Armstrong Sentence Examples
He peddled off like Lance Armstrong.
The sun was beating down on me as I sat on the stoop waiting for Mrs. Armstrong to pick me up.
Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., and the battleship " Messudiyeh " (9100 tons displacement) reconstructed by the firm of Ansaldo (Genoa) in 1902, and re-armed by Vickers, Sons & Maxim, formed the only really effective war-ships at the disposal of Turkey in 1910, although a few armoured ships in addition might still serve for coast defence at a pinch, and a few more for training ships.
Lowry and Armstrong represent these compounds by the following spatial formulae which postulate a y-oxidic structure, and 5 asymmetric carbon atoms, i.e.
A considerable part of the armament is old, but the more modern vessels are armed with Armstrong rifled guns.
On the 27th of September 1814, after the disaster of Bladensburg and the capture of Washington by the British, he was appointed secretary of war to succeed General John Armstrong, and discharged the duties of this office, in addition to those of the state department, until March 1815.
Mr Thornycroft's other memorials, such as the " Queen Victoria Memorial " (Karachi), the " War Memorial " (at Durban) and the " Armstrong Memorial " (at Newcastle), are well known, and his portrait statuary and medallions are numerous.
Fischer has proposed formulae for the important disaccharoses, and in conjunction with Armstrong devised a method for determining how the molecule was built up, by forming the osone of the sugar and hydrolysing, whereupon the hexosone obtained indicates the aldose part of the molecule.
The few remaining bison are on a ranch near Goodnight, in Armstrong county, where they have been crossed with polled Angus cattle.
The profession which he adopted was that of a solicitor, and from 1833 to 1847 he was engaged in active practice in Newcastle as a member of the firm of Donkin, Stable & Armstrong.
AdvertisementIn particular, it was rendered practicable on board ship, and its application to the manipulation of heavy naval guns and other purposes on warships was not the least important of Armstrong's achievements.
Modern artillery dates from about 1855, when Armstrong's first gun made its appearance.
The guns constructed on this principle yielded such excellent results, both in range and accuracy, that they were adopted by the British government in 1859, Armstrong himself being appointed engineer of rifled ordnance and receiving the honour of knighthood.
At the same time the Elswick Ordnance Company was formed to manufacture the guns under the supervision of Armstrong, who, however, had no financial interest in the concern; it was merged in the Elswick Engineering Works four years later.
Armstrong resigned his position in 1863, and for seventeen years the government adhered to the older method of loading, in spite of the improvements which experiment and research at Elswick and elsewhere had during that period produced in the mechanism and performance of heavy guns.
AdvertisementBut at last Armstrong's results could no longer be ignored; and wire-wound breechloading guns were received back into the service in 1880.
The use of steel wire for the construction of guns was one of Armstrong's early ideas.
Lord Armstrong, who was raised to the peerage in 1887, was the author of A Visit to Egypt (1873), and Electric Movement in Air and Water (1897), besides many professional papers.
This last was chartered and became independent of any denominational control in 1870, and was superintended by Samuel Chapman Armstrong from 1868 to 1893.
Kansas City was founded in 1886 by the consolidation of "old" Kansas City, Armourdale and Wyandotte (in which Armstrong and Riverview were then included).
AdvertisementThere is more than one meaning of John Armstrong discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
After 1878 Indians were also admitted to the Institute, and during the last fifteen years of his life Armstrong took a deep interest in the "Indian question."
See Samuel Chapman Armstrong, a Biographical Study (New York, 1904), by his daughter, Edith Armstrong Talbot.
In the same year a force of pioneers under John Armstrong of Carlisle surprised and destroyed the Indian village of Kittanning (or Atique) on the Allegheny river.
James Armstrong, and he captured the Barrier Forts near Canton.
AdvertisementIsmail had collected 500 field-guns, 200 Armstrong cannon., and had created factories of warlike and other stores.
Johnny Armstrong of Gilnockie, famed in ballad and legend, was hanged, with forty of his clan, at Carlanrigg, in Teviotdale.
C. Armstrong was carrying on an educational experiment, and he developed the night school, which became one of the most important features of the institution.
Armstrong before the London Chemical Society on the 31st of October 1901 contained many personal details of Frankland's life, together with a full discussion of his scientific work; and a volume of Autobiographical Sketches was printed for private circulation in 1902.
The growth of the great shipbuilding and engineering companies; now amalgamated, of which the Armstrong firm at Elswick is the most famous, necessitated the dredging of the river so as to form a deep waterway.
In 1814 Harrison received no active assignments to service, and on this account and because the secretary of war (John Armstrong) issued an order to one of Harrison's subordinates without consulting him, he resigned his commission.
Armstrong accepted the resignation without consulting President Madison, but the president later utilized Harrison in negotiating with the north-western Indians, the greater part of whom agreed (22nd July 1814) to a second treaty of Greenville, by which they were to become active allies of the United States, should hostilities with Great Britain continue.
The old court house in which Abraham Lincoln, in 1854, won his famous "Armstrong murder case," is now used for a city hall.
In November 1768, at a general council of the Six Nations with Sir William Johnson and representatives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, held at Fort Stanwix, on the site of the present Rome, New York (q.v.), at which was signed a treaty establishing the boundary line between the English possessions and the territory claimed by the Six Nations, the Indians sold for $io,000 to Thomas Penn (1702-1775) and Richard Penn (1706-1771), respectively, the second and third sons of William Penn - the founder of Pennsylvania - by his second wife, the remaining land in the province of Pennsylvania to which they claimed title, namely the tract lying south of the west branch of the Susquehanna river and of a straight line from the north-west corner of what is now Cambria county to the present Kittanning (in Armstrong county), and all of the territory east of the Allegheny river below Kittanning and south of the Ohio river.
Farther west, on the coast, and provided with a convenient harbour, stands Pozzuoli (Puteoli), a city containing many Roman remains, but now chiefly remarkable for the large gunworks erected by Messrs Armstrong & Co.; and beyond it, round the Bay of Baiae, are Monte Nuovo, a hill thrown up in a single night in September 1538; the classic site of Baiae; the Lucrine Lake; Lake Avernus; the Lake of Fusaro (Acherusia Palus); the Elysian t Fields; and the port and promontory of Misenum.
Since then the hydraulic press has practically completely superseded all other appliances used for expression, and in consequence of this epoch-making invention, assisted as it was later on by the accumulator - invented by William George (later Lord) Armstrong in 1843 - the seed-crushing industry reached a perfection of mechanical detail which soon secured its supremacy for England.
Fred O'Connor was off in Mrs. Armstrong's exhaust-belching Buick, a prior commitment to a garage sale, although his heart wasn't in it.
Armstrong examined them, and they contained references to an American bombsight, and that someone was traveling to Devon.
Have the cricket reporters in Australia forgotten Gregory and Macdonald bowling ferocious bouncers in Armstrong's Australian team of 1921?
Exhibits include the bugle played by Louis Armstrong in 1913.
The latter has a wonderful duet with Louis Armstrong on My Sweet Hunk of Trash.
Grand new buildings were also built by wealthy industrialists such as Lord Armstrong at Cragside.
Armstrong vehemently denies such insinuations and has never failed a drugs test.
Possibly Louis Armstrong was illegitimate, it is quite clear that his mother was a part-time prostitute.
Bill Armstrong, Malta had suffered tinnitus for many years caused by flying activities in R.A.F. during World War II.
Trucks NI Armstrong Commercials website trucks NI Armstrong Commercials website trucks NI provides details of their latest stock of refrigerated trucks, rigid trucks and other HGV vehicles.
That reminds me of Louis Armstrong the great jazz trumpeter who was once asked to explain jazz.
Bitten is one of a series of supernatural novels by author Kelley Armstrong and has a young female werewolf at its core.
The Yankees were dispossessed, but they took up arms and the government of Pennsylvania despatched General John Armstrong with a force of 400 men to aid Patterson.
Armstrong induced both parties to give up their arms with a promise of impartial justice and protection, and as soon as the Yankees were defenceless he made them prisoners.
The formulae of Kekule, Divers and Armstrong have been discarded, and it remains to be shown whether Nef's carbonyloxime formula (or the bimolecular formula of Steiner) or Scholl's glyoxime peroxide formula is correct.
Armstrong, which postulate a y oxidic structure (see Glucose).
These and other considerations have led to the proposal of an alkylen oxide formula for glucose, first proposed by Tollens; this view, which has been mainly developed by Armstrong and Fischer, has attained general acceptance (see Glucose and Glucosjde).
Although it was not the centre of operations, the south of the territory suffered considerably in the various uprisings under Spotted Tail, Red Cloud and Sitting Bull in 1863-65, 1867, and 1875-76 (see North Dakota and Custer, George Armstrong).
At Fort Armstrong, Rock Island, on the 21st of September, a treaty was signed, by which a large tract of the Sauk and Fox territory was ceded to the United States; and the United States granted to them a reservation of 400 sq.
I remember saying to Armstrong that one needed to stick pins into Maudling to get him to respond.
Trucks NI Armstrong Commercials website trucks NI provides details of their latest stock of refrigerated trucks, rigid trucks and other HGV vehicles.
A racing bike will become a priority when your inner Lance Armstrong begins to show.
Quality manufacturers include Yamaha, Gemeinhardt, Haynes, Powell, Selmer, Armstrong, and Artley.
Other wonderful names are Big Bill Broonzy, Jelly Roll Morton, Howling Wolf, and, of course, "Satchmo" Louis Armstrong.
George Armstrong Custer, known for his military defeat at the battle of Little Big Horn in Montana in 1876.
Known throughout the world for his amazing feat of winning seven Tour de France races, Lance Armstrong was born in Dallas, Texas in 1971.
Armstrong has three children from a previous marriage, and two children with his girlfriend Anna Hansen.
Ivanka was rumored to have been dating Lance Armstrong, but told People magazine, "I have tremendous respect for Lance and all he has accomplished.
The life of Lance Armstrong has been a study in perseverance and the incredible strength of determination.
Linda remarried Terry Armstrong soon after, and the man adopted young Lance.
Although that marriage also ended in divorce, Lance retained the Armstrong name.
Lance Armstrong took an early interest in sports and cycling, and won his first triathlon, the Iron Kids Triathlon, when he was 13.
Lance Armstrong entered the professional tournaments when he was 16.
Despite dire predictions from doctors, Lance Armstrong never accepted that he may die.
Just three years after he was diagnosed with cancer, Lance Armstrong was again cycling in professional tournaments.
Lance Armstrong married Kristin Richard in June 1997.
The 1999 test did show trace amounts of corticosteroids, but Armstrong had proof that he was under medical care.
In fact, some gossip columnists have gone so far as to speculate that Jake's friendships with Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong may be romantic.
The 2007 charity was The Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Her relationship with Armstrong received the most scrutiny in the press because their split after a two and a half year courtship was completely unexpected.
Some of the gossip mills state that Crow was testing Armstrong and thought the breakup would be brief.
Armstrong, voted one of the best athletes of the early 21st century, has kept his love life in public view for as long as anyone can remember.
Lance Armstrong is a professional road racing cyclist for UCI ProTeam Team Astana.
Lance Armstrong supposedly retired from racing at the end of the 2005 season, but announced in 2008, that he would return to the cycling circuit just in time for the 2009 season.
Before Lance Armstrong started his current string of dates, he was married to Kristin Richards from May 8, 1998 to December 2003.
The pressures of Armstrong's cycling career coupled with his rising celebrity status tore the couple apart.
Armstrong lived in Texas, while Burch resided in New York.
The rumor mill states Armstrong did this for "publicity purposes."
No one really knows why Lance Armstrong has dated and broken up with several women over the last few years.
Lance Armstrong's girlfriend is pregnant with what will be his fourth child.
Seven time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong is not only training for his return to professional cycling, he's also boning up on his baby skills.
Armstrong's girlfriend, Anna Hansen, is pregnant with his fourth child and he hasn't cared for a little baby for nearly a decade.
When doctors diagnosed Armstrong with testicular cancer, he and his then wife knew they still wanted a family, so the decided to store his sperm in order to get pregnant later by artificial insemination.
The two met via Armstrong's work with his charity The Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Lance Armstrong is one of the most well-known celebrity cancer survivors, due to his tireless efforts to raise funds and awareness for the disease.
Armstrong is a cyclist who has won the Tour de France seven times.
Markie Post was born Marjorie Armstrong Post on November 4, 1950, in Palo Alto, California.
This great instrument has a mahogany neck and body, a rosewood fretboard, Klusen Green Key tuners, and two FA Kent Armstrong pickups.
Armstrong vinyl flooring offers a number of flexible and affordable flooring solutions for commercial and residential applications.
Based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Armstrong produces a wide range of flooring, cabinet, and ceiling products.
Armstrong vinyl sheet flooring is available in many styles and colors to suit the design and function of almost any room.
Armstrong's vinyl sheet flooring is available in six and 12 foot widths, which makes it easier to install without multiple seams.
Although Armstrong's broad design line of vinyl sheet flooring, its wide measurements, and competitive pricing make it a good flooring choice in most circumstances, there are a couple of things you should consider before you buy.
Armstrong vinyl flooring offers good value, flexible installation options, and extensive design choices.
Armstrong is the leading manufacturer of self-adhesive floor tiles.
Armstrong tiles, sold at Home Depot and other home improvement stores, come with a tile floor warranty.
Armstrong ceiling tile is available in a number of attractive and versatile styles to suit your needs.
Get the decorative effect you want in your kitchen, living room, bathroom or family room with Armstrong ceilings.
Tiles - Armstrong ceilings are a no fuss, easy install solution that will keep your loss of ceiling height to a minimum.
Planks - Available in sizes 5" x 48", 5" x 84" and 6" x 48", Armstrong ceiling planks attach to your ceiling like tiles, but create a wholly different look and feel.
Panels - Armstrong's panel system works by attaching panels to a suspended grid that's installed below your existing ceiling.
Armstrong ceilings are designed to be safe as well as stylish.
If you have a workhorse kitchen, family room or bath, ask for Armstrong vinyl-coated ceilings.
With "easy up" Armstrong ceiling tile and plank kits, you'll get everything you need to complete a professional looking installation fast.
Armstrong ceiling tracks can be attached with nails or screws and installed with up to fifty percent fewer nails than standard furring strips.
Most Armstrong tile and plank ceiling materials can be painted with standard latex paint.
For a ceiling that works as hard as you do, check out Armstrong ceiling tiles at your retailer.
SwiftLock laminate flooring by Armstrong is an excellent alternative to more pricey hardwood flooring.
When it comes to purchasing laminate flooring, you can't do much better than Armstrong, which is one of the top brands in the United States.
Because Armstrong is such a well-known brand, it means that you can find SwiftLock at any Lowes home improvement store, or at a local Armstrong dealer.
Armstrong guarantees against staining, fading, and wearing with a 25 to 30 year warranty.
Armstrong also offers tile-style looks as well as stone.
Armstrong provides a range of cleaners, but if you opt to purchase your own products, make sure that they are approved for laminate flooring, or you could lose your warranty.
The Armstrong laminate flooring options are varied in both style and price, and work well in nearly any room of your home.
Armstrong also carries laminate flooring that replicates the look of brick and tile.
Armstrong offers some distinct advantages in the laminate flooring field.
Many home improvement and flooring stores sell Armstrong laminate.
The Armstrong website features a store locator so you can make sure your favorite home improvement store carries it.
In addition to checking with your local home improvement stores, consider these retailers that carry laminate flooring by Armstrong.
This will help you narrow down the selections whether you go with Armstrong or another brand.
Armstrong laminate flooring gives you the look of hardwood or tile without the hassle.
Armstrong carpet tiles offer an innovative alternative for those looking for a new flooring solution or those who may just be tired of the same old options.
Armstrong carpet tiles are ideal for sectioning office space into work and lounge areas.
The now famous silicone wristbands were created by the Lance Armstrong Foundation in support of the famous cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong.
Lance Armstrong inspired many to get on the bike and head for those rugged hills.
Armstrong even has a lifetime deal with the famous label that goes way beyond the usual sponsor relationship.
Livestrong / Lance Armstrong Foundation collection comes in Straight Jacket and Flak Jacket styles.
Armstrong explains why preparation for job interviews is so important and offers suggestions on what job seekers can do to make sure that they are ready.
Armstrong shares tips regarding the types of information you should expect hiring managers to ask for as well as shares a list of common interviewing errors that you should be sure to avoid.
LoveToKnow Jobs would like to thank Sharon Armstrong for taking the time to share the benefits of her expertise on the subject of job interview preparation with readers.
For more information on Sharon's work, see Sharon Armstrong and Associates and learn about her books at
Stretch Armstrong was an action figure released by Kenner in 1976.
Stretch Armstrong's claim to fame was that his arms and legs could be stretched out by the child to what appeared to be extraordinary lengths.
Country singer Mark Wills mentions Stretch Armstrong in his 2002 song, "Nineteen Something".
The reference to the action figure says that he has seen the "stuff they put inside Stretch Armstrong."
This "stuff" was rumored to be corn syrup, and there were many children who were curious enough to try to find out exactly what substance gave Stretch Armstrong his ability to stretch out the way he did.
Like Stretch Armstrong, the Stretch Monster could be positioned in different ways and would bounce back into place afterward.
The script for the Stretch Armstrong movie is being written by Steve Oedekerk, who also wrote Bruce Almighty.
Stretch Armstrong was very popular during the 1970s.
What do Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, and actor Benjamin Bratt have in common?
Armstrong's signature across the back adds another level of style.
Using his puppets and ventriloquism skills, he performed songs by Etta James, Garth Brooks, Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong, among others.
Armstrong expanded her library with adventures in young adult novels and her Nadia Stafford crime series.
Ms. Armstrong took some before her summer vacation to talk to Love To Know Science Fiction about her story telling, her book series and more.
Love To Know Science Fiction would like to thank Kelley Armstrong for taking the time to share her thoughts with LTK readers.
You can keep up with Ms. Armstrong and her future publications by visiting her website.
Authors like Patricia Briggs, Kelley Armstrong and Kevin Anderson rely on their imaginations to create fantasy characters that others can enjoy.
Urban fantasy continues to thrive under the competent hands of novelists like Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Kim Harrison, Jaye Wells and Kelley Armstrong.
If you've ever had the desire to ride with Lance Armstrong, you can do it vicariously by becoming a follower of the Lance Armstrong Twitter page.
Lance Armstrong is a professional road racing cyclist that was diagnosed with stage three testicular cancer on October 2, 1996.
Despite the seriousness of his condition, Armstrong's cancer went into remission in 1998.
Armstrong is the founder of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, otherwise known as Livestrong, a non-profit organization that raises money for cancer research.
A recent article on Time Magazine's website lists Lance Armstrong as one of the top 10 celebrity tweeters, though the article describes the Lance Armstrong Twitter page as "monotonous."
As of October 13th, 2009 the Lance Armstrong Twitter page had over two million followers, though it's interesting to note that Lance is only following 120 people.
In October of 2009, a Daily News Article reported that Lance Armstrong used his Twitter account to dismiss reports that French authorities are investigating syringes handled by his Tour de France cycling team.
In order to stay within Twitter's 140 character limits, Armstrong used the acronym SSDD to say "same stuff, different day, implying that this is not the first time that something like this has happened.
Armstrong assured his Twitter followers that none of the team members use illegal substances.Lance Armstrong has also been known to use Twitter as a means of spin control.
During the 2009 Tour de France, Lance Armstrong created a diary on Twitter.
In February of 2009, Lance Armstrong was in Sacramento for the Amgen Tour of California.
While he was there, the police authorities came to his room to inform him that thieves had broken into the team truck and stolen Armstrong's time trial bike.
Lance Armstrong's loyal Twitter followers formed a Facebook group called "One Million Citizens Looking for Lance Armstrong's Stolen Bike."
As soon as I was buckled, Mrs. Armstrong took off down the road.
Mrs. Armstrong always got a call that 'it just wasn't working out' and could she please find another place for me to go?
Mrs. Armstrong and the Thompsons were talking.
According to Armstrong, anthracene behaves unsymmetrically towards substituents, and hence one lateral ring differs from the other; he represents the molecule as consisting of one centric ring, the remaining medial and lateral ring being ethenoid.
A theory of colour in opposition to the Witt theory was proposed by Henry Armstrong in 1888 and 1892.
George Armstrong Custer, of "Custer's Last Stand" fame, became a major general at twenty-four.