Argument Sentence Examples
They'll get no argument from me.
His words stung, and any further argument died on her lips as she realized how serious he was.
The two men had carried on a fifteen-year argument on politics.
We were in bed and this pillow talk was quickly becoming an argument I didn't want to have.
There is a religious argument for immortality.
Jonathan gave him no argument, but he took the book with him.
The bastion for women's rights strongly defended her argument in front of the audience.
The design argument is available for the slightly bolder philosophy of intuitionalism as well as for empiricist theism.
Well, you want an argument," he added, "come on then."
When he pushed her ahead of him down the hill, she gave him no argument and continued without comment.
AdvertisementIt is necessary and I don't want an argument.
If he couldn't win an argument any other way, he could always resort to demeaning dialog.
He couldn't win the argument any other way, so he had resorted to his irresistible charm.
He hated it when she won an argument.
It's just a little family argument!
AdvertisementHe was unpleasantly struck, too, by the excessive contempt for others that he observed in Speranski, and by the diversity of lines of argument he used to support his opinions.
Of course the cosmological argument is rarely or never left to stand quite alone.
Even so he agreed without argument.
If you were anywhere near the lover that you are a politician we wouldn't be having this argument.
His prose writings, which include prefaces to the works of Kellgren and Lidner, and an eloquent argument against Rousseau's theory of the injurious influence of art and letters, rank with the best of the period.
AdvertisementThe Argument to xii.
The same argument can be extended to other points of anatomical structure, and, what is of more consequence, it appears true of the brain.
To many persons it will appear paradoxical to ascribe the endowment of a soul to the inferior tribes in the creation, yet it is difficult to discover a valid argument that limits the possession of an immaterial principle to man.
Having learned from experiment and argument that a stone falls downwards, a man indubitably believes this and always expects the law that he has learned to be fulfilled.
Then again, maybe he had given a lot of thought to her argument.
AdvertisementThey were back to the original argument.
The teen continued to argue as to why she should meet Xander while Jessi neatly countered every argument.
This argument is most fully exhibited in a treatise entitled The Testimony of the King of Martyrs (1729).
He omits, however, to mention this, which is Zahn's strongest argument, II.
This failure was used as an argument in favour of imposing the famous Stamp Act.
On the other hand, he is full of cumbrous repetition, he lacks precision in argument and is prone to digression, his quotations from Scripture are often inappropriate, and he is greatly influenced by Jewish exegesis.
Though Eck claimed the victory in argument, the only result was to strengthen the Swiss in their memorial view of the Lord's Supper, and so to diverge them further from Luther.
The first of these (by no means the best) was Les Femmes de la revolution (1854), in which Michelet's natural and inimitable faculty of dithyrambic too often gives way to tedious and not very conclusive argument and preaching.
The line of inquiry has thus been directed to ascertaining what formative relation subsists among these species and genera, the last link of the argument reaching to the relation between man and the lower creatures preceding him in time.
Its main argument is that speech is a necessary outcome of that special arrangement of mental forces which distinguishes man, and more particularly from his habits of reflection.
Their literary and speculative qualities are indeed exceptionally brilliant; they are splendid in diction, elaborate in argument, cogent yet reverent, keen while fearless in criticism.
But if we pass from this criticism of form to the actual contents of the two books, we are bound to confess that they constitute a wonderfully cogent and persuasive theistic argument.
That argument may be described as a criticism of man and his world used as a basis for the construction of a reasoned idea of nature and being.
One of these, Summa de assumpto homine, is of a theological character, dealing with the humanity of Christ; the other, Summa de matrimonio, is a legal argument, to the effect that the essential fact in marriage is neither, as Gratian maintains, the copula, nor, as Peter Lombard, consent by verba de praesenti, but mutual traditio.
In the first part Spencer's argument rests on Mansel's Limits of Religious Thought and Hamilton's" philosophy of the conditioned "(and so ultimately on Kant), and tries to show that alike in scientific and religious thought the ultimate terms are" inconceivable "(not by him distinguished from" unimaginable ").
In support of the government he published, in 1698, An Argument for a Standing Army, followed in 1700 by a defence of William's war policy called The Two Great Questions considered, and a set of pamphlets on the Partition Treaty.
Defoe's next work was Jure divino, a long poetical argument in (bad) verse; and soon afterwards (1706) he began to be much employed in promoting the union with Scotland.
In the form of his poem he followed a Greek original; and the stuff out of which the texture of his philosophical argument is framed was derived from Greek science; but all that is of deep human and poetical meaning in the poem is his own.
No very strong argument can be based on the paucity of actual revolts.
His creed, and the whole gist of his argument, is expressed in a single sentence, "I am fully assured that God does not, and therefore that men ought not to, require any more of any man than this, to believe the Scripture to be God's word, and to endeavour to find the true sense of it, and to live according to it."
The great similarity between the salts of the ocean and the gaseous products of volcanic eruptions at the present time, rich in chlorides and sulphates of all kinds, is a strong argument for the ocean having been salt from the beginning.
The former is the basis of the negative part of his argument; the latter supplies him with all the positive account he has to give, and that is meagre enough.
Some modern scholars (among whom Harnack was formerly numbered, though he has modified his views on the point) feel a difficulty about the peremptory tone which Ignatius adopts towards Polycarp. There was some force in this argument when the Ignatian Epistles were dated about 140, as in that case Polycarp would have been an old and venerable man at the time.
His influence was that of saintliness rather than that of intellect."(b) A discussion of Harnack's second line of argument is impossible here.
From these primary axioms the whole body of necessary thoughts must be developed, and, as Socrates would say, the argument itself will indicate the path of the development.
This pamphlet answered the argument that it would be unsafe to keep Canada because of the added strength that would thus be given to any possible movement for independence in the English colonies, by urging that so long as Canada remained French there could be no safety for the English colonies in North America, nor any permanent peace in Europe.
From Xenophon's Memorabilia he learned when a boy the Socratic method of argument.
What is thus suggested is not a rash departure from the general point of view of idealism (by its achievements in every field to which it has been applied, " stat mole sua ") but a cautious inquiry into the possibility of reaching a conception of the world ' The most striking statement of this argument is to be found in Boutroux's treatise De la contingence des lois de la nature, first published in 1874 and reprinted without alteration in 1905.
The beginning of the active opposition to the crown may be placed in the resistance, led by James Otis, to the issuing of writs (after 1 75 2, Otis's famous argument against them being made in 1760-1761) to compel citizens to assist the revenue officers; followed later by the outburst of feeling at the imposition of the Stamp Act (1765), when Massachusetts took the lead in confronting the royal power.
The general line of argument followed by Carneades anticipates much in modern thought.
A strong argument in favour of the eleventh census, apart from its self-consistency, is that its results as a whole fit in with the subsequent state enumerations.
The results of the twelfth census (1900) further refute the argument that would maintain the eleventh census to be inaccurate because it showed a smaller rate of increase in population during the preceding decade than had been recorded by other censuses during earlier decades.
Any pagan who wished to understand and criticize Christianity intimately had to begin by learning from the Jews, and this accounts for the opening chapters of his argument.
Atheism has to meet the protest of the heart as well as the argument of the mind of mankind.
This argument, then, for supposing that the original writing by Mark differed widely in form and contents from the Gospel which now bears his name appears to be without force.
I would listen to no argument, no advice.
He understood that political materialism, selfishness and corruption in federal administration afford the strongest possible argument for those who advocate strengthening the independent power of the separate states at the expense of nationalism.
The best argument in its favour is the improbability of anybody having taken the trouble to forge so bald and awkward a heap of details.
For example, the last argument would equally apply to Apollo, and would lead to the improbable conclusion that Apollo was a wind-god.
The Contrat social, as its title implies, endeavours to base all government on the consent, direct or implied, of the governed, and indulges in much ingenious argument to get rid of the practical inconveniences of such a suggestion.
In 1872 he undertook the defence of his friend Lord Chancellor Hatherley, when attacked for his appointment of Sir Robert Collier to the judicial committee of the Privy Council, and, by a line of argument more ingenious than convincing, secured a majority for the government.
He was not a judge of evidence, and seems to have been unwilling to admit the force of any argument or the authority of any statement which militated against his case.
To those who maintained the existence of a plenum as a philosophical principle, nature's abhorrence of a vacuum was a sufficient reason for imagining an all-surrounding aether, even though every other argument should be against it.
The discovery of definite laws in this region might at first sight seem hopeless; but the argument rests on an implied postulate of stability and continuity of constitution of material substances, so that after a cycle of transformations we expect to recover them again as they were originally - on the postulate, in fact, that we do not expect them to melt out of organized existence in our hands.
It follows from the above argument that, from the period of the Reformation onward, no historical account of the Christian Church as a whole, and considered as a definite institution, is possible.
The first forms the text of the principal argument in the Epistle to the Hebrews, in which the author easily demonstrates the inadequacy of the mediation and atoning rites of the Old Testament, and builds upon this demonstration the doctrine of the effectual high-priesthood of Christ, who, in his sacrifice of himself, truly " led His people to God," not leaving them outside as He entered the heavenly sanctuary, but taking them with Him into spiritual nearness to the throne of grace.
This argument leaves no room for a special priesthood in the Christian Church, and in fact nothing of the kind is found in the oldest organization of the new communities of faith.
But this line of argument was latent in Christian thought from the time when St Paul spoke of the " foolishness " of preaching.
Bayle also paraded the opposition between reason and revelation; but the argument in his hands is a double-edged weapon, and when he extols the merits of submissive faith his sincerity is at least questionable.
The amir showed his usual ability in diplomatic argument, his tenacity where his own views or claims were in debate, with a sure underlying insight into the real situation.
Since p is determined experimentally and tabulated as a function of v, the velocity is taken as the argument of the ballistic table; and taking Av =10, the average value of p in the interval is used to determine AT.
These functions, T, S, D, 1, A, are shown numerically in the following extract from an abridged ballistic table, in which the velocity is taken as the argument and proceeds by an increment of 10 f/s; the column for p is the one determined by experiment, and the remaining columns follow by calculation in the manner explained above.
In particular, rhetoricians appeared to him to have neglected argument in comparison with passion.
Lastly, when he is silent about a historical fact, the argument from silence is evidence only when he could not have failed to mention it; as, for example, in the Constitution of Athens, when he could not have failed to mention quinqueremes and other facts after 325-324.
But this is in a historical work; whereas the argument from silence about historical facts in a philosophical work can seldom apply.
They contain however many relics of dialectic. The Rhetoric is declared by him to be partly dialectic. The Topics is at least an investigation of dialectic, which has had an immense influence on the method of argument.
Each Of The Thirty Lines Of Epacts Is Designated By A Letter Of The Alphabet, Which Serves As Its Index Or Argument.
It was evident that a similar analysis might have been applied to tactual consciousness which does not give externality in its deepest significance any more than the visual; but with deliberate purpose Berkeley at first drew out only one side of his argument.
And while the polemical motive is obvious, and the argument from prophecy against the legitimacy of a non-Davidic dynasty is quite in the manner of the scribes, the spirit of theocratic fervour which inspires the picture of the Messiah is broader and deeper than their narrow legalism.
Ritz in the paper already mentioned follows in the footsteps of Riecke and elaborates the argument.
But this argument is not conclusive, for though the total number of hydrogen molecules is fixed when the gas is enclosed, yet the number of luminous molecules may vary with the condition.
The argument has come to rest on the agreement between the cell-lineage of Polyclads and that of certain Mollusca and Annelids.
Tradition has dramatized their first meeting into the story given by Cresacre More' - that the two happened to sit opposite each other at the lord mayor's table, that they got into an argument during dinner, and that, in mutual astonishment at each other's wit and readiness, Erasmus exclaimed, " Aut tu es Morus, aut nullus," and the other replied, " Aut tu es Erasmus, aut diabolus !
A second argument for God is the prevailing goodness or adaptation of Nature to the ends of conscious beings, which might conceivably be explained by Lamarckian evolution, but has not yet been so explained, and if it were, would not be inconsistent with a divine design in evolution.
This hypothesis of an acquired perception of a space mentally constructed by " local signs " supplied Lotze and many succeeding idealists, including Wundt, with a new argument for metaphysical idealism.
Both, however, used this influence freely; and, whereas Lotze used the Leibnitzian argument from indivisibility to deduce indivisible elements and souls, Fechner used the Leibnitzian hypotheses of universal perception and parallelism of motions and perceptions, in the light of the .Schellingian identification of physical and psychical, to evolve a world-view (Weltansicht) containing something which was neither Leibnitz nor Schelling.
But the idealists are only too glad to get any excuse for denying bodily substances and causes; and, while Leibnitz supplied them with the fancied analysis of material into immaterial elements, and Hume with the reduction of bodies to assemblages of sensations, Mach adds the additional argument that bodily forces are not causes at all.
His philosophy is the best exposition of the method and argument of modern idealism - that we perceive the mental and, therefore, all we know and conceive is the mental.
Not by any means an argument to be despised, but stopping short of the truth through an inadequate analytic of knowledge."
This is the method which, as we have seen, has led from psychological to metaphysical idealism, by the argument that what we begin by perceiving is mental, and, therefore, what we end by knowing is mental.
The strength of Janet's position is his perception that the argument from final causes is in favour of an omnipresent rational will making matter a means to ends, and not in favour of an immanent mind of Nature working out her own ends.
Fouillee meets the mechanics of evolution by the argument that will to live determines.
This argument from a pure assumption is a confusion of sense and inference.
Still it remains true that the exclusive use of the argument from Mosaism, as itself implying the Gospel of Jesus the Christ as final cause (Taos), does favour the view that the readers were of Jewish origin.
To quicken this by awakening deeper insight into the real objects of "faith," as these bore on their actual life, he develops his high argument on the lines already indicated.
I have nothing but argument to offer touching this matter, having never met with any person in Persia or the Indies to inform me when the compass was first known among them, though I made inquiry of the most learned men in both countries.
The Gospel and unbroken tradition offered a better argument.
Between 1840 and 1850 he edited Swedenborg's treatises on The Doctrine of Charity, The Animal Kingdom, Outlines of a Philosophic Argument on the Infinite, and Hieroglyphic Key to Natural and Spiritual Mysteries.
Among these last may be noted his argument against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, his views as to the manner in which the five books were composed, his opinions (singularly free for the time in which he lived) on the subject of inspiration in general, and particularly as to the inspiration of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles.
His first work, De diversis gradibus ministrorum Evangelii (1590; in English, 1592, and reprinted), was an argument for episcopacy, which led to a controversy with Theodore Beza, and gained him incorporation (9 June 1590) as D.D.
About 1831 both she and her husband began to identify themselves with the anti-slavery cause, and in 1833 she published An Appeal for that Class of Americans called Africans, a stirring portrayal of the evils of slavery, and an argument for immediate abolition, which had a powerful influence in winning recruits to the anti-slavery cause.
He died on the 13th of October 1715; his end was said to have been hastened by a metaphysical argument into which he had been drawn in the course of an interview with Bishop Berkeley.
We are further told that the Athenians erected in his honour a noble statue by the famous sculptor Lysippus, which furnishes a strong argument against the fiction of his deformity.
The argument on which he chiefly relies is that the Bible cannot be considered necessary to a belief in Christianity, since Christianity was a living and conquering power before the New Testament in its present form was recognized by the church.
The doctrine on which its argument is based is that no dogmatic creed can be regarded as final, but that every historical religion had its share in the development of the spiritual life of mankind.
The isolation of these compounds is a powerful argument in favour of the Hantzsch hypothesis which requires the existence of these three different types, whilst the Bamberger-Blomstrand view only accounts for the forma tion of two isomeric cyanides, namely, one of the normal diazonium type and one of the iso-diazocyanide type.
A few of the less important of his criticisms, such as the argument on miracles, became then and have since remained public property and matter of general discussion.
For Philo lays stress upon the weakness of the analogical argument, points out that the demand for an ultimate cause is no more satisfied by thought than by nature itself, shows that the argument from design cannot warrant the inference of a perfect or infinite or even of a single deity, and finally, carrying out his principles to the full extent, maintains that, as we have no experience of the origin of the world, no argument from experience can carry us to its origin, and that the apparent marks of design in the structure of animals are only results from the conditions of their actual existence.
So far as argument from nature is concerned, a total suspension of judgment is our only reasonable resource.
Nor does the a priori argument in any of its forms fare better, for reason can never demonstrate a matter of fact, and, unless we know that the world had a beginning in time, we cannot insist that it must have had a cause.
Cleanthes and Philo come to an agreement, in admitting a certain illogical force in the a posteriori argument, or, at least, in expressing a conviction as to God's existence, which may not perhaps be altogether devoid of foundation.
Baxter was possessed by an unconquerable belief in the power of persuasive argument.
At present it does not seem likely that Professor Fernald's argument will seriously affect Professor Storm's contention that Thorfinn's colony was in Nova Scotia.
Harnack's second argument depends for its validity upon certain conclusions with regard to the date of James and I Peter, which are not universally accepted.
His Majesty expressed his displeasure, and summoned them before him in the councilchamber, where he insisted on his supreme prerogative, which, he said, ought not to be discussed in ordinary argument.
It is probable for this reason that the average conductivity of the earth's crust, as deduced from surface observations, is too large; and that estimates of the age of the earth based on such measurements are too low, and require to be raised; they would thereby be brought into better agreement with the conclusions of geologists derived from other lines of argument.
The method of Epicurus is the argument of analogy.
Ramsay, in his Church in the Roman Empire, has adopted a different line of argument.
I beseech you to make the argument for yourselves.
Relating anecdotes with appreciative humour and fascinating dramatic skill, lie used them freely and effectively in conversation and argument.
His argument (1847) in the famous Van Zandt case before the United States Supreme Court attracted particular attention, though in this as in other cases of the kind the judgment was against him.
The speech has usually four parts-introduction (Or pool, µcov), narrative of facts (bo yrlacs), proofs (irivrecs), which may be either external, as from witnesses, or internal, derived from argument on the facts, and, lastly, conclusion (briXoyos).
The argument was forcible, but the courts decided against them.
Cobden did the reasoning, Bright supplied the declamation, but like Demosthenes he mingled argument with appeal.
Abstract argument has shown that change in the unity is impossible; yet the senses tell us that hot becomes cold, hard becomes soft, the living dies, and so on.
Edgeworth's objection to such an argument is that the number of uncertainties is far less when candidates are classed than when they are placed in ostensible order of merit.
And preaching at the opening of St Mary's church, Derby, in the same year, he anticipated Newman's argument on religious development, published six years later.
The argument is a strange one to have been used by a man who had maintained so strongly that "we have the testimony of all history to prove the extreme fallibility of consciousness."
He brought a vast amount of information from the most varied and distant sources to confirm his opinions, and the abundance of his materials never perplexed or burdened him in his argumentation, but examples of well-conducted historical argument are rare in his pages.
We have followed St Mark's narrative up to the point at which it became clear that conciliatory argument could have no effect upon the Jewish religious leaders.
In reply to Bradley's argument for the unreality of the self, Hegel is interpreted as meaning that the opposition between self and not-self on which it is founded is one that is self-made and in being made is transcended.
The whole system of Telesio shows lacunae in argument, and ignorance of essential facts, but at the same time it is a forerunner of all subsequent empiricism, scientific and philosophical, and marks clearly the period of transition from authority and reason to experiment and individual responsibility.
The main argument of the Transcendentalphilosophie not only drew from Kant, who saw it in MS., the remark that Maimon alone of his all critics had mastered the true meaning of his philosophy, but also directed the path of most subsequent criticism.
Argument Hera presiding over and protecting married life and childbirth.
The present practice being the dominant one from the time of Ptolemy until the present, it was felt that the confusion in the combination of past and present astronomical observations, and the doubts and difficulties in using the astronomical ephemerides, formed a decisive argument against any change.
He hated the "morbid rage of debate" because he believed that men were never convinced by argument, but only by reflection, through reading or unprovocative conversation; and this belief guided him through life.
It is important to notice the energy of his declaration against the argument of ontology, and also against Condillac's sensationalism.
Jeans has shown that for this type of star the argument is open to theoretical objection, so that Myers's result cannot be accepted.
Recently, however, the trend of astronomical opinion has been rather in favour of the belief that diffused matter may exist through space in sufficient quantity to cause appreciable absorption; so that the argument has no longer the weight formerly attached to it.
The former is not a purely a priori argument, nor is it presented as such by its author.
The propositions maintained in the argument are - "(1) That something has existed from eternity; (2) that there has existed from eternity some one immutable and independent being; (3) that that immutable and independent being, which has existed from eternity, without any external cause of its existence, must be self-existent, that is, necessarily existing; (4) what the substance or essence of that being is, which is self-existent or necessarily existing, we have no idea, neither is it at all possible for us to comprehend it; (5) that though the substance or essence of the self-existent being is itself absolutely incomprehensible to us, yet many of the essential attributes of his nature are strictly demonstrable as well as his existence, and, in the first place, that he must be of necessity eternal; (6) that the self-existent being must of necessity be infinite and omnipresent; (7) must be but one; (8) must be an intelligent being; (9) must be not a necessary agent, but a being endued with liberty and choice; (to) must of necessity have infinite power; (I I) must be infinitely wise, and (12) must of necessity be a being of infinite goodness, justice, and truth, and all other moral perfections, such as become the supreme governor and judge of the world."
It is said, for example, that Clarke made virtue consist in conformity to the relations of things universally, although the whole tenor of his argument shows him to have had in view conformity to such relations only as belong to the sphere of moral agency.
When Erigena starts with such propositions, it is clearly impossible to understand his position and work if we insist on regarding him as a scholastic, accepting the dogmas of the church as ultimate data, and endeavouring only to present them in due order and defend them by argument.
Cadorna's general line of argument, when rumours of attack began to arrive, resembled that of Falkenhayn.
With these, presumably, no argument would serve.
Madison now opposed Hamilton's measures for the funding of the debt, the assumption of state debts, and the establishment of a National Bank, and on other questions he sided more and more with the opposition, gradually assuming its leadership in the House of Representatives and labouring to confine the powers of the national government within the narrowest possible limits; his most important argument against Hamilton's Bank was that the constitution did not provide for it explicitly, and could not properly be construed into permitting its creation.
During the eight years that he held the portfolio of state, he had con s tinually to defend the neutral rights of the United States against the encroachments of European belligerents; in 1806 he published An Examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not open in Time of Peace, a careful argument - with a minute examination of authorities on international law - against the rule of war of 1756 extended by Great Britain in 1 793 and 1803.
Among the dialecticians, Socrates had used inductive arguments to obtain definitions as data of deductive arguments against his opponents, and Plato had insisted on the processes of ascending to and descending from an unconditional principle by the power of giving and receiving argument.
All these points about speech, eloquence and argument between man and man were absorbed into Aristotle's theory of reasoning, and in particular the grammar of the sentence consisting of noun and verb caused the logic of the proposition consisting of subject and predicate.
Sigwart, indeed, adopting Kant's argument, concludes that we must be satisfied with consistency among the thoughts which presuppose an existent; this, too, is the reason why he thinks that induction is reduction, on the theory that we can show the necessary consequence of the given particular, but that truth of fact is unattainable.
The set harangue of teacher to pupil, in which steps in argument are slurred and the semblance of co-inquiry is rendered nugatory, must be eliminated.
The stylistic argument shows the Theaetetus relatively early.
Or still more the dialectical device by which the sceptic claims to escape the riposte that his very argument presumes the validity of this or that principle, viz.
Orthodoxy needed to counter heretical logic not with mysticism, itself the fruitful mother of heresies, but with argument.
But it was decided by the High Court, after prolonged argument, that, though the creed of Zoroaster theoretically admitted proselytes, their admission was not consistent with the practice of the Parsees in India.
The question of the economic development of the state, and of trade to the Orient, the views of the mercenary labour-contractor and of the philanthropist, the factor of " upper-race " repugnance, the " economic-leech" argument, the " rat-rice-filth-and-opium " argument, have all entered into the problem.
Thus to Aristotle the a priori argument is from law or cause to effect, as opposed to what we call a posteriori (posterior, subsequent, derived), from effect to cause.
The strongest argument for the derivation from the Latin alphabet is undoubtedly the value of f attaching to P; for, as we have seen, the Greek value of this symbol is w, and its value as f arises only by abbreviation from FH.
Though meant for men of pagan birth in the first instance, it is 1.6 to them as inquirers or even converts, such as " Theophilus, " that the argument is addressed.
Among these are the supposed traces of 2nd-century Gnosticism and " hierarchical " ideas of organization; but especially the argument from the relation of the Roman state to the Christians, which Ramsay has reversed and turned into proof of an origin prior to Pliny's correspondence with Trajan on the subject.
His argument was that it was useless to send in more reserves to the chaos among the hills west of the Isonzo; that the only way to remedy the situation was to withdraw the bulk of the armies " from close contact with the enemy under the protection of vigorous rearguard actions," and so make possible the organization of a solid defence and eventual counter-attack.
The argument of these books, however, depends in turn upon the assumption of a benevolent Creator desirous of communicating with His creatures for their good; and the Natural Theology, by applying the argument from design to prove the existence of such a Deity, becomes the foundation of the argumentative edifice.
In his Natural Theology Paley has adapted with consummate skill the argument which Ray (1691) and Derham (1711) and Nieuwentyt 1 (1730) had already made familiar to Englishmen.
But by placing Paley's facts in a new light, the theory of evolution has deprived his argument of its force, so far as it applies the idea of special contrivance to individual organs or to species.
His idea of revelation depends upon the same mechanical conception of the relation of God to the world which dominates his Natural Theology; and he seeks to prove the divine origin of Christianity by isolating it from the general history of mankind, whereas later writers find their chief argument in the continuity of the process of revelation.
The argument appears in a more demonstrative form in the theory of similar systems, or (more precisely) of the similar motion of similar systems. Thus, considering the equations d2x u dix u1
The same line of argument may be extended to the Hymns, and even to some of the lost works of the post-Homeric or so-called " Cyclic " poets.
Strabo also says that the Chians put forward the Homeridae as an argument in support of their claim to Homer.
The circumstance that it is referred to in the Scholia Townleiana and in Eustathius, gives additional weight to this argument.
In the earlier part of his Meletemata (1830) he took up the question of written or unwritten literature, on which Wolf's whole argument turned, and showed that the art of writing must be anterior to Peisistratus.
That the animal now occurs in a wild state is no argument whatever as to its being indigenous, seeing that a domesticated breed introduced by man into a new country abounding in game would almost certainly revert to the wild state.
The argument was that they correspond too closely with the Latin; Baeda's words, "hic est sensus, non autem ordo ipse verborum," being taken to mean that he had given, not a literal translation, but only a free paraphrase.
Hickes, whose chief argument, based on the character of the language, is now known to be fallacious, as most of the poetry that has come down to us in the West Saxon dialect is certainly of Northumbrian origin.
Such is Porphyry's argument.
It is immensely diffuse and pretentious, loaded with digressions, its argument buried under masses of fantastic, uncritical learning, the work of a vigorous but quite unoriginal mind.
Finally, it can surely never be advanced as an argument against the truth of religion that there are many things in it which we do not comprehend, when experience exhibits to us such a copious stock of incomprehensibilities in the ordinary course and constitution of nature.
It cannot have escaped observation, that in the foregoing course of argument the conclusion is invariably from experience of the present order of things to the reasonableness or probability of some other system - of a future state.
However well grounded this reasoning may be, it altogether misses the point at which Butler aimed, and is indeed a misconception of the nature of analogical argument.
It has been said that it is no flaw in Butler's argument that he has left atheism as a possible mode of viewing the universe, because his work was not directed against the atheists.
If, however, his premises be granted, and the narrow issue kept in view, the argument may be admitted as perfectly satisfactory.
When the argument from analogy seems to go beyond this, a peculiar difficulty starts up. Let it be granted that our happiness and misery in this life depend upon our conduct - are, in fact, the rewards and punishments attached by God to certain modes of action, the natural conclusion from analogy would seem to be that our future happiness or the reverse will probably depend upon our actions in the future state.
His argument, that the punishment of an imprudent act often follows after a long interval may be admitted, but does not advance a single step towards the conclusion that imprudent acts will be punished hereafter.
So, too, with the attempt to show that from the analogy of the present life we may not unreasonably infer that virtue and vice will receive their respective rewards and punishments hereafter; it may be admitted that virtuous and vicious acts are naturally looked upon as objects of reward or punishment, and treated accordingly, but we may refuse to allow the argument to go further, and to infer a perfect distribution of justice dependent upon our conduct here.
Butler could strengthen his argument only by bringing forward prominently the absolute requirements of the ethical consciousness, in which case he would have approximated to Kant's position with regard to this very problem.
From our experience of the course of nature it would appear that no argument can be brought against the possibility of a revelation.
It would be unfair to Butler's argument to demand from it answers to problems which had not in his time arisen, and to which, even if they had then existed, the plan of his work would not have extended.
To a generation that has been moulded by the philosophy of Kant and Hegel, by the historical criticism of modern theology, and by all that has been done in the field of comparative religion, the argument of the Analogy cannot but appear to lie quite outside the field of controversy.
Attaching no value to logical proof and argument, he enlarged on the wonders and mysteries of nature, and maintained his position by the working of miracles.
The author professes to point out five hundred lies in the Epistola de vetustate of Scaliger, but the main argument of the book is to show the falsity of his pretensions to be of the family of La Scala, and of the narrative of his father's early life.
Smithson, which became a leading case settling a rule of law; and young Scott, having lost his point in the inferior court, insisted on arguing it, on appeal, against the opinion of his clients, and carried it before Lord Thurlow, whose favourable consideration he won by his able argument.
Submission is enforced by an argument which almost amounts to a retractation of the difference between things natural and things contrary to nature, as understood by Zeno.
It must be remembered, however, that these laws have passed through more than one stage of revision and that the original regulations have been much obscured by later glosses and additions; it is therefore somewhat hazardous to base any argument on their present form.
The Argument Has Already Been Applied By Dupre (Theorie Mecanique De La Chaleur, Paris, 1869, P. 328), But His Presentation Of It Is Rather Obscure.
Schizomycetes such as Clostridium, Plectridium, &c., where the sporiferous cells enlarge, bear out the same argument, and we must not forget that there are extremely minute " yeasts," easily mistaken for Micrococci, and that yeasts occasionally form only one spore in the cell.
Collins, who had created much excitement by his Discourse of Free-thinking, insisting on the value and necessity of unprejudiced inquiry, published at a later stage of the deistic controversy the famous argument on the evidences of Christianity.
Christianity is founded on Judaism; its main prop is the argument from the fulfilment of prophecy.
Dodwell's ingenious thesis, that Christianity is not founded on argument, was certainly not meant as an aid to faith; and, though its starting-point is different from all other deistical works, it may safely be reckoned amongst their number.
That the sun on midsummer day rises nearly, but not quite, in line with the "avenue" and over the Friar's Heel, has long been advanced as the chief argument in support of the theory that Stonehenge was a temple for sun-worship. On the supposition that this stone was raised to mark exactly the line of sunrise on midsummer's day when the structure was erected, it would naturally follow, owing to well-known astronomical causes, that in the course of time the direction of this line would slowly undergo a change, and that, at any subsequent date since, the amount of deviation would be commensurate with the lapse of time, thus supplying chronological data to astronomers for determining the age of the building.
Article 7 provided that the decision should be made within three months from the close of the argument, and gave power to the arbitrators to award a sum in gross in the event of Great Britain being adjudged to be in the wrong.
On the i 5th of June the tribunal reassembled and the American argument was filed.
It is true that he is severe towards infidels; and his approval of the knight who, finding a Jew likely to get the better of a theological argument, resorted to the baculine variety of logic, does not meet the views of the 10th century.
The only tenable line of argument, in the present state of criticism, is to regard their phenomena as due to compilation, at the time when the canon (perhaps of Paul's epistles) was first formed.
But the strongest argument, and one which has never been attacked by authorities really competent to judge, is that the "griffe de l'aigle" is on the book, and that no known author of the time except Rabelais was capable of writing the passage about the Chats fourres, the better part of the history of Queen Whims (La Quinte) and her court, and the conclusion giving the Oracle of the Bottle.
To this argument we believe that the more competent a critic is, both by general faculty of appreciation and by acquaintance with contemporary French literature, the more positive will be the assent that he yields.
As for those who have tried to make his indecency an argument for his laxity in religious principle, that argument, like another mentioned previously, hardly needs discussion.
They have found their chief argument in the fact that weapons of these ages have been found side by side in prehistoric burial-places.
Moreover - and this has been employed as an argument in favour of the foreign origin of the knowledge of bronze - all the objects in one part of Europe are identical in pattern and size with those found in another part.
There remains only the third feature, the endodermal gonads, as an argument for uniting the Scyphomedusae with the Anthozoa, against which must be set all the peculiarities of medusan organization in which the Scyphomedusae resemble the Hydromedusae.
Serious disturbances thereupon ensued; and the Protestants, getting the worst of the argument, silenced their gainsayers by insulting the bishops and priests in the streets and profaning and devastating the Catholic churches.
To his critics Bushnell formally replied by writing Christ in Theology (1851), in which he employs the important argument that spiritual facts can be expressed only in approximate and poetical language, and concludes that an adequate dogmatic theology cannot exist.
The same argument may be applied with much force to the races of man."
Among these is the argument from the numerous borings made in the alluvium of the Nile valley to a depth of 60 ft., where down to the lowest level fragments of burnt brick and pottery were always found, showing that people advanced enough in the arts to bake brick and pottery have inhabited the valley during the long period required for the Nile inundations to deposit 60 ft.
Another argument is that of Professor von Morlot, based on a railway section through a conical accumulation of gravel and alluvium, which the torrent of the Tiniere has gradually built up where it enters the Lake of Geneva near Villeneuve.
Philology is especially appealed to by anthropologists as contributing to the following lines of argument.
In order to put this argument clearly before the reader, a few selected implements are figured in the Plate.
These " bodily effects," he insisted, were not " distinguishing marks " of the work of the'Spirit of God; but so bitter was the feeling against the revival in the more strictly Puritan churches that in 1742 he was forced to write a second apology, Thoughts on the Revival in New England, his main argument being the great moral improvement of the country.
As a general argument his account of the determination of the will is defective, notably in his abstract conception of the will and in his inadequate, but suggestive, treatment of causation, in regard to which he anticipates in important respects the doctrine of Hume.
The argument ex analogia hominis has often been carried too far; but if a "chief end of man" be discoverable - av9p6miruvov ayaOov, as Aristotle wisely insisted that the ethical end must be determined - then it may be assumed that this end cannot be irrelevant to that ultimate "meaning" of the universe which, according to Lotze, is the quest of philosophy.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
The discovery by the Japanese botanist 'Erase of the development of ciliated spermatozoids in the pollen-tube of Ginkgo, in place of the non-motile male cells of typical conifers, served as a cogent argument in favour of separating the genus from the Coniferales and placing it in a class of its own.
Eichler, one of the chief supporters of the simpler view, does not recognize in the inverse orientation of the vascular bundles an argument in support of the axillary-bud theory, but points out that the seminiferous scale, being an outgrowth from the surface of the carpellary scale, would, like outgrowths from an ordinary leaf, naturally have its bundles inversely orientated.
One argument that has been adduced in support of the axillary bud theory is derived from the Palaeozoic type Cordaites, in which each ovule occurs en an axis borne in the axil of a bract.
It is urged that in time industries are set up that would not otherwise have existed, and population thereby attracted, this being especially the argument for protective duties in new countries; but even so, there is loss to set against the final gain, if any, and we have not yet had an account in which a balance of loss and gain is attempted..
But there is a stronger argument for a Hebrew original of certain sections to be found in the fact that the Testaments of the XII.
Especially in his later plays a verse and a couplet will crash out with fulgurous brilliancy, and then be succeeded by pages of very second-rate declamation or argument.
Heraclius, despite great art and much fine poetry, is injured by the extreme complication of its argument and by the blustering part of Pulcherie.
This argument rests on the careful critical narrative of the fight constructed by Herr Kleissner and Herr Hartmann from the contemporary accounts which have come down to us, in which the pride of the knights, their heavy armour, the heat of the July sun, the panic which befell a sudden part of the Austrian army, added to the valour of the Swiss, fully explain the complete rout.
Although a Quaker, he had a polemical spirit; men seeing Whittier only in his saintly age knew little of the fire wherewith, setting aside ambition and even love, he maintained his warfare against the " national crime," employing action, argument and lyric scorn.
Sir Isaac seems to have been then anxious for its publication; but, as the effect of his argument was to deprive the Trinitarians of two passages in favour of the Trinity, he became alarmed at the probable consequences of such a step. He therefore requested Locke, who was then going to Holland, to get it translated into French, and published on the continent.
Neumayr adduced the Triassic sea-urchin Tiarechinus, in which the apical system forms half of the test, as an argument for the origin of Echinoidea from an ancestor in which the apical system was of great importance; but a genus appearing so late in time, in an isolated sea, under conditions that dwarfed the other echinoid dwellers therein, cannot seriously be thought to elucidate the origin of pre-Silurian Echinoidea, and the recent discovery of an intermediate form suggests that we have here nothing but degenerate descendants of a well-known Palaeozoic family (Lepidocentridae).
Two lines of argument appear fruitful.
The argument from embryology leads further back.
Instead of discussing all these questions separately, with the details necessary for an adequate presentation of the argument, we shall now sketch the history of the Echinoderms in accordance with the Pelmatozoic theory.
Being a master of its methods, but very cautious in accepting assertions about its results, he secured attention early in the Free Church for scientific criticism, and yet threw the whole weight of his learning and his caustic wit into the argument against critical extravagance.
To the same class belong the treatise To Ablavius, against the tritheists; On Faith, against the Arians; On Common Notions, in explanation of the terms in current employment with regard to the Trinity; Ten Syllogisms, against the Manichaeans; To Theophilus, against the Apollinarians; an Antirrhetic against the same; Against Fate, a disputation with a heathen philosopher; De anima et resurrectione, a dialogue with his dying sister Macrina; and the Oratio catechetica magna, an argument for the incarnation as the best possible form of redemption, intended to convince educated pagans and Jews.
The Commons, who knew that the crown had used the powers which it claimed, not against conspirators, but against the commonwealth itself, refused to listen to the argument, and insisted on the acceptance of the whole Petition of Right, in which they demanded redress for all their grievances.
He treated the struggle as one simply for the establishment of free institutions; and when at last the crimes of the leaders became patent to the world, he contented himself with lamenting the unfortunate fact, and fell back on the argument that though England could not sympathize with the French tyrants, there was no reason why she should go to war with them.
This argument, which the effect of progressive extensions of the franchise on the intellectual level of parliament has certainly not tended to weaken, was however far outweighedas Canning himself would have come to seeby the advantage of reconciling with the old constitution the new forces which were destined during the century to transform the social organization of the country.
He rose to the full height of tha great argument.
Yet we should mention another argument of some weight.
Everything is now matter of debate and argument.
He is one of the speakers in the Phaedo of Plato, in which he is represented as an earnest seeker after virtue and truth, keen in argument and cautious in decision.
After an exhausting journey from the coast he reached Shiraz, and was soon plunged into discussion with the disputants of all classes, "Sufi, Mahommedan, Jew, and JewishMahommedan, even Armenian, all anxious to test their powers of argument with the first English priest who had visited them."
The existence of this third prosthomere corresponding to the third prosthomere of the Crustacea is a strong argument for the derivation of the Hexapoda, and with them the Chilopoda, from some offshoot of the Crustacean stem or class.
Hence the presence or absence of such tubes cannot be used as an argument as to affinity without some discrimination.
Once a paradox it is now commonplace, and the superabundant argument in the Letters on Toleration fatigues the modern reader.
That none of our ideas are " innate " is the argument contained in the first book.
The inward purpose of this famous argument is apt to be overlooked.
The truth is that neither Locke, on the one hand, nor the intellectualists of the 17th century, on the other, expressed their meaning with enough of precision; if they had, Locke's argument would probably have taken a form less open to the charge of mere empiricism.
Moreover, the argument by means of which Chrysippus endeavoured to prove the compatibility of determinism with ethical responsibility is in some respects an anticipation of modern views.
And there is much that is anticipatory of modern libertarian views in the psychological argument by which Carneades attempted at once to avoid the Epicurean identification of will with chance, and to prove the rationality of choice, undetermined by any external or antecedent necessity, as an explanation of human actions Xxviii.
And he finds in the existence of divine foreknowledge no argument for the impotence or determined character of human acts of will.
Thomas Aquinas, for example, develops the Platonic Scholas- argument which proves the dependence of the will ticism.
A similar line of argument would lead to the conclusion that the conception of the state as an educating, controlling and civilizing agency involves the belief that individual citizens can be influenced and directed by motives which have their origin in external suggestion, i.e.
The belief that our actions have been determined in the past carries with it no argument that they will be of a like character in the future.
But, as has been already suggested, the libertarian argument by no means necessarily leads to such extreme conclusions.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
The same argument holds good concerning our feelings with regard to the justice or injustice of punishing a criminal if we believe that his will was determined.
For the very argument from the undeveloped possibilities of each man's character by which the determinist proves the compatibility of his theory with the phenomenon of sudden conversion and the like is sufficient also to prove that the state can never be sure that the punishments which it inflicts upon the individual will have the effect upon his character and conduct which it desires.
But when the data are admittedly so uncertain is a valid inductive argument of such a character possible?
But such a line of argument is certain to make necessary an inquiry into the nature of the objects of psychological study which may produce quite unforeseen results for psychology.
The defender at all events of the supremacy of moral intuitions must be prepared to follow whither the argument leads, into whatever strange quarters it may direct him.
This doctrine of the moral sense is sometimes represented as Shaftesbury's cardinal tenet; but though characteristic and important, it is not really necessary to his main argument; it is the crown rather than the keystone of his ethical structure.
Moreover, the substance of Shaftesbury's main argument was adopted by Butler, though it could not pass the scrutiny of that powerful and cautious intellect without receiving important modifications and additions.
To meet this view Butler does not content himself, as is sometimes carelessly supposed, with insisting on the natural claim to authority of the conscience which his opponent repudiated as artificial; he adds a subtle and effective argument ad hominem.
The argument in Butler's dissertation was probably directed chiefly against Hutcheson, who in his Inquiry Hutcheson.
The chief argument against this theory has been based on the early period at which these sentiments are manifested by children, which hardly allows time for association to produce the effects ascribed to it.
This argument has been met in recent times by the application to mind of the physiological theory of heredity, according to which changes produced in the mind (brain) of a parent, by association of ideas or otherwise, tend to be inherited by his offspring; so that the development of the moral sense or any other faculty or susceptibility of existing man may be hypothetically carried back into the prehistoric life of the human race, without any change in the manner of derivation supposed.
In answer to this argument some necessarians have admitted that punishment can be legitimate only if it be beneficial to the person punished; others, again, have held that the lawful use of force is to restrain lawless force; but most of those who reject free-will defend punishment on the ground of its utility in deterring others from crime, as well as in correcting or restraining the criminal on whom it falls.
The argument, for instance, that intuitive and a priori beliefs gain their absolute character from the fact that they are the result of continued transmission and accumulation of past nervous modifications in the history of the race would, if taken seriously, lead us to the belief that ultimate ethical sanctions are to be sought, not by an appeal to the moral consciousness, but by the investigation of brain tissue and the relation of man's bodily organism to its environment.
Again, the argument that " conduct is good or bad according as its total effects are pleasurable or painful," and that ultimately " pleasure-giving acts are life-sustaining acts," seems to involve Spencer in a multitude of unverified assumptions and contradictory theories.
Green's principal objection to evolutionary moral philosophy is contained in the argument that no merely " natural " explanation of the facts of morality is conceivable.
What has not been adequately realized is that the metaphysical basis of his system of ethics - the argument, for example, contained in the introduction to the Prolegomena - is unfairly treated if divorced from his treatment of morals as a whole, and that it can be justly estimated only if interpreted as much as the conclusion as the starting-point of moral theory.
Professor Taylor expounds these two theories with great brilliance of argument and much ingenuity, yet neither of them will perhaps carry complete conviction to the minds of the majority of his critics.
But in his exposition of the fundamental contradiction involved in morality elaborated with much care and illustrative argument he appeals for the most part to facts familiar to the unphilosophical moral consciousness.
Maunder's argument to this effect is unanswerable.'
For a good example of the evolution of such myths, see the argument under Aegina, History.
In mathematics the term has received special meanings; in mathematical tables the "argument" is the quantity upon which the other quantities in the table are made to depend; in the theory of complex variables, e.g.
Each year his argument was more and more cogently enforced by the logic of facts.
He was not indeed aware how deeply he had committed himself; otherwise he would have observed that his argument, if valid against the Many of the vulgar, was valid also against the One of Parmenides, with its plurality of attributes, as well as that, in the absence of a theory of predication, it was useless to speculate about knowledge and being.
Spencer's argument is that, given a story about real people so named, in process of time and forgetfulness the anecdote which was once current about a man named Storm and a woman named Sunshine will be transferred to the meteorological phenomena of sun and tempest.
If we grant, however, for the sake of argument, that the early Hottentots worshipped the infinite under the figure of the dawn, and that, by forgetting their own meaning, they came to believe that the words which really meant " red dawn" meant " wounded knee " we must still admit that the devout have assigned to their deity all the attributes of an ancestral sorcerer.
Our argument is, that all these legends about Indra, of which only a sample is given, have no necessary connexion with the worship of a pure nature-god as a nature-god would now be constructed by men.
For an argument intended to show that Greek heroic r Griechische and albanesische Meirchen, i.
Similarly, no safe argument can be based upon the institution of blood-revenge in Gen.
Moreover, where stone implements are found they are, as a rule, very near, even actually on, the surface of the earth; nothing occurs resembling the regular stratification of Europe, and consequently no argument based on geological grounds is possible.
In 1850 his power of specious argument won back to him his Chicago constituents who had violently attacked him for not opposing the Fugitive Slave Law.
In Theology Herbart held the argument from design to be as valid for divine activity as for human, and to justify the belief in a supersensible real, concerning which, however, exact knowledge is neither attainable nor on practical grounds desirable.
An illustration is, with the general run of mankind, more powerful to convince than an argument; and the cogency of the visible plea for the Copernican theory offered by the miniature system, then first disclosed to view, was recognizable in the triumph of its advocates as well as in the increased acrimony of its opponents.
It is a singular circumstance, however, that the argument upon which Galileo mainly relied as furnishing a physical demonstration of the truth of the new theory rested on a misconception.
Of his two capital errors, regarding respectively the theory of the tides and the nature of comets, the first was insidiously recommended to him by his passionate desire to find a physical confirmation of the earth's double motion; the second was adopted for the purpose of rebutting an anti-Copernican argument founded on the planetary analogies of those erratic subjects of the sun.
He inferred from the regularity of their general movements the rotation of the sun on its axis in a period of little less than a month; and he grounded on the varying nature of the paths seemingly traversed by them a plausible, though inconclusive, argument in favour of the earth's annual revolution.
They are a strange blend of sophistry, superstition, sound sense and solid argument.
The sole argument, though a very weighty one, is found in the undeniable relation, revealed in an astonishing similarity both in expressions and composition, which exists between these forgeries and some other documents certainly fabricated at Le Mans, under the episcopate of Aldric (832-856), notably the Actus Pontificum Cenomanis in urbe degentium, in which there is no lack of forged documents.
This argument to the pocket quickly had its effect, and licences were applied for in such numbers that, in royalties for the use of his process, Bessemer received a sum in all considerably exceeding a million sterling.
In 1895 the time for the realization of these views had come; and Mr Chamberlain's speeches, previously remarkable chiefly for debating power and directness of argument, were now dominated by a newnote of constructive statesmanship, basing itself on the economic necessities of a world-wide empire.
In all these speeches he managed to point his argument by application to local industries.
The main argument employed is an exposition of the con tradictions, absurdities and immoralities of Greek mythology.
The truth of his views he rests, rather strangely, on the argument that Moses, the writer of the Pentateuch, lived long before Homer, whom he regards as the earliest Greek religious writer, and to prove this he quotes a series of synchronisms, which were made use of by many subsequent chronologers, including probably Julius Africanus, who in turn was used by Eusebius.
But the general argument, that the papacy may command obedience only so far as its commands are consonant with the teaching of Christ and the apostles, is only what should be expected from an ecclesiastical reformer of Grosseteste's time.
Of commanding presence, firm, decisive, courteous in manner, convincing in argument, and deeply attached to his native province, he had all the qualities of a popular leader.
The resemblance of the sporocarp-like bodies - discovered by Nathorst in association with Rhaetic Sagenopteris leaves, and more recently figured by Halle under a new generic name (Hydropterangium) - to the sporocarps of Marsilia is an argument in favour of including Sagenopteris in the Hydropterideae.
In the Only Possible Ground of Proof for the Existence of God, the argument, though largely Leibnitzian, advances one step farther towards the ultimate inquiry.
Alex had agreed without argument.
The statement was flat, obviously intended to discourage argument, but Cassie couldn't resist.
On the surface, it's a fair argument.
I've known him since I was about ten and discovered through an argument between my parents that I was a ba...
Halfway through his beer the sports argument became spirited enough that Dean took the opportunity to rise and cross to the payphone behind him.
It wasn't intended as an argument – simply setting the record straight.
Continue the argument or stop it before it got heated.
No one was ever so ready for argument and, I must add, so obstinate and lovable.
This argument seems pragmatic to me, but I could be wrong.
A lambda abstraction denotes a function, to apply a lambda abstraction to an argument we use what is called beta-reduction.
Appeal No 8. It seems a fairly abstruse argument presented by the players.
Since there has been no demonstration of the predictive accuracy of the estimation of time varying parameters, even this argument fails.
East and West did not see eye to eye on most of them, and the argument became almost acrimonious at one stage.
That is the nature of the argument adduced in the Lambeth Conference in 1998.
The examples adduced above are merely a sample given to illustrate the general character of the argument.
Indeed accusing someone falsely of an ad hominem approach to debate is itself an ad hominem argument.
He quotes it for a purpose, in an argument ad hominem.
In many ways the heart of his argument is found not in the text but in the almost algebraic appendices.
The corresponding pointer argument must usu- ally be of a restricted type.
The highly anaerobic nature of sprint swim events would support the argument for more high-intensity and less high volume training.
The argument was protracted and at length grew angry.
Next, she takes up the ever popular " cerebral anoxia " argument.
We wouldn't accept that argument for primary and secondary education, why should HE be any different?
The perfect way to settle every football argument or demonstrate tactics that should have been used on the pitch.
The Bolsheviks won the argument - the revolution had to move forward.
The Senate of AAU was also convinced by this argument.
The lower appellate court was not persuaded by this argument.
A convincing argument backed by a previously stated policy may limit escalation of a crisis.
The ontological argument rests upon the false assumption that existence is a predicate.
The eurosceptics ' most persuasive argument is that the EU is ' imposed on the people ' .
The optional f argument can be used to specify an alternate stack frame to start.
Transferable Skills Students will further improve skills in logical argument, mathematical reasoning.
Mr Dennys relied on certain passages in Hansard in his skeleton argument.
The sample is a command-line application that takes one command-line argument.
Note that the sed edit script, introduced by the sed command line argument -e spreads over two lines.
With a prefix argument, displays the plain ` diff ' output.
In doing so we are assisted by the fact that the District Judge has provided us with comments on the appellant's skeleton argument.
The argument about the famous 3 per cent attrition rate is also rather spurious.
But it is not only on the merits of the argument that I personally accept the Lucan authorship of the Gospel and Acts.
Perhaps I'll have them fighting baddies, who we can call, for the sake of argument, " The Sith " .
However; on the night of the vote I actually felt the argument falling away from the proponents of the partial ban.
This was enough to produce 25,000 broadsheets and newspaper advertising to put the other side of the argument.
Her central argument being that a general strike is not a sterile demand, artificially created in the minds of timid trade union bureaucrats.
There is an argument that this is due to the stray capacitance between the closely-spaced ends of the thick rods.
The argument in favor of removing the cervix pre-dates cervical smears.
This argument, which seems so crushing, is, in reality, extremely childish.
Firstly, establishing a chronology is essential to his argument.
From the point of view of even classical bourgeois political economy, Cliff's argument was a pure evasion.
This was my final clincher of an argument with Alun in the Welsh Office.
Unfortunately, his central argument - that only collective action can save us from climate chaos - rationalizes the Government latest failure.
If the optional comma separated host list argument is omitted or the special string global is given, the global cell configuration is displayed.
The first argument, similarly, does not seem obviously compatible with a morally egalitarian theory such as Rawls's.
The argument is that the Cartesian approach, to start with self evident premises and to derive rational conclusions from them is too limited.
His is an argument contra the prohibition of believing whenever the evidence is silent.
The argument, however, becomes convoluted regarding the significance of language to the execution of plans.
This argument, however, can be easily counteracted.
Can Brooks not produce a counterexample or argument to show that people are not better off having more of what they want?
The final couplet often provides an opportunity to sum up the argument of the poem with an epigram.
This argument in favor of regional processing, while appealing in its simplicity, is highly deceptive.
The function takes an array as the argument and you can specify the item delimiter.
Each argument that you can propose in favor of budgeting is systematically demolished by this book.
He politely demurred; but he could marshal no argument against hers.
All costs of resolving the disagreement must be paid by the party whose argument is rejected.
This provoked disbelief, not least from Rose, but put off the argument with Alice that had been brewing.
Cllr Eades appears somewhat disingenuous in his argument that Creekmoor is a perfect location - Mannings Heath would be just as well placed.
I have had enough disputation, contradiction, argument and moodiness.
Was he absolutely certain that he was capable of handling an argument with a fiery dragon?
Within Paul's argument the ambivalent encomium has a clear function.
It is dazzlingly and sometimes obscurely erudite yet with a clear and coherent argument that challenges our current commonsense views about communication.
The permitted range of the argument is from minus infinity to plus infinity.
If the argument is positive infinity, then positive infinity is returned.
The boy was then inoculated with smallpox in July, which did not develop thus proving Jenner's argument.
The corresponding argument is a pointer to an unsigned integer.
The skip argument is normally interpreted as a posi- tive decimal integer.
Vicar If I might just interject Pressing I fail to see what argument you will use.
For commands that are not internal to the shell, the command name is substituted separately from the argument list.
As an example, the bytecode interpreter shares argument objects between calling and called Tcl procedures to avoid having to copy objects.
Many teachers already intuit the strength of this argument.
By wallowing in the trough of political invective, these people show they have lost the argument.
A $ fol- lowed by a number (or numbers) is replaced by the cor- responding argument on the macro invocation command line.
Parameter $ 0 is set from argument zero at shell invocation.
For anti-reductionist forms of naturalism (like Railton's) seem as invulnerable to the argument as Moore's non-naturalist account.
Io argument is used to obtain a reference to the ctype char_type facet installed in the object's locale.
The approach is based on a stopping time argument that produces a normalizing transformation facilitating the use of a Gaussian likelihood.
John, This is an argument always used by linguists.
Discuss the Chinese literati 's preoccupation with exclusivity in connoisseurship during the late Ming, illustrating your argument with writings of the period.
The government had listened to our argument about the fairness of the question and that the question should be not loaded or ambiguous.
However the anti-GM lobby is critical of GM foods, their main argument being that we do not yet know enough about them.
In his anxiety to appear logical Haldane clearly hoped that the underlying theological aspect of his argument would go unnoticed.
If the command is fol- lowed by digits, executing universal-argument again ends the numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored.
The argument is sometimes tritely made - look at the success of the American melting pot - why cannot we do the same.
My argument is that mechanical realist metaphysics are necesssary in order to make it seamless.
The phenomenon of " brain drain " was invoked mainly as an argument for inhibiting economic migration from the developing world.
It was Blair, for example, who won the argument for a higher minimum wage in 1999.
If this command is followed by one or more digits, optionally with a leading minus sign, those digits define the argument.
The second argument is optional, and may be used to add a modifier.
Using this argument it is possible to take a materialist stance whilst rejecting the implication of materialist monism that our minds are purely reactive.
However, NATO had deliberately bypassed the UN, rendering this argument moot.
However, a small group of verbs have no argument that corresponds to this agreement morpheme.
We are left with the case that each argument has even multiplicative nesting depth.
If no argument returns nil, then the value returned by the last argument evaluated is returned.
She is not afraid to defeat him in argument, and her self-control in trying circumstances shows real nobility of soul.
The institute's argument was " absolute nonsense ", he said.
An all numeric argument will be passed to the attribute as a number.
Students must develop an argument on the basis of prior case law and principle that supports their side, and anticipate objections and counter-arguments.
In other words, an argument that solely concerns subjectivity can be used to deny objectivity.
Being Managing Director of a telecommunications operator himself, he is perhaps in a very good position to appreciate the argument.
At the risk of sounding opportunistic in my argument, yesterday's Conservative Party is not what I'm taking my lead from.
The costs of action taken far outweigh the upside to the argument.
Robert Hall was once overheard saying amid the heat of an argument, " Calm me, 0 Lamb of God!
It is an example of the " objection overruled " argument.
Issues of cost However, the complexity argument may have been somewhat overstated.
Each option argument is also parsed into its own positional parameter.
Her argument may one day give the phrase ' triggering the placebo effect ' a place in popular parlance.
What of the argument that elected parliamentarians, not unelected judges, should make the law?
And finally the " they haven't visited argument " is frankly pathetic.
If the second argument is a permutation permutation perm then the classes of the result are sorted by application of this permutation.
If the second argument is a permutation perm then the classes of the result are sorted by application of this permutation perm then the classes of the result are sorted by application of this permutation.
And although Beale recognizes that much may be speculative, by the end the cumulative argument becomes very persuasive.
I make a strong argument in my book for the rather perverse aspect to this.
I will call the argument from relativism to epistemic value pluralism the trivial argument for epistemic value pluralism.
Several authors justify the probability postulate without relying on the sleeping pill argument.
In a formal argument we claim the transition probability of OK to ERROR is zero.
The second prong of their overall argument, however, may well make up the difference.
No wonder, then, that my argument that dyslexia is a highly problematic notion was greeted by a storm of angry protest.
Furthermore the philological basis of Harvey's argument appears questionable on occasion.
Octal and hex numbers may be specified as in C. The second argument specifies the radix for the result; the default is 10.
The " it's only read-only data " argument doesn't stand up, either.
Henchard shut up her argument with a sharp rebuff.
Perhaps a good refutation of that type of argument is provided by the British case.
The second, which he terms the kalām argument, holds that an infinite temporal regress is impossible because an actual infinite is impossible.
We are not persuaded by the argument that a separate section would result in " needless repetition " .
The antics of the committee were so reprehensible, that all witnessing them, from all sides of the argument, were genuinely shocked.
It was the same notorious argument used by the Socialist Workers Party when it opposed republicanism being included in the policies of Respect.
This argument certainly resonates with some of your respondents, and with many in the country, but it doesn't withstand scrutiny.
However, the argument was successfully resurrected, in part at least, in a case on which judgment was given last month.
The argument sounds romantic, but it is in fact nonsensical.
Thus there is no argument from sameness of truth-conditions to sameness of truth-conditions to sameness of ontological commitments.
Thus there is no argument from sameness of truth-conditions to sameness of ontological commitments.
The measure is akin to an arrest warrant rather than a court hearing, so the Minister's argument is somewhat specious.
Yet anti-war commentators have effectively made Khan their unofficial spokesman, citing his wacky views as an argument for getting out of Iraq.
However, this argument appeared spurious, since practically nothing is reliably known about which kinds of intervention achieve relevant outcomes in PSE work.
The string argument to XrmStringToQuark need not be permanently allocated storage.
Afterward there was an argument between Jason and his friend as they realized the stupidity of what they had done.
A tzinfo subclass 's methods should therefore be prepared to accept a dt argument of None, or of class datetime.
Her argument about " the demise of public space " starts with a real sucker punch.
The result is a tightly knit argument in which theoretical critique and anthropological observation play a mutually supporting role.
Let me explain why, in simple terms using a classical syllogism (or formal argument ).
This type of argument is called syllogism and dates back to ancient Greece.
The argument that the polls show a likely democratic takeover is somewhat undermined by these factors.
The leftmost column is column 0. TAN A function returning the tangent of its radian argument.
The core of the argument lies in Chapters 2 and 4, with Chapter 3 as an interesting, but slightly tangential addition.
But this argument, too, is no longer tenable (see main text ).
However the argument is often lost in some very tendentious reasoning.
The timeout period, specified by the timeout argument in milliseconds, has elapsed.
Everything is meaningless ' is the books opening tirade and the argument flows straight from these first principles.
The fundamental argument of The European Ritual is that European football is now becoming transnational.
There is also much argument about Article 25 regarding internationalization and pre-trade transparency, which could be more intractable.
Her efforts are thus identified as providing an eligible model of argument from which her fellow tutees can derive guidance.
French cannon once bore the inscription ultima ratio regum, the last argument of kings.
Let's assume I have some data on a dependent variable, which for the sake of argument we call Y for now.
To the Layman, this argument seems of dubious veracity because there have not been any cases of bits falling off.
Thus a positive argument has the effect of making the program more verbose.
Kripke's account of the private language argument is thus vitiated by his unargued reliance on ideas which Wittgenstein argued against.
A change of national chairman from Robert Robinson to Duff Burrell has had little effect on the course of the increasingly vitriolic argument.
In conclusion the theory of natural selection does render the design argument worthless.
His favourite argument against any reform was to appeal to the Pyramids as an immutable proof of the solidity of Egypt financially and politically.
His chief opponent was Posidonius of Rhodes, who is said to have contended with him in argument in the presence of Pompey (Plutarch, Pompey, 42).
The approach is, as we have seen, often guarded by additional constructions; the fact that the door and window face south is another argument in favour of this theory, and the access from one part of the interior to another is sometimes purposely rendered difficult by a sudden vertical rise of 5 or 6 ft.
This exaggerated argument found a certain number of supporters, several of whom nevertheless sensibly weakened it.
The anonymous objections are very much the statement of common-sense against philosophy; those of Caterus criticize the Cartesian argument from the traditional theology of the church; those of Arnauld are an appreciative inquiry into the bearings and consequences of the meditations for religion and morality; while those of Hobbes (q.v.) and Gassendi - both somewhat senior to Descartes and with a dogmatic system of their own already formed - are a keen assault upon the spiritualism of the Cartesian position from a generally " sensational " standpoint.
The three main steps in the argument are the veracity of our thought when that thought is true to itself, the inevitable uprising of thought from its fragmentary aspects in our habitual consciousness to the infinite and perfect existence which God is, and the ultimate reduction of the material universe to extension and local movement.
The great argument on which the Cartesians founded their opposition to the Newtonian doctrine was that attraction was an occult quality, not wholly intelligible by the aid of mere mechanics.
The silence of the Memorabilia of Xenophon must be admitted as an argument to the contrary; but the probability seems to be that Plato did not in the Phaedo altogether misrepresent the Master.
Against the first kind of argument, as formulated by Moses Mendelssohn, Kant advances the objection that, although we may deny the soul extensive quantity, division into parts, yet we cannot refuse to it intensive quantity, degrees of reality; and consequently its existence may be terminated not by decomposition, but by gradual diminution of its powers (or to use the term he coined for the purpose, by elanguescence).
From the standpoint of modern science John Fiske confirms the validity of such an argument; for what he affirms in regard to belief in the divine is equally applicable to this belief in a future life.
The theory of psychophysical parallelism has been subjected to a rigorous examination in James Ward's Naturalism and Agnosticism, part iii., in which the argument that mind cannot be derived from matter is convincingly presented.
The juridical argument has some force; the present life does not show that harmony of condition and character which our sense of justice leads us to expect; the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer; there is ground for the expectation that in the future life the anomalies of this life will be corrected.
Although this argument has the support of such great names as Butler and Kant, yet it will repel many minds as an appeal to the motive of self-interest.
The ethical argument has greater value.
This is the line of argument developed by Professor Hugo Miinsterberg in his lecture on The Eternal Life (1905), although he states it in the terms peculiar to his psychology, in which personality is conceived as primarily will.
More general in its appeal still is the argument from the affections, which has been beautifully developed in Tennyson's In Memoriam.
Neither the opposition of Lord Palmerston, who considered the projected disturbance as too radical not to endanger the commercial position of Great Britain, nor the opinions entertained, in France as well as in England, that the sea in front of Port Said was full of mud which would obstruct the entrance to the canal, that the sands from the desert would fill the trenches - no adverse argument, in a word, could dishearten Ferdinand de Lesseps.
He was received by the Pope with marked courtesy, and was appointed " Grand Penitentiary of England," but his argument, if he ever had the opportunity of stating it, did not lead to any practical decision of the question.
The argument does not necessarily imply empiricism in philosophy; still, it is peculiarly characteristic of empiricism.
They incline to the Design Argument and Analogy - to the Cosmological argument (with other elements in a subordinate place) and proof by inference - to the Ontological argument.
The middle ages, in the person of Anselm of Canterbury, contribute the first clear form of the Ontological argument for theism.
In Raymond of Sabunde's form of moral argument - there must be a God to reward and punish, if human life is not to be " vain " - we see the kinship of that argument to the argument from design.
Still, Descartes has marked idealist traits, as when he refurbishes the ontological argument with clearer emphasis on the perfect being as " necessarily " existent 5 - reasoning a shade less quantitative or a shade more subtle than Anselm's.
The earlier of the two volumes on Natural Theology relies on the cosmological argument; the later - obviously an afterthought - tries to vindicate the ontological argument as an alternative basis for theism, but awkwardly and with manifest uneasiness.
The Ontological argument, though not wholly rejected as a proof, is taken rather as pointing to God's attribute of infinity; thought rather than experience making affirmation that the intuition in question must be attached to God.
The moral argument, relying upon the third intuition named, certifies.