Apricots Sentence Examples
Large quantities of fruits - apples, pears, quinces, peaches, nectarines, apricots, grapes and melons - were exported by special trains to central Europe, where the Turkestan crop was received a short time before the south European supplies ripened.
Innumerable clusters of wild cherries (Prunus Chamaecerasus), wild apricots (Amygdalus nana), the Siberian pea-tree (Caragana frutescens), and other deep-rooted shrubs grow at the bottoms of the depressions and on the slopes of the ravines, imparting to the steppe that charm which manifests itself in the popular poetry.
Figs, apricots, nectarines and peaches grow to perfection.
Fruits abound, as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, chestnuts and almonds; mulberries are also cultivated.
Indian corn, quinoa, mandioca, possibly the potato, cotton and various fruits, including the strawberry, were already known to the aborigines, but with the conqueror came wheat, barley, oats, flax, many kinds of vegetables, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, grapes, figs, oranges and lemons, together with alfalfa and new grasses for the plains.
The hilly regions of Limousin, Prigord and the Cvennes are the home of the chestnut, which in some places is still a staple food; walnuts grow on the lower levels of the central plateau and in lower Dauphin and Provence, figs and almonds in Provence, oranges and citrons on the Mediterranean coast, apricots in central France, the olive in Provcnce and the lower valleys of the Rhneand Durancc. Truffles arc found under Silk Cocoons.
In the next zone are grown many of the cereals (including rice), beans, tobacco, sugar-cane, peaches, apricots, quinces and strawberries.
Of the former the chief kinds are pears, apples, plums, apricots, peaches, persimmons and melons.
The Santa Clara Valley has many vegetable and flower-seed farms; it is one of the most fertile of the fruit regions of California, prunes, grapes, peaches and apricots being produced in especial abundance.
Grapes, peaches, plums and prunes, apricots, strawberries, raspberries and loganberries, blackberries and dewberries, currants and gooseberries are also grown.
AdvertisementIn smaller country gardens the enclosure or outer fence is often a hedge, and there is possibly no space enclosed by walls, but some divisional wall having a suitable aspect is utilized for the growth of peaches, apricots, &c., and the hedge merely separates the garden from a paddock used for grazing.
Peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries and the more tender varieties of plums and pears succeed well in houses of this kind.
Stone fruits, such as peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, &c., are usually propagated in this way, as well as roses and many other plants.
The substance of the fungus is dry and opaque with a peculiar smell suggesting ripe apricots or plums. The flesh is whitish tinged with yellow.
All the commoner sorts of fruitapples, pears, cherries, &c.grow everywhere, but the more delicate kinds, such as figs, apricots and peaches, are confined to the warmer districts.
AdvertisementThe best-known fruits, besides dates and grapes, are figs, sycamore-figs and pomegranates, apricots and peaches, oranges and citrons, lemons and limes, bananas, which are believed to be of the fruits of Paradise (being always in season), different kinds of melons (including some of aromatic flavour, and the refreshing water-melon), mulberries, Indian figs or prickly pears, the fruit of the lotus and olives.
Besides these are grown melons, mulberries, bananas, apricots, quinces, walnuts, lemons and citron.
The supremacy of the state is established in the growth of oranges, lemons, citrons, olives, figs, almonds, Persian (or English) walnuts, plums and prunes, grapes and raisins, nectarines, apricots and pomegranates; it also leads in pears and peaches, but here its primacy is not so assured.
Almonds, as well as peaches, pears, plums, cherries and apricots, come mainly from the north.
Besides the raising of cereals, fruit is extensively cultivated in the surrounding district; its apples and apricots are largely exported, large quantities of wine are produced, and cattlerearing constitutes another great source of revenue.
AdvertisementApples, peaches, plums, apricots, pears, cherries and melons have been introduced.
During the warmer months, however, the mountain sides are richly clothed with the foliage of maple, mountain ash, apple, pear and walnut trees; the orchards furnish, not only apples and pears, but peaches, cherries, mulberries and apricots; and the farmers grow sufficient corn to export.
The Persian fruit is excellent and abundant, and large quantities, principally dried and called khushkbar (dry fruit), as quinces, peaches, apricots, plums (of several kinds), raisins, figs, almonds, pistachios, walnuts and dates (the last only from the south), as well as oranges (only from the Caspian provinces), are exported.
Temperate fruits - peaches, pears, apples, apricots and small fruits - do excellently; as do all important vegetables.
In the oasis are some 200,000 fruit trees, of which about 150,000 are date-palms, the rest being olives, pomegranates and apricots.
AdvertisementIt was at Moor Park, near Farnham, the residence to which Temple had retired to cultivate apricots after the rapid decline of his influence during the critical period of Charles II.'s reign (1679-1681), that Swift's acquaintance with Esther Johnson, the "Stella" of the famous Journal, was begun.
On the upland fruit farms, although apples, pears, medlars, cherries, plums, peaches, apricots and melons thrive, the chief attention is given to damsons, from which is extracted a mild spirit (tsuica), highly esteemed throughout Rumania.
In 1905 there were 12,683 acres of apples, 2098 acres of pears, 1111 acres of apricots, 1123 acres of plums, 426 acres of cherries, 498 acres of peaches, 2000 acres of strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries, and 1107 acres of currants.
In the surrounding gardens and fields walnuts, apricots, wheat, barley, maize, &c. are grown.
On the shelf below are some Turkish dried apricots.
Place on top of the baked breadcrumb mix and cover with the mincemeat, chopped apricots and brandy.
Turn the pheasants over and add the apricots, wine mixture and the dates to the pan.
Mash 1 small banana and roughly chop 25g (1oz) ready-to-eat apricots.
The lamb was coated in coconut crumbs and served with a fruit chutney of pumpkin, carrot, mango, apricots and sour yogurt.
Succulent whole apricots are soaked in Amaretto and then enrobed in dark chocolate with pieces of finely chopped almonds.
Arrange on a large platter with the apricots or plums and the whole kumquats or peeled physallis and figs.
Place the apricots, strawberries and chopped lemon into a heavy-based saucepan and pour over the sugar.
Our luscious Exotic Fruit Cake contains mango, coconut and banana and is topped with dried apricots and cherries.
You need 50g of apricots, 50g of raisins, 50g of glace cherries and 50g of mini white marshmallows.
Fifty fruits have been housed so far, including peaches and apricots.
Apricots are probable, tho I think they may need some chill, but I don't know about avocado or Asian pear.
If using plums or apricots spoon the topping around the fruit to expose the skins, for a colorful finish.
The unreduced nose combines figs, apricots, nectarines, scented candle wax and hard wood sawdust.
The ingredients are apples, apricots, cane sugar, sultanas, cider vinegar, salt, ginger, garlic and spices.
Snip in 4 ready-to-eat dried apricots, add 1 tbsp sultanas and 1 small sliced banana.
Dates, almonds, grapes, figs, peaches, apricots, olives, and in rainy years melons and cucumbers grow there without irrigation.
After the date, vines, peaches, apricots, oranges, mangoes, melons and mulberries find special favour with the Rehbayin, who exhibit all the skill and perseverance of the Arab agriculturist of Yemen, and cultivate everything that the soil is capable of producing.
The alluvial valley of the Guayas, above Guayaquil, is celebrated for the richness of its vegetation, which, in fruit alone, includes cacao, coffee, coco-nuts, pine-apples, oranges, lemons, guayavas (Psidium pomiferum), guavas (Inga spectabilis), shaddocks (or grape-fruit), pomegranates, apricots, chirimoyas (Anooa Chirimolia), granadillas (Passiflora quadrangularis), paltas (Persea gratissima, otherwise known as " alligator pears "), tunas (Cactus), mangoes (Man,gifera Indica), pacays (Prosopis dulcis), aji (Chile pepper), and many others of less importance.
The substances used to adulterate opium are grape-juice thickened with flour, fig-paste, liquorice, half-dried apricots, inferior gum tragacanth and sometimes clay or pieces of lead or other metals.
Pears, plums; apricots, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cabbages, onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in considerable quantities.
The apricots add a sweet stuffing, which is complemented with a tomato and sherry sauce.
There are traditional home-made favorites such as steak and Tanglefoot pie plus pork with apricots, carbonnade of beef and traditional ham and eggs.
Fruit-Dried fruits, like apricots and raisins, are great choices, but don't overdo it.
Fruits - Dried fruits such as figs, dates, apricots, often shunned by Westerners due to the high sugar content, are eaten in abundance.
Vitamin A is present in orange colored fruit and vegetables such as carrots, mangoes, apricots and peaches.
Looking for some unusual fruits that are a little different than your typical cherries and apricots?
The dessert wines contain notes of caramel, vanilla and apricots.
The rich palate formed in traditional Sauvignon Blanc style with lemon-grapefruit brightness, granite minerals, and turning round with buttery vanilla and again with honeydew melon, apricots, and fragrant honeysuckle.
Apricots, cherries, peaches, and apples all produce healthful fruit, but their seeds contain a form of cyanide that can kill a child if chewed in sufficient quantities.
That makes meat the best choice as a source of iron and iron-rich vegetables and fruits such as spinach and apricots the next best choice.
Low amounts of Vitamin K can be found in tomatoes, blueberries, apricots, sweet potatoes, egg yolks, tofu, navy beans, cantaloupe, peaches, grapes, apples, bananas, carrots, and oats.
Choosing fresh fruits with edible skins, such as apples, pears, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, and apricots, is best.
There are many kinds of drupes in the world, such as mangoes, apricots and almonds.
Masks made with crushed apricots, strawberries, cucumbers, red currants, and even sour cream may be effective in getting rid of freckles.
Common ingredients used in their recipes include saffron rice, apricots, ginger sauce and couscous.
Many varieties of fruit are grown, especially good being the apricots, peaches, walnuts and hazel nuts.
The common, yet excellent melons, watermelons, grapes, apricots, cherries, plums, apples, are within the reach of the poorest.