Apsidal Sentence Examples
Ulm cathedral has double aisles and a pentagonal apsidal choir, but no transepts.
The main room of the ordinary temple was rectangular, with an elevated apsidal arrangement, like a choir, containing the sacred relief on its wall, at the end opposite the entrance, and with continuous benches (podia) of masonry, about 5 ft.
The plan is unusual, consisting of a large nave without aisles, the span being between 45 and 50 ft.; it also has two shallow transepts and an apsidal east end.
Sainte-Marie contains many artistic treasures, the chief of which are the magnificent stained-glass windows of the Renaissance which light the apsidal chapels, and the 113 choir-stalls of carved oak, also of Renaissance workmanship. The archbishop's palace adjoins the cathedral; it is a building of the 18th century with a Romanesque hall and a tower of the r4th century.
The transepts have eastern apsidal chapels, as have the choir aisles, though the walls of these last.
It was the introduction of the apsidal chapels in the churches of France which eventually led to the chevet or cluster of eastern chapels in many of the great cathedrals, and also sometimes to the extension of the transept so as to include additional apsidal chapels on the east side.
Like Lincoln, it had an eastern as well as a western transept, each furnished with apsidal chapels to the east.
It consists of a vast nave of eleven bays, entered by a narthex, with a transept and short apsidal choir.
At Toulouse the nave also has two parallel aisles, but the choir is apsidal, with radiating chapel.
To the east of this is a large space, now open, but once very possibly roofed, and forming a basilica in two storeys, built against the rock on the north side, and there decorated with pilasters also; and to the east again is an apsidal hall, often identified with the temple itself, in which the famous mosaic with scenes from the Nile, now in the Palazzo Barberini on the uppermost terrace, was found.
AdvertisementIn the main, its architecture is Gothic, but the choir and the apsidal chapels, with their elaborate interior and exterior decoration, are of Renaissance workmanship. The graceful tower, which rises beside the southern portal to a height of 255 ft., belongs to the early 1 4 th century.
It follows that the angle between successive apse-lines is constant; it is called the apsidal angle of the orbit.
If this is the case, the apsidal angle must evidently be commensurable with -ir, and since it cannot vary discontinuously the apsidal angle in a nearly circular orbit must be constant.
The city has a well-built and substantial appearance, its chief attraction lying in the numerous churches, which belong in the main to a well-marked basilican type, and present almost too richly decorated exteriors, fine apsidal ends and quadrangular campaniles, in some cases with battlemented summits, and windows increasing in number as they ascend.
It comprises a nave with aisles, and an apsidal eastward end formed of five small radiating chapels.
AdvertisementNear it in Constitution Street is St James's Episcopal church (1862-1869), in the Early English style by Sir Gilbert Scott, with an apsidal chancel and a spire 160 ft.
They include a massive keep and the remains of an apsidal chapel dedicated to St Peter.
A small apsidal chancel had been added in 1870.
On the east side of the circular Mausoleum another apsidal wall of chalk and flint was reported in 1893.
The interior is very dark and consists of an aisleless nave, and slightly lower apsidal choir.
AdvertisementThe work is in the main very fine Norman, with triforium, ambulatory and apsidal eastern end.
In these buildings there is a great preference for apsidal terminations to the internal chambers, and the façades are as a rule slightly curved.
The main building, consisting of a nave with apsidal end and two aisles,.
The church, which contains numerous interesting monuments, possesses also the unusual feature of an apsidal Decorated chapel.
The church of St Michael has a Norman square embattled tower surmounted by a spire, and an apsidal chancel.
AdvertisementIn the grounds of the residence called the Friars stands the shell of the apsidal choir of a Decorated chapel which belonged to a Franciscan house.
In these buildings there is a great preference for apsidal terminations to the internal chambers, and the façades are as a rule slightly curved.