Aren-t Sentence Examples
Aren't you getting hungry?
And don't tell me you aren't playing house with him.
Why aren't you serving in the army?
Tell me the truth now, aren't you enjoying the ride?
I'm here, aren't I?
Aren't they laughing at me?
Thanks to the insurance, there aren't any.
Aren't you going to eat lunch?
We're leaving tomorrow, aren't we?
That's a nice thought, but the rest of us aren't willing to let it stand that way.
AdvertisementYou're curious, aren't you?
So, when I tell you we will see the end of war, if you are over thirty-five years of age, you have every reason to roll your eyes and tell me you have seen this movie before and aren't up for the sequel.
All cops aren't bad, Martha.
Again, we aren't talking about anyone knowing anything about you personally.
You're putting me on, aren't you?
AdvertisementAren't the accounts still his?
But people are out here all the time with ATV's, aren't they?
Why aren't you going after the Other?
We're on top of the world, aren't we?
Terrible in battle... gallant... with the fair" (he winked and smiled), "that's what the French are, Monsieur Pierre, aren't they?"
AdvertisementAren't you captivated too?
Aren't they building that buffalo shed on your land?
My, aren't we in a good mood tonight.
Excuse me for staring, but aren't you the young lady that had Ashley in a dither?
I'm good, aren't I?
AdvertisementAren't you going to eat?
There aren't many homes available.
We're both only children so there aren't any brothers or sisters.
Aren't you going to bed?
Aren't you afraid Jonathan Winston might show up?
Katie tells me you aren't showing much interest in the wedding plans.
Aren't these the same dishes you didn't want to use at your house?
And my dishes aren't?
They aren't straps, you know.
Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they?
Aren't you supposed to look at one of Josh's cows this morning?
Aren't you going to do anything?
Aren't you going to give her anything for pain?
They aren't very good ... kind of basic.
People have a way of shutting out things they aren't ready to deal with yet, or can't accept.
The human world will fall to the Black God if you aren't there to protect it.
You're young to be here, aren't you?
The vamps only try shit when Jonny and Xander aren't around.
Sofi, you aren't thinking of going to the immortal world, are you?
Maybe they aren't enemies.
I read that there aren't any mountain lions in Arkansas.
Skunks are black and white, aren't they?
We have a little over 160 acres, but we aren't using all of it right now.
Aren't you supposed to keep your arm in that sling?
I know goats aren't native to the United States, but neither are Longhorns.
I'm afraid children aren't in our plans for a while.
I guess there aren't any towers close.
They're colorful, aren't they?
I haven't yet, but then you're used to heat a lot worse than this, aren't you?
But these aren't any ordinary chicks, as they can even drive a digger!
Young people aren't disinterested in politics - they're disinterested in politics - they're disinterested in party politics.
While these may serve as amusing diversions for a while, they aren't fixing things.
We aren't tied down by the outdated dogma which holds Labor back.
I'm guessing that degeneration means the new cells aren't exact duplicates of the cells they replace, kind of like accelerated aging.
The record company, naturally, aren't quite so ecstatic.
However, the scientific names aren't just to boost the egos of fish collectors.
The hydrogen atoms aren't involved in any way with the delocalised electrons.
No, they aren't like punctuation marks; that's far too ephemeral.
They are n't eternal, they aren't natural.
Most cases aren't like our jelly bean example where each person had the items the other person wanted.
It is a shame that de Tocqueville's voluntary associations aren't more prominent around the world today—but in the future, they may be.
Similarly, our agricultural processes aren't so hot.
Extras are a little thin on the ground, which is a polite way to say there are n't any.
If these are n't implausible enough you can add belief in miracles or the literal transubstantiation of wine into blood.
Unless you 're over 40 or unconcerned with fashion trends, one could guess that you are n't shopping at The Gap.
It's just that... well, it isn't right for two people who aren't...
You survived whatever it was he did, because you aren't a vamp.
Aren't you going to invite me in?
We're putting a lot of trust in what a little ten-year-old girl said, aren't we?
The Dawkinses aren't fighting over this place because of its accessibility.
How do I know the two matters aren't tied together unless I poke a bit?
You're being naughty again, aren't you?
My, you're being a regular nosy little detective, aren't you?
They're pretty transparent, aren't they?
You're the guy I met in the coffee shop, aren't you?
We're not seeing each other and we sure as hell aren't lovers!
They aren't supposed to be hunting on private land without permission, and ours is posted anyway.
You're going to ignore my warning, aren't you?
You're calling me a piece of shit for walking away, aren't you?
I'm doing something wrong, aren't I?
You're having an affair, aren't you?
Who's to say there aren't genetic variations that lend people to being different? he asked, shrugging.
It would kill me to take this thing out of my head, and Gabriel and all his … uh minions … aren't allowed to kill me.
Why aren't you dead-dead?
I'm always right, aren't I?
Some events seem connected but really aren't.
No. You aren't apologizing for her.
Immortals aren't so far off from humans, are they?
We aren't to interfere in mortal happenings.
Ancients aren't welcome in Sanctuaries, Kiki said.
Why aren't you in your bedchamber?
You're that new, aren't you?
You aren't surviving day-to-day anymore as you have your whole life, and for the first time, you're fighting for something other than you.
Kris said the normal Immortals aren't allowed around you, because they tend to attack you.
Aren't there other women you could take as nishani?
I'm supposed to be here, aren't I?
My reinforcements aren't here yet; you'll need to keep moving until I can neutralize the newest threat.
There aren't any open side roads and hardly a plowed turnoff on this highway for twenty miles.
Aren't you going to give the nice lady the notebook too, Fred?
Why aren't you down there climbing up the icicles with the big boys?
Your marital difficulties aren't our business but Bird Song is and we don't want any hint of trouble here.
He and his wife, who's as nutty as Planters, aren't on anyone's top one hundred list of the rich and famous.
And since it's snowed a foot or two since then, I'd guess there aren't any footprints to prove you were strolling alone in the woods.
There aren't many fools climbing alone.
When I heard someone killed Shipton, I was sure it was Edith, but the cops aren't even looking at her.
Aren't you supposed to ask him if he wants a lawyer?
We know, we're the damn law, aren't we?
Aren't you going to ask me all those stock questions like 'Weren't you tempted?
You're letting this saintly man of the cloth off a bit easy, aren't you?
Jackson asked, "Aren't we to be fed?"
You don't pick losing start-ups to invest in, why aren't they after you?
You are a raging alcoholic, aren't you?
Jackson's fangs aren't working.
You're really strong aren't you?
Aren't you going to sing this one to me?
I am a bad influence, aren't I?
You're trying to play matchmaker again, aren't you?
There aren't plenty of guys around here.
Josh is religious, but there aren't many men who would claim to understand women.
You're ogling my brother, aren't you?
You're kind of tough on wildlife, aren't you?
You're hurting pretty bad, aren't you?
All women aren't alike, you know, and...
But tell me, if he's so much better than me, why aren't you asking him to marry you?
These men aren't wearing Western uniforms for their health.
I'm afraid there aren't many people willing to look beyond the obvious in this circumstance.
Lots of others aren't.
There are good among them, but they just aren't like … this.
You're running from something, aren't you?
I'm pretty sure these jets aren't here for anyone else.
You aren't leaving me again!
If we aren't, we will be soon. I don't think I'll make it out of here.
You and Justin are seeing a lot of each other, aren't you?
Aren't you the least bit interested, or are you...
He chuckled "No, all southern men aren't slow - and obviously all California women aren't fast."
The Watchers aren't too keen about Darian's idea.
You are the king of subtle, aren't you?
Why aren't you in prison? she managed at last.
You're also quitting again tonight, aren't you?
You're some sort of freakish non-human, aren't you?
They aren't leaving me!
Jule, Eden and I aren't alone.
You aren't waiting for Xander this time?
So you aren't mad at me for taking off the necklace and lying to you and not trusting you to help me.
The category Austria-Hungary should be fairly well complete, although it's likely there are places missing that aren't in any category.
They aren't used to it - and I don't want them to be.
Yeow. You are a suspicious old biddy, aren't you?
They just aren't expected to stray too far from the homestead in the process – or get paid for it.
Mary and I aren't fighting.
I know if you and I aren't there to smooth the waters, they'll end up killing each other or screwing up the entire business.
She continued to blubber but when she saw me draw the knife closer, she blurted out, Their tips aren't just after something happened; they're a day or two later.
Those humans who are willing to serve the immortals will be spared, and those who aren't, won't.
Aw well, you and your best friend just aren't as good as The Jake.
There aren't any living Oracles to mentor her, either.
I don't sleep with random men, especially those who aren't … you're not even human, are you?
I'm still here, aren't I?
It would kill me to take this thing out of my head, and Gabriel and all his … uh minions … aren't allowed to kill me.
The police aren't being very candid with me.
There are good among them, but they just aren't like … this.
The police aren't investigating any part of it—here or Norfolk.
Of course it is—I should know, I'm a cop, aren't I?
Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they?
I've been talking to the fish and game department here about some Elk that aren't up to par for a release into the wild.
In any case, considering I'm the one that broke the balance between good and evil, immortal and mortal, you aren't the one with the fates of the Guardians on your shoulders.
Nor is he simply saying, ah, we're all of us a bit odd, aren't we?
The public airwaves we need huge aren't allowed in.
Unlike some other regular expression languages, there are no backslashed symbols that are n't alphanumeric.
In a tertiary amine there aren't any hydrogen atoms attached directly to the nitrogen.
Isn't it a shame real battles aren't fought using marshmallow ammo?
Arthur pringle Threads like this are very cathartic aren't they?
There aren't a lot of opportunities for patents in theoretical astrophysics.
You are actually quite athletic, aren't you?
There aren't even any Swedish beach babes around to see me in my wet suit.
Our aims aren't just to have a wide geographic presence but also a broad base of core skills and expertise.
But you aren't interested in all that business stuff - oh yawn yawn blah blah yawn.
Read more... Try a Beemer Friday 12th May 2006 BMWs aren't just for bearded old blokes anymore.
A lot follows from the decision that you are n't brainy.
Why aren't you responsible enough to face the brunt of your own actions?
Life seems a gas, until Pandora goes missing in Paris, and suddenly things aren't quite so bubbly.
Lots of people feel chatty on E. (These chats don't always make sense to people who aren't on E ).
The shortage of doctors means people aren't having routine checkups that prevent small problems from becoming big ones.
Aren't you glad there are laws to protect children from working in horrible conditions?
For you who aren't particularly appreciative of the hot hot, then do your gardening chores early in the morning.
And more than that, those are n't circumcised are specifically excluded from the covenant.
Miroku Indeed, both of them are rather coarse, aren't they.
Relations between these various power bases aren't always cordial - links are fluid and alliances temporary.
These two crazy critters aren't going anywhere as there popularity crossed the generation gap and continues to entertain kids and adults alike!
Here's an example that demonstrates that constructors that aren't completed don't have the associated destructors called.
To me, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
They're so expansive tho, aren't they?
These aren't my thoughts but the guide's - a reference to teenage experiences and various expletives.
The charges are n't extortionate either considering that you are somewhat at their mercy.
But filters are n't foolproof - sites and users can get round them - so do stay involved.
Make sure the belts are n't frayed or the buckles cracked.
Umm, well, they don't turn into toccatas, but they aren't really very good fugues, are they?
Some of the best Indian gurus aren't skinny minnies.
When bold-face names aren't involved, hanky-panky appears to have little impact.
Hello Everyone Hope everyone is enjoying the heat wave and aren't to sizzled!
Tho you aren't arizona short term health insurance cwosn heck and makuc.
They're just so heroic, aren't they?
You will get complexes formed involving hydroxide ions, but the formulae of these aren't very clear-cut.
If journalists are statistically illiterate, papers aren't recruiting enough from the sciences.
You can easily have a mixture of chain isomerism and position isomerism - you aren't restricted to one or the other.
The key elements vegas aren't normally covered by a brunson Jennifer harman tj.
Movie starring Julia they aren't ready got a reputation ryno says he's.
Keegan's signings aren't the international stars to guide us into the promised land.
Bad shows without canned laughter aren't good shows.
They just aren't someone you want to have over for dinner, (audience laughter ).
Aren't little green leprechauns suppose to ' bring ' good luck?
The surf lifesaving clubs aren't there for show - many people are rescued from the surf each year.
Not strictly true, we aren't going to send you a cardboard box of severed limbs.
I'm starting to feel like we're star-crossed lovers from opposite sides of the tracks who aren't permitted to see each other.
For users that aren't familiar, the trunk contains the development mainline - that is the stable code that you should be using.
In fact, they are actually quite majestic, aren't they?
He does n't mend things that aren't broken.
If you are n't metricated yet, that's under 1 ounce.
It's a complete no-brainer, which explains why governments aren't pursuing it.
Guns aren't lawful, nooses give, Gas smells awful.
You aren't expected to invite the officiant 's children.
Unfortunately the death scenes aren't up to much and most of them happen off-screen.
It's a wonder we aren't completely outlawed.
The seats aren't very good and they just outstay their welcome.
You are n't overextending your employees First General Services Canada behind whites in.
Us lot at fierce panda aren't very good at anything.
Work on voice procedures based on aren't collecting your auto insurance rate canada paycheck.
They are very peculiar beasts, aren't they?
Why aren't the viewers expected to want him to pay penance?
But this isn't about assuming some false persona when things aren't going well; in fact, just the opposite.
Effect of prwora agencies are n't privy to for reasons other.
They aren't lumpen proletariat or working class or middle class or bourgeois.
The Earth is bombarded by gamma rays all the time, but usually there aren't enough to do any damage to us.
Here's hoping they aren't asked to perform a rousing pre-match rendition of Against All Odds.
Paragraphs Unlike documents in most word processors, carriage returns in HTML files aren't significant.
You know things aren't all rosy for these kids.
They aren't about to start making sub rolls or toasted deli sandwiches just to be different.
I'm being hugely and grossly unfair and employing needless sarcasm about this, aren't I?
Similarly intangible format his comments about are increasingly savvy they aren't exactly free.
Things aren't looking good for Earth as alien scum is invading the planet and wrecking everything in sight.
In other words, most UK citizens aren't getting nearly enough selenium in their diets.
These include the paler shades of blue that aren't bright in tone.
I bet our competitors are n't slurping coffee until this time.
We get to Nott's at lunchtime and grab a snack opposite the hotel as even tho its 2pm the rooms aren't ready.
Cosmeston Relay Results, sorry that there aren't any names, but Clem wrote a spiel on the race.
We also need to ensure that an ID cards aren't introduced by stealth.
Aren't allowed in be the only by CEO Steven.
Mom - because there are quite a few veggie dishes that aren't just mushroom stroganoff.
People who don't know the meanings of words aren't just fools, they're dangerous subversives.
The surf lifesaving clubs aren't there for show - many people are rescued from the surf lifesaving clubs aren't there for show - many people are rescued from the surf each year.
Kane county town director Tammy couchman sure there aren't ugly deuces on.
For me the joy of spring is somewhat tarnished by the fact that there just aren't enough hours in the day.
So congratulations are in order for the ECB ensuring that next years Tests aren't going to be on terrestrial.
Studying Shakespeare often seems very theoretical because students aren't usually going to put the play on themselves.
If these aren't implausible enough you can add belief in miracles or the literal transubstantiation of wine into blood.
But you aren't going to produce much sulfur trioxide every day.
Just why aren't people voting Conservative when the Prime Minister seemed so unpopular on the run up to the election?
Many relatively well-off families might think they aren't entitled to credits on top of child benefit.
Aren't just bananas she shares her pristine wilderness five years ago.
A lot of people aren't prepared to maintain wooden windowsills.
Oh my twas wunderbar, but it caused me to realize that, perhaps, national stereotypes aren't always wrong.
But unless you eat dozens of oysters and a few servings of beef every day, chances are you aren't getting enough zinc.
Other events are n't as predictable as the quadrennial games.
The Earth is bombarded by gamma rays all the time, but usually there are n't enough to do any damage to us.
Hey, we 're all reclamation projects, are n't we?
We need to make sure that our patients or potential patients know the true facts about us and are n't relying on assumptions.
Here 's hoping they are n't asked to perform a rousing pre-match rendition of Against All Odds.
Paragraphs Unlike documents in most word processors, carriage returns in HTML files are n't significant.
You know things are n't all rosy for these kids.
Prevention of trespass is the responsibility of the landowner, not the Council or Police Are n't all Gypsies/Travellers just roving criminals?
I 'm being hugely and grossly unfair and employing needless sarcasm about this, are n't I?
Similarly intangible format his comments about are increasingly savvy they are n't exactly free.
Things are n't looking good for Earth as alien scum is invading the planet and wrecking everything in sight.
In other words, most UK citizens are n't getting nearly enough selenium in their diets.
When you watch it you can see that the actors are n't as relaxed, they 're so self-conscious in front of the camera.
They also note that sentiment indicators are n't excessively bullish, which has typically meant a market turn is n't imminent.
These include the paler shades of blue that are n't bright in tone.
Watch out tho, most Greeks siesta in the afternoon so there are n't many then.
We get to Nott 's at lunchtime and grab a snack opposite the hotel as even tho its 2pm the rooms are n't ready.
My legs are n't obeying my head, and my arms are like soggy cardboard.
Hang on a minute, you may say, spaghetti westerns are n't opera.
Cosmeston Relay Results, sorry that there are n't any names, but Clem wrote a spiel on the race.
Are n't they just stale bread to begin with?
These are n't your normal stand-up comics with a guitar.
Paul Gray Hot Topic - Why are n't there more female Michelin starred chefs?
We also need to ensure that an ID cards are n't introduced by stealth.
Are n't allowed in be the only by ceo steven.
Mom - because there are quite a few veggie dishes that are n't just mushroom stroganoff.
People who do n't know the meanings of words are n't just fools, they 're dangerous subversives.
Unlike your counterparts from warmer climates you are n't equipped to describe happy go lucky sunshine pop.
You already have a wonderful wedding gift, but you are n't sure about bridal shower gift ideas.
For me the joy of spring is somewhat tarnished by the fact that there just are n't enough hours in the day.
So congratulations are in order for the ECB ensuring that next years Tests are n't going to be on terrestrial.
Just why are n't people voting Conservative when the Prime Minister seemed so unpopular on the run up to the election?
Many relatively well-off families might think they are n't entitled to credits on top of child benefit.
A lot of people are n't prepared to maintain wooden windowsills.
Of course most of these Approval Strategy articles are about less obvious situations in which there are n't completely unacceptable but winnable candidates.
Oh my twas wunderbar, but it caused me to realize that, perhaps, national stereotypes are n't always wrong.
But unless you eat dozens of oysters and a few servings of beef every day, chances are you are n't getting enough zinc.
I want to buy a new car, but the payments aren't affordable given my current salary.
Startups aren't as random and chaotic as they might appear.
Most organizations aren't sufficiently agile to shift as their product shifts, and so they may have the right product but the wrong business model.
If you're honest about product, market or people that aren't working out, you'll be quicker to react and address it.
If not enough people are coming through the door, the fish tacos aren't going to save you, even if they're the greatest fish tacos ever made.
If you have a gas leak, if the pistons don't quite fit, if the bolts aren't tightened, or if the wheels are not on properly you're likely to crash when you get up to speed.
If you have to spend a lot of money to obtain a better strategy, then you probably aren't in great shape and no acquisition will help you.
People aren't just going to hand over big bucks because you've asked them for it, especially if you're not a skilled salesperson.
You must stop what you're doing when things aren't working.
It's not that founders fail poorly because they're nadve or dumb or inexperienced (well, at least most aren't).
You've brainstormed, you've iterated, you've morphed and you still aren't there.
When we're young, we aren't burdened with all that knowledge and our minds tend to be a bit more adventurous, able to see myriad possibilities.
Those who aren't resourceful tend to see problems, report them, talk about them and then try to solve them.
Mercenaries may achieve their goals, but they often aren't as ambitious and long-term as missionaries.
If they still aren't sure about gender and/or name, you could still buy an item for the shower and pay for the monogramming.
Finally, if you aren't sure what the new parents prefer, don't be afraid to run your ideas past them before you actually purchase a gift.
It may seem as though your newborn baby sleeps all the time, while you aren't getting much sleep at all.
These are the clothes that you aren't afraid for your little to get down and dirty in!
If you're planning a traditional shower, make sure there's some activity that doesn't revolve around baby for those who aren't interested in admiring a belly all afternoon..
Infants aren't necessarily born with blemish-free skin.
Newborns also need to eat every two to three hours, so they just aren't physically capable of sleeping through the night.
While it is extremely common for premature babies of all ages to be placed on a ventilator, babies who aren't as mature may need help breathing for longer periods of time.
If you give your baby girl some dolls or stuffed animals, be sure that there aren't any items that might present a choking hazard.
Babies aren't inexpensive, but there are ways to cut corners!
Make these plans ahead of time, so that you aren't caught off guard at the last minute.
Since babies really aren't that hard to please, you'll have quite a few items to choose from.
Even medicine bottles and cleaners with childproof caps aren't really childproof.
Unfortunately, babies aren't very discretionary about what they choose to place in their mouths.
While the following baby products are popular, they aren't considered absolute necessities.
Backpacks, front packs, and baby slings are popular items that aren't necessary baby products, but they do offer parents some freedom and convenience.
Exersaucers, however, aren't on wheels, yet they still allow baby the freedom of sitting up, trying to stand, and playing with toys.
Even if you know everyone in your church (and you aren't interested in any of them), there may be larger singles events that your church group could attend.
Still, if you aren't comfortable feeding your baby, it can make for an unpleasant experience for you both.
If you aren't sure about your state's daycare licensing, you can do a search for your individual state on the Internet.
While some children thrive in larger class-like situations, others just aren't ready for the structure and sometimes over-exuberance of large preschool classes.
If you and your ex aren't on the best of terms, try to rise above the situation as best you can.
If you are divorced, hopefully, you aren't having to parent completely on your own.
You won't win if your entries aren't detailed, even if you posted more reviews than anyone else.
Obviously, some books just aren't appropriate for certain children.
If there aren't age recommendations. then use your own judgment.
Features in baby books can differ somewhat, so if you aren't familiar with what to look for, keep the following in mind.
Although this is certainly possible, if you aren't planning on expanding your family any time soon, and you are nursing a child right now, keep reading for the latest information on breastfeeding and birth control.
Birth control pills which contain estrogen can decrease milk supply, so they generally aren't recommended to nursing mothers.
Keep the body parts that you aren't washing covered.
While you should not give your infant cow's milk until she reaches her first birthday, you can give her cow's milk based, iron-fortified formula, especially if you aren't breastfeeding at all.
These formulas aren't commonly used, but the following formulas are lactose-free.
Because infants' poop schedules aren't really schedules at all, many parents worry that their baby has become constipated.
Since babies' intestines aren't all that long, you might think that they can become constipated easily.
While bowel obstructions aren't all that common in infants, they can lead to serious medical problems if left untreated.
Some playpens have been recalled because they have protruding rivets, which are similar to nut and bolt fasteners but aren't removable, that can cause a child's clothing or pacifier ribbon to snag, risking strangulation to the child.