Arrange Sentence Examples
Annette and I were speaking of how to arrange it.
I'll arrange the transportation.
I'll arrange it now.
That shouldn't be too difficult to arrange.
Am I morally obliged to kill him myself or may I arrange for our vicar to do it?
If possible, arrange to eat a typical meal to judge the food being served.
Arrange for me to accompany the scouts on the morn.
Provide supervision and discourage teens from attending parties where alcohol is served or parents are absent, and band together with other parents to arrange alcohol-free social events for children.
Unlike the cells of Protozoa, these embryonic cells of the Metazoa do not remain each like its neighbour and capable of independent life, but proceed to arrange themselves into two layers, taking the form of a sac. The cavity of the two-cell-layered sac or diblastula thus formed is the primitive gut or arch-enteron.
In 1866, during the critical weeks which followed the attempt of Napoleon to intervene between Prussia and Austria, he accompanied the Prussian headquarters in the advance on Vienna, and during a visit to Vienna he helped to arrange the preliminaries of the armistice signed at Nikolsburg.
AdvertisementApparently that was what inspired his decision to arrange for a trash truck once a week.
After the application is reviewed, senior dating services and other agencies arrange a one-on-one, free consultation with the applicant in order to understand preferences and goals.
A particular tendency to arrange history according to a mechanical rule appears in the constant endeavour to show that recompense and retribution followed immediately on good or bad conduct, and especially on obedience or disobedience to prophetic advice.
In these days the rock-garden is a most important feature, and it requires a good deal of care and skill to arrange the boulders, walks, pools or streams in natural and artistic fashion.
Carlyle had now to arrange the mode of life which should enable him to fulfil his aspiration.
AdvertisementFor the style-savvy guy who likes to stay on top of the latest men's fashion trends, knowing what's expected for the next season can help him arrange his wardrobe in advance.
These organizations often arrange mixers and other group events so you have a better opportunity to meet people in your area.
The staff may also arrange to have a hair stylist and a barber come into the center to provide services to members.
You can arrange the Miis in the Plaza by different categories.
One huge saving grace for Canflix is the power to arrange your selections in hierarchal order.
AdvertisementIf you are unable to visit in person, due to geographic constraints, ask if you can arrange a phone interview with a representative of the department.
Create a new image sized to your desktop, then paste and arrange the images on the canvas.
Samsung and Jitterbug reached out to affected customers in order to arrange them.
In some cases child molesters have used chat rooms, email, and instant messaging to gain a child's trust and then to arrange a face-to-face meeting.
Parents in turn promise to arrange for that safe transportation home "regardless of the time or circumstances," without discussion of the incident until both teens and parents are calm.
AdvertisementThey can arrange a visit to the center or home where they will receive care.
Pregnant women who are at high risk of delivering newborns with asphyxia neonatorum should arrange for a close follow-up of their pregnancy with their obstetrician.
Telecommuting mothers may want to arrange for child care during their working hours and may be interested in establishing boundaries between their work and their family life.
Parents with a child who is avoiding or refusing school should call their pediatrician and arrange to have physical symptoms evaluated.
A physician or other healthcare professional should be contacted during the first two months of life to arrange for immunization.
To create a more architectural look, add a single large candle to the center of the arrangement or arrange tapers in the greenery.
In June 842 the three brothers met on an island in the Saone to negotiate a peace, and each appointed forty representatives to arrange the boundaries of their respective kingdoms. This developed into the treaty of Verdun concluded in August 843, by which Louis received the bulk of the lands of the Carolingian empire lying east of the Rhine, together with a district around Spires, Worms and Mainz, on the left bank of the river.
Mr Beach told his local M.P., who in turn told the Home Secretary, and the latter asked Mr Beach to arrange for further information.
There he sought to arrange peace, but against his will was forced into an unfortunate campaign in 1384.
From profiting by robberies in which he had no share, Wild naturally came to arrange robberies himself, and he devised and controlled a huge organization, which plundered London and its approaches wholesale.
The formation of the German Confederation in 1815 effected but little change in this respect, and it was left to the different states to arrange in what manner the census should be taken.
It was empowered to arrange the fundamental laws of the confederation; to fix the organic institutions relating to its external, internal and military arrangements; to regulate the trade relations between the various federated states.
Thus a nucleus and precedent has been formed similar to that by which the Zoilverein was begun, and it was hoped that it might be possible to arrange similar agreements with other states, so that in this way a common management for all lines might be established.
The die was thus cast; and, though efforts continued to be made to arrange matters, the time for moderate counsels was passed.
In the summer of 1867, however (the Austrian Reichsrath having met), the two parliaments each elected a deputation of fifteen members to arrange the financial settlement.
During the early months of 1900 matters were more peaceful, and Korber hoped to be able to arrange a compromise; but the Czechs now demanded the restoration of their language in the internal service of Bohemia, and on 8th June, by noise and disturbance, obliged the president to suspend the sitting.
The aim of the artist-scribe was to arrange his variously aped characters into square groups, and this could be done in great measure by taking advantage of the different ways in which many words could be spelt.
The earlier Choripetalae embraces the Polypetalae and Monochlamydae of the French systems. It includes 21 series, and is an attempt to arrange as far as possible in a linear series those orders which are characterized by absence or freedom of petals.
Lethington then went to London to watch over Mary's interests, and either to arrange her marriage with Don Carlos, or to put.
The series into which we can arrange the results of observing phenomena of complex causation, whether exhibited by living organisms or not, have certain properties in common, which are dealt with by the theory of chance.
The workers, who control the polity of the hive (the "queen" being exceedingly "limited" in her monarchy), arrange if possible that young queens shall develop only when the population of the hive has become so congested that it is desirable to send off a swarm.
In November 1847 and March 1848 Radowitz was sent by King Frederick William to Vienna to attempt to arrange common action for the reconstruction of the German Confederation.
Congress in 1867 appointed a commission to arrange a peace, but not until 1868 (29th April, at Fort Laramie) were any terms agreed upon.
Wherever the Cambrian strata have been carefully studied it has now been found possible and convenient to arrange them into three series, each of which is characterized by a distinctive genus of trilobite.
The real work of criticism became possible only when great collections of manuscripts began to be made by the princes of the generation after Alexander, and when men of learning were employed to sift and arrange these treasures.
Further, the want of smoothness and unity which is visible in this part of the Iliad may be due to other causes than difference of date or authorship. A national poet such as the author of the Iliad cannot always choose or arrange his matter at his own will.
In January 1871 he accompanied Jules Favre to Versailles to arrange the capitulation of Paris, and in the next month he became minister of the interior in Thiers's cabinet.
In 1572 a kind of Episcopacy was set up in the interest of the nobles, who in order to draw the income of the episcopal sees had to arrange with men possessing a legal title to them.
In 1643, when the full legal establishment of Presbytery had just been consummated, the assembly, asked by the English W parliament to arrange a league to be signed in both countries for the furtherance of reformed religion, agreed, but asked that the league should be a religious one.
Like Sir Thomas More he held that it was entirely within the competence of the national state, represented by parliament, to determine questions of the succession to the throne; and although Elizabeth did not renew his commission as lord chancellor, he continued to sit in the privy council for two months until the government had determined to complete the breach with the Roman Catholic Church; and as late as April 1559 he assisted the government by helping to arrange the Westminster Conference, and reproving his more truculent co-religionists.
On the 19th he was appointed a commissioner of the United States to arrange the evacuation of Porto Rico.
In 1675 we learn from his correspondence that he entertained the idea of publishing the Ethics, and made a journey to Amsterdam to arrange matters with the printer.
The history of the city is intimately bound up with that of the Sudan generally, but it may be recalled here that in 1884, at the time of the Mandist rising, General Gordon was sent to Khartum to arrange for the evacuation by the Egyptians of the Sudan.
Olaf of Norway now sent his marshal Bjorn to Ragnvald to arrange a peace.
The ministers of the day used to discuss and arrange all the business to be done with the king beforehand with her, and it was all done in her cabinet and in her presence, but the king in more important matters often chose not to consult her.
A new combination of chiefs, 01 which Jiafir the Kurd and Mir Alam the Arabian are th i Creasy says the war broke out in 1743, but was terminatec in 1746 by a treaty which made little change in the old arrange ments fixed under Murad IV.
Already in 1662 the king had sent Sir Richard Bellings to Rome to arrange the terms of England's conversion, and now in 1668 he was in correspondence with Oliva, the general of the Jesuits in Rome, through James de la Cloche, the eldest of his natural sons, of whom he had become the father when scarcely sixteen during his residence at Jersey.
According to Aeschylus, he met his sister Electra before the tomb of Agamemnon, whither both had gone to perform rites to the dead; a recognition takes place, and they arrange how Orestes shall accomplish his revenge.
The long-standing dispute with Chile with regard to its occupation of the former Bolivian provinces of Tacna and Arica under the Parto de Tregna of the 4th of April 1884 was more difficult to arrange satisfactorily.
The dictator employed the scholar in aiding him to collect and arrange great stores of Greek and Latin literature for the vast public library, which he intended to found.
Her dissolute court was a bad home for a boy who was to be the sovereign, but Catherine took great trouble to arrange his first marriage with Wilhelmina of Darmstadt, who was renamed in Russia Nathalie Alexeevna, in 1773.
He was sent on several weighty embassies, including one to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to arrange the marriage between Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon, and another to France in 1492, when he signed the treaty of Etaples.
But the new system was to apply only to those who, in return for the greater privileges which it was alleged to ensure, would agree to a resurvey of their lands, arrange to pay quit-rents and provide for the permanent support of the government, and as Governor Lawrie found the colonists generally unwilling to make the exchange on the proposed terms, he discreetly refrained from any attempt to put the Fundamental Constitutions in operation and thereby avoided the confusion which must have resulted from two sets of laws.
In Elizabeth's reign a serious effort was made to arrange the national records, but until the end of the 18th century they were scattered in not less than fifteen repositories.
After celebrating a triumph in Rome (389) he stayed to arrange the government of Italy for another two years.
There is also a compensation arrange ment for effecting automatically the same adjustment for changes of temperature.
As far as the anatomy of the zooid is concerned, the majority of the stony or madreporarian corals agree exactly with the soft-bodied Actinians, such as Actinia equina, both in the number and arrange 4 4 ¢ 2 4 FIG.
As the microscopic character of the corallum of these extinct forms agrees with that of recent corals, it may be assumed that the anatomy of the soft parts also was similar, and the tetrameral arrange ment, when present, may obviously be referred to a stage when only the first two pairs of Edwardsian mesenteries were present and septa were formed in the intervals between them.
Though his life was worldly, and though he was more soldier and statesman than priest, the "Great Cardinal," as he was commonly called, did not neglect his duty as a bishop. He used his influence with the queen and also at Rome to arrange a settlement of the disputes between the Spanish sovereigns and the papacy.
The table of multiples will then be as in C. The next step is to arrange the multiplier and the multiplicand above the partial products.
But assuming such a relationship we arrange them in two grades.
A separation of the latter as Palasterida, because of their alternating ambulacrals, from the recent Euasterida with opposite ambulacrals, is now discarded and an attempt made to arrange the Palasterida in divisions originally established for Euasterida.
There followed an interminable series of arguments, interrupted by truces, till at last Anselm, at the kings suggestion, went to Rome to see if the pope could arrange some modus vivendi.
Even with all the experience of the century which followed, the relations between a mother country and her colonies are not easy to arrange.
The short-lived Goderich administration followed; and in January 1828 the king, weary of the effort to arrange a coalition, summoned the duke of Wellington to office as head of a purely Iuiu,g.
In 1457 Bourchier took the chief part in the trial of Reginald Pecock, bishop of Chichester, for heresy; in 1467 he was created a cardinal; and in 1475 he was one of the four arbitrators appointed to arrange the details of the treaty of Picquigny between England and France.
It is the task of the morphology of speech to distinguish the various ways in which languages differ from each other as regards their inner form, and to classify and arrange them accordingly.
For these reasons no attempt has been made to arrange the orders in larger divisions, since such a division as that of the ligulate and eligulate forms, while convenient for practical purposes, may not express the phylogeny of the group. The Psilotaceae, formerly included in the Lycopodiales, have been described separately owing to their resemblance to the Sphenophyllales.
At last, in 1704, Prince George of Denmark undertook the cost of printing; a committee of the Royal Society was appointed to arrange preliminaries, and Flamsteed, protesting and exasperated, had to submit.
He had numerous interviews with Francis I., and in 1523 he was permitted, in concert with John Stewart, duke of Albany, the Scottish regent, to arrange an invasion of England, which was never carried out.
After a short visit (April 1536) to the court of Renee, duchess of Ferrara (cousin to Margaret of Navarre), which at that time afforded an asylum to several learned and pious fugitives from persecution, Calvin returned through Basel to France to arrange his affairs before finally taking farewell of his native country.
It will become evident to any student of the romantic myths that they consist of different arrange 3 See also Vishnu Purana, i.
It also enables the bee-keeper to arrange his day's work indoors while avoiding disturbance to such colonies as do not need interference.
Stewart, 3 to Khartum to arrange the withdrawal of the Egyptian civil and military population.
The southern states he treated with equal moderation, and thereby was able to arrange an offensive and defensive alliance with them.
Necker put a stop to the rebellion in Dauphine by legalizing its assembly, and then set to work to arrange for the summons of the states general.
After a few months, which were spent in reorganizing the colonial forces, Gordon was requested to go up to Basutoland to try to arrange a settlement with the chief Masupha, one of the most powerful of the Basuto leaders.
Coming to the court of Giuki, a king in the Rhine country, Sigurd formed a friendship with his three sons, Gunnar, Hogni and Guthorm; and, in order to retain so valuable an ally, it was determined to arrange a match between him and their sister Gudrun.
By looking at these details we are often able to help you to arrange a mutually acceptable payment plan.
While we arrange the accommodation for you where required, airport transfers are not usually included.
If PE is confirmed arrange oral anticoagulation - see anticoagulants.
The nurse will discuss the results with you and arrange any follow-up appointments you need.
Pedophiles are increasing in numbers on an exponential scale and are using the Internet to contact unsuspecting minor children to arrange sexual assignations.
There is a baby listening service and with advance notice and for an extra charge we may be able to arrange a baby sitter.
The project also organizes energy efficiency installations on behalf of other organizations and can arrange installations on behalf of landlords and property managers.
Further blood tests Your doctor will arrange routine blood tests to check your general health.
In consultation with the IES office, contact publishers to arrange bookstalls where possible (these provide an extra source of income ).
Place the Ostrich Meat in pan and add the bouquet garni, cloves and port, then arrange the plums over the top.
Arrange peach halves cavity side down and sprinkle brown sugar over.
A number of companies can arrange motor camper rentals, with a range of fully equipped vehicles.
Sexual health services can also arrange hepatitis C testing as can GPs.
To arrange a collection, please contact Street Care Services.
The review team was able to arrange for five new commodes to be purchased for use in the palliative care ward.
However, a full archeological record has been made and the Trust were able to arrange recovery of some brick copings and crane posts.
You can even arrange a courier to collect the unit the same day.
Boating, Sailing, Fishing Falmouth offers wonderful facilities for boating, with hire boats being easy to arrange to explore local creeks.
It will be possible in the future to arrange additional training for those GPs who wish to provide cryotherapy within their own practice.
Your doctor will then arrange for you to have a cystoscopy.
We can also arrange tasteful room decoration with fresh flowers.
Your local housing office will give us all of the information we need to help us arrange the delivery of your furniture.
Please contact customer services to arrange a free demonstration.
In the first instance a small deputation to include Roland Rosner and Paul Jeffrey would arrange to see John Taylor.
Arrange on 4 serving plates with a scoop of ice-cream or frozen dessert on each plate.
To arrange meetings, contact Dom @ PC Zone Readers ' Challenge g. .
If you wish to see the entirety of the information in your membership record, please contact us and we will arrange a copy.
It may also be possible to arrange for a local fire brigade crew to attend a fire drill to witness it.
The cost of a return journey for you to either arrange the funeral, or go to the funeral.
We are pleased to arrange small intimate gatherings to large weddings to suit your requirements.
Perhaps we can arrange a get-together to coincide with next year's school celebrations.
We would be starting to arrange marriages for the eldest grandchildren.
You should contact your GP immediately to arrange for you to return to hospital to have the gullet stretched again.
Pile on top of 2 crispbreads, then arrange three slices of wafer-thin ham on top of each.
We are also able to either provide or arrange hire of riser blocks and seats, commodes, portable hoists and electric scooters.
Why not arrange a treasure hunt, you'd need to work out the clues.
It is the responsibility of the Buyer to arrange inspection of the Goods immediately on delivery.
To arrange an interment, contact a Funeral Director who will make all necessary arrangements with the Cemeteries Section.
We can arrange the internationals from the UK and all connecting flights.
The College has facilities to offer careers advice and arrange student internships with employers.
For customers who call in person or phone, our public offices can arrange interpreters over the telephone through the Language Line service.
At the end of the call we may arrange a work-focused interview with a personal adviser at your local Jobcentre Plus office.
Whatever your current status we can always arrange offshore facilities for you in whatever offshore jurisdiction you choose.
Arrange on a large platter with the apricots or plums and the whole kumquats or peeled physallis and figs.
Arrange the crisp lettuce leaves on 4 serving plates.
The game comes complete with playing board to arrange various colored handmade clay marbles in.
Action 7.1 ML to arrange the next meeting via email, probably during the first week of February 2005.
That tone is not methodical or even logical, it does not arrange things in neat orders like a catalog or text.
Pillow fight club is a growing underground movement in which members arrange to turn up at a public place armed only with pillows.
Arrange a local notary 's appointment for you to sign the Escritura.
Flights BUNAC will arrange your group flight to coincide with your arrival orientation.
We often arrange an outing to a place of textile interest.
Bank overdrafts Make sure you arrange the overdraft with the bank in advance.
If necessary, supply personnel should arrange for resupply of protective overgarments and other Class II NBC-related gear.
The parades Commission was also to facilitate mediation, work for greater understanding and arrange for monitoring of contentious parades.
Where students undertake a student pastorate it is usually possible to arrange a bursary.
Pour into cake tin and then sprinkle on the chocolate chips and arrange the pecans on top.
The next day, Saturday, I called FedEx with the same cell phone from Blowing Rock to arrange the pickup.
We can custom design the setup and arrange a music playlist to meet your tastes.
On request, we will arrange for an Anglian Water approved plumber to provide a quote for this area of work.
A doctor can only arrange do a hospital postmortem with written consent from the next of kin.
Any organization or individual wishing to arrange a special service in the Cathedral should contact The precentor.
How to arrange a visit If the person you are visiting is a convicted prisoner they will need to send you a Visiting Order.
At many stations, staff can arrange to provide portable ramps for wheelchair users.
Using scissors cut the crispy bacon rashers into 3 and arrange on top of the cheese.
She recalled, too, that the acting registrar asked her to arrange Mrs X's transfer to the first hospital.
True enough Ann, the wife of corrupt politician Eric Bridges, does indeed arrange a rendezvous.
Can you arrange to meet with your steward or workplace rep to talk about how to take the issue forward?
Arrange a rota for staffing the stalls during the lunchtime session.
Contact your local office where staff where you can arrange a suitable repayment schedule to take account of your personal circumstances.
Arrange trips that are educational or beneficial to the children's current schoolwork.
For this purpose former German Communist agents were employed to foment sedition and to arrange for acts of sabotage in Germany.
To provide self-help of adults that will be given by adults, and for them to arrange social activities to promote social inclusion.
To arrange shipment of your hard disk drive, please fill out our online Seagate data recovery form.
Women shrugged impatient shoulders in their warm cloaks and stopped to arrange their skirts for a walk through the storm.
This just shows how Tony Blair's Nanny State has insidiously planted the many social workers to clandestinely arrange social engineering.
The GP may arrange for sputum specimens to be sent to the laboratory.
It is advisable to ensure the memorial and many stonemasons will be able to arrange this for you.
On request, Little Foxes will arrange a taxi to take you to the airport.
The puzzle is to arrange these six pieces on a triangular wooden base to make a tetrahedron.
All items are sold as seen and the buyer will be required to arrange transportation.
Hi all, Im trying to arrange a pre xmas trip over the weekend fo 8-11th of December.
To find the contact details to arrange an uplift in your area please visit the Recycle section of Sort It.
Email for more details, photos or to arrange viewing.
All Night vigils for Peace Jane White has offered to arrange all night vigils of prayer at Sacred Heart during the present crisis.
You can contact the Training Center direct to make enquiries or to arrange an informal visit.
Alternatively you can arrange for the process not to become a zombie in the first place.
He helped to arrange the marriage between Henry's son, Arthur, and Catherine of Aragon; he went to Scotland with Richard Foxe, then bishop of Durham, in 1497; and he was partly responsible for several commercial and other treaties with Flanders, Burgundy and the German king, Maximilian I.
Next year, on the 5th of October 1406, he was sent with Sir John Cheyne to Paris to arrange a lasting peace and the marriage of Prince Henry with the French princess Marie, which was frustrated by her becoming a nun at Poissy next year.
Sussex, indignant at Shane's request for his sister's hand in marriage, and his demand for the withdrawal of the English garrison from Armagh, was not supported by the queen, who sent the earl of Kildare to arrange terms with O'Neill.
Napoleon showed his indifference to the opinion of the tsar by ordering the seizure of the British envoy at Hamburg, Sir George Rumbold (24th of October); but set him free on the remonstrance of the king of Prussia, with whom he then desired to remain on friendly terms. Nevertheless, the general trend of his policy was such as powerfully to help on the formation of the Third Coalition against France - a compact which Pitt (who returned to power in May 1804) had found it very difficult to arrange.
Arguing from the existence of only one mono-substitution derivative, and of three di-derivatives (statements of which the rigorous proof was then wanting), he was led to arrange the six carbon atoms in a ring, attaching a hydrogen atom to each carbon atom; being left with the fourth carbon valencies, he mutually saturated these in pairs, thus obtaining the symbol I (see below).
Meanwhile the western sea-powers had made earnest efforts to restore peace, and in August 1737 the plenipotentiaries of the combatant powers met at Niemirov to arrange terms under their mediation.
The object of his mission was to persuade the Dutch to join in the War of the Austrian Succession and to arrange the details of their assistance.
After the flight of the usurper Alexius, and when the blind Isaac, whose claims the crusaders were defending, had been taken by the Greeks from prison a;nd placed on the throne, Villehardouin, with Montmorency and two Venetians, formed the embassy sent to arrange terms. He was again similarly distinguished when it became necessary to remonstrate with Alexius, the blind man's son and virtual successor, on the nonkeeping of the terms. Indeed Villehardouin's talents as a diplomatist seem to have been held in very high esteem, for later, when the Latin empire had become a fact, he was charged with the delicate business of mediating between the emperor Baldwin and Boniface, marquis of Montferrat, in which task he had at least partial success.
From comparative anatomy alone it is possible to arrange a series of living forms which, although structurally a convincing array because placed in a graded series, may be, nevertheless, in an order inverse to that of the actual historical succession.
Having helped to draw up the Institution of a Christian Man, Wotton in 1539 went to arrange the marriage between Henry VIII, and Anne of Cleves and the union of Protestant princes which was to be the complement of this union.
In the precincts of a great shrine a malefactor finds a safe refuge from his pursuers and is lodged and fed, and from the security of his retreat he can arrange the ransom which is to purchase his immunity when he comes out.
In the latter year, however, under the governor-generalship of the marquess of Dalhousie, General John Jacob, C.B., at the time political superintendent and commandant on the Sind frontier, was deputed to arrange and conclude a treaty between the Kalat state, then under the chieftainship of Nasir Khan and the British government.
If you recover sufficiently, we may be able to arrange for you to take the paper later the same day.
You may arrange for periodical remittance for amounts greater than the above.
Contact the place of purchase to arrange to have the unit tested, repaired, or replaced under warranty.
Please call Wedding Sales to arrange a visit or request further information, including sample menus.
Arrange trips that are educational or beneficial to the children 's current schoolwork.
These we used to arrange in empty fish paste jars along the scullery window sill.
Arrange for an occasional sermon (series) on how Christians should use their money -- earning, spending, saving and sharing.
This just shows how Tony Blair 's Nanny State has insidiously planted the many social workers to clandestinely arrange social engineering.
It is advisable to ensure the memorial and many Stonemasons will be able to arrange this for you.
If symptoms do not subside following our telephone advice we can arrange for you to come in and see a doctor.
This invites the registrant to contact their tag holder to arrange renewal or to pay us directly.
We will be happy to arrange a tailor-made tour for your group.
Four electron pairs arrange themselves in space in what is called a tetrahedral arrangement.
There 's no need to traipse around different shops and arrange deliveries and fittings.
Now arrange them into a large trifle bowl and make some forks marks in the sponge.
There are actually three different ways in which you could arrange 3 bonding pairs and 2 lone pairs into a trigonal bipyramid.
All Night Vigils for Peace Jane White has offered to arrange all night vigils of prayer at Sacred Heart during the present crisis.
There's always a squabble when my family members try to arrange where to go out to eat.
Take any favorite toys that she usually sleeps with, and arrange them on her new bed.
When meeting someone for the first time, arrange to meet in a public place.
Arrange 10 baby bottles in a triangle shape, and have each guest "bowl" with a small ball.
You can arrange rows of vegetables so that they are next to contrasting colors.
If you have room, you can also arrange crackers on the outer edges of the tray.
Either arrange to have it waiting for you at your destination, or if you are bringing it make sure you have specialty bags so your gear is travel ready.
Arrange the sock buds into a corsage by pulling the wires together and taping them.
Arrange everything in a wicker basket so that it looks neat and professional.
Arrange the sock toes to resemble a floral bouquet and attach additional lengths of ribbon in varying lengths.
Arrange the furniture in baby's room so that there won't be any middle-of-the-night accidents due to tripping over ottomans or bumping into changing tables.
Know the amount of space you have to work with, and design an ideal layout plan for how you'd like to arrange the patio furniture you're planning on buying.
Arrange payment schedules if the entire price cannot be covered up front (in most cases, it can't).
Like the student store on campus, these stores generally receive orders from the faculty and arrange their stock by course name and number.
If that isn't possible, see if you can arrange for your contractor or a friend to get the carpet.
Finally, know where the gold or silver will be stored if you are purchasing it and arrange the delivery of your goods accordingly.
The money order can arrive same day, typically in minutes, or you can arrange for it to arrive in three business days using your bank account, which will help cut down on processing and shipping fees.
Shape the mix into individual golf ball-sized nuggets, and arrange them in a non-stick baking pan.
You can also arrange the cotton balls around the base of houseplants.
This can be a program you arrange in your neighborhood or through your children's school.
Arrange the Baileys bottle(s) and other main gift items in the basket, and add or remove filler paper as needed.
Arrange to have an online bill payment account established with your bank.
Be certain that the online bill paying service provider allows you to arrange for repeating payments and schedule payments for standard monthly expenses in advance.
The service can also arrange for you to attend special events for which it might otherwise be difficult to obtain tickets.
Contact lenders who you cannot afford to pay in full and arrange a settlement or payment plan.
They can also arrange for pre-established amounts of money to be transferred from their accounts for weekly or monthly deposits onto the teen's Visa Buxx card.
If the teen is employed, and the teen's employer offers direct deposit, the teen might be able to arrange to have their wages deposited onto their card.
These cards are available from numerous financial institutions, and you may be able to arrange to have your paycheck directly added to the prepaid debit card if the card offers a direct deposit feature.
In a situation where is some question about who the father of a child is, a Salt Lake City child support lawyer can help arrange for the necessary genetic testing to settle the issue conclusively.
Once the Petition has been filed, the Clerk's Office will arrange for it to be served on the Respondent.
The CSE office can arrange for paternity testing to be conducted, possibly at little or no cost.
If you are looking to arrange for alimony, you will probably need to consult an attorney.
In cases that are more involved, you may want to arrange for a consultation with an attorney before proceeding on your own.
Arrange a day-by-day, weekly or rotating schedule in which the child spends three days with one parent and four days with the other in one week and then switches the schedule every other week.
At the inception of the situation, arrange a meeting without the child present to discuss strategies and goals.
You can arrange the pieces in a way that fits the room, then rearrange them when you get bored.
You can collect the paper and take it to a local recycling center or arrange for pick-up through the waste management department in your area.
If there is a Salvation Army or Goodwill near you, they also accept larger items at the facility, or arrange for pick-ups.
Place the filler in the basket and arrange the herbal tea in there first.
Within minutes you can design and arrange furniture for the whole home.
Arrange your furniture around a focal piece.
Rotating the furniture is simple; just drag and drop, then click to move and arrange.
Arrange, resize, rotate and shift the pieces as wanted, and then save, compare, print or email the room plans.
Dab craft glue to the border of the frame and arrange pinecones in your choice of pattern - cover the whole frame, or just add a few groupings.
How you arrange your furniture in you home or office is essential to the Chi flow.
For an uncluttered look, arrange items that are similar in style, size or color.
Arrange the furniture in closely spaced seating areas, ideal for conversations.
Before you hang the first picture on the wall arrange your artwork on the floor in the pattern that you will want it to be on the wall.
If a family room serves more than one function, arrange it so it best fits the needs of the family.
It's a good idea to arrange items and surfaces in a way that will make these jobs as easy as possible.
Wondering how to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room can drive you a little crazy with the asymmetry of the space.
If you've been wondering how to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room, you now have the tools to try out a few designs of your own.
Arrange decorated chipboard shapes along the side of your page for a quick and easy border.
If you choose a background with a lovely dragon motif, try to strategically arrange your page to incorporate the dragon rather than obliterate it with other page elements.
Do you already understand how to crop photos and arrange elements in a digital image editing program or are you starting from scratch?
Punch squares from scraps of coordinating patterned paper, then arrange the squares to make a frame for a special photo.
Arrange the sticks in a block of floral foam to make a bouquet.
Use a small flower punch to punch six to eight flowers from several shades or cardstock, and arrange on the base, slightly overlapping the flowers.
Many scrapbookers tend to make arrange their books in chronological order, but mixing photos from different time periods can be a way to add an unexpected twist to your project.
Besides layouts, what really makes each scrapbook unique is what types of elements you use and how you arrange them.
Look for colored folders if you want to arrange your scrapbook paper by color.
Find a picture of the child at that birthday, and then arrange the cards in a two-page layout with the photograph.
Arrange your photos randomly on the page, but leave plenty of room for journaling under each one.
Arrange your photos on the page, leaving room for journaling.
Just as you schedule time for projects, chores and other tasks, you need to arrange playtime.
Once you have your images, arrange them on the board in a way that looks attractive to you, and paste.
Arrange for a time to call, and chat then.
After the predator establishes trust, he or she will arrange to meet the teenager in a private area such as when parents are not home or in a hotel room.
In a classroom, arrange that when someone coughs or stretching his/her hands up, the whole class will drop a pencil at the same time.
To stay safe, never arrange to meet offline and immediately report any inappropriate behavior to an adult.
Many high schools will arrange a special trip during spring break for the school's seniors as well.
I did, however, arrange the witnesses to our marriage.
You might want to arrange a circle of flowers for your head.
Simple glass balls are also easy to arrange.
If the bridal party still wishes to host an all female event, they can arrange for a bachelorette party at a later date.
Arrange for a package deal with the limo service so the bridal party, families of the bride and groom and any other special people can arrive via limousine.
If you can arrange your bachelorette or bachelor party for a weeknight, or settle for a weeknight wedding, you'll end up with significant savings on your limo rental.
Arrange satellite cakes around the larger centerpiece cake to increase the illusion of size and add variety to the cake table.
Arrange the tiers asymmetrically instead of centered on one another.
If buying the lucky bamboo from an online dealer, which is often the least expensive option, inspect each stalk upon arrival and arrange to exchange any imperfect shoots.
Although the heat has worn off, be sure to arrange seating so that guests do not have the sun in their eyes.
Arrange themed candles or candleholders around the border for a spooktacular effect.
If you want to arrange your own floral arrangements but feel like you have the creativity of a brick, that's okay.
If you buy the flowers from a local store, there may be someone there who can help you arrange the flowers, or you can look for advice online or in one of the many books about flower arranging specific to weddings.
Arrange them on top of a fall leaves handkerchief in the center of the table.
Planning a wedding can be tremendously satisfying and a great way to arrange your perfect day.
If you have a picturesque view at your outdoor location, arrange your reception table layout so that everyone can see it during dinner.
Do not cut them up; instead, simply wash the fruits and arrange.
Arrange the wedding rehearsal and choose a location for the dinner.Finally, remember that many of the previous steps will flow into the final steps.
In many cases, commissioning a cake decorator to make a topper rather than decorate an entire cake is cheaper, as you can simply arrange the topper on the cake yourself.
Don't interrupt the natural flow of the ceremony from vows to rings to pronouncement of marriage, but remember that there is no correct time within the ceremony to place the poem-the order of service is yours to arrange.
One strategy is to see what various bakers around town have to offer; you can even arrange multiple tastings if you want.
Arrange to meet your friends in places where smoking is not allowed.
Arrange cupcakes on a large cake board to resemble the shape of an Easter bunny face.
Draw smiley faces on strawberries, fruit wedges, or pieces of candy, and arrange them in a pattern on top of the cake.
Cut the cake into sixths or eighths, place a circle of cupcakes in the center of your display, and arrange the cake slices around the circle as flower petals.
For example, if you have access to a prop like a mini circus tent or a big model of a tree, place cupcakes in the tent to act as spectators or performers, or arrange cupcakes in the tree branches and at the tree's base.
These businesses make a point of making it easy for customers to design the dress and arrange the sewing.
You can also arrange to have them wrapped in special envelopes to keep.
If you work full-time, it's often not possible to arrange your schedule to accommodate a class meeting two days per week for 45 minutes.
He/she will help you talk to your roommate or arrange to have you transferred to a different dorm room.
The course teaches students how to arrange for wedding photography, plan ceremonies and receptions, handle floral arrangements, organize invitations, and become start-up entrepreneurs.
Room service is also available twenty-four hours a day, and while the standard menu is quite limited, during dining hours it is possible to arrange for a cabin steward to deliver restaurant items to your cabin.
To arrange these elements separately would take tremendous effort, time, and money.
Passengers who choose voyages departing from international ports should consult an experienced travel agent to arrange for the proper documentation.
Parents can escape to the adults-only atriums or spa facilities, or arrange a romantic dinner for two at an alternative restaurant.
Because there is no waiting period for marriages in Hawaii, couples can dock, arrange for their marriage license, enjoy a beautiful tropical ceremony, take photographs, and be back onboard the cruise ship before the sailing deadline.
Another type of wedding cruise a couple may arrange in Maui forgoes the idea of a cruise vacation altogether.
Some cruise ships may also be able to help arrange shipping for excess purchases, though fees for these services can be exorbitant.
Arrange shore excursions with the help of a map and a guide book instead of a more expensive prearranged tour.
Passengers can make the already low rates for this inexpensive cruise even cheaper by arrange group reservations for a family reunion, wedding cruise, or other special event.
If a couple decides a cruise wedding isn't right for them, they can still enjoy a honeymoon cruise or arrange for a romance package on their next cruise vacation.
Overnight Mississippi River riverboat cruises can be an unforgettable experience for passengers able to arrange voyages in an uncertain cruise industry.
Passengers can also arrange for a trip to Walt Disney Resort after their cruise adventure.
Sometimes, if an individual agent has a relationship with a cruise line, he or she can arrange for last minute deals not advertised anywhere.
For those taking the Disney Magic or Disney Dream from Port Canaveral to the Caribbean or Bahamas, Disney Cruise Lines help arrange your transportation.
Doing this will allow you to arrange your seat assignments on board the plane.
Arrange a meeting time prior to your leaving so he/she can meet your pet.
If you decide all is in good order, then all that's left is to pay your fees and arrange your new pup's transportation.
Arrange the slices on a cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick spray and bake for ten minutes until golden brown.
Take time to arrange them is a way that looks good.
Find the stones you wish to arrange and determine which side of the stone should be facing upright.
Use either real or fake ones, pile or arrange them in interesting designs.
Because his music is focused more on the craft of songwriting rather than on complicated guitar arrangements, these songs are very approachable for both guitarists and for those who arrange tabs and post them on the Internet.
Be sure to check out their lesson on how to arrange guitar parts in a performance setting!
Arrange the shawl collar to sit outside of your cardigan.
Parents can arrange for children to participate in activities that the doctor recommends.
Social workers can help arrange home-schooling as needed after the child is discharged from the hospital.
Discharge planner-A health care professional who helps parents arrange for health and home care needs after their child goes home from the hospital.
Arrange the remaining apple wedges around the center of the pan.
Slice the duck breasts diagonally and arrange on a plate.
It is best to arrange for a professional such as an experienced DJ or ballroom dance instructor.
If you plan on drinking while out, arrange for a DD ahead of time so you know you will be safe and able to enjoy yourself.
Many families arrange for this well in advance of their son's death so that he can be buried with this bride.
We can ship items to heirs, organize paperwork, obtain appraisals on valuable items, sell cars, arrange routine yard care until the house is sold, work with auction houses to sell valuable collections; the list goes on."
You can use this tool to locate specific areas in your living space, strategically arrange your possessions to encourage the proper flow of energy, or chi, and bring the most benefits to the area you choose.
Then, use a curling iron to make ringlets that you can arrange in fun styles.
While most bridal and other formal styles are arranged at a hair salon, it is best to arrange the flower girl's hair at home.
Arrange a clinic visit or consultation to see the facility and evaluate its cleanliness, professionalism, and overall atmosphere.
To contact the Institute, visit online at, call (404) 832-0300, or arrange a consultation at 975 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 460.
Arrange a time several weeks before the wedding to visit with the stylist to give the look a trial run, including the veil, to ensure it looks perfect.
You may need to have an alternative style in mind that you can arrange easily if you can't fix a formal prom hair style.
This will keep hair gorgeous from the inside out and make it easier to arrange in an elaborate style.
Make sure you arrange a two week appointment prior to your wedding if you plan or having any color service such as highlights or color added to your style.
If you're uncertain about the right color for your locks, arrange a hair color consultation with an experienced stylist who can guide you to your best shades.
Arranging a hair donation to cancer patients can be a touching way to show support for a loved one with cancer or it can be an admirable service project to arrange to help worthwhile organizations.
Because updo styles take more time to arrange, they are not usually worn daily, and a sleek French twist or curly updo can be perfect for your prom look.
If someone is interested in talking to you about an assignment, try to arrange a time when you can talk in person.
You can also arrange for email alerts of new job postings that match your profile and search for listings by the name of the federal agency, geographic location, specific occupation, salary range and keywords.
Once you take an assignment, you'll talk to the housing department to find a place to live, set up utilities, and arrange delivery of any furniture and clothing and necessities you'll bring with you.
Arrange to view the property prior to the auction.
Condo buyers should visit a Realtor in their area who can give them a list of FHA approved condos listed by HUD and arrange to make visits to these units.
In order to apply, you must generally call or visit an HA to arrange a meeting to discuss options.
Make stems and arrange them in a vase or simply tuck a few blooms between items on your bookshelf.
Arrange the triangle so the flat side is facing you.
You'll need to arrange for regular medical care for your health and the health of your baby.
Lining up childcare, calculating the costs of health insurance fees and copays, and preparing a nursery for your new addition are some of the things you must arrange.
Rather than stowing them in a shoebox, you can arrange them in frames, sort them in scrapbooks, or integrate them into various keepsakes.
If you are currently pregnant and considered to be at high risk for preterm labor, your doctor may arrange for you to deliver in a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
We can also arrange for champagne and flowers to arrive at the perfect moment.
There you can get attraction tickets at a reduced rate, rent equipment like bicycles and kayaks, arrange for car travel and more.
The Cliff House has two dining facilities and you can also arrange for private events at the Cliff House, such as weddings or anniversary parties.
At the front desk, you can take advantage of valet parking service or arrange a city tour.
Arrange the doll's hair so it falls evenly.
Arrange and glue everything onto pre-sized card stock kits that come with their own envelopes.
Whether you need to reschedule a practice or arrange separate transportation to a meet, swimming club websites are usually more efficient than phone trees these days, although a group text message can also get the word out in a jiffy.
You can also arrange shopping trips for competition wear, or discuss custom team uniforms.
Arrange clues all over the backyard and let your young sleuth head out and solve a crime.
This train set table comes with over 23 feet of track, which means many different ways to arrange them.
Secure the clip and then tighten and arrange the pashmina to suit your taste.
To arrange for warranty service, call the Viking customer service line at 1-800-216-5775 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Central Standard Time) or write to Viking Range Corporation, P.O. Box 956, Greenwood, Mississippi (MS) 38930.
If you want to be sneaky, arrange your ships near each other, but in some sort of polygon.
Of course, you can take the haphazard approach and arrange your ships on different parts of the board--some in the middle, some on the edge, maybe one on the corner.
Vary up your strategies when you arrange your ships because sometimes, like in most strategy games, you need to play the person and not the game.
With the electronic card reader, you no longer need to try and arrange your paper money or keep a watchful eye on Aunt Matilda.
To play pyramid solitaire, arrange 21 cards in the shape of a pyramid with 7 overlapping rows.
Arrange tiles on a special board in order to score the most points.
The most popular way to arrange scented candles as gifts is to coordinate pleasing scents.
Dip your embedded objects into the hot gel, then arrange them along the base of the candle container.
Arrange different flameless candles around a room during your next Halloween party and you will not have to worry about the candles staying lit, dripping wax on your furniture or being accidentally knocked over.
Sprinkle artificial snow on a large tray, then arrange the candles as desired.
Arrange the candles with framed photos of loved ones celebrating Christmas.
Arrange a set of small cordless candles around pine garlands on your mantelpiece or a buffet table.
You don't even have to worry about how to get your furniture to them; just contact them and they will try to arrange a pick-up time with you.
They serve all 50 states and can arrange a pick up of your vehicle.
You can also go online and complete a donation form, arrange a pickup time and apply for a tax deduction.
After you have found a charity that is registered as a 501(c)(3) and can legally accept your donation, contact them to arrange either a pick up or drop off of the vehicle.
For larger donations, the organization can arrange from a truck pickup at your location.
Determine that chapter's needs and arrange for pickup or drop off of the supplies.
Some charities can arrange pickup of the vehicle at your home or place of business.
Cut the stems to appropriate points and then arrange until it looks nice in the vase.
Read more about the history of Radio City Music Hall or arrange a tour.
The print template is a bit tricky to use, so it's best to download the images and then arrange them.
If visiting Santa is not an option because of risk factors or illness, write Santa letters instead, or arrange a special visit from a family member or friend dressed as Santa.
If you want to create a magnificent lighted display, it might be worth a call to an electrician to arrange for additional wiring.
Ask all of the children in the audience to sit on the floor directly in front of the stage so they can see the play clearly, or arrange comfortable chairs in the front rows for them.
You can also arrange to have your whole costume made here.Tips on gowns and accessories can be found at The Costumer's Manifesto.
A dark-haired man with medium length hair can use mousse to arrange it - although he'll probably need a little help.
Clicking on the categories will lead you to places like SexSearch, which was created specifically for people to arrange sexual encounters--no strings attached.
There are online dating agencies, agencies that work by phone, ones that arrange lunch dates, and exclusive ones that cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Some services even arrange the location of the date; most of the time, you'll do that yourself.
Tell a friend or family member where you're going and when you'll be home, and arrange to call them when the date is over.
In turn, if friends arrange a "fix-up" they will determine ahead of time without any hurt feelings.
Arrange a meeting in a neutral location (in public) and have fun getting to know each other in the real world.
Arrange for the kids to stay over at a friend's house so that you'll have the morning all to yourselves.
If you meet someone in person, always arrange to see each other in a public place.
Call your mate's boss to arrange a day off.
If both of you enjoy art you can arrange to meet at one of the many art museums.
Once the break up is over, don't tell her that you are going to call her or arrange to meet up at a later time "just to check on her".
Arrange a car or limo service to pick her up and drive her to your home, where you will be in a suit with roses in hand.
When placing such a call, the couple should both be on the line if possible and arrange a time to call when both their parents (or grandparents or numerous friends) can listen in as well.
Taking time off to arrange a lunch proposal shows more initiative and planning than an easier dinner proposal.
Most DJs are more than happy to include a personal message from the person requesting the song, and some radio stations will even arrange for the response to be announced on the air as well.
Arrange other activities, such as a walk on the beach, movie, massage, or other romantic options to complete the perfect day.
To avoid a time crunch, arrange to play hookie after the event or plan the proposal very carefully so no time is wasted by traffic, waiting for a food order, or other delays.
There are many ways to arrange a spontaneous, unexpected, creative proposal.
Many churches arrange purity programs and ceremonies to encourage young Christians to embrace the values and vows of purity.
Women's rings with center stones come with cubic zirconia but customers can arrange to replace the cubic zirconia with a diamond.
Check with the preschool to arrange a tour and see if you can bring your child along for the visit.
Normally these occasions are best kept at just a few hours or a half-day, so arrange the activity at the most convenient time for everyone.
Take this special time to arrange a few crafts, trivia and games and you'll be guaranteed a bounty of occupied and satisfied bellies come Thanksgiving day!
Have the kids arrange the cut-out pictures in a pattern of their choosing, using up all the space on the contact paper in the process.
This is where you literally put all your drugs, vitamins, and other supplements in a bag and arrange for a drug consultation.
Let's say you're trying to arrange a date night.
Arrange to pay your bills online, use e-mail to distribute memos and reports, and send your customers e-mail newsletters instead of printed flyers.
For example, if you get a promotion at work that adds an extra $50 per week to your paycheck, arrange to have that money automatically deposited into your savings account.
You can arrange to have new releases mailed to you as soon as they are available to eliminate the hassle of making a special trip to the video store to find the movie you want is already out.
You need to arrange to have someone pick up the food box at the predetermined time, which might be difficult with your work schedule.
Arrange everything in a nicely decorated binder.
Arrange a group visit to the zoo to take advantage of discounted admission for groups, and carpool at the same time to save on parking fees.
For example, you may not be able to arrange for a carpool to work because you don't live anywhere near your coworkers.
This includes providing information to help locate the absent parent and arrange for paternity testing.
Look into public transportation options or arrange a car pool with your coworkers to save instantly, and always look for the cheapest gas prices in town.
You can also enter for sweepstakes, giveaways, arrange for quick checkouts, get free shipping with a $50 minimum purchase, free gifts and all sorts of benefits!
The Internet also allows fans to share spoilers and arrange fan weekends and events.
Out of state visitors will need to make travel plans and arrange a hotel ahead of time.
Later in the season, they celebrated with a proposal and a huge wedding that Izzie wanted to arrange.
Each kit comes with 800 words or a selection of phrases that you can combine and arrange to make customized sayings.
Contact the company directly to arrange for your professional wholesale endeavors.
This means you'll need to arrange for transportation to the main part of the city you land in.
To arrange for travel accommodations, book as early as you possibly can.
If you're planning to camp or stay in hotels along the way, make sure you arrange for reservations ahead of time.
You can, for example, arrange a private tour, choose specific destinations and even choose your own dates.
Be sure to know what to look for and what to ask in order to arrange the perfect vacation and to avoid any fraudulent travel deals.
If mom and dad need a break after a long day playing with the kids, the hotel can arrange for a babysitter to take over while they enjoy a night out on the town.
Arrange a sleep-over for the birthday girl and organize a showing of the Little Mermaid on video or DVD for the guests to enjoy.
If your watch needs repairing, either within the warranty or outside of the warranty, then the watch repair page of the Citizen Watch website provides all the information that you will require to arrange repair of your Citizen Watch.
If you don't own the watch but are interested in making a purchase, the owner may even arrange the appraisal himself.
You might be able to arrange a private session with a yoga instructor to learn the proper alignment of these poses.
That's a terrific aspiration, but before trying advanced poses or more extensive yogic applications, first arrange for private training with your instructor.
Arrange to work one-on-one with an instructor, learning each advanced posture in stages.
Depending on your neeeds, you can choose from the available product line or arrange for a custom order.
The first step is to contact a professional in the medical, educational or social work field and arrange for a meeting and testing for the child.
The first step is to speak with your family physician and arrange a screening and diagnostic interview for your child.
Then arrange the beaded flowers into a bouquet as desired.
On the concave, or front, side of the paper plate, arrange the handprints in a circle with the fingers pointing out, like rays of sunshine.
Spread out the burlap, and arrange the pattern piece on the fabric.
Children with clean hands can also arrange crackers and cheese on serving plates and arrange crudités so that they are ready to serve.
Arrange the piece of felt so that one of the long sides is facing toward you.
Arrange the paper so the short side is facing toward you.
Cut the photos out and arrange them in front of you.
You can arrange playlists to accommodate the length of workout you want, or you can intersperse slower songs periodically to create an interval training program.
While you are discussing your options, let the agent know you would like to arrange monthly installments if that is what works best for your budget.
When you need to get help from one of the contractors with which your homeowner's insurance company has a service agreement, you should contact the insurer to arrange for a service call.
The home warranty insurer will contact one of the contractors on its list and ask them to contact you to arrange a convenient time to come to your home to diagnose and repair the problem.
Choose a plan that will arrange for your care in a foreign country, especially if you do not speak the local language in that country.
It may be cheaper for most of the family to be insured under one plan, while the person who presents a higher risk can arrange his or her own individual health insurance policy.
When Nationwide receives a request for service, they forward it on to a local contractor, who contacts the customer to arrange an appointment.
If the applicant is employed by a hospital or clinic, but also doing some work on the side, he or she can arrange liability coverage through this company.
It is an agency that can arrange insurance coverage from all major providers.
Print the label, secure it on the package, and then drop the package in a mailbox or arrange for pick-up from your home or office.
Developing a relationship with one means that a customer is not left to fend for him or herself when trying to arrange coverage for a vehicle.
California residents who are unable to arrange home insurance through a standard insurance company can apply for coverage through the California FAIR Plan.
Arrange the garment properly on the hanger so the folds do not wrinkle and the fabric does not tear.
You can shuffle, arrange, remove and play all of your mp3s from this straightforward interface.
If an entire theme is too complicated to arrange, consider hosting a birthday party at a unique location.
Some hosts prefer to give a planner only general ideas and guidelines, and let them arrange most of the minutia, while others are far more involved and only rely on the planner's expertise when they are unable to manage.
You can arrange the flowers with Ti leaves and a Bird of Paradise or two would to set the theme of your party.
If you could arrange a large cauldron, plastic would work, with some dry ice in it.
Treat your teen to a snazzy new swimsuit, pack a cooler with snacks and drinks, pay for admission, have a lesson about safety, and arrange to pick everyone up later.
Then arrange the leaves in a rectangle about the size of a place mat.
Prom is one such event, and some schools will arrange formal senior dinners, awards nights, and other activities.
Arrange rides for people who cannot drive.
Lessons usually start at least a year in advance of the event, and most lesson providers book up early, so some parents arrange for lessons a few years in advance.
Be sure to bring a cake and arrange for the restaurant to keep it in the kitchen till the big moment arrives.
Another option is to arrange toys and other items from the 80s on the tables.
You will also need to decide if your home will accommodate a sit-down dinner or if food should be served buffet style and make decisions about how to arrange food serving and dining areas.
Cut florist's foam to fit a sturdy bowl or other container, and arrange your white spray-painted tree branches in the foam.
Arrange with the restaurant and wait staff to present the cake as a special surprise for the bride-to-be at the end of the meal.
Alternatively, arrange an egg decorating session during the party and provide baskets in which the kids can take their eggs home.
Choose lilies or tulips for centerpieces, and arrange them in low baskets so that everyone can see the guests on the other side of the table.