Aq Sentence Examples
When substances in solution are dealt with, Thomsen indicates their state by affixing Aq to their symbols.
Thus the equation Cl 2 -1-2KI, Aq=2KC1, Aq+12+52400 cal., or (C12) +2KI, Aq =2KC1, Aq+[12]-I-52400 cal., would express that when gaseous chlorine acts on a solution of potassium iodide, with separation of solid iodine, 52400 calories are evolved.
When C vanishes j has the form j = pxg x, and (f,j) 3 = (ap) 2 (aq)ax = o.
The grating at A and the eye-piece at 0 are rigidly attached to a bar AO, whose ends rest on carriages, moving on rails OQ, AQ at right angles to each other.
Let APB be a semicircle, BT the tangent at B, and APT a line cutting the circle in and BT at T; take a point Q on AT so that AQ always equals PT; then the locus of Q is the cissoid.
It is assumed that a flow of heat Q, due to conduction, tends to carry with it a proportional electric current C = aQ.
An alkali is a solution containing excess hydroxide ions OH - (aq ).