Archipelagos Sentence Examples
Apart from tradition, Samoan is the most archaic of all the Polynesian tongues, and still preserves the organic letter s, which becomes h or disappears in nearly all the other archipelagos.
Earthquakes are rare on the mainland, but not infrequent in Bismarck and d'Entrecasteaux archipelagos.
It terminates in the extreme north-west with Coseguina (2831 ft.), and in the extreme south-east with the low wooded archipelagos of Solentiname and Chichicaste near the head of the San Juan river.
In addition, Portugal includes two archipelagos in the Atlantic, Azores and Madeira Islands.
Environmental standards are closely regulated to ensure preservation of one of the most isolated archipelagos left on earth, thus travel by water is restricted to small, environmentally regulated modes of transportation.
Smaller-sized ships not only help preserve the natural ecological environment, but afford adventurous cruisers the opportunity to explore some of the archipelagos' most remote locations.
For nearly the whole of the year 1890 the Stevensons were cruising through unfamiliar archipelagos Eon board a little trading steamer, the "Janet Nicholl."