Aquatic Sentence Examples
Ducks, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
Tadpoles are aquatic vertebrates.
Numberless aquatic birds visit it for breeding purposes.
The Amphizoidae, for example, a small family of aquatic beetles, are known only from western North America and Eastern Tibet, while an allied family, the Pelobiidae, inhabit the British Isles, the Mediterranean region, Tibet and Australia.
Insectivorous species occur among aquatic plants; e.g.
In freshwater lakes and ponds, especially if the water is stagnant, aquatic plants are abundant.
If you do your part to prevent pollution in your area, then you'll be helping to protect aquatic life.
There are numerous species of aquatic birds.
There are a few pigeons and aquatic birds, butterflies and beetles.
At the Shark Reef Aquarium, you can learn more about sharks and other aquatic life, and if you are brave enough, you can even dive with the sharks.
AdvertisementSea World adventure park with aquatic exhibits and thrilling rides.
You can add lily pads and other kinds of aquatic plants to your ponds.
Very few aquatic plants are pollinated under water, but this is wellknown to occur in species of Zostera and of Naias.
Wolves and foxes are found alike in the coldest and hottest parts of the earth, as are closely allied species of falcons, owls, sparrows and numerous genera of waders and aquatic birds.
Such places are frequented by numerous flocks of aquatic birds, which resort thither in search of fish and mollusca.
AdvertisementThe lakes are the homes of a variety of aquatic birds.
The Serra da Estrella has a rich alpine flora, and the lagoon of Aveiro contains a great number of aquatic plants.
Its large size, aquatic habits, partially webbed hind-toes, and the smooth, broad, orange-coloured incisors, are sufficient to distinguish this rodent from the other members of the family Capromyidae.
Although subsisting to a considerable extent on aquatic plants, these rodents frequently come ashore to feed, especially in the evening.
Besides these the group also includes a multitude of related forms which, from their aquatic habits and generally inconspicuous size, and from the fact that they are commonly neither edible nor noxious, are little known except to naturalists and are undistinguished by any popular names.
AdvertisementIt will be sufficient here to define them as Arthropoda for the most part of aquatic habits, having typically two pairs of antenniform appendages in front of the mouth and at least three pairs of post-oral limbs acting as jaws.
Recent observations, however, make it very doubtful whether aquatic Crustacea can hear at all, in the proper sense of the term, and it has been shown that one function, at least, of the so-called otocysts is connected with the equilibration of the body.
In order to meet these peculiarities the travelling organs of aquatic and flying animals (whether they be feet, fins, flippers or wings) are made not of rigid but of elastic materials.
The difference in size of the travelling organs of animals becomes very marked when the land animals are contrasted with the aquatic, and the aquatic with the aerial, as in figs.
In the southern and western islands the fauna is restricted mainly to foxes, bats, rats, mice, the sea otter, the penguin and other aquatic birds, and various cetaceans in the surrounding waters.
AdvertisementThus Drosophyllum occurs only in Portugal and Morocco, Byblis in tropical Australia, and, although Aldrovanda is found in Queensland, in Bengal and in Europe, a wide distribution explained by its aquatic habit, Dionaea is restricted to a few localities in North and South Carolina.
Pinguicula is abundant in the north temperate zone, and ranges down the Andes as far as Patagonia; the 250 species of Utricularia are mostly aquatic, and some are found in all save polar regions; their unimportant congeners, Genlisea and Polypompholix, occur in tropical America and south-western Australia respectively.
Every natural hollow is full of water, around the margin of which long grasses, reeds and other aquatic plants grow in the greatest profusion, often making it difficult to say where the land ends and the water begins.
Although chiefly arboreal, many of the iguanas take readily to the water; and there is at least one species, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, which leads for the most part an aquatic life.
Though they are thus the most aquatic of lizards, Darwin, who studied their habits during his visit to those islands, states that when frightened they will not enter the water.
Aldrovandi in De animalibus insectis (1602) almost contemporaneously distinguished between "terrestrial insects," including woodlice, earthworms and slugs, and "aquatic insects," comprising annelids and starfishes.
His theory is that in the early Cretaceous epoch the animals of the world were mostly aerial, amphibious, aquatic or arboreal; the flora of the land being undeveloped as compared with its present state.
For the purposes of such zoo-geographical divisions, mammals are much better adapted than birds, owing to their much more limited powers of dispersal; most of them (exclusive of the purely aquatic forms, such as seals, whales, dolphins and sea-cows) being unable to cross anything more than a very narrow arm of the sea.
As regards aquatic mammals, the greater number of the Cetacea, or whales and dolphins, have, as might be expected, a very wide distribution in the ocean.
The seals (Pinnipedia) although capable of traversing long reaches of ocean, are less truly aquatic than the last two groups, always resorting to the land or to ice-floes for breeding.
The single genus (Isoetes) contains about fifty, mostly aquatic, species, though a few are amphibious or terrestrial.
In the absence of direct evidence from Palaeobotany, and bearing in mind the modifications associated with adaptation to an aquatic life in other plants, the recognition of any more definite affinity for these heterosporous ferns than that indicated above appears to be inadvisable.
They are also found in some of the semi-terrestrial and purely aquatic Amphipod Crustaceans.
Such renal caecal tubes seem to be readily evolved from either metenteron or proctodaeum when the conditions of the out-wash of nitrogenous waste-products are changed by the transference from aquatic to terrestrial life.
The absence of such renal caeca in Limulus and their presence in the terrestrial Arachnida is precisely on a parallel with their absence in aquatic Crustacea and their presence in the feebly branchiate Amphipoda.
They appear to be serial equivalents (homogenous meromes) of the tracheal gills, which develop in a like position on the abdominal segments of some aquatic Hexapods.
Our general conclusion from a survey of the Arthropoda amounts to this, that whilst Peripatus, the Diplopoda, and the Arachnida represent terrestrial offshoots from successive lower grades of primitive aquatic Arthropoda which are extinct, the Crustacea alone present a fairly full series of representatives leading upwards from unspecialized forms. The latter were not very far removed from the aquatic ancestors (Trilobites) of the Arachnida, but differed essentially from them by the higher specialization of the head.
Of birds there are over loo species, more than one-half being aquatic. In the interior the whistling swan is common, and numerous varieties of ducks are found in the lakes.
Innumerable aquatic birds haunt the banks of the Save, Danube and Drina, and the lower reaches of the Timok and Morava; among them being pelicans, cranes, grey and white herons, and many other kinds of waders, besides wild geese, ducks, rail and snipe.
Forest Park (464 acres), in the southern part of the city, is the largest and most attractive; it contains a good zoological collection, and in its ponds is one of the finest collections in America of lotus plants and Oriental aquatic flora; at its southern entrance is a monument to President McKinley by Philip Martiny.
So far as is known, the production of cocoons is universal among earthworms and the remaining Oligochaeta of aquatic habit.
Some of the species are thoroughly aquatic and have fully webbed toes, others are terrestrial, except during the breeding season, others are adapted for burrowing, by means of the much-enlarged and sharp-edged tubercle at the base of the inner toe, whilst not a few have the tips of the digits dilated into disks by which they are able to climb on trees.
A striking feature is the presence of large, radiating intercellular cavities in the cortex, suggesting an aquatic habit.
A comparison, formerly suggested, with the two forms of leaf in Batrachian Ranunculi has not proved to hold good; the idea of an aquatic habit is contradicted by the anatomical structure, and the hypothesis that the plants were of scandent growth is more probable.
Aquatic plants, especially water-lilies, are abundant and varied; the soil-dry Callitris and Widdringtonia become scarce.
It was not suspected,, or the fact was ignored, that the break between Cretaceous and Tertiary - made so conspicuous by striking changes in the aquatic animals - had little or no importance in botanical history.
The plants contained in the Cromer Forest-bed, of which about 150 species have now been determined, fall mainly into two groups - the forest-trees, and marsh and aquatic plants.
The first category embraces many aquatic newts, the second nearly all the Ecaudata, the third the rest of the Caudata, and the fourth the Apoda.
Other newts, and many salamanders, whether terrestrial or aquatic, pair, the male embracing the female about the fore limbs or in the pelvic region, and the males of such forms are invariably devoid of ornamental secondary sexual characters; but in spite of this amplexation the same mode of fecundation by means of a spermatophore is resorted to, although it may happen that the contents of the spermatophore are absorbed direct from the cloaca of the male.
In many of the Ecaudata, and in a few of the Caudata and Apoda, the eggs are laid in strings or bands which are twined round aquatic plants or carried by the parent; whilst in other Ecaudata they form large masses which either float on the surface of the water or sink to the bottom.
It has never been navigable, no important town has ever been built on its banks, and it runs into an inland sea which has no port and is destitute of aquatic life.
Proof of this is the ability and keenness of ducks to revert to a largely aquatic lifestyle when given the opportunity.
Some fully aquatic amphibians still possess a lateral line system.
The first are truly aquatic and retain the method of respiration of their marine ancestors, gills.
These pants are one of the industry leaders in gear for serious hunters, particularly those who track waterfowl or various aquatic creatures.
Aquatic therapy also may be recommended, since in water there is less stress on the body.
Aquatic exercise, in particular, can increase flexibility and improve posture, balance, coordination, and range of motion.
Clostridia and their spores exist all over the world, especially in soil and aquatic sediments.
Aquatic therapy also may be recommended, since there is less stress on the body when in the water.
When the aquatic members of the class are taken into consideration, the maximum dimensions are vastly greater, Sibbald's rorqual attaining a length of fully 80 ft., and being probably the bulkiest and heaviest animal that has ever existed.
Hydropterideae.-Two very distinct orders of heterosporous Filicales, the Salviniaceae and the Marsiliaceae, are included in this group. The difficulty of determining their exact relationship to the other orders of Ferns is increased by the more or less completely aquatic habit of the plants and the modifications and reductions in structure associated with this.
The village is one of several settlements around Tonle Sap whose inhabitants lead an entirely aquatic existence.
The speakers waxed lyrically about the fresh water aquatic conservation center, which they hope to bring to a disused clay pit near Bedford.
The layout of the book takes the reader through the basic requirements of successfully maintaining aquatic and semi aquatic Chelonia in captivity.
The upper deck five sailing vessels barrier reef aquatic dioramas.
She has a great enthusiasm for all things aquatic.
Apart from insects there are some other aquatic arthropods that are worth a closer examination under the microscope.
As the dominant marine arthropods, crustaceans occupy a central and essential position in aquatic food webs.
Inevitably, predators such as aquatic beetles fly in and lay their eggs.
Go to an aquatic center and find out how much a koi carp will cost you.
Management activities reduced cattail, but improved habitat for aquatic birds.
Some are mainly arboreal, others forage on the ground and otter civets are equipped for an aquatic existence.
This is being organized through his NERC Knowledge Transfer Network on natural aquatic colloids.
An old borrow pit fringed by willows contains an interesting aquatic flora including spiked water milfoil and common water crowfoot.
Resource definitions like " fisheries " or " aquatic ecology " could encompass the entire globe.
Industrial contaminants can be particularly harmful to the aquatic fauna, with some species unable to tolerate the change in water quality.
The open waters hold a range of aquatic plant species, with emergent swamp around the margins, backed by a species- rich fen.
How is the genetic diversity of Europe's aquatic flora affected by dispersal processes?
The aquatic hobby keeping a pet goldfish can lead to a lifetime's interest in a fascinating hobby.
Further, the bugs, beetles and flies each include many large families present only in aquatic habitats.
Consequently much more is known about them than about other aquatic insects.
The site also supports some notable species of aquatic invertebrate.
This section supports species rich plant communities, rare and scarce aquatic invertebrates and a range of fish species.
The open waters of the lough hold a range of aquatic plants, whilst a variable swamp fringe can be found surrounding the lough.
Originally terrestrial groups have taken to an entirely aquatic life, and vice versa; others, originally endowed with the power of flight,.
Although blue is largely associated with the ocean (and therefore boys), you'll find plenty of green, purple and pink aquatic life to balance it.
In some bodies of water, fish and other aquatic life is so badly poisoned that they are unsafe for human consumption, containing heavy metals like mercury, chromium, manganese, and lead, or chemical substances like PCBs and pesticides.
Adjustments in temperature to counteract heat or cooling pollution may not achieve proper balance, leading to more loss of aquatic life.
Inorganic pollutants include toxic metals, acids, and other inorganic compounds that make water unsafe to drink and an unfit environment for aquatic organisms.
Pollution can affect the pH levels of water, damaging aquatic life and creating a harmful environment in the process.
Harvesting hydropower poses a risk to fish and other aquatic life and when bioenergy comes from burning crops, harvesting the large amounts of crops needed to create fuel poses a risk to our food supply.
Marine and aquatic life have suffered as a result of these poisonous chemicals contaminating ocean beds, wetlands and marshlands.
If these sources are contaminated by dumping or sewage waste, they are no longer fit for consumption and all aquatic life is then threatened.
Couples can embrace an aquatic theme with seashells, dolphins, or other marine life accents, or they can adopt local customs and crate truly unique events that honor not only the couple, but also the location.
The Manta Raya sets sail daily from the port of Puntarenas to the Gulf of Nicoya, where you will sight dolphins, porpoise, aquatic birds, sea turtles and other tropical marine life.
A curious aquatic plant that bears large yellow blossoms a few inches above the surface of the water.
These brilliant tops steal the spotlight with their ebullient, colorful prints that feature vivid floral designs, aquatic themes and island-inspired motifs.
The three Sea World theme parks - Sea World San Diego, Sea World San Antonio, and Sea World Florida in Orlando - offer guests an intimate glimpse into aquatic life.
Visitors looking for an indoor water park hotel in Michigan need to look past the fun and excitement of the aquatic attractions and find the best hotel for their budget, vacation needs, and personal preferences.
The legendary killer whale is the jewel of the aquatic theme park's line-up, though she's not the only draw.
With more than 60,000 square feet of aquatic entertainment space, it's easy to see why Wild Bear Falls attracts tens of thousands of visitors to the resort each year.
Interacting with the aquatic life is also that easy.
With Ecco, you have the opportunity to control the bottlenose dolphin as he makes his way through a series of side-scrolling aquatic levels.
In classic Darwin fashion, it's survival of the fittest as you explore colorful aquatic environments, chomping on fish smaller than you while avoiding the predators larger than you.
As shown by the number and variety of species, the Orthoptera are the most dominant order of this group. Eminently terrestrial in habit, the differentiation of their fore-wings and hindwings can be traced from Carboniferous, isopteroid ancestors through intermediate Mesozoic forms. The Plecoptera resemble the Ephemeroptera and Odonata in the aquatic habits of their larvae, and by the occasional presence of tufted thoracic gills in the imago exhibit an aquatic character unknown in any other winged insects.
This deviation is the adoption of an aquatic mode of life by the European fresh-water spider (Argyroneta) and by the marine spider Desis, which is found on the shores of the Indian and Pacific Oceans from Cape Colony to eastern Australia.
The fresh-water spider (Argyroneta) lives amongst the weeds of lakes and ponds and, like Desis, is quite at home beneath the water either swimming from spot to spot or crawling amongst the stems of aquatic plants.
Since the adoption of an aquatic mode of life by Desis and Argyroneta involves no increased facilities in getting food, and merely substitutes for ordinary terrestrial enemies fishes and crustaceans in the former case, and fishes, amphibians, and insectivorous water-insects in the latter, the supposition is justified that the change in environment is due to the unremitting persecution of Pompilidae and Ichneumonidae, which would not venture to pursue their prey beneath the water's surface.
The habits of certain other spiders suggest the origin of the perfect adaptation to aquatic conditions exhibited by Desis and Argyroneta.
But there are a considerable number of snails, both terrestrial and aquatic, which are not Pulmonates.
Flowering annuals are mainly aquatic. Water lilies, water hyacinths, which are an obstruction in many streams, and irises in rich variety give colour to the coast wastes and sombre bayous.
These insects are universally aquatic in their preparatory states.
When the aquatic insect has reached its full growth it emerges from the water or seeks its surface; the thorax splits down the back and the winged form appears.
The difference between the gill-books of Limulus and the lung-books of Scorpio depends on the fact that the latter are adapted to aerial respiration, while the former serve for aquatic respiration.
The " pectens " have become more firmly chitinized and probably somewhat altered in shape as compared with their condition in the aquatic ancestral scorpions.
They have appeared independently in connexion with a change in the excretion of nitrogenous waste in Arachnids, Crustacea, and the other classes of Arthropoda when aerial, as opposed to aquatic, respiration has been established - and they have been formed in some cases from the mesenteron, in other cases from the proctodaeum.
The most important general change which has affected the structure of the nomomeristic Arachnida in the course of their historic development is the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial life.
The Eu-arachnida are divided into two grades with reference to the condition of the respiratory organs as adapted to aquatic or terrestrial life.
It is probable that the Silurian scorpion was an aquatic animal, and that its respiratory lamellae were still projecting from the surface of the body to serve as branchiae.
The Epectinate Arachnids do not stand so close to the aquatic ancestors of the Embolobranchia as do the Pectiniferous scorpions.
It is probable that the Pedipalpi, Araneae, and Podogona have been separately evolved as distinct lines of descent from the ancient aquatic Arachnida.
Tracheae, except in the aquatic species in which they are atrophied, opening by a pair of stigmata situated close to or above the base of the appendages of the 1st pair (mandibles).
According to him, the myths arose from definite local (especially atmospheric and aquatic) phenomena, and represented the annually recurring processes of nature as the acts of gods and heroes; thus, in Achill (1853), the Trojan War is the winter conflict of the elements in that district.
The vegetation is similar to that of Paraguay and the Chaco, and aquatic plants are specially numerous and luxuriant.
By the introduction of a method of classification which was due to the superficial Pliny - depending, not on structure, but on the medium inhabited by an animal, whether earth, air or waterWotton is led to associate Fishes and Whales as aquatic animals.
In habits they are partly diurnal; and live either in burrows among the crevices of rocks, beneath the leaves of aquatic plants in marshy districts, or underneath the floors of outbuildings.
They may be defined as aquatic animals, forming colonies by budding; with ciliated retractile tentacles and a U-shaped alimentary canal.
The platypus is pretty generally distributed in situations suitable to its aquatic habits throughout the island of Tasmania and the southern and eastern portions of Australia.
The platypus is aquatic in its habits, passing most of its time in the water or close to the margin of lakes and streams, swimming and diving with the greatest ease, and forming for the purpose of sleeping and breeding deep burrows in the banks, which generally have two orifices, one just above the water level, concealed among long grass and leaves, and the other below the surface.
The passage at first runs obliquely upwards in the bank, sometimes to a distance of as much as 50 ft., and expands at its termination into a cavity, the floor of which is lined with dried grass and leaves, and in which, it is said, the eggs are laid' and the young brought up. Their food consists of aquatic insects, small crustaceans and worms, which are caught under water, the sand and small stones at the bottom being turned over with their bills to find them.
They feed on fish, frogs and other aquatic animals, and are innocuous and viviparous.
The 1300 to 1400 species contain terrestrial, arboreal and aquatic forms, many of which are highly specialized.
Some are more or less aquatic, others are absolutely arboreal, others again prefer dry, sandy or rocky localities according to their food.
They comprise about 300 species of terrestrial, arboreal and aquatic forms, and as a group they are almost cosmopolitan, including Madagascar, but excepting new Zealand.
The larvae known as caddis-worms are aquatic. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect.
Comparatively only a few species are, for part of their lives, denizens of fresh water; these, as larvae, are parasitic on the eggs or larvae of other aquatic insects, the little hymenopteron, Polynema natans, one of the " fairy-flies " - swims through the water by strokes of her delicate wings in search of a dragon-fly's egg in which to lay her own egg, while the rare Agriotypus dives after the case of a caddis-worm.
The Hemiptera are especially interesting as an order from the variety of aquatic insects included therein.
Heteroptera In this sub-order are included the various families of bugs and their aquatic relations.
This tribe includes some eighteen families of terrestrial, arboreal and marsh-haunting bugs, as well as those aquatic Heteroptera that live on the surface-film of water.
In this tribe are included five or six families of aquatic Heteroptera which spend the greater part of their lives submerged, diving and swimming through the water.
The Notonectidae, or " water-boatmen " (q.v.) have convex ovoid bodies admirably adapted for aquatic life.
In the beavers or Castoridae these bones are in close contact at their lower ends, the tail is depressed, expanded and scaly, and the habits are aquatic. Beavers have webbed hind-feet, and the claw of the second hind-toe double.
Beavers are essentially aquatic in their habits, never travelling by land unless driven by necessity.
Birds, however, especially aquatic species, are very numerous.
As is the case with other water-bugs, this insect is predaceous and feeds upon aquatic grubs or worms. The body is richly supplied with long hairs, which serve to entangle bubbles of air for purposes of respiration.
Small crustaceans and other aquatic animals push their way into the bladders and are unable to escape.
Their range in space, including carriage by birds, may be coextensive with the distribution of water, but it is not known what height of temperature or how much chemical adulteration of the water they can sustain, how far they can penetrate underground, nor what are the limits of their activity between the floor and the surface of aquatic expanses, fresh or saline.
In habits some are partially arboreal, others wholly terrestrial, and a few more or less aquatic. Among the latter, the most remarkable are the fish-eating rats (Ichthyomys) of North-western South America, which frequent streams and feed on small fish.
He has observed that in young specimens of Siren lacertina (the larva is still unknown) the gills are rudimentary and functionless, and that it is only in large adult specimens that they are fully developed in structure and function; he therefore concludes that the sirens are the descendants of a terrestrial type of batrachians, which passed through a metamorphosis like the other members of their class, but that more recently they have adopted a permanently aquatic life, and have resumed their branchiae by reversion.
The majority live on broken ground, with or without much vegetation; many are arboreal and many are true desert animals, while a few are more or less aquatic; one, the leguan of the Galapagos, Amblyrhynchus, even enters the sea.
For example, among the land vertebrates the feet (associated with the structure of the limbs and trunk) may take one of many lines of adaptation to different media or habitat, either aquatic, terrestrial, arboreal or aerial; while the teeth (associated with the structure of the skull and jaws) also may take one of many lines of adaptation to different kinds of food, whether herbivorous, insectivorous or carnivorous.
Nature, limited in her resources for adaptation, fashioned so many of these animals in like form that we have learned only recently to distinguish similarities cf analogous habit from the similitudes of real kinship. From whatever order of Mammalia or Reptilia an animal may be derived, prolonged aquatic adaptation will model its outer, and finally its inner, structure according to certain advantageous designs.
The requirements of an elongate body moving through the resistant medium of water are met by the evolution of similar entrant and exit curves, and the bodies of most swiftly moving aquatic animals evolve into forms resembling the hulls of modern sailing yachts (Bashford Dean).
C. Osburn a summary of those modifications of form to which aquatic life invariably leads.
Medusae are exclusively aquatic animals and for the most part marine, but at least two fresh-water species are known.'
The Rotifera are all aquatic, the majority dwelling in fresh water with Protozoa and Protophyta, as well as Entomostracous Crustacea.
Reptiles were the dominant form of animals, and land reptiles (dinosaurs) gained over their aquatic allies.
Hagen not to be functional in the adult insect - they are merely survivals from the aquatic nymphal stage.
So in some respects is the lifehistory, with a true larval preparatory stage, unlike the parent form, and living an aquatic life, breathing dissolved air by means of a paired series of abdominal tracheal gills.
Capybaras are aquatic rodents, frequenting the banks of lakes and rivers, and being sometimes found where the water is brackish.
True viviparity, that is the development of the ova within the oviduct, is very rare, occurring only in one case among the Amphineura and in some aquatic and pulmonate Gastropoda.
They are essentially aquatic animals, and the h, Heart, in the pericardium.
Rodents may be characterized as terrestrial, or in some cases arboreal or aquatic, placental mammals of small or medium size, with a milk and a permanent series of teeth, plantigrade or partially plantigrade, and generally five-toed, clawed (rarely nailed or semi hoofed) feet, clavicles or collar-bones (occasionally imperfect or rudimentary), no canine teeth, and a single pair of lower incisors, opposed by only one similar and functional pair in the upper jaw.
Indeed, despite the fact that they present much diversity of habit - some being arboreal, as the squirrels, many of which are provided with expansions of skin or parachutes on which they glide from tree to tree; some cursorial, as the hares; others jumpers, as the jerboas; others fossorial, as the mole-rats; and others aquatic, as the beavers and waterrats - no important structural modifications are correlated with such diversity of habit.
They are burrowing, and, in some cases at any rate, partially aquatic rodents.
The second section, Castoroidea, of the present group includes only the family Castoridae, represented by the beavers, which are large aquatic rodents characterized by their massive skulls, devoid of post-orbital processes, with the angle of the lower jaw rounded, the molars rootless or semi-rooted, with re-entering enamel-folds, and one pair of premolars above and below.
The majority of these rodents, many of which are of large size, are terrestrial, but a few are burrowing, others arboreal and two or three aquatic.
The remaining and more typical members of the family, one of which is aquatic, are characterized by their short incisors, the strong masseteric ridges on the sides of the lower jaw, the long and curved par-occipitals and the palate contracted in front.
In proper situations, a small pool of water may be introduced for the culture of aquatic plants.
The want of chlorophyll restricts their mode of life - which is rarely aquatic - since they are therefore unable to decompose the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, and renders them dependent on other plants or (rarely) animals for their carbonaceous food-materials.
Monoblepharidaceae consists of a very small group of aquatic forms living on fallen twigs in ponds and ditches.
These parasitic and minute, chiefly aquatic, forms may be looked upon as degenerate Oomycetes, since a sexual process and feeble unicellular mycelium occur in some; or they may be regarded as series of primitive forms leading up to higher members.
The sea otter, one of the richest and rarest of furs, especially for men's wear, is an exception to this unhairing process, which it does not require, the hair being of the same length as the wool, silky and bright, quite the reverse of the case of other aquatic animals.
But it is in the colder northern regions that they are found in the greatest numbers and with the best fur or underwool, the top hair, which, with the exception of the scarce and very rich dark brown specimens they have in common with most aquatic animals, is pulled out before the skins are manufactured.
Unlike other aquatic animals the skin undergoes no process of unhairing, the fur being of a rich dense silky wool with the softest and shortest of water hairs.
They occur also abundantly in the shallows of rivers and fresh-water lakes, and in less number in salt lakes and in the sea; such aquatic Angiosperms are not, however, primitive forms, but are derived from immediate land-ancestors.
The mature pollengrain is, like other spores, a single cell; except in the case of some submerged aquatic plants, it has a double wall, a thin delicate wall of unaltered cellulose, the endospore or intine, and a tough outer cuticularized exospore or extine.
It is to the water what the other weasels are to the land, or martens to the trees, being as essentially aquatic in its habits as the otter, beaver, or musk-rat, and spending perhaps more of its time in the water than it does on land.
It is noteworthy that although all the members of the group are aquatic no zoospores are produced, a negative character common to them and the Blue-green Algae.
The aquatic habit of most of the species and the minute size of many of them are difficulties which do not exist in the case of most seed-plants.
In the case of the freshwater species the host-plants are mostly species of aquatic Graminaceae, Naiadaceae or Nymphaeaceae.
The larvae are aquatic, active, armed with strong sharp mandibles, and breathe by means of seven pairs of abdominal branchial filaments.
The skeletons of millions of aquatic animals, which lived and died in the lake, formed a layer of calcareous marl.
Fontinalis is one of only a few completely aquatic mosses in North America.
This ought to serve you well for any aquatic organisms you might be looking for.
In summer dragonflies hawk over peaty pools which hold rare aquatic plants such as frogbit, fen pondweed and greater water-parsnip.
Excellent for use in freshwater or marine aquariums to feed scavengers thereby reducing the chances they will attack other aquatic pets.
Two very small families of aquatic beetles seem to stand at the base of the series, the Amphizoidae, whose larvae are broad and well armoured with FIG.
C. Miall's Aquatic Insects (London, 1895), the special literature of the Coleoptera is enormous.
The muscular layers are thinner in the aquatic forms, which possess only a single row of longitudinal fibres, or (Enchytraeidae) two layers.
Among the purely aquatic families such structures are very rare, and are represented by two caeca in the genus Limnodriloides.
In aquatic Pulmonata the osphradium is retained.
The lung-sac serves undoubtedly as a hydrostatic apparatus in the aquatic Pulmonata, as well as assisting respiration.
Visceral mass and shell conical; tentacles atrophied; head expanded; genital apertures contiguous; marine animals, with an aquatic pallial cavity containing secondary branchial laminae.
Visceral mass and shell conical; head flattened; pallial cavity aquatic, but without a branchia; genital apertures separated.
In aquatic insects various devices for obtaining or entangling air are found; these modifications are described in the special articles on the various orders of insects (Coleoptera, Hemiptera, &c.).
Many insects have aquatic larvae, some of which take in atmospheric air at intervals, while others breathe dissolved air by means of tracheal gills.
After a prolonged aquatic larval and nymphal life-history, the winged insect appears as a sub-imago, whence, after the casting of a delicate cuticle, the true imago emerges.
Other aquatic larvae have the tracheal system entirely closed, and are able to breathe dissolved air by means of tubular or leaf-like gills.
An interesting feature is the difference often to be observed between an aquatic larva and pupa of the same insect in the matter of breathing.
Aquatic larvae with distinct maxillulae, breathing dissolved air by abdominal tracheal gills.
Schistocephalus becomes fully segmented in Gasterosteus and mature in aquatic birds (ducks, &c.).
These Trematodes live chiefly in the intestine of aquatic birds or reptiles.
Birds and mammals take the first place; the leading collections devote a good deal of attention to reptiles and batrachians; fishes and aquatic invertebrata are most often to be found only when there are special aquaria, whilst non-aquatic invertebrates are seldom to be seen and at most consist of a few moths and butterflies, spiders, scorpions and centipedes, molluscs and crustaceans.
It has fur similar to otter, is of aquatic habits, being web-footed with spurs of a cock and the bill of a duck.
Numerous aquatic birds breed on the waters of the Baltic lake-region.
In aquatic plants the leafstalk is sometimes distended with air, as in Pontederia and Trapa, so as to float the leaf.
Of aquatic birds there is a great variety.
The great majority of the aquatic algae, both freshwater and marine, are attached plants.
In the adult aquatic stage the alimentary canal shows signs of degeneration, and it seems probable that in this stage Gordian worms take no food.
Of the other tribes which are aquatic there is not space to give even the barest outline.
The sheaths are much dilated in Alopecurus vaginatus and in a species of Potamochloa, in the latter, an East Indian aquatic grass, serving as floats.
Vossia, an aquatic grass, often floating, is found in western India and tropical Africa.
Many remarkable endemic genera occur in tropical America, including Anomochloa of Brazil, and most of the large aquatic species with separated sexes are found in this region.
Aquatic weed growth can impede navigation, clogging boats' propellers and can also physically impede waterflow.
Bright spots include good quantities of fish everywhere, better hatches of aquatic insects and a summer weather regime which certainly suited the angler.
The Life Aquatic might feature a morally questionable lead, but retains a reassuring sense of quirky otherworldliness.
Aquatic insect larvae like mosquito and midge larvae have slender elongated worm like bodies.
It is also advisable to put a couple of small aquatic snails in the hatching container.
Three-spined sticklebacks are small bony fishes that live in a wide variety of aquatic habitats.
Your aquatic amphibian terrarium - aquarium does need a ventilated clear lid to prevent escapees from their aquatic ecosystems!
In the wild killies eat mainly terrestrial insects, aquatic insects larvae and crustaceans.
The social rank of individual fish within a hierarchy can have a profound influence on its physiology and susceptibility to aquatic toxicants.
The term turtle is usually used for the aquatic species, aquatic fresh-water turtles also being referred to as terrapins.
Aquatic animals have evolved various methods of breathing underwater.
The larvae are aquatic, feeding below the surface on the submerged parts of emergent vegetation.
It can carry with it nutrients and pesticides, harmful to aquatic wildlife, and silt up channels.
Additional developments have included a youth hostel and glass-bottomed boat for aquatic interpretation.
These are aquatic plants with thick fleshy rootstocks or tubers embedded in the mud, and throwing up to the surface circular shield-like leaves, and leafless flower-stalks, each terminated by a single flower, often of great beauty, and consisting of four or five sepals, and numerous petals gradually passing into the very numerous stamens without any definite line of demarcation between them.
Duck, teal, cranes and other aquatic birds abound in the delta.
They occur in all parts of the world and are mostly aquatic, though sometimes terrestrial, in habit.
All tadpoles are provided with more or less distinct lines of muciferous sensory crypts or canals, which stand in immediate relation to the nerve branches and are regarded as organs of a special sense possessed by aquatic vertebrates, feeling, in its broadest sense, having been admitted as their possible use, and the function of determining waves of vibration in the aqueous medium having been suggested.
Bacteria (see BACTERIOLOGY) and Cyanophyceae (see ALGAE), which are often grouped together as Schizophyta, are from points of view of both structure and reproduction extremely simple organisms, and stand apart from the remaining groups, which are presumed to have originated directly or indirectly from the Flagellatae, a group of unicellular aquatic organisms combining animal and plant characteristics which may be regarded as the starting-point of unicellular Thallophytes on the one hand and of the Protozoa on the other.
Heterophylly is rather common among aquatic plants, and is well seen in several aquatic species of Ranunculus, many species of Potamogelon, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Scir pus lacusiris, Castalia (Nymphaea) alba, Hippuris vulgaris, Callitriche spp., Sium latifolium.
As a rule - to which, however, there are exceptions - the clitellum consists of two cr three segments only in the small aquatic Oligochaeta, while in the terrestrial forms it is as a general rule, to which again there are exceptions, a more extensive, sometimes much more extensive, region.
The classifications of Adolf Eduard, Grube and Claparede separated into two subdivisions the aquatic and the terrestrial forms. This scheme, opposed by many, has been reinstated by Sedgwick.
In many aquatic larvae we find that all the spiracles are closed up, or become functionless, except a pair at the hinder end which are associated with some arrangement - such as the valvular flaps of the gnat larva or the telescopic " tail " of the drone-fly larva - for piercing the surface film and drawing periodical supplies of atmospheric air.
Aquatic in habits, this animal is related to the English water-rat and therefore included in the sub-family Microtinae (see Vole).
Though the aquatic members of a class of animals are in some instances derived from terrestrial forms, the usual transition is from an aquatic ancestry to more recent land-living forms. There is no doubt, from a consideration of the facts of structure, that the aquatic water-breathing Arachnids, represented in the past by the Eurypterines and to-day by the sole survivor Limulus, have preceded the terrestrial air-breathing forms of that group. Hence we see at once that the better-known Arachnida form a series, leading from Limulus-like aquatic creatures through scorpions, spiders and harvest-men, to the degenerate Acari or mites.
The nymphs of the Perlidae are closely like their parents and breathe dissolved air by means of tracheal gills on the thoracic segments, for they all live in the water of streams. They feed upon weaker aquatic creatures, such as the larvae of Mayflies.
The Sialidae or alder-flies (q.v.) differ from other Neuroptera in the jaws of the larva - which is aquatic, breathing by paired, jointed abdominal gills - resembling those of the imago, and being adapted for the mastication of solid food.
Fiber - the muskrats - is a North American aquatic type (see Muskrat), characterized by the compression of the tail.
Between these two extremes is every conceivable gradation, embracing aquatic and terrestrial herbs, creeping, erect or climbing in habit, shrubs and trees, and representing a much greater variety than is to be found in the other subdivision of seed-plants, the Gymnosperms.
Mankind was supposed by Anaximander to have sprung from some other species of animals, probably aquatic. But as the measureless and endless had been the prime cause of the motion into separate existences and individual forms, so also, according to the just award of destiny, these forms would at an appointed season suffer the vengeance due to their earlier act of separation, and return into the vague immensity whence they had issued.
Having accepted these two conclusions, we formulate the generalization that tracheae can be independently acquired by various branches of Arthropod descent in adaptation to a terrestrial as opposed to an aquatic mode of life.
Aquatic salamanders and newts are the only adult vertebrates which can regenerate a limb, and they can regenerate other structures as well.
Aquatic mammal manatees sunning alligators even fan a chinese of the hair.
Your Aquatic amphibian terrarium - aquarium does need a ventilated clear lid to prevent escapees from their aquatic ecosystems !
In the most contaminated areas, aquatic animal and birds are directly affected, reducing their reproductive abilities, causing mutations, or killing them outright.
The impact of water pollution on aquatic life and land life can be devastating.
This is not only the loss of beauty, but also the loss of a habitat of hundreds of different aquatic creatures.
Treatment for brachial plexopathy may include a combination of exercises and focused physical, occupational, and aquatic therapies.
Many marathon and ultra marathon runners use aquatic exercise as a cross-training method.
People who are overweight will find that aquatic routines give them a sense of buoyancy and lightness that helps to prevent injury while still allowing them to be active and work toward a healthier lifestyle.
However, adding aquatic exercise can provide aerobic activity and improve muscle strength.
Examples of aquatic exercise include exercising with a stability ball, water walking and a water aerobics class.
Call your local YMCA or gym to find an aquatic exercise class for you.
In the aquatic, semi-aquatic, and xerophilous types, where the whole surface of the plant absorbs water, perpetually in the first two cases and during rain in the last, the hydrom strand is either much reduced or altogether absent.
In many aquatic plants, the endosperm of the seed is absent or very scanty.
The fauna of the scrub in the river valleys is decidedly rich, and includes aquatic birds.
The larva may be aquatic, or subterranean, or a burrower in wood, while the imago is aerial.
The aquatic habit of many larvae is associated with endless beautiful adaptations for respiration.
Young resembling parents, but aquatic in habit, breathing dissolved air by thoracic tracheal gills.
Includes the bugs, terrestrial and aquatic.
But a survey of the Hexapoda as a whole, and especially a comparative study of the tracheal system, can hardly leave room for doubt that this system is primitively adapted for atmospheric breathing, and that the presence of tracheal gills in larvae must be regarded as a special adaptation for temporary aquatic life.
Aquatic plants thrive excellently and occur in great variety.
The importance of this provision in the case of aquatic vascular plants of sturdy bulk is even greater than in that of terrestrial organisms, as their environment offers considerable obstacles to the renewal of the air in their interior.
It has been shown that in Tubifex, and some other aquatic Oligochaeta, the genital segments are at first provided with nephridia, and that these disappear on the appearance of the generative ducts, which are coelomoducts.
Whether your pond is a fish pond or a pond for aquatic plants, it must be kept clean and free of debris including dead leaves, branches and litter.
The jade tree has always been a favorite choice as has the pachira aquatic tree (Malabar chestnut).
The pachira aquatic tree, however, tends to grow enormous and so bonsai (pronounced as bone-sigh) methodaquaticsed to make it usable as a house plant.
There are several myths and legends surrounding the pachira aquatic's rise to fame as a money tree.
The popular braided bonsai pachira aquatic tree plant was actually the brainstorm of a Taiwanese truck driver, who was also a gardener.
The ambitious truck driver's enterprise flourished and the bonsai pachira aquatic tree became the accepted authentic money tree.
You may realize that the restricted growth of a bonsai plant is desirable since if left unchecked, the pachira aquatic plant can grow up to 50 feet in height.
While the pachira aquatic tree can survive in 50 degree temperatures and even tolerate up to 100 degree temperatures, the plant will suffer.
The fish provided fertilizer for the rice crops while the aquatic life found in the rice fields sustained the koi.This is a good example of the balance in life that the koi represents.
The sea otters are popular attractions at the aquarium, as are the aquatic birds in the penguin habitat.
A competing food of equally high quality is Purina Aquamax, which is considered a well-made meal for aquatic and most terrestrial turtles (including box turtles).
First, board shorts were developed to undertake aquatic sports that use a board, such as surfing, wind-surfing or boogie boarding.
These caps are for everyone, but most aquatic athletes wouldn't think of hitting the water without one.
If you're looking for a way to boost the excitement of your upcoming party, you should definitely consider booking a party at your local aquatic facility.
Whether you engage in swimming, aquatic fitness, beach volleyball, water polo or triathlons, you can find just what you need in the sport's respective category.
Even though many can only enjoy pools and beaches in the summer, if you're fortunate enough to live in a tropical climate or have a heated pool, you can enjoy the benefits of this aquatic activity year-round.
Family pools, aquatic centers, family-friendly resorts/hotels and recreational parks may also ban the wearing of skimpy bikinis.
Underwater divers and other aquatic enthusiasts appreciate the usefulness of swimming flippers, or fins, every time they take a dip.
You can still learn the basics of this swimming move and improve your aquatic skills, even without the benefit of one-on-one lessons.
Steer her away from these stores and stick to sporting goods stores, specialty aquatic stores and department stores.
Often found in shells and other aquatic life, scalloped designs are popular for Hawaiian engagement rings or other motifs that evoke the water, such as dolphin engagement rings.
Steven Spielberg's aquatic hit still elicits fear of the water after watching, especially after you see all those scenes where there is quiet.
They say it most resembles the plesiosaur, a carnivorous aquatic reptile that flourished during the Jurassic period.
However, many sonar contacts were recorded, and the researchers generally found the evidence to be positive that something large inhabited Loch Ness whether or not it was a descendent of a long-necked aquatic relative of a dinosaur.
Its greatest benefit may well be that it lacks bulk, making it exceptionally comfortable and lightweight for aquatic wear.
Serious aquatic athletes may want to consider the Surge, though.
It's lined with 2mm neoprene, which is considered the highest standard in thermal insulation for aquatic activities.
It is an aquatic flower, meaning it grows on lakes and ponds just like the typical lily pad.
This genre can cover an extremely wide variety of designs related to anything aquatic in nature.
With colors ranging from wild to sedate and an impressive range of tech features, the Shark series continues to multiply much in the way of their aquatic namesake.
Because of their microscopic size once an aquatic form of algae begins growing in a swimming pool, it generally goes unnoticed until there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of organisms.
Aquatic physical therapy is a water exercise technique that is prescribed for patients with cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary, as well as muscular-skeletal and neuro-muscular disorders.
It uses web hands, which are aquatic gloves that increase the surface tension of the water, as well as underwater treadmills and water weights.
You can place an aquatic noodle under your shoulder blades to enable buoyancy in deep water walking.
Swim laps or take part in other aquatic exercises.
Learn a variety of aquatic exercises to work different muscle groups at a time.
Mixing up your aquatic workouts will keep your fitness routines interesting and will keep your body guessing.
A peculiar modification of periderm is formed by the phellogen in the submerged organs (roots or stems) of many aquatic or marsh-loving plants.
In the case of aquatic plants with aerial flowers, the latter obey the ordinary laws of pollination.
Order Colymbiformes.-Plantigrade, nidifugous, aquatic. All toes webbed, fourth largest, hallux short; metatarsus laterally compressed; tibia with high, pyramidal crest.
At Beaufort the United States Bureau of Fisheries has a marine biological laboratory, established in 1901 for the study of the aquatic fauna of the south-east coast.
In the aquatic genera the epidermis comes to consist entirely of glandular cells, which are, however, arranged in a single layer.
For fishers or divers who don't want to scare away their prey or wildlife, camo wetsuits help them blend into their aquatic environment.
Take a swim class to learn aquatic fitness routines to learn ways to maximize water fitness.
Nature possesses three great educational or developmental schools - terrestrial, aquatic and aerial life.
The Haliplidae form a small aquatic family allied to the Dyticidae.
The Spermatophyta are thus land plants par excellence and have, with the few exceptions cited, lost all trace of an aquatic ancestry.
The dace is a lively, active fish, of gregarious habits, and exceedingly prolific, depositing its eggs in May and June at the roots of aquatic plants or in the gravelly beds of the streams it frequents.
The prevalent number of testes is one pair in the aquatic genera and two pairs in earthworms. But there are exceptions; thus a species of Lamprodrilus has four pairs of testes.
For instance, the difference between the long-stalked and finely-cut leaves of Anemone attacked with rust and the normal leaves with broad segments, or between the urceolate leaves occasionally found on cabbages and the ordinary formin these cases undoubtedly pathological and teratological respectivelyis nothing like so great as between the upper and lower normalleaves of many Umhelliferae or the submerged and floating leaves of an aquatic Ranunculus or Cabomba.
Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants.
Among the aquatic Oligochaeta and many earthworms (the families Lumbricidae, Geoscolicidae and a few other genera) the spermathecae are simple structures, as has been described.
Steganopodes.- Well flying, aquatic, nidicolous; with all the four toes webbed together.
The larvae of the beautiful, elongate, metallic Donaciae live in the roots and stems of aquatic plants, obtaining thence both food and air.
Seeds are carried in soil adhering to their feet and plumage, and aquatic plants have in consequence for the most part an exceptionally wide range.
Front toes completely webbed; hallux very short or absent; feed chiefly on small aquatic invertebrates.
Immense flocks of gulls were probably attracted to it then as now by its insect life, and its lagoons and streams teemed with aquatic birds.
Many Hydrophilidae, unmodified for aquatic life, inhabit marshes.
Aquatic plants occur among seed plants but these are readaptations of land plants to an aquatic environment.