Approvals Sentence Examples
It is also important to remember that when buying undeveloped land, if you intend to build a home there, you must make sure that there are building permits and approvals to build or that you can get them.
Position reviews zoning approvals and performs inspections for property maintenance, zoning compliance and nuisance abatement.
Further approvals will still be required, principally concerning the environmental impact, the tailings dam and detailed design.
Before all the usuall spiel, these are approvals for house purchase only.
The takeover bid is still in the approvals process.
At this point, the client is usually out of the process except for occasional approvals of changes in the plan.
It is illegal to work without the necessary approvals.
They have the ability to get approvals for individuals in different circumstances.
There is only one application to fill out and approvals are almost instantaneous.
To find out what's just been approved, visit the Generic Drug Approvals page.
AdvertisementOnce the sculpt is complete and been approved, and this would involve any additional approvals if it's a licensed character, the ornament is produced in volume and shipped to stores.