Architectures Sentence Examples
On architectures with 16-bit pointer arithmetic, only very small images can be processed.
Consequently, if we know what constitutes good architecture, it seems reasonable to expect all modern architectures to be near optimum.
The systems that I examine vary from simple melts of diblock copolymer to block copolymers with elaborate architectures.
My other interests include novel neural network architectures, the compression of chess endgames databases and the computer analysis of music.
Abstract Using cognitive architectures to analyze the usability of human-computer interfaces is an extensively investigated strategy.
Ongoing work includes using ion implantation for novel device and circuit architectures and for processing gallium nitride in novel ways.
To develop artifacts or architectures for real-time scheduling that meets these requirements.
Architectures to prevent or stifle tinkering can be designed into products and technologies whether or not there is a law requiring them.
A variety of supramolecular architectures such as double and triple helices, triangles and grids can be prepared.
Participants will also learn how to select suitable technologies and architectures for their solution, based on trade-off analysis.