Archetype Sentence Examples
This archetype differs in many respects from the form in which it was republished by the editor of the entire work.
We resolved to build a temple on Earth, as a sort of copy of its spiritual archetype.
He was the archetype of the individual man, the lone venturer, who against the odds makes out.
Analogous structures in any two animals compared were by Owen defined as structures performing similar functions, but not necessarily derived from the modification of one and the same part in the " plan " or " archetype " according to which the two animals compared were supposed to be constructed.
A symbol is an inevitably imperfect attempt to represent an archetype.
Oprah has become the archetype for a certain strand of TV; the confessional, self-help based talk show.
Only the rhythm has a unique, transcendental archetype.
Either this is a case where these creatures exist undetected all across the world, or Bigfoot represents a cultural and social archetype.
Also laudable is the casting of Ewan McGregor as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the creation of archetype Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, played as a noble rebel by Liam Neeson.
Robert Heinlein's classic Orphans of the Sky might almost be the archetype of the Generation Ship story.
AdvertisementShe embodies the archetype, the guiding plan of everything you are truly meant to be.
Spielberg's aliens in Close Encounters are of an archetype now known as 'greys'.
Whatever view be taken of the provenance of Codex Vaticanus it is plain that its archetype had the Pauline epistles in a peculiar order which is only found in Egypt, and so far no one has been able to discover any non-Alexandrian writer who used the Neutral text.
The Recognitions, in both recensions, as is shown by the fact that it was read in the original with general admiration not only by Rufinus but also by others in the West, was more Catholic in tone and aimed chiefly at ' Dom Chapman maintains that the Recognitions (c. 370-390,) even attack the doctrine of God in the Homilies or their archetype.
As this MS. contains transcriptional errors, and as its archetype had perhaps a Greek basis, the Recognitions may be dated c. 350-3751 (its Christology suggested to Rufinus an Arianism like that of Eunomius of Cyzicus, c. 362), and the Homilies prior even to 350.
AdvertisementHomologous structures were such as, though greatly differing in appearance and detail from one another, and though performing widely different functions, yet were capable of being shown by adequate study of a series of intermediate forms to be derived from one and the same part or organ of the " plan-form " or " archetype."
Kattenbusch does not shrink from suggesting that he shows acquaintance with the Roman Creed, and that Justin Martyr also knew it, in which case all the so-called Eastern characteristics have been imprinted on the original Roman form, and are not derived from an Eastern archetype.
Hamilton (London, 1870) from a manuscript which he was the first to identify as the archetype.
But nature is still unripe; the image is an eternal archetype, a part of the unknown holy world.
Frazer's latest view is that he is the old cult associate of Diana of Aricia (to whom he is related as Attis to Cybele or Adonis to Venus), the mythical predecessor or archetype of the kings of the grove.
AdvertisementPurchased from developer Archetype Interactive, initially with the thoughts of using the technology to bring 3DO's Might and Magic franchise to online play, Meridian 59 was a small effort that did surprisingly well.
This truly is the archetype of the genre, getting you to rotate tetrominoes (domino-like pieces that take up four units of space each), organizing them into rows that are then eliminated.
It was through these powers that the incorporeal world of thought was framed, which served as the archetype of this world of appearance.
The bio/pic has created an archetype for what a film or television biographical presentation should be.
Significantly, we have witnessed in the past decades a clear re-awakening of the feminine archetype.
AdvertisementThere is definitely an element of the trickster archetype pervading the Salvia realm, and not every trip ends in a nice tidy enlightenment!
The bottom line is that the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is a mythical story based on the usual archetype of celestial catastrophism.
He wants to free Keats from the archetype of the Romantic victim, made immortal by Shelley in his elegy ' Adonais ' .
I love the mushroom cloud; this is the holiest mandala that we have manifested to date, as an archetype.
Apparently some early archetype had been divided into two volumes, of which only the first (containing eight plays, Amphitruo - Epidicus) had escaped oblivion or destruction.
In that year they were lost; and the legists tell us that they are attempting to reconstruct par oir dire the gist of the lost archetype.
It is too much to say with Hommel that "Adapa is the archetype of the Johannine Logos."
The original Being first of all throws out the nous, which is a perfect image of the One and the archetype of all existing things.
This is strong evidence for the view that the archetype of B came from Alexandria or the neighbourhood, and was older than the time of Athanasius, but it scarcely proves that B itself is Alexandrian, for the order of epistles which it gives is also that adopted by the council of Laodicea in A.D.
As the great Mother pertains to nature, matter and Earth, the great Father archetype pertains to the ream of light and spirit.
The archetype of this section existed independently in Greek; for the second Latin and the Slavonic Versions presuppose an independent circulation of their Greek archetype in western and Slavonic countries.
At the same time it is clear both from internal and external evidence that the archetype from which our MSS.
Obviously, the archetype placed Hebrews between Galatians and Ephesians, but the scribe altered the order and put it between 2 Thess.
The latter are thus no mere representations, but as it were emanations from the archetype, vehicles of the supernatural personality represented, and possessed of an inherent sacramental value and power, such as the name of Jesus had for the earliest believers.
His homologous structures are now spoken of as " homogenetic " structures, the idea of community of representation in an archetype giving place to community of derivation from a single representative structure present in a common ancestor.
God the Father may not be depicted at all - a restriction intelligible when we remember that the image in theory is fraught with the virtue of the archetype; but everywhere the utmost timidity is shown.
But the peculiar way in which it enforces its morals in terms of the Platonic contrast between the spiritual and sensuous worlds, as archetype and temporal manifestation, suggests a special local type of theology which must be taken into account in fixing its provenance.
Hence the determination of the paging of the archetype (as was done for the archetype of Lucretius by Lachmann) has more than a merely antiquarian value.
Careful and continuous regard to the various kinds of errors and defaults that are found in transcription will enable us to judge whether a reading which it is suggested stood in the archetype of our text is likely to have been corrupted to the reading, or readings, which stand in the extant manuscripts or editions.
A "sile or sheela na gig" is an Irish icon representing a nude female archetype or fertility goddess.