Approximate Sentence Examples
It has an approximate area of 1000 sq.
The capital in circulation for these loans, established on the 1st of March 1326 (1910), is approximate.
The figures obtainable with respect to shipping are approximate, the statistical data not being altogether complete.
Others occur in the Metrica where also a method of finding such approximate square, and even approximate cube, roots is shown.
The vapour tension may approximate to a linear function of the composition, and the curve will then be practically a straight line.
It crystallizes from water (in which it is very soluble) in monoclinic prisms which approximate in composition to Sr(N03)2.4H20 or Sr(N03)2.5H20.
While the information on the certificate is not an actual birth record, it may provide an approximate time of birth, which is very helpful if you cannot find another actual record.
Putting d0/dp=A/0 2 in equation (15), and integrating on the assumption that the small variations of S could be neglected over the range of the experiment, they found a solution of the type, v/0 =f(p) - SA /30 3, in which f(p) is an arbitrary function of p. Assuming that the gas should approximate indefinitely to the ideal state pv = R0 at high temperatures, they put f(p)=Rip, which gives a characteristic equation of the form v= Re/p - SA /30 2 .
Other favourite types' of equation for approximate work are (I) p=RO/v±f(v), which makes p a linear function of 0 at constant volume, as in van der Waal's equation; (2) v=RO/p+f(p), which makes v a linear function of 0 at constant pressure.
An ideal gas is a substance possessing very simple thermodynamic properties to which actual gases and vapours appear to approximate indefinitely at low pressures and high temperatures.
AdvertisementHe devised an approximate numerical solution of equations of the second and third degrees, wherein Leonardo of Pisa must have preceded him, but by a method every vestige of which is completely lost.
As we are still ignorant of the proportions of land and water in the polar regions, it is only possible to give approximate figures for the extent of the ocean, for the position of the coast-lines is not known exactly enough to exclude possible errors of perhaps several hundred thousand square miles in estimates of the total area.
A simple approximate calculation of the pressure exerted by a gas on its containing vessel can be made by supposing that the molecules are so small in comparison with their distances apart that they may be treated as of infinitesimal size.
The legitimacy of this assumption, and of the further assumption which enables the area of the new figure to be expressed by an approximate formula instead of by an exact formula, must be verified in every case by reference to the actual differences.
If the transformation is made first, and if the resulting raw moments with regard to the (approximate) central ordinate are o, 72, 71-3, ..., the true moments µ1, u2, /13, ...with regard to the central ordinate are given by Lo=o 1 i / h2,3 83.
AdvertisementRankine gives the approximate rule Working deflection =5= l a /t o,000h, where l is the span and h the depth of the beam, the stresses being those usual in bridgework, due to the total dead and live load.
The compulsory education law as amended in 1907 and 1909 requires the full attendance at a public school, or at a school which is an approximate equivalent, of all children who are between seven and fourteen years of age, are in the proper physical and mental condition, and reside in a city or school district having a population of 5000 or more and employing a superintendent of schools; in such a city or district children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school unless they obtain an employment certificate and are regularly engaged in some useful employment or service; and outside of such a city or district all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years and those between fourteen and sixteen years who are not regularly employed must attend school on all school days from October to June.
The date, even the approximate date, of man's arrival in New Zealand is uncertain.
The chief experimental basis for supposing that a train of longitudinal waves with displacement curve of this kind arouses the sensation of a pure tone is that the more nearly a source is made to vibrate with a single simple harmonic motion, and therefore, presumably, the more nearly it sends out such a harmonic train, the more nearly does the note heard approximate to a single pure tone.
The approximate theory of pipes due to Bernoulli assumes a loop at the open end, but the condition for a loop at the open end, that of no pressure variation, cannot be exactly fulfilled.
AdvertisementThis approximate relation was first systematically developed by the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia, and formed the startingpoint for all their divisions of time.
The Protestant churches established on the continent, even where - as in the case of the Lutherans - they approximate more closely than the official Anglican Church to Roman doctrine and practice, make no such claim.
It is only in accordance with what constantly recurs in the history of Biblical criticism that this effort to approximate to the truth met at first with considerable opposition, and was for a time regarded even by Augustine as dangerous..
By a comparison of these two lines of evidence we can approximate to a text current about 300 B.C. or later; but for any errors which had entered into the common source of these two forms of the text we possess no documentary means of detection whatsoever.
The matter peculiar to Matthew and Luke raises a number of interesting questions which are still too much sub judice to be answered decidedly or dogmatically, though approximate and provisional answers may before long be forthcoming.
AdvertisementBesides this, all their evidence is but approximate, often only stating quantities to a half or quarter of the amount, and seldom nearer than 5 or 10%; hence they are entirely worthless for all the closer questions of the approximation or original identity of standards in different countries; and it is just in this line that the imagination of writers has led them into the greatest speculations, unchecked by accurate evidence of the original standards.
Yet it appears to be only an approximate relation, and therefore probably accidental, as the volume by the examples is too large to agree to the cube of the length or to the weight, differing 1/20, or sometimes even as 1/12.
If certain equivalences between volumes in different countries are stated here, it`must be plainly understood that they are only known to be approximate results, and not to give a certain basis for any theories of derivation.
The other ratio of Revillout and Hultsch, 320 hons = cubit cubed, is certainly approximate.
The approximate value from capitha = 2 Attic choenices (Xenophon) warrants us in taking the achane as fixed in the following system, which places it closely in accord with the preceding.
In ethical precepts, in directions for right living (that is, asceticism), the two systems approximate more and more closely.
Huxley questioned the time value of fossils, but recent research has tended to show that identity of species and of mutations is, on the whole, a guide to synchroneity, though the general range of vertebrate and invertebrate life as well as of plant life is generally necessary for the establishment of approximate synchronism.
His achievement was a closely approximate D geometrical solution of the FIG.
As in the case of the process of 6 It is thus manifest that by his first construction Snell gave an approximate solution of two great problems of antiquity.
It is the approximate equality in the size of the anterior and posterior adductor muscles which led to the name Isomya for the group to which Anodonta belongs.
The Gregorian epact being the age of the moon of Tebet at the beginning of the Gregorian year, it represents the day of Tebet which corresponds to January I; and thus the approximate date of Tisri I, the commencement of the Hebrew year, may be otherwise deduced by subtracting the epact from Sept.
The Years Of The Hegira Are Purely Lunar, And Always Consist Of Twelve Lunar Months, Commencing With The Approximate New Moon, Without Any Intercalation To Keep Them To The Same Season With Respect To The Sun, So That They Retrograde Through All The Seasons In About 321 Years.
The Nannosciurinae, or second sub-family of Sciuridae, are represented only by the pigmy squirrels (Nannosciurus), characterized by their very short-crowned molars (which approximate to those of dormice in structure) and small premolars, of which the first upper pair is often deciduous, while the upper molars have only three oblique ridges.
Other important libraries, with the approximate number of their books, are the Grosvenor (founded in 1859), for reference (75,000 volumes and 7000 pamphlets); the John C. Lord, housed in the building of the Historical Society (10,620); the Law (8th judicial district) (17,000); the Catholic Institute (12,000); and the library of the Buffalo Historical Society (founded 1862) (26,600), now in the handsome building in Delaware Park used as the New York state building during the PanAmerican Exposition of 1901.
The approximate area is 38,665 sq.
Rydberg discovered a second relationship, which, however, involving the assumed equation connecting the different lines, cannot be tested directly as long as these equations are only approximate.
The equation which expressed " Deslandres' law " was only given by its author as an approximate one.
Although the brain is relatively larger, the bones of the limbs, especially the short, five-toed feet, approximate to those of the Amblypoda and Proboscidea; but in the articulation of the astragalus with both the navicular and cuboid Arsinoitherium is nearer the former than the latter group. It is probable, however, that these resemblances are mainly due to parallelism in development, and are in all three cases adaptations necessary to support the enormous weight of the body.
The price of a pig was twice, and that of an ox six times as great as that of a sheep. Regarding the prices of commodities other than live-stock we have little definite information, though an approximate estimate may be made of the value of arms. It is worth noticing that we often hear of payments in gold and silver vessels in place of money.
As a law of acceleration of the planets relatively to the sun, its approximate agreement with Kepler's third law of planetary motion follows readily from a consideration of the character of the acceleration of a point moving uniformly in a circle.
In the treatment of the relative motions of a limited system, we may use a confessedly provisional base, though it may be necessary to introduce corrections, either exact or approximate, to take account either of the existence of bodies outside the system, or of the rotation of the base employed relative to a more correct one.
Much labour has been given by various naturalists to ascertain the date of its introduction to Europe, to which we can at present only make an approximate attempt; 3 but after all that has been written it is plain that evidence concurs to show that the bird was established in Europe by 1530 - a very short time to have elapsed since it became known to the Spaniards, which could hardly have been before 1518, when Mexico was discovered.
It is not possible to obtain even an approximate estimate of the numbers of the Christians at the time of Constantine.
The properties of this individual subject, the idea of the triangle, are, according to him, discovered by observation, and as observation, whether actual or ideal, never presents us with more than the rough or general appearances of geometrical quantities, the relations so discovered have only approximate exactness.
Since this has not been done we must adopt the approximate rule that the volume at absolute zero is proportional to that at the boiling-point.
The dates are those of the annals in the Chronicle, with approximate corrections in brackets.
The interval considered by Westman contains at least 300 oxygen and nitrogen lines, so that approximate coincidence with a number of auroral lines was almost inevitable, and an appreciable number of the coincidences may be accidental.
These figures give an approximate total strength of 1,147,000, not inclusive of Landsturm.
For example, if the falling body s is attached by a thread to the pendulum of a timepiece, it may be used to stop it and indicate the approximate time at which the tremor occurred.
The approximate areas under cultivation in the various seasons are, in summer, 2,050,000 acres; in flood, 1,500,000 acres; in winter, 4,300,000 acres.
Not long ago the supposed meaning of these was extracted chiefly by brilliant guessing, and the published translations of even the best scholars could carry no guarantee of more than approximate exactitude, where the sense depended at all on correct recognition of the syntax.
The dates of the earlier dynasties in this table are always intended to be only approximate; for instance, Meyer in 1904 allowed an error of 100 years either of excess or deficiency in the dates he assigned to the dynasties from the Xth upwards.
But the general result of a study of the Decalogue as a whole, in connexion with Israelite political history and religion, strongly supports, in fact demands, a post-Mosaic origin, and modern criticism is chiefly divided only as to the approximate date to which it is to be ascribed.
From the use of gold and silver as a medium of exchange, it followed that they should approximate in all nations to a common degree of fineness; and though this is not uniform even in coins, yet the proportion of alloy in silver, and of carats alloy to carats fine in gold, has been reduced to infinitesimal differences in the bullion of commerce, and is a prime element of value even in gold and silver plate, jewelry, and other articles of manufacture.
Stratified rocks when they have not been much disturbed from their original approximate horizontality weather into escarpments.
In the skull the socket of the eye is surrounded by bone; while the dentition begins to approximate to the camel type - notably by the circumstance that the lower canine is either separated by a gap from the outermost incisors, or that its crown assumes a backwardly curved shape.
The terms which he finally arranged with the Government, involving an approximate addition of over io,000,000 per annum to the railway expenditure, included a standard week of 48 hours, and a standard wage for that week; for the fixing of the new standard rates of wages negotiations were to be continued.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
No Doubt There Must Be Approximate Relations Between The Atomic And Molecular Heats Of Similar Elements And Compounds, But Considering The Great Variations Of Specific Heat With Temperature And Physical State, In Alloys, Mixtures Or Solutions, And In Allotropic Or Other Modifications, It Would Be Idle To Expect That The Specific Heat Of A Compound Could Be Accurately Deduced By Any Simple Additive Process From That Of Its Constituents.
For the Algol variables it is possible to form even more direct calculations of the density, for from the duration of the eclipse an approximate estimate of the size of the star may be made.
The rains come in July and August on the west and north-east coasts, and from April to July on the south coast, the approximate mean annual rainfall of these localities being 30, 35 and 42 in.
What then did he mean by reasoning, or rather by the Greek word Xiryos of which " reasoning " is an approximate rendering?
If dp is the difference of vapourpressure of solvent and solution, and do the rise in the boiling-point, we have the approximate relation, n/N = d p/p = mLdo/Ro 2, Raoult's law,..
Taking for ice and water the following numerical data, L = 674.7, 6 74.7, L 1 =595.2, L r = 79.5, R = o 11 03 cal./deg., po = 4.61 mm., s-S = 519 cal./deg., and assuming the specific heat of ice to be equal to that of steam at constant pressure (which is sufficiently approximate, since the term involving the difference of the specific heats is very small), we obtain the following numerical formulae, by substitution in (23), Ice..
The approximate equation of Rankine (23) begins to be I or 2% in error at the boiling-point under atmospheric pressure, owing to the coaggregation of the molecules of the vapour and the variation of the specific heat of the liquid.
The use of frames which approximate to a critical form is of course to be avoided in practice.
This applies to the inverted pendulum, with u =g/l, but the equation (9) is then only approximate, and the solution therefore only serves to represent the initial stages of a motion in the neighborhood of the position of unstable equilibrium.
This property can often be utilized tc, estimate the frequency of the gravest normal mode of a system by means of an assumed approximate type, when the exact determination would be difficult.
If the friction be small the amplitude becomes relatively very great if the imposed period approximate to a free period.
It was shown by Young that, to do this with the least total number of teeth, the velocity ratio of each elementary combination should approximate as nearly as possible to 3.59., This would in many cases give too many axes; and, as a useful practical rule, it may be laid down that from 3 to 6 ought to be the limit of the velocity ratio of an elementary combination in wheelwork.
Then, if possible, B and, C themselves are to be resolved each into rnI factors (counting 1 as a factor), which factors, or multiples of them, shall be not less than t nor greater than 6t; or if B and C contain inconveniently large prime factors, an approximate velocity ratio, found by the method of continued fractions, is to be substituted for B/C as before.
A more accurate though still approximate expression for the force on the frame due to the acceleration of the piston whose weight is W is given by w2r cos 0 + r cos 20
The net results of such exchange can be roughly estimated by comparing the rate of natural growth with that of the total increase of the community between one census and another, as set forth in Table VIII., in the last section of which the approximate loss by emigration, as calculated by Dr Sundbarg, is given.
Approximate returns are made by the clergy annually.
The chief practical use of the simple continued fraction is that by means of it we can obtain rational fractions which approximate to any quantity, and we can also estimate the error of our b4 as a4 b5 approximation.
Lagrange used simple continued fractions to approximate to the solutions of numerical equations; thus, if an equation has a root between two integers a and a+1, put x=a+I/y and form the equation in y; if the equation in y has a root between b and b+i, put y = b + I /z, and so on.
The approximate value of the world's oyster crop approaches f4,000,000 annually, representing over 30,000,000 bushels, or nearly Io billion oysters.
The principal imports into Persia in approximate order of value are cottons, sugar, tea, woollens, cotton yarn, petroleum, stuffs of wool and cotton mixed, wool, hardware, ironmongery, matches, iron and steel, dyes, rice, spices and glass-wdre.
Westwards, looking towards Afghanistan, line upon line of broken jagged ridges and ranges, folds in the Cretaceous series overlaid by coarse sandstones and shales, follow each other in order, preserving their approximate parallelism until they touch the borders of Baluchistan.
To integrate this equation for a solid of given form is probably difficult, but it is easy to see that at some distance on either side of the body, where the liquid is sensibly at rest, the crest of the wave will approximate to an asymptote inclined to the path of the body at an angle whose sine is w/V, where w is the velocity of the wave and V is that of the body.
Extensive inert surfaces indeed are contra-indicated in a flying machine, as they approximate it to the balloon, which, as has been shown, cannot maintain its position in the air if there are air currents.
Galileo attempted the evaluation by weighing the curve against the generating circle; this rough method gave only an approximate value, viz., a little less than thrice the generating circle.
Of the approximate size of an English mastiff, this powerful baboon is blackish grey in colour with a tinge of green due to the yellow rings on most of the hairs.
To his critics Bushnell formally replied by writing Christ in Theology (1851), in which he employs the important argument that spiritual facts can be expressed only in approximate and poetical language, and concludes that an adequate dogmatic theology cannot exist.
The figures given are, however, approximate only.
Hence, though, like Plato, Speusippus (4) studied the differences of natural products (5) with a view to classification, he did not agree with Plato in his conception of the significance of the results thus obtained; that is to say, while to Plato the definition derived from the study of the particulars included in a natural kind was an approximate definition of the idea in which the natural kind originated, to Speusippus the definition was a definition of the particulars studied, and, strictly speaking, of nothing else.
Hence loss does not go on without regeneration, and we are apparently at a stage when there is an approximate balance between them.
The approximate area of this territory, according to official calculations, is 4 81, 979 sq.
The elevation and slope of this immense region, which has an approximate length of 640 m.
This group of mountains, covering an approximate area of 6500 sq.
It will be seen that the dates as adopted in Europe are approximate only, and liable to correction if better data are obtainable.
Following upon Dr Koch's discovery of a method of isolating bacteria, and of making approximate determinations of their number in any volume of water, a most remarkable diminution in the number of microbes contained in sand-filtered water was observed; and it is now well known that when a properly.
The value of a is in general small, and an approximate solution may be obtained by substituting two or three terms of the expansions for sin a and cos a.
The daily activities of the great mass of the adult population, in countries where commodities are sold at definite prices for definite quantities, include calculations which have often to be performed rapidly, on data orally given, and leading in general to results which can only be approximate; and almost every branch of manufacture or commerce has its own range of applications of arithmetic. Arithmetic as a school subject has been largely regarded from this point of view.
The difference 7 between this approximate percentage and the true value is less than 2%, i.
Even where the decimal notation would seem to arise naturally, as in the case of approximate extraction of a square root, the portion which might have been expressed as a decimal was converted into sexagesimal fractions.
Even where numbers are supposed to be exact, calculations based on them can often only be approximate.
It is, however, possible to find a number whose cube shall approximate as closely as we please to Thus the cubes of 12 5 and of 12 6 are respectively and 2000 376, so that the number whose cube differs as little as possible from 2000 is somewhere between 12 5 and 12 6.
In the third place, it is a better preparation for dealing with approximate calculations.
For elementary work the multiplicand may come immediately after the multiplier, as in D; the last figure of each partial product then comes immediately under the corre up to the multiplication of decimals and of approximate values of numbers, is to place the first figure of the multiplier under the first figure of the multiplicand, as in E; the first figure of each partial product will then come under the corresponding figure of the multiplier.
A rule for approximate conversion is that is.
More generally, if we have obtained a as an approximate value for the pth root of N, the binomial theorem gives as an approximate formula p,IN =a+6, where N = a P + pap - 19.
The gramme was intended to be equal to the weight of a cubic centimetre of pure water at a certain temperature, but the equality is only approximate.
Langley, A Treatise on Computation (1895), has notes on approximate and abbreviated calculation.
Among the exceptions are the South American squirrel-monkeys, whose eyes approximate in structure to those of the lemurs.
In all the groups which are at present arboreal, the palaeontological evidence goes to show that their ancestors were likewise so; while since, in the case of modern terrestrial forms, the structure of the wrist and ankle joints tends to approximate to the arboreal type, as we recede in time, the available evidence, so far as it goes, is in favour of Dr Matthew's contention.
The Condylarthra, in their turn, approximate closely to the ancestral Carnivora, as they also do in some degree to the ancestral Primates.
The following table will give an approximate idea of the proportions which go to each Nitrogen as ammonia cyanogen in gas and combined in tar in coke .
The following figures are given as an approximate estimate of the size of the communities which compose the population.
We first conceive of the planets as moving in invariable elliptic orbits, and thus obtain approximate expressions for their positions at any moment.
They were accordingly able to fix in advance the approximate positions of these objects with reference to ecliptical stars which served as fiducial points for their determination.
But the most striking incident in the history of the verification of Newton's law was the return of Halley's comet to perihelion, on the 12th of March 1759, in approximate accordance with Clairault's calculation of the delays due to the action of Jupiter and Saturn.
Though He may not be conceived as the absolute cause of the world, the idea of absolute causality as symbolized in it may be taken as the best approximate expression of the contents of the religious consciousness.
It was only the first of the three sections of the science of ethics - the doctrine of moral ends - that Schleiermacher handled with approximate completeness; the other two sections were treated very summarily.
It appears to approximate in time to the similar earth movement and denudation at the close of the palaeozoic period in Europe.
We find Newton's theorem, that "action and reaction are equal and opposite," stated with approximate precision in his treatise Della scienza meccanica, which contains the substance of lectures delivered during his professorship at Padua; and the same principle is involved in the axiom enunciated in the third of his mechanical dialogues, that "the propensity of a body to fall is equal to the least resistance which suffices to support it."
The name of the town is locally Uxeter, or an approximate pronunciation.
We may also notice Kepler's approximate value for the circumference of an ellipse (if the semi-axes be a and b, the approximate circumference is ir(a+b)).
In telecentric and hypercentric transmission we obtain a false conception of the spatial arrangement of the objects or their details; in these cases one focusses by turns on the different details, and so obtains an approximate idea of their spatial arrangement.
Owing to the approximate symmetry of the American and Asiatic continents it does not seem likely that the inequality of snowfall would produce an appreciable effect.
It is impossible within brief limits to convey more than a general idea of the work of a philosopher who published more than three hundred original papers bearing upon nearly every branch of physical science; who one day was working out the mathematics of a vortex theory of matter on hydrodynamical principles or discovering the limitations of the capabilities of the vortex atom, on another was applying the theory of elasticity to tides in the solid earth, or was calculating the size of water molecules, and later was designing an electricity meter, a dynamo or a domestic water-tap. It is only by reference to his published papers that any approximate conception can be formed of his life's work; but the student who had read all these knew comparatively little of Lord Kelvin if he had not talked with him face to face.
The next strata, the Aquila Creek series, contain a well-marked dicotyledonous flora, in which both the form and nervation of the leaves begin to approximate to those of recent times.
The approximate date of these works is probably from about 400 B.C. to about 250 B.C., the first being the oldest and the third the latest of the seven.
We have an approximate time frame and partial ID.
With an approximate date—or at least a year—and a first name, the chore would be infinitely easier than scouring decades for a nameless individual.
This is, of course, a very approximate guide.
And faith and obedience that even approximate to that come only through the training of suffering.
These were often approximate guesses, and in rounded numbers.
Most dry dog chows give approximate feeding amounts on their labels.
These boundaries are approximate only, and should not be taken as definitive.
This must be of a material which is opaque to thermal infra-red; the approximate dimensions are 13mm length by 5mm diameter.
Make sure you get the exact size that you need, and not just an approximate metric/imperial equivalent.
Approximate cost £ 100,000 It is normally crewed by 5 trained firefighters.
It reviews the principles of statics and kinematics and applying them to the approximate analysis of pin and rigid jointed frames.
The problem is how best to approximate the non displayable colors, the out of gamut colors, using ones within the device gamut.
Thus, the photometric data in this table are not strictly homogeneous, and should be considered to be approximate values only.
These computationally intractable sums or integrals can be avoided by using approximate Bayesian methods.
It was the approximate size of a dust bin lid, say 80 cm in diameter.
The values represent the approximate logarithm of the flux density.
Measurements and weights metric measurements and weights metric measurements for products are followed by the imperial equivalent and are approximate.
The approximate mileage for the day will be 450 miles.
More voices gives you the ability to layer instruments, add parts to your arrangement and approximate huge symphonic orchestras.
Of these, 1,149 are destroyed and 1,005 recorded as ' unknown ', leaving an approximate figure of 6,000 surviving pillboxes.
Those functions are evaluated on how good they approximate a given data set and are assigned a real number accordingly.
I was on the approximate crash site, standing on ground which must be regarded as sacred to any true Red.
The number of sunspots observed at any one time varies with an approximate 11 year period, called the sunspots observed at any one time varies with an approximate 11 year period, called the Sunspot cycle.
Telluric standard star The flux standard stars may be use for approximate removal of telluric standard star The flux standard stars may be use for approximate removal of telluric lines.
By making the reference bias voltages applied to the diodes equal, an approximate square wave output is obtained from a sine wave input.
The possibility of repair is affected by so many circumstances due to the environment of the cable, that not even an approximate term of years has yet been authoritatively fixed.
Severe remittents (pernicious or bilious remittents) approximate to the type of yellow fever, which is conventionally limited to epidemic outbreaks in western longitudes and on the west coast of Africa.
The glass, now in its approximate form, is placed in a heated chamber where it is allowed to cool very gradually - the minimum time of cooling from a dull red heat being six days, while for " fine annealing " a much longer period is required (see above).
The distances separating the individual orbits in each group seem to approximate to a certain order of progression, expressed in Bode's law (see Bode).
In the existing members of the group the cheek-teeth approximate to the bunodont type, although showing signs of being degenerate modifications of the selenodont modification.
The conditions which approximate most closely to our present, perfect, future and imperative are marked either by aspiration of the initial or by one of the five prefix consonants according to the rules of euphony, and the whole looks like a former system thrown into confusion and disorder by phonetic decay.
It is divided in a general way into eastern and western Karen-ni; the former consisting of one state, Gantarawadi, with an approximate area of 2500 sq.
Baffin Land is a barren insular tract, included in Franklin district, Canada, with an approximate area of 236,000 sq.
These figures are admittedly approximate, and Meyer, who is generally accurate, gives the area of Borneo at 289,860 sq.
Statistical inquiries as to the incidence of taxation or of particular taxes, though ideal or even approximate equality of a palpable arithmetical kind is practically unattainable by governments, are not altogether to be put aside.
The most conspicuous and perhaps the most universal type in all these regions, below an approximate elevation of moo() ft., is the palm, whose varieties and uses are incredibly numerous.
Division.-In the same way, in performing approximate division, we can at a certain stage begin to abbreviate the divisor, taking off one figure (but with correction of the final figure of the partial product) at each stage.
Hipparchus fixed the chief data of astronomy - the lengths of the tropical and sidereal years, of the various months, and of the synodic periods of the five planets; determined the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the moon's path, the place of the sun's apogee, the eccentricity of his orbit, and the moon's horizontal parallax; all with approximate accuracy.
Dark shading around Sandey indicates approximate lakebed extent of the scoria cone.
The number of sunspots observed at any one time varies with an approximate 11 year period, called the Sunspot cycle.
Telluric standard star The flux standard stars may be use for approximate removal of telluric lines.
There are several " tempo markings " which specify approximate speeds.
What are the approximate titres of viruses A and B?
A synergy exists between two co-founders with similar visions but different talents-a synergy that you can't approximate on your own.
Sold At-This section will give the types of stores that usually handle this product, the dates that this product was stocked and/or sold, and the approximate amount of the product.
The following is an example of approximate international adoption costs.
The Hamadan you purchase should have a certificate of authenticity to verify where it originated, the materials used, and the approximate age of the rug.
Typically, laptops are 12-15 inches in length with approximate weights of four to five pounds.
Here is a chart that gives the approximate comparison between kitten age and baby age.
The percentages in this calculation are approximate.
Unlike child support payments, there isn't a specific formula or alimony payment calculator you can enter information into to produce an approximate amount. allows site visitors to type in the name, approximate age, city and state of the person they would like to find records for.
When previewing old photographs, it's usually not difficult to determine an approximate decade of the picture based on what type of clothes are being worn, hairstyles, and the makeup applied to the faces.
The following is a list of common cooking pots, their uses, and approximate size.
If the year is not known, an approximate year may work.
Depending on the approximate circumference of each cake tier, slice one or more circles inside of the tier, then divide the outer ring(s) and the inner circle into slices that are about equal in size.
Using the leftover cake pieces, cut approximate shapes for hands and feet.
Some shops will have shirts that approximate the look, but there is no point in buying a rock shirt for a kid that is anything less than authentic.
Most importantly, will the sitter provide a written contract stipulating the exact services to be rendered, the approximate schedule, and the fee(s) being charged?
If so, you can count forward 63 days and this will give you her approximate due date.
Another variation of this method is to use cardboard boxes sized the approximate length and width of your doggie litter box.
The vet can determine the approximate age of your pet and which shots are required.
Once you have determined the location and approximate size of your fireplace, it's time to start shopping.
There are a number of ways to do this, but the easiest approach is to take the approximate square footage of your room and apply it to the following table to find a fan that will supply enough airflow.
The approximate drying time for Cetol SRD is between six to eight hours.
While this may not directly answer the question of how many Wiis have been sold, the shipping number should be an approximate estimation and it should be reasonably accurate.
Calories are approximate for a 5 ounce glass.
You may not need an appraiser if you are only interested in the approximate value of the book and don't need a professional evaluation for insurance or estate purposes.
The price of old singer sewing machines can be challenging to figure out, but with a little research and reconnaissance work you should be able to determine an approximate value.
If the cell phone does not have true GPS, it may be able to use aGPS -- a form of cell phone tower triangulation -- to approximate the location.
Platelets can be observed in a direct blood smear for approximate quantity and shape.
In the approximate 60 individuals they studied, the average IQ was 68 (70 is the lower limit of the normal range).
The milestones of language development, including the onset of babbling and a child's first words and sentences, normally occur within approximate age ranges.
Individuals with mental retardation who function at or below an approximate cognitive level of 18 months may also be exempt from this diagnosis.
Approximate roasting time for a 12 pound turkey is 4 hours, with an additional 15 minutes per pound after that.
You can search by ship, passenger's name, gender and approximate birth date.
Federal Census records will list the age of the individual, which you can calculate an approximate year of birth.
By subtracting the age from the census year you can arrive at an approximate date of birth.
You can approximate the year of birth with this method.
Submit a request for with the names, approximate date and place of marriage.
At minimum, you should know your ancestor's name, place of death, and approximate date of death.
At minimum, you'll need to know your ancestor's name and approximate date of death.
In 1950, only an approximate seven percent of American women were using hair dye regularly.
The median rent was approximately $580, but for homes without a mortgage the approximate housing cost was just $360.
Keeping in contact with the borrower may stretch the procedures out a little longer to give borrowers the chance to catch up and stop the foreclosure process, but most foreclosures follow this approximate timeline.
Additionally, you may compare refinance mortgage loans, use the mortgage calculator to determine your approximate payments, and read a variety of information on mortgages.
The LMP method calculated with Naegele's Rule determines the approximate gestational age of the baby.
During the physical examination, an obstetrician determines an approximate date of conception using your history and a blood test of hormone levels.
If your goal is to get pregnant, the best thing you can do is to find out the length of your menstrual cycle so that you have an approximate idea of when you are fertile.
Some might find the style comedic, while others note the approximate $500.00 US price tag with utter despair.
The following table gives an approximate size comparison, but it should be mentioned that sizing still varies from one manufacturer to the next just as it does in other parts of the world.
Men's shorts cost approximate $155.00, whereas boys' styles sell for about $90.00.
The following is a list of Marie Osmond Dolls with approximate prices.
See George Foreman Grill Cooking Times for approximate lengths.
It is the one-pound version of the bars and is the more economical choice for true Scentsy fans, selling for approximate 20 US dollars.
Be as specific as possible since you'll need to know the approximate value of the item.
When you announce that you are a Virgo or a Libra, you are telling what your sun sign is and announcing the approximate time of the year that you were born.
While gem dealers will typically have a variety of shapes available, knowing the desired shape and approximate carat size of the stone minimizes the time and effort of searching through inappropriate choices.
There are lots of ways, however, that you can learn more about the approximate size of your engagement ring.
Google AdWords also has a keyword tool that indicates approximate prices for keywords of interest.
With an approximate price of 600 US dollars, this bag is definitely at the top of mid-level designer costs, but a Furla handbag like the Farrah is the perfect way to dress up your favorite shopping outing.
The standard food package has an approximate retail value of $65 and sells for $30.
Click on your performance level for several activities, along with an approximate number (on a 1-10 scale) of how much time you spend training to improve various aspects of your athletic ability, such as strength, agility, and recovery.
While that is not perfect, it is an excellent way to get an approximate date for a Hampden pocket watch.
Approximate cost of IYTA teacher training is nearly $6,000 at press time of February, 2010.
You will need to know the weight of your package, its approximate size, your zip code, and the zip code of the recipient.
Your goal is to try to work out within the numbers, but the numbers are approximate.
This product is worn all day long and gives an approximate amount of total calories burned during the whole day.
The Fitbit sells for approximate 100 US dollars which may be costly for some, but considering what this device is capable of, the pricing seems fairly reasonable for an item that boasts a 97.4 percent accuracy rate.
For example, a 20-year-old would have an approximate maximum heart rate of 200 beats per minute and a target zone of 100 to 150 beats per minute.
To get a free quote, you'll need to estimate the approximate worth of your belongings.
Styling details such as an attached hood with adjustable drawstring, two slash pockets, and a fully zippered front add a lively touch to this functional garment, which is approximate 48 inches long.
Transactions take place in pound sterling but the site will show approximate dollar conversions.
It should be noted that the figures for area and population are, as a rule, only estimates, but in most instances they probably approximate closely to accuracy.
The main body of his works belongs, so far as can be ascertained from the scanty evidence which we have, to the latter half of his life; 206 B.C. is the approximate date of the Miles gloriosus; cf.
Him succeeded, not only in showing that such a difference exists, but in measuring it, and hence determining a tolerably approximate value of the mechanical equivalent of heat.
Owing to the high price of gutta-percha the tendency, of recent years, has been to approximate more closely to the theoretical dimensions, x xvl.
If on each occasion he himself made the observations his voyage must have extended over six years; but it is not impossible that he ascertained the approximate length of the longest day in some cases by questioning the natives.
Trade is carried on almost entirely with the United Kingdom; the approximate annual value of exports is £120,000, and of imports a little more than half that sum.
The first is a ventral flexure in the antero-posterior or sagittal plane; the result of this is to approximate the two ends of the alimentary canal.
He applied himself more particularly to the oxygen compounds, and determined with a fair degree of accuracy the ratio of carbon to oxygen in carbon dioxide, but his values for the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water, and of phosphorus to oxygen in phosphoric acid, are only approximate; he introduced no new methods either for the estimation or separation of the metals.
An approximate normal sulphuric acid is prepared from 30 ccs.
Thus if s be known, an approximate value of W is determinate.
Identity, or approximate identity, of crystal form is not in itself sufficient to establish true isomorphism.
The question as to the total number of slaves at Rome or in Italy is a very difficult one, and it is not, perhaps, possible to arrive with any degree of certainty at an approximate estimate.
His doctrine was rooted in the old Iranian - or Aryan - folk-religion, of which we can only form an approximate representation by comparison with the religion of the Veda.
The geography of the island is still very imperfectly known, and all figures are approximate only.
With regard to a great many rivers we know only the position of their mouths and their approximate lengths estimated by natives in terms of a day's march.
The composition of the several species of mica is given by the following formulae, some of which are only approximate.
The distribution of magnetism and the position of the poles in magnets of other shapes, such as cylindrical or rectangular bars, cannot be specified by any general statement, though approximate determinations may be obtained experimentally in individual cases.'
These four stars, in the order a, 13, 7, rc, form an approximate rectangle.
With approximate certainty may be ascribed also to Tamas and Balint the original of the still extant transcript, by George Nemeti, of the Four Gospels, the Jciszay or Munich Codex (finished at Tatros in Moldavia in 1466).
The advantage of approximate bisection lies in the superior brilliancy of the surviving spectra; but in any case the compound grating may be considered to be perfect in the longer interval, and the definition is as good as if the bisection were accurate.
This area, however, was subject to the settlement of the Colombia boundary line, and the measurement is only approximate.
In 1905, 53,750 planters cultivated 39,439 acres, and the total crop amounted to 61,614,900 lb, of the approximate value of £2,000,000.
The types show late Greek and perhaps also late Punic influence, but approximate later to Roman models.
But it is evident that he must have written his work De Eruditione Filiorum Regalium (where he styles himself as "Vincentius Belvacensis, de ordine praedicatorum, qualiscumque lector in monasterio de Regali Monte") after this date and yet before January 1260, the approximate date of his Tractatus Consolatorius.
Indeed, approximate accuracy is not attained until we are within sixteen hundred years of our own era; but the sequence of events of a period preceding this by two thousand years is well established, and the recent discoveries of Professor Petrie carry back the record to a period which cannot well be less than five thousand, perhaps not less than six thousand years B.C. Both from Egypt and Mesopotamia, then, the records of the archaeologist have brought us evidence of the existence of a highly developed civilization for a period exceeding by hundreds, perhaps by thousands, of years the term which had hitherto been considered the full period of man's existence.
The great increase in the size of the pillars in the best modern collieries worked upon this principle has, however, done much to approximate the two systems to an equality in other respects.
Efforts have been almost unceasingly made since 1872 by statistical experts in periodical conference to bring about a general understanding, first, as to the subjects which may be considered most likely to be ascertained with approximate accuracy at a census, and secondly - a point of scarcely less importance - as to the form in which the results of the inquiry should be compiled in order to render comparison possible between the facts recorded in the different areas.
A collection of formulae relating to the circle, for instance, would comprise not only geometrical and trigonometrical formulae, but also approximate formulae, such as Huygens's rule (§ 91), which are the result of advanced analysis.
For this reason, formulae which will only give approximate results are usually classed together as rules, whether the inaccuracy lies (as in the case of Huygens's rule) in the formula itself, or (as in the case of Simpson's rule) in its application to the data.
It is necessary, in applying formulae to specific cases, not only, on the one hand, to remember that the measurements are only approximate, but also, on the other hand, to give to any ratio such as 7r a value which is at least more accurate than the measurements.
If A denotes the true area of the original trapezette, and B the aggregate area of the substituted figures, we have A B, where 41-denotes approximate equality.
To find the moments with regard to the central ordinate, we must use this approximate value, and transform by means of the formulae given in § 32.
They are not so convenient as the formulae of § 76, but they serve to indicate the degree of accuracy of the approximate formulae.
Certain approximate formulae for the length of an arc of a circle are obtained by methods similar to those of §§ 71 and 79.
Discussions of the approximate calculation of definite integrals will be found in works on the infinitesimal calculus; see e.g.
For a few approximate geometrical solutions, see Leybourn's Math.
The premolar is very small, thus showing an approximation to the Myoidea, although in other respects Petromys appears to approximate to the Hystricidae.
Arms and ArmourFrom the contents of graves and other remains, and the sculptured and painted scenes, an approximate idea can be obtained of the weapons of the Egyptians at all periods from the prehistoric age onwards.
Nor would it be a strained inference from much that he said, to believe that he hoped and expected that in the " crisis " he foresaw, when democracy should have caused the ruin of the country, a new government might be formed that should approximate to his own ideals.'
They often bear only approximate relation to the size of population served or the type of train service provided.
They approximate that 870 million songs are available through peer to peer file sharing networks.
Formal parties often have caterers and other hired assistance, and those vendors may require an approximate headcount well in advance, whereas a casual party may just need an extra bag of chips to accommodate additional guests.
With an approximate date—or at least a year—and a first name, the chore would be infinitely easier than scouring decades for a nameless individual.
Their approximate form was only arrived at by excavations made during the later years of the 19th century.
The deficiency on the working for the year ended 31st March 1907 was £54,924, and the approximate number of messages transmitted during the year was 96,783 with 1,126,940 words.
The study of the evolution of faunas and the comparison of the faunas of distant regions have furnished a trustworthy instrument of pre-historic geographical research, which enables earlier geographical relations of land and sea to be traced out, and the approximate period, or at least the chronological order of the larger changes, to be estimated.
The approximate revenue for 1906 was £65,000, and the expenditure about £60,000, but some of the revenue was still collected in paper of uncertain value.
The value of is variable, but is between 7 and 8, and for approximate calculations may be taken equal to unity.
He wished the institutions of the present to approximate more closely to those of the past, and devised for the new French constitution a body of reforms which reflected the opinions he had formed upon the democracy at Rome and in ancient France.
The results may be seen in the approximate estimates below of cotton grown more or less directly under the auspices of the association.
The second method possesses greater advantages, for rings of approximate stability come in one group, and, consequently, their derivatives may be expected to exhibit considerable analogies.
Advantage can be taken of this, when n is large, to make approximate calculations, by omitting terms that are negligible.
In this case there is approximate periodicity in the half interval, but complete periodicity only after the whole interval.
You'll need an approximate head count of attendees, though it can likely be revised closer to the party date.
He also determined a roughly approximate value for the mechanical equivalent of heat from the results of these experiments.
The following approximate figures are taken from the American Jewish Year-Book for1909-1910and are based on similar estimates in the English Jewish Year-Book, the Jewish Encyclopedia, Nossig's Jiidische Statistik and the Reports of the Alliance Israelite Universelle.
There are no figures from which even an approximate idea can be gained as to the value of the internal trade of Siberia, but it is certainly considerable.
There are extensions of the binomial theorem, by means of which approximate calculations can be made of fractions, surds, and powers of fractions and of surds; the main difference being that the number of terms which can be taken into account is unlimited, so that, although we may approach nearer and nearer to the true value, we never attain it exactly.
Laurent tells us that the present government having found it absolutely impossible to arrive at even an approximate estimate of this " occult debt," recourse was had, in order to fix it, to the creditors themselves, and a short act of parliament was passed declaring all debts prescribed which should not be claimed by a fixed date.
Even in the higher flowering plants, in which the processes of the absorption of substances from the environment has been most fully studied, there is a stage in their life in which the nutritive processes approximate very closely to those of the group last mentioned.
Among the contents of this book we simply mention a trigonometrical chapter, in which the words sinus versus arcus occur, the approximate extraction of cube roots shown more at large than in the Liber abaci, and a very curious problem, which nobody would search for in a geometrical work, viz.
His ancestors had been members of the community of the Bohemian Brethren, and had secretly maintained their Protestant belief throughout the period of religious persecution, eventually giving their adherence to the Augsburg confession as approximate to their original faith.
But not to speak of the intrinsic quality of histories of this kind (which may possibly even be of use to someone for something) the histories of culture, to which all general histories tend more and more to approximate, are significant from the fact that after seriously and minutely examining various religious, philosophic, and political doctrines as causes of events, as soon as they have to describe an actual historic event such as the campaign of 1812 for instance, they involuntarily describe it as resulting from an exercise of power--and say plainly that that was the result of Napoleon's will.
Standard solutions are prepared by weighing out the exact amount of the pure substance and dissolving it in water, or by forming a solution of approximate normality, determining its exact strength by gravimetric or other means, and then correcting it for any divergence.