Argon Sentence Examples
The weight of a mixture of argon and nitrogen prepared from the dissolved gases showed an excess of 24 mg.
Of these, argon and its allies were the last to be definitely isolated.
In the absence of liquid air the helium must be purified by the methods employed for argon (q.v.).
One remarkable discovery, however, of general interest, was the outcome of a long series of delicate weighings and minute experimental care in the determination of the relative density of nitrogen gas - undertaken in order to determine the atomic weight of nitrogen - namely, the discovery of argon, the first of a series of new substances, chemically inert, which occur, some only in excessively minute quantities, as constituents of the 1 The barony was created at George IV.'s coronation in 1821 for the wife of Joseph Holden Strutt, M.P. for Maldon (1790-1826) and Okehampton (1826-1830), who had done great service during the French War as colonel of the Essex militia.
Although, as was natural, Cavendish was satisfied with his result, and does not decide whether the small residue was genuine, it is probable that his residue was really of a different kind from the main bulk of the "phlogisticated air," and contained the gas afterwards named argon.
The argon ultimately found was 75 o c.c., or a little more than I% of the atmospheric nitrogen used.
The density of argon, prepared and purified by magnesium, was found by Sir William Ramsay to be 19.941 on the O = 16 scale.
The volume actually weighed was 163 c.c. Subsequently large-scale operations with the same apparatus as had been used for the principal gases gave an almost identical result (19.940) for argon prepared with oxygen.
In 1894 he was associated with Lord Rayleigh in the discovery of argon, announced at that year's meeting of the British Association in Oxford, and in the following year he found in certain rare minerals such as cleveite the gas helium which till that time had only been known on spectroscopic evidence as existing in the sun.
It is found that mercury vapour, helium, argon and its associates (neon, krypton, &c.) have the value 1.67; hence we conclude that these gases exist as monatomic molecules.
AdvertisementThe process was developed by Madame Lefebre in 1859; by Meissner in 1863, who found that moist gases gave a better result; and by Prim in 1882, who sparked the gases under pressure; it was also used by Lord Rayleigh in his isolation of argon.
Lord Rayleigh has made many investigations of the absolute densities of gases, one of which, namely on atmospheric and artificial nitrogen, undertaken in conjunction with Sir William Ramsay, culminated in the discovery of argon.
Paschen 6 has further extended the method and added a number of infra-red lines to the spectra of helium, argon, oxygen and other elements.
Argon is contained in the gases liberated by many thermal springs, but not in special quantity.
The most remarkable physical property of argon relates to the constant known as the ratio of specific heats.
AdvertisementThis is precisely the number found from the velocity of sound in argon as determined by Kundt's method, and it leaves no room for any sensible energy of rotatory or vibrational motion.
The refractivity of argon is 961 of that of air.
This low refractivity is noteworthy as strongly antagonistic to the view at one time favoured by eminent chemists that argon was a condensed form of nitrogen represented by N3.
The viscosity of argon is I.
As soon as a spark-gap was introduced, or the condenser began to emit the humming sound peculiar to it, the beautiful blue glow so characteristic of argon immediately appeared.
AdvertisementFrom the manner of its preparation it was clear at an early stage that argon would not combine with magnesium or calcium at a red heat, nor under the influence of the electric discharge with oxygen, hydrogen or nitrogen.
Nor does it appear that any well-defined compound of argon has yet been prepared.
Berthelot that under the influence of the silent electric discharge, a mixture of benzene vapour and argon underwent contraction, with formation of a gummy product from which the argon could be recovered.
The facts detailed in the original memoir led to the conclusion that argon was an element or a mixture of elements, but the question between these alternatives was left open.
These gases agree with argon in respect of the ratio of the specific heats and in being non-oxidizable under the electric spark.
AdvertisementAs originally defined, argon included small proportions of these gases, but it is now preferable to limit the name to the principal constituent and to regard the newer gases as "companions of argon."
Sir William Ramsay considers that probably the volume of all of them taken together does not exceed part of that of the argon.
Now that liquid air is available in many laboratories, it forms an advantageous starting-point in the preparation of argon.
Being less volatile than nitrogen, argon accumulates relatively as liquid air evaporates.
This Appears To Be Actually The Case For Monatomic Gases Such As Mercury Vapour (Kundt And Warburg, 1876), Argon And Helium (Ramsay, 1896).
He found that a small fraction, not more thanoth part, resisted the change, and in this residue he doubtless had a sample of the inert gas argon which was only recognized as a distinct entity more than a hundred years later.
There is also the issue of the increased cost of using argon.
Rayleigh discovered the gas argon and was awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1904.
Plasma gases include argon, hydrogen, nitrogen and mixtures thereof, as well as air and oxygen.
The windows and rooflights are softwood frame with double glazed argon filled low emissivity glass.
The U2 has an argon filled cavity with copper sulfate water absorbing capsule.
Rayleigh is perhaps most famous for his discovery the inert gas argon in 1895, work which earned him a Nobel Prize in 1904.
The electrical connections to the calorimeter are actually made to thin metallic members in the liquid argon (" electrodes " ).
It is then usually partially backfilled with argon to avoid the possibility of forming a glow discharge.
All windows are timber-framed with argon filled low emissivity double-glazing.
Argon beaming is a viable technique for treating oesophageal dysplasia since it only destroys a depth of 2mm into the mucosa.
The synthesis of nitric acid by passing electric sparks through moist air by Cavendish is a famous piece of experimental work, for in the first place it determined the composition of this important substance, and in the second place the minute residue of air which would not combine, although ignored for about a century, was subsequently examined by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay, who showed that it consists of a mixture of elementary substances - argon, krypton, neon and xenon (see Argon).
Lord Rayleigh in 1894 found that the density of atmospheric nitrogen was about 2% higher than that of chemically prepared nitrogen, a discovery which led to the isolation of the rare gases of the atmosphere (see Argon).
It combines directly with nitrogen, when heated in the gas, to form the nitride Mg 3 N 2 (see Argon).
The tiny spaces are filled with thick gases like argon for insulation.
Besides argon, another filler that's used is plastic film.
In addition to offering 100 percent pure argon oils, you'll also find some of the latest in news and research into this unique product.
At this temperature the nitrogen combines with the magnesium, and thus the argon is concentrated.
Norman Collie to separate argon by diffusion into two parts, which should have different densities or refractivities, led to no distinct effect.