibility of arresting the intended movement, obtained the royal sanction to a letter addressed to the crown prince, in which the latter was ordered to co-operate with his whole command.
His conduct in following them up into the Spanish territory of Florida, in seizing Pensacola, and in arresting and executing two British subjects, Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert Ambrister, gave rise to much hostile comment in the cabinet and in Congress; but the negotiations for the purchase of Florida put an end to the diplomatic difficulty.
To the consuls of other nations the United States government have always accorded the privileges of arresting deserters, and of being themselves amenable only to the Federal and not to the States courts.
The arrangements for arresting sparks in American practice and on the continent of Europe are somewhat elaborate.
Zapolya, a devout Catholic, is lauded by Archbishop Frangipan in 1533 for arresting the spread of the new doctrines, though he would not allow Martinuzzi to take the extreme step of burning perverts at the stake.
In April 1895 the long-standing dispute as to the boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela was brought to a crisis by the action of the Venezuelan authorities in arresting Inspectors Barnes and Baker, of the British Guiana police, with a few of their subordinates, on the Cuyuni river, the charge being that they were illegally exercising the functions of British officials in Venezuelan territory.
The climate has a beneficial effect on pulmonary diseases, especially in their earlier stages, and is remarkable in arresting the decay of vital power consequent upon old age.
In arresting haemorrhage temporarily the chief thing is to press directly on the bleeding part.
AdvertisementIn short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.
Even as a grammarian he performed an important service to the literary language of Rome, by fixing its prosody and arresting the tendency to decay in its final syllables.
These artificial lakes are usually formed by throwing embankments across the lower extremities of valleys, and thus arresting and accumulating the waters flowing through them.
In the struggle, although he was bitterly accused of violating the written constitution, of arresting and destroying business prosperity and of attempting a radical departure from the accepted social system of the country, he was remarkably successful.
By his able policy Odo succeeded in arresting their progress for some years; but a new vali, Abdur Rahman, a member of an extremely fanatical sect, resumed the attack, reached Poitiers, and advanced on Tours, the holy town of Gaul.
AdvertisementHow far he was above his contemporaries, how little appreciated or understood by them, is shown by the absence of references to him in other Greek writers, and by the fact that his work had no effect in arresting the decay of mathematical science.
In 1198 Hubert, who had inherited from his predecessors in the primacy a fierce quarrel with the Canterbury monks, gave these enemies an opportunity of complaining to the pope, for in arresting the London demagogue, William Fitz Osbert, he had committed an act of sacrilege in Bow Church, which belonged to the monks.
The result was that in numerous parishes the police were occupied in searching for the priest who was living there among the people; although his habitation was known to hundreds of people, the police seldom succeeded in arresting him.
The Rye House plot gave an excuse for arresting the Whig leaders; Russell and Sidney were judicially murdered; Monmouth retired to Toddington, in Bedfordshire, and was left untouched.
They were restrained from arresting Him by fear of the people, to whom the meaning of the parable was plain.
AdvertisementMorphine is recognized as one of the most useful drugs in the treatment of eclampsia, early injection often arresting the fits.
But these leaders restrained their followers sharply whenever the suggestion of secession was made, and the question of what was meant by arresting the course of Federal legislation was left in doubt.
In 1659 he was giving directions as to the suppression of the revolt of the gentry which threatened in Normandy, Anjou and Poitou, with characteristic decision arresting those whom he suspected and arranging every detail of their trial, the immediate and arbitrary destruction of their castles and woods, and the execution of their chief, Bonnesson.
He quelled the attempted revolution in 1848 without bloodshed by arresting all the conspirators and expelling them from the country.
It often relieves hunger, by arresting the secretion of gastric j uice and the movements of the stomach and bowel,'* and it frequently upsets digestion from the same cause.
AdvertisementVendome, however, was recalled, and La Feuillade (who succeeded him) was incapable of long arresting the progress of such a commander as Eugene.
Purification When surface waters began to be used for potable purposes, some mode of arresting suspended matter, whether living or dead, became necessary.
De Montfort answered by raising an army, arresting prothinent aliens, and seizing the lands which the king had given them.
The Chinese, indeed, endeavoured to delay their progress by negotiation rather than by force; and they succeeded in treacherously arresting some distinguished persons who had been sent into the Chinese lines to negotiate.
Arresting the commissaries of the Convention sent to inquire into his conduct, he handed them over to the enemy, and then attempted to persuade his 'troops to march on Paris and overthrow the revolutionary government.
The followers of Hbert wanted to push forward the movement of May 31, 1793, in order to become masters in their turn; while those of Danton were by way of arresting it.
There followed an exchange of views on arresting and jailing young offenders, something Fitzgerald felt should be done as an example—"put the bad apples where they belong"—while Dean stressed education in addition to enforcement.
The arresting cover is a wraparound of Gilbert and George's great panoramic allegory of 1983.
Probably the most visually arresting film I've seen in some time.
The sounds from his expert's audio equipment are immediately arresting, and again, very, very loud.
The ghostly effects behind the screen & the witches entrances & exits were very arresting.
Both Bob and Jennifer, separately and collaboratively, devote each of their days to producing new and often arresting work.
Once again, Police overreaction prevented free movement for protest by continuously penning people in and violently arresting protesters.
But for many others it will be merely one of a flurry of sometimes arresting but usually uncontextualised images.
Sugar substitutes Chewing gums containing sugar substitutes have been found to be effective in retarding or arresting rampant dentine caries.
Particularly arresting on this CD was Bull's Ut re mi fa sol la because of its chromaticism.
Over the years railroad police officers have played their part in arresting murderers and other felons, and so also have many other railwaymen.
South of Baghdad, US and Iraqi forces launched raids killing 17 suspected insurgents and arresting 32 suspects.
This arresting sentiment guided Andrew Carnegie, the American steel plutocrat to disburse his entire fortune in philanthropic work.
In late October, Home Secretary David Blunkett announced that the British government will soon abandon the policy of arresting people for marijuana possession.
The difficulties are arresting dozens of riders on horseback in open, often rugged, countryside are enormous.
The large asymmetrical leaves are in metallic silver, pinks, reds and purples, often combined in arresting patterns.
Shouldn't they be at a donut shop somewhere or arresting some old biddy for having a toke?
A widening to accommodate the growth of traffic, after being frequently discussed for many years, was completed in 1904, by means of corbels projecting on either side, without arresting traffic during the work.
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
There are several materials now in use possessing remarkable power to decolourize clarify, chemically purify and oxidize water; but they are too costly for use in connexion with public water supplies unless a rate of filtration is adopted quite inconsistent with the formation of a surface film capable of arresting micro-organisms. This fact does not render them less useful when applied to the arts in which they are successfully employed.
With too much exposure, a painted torso could become about as arresting as slogans on T-shirts.
Should n't they be at a donut shop somewhere or arresting some old biddy for having a toke?
Combining hypnotic language with arresting dance theater, this bold and thrillingly new show salutes the underbelly of urban life.
A brilliant supporting cast exaggerate those defects Clark chose to make his obsessions in order for events to unfold in a suitably arresting fashion.
Covet, however, is less ladylike and more arresting in its tendency to turn heads.
This hardware detail provides some of the "edge" to the dress, and coupled with its unusual placement, near the neckline, is downright arresting.
According to TMZ and the arresting officer, Gibson is also a profanity spewing anti-Semite.
The arresting office noted a strange odor in the air which lead to the search and discover of 1 ½ pounds of marijuana and a small bag of psychedelic mushrooms.
When the police arrived at the scene, Wahler yelled racial and homophobic remarks at the arresting officer.
And then there's Mel Gibson, who in July 2006 was arrested and spurred some nasty comments about Jews to the arresting officer.
This time, she resisted arrest and was belligerent with the arresting officers, offering sexual favors and then yelling out racial remarks.
It turns out that even though he was busted with his pill filled sock he pulled out of his pants, he tried to struggle during the bust and the arresting officer stated that it took him a minute to put the cuffs on Jasinski.
The opal has such presence due to the stone's inner fire that it rarely needs accessory stones to create an arresting piece.
One of the big advantages of this site is the fact that the long sleeved shirts on this site come in a wide array of bold, eye catching colors, including a deep maroon shade and an equally arresting deep grey.
El Capitan is especially arresting with its black frame, grey lens and blue mirror look.
Mariska certainly has an arresting and alluring beauty that is very distinctive.
The female will dress up as a heart and the male dresses up as the arresting police officer.
The arresting S-shaped, wrist-hugging polyurethane strap competes for attention with a pretty pink or sleek silver aluminum case, but its sport functions are the true stars of the show.
Taking a cue from the accolades Gucci received with the release of their charm bracelet lines, the company took the concept one step further and created an arresting amalgamation of superior timekeeping and unbridled merriment.
The case is round with a gold-tone dial to match the case and bracelet, but its most arresting feature is a generous sprinkling of diamonds decorating the perimeter.
If you want a sexy nurse costume but have to be seen in public first, go to Zoogster Costumes for a selection of fantasy wear that is arresting, but won't get you arrested (maybe).
This third arrest in the spring of 2007 was for punching a hotel security guard and for yelling homophobic and racial slurs at the arresting officer.
This included setting up the milice, an adjunct police force which had the primary mission of tracking down and arresting the rebel maquis who were still resisting the German occupation with the help of the British.
A 24-hour guard wasn't possible and arresting him would only make him more dangerous.
Martha was angry, certainly at the perpetrator but also at the Warwick police for not summarily arresting the man and rescuing the boy.
She was taller than Howie but rail thin and possessed an engaging smile, long blond hair and arresting blue eyes.
She stood too near, perfumed and ram-rod straight, fixing him with a level and unfaltering gaze with those arresting eyes.
It was almost as arresting as her sweet scent and the shocked look on her face that made him want to laugh.
The authorities, however, by arresting a number of the more prominent leaders succeeded in restoring order.
Partly on account of his inability to share in the amusements of his fellows by reason of a deformity due to vaccine poisoning before he was five (the poison permanently arresting the growth and development of his legs), he was an eager student, and in 1814 he graduated at the College of South Carolina with the highest rank in his class and with a reputation throughout the state for scholarship and eloquence.
Capture begins among the lower tribes with the hand, without devices, developing knack and skill in seizing, pursuing, climbing, swimming, and maiming without weapons; and proceeds to gathering with devices that take the place of the hand in dipping, digging, hooking and grasping; weapons for striking, whether clubs, missiles or projectiles; edged weapons of capture, which were rare in America; piercing devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and arrows; traps for enclosing, arresting and killing, such as pens, cages, pits, pen-falls, nets, hooks, nooses, clutches, adhesives, deadfalls, impalers, knife traps and poisons; animals consciously and unconsciously aiding in capture; fire in the form of torches, beacons, burning out and smoking out; poisons and asphyxiators; the accessories to hunting, including such changes in food, dress, shelter, travelling, packing, mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by these arts.
This range acts as a " breakwater " to the clouds, arresting and condensing the moisture which is carried northwards by the south winds.
Among the ammonites the loss of power to coil the shell is one feature of racial old age, and in others old age is accompanied by closer coiling and loss of surface ornamentation, such as spines, ribs, spirals; while in other forms an arresting of variability precedes extinction.
Considering the great importance of arresting the spread of infection at the outset, and the implicit reliance placed upon bacteriological criteria, the aetiology of such antecedent ailments deserves more attention than has hitherto been paid to it.
Well, he's blown that image out of the water between his July 28 arrest for drinking while under the influence and the not-so-nice things he had to say to the arresting officer about Jews. serves up sexy silk robes and does so with arresting results.