Archangel Sentence Examples
The church also contains a solid silver statue of the archangel Michael, belonging to the confraternity of Neapolitan fishermen.
An examination of its lists of exports and imports will show that Holland receives from its colonies its spiceries, coffee, sugar, tobacco, indigo, cinnamon; from England and Belgium its manufactured goods and coals; petroleum, raw cotton and cereals from the United States; grain from the Baltic provinces, Archangel, and the ports of the Black Sea; timber from Norway and the basin of the Rhine, yarn from England, wine from France, hops from Bavaria and Alsace; ironore from Spain; while in its turn it sends its colonial wares to Germany, its agricultural produce to the London market, its fish to Belgium and Germany, and its cheese to France, Belgium and Hamburg, as well as England.
He returned to Archangel and brought his ship back in safety to England.
The Madonna is here depicted with various saints, the archangel Michael and St Maurice holding her mantle, which is extended over the kneeling Gianfrancesco Gonzaga, amid a profusion of rich festooning and other accessory.
Finland; the Karelians, in the E., who also occupy the lake regions of Olonets and Archangel, and have settlements in Novgorod and Tver; the Izhores, on the Neva and the S.E.
The fibre is cultivated in the Russian provinces of Archangel, Courland, Esthonia, Kostroma, Livonia, Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Tver, Vyatka, Vitebsk, Vologda and Yaroslav or Jaroslav, while the bulk of the material is exported through the Baltic ports.
The shortest day at Archangel has only 3 hrs.
Found in Alaska, Hudson Bay territory, Archangel and Greenland.
Sometimes it is exported from Archangel, but this port is frost-bound for a great period of the year; moreover, most of the districts are nearer to the Baltic.
These names indicate the particular district in which the flax has been grown, but it is more general to group the material into classes such as Livonian Crowns, Rija Crowns, Hoffs, Wracks, Drieband, Zins, Ristens, Pernau, Archangel, &c.
AdvertisementThere is more than one meaning of Archangel discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia.
Printed in tens of thousands of copies are certain apocalyptic legends dealing with eschatological problems. The ancient Apocalypse of Peter appears here under the name of Paul, then there is an Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary, who, like Peter, is carried by the Archangel through the torments of Hell and the bliss of Paradise, and through whose intervention sufferers are granted pardon on certain days of the year.
All that night he is said to have remained in deep meditation under the Bo tree; and the orthodox Buddhists believe that for seven times seven nights and days he continued fasting near the spot, when the archangel Brahma, came and ministered to him.
An English factory was erected on the lower Dvina soon after that date, and in 1584 a fort was built, around which the town grew up. Archangel was for long the only seaport of Russia (or Muscovy).
After Peter the Great made St Petersburg the capital of his dominions (1702), he placed Archangel under vexatious commercial disabilities, and consequently its trade declined.
AdvertisementIt is the seat of a bishop, and has a cathedral (1709-1743), a museum, the monastery of the Archangel Michael (whence the city gets its name), an ecclesiastical seminary, a school of navigation and a naval hospital.
Archangel communicates with the interior of Russia by river and canal, and has a railway line (522 m.) to Yaroslavl.
It covers in Norway the division (amter) of Finmarken and the higher inland parts of Tromso and Nordland; in Russian territory the western part of the government of Archangel as far as the White Sea and the northern part of the Finnish district of Uleaborg; and in Sweden the inland and northern parts of the old province of Norrland, roughly coincident with the districts (loin) of Norbotten and Vesterbotten, and divided into five divisions - Torne Lappmark, Lule Lappmark, Pite Lappmark, Lycksele Lappmark and Asele Lappmark.
The industry and commerce are noticed below in the article on the town Archangel, which is the capital.
The government is divided into nine districts, the chief towns of which areAlexandrovsk or Kola (pop. 300), Archangel, Kem (1825), Kholmogory (1465), Mezen (2040), Novaya-Zemlya (island), Pechora, Pinega (1000) and Shenkursk (1308).
AdvertisementIt is nominally dedicated to the archangel Michael, whose statue is enshrined in it; but the figure has the face of Isotta, the ruling deity of this portion of the church.
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich (1711-1765), Russian poet and man of science, was born in the year 1711, in the village of Denisovka (the name of which was afterwards changed in honour of the poet), situated on an island not far from Kholmogori, in the government of Archangel.
Dvina flows with a very slight gradient through a broad valley, and reaches the White Sea at Archangel.
Notwithstanding serious obstacles offered by shallows, corn, fish, salt and timber are largely shipped to and from Archangel.
Soon afterwards several of the most respected representatives of the community were banished to the government of Archangel.
AdvertisementSir Hugh himself perished miserably, but his second in command, Chancellor, reached a harbour on the White Sea, now Archangel.
Novaya Zemlya is included in the Russian province of Archangel.
You find it in Jude 9, Michael is called the archangel.
Hence, the JW Jesus was an angel who changed into a man and again became the archangel Michael after his resurrection.
After the fall God sent the archangel Raziel to teach it to Adam and Eve, so that mankind might find redemption.
At last I saw the archangel in all his glory.
The title is invoked in a series of letters from a banished archangel.
In springtime the flora of the wood is covered with a carpet of blue anemones and yellow archangel.
All, even the highest archangel, are servants, and so must all ever be, except the Creator Himself.
Archangel Michael, also known as Saint Michael, and Raphael are two of the most popular choices.
So, who wears an archangel tattoo design?
Archangel Michael's sword and God's chariot are also flaming.
He also is Vice President of Archangel LA, which is a company that sells jewelry at a few places in Los Angeles.
Gabriel - Initially introduced as a Trickster, the Archangel Gabriel lived his life in hiding from his brothers Michael and Lucifer.
The governments of St Petersburg (apart from the capital), Olonets and Archangel contain an admixture of Karelians, Samoyedes and Syryenians, the remainder being Great Russians.
Half of them were formerly serfs (10,447,149 males in 1858) - the remainder being " state peasants " (9,194,891 males in 1858, exclusive of the Archangel government) and " domain peasants " (842,740 males the same year).
The state is the chief owner of forests (almost exclusive owner in Archangel), and owns no less than 289,226,000 acres in European Russia and Poland (235,000,000 acres of good forests), while private persons own 171,800,000 acres, the peasant communities 67,250,000 and the imperial family 22,400,000 acres.
Over each, at a much higher level, is a colossal figure of an archangel - Raphael, Michael and Gabriel.
It is noteworthy that the poet, like Milton, sees in Satan no mere personification of evil, but the fallen archangel, whose awful guilt could not obliterate all traces of his native majesty.
Tiring of the great lake at Pereyaslavl, he had already seen the sea for the first time at Archangel in July 1683, and on the 1st of May 1694 returned thither to launch a ship built by himself the year before.
Those from Archangel are more silky and of a smoky bluish colour and are the most valuable.
Some of the Russian ships were at Archangel, others in the Mediterranean.
In Italy the church of the Archangel on Mt Gargano was one of the most ancient centres of the pilgrimage, being visited even by the monk Bernard (vide supra).
He left Archangel in the " Phoca " and wintered at the Pankratiev Is.
The vessels got clear of the ice, and proceeded early in Aug., passed through the Kara Sea without encountering ice, and reached Archangel in Sept.
Other less important canals connect it with the Western Dvina (Riga) and the White Sea (Archangel); while a railway only 45 m.
Dew-retting is the process by which all the Archangel flax and a large portion of that sent out from St Petersburg are prepared.
Archangel flax is, however, peculiarly soft and silky in structure, although in all probability water-retting would result in a fibre as good or even better in quality.
When Great Novgorod submitted provisionally to Peace of the suzerainty of Sweden, Swedish statesmen had Stolbova, believed, for a moment, in the creation of a Trans- 1617 baltic dominion extending from Lake Ilmen northwards to Archangel and eastwards to Vologda.