Appropriate Sentence Examples
I didn't think it appropriate to tell you who I was.
He couldn't have chosen a more appropriate song.
If I want to sunbathe, I should buy appropriate clothing.
I wasn't sure what would be appropriate attire for the restaurant.
The search for appropriate luggage was tedious.
I've passed out a list of the appropriate states.
He couldn't think of an appropriate comeback and found himself staring down at her drink.
I will talk to him/her at the appropriate time.
Fred made appropriate notes, then asked, "Who was in the room when the knife disappeared?"
Great Britain followed suit, but under a political arrangement between the powers no single power was to appropriate the islands.
AdvertisementWell, it may be appropriate the publisher chose a rainbow of mostly grays to incase the effort.
The conversation drifted to clothing—Cynthia's search for an appropriate wedding dress for the mother of the groom, and Jennifer's west coast dress shop.
To ensure realism, the decoys utilize appropriate paintwork to define important features thereby improving the overall fidelity.
I'll try to locate an appropriate doctor if you wish.
The table below is designed to give guidance on what level of training is appropriate for staff involved in various jobs.
AdvertisementApologies where appropriate, I think I went off a little half-cocked.
In many vibrating systems this does not hold, and then Fourier's theorem is no longer an appropriate resolution.
Rather than permit the government to appropriate the money from the Bank he supplied two million from his own pocket for the arrears of the imperial troops after Waterloo.
Women graduates and women members of the academic staff wear the appropriate headgear whenever the hood is worn.
It seemed appropriate, however, to say yes.
AdvertisementWritten like a dictionary, each word is arranged alphabetically with all the appropriate parts of speech included under a single headword.
The appropriate symbol was at first indifferently a pile of bricks or two male children, always Cancer.
When Clerk Maxwell pointed out the way to the common origin of optical and electrical phenomena, these equations naturally came to repose on an electric basis, the connexion having been first definitely exhibited by FitzGerald in 1878; and according as the independent variable was one or other of the vectors which represent electric force, magnetic force or electric polarity, they took the form appropriate to one or other of the elastic theories above mentioned.
Sickly animals should be at once isolated, and their cages and enclosures disinfected, whilst as a matter of routine the enclosure in which any animal has died should be cleansed, and according to the results of post-mortem examination, which should be made in every case, appropriate measures of disinfection employed.
In any region of velocity where it is possible to represent p with sufficient accuracy by an empirical formula composed of a single power of v, say v m, the integration can be effected which replaces the summation in (to), (16), and (24); and from an analysis of the Krupp experiments Colonel Zabudski found the most appropriate index m in a region of velocity as given in the following table, and the corresponding value of gp, denoted by f (v)or v m lk or its equivalent Cr, where r is the retardation.
AdvertisementAny town upon application, and by contracting to appropriate annually a certain fixed sum for its maintenance, may receive state aid for establishing a library, and in 1904 libraries had been established by this means in 146 towns.
Thus adapted from the first to individual requirements, this religion also showed itself able to appropriate from time to time foreign elements.
It is appropriate to issue certain caveats here.
My Department decided that it was appropriate to determine the application by way of a notice of opinion to approve.
There is also a woeful lack of appropriate condiment.
The choice of a simple building form, which has echoes of the standard nissen hut, makes an appropriate and admirable space.
You must then find and change the appropriate configuration parameter to permit instant power on.
If on-call pharmacist use increases, we will assess the stock levels and increase them if appropriate.
It was concluded that the specialist oncology pharmacist was an appropriate person to take over the review of these patients in a follow-up clinic.
Humans now appropriate 40 per cent of the planet's organic matter produced by photosynthesis.
More appropriate sightings for the time of year included a redwing at the Bill and 4 Red-throated Divers passing through offshore.
In no case did he make an appropriate NHS referral.
To develop referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral of severe cases to specialist services.
This can also mean making an appropriate rejoinder, asking a supplementary question, or simply looking interested while remaining mainly silent.
We do not consider it appropriate to broaden the remit of the GAAC.
Notes 1. This form should be accompanied by a remittance for the appropriate fee.
The bankrupt must pay for these himself and no arrangements should be made until the appropriate remittance has been received.
The management committee shall appoint and fix the remuneration of all such other staff as may in their opinion be appropriate.
After a long delay to gain planning permission and the appropriate licenses, the Ace finally reopened fully in 2001.
Being gases these are difficult to control and often require the use of appropriate respirators and ventilation of the area where the spillage occurred.
These may readily be seen after appropriate staining.
But where it is appropriate, the disturbance sent out into the air contains the same harmonic series as the source.
But if a tuning-fork of appropriate frequency be set vibrating with its stalk in contact with the holder of the pipe from which the jet issues, the jet appears to go over in one continuous thread.
The annual reports, of which he was the chief author, became controversial pamphlets; he published bold replies to criticisms upon the work of the Commission; he explained its purposes to newspaper correspondents; when Congress refused to appropriate the amount which he believed essential for the work, he made the necessary economies by abandoning examinations of candidates for the Civil Service in those districts whose representatives in Congress had voted to reduce the appropriation, thus very shrewdly bringing their adverse vote into disfavour among their own constituents; and during the six years of his commissionership more than twenty thousand positions for government employes were taken out of the realm of merely political appointment and added to the classified service to be obtained and retained for merit only.
Though it is perhaps needlessly long, the thread of the story is never lost amid a crowd of details; every incident is made subordinate to the general idea, appears in its appropriate place, and contributes its share to the perfection of the whole.
The Russians then poured into eastern Poland; the Prussians, at the beginning of 1793, alarmed lest Catherine should appropriate the whole Republic, occupied Great Poland; and a diminutive, debased and helpless assembly met at Grodno in order, in the midst of a Russian army corps,"to come to an amicable understanding" with the partitioning powers.
In spite of the formal differences of these four assemblies and the real distinction springing from the fact that patricians were not members of the plebeian bodies, the view which is appropriate to the developed Roman constitution is that the people expressed its will equally through all, although the mode of expression varied with the channel.
By some British writers the Tringinae have been indicated as " Stints," a term cognate with Stunt and wholly inapplicable to many of them, while American writers have restricted to them the name of " Sandpiper," and call the Totaninae, to which that name is especially appropriate, " Willets."
The transition from the strongly folded structure of the Alleghany ridges and valleys to the nearly horizontal structure of the Appala; chian plateau is promptly made; and with the change of structure comes an appropriate change of form.
In virtue of these physical characteristics, the air over the land becomes much warmer in summer and much colder in winter than the air over the oceans in corresponding latitudes; hence the seasonal changes of temperature in the central United States are strong; the high temperatures appropriate to the torrid zone advance northward to middle latitudes in summer, and the low temperatures appropriate to the Arctic regions descend almost to middle latitudes in winter.
The English Denomination Of Leap Year Would Have Been More Appropriate If That Year Had Differed From Common Years In Defect, And Contained Only 364 Days.
President Hayes endeavoured in vain to induce Congress to appropriate money for a Civil Service Commission; and whenever he made an effort to restrict the operation of the traditional "spoils system," he met the strenuous opposition of a majority of the most powerful politicians of his party.
He was able by appropriate experiments to demonstrate that when an albino is derived (extracted) from a coloured ancestry, and is then crossed with a coloured individual, both the colour of the pigmented parent and of the pigmented ancestry of the albino may appear among the individuals of the offspring.
Aldo selected Venice as the most appropriate station for his labours.
In some cases it has even been possible to recover the original arrangement of the garden beds, and to replant them accordingly, thus giving an appropriate framework to the statues, &c. with which the gardens were decorated, and which have been found in situ.
The mannerism, which has been attributed to an imitation of Jean Paul, appeared to Carlyle himself to be derived rather from the phrases current in his father's house, and in any case gave an appropriate dialect for the expression of his peculiar idiosyncrasy.
Its first act was to appropriate $1,000,000 for the construction and improvement of roads.
Clearly, clinical aromatherapy should not be carried out without appropriate training.
Could you suggest an appropriate avenue for his interests?
In a given situation, what are the appropriate security countermeasures?
We have appropriate security measures in place to protect this information.
We will produce an ria based on an appropriate simplified approach.
How well did she/he understand and contribute appropriate solutions to our needs?
You will also be taught appropriate skills to help in an emergency.
Their ' knowledge ' is merely verbal, and Sprigge suggests that real knowledge would involve actively participating in the appropriate emotions.
Productive science, or art, is an intellectual habit of true reasoning from appropriate principles, acquired from experiences, and applied to the production of the work which is the end of the art.
Spectrum analysis thus passed quickly out of the stage in which its main purpose was " analysis " and became our most delicate and powerful method of investigating molecular properties; the old name being no longer appropriate, we now speak of the science of " Spectroscopy."
But, on the other hand, no one pretends to have found the rigorous expression for the law, and the appropriate approximation may take quite different forms when constants which are large in one case are small in the other.
It would therefore seem to be more appropriate to replace 1 - K- 1 by (2 - I)1112, where j s is the refractive index; but this expression involves the wave propagation for periods coinciding with free periods of the molecules.
But as we ascend in an atmosphere the pressure diminishes; hence the pressure of the vapour in the chamber is less the higher we go, and thus eventually we reach a state of equilibrium where the column of vapour is in equilibrium at the appropriate level both with solvent and solution.
The conditions requisite for the growth, development and reproduction of plants are, in general terms, exposure, at the proper time, to suitable amounts of light, heat and moisture, and a due supply of appropriate food.
A considerable portion of the north wall is usually covered in front with the glazed structures called forcing-houses, and to these the houses for ornamental plants are sometimes attached; but a more appropriate site for the latter is the flower garden, when that forms a separate department.
After they have ripened in connexion with the parent bulb, the offsets are taken off, stored in appropriate places, and at the proper season planted out in nursery beds.
When the Heroult furnace is used for completing the purification of molten steel begun in the Bessemer or open-hearth process, and this is its most appropriate use, the process carried out in it may be divided into two stages, first dephosphorization, and second deoxidation and desulphurization.
If Sanballat the Horonite was really a native of the Moabite Horonaim, he finds an appropriate place by the side of Tobiah the Ammonite and Gashmu the Arabian among the strenuous opponents of Nehemiah.
This policy he continued during the early days of the now consolidated Republic, and gave it the appropriate name of "opportunism."
France voluntarily declared that she sought in Mexico only to satisfy injuries done her and not to overthrow or establish local government or to appropriate territory.
As men reach the full development of their nature, and appropriate the perfection of the Saviour, the separation between
Carpenter and others pointed out, however, that the phenomena obviously depended upon the expectation of the sitters, and could be stopped altogether by appropriate suggestion.
By believers the table was made to serve as a means of communicating with the spirits; the alphabet would be slowly called over and the table would tilt at the appropriate letter, thus spelling out words and sentences.
What the attitude of the New People should be to it, whether it was all bad, or whether there were good things in it which Christians should appropriate, was a vital question that always confronted them.
Sheppey is for the most part treeless but very fertile, bearing much grain and fruit; its name, meaning the "island of sheep," is still appropriate, as great flocks are bred.
The register by which a great portion of the land was a fief of the Mamelukes was left unchanged, and it is said that a proposal made by the sultans vizier to appropriate these estates was punished with death.
And this, as Philo recognized, is a division appropriate to the sense of the precepts; for antiquity did not look on piety towards parents as a mere precept of probity, part of one's duty towards one's neighbour.
It has a palace standing in extensive grounds, a gymnasium, a normal seminary, a library, a synagogue, and three churches, one of which has the appropriate inscription, Religionis non structurae exemplum.
At the close of the jubilee, the special doorway is again built up with appropriate solemnities.
When the cells of the morula stage of an embryo are shaken asunder, each, instead of forming the appropriate part of a single organism, may form a complete new organism.
Segregated inheritance may have produced the appropriate combinations which were latent in the capacities of the race, and the exigencies of the environment protected them in the suitable localities.
The adherents of the new view of life found pleasure in putting into appropriate verse the feelings of enthusiasm and of ecstasy which the reforming doctrines inspired.
Our knowledge of it to-day is entirely derived from a comparison of the two later evangelists who embodied large portions of it, working it in and out of the general scheiie which they derived from St Mark, according as each of them thought most appropriate.
When the idea, itself indefinite, gets no further than a struggle and endeavour for its appropriate expression, we have the symbolic, which is the Oriental, form of art, which seeks to compensate its imperfect expression by colossal and enigmatic structures.
John of Damascus has sometimes been called the "Father of Scholasticism," and the "Lombard of the Greeks," but these epithets are appropriate only in a limited sense.
At first he expressed himself in the phrases common to scholastic theology, when these were found to be inadequate in words borrowed from the mystical writers of the 14th and 15th centuries, and then in new phrases more appropriate to the circle of fresh thoughts.
It is believed that from the nature of the cell in which she is ovipositing, the queen derives a reflex impulse to lay the appropriate egg - fertilized in the queen or worker cell, unfertilized in the drone cell, as previously mentioned.
He had been obliged to resign the deanery of St Patrick's in 1567, and twenty years later he quarrelled violently with Sir John Perrot, the lord deputy, over the proposal to appropriate the revenues of the cathedral to the foundation of a university.
That the state should appropriate to itself a direct share in the produce of the soil is a fundamental maxim of Indian finance that has been recognized throughout the East from time immemorial.
They provided (inter alia) for a non-official majority in all of the provincial councils, but not in that of the governor-general; for an elaborate system of election of members by organized constituencies; for nomination where direct election is not appropriate; and for the separate representation of Mahommedans and other special interests.
Livy's practice is exactly opposite to that of Cicero, since he has a marked preference for the S forms, "thereby exemplifying Cicero's saying that long syllables are more appropriate to history than to oratory.'
Davy on his side seems to have felt that the French chemist was competing with him, not altogether fairly, in trying to appropriate the honour of discovering the character of the substance and of its compound, hydriodic acid.
The "principate," to give the new form of government its most appropriate name, was a compromise thoroughly characteristic of the combination of tenacity of purpose with cautious respect for forms and conventions which distinguished its author.
Viticulture And Wine-Making General Considerations.-Although the wine is cultivated in practically every part of the world possessing an appropriate climate and soil, from California in the West to Persia in the East, and from Germany in the North to the Cape of Good Hope and some of the South American republics in the South, yet, as is the case also with the cereal crops and many fruits and vegetables, the wines produced in countries possessing temperate climates are-when the vintage is successful-finer than those made in hot or semi-tropical regions.
C. Chaptal, consists in neutralizing excessive acid by means of powdered marble, and bringing up the sugar to normal proportions by adding appropriate amounts of this substance in a solid form.
They are prepared by adding water to the concentrated saccharine matter and subsequently pitching with wine yeast at an appropriate temperature.
The officers were called to meet at Newburgh, and it was the avowed purpose of the leaders of the movement to march the army westward, appropriate vacant public lands as part compensation for arrears of pay, leave Congress to negotiate for peace without an army, and "mock at their calamity and laugh when their fear cometh."
Local debt on the other hand can only be contracted under the sanction of the appropriate administrative organ of the state.
John Canton (1718-1772) made the important contribution to knowledge that electricity of either sign could be produced on nearly any body by friction with appropriate substances, and that a rod of glass roughened on one half was excited negatively in the rough part and positively in the smooth part by friction with the same rubber.
In considering the evidence it is a delicate task to avoid confusing its meaning for its age with that which has appeared the only natural or appropriate one to subsequent interpreters (whether Jewish or Christian) who have been necessarily influenced by their environment and by contemporary thought.
One thing is certain, namely, that savages stand on virtually one footing with the civilized as regards the type of explanation appropriate to their beliefs and practices.
The award of the angel-judges at the Bridge of Assembly, soon after death, despatched the individual to his appropriate lot in the homes of Good or Evil Thought, Word 1 Cf.
It is true that most terrestrial animals are restricted to countries not possessing a great range of temperature or very diversified climates, but there is reason to believe that this is due to quite a different set of causes, such as the presence of enemies or deficiency of appropriate food.
Jute, indeed, is much more woody in texture than either flax or hemp, a circumstance which may be easily demonstrated by its behaviour under appropriate reagents; and to that fact is due the change in colour and character it undergoes on exposure to the air.
The war organization of the home establishment, with its general and special reserves, aimed at the mobilization and despatch overseas of 6 army divisions, each of 12 battalions in 3 brigades; 9 field batteries in 3 brigades, a brigade of 3 field howitzer batteries, and a heavy battery, each with the appropriate ammunition columns; 2 field companies and telegraph company R.E.; 2 companies mounted infantry; and ambulances, columns and parks.
The most important is the chromatic difference of aberration of the axis point, which is still present to disturb the image, after par-axial rays of different colours are united by an appropriate combination of glasses.
At first the president of the local church (bishop) or the leader of the choir chose a particular psalm as he thought appropriate.
Where nervous exhaustion is less marked and the Weir Mitchell treatment is not appropriate - for example, in men who are simply overworked or broken down by anxiety or sorrow - a sea voyage is often a satisfactory form of "rest" cure.
It is to be observed that neither at common law nor under the act of 1679 was the writ the appropriate remedy in the case of a person convicted either on indictment or summarily.
The appropriate writ for such cases was that known as de homine replegiando.
Their wealth and their representative character made them a most appropriate instrument for the enforcement of irregular taxation.
The name, which is related to the German burg, is appropriate to the situation on a lofty isolated hill in a broad fertile valley, less than 15 m.
Besides assisting British subjects who are tried for offences in the local courts, and ascertaining the humanity of their treatment after sentence, he has to consider whether home or foreign law is more appropriate to the case, having regard to the convenience of witnesses and the time required for decision; and, where local courts have wrongfully interfered, he puts the home government in motion through the consul-general or ambassador.
The more recent researches of Molisch have shown that the luminosity of ordinary butcher's meat under appropriate conditions is quite a common occurrence.
It had been the usual practice of previous paymasters to appropriate to themselves the interest of all money lying in their hands by way of advance, and also to accept a commission of Z% on all foreign subsidies.
It was in the recess in the back wall of this hall that the famous Peacock Throne used to stand, "so called from its having the figures of two peacocks standing behind it, their tails being expanded and the whole so inlaid with sapphires, rubies, emeralds, pearls and other precious stones of appropriate colours as to represent life."
The general taste having been considerably refined since, Rabelais has in parts become nearly unreadable - the worst and most appropriate punishment for his faults.
Ores containing gold or silver are almost invariably assayed in the dry way; that is, by fusion with appropriate fluxes and ultimate separation of the elements in the metallic form.
The presence of the phenanthrene nucleus and the chain system CH 3 N C C follows from the fact that these alkaloids, by appropriate treatment, yield a substituted phenanthrene and also dimethylaminoethanol (CH3)2N CH2 CH20H.
Afterwards, when the use of seals became common, and when they were as often toys as signets, fanciful legends or mottoes appropriate to the devices naturally came into vogue.
A few words may be said regarding the different kinds of types or devices appropriate to particular classes or groups of medieval seals; and, although these remarks have special reference to English seals, it may be noted that there is a common affinity between the several classes of seals of all countries of western Europe, and that what is said of the seal-devices of one country may be applied in general terms to those of the rest.
But the passage is much more appropriate to Simon of Gitta.
It is administered by the bishop with an appropriate ritual.
In it the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Deus in Adjutorium, &c., are followed by five psalms and five antiphons, after which come the "little chapter," the hymn and the verse, which vary according to the season, the Magnificat and its antiphon, and the appropriate collect.
For, if the members of a natural kind had no common idea to unite them, scientific research, having nothing objective in view, could at best afford a Aoyos or definition of the appropriate particulars; and, as the discrimination of the One and the Good implied the progression of particulars towards perfection, such a Xbyos or definition could have only a temporary value.
They are carried across the disk by the sun's rotation, partaking in the equatorial acceleration; they also show marked displacements of their own, whether with, or relative to, the neighbouring photosphere does not appear; at the beginning of their life they usually outrun the average daily rotation appropriate to their latitude.
When we speak of the sun's radiation as a whole, it is assumed that it is of the character of the radiations from an ideal radiator at an appropriate temperature.
In Pompee (for La Mort de Pompee, though the more appropriate, was not the original title) the splendid declamation of Cornelie is the chief thing to be remarked.
The latter are always set in a row of twelve or more, and are one after another charged once or twice a day at appropriate intervals, so that a regular evolution of gas takes place all the day round.
They have there no appropriate colour, but ever appear of the colour of the light cast upon them, but yet with this difference, that they are most brisk and vivid in the light of their own day-light colour.
A common method is to reverse the digits in one of the numbers; but this is only appropriate to the old-fashioned method of writing down products from the right.
It had desired (I) to follow up the reform of English corLord fife!- porations by a corresponding reform of Irish munibournes cipalities; (2) to convert the tithes, payable to the dlffl Irish Church, into a rent charge, and to appropriate cullies.
How far this name was appropriate in the past need not be considered here; at present the regions called Turkestan not only contain races which do not belong to the Turk family, but it excludes races which do, e.g.
Mushketov under the appropriate name of Turanian basin - the Kara-tau Mountains, between the Chu and the Syr-darya rivers, being considered as the dividing line between the two.
The least a city in that situation can claim as its appropriate sphere of influence is the vast domain extending from the Adriatic to the Persian Gulf, and from the Danube to the eastern Mediterranean.
So I took thought, and invented what I conceived to be the appropriate title of ' agnostic.'
Since this book describes the way in which an elaborate census of Israel was taken on two separate occasions, the first at Sinai at the beginning of the desert wanderings and the second just before their close on the plains of Moab, the title is quite appropriate.
The name given to it in modern Hebrew Bibles from its fourth word Bemidhbar (" In the desert") is at least equally appropriate.
Lamarck's penetrating genius is chiefly responsible for the shrinkage of the word Insecta, since it was he who, forty years after Linnaeus's death, set up and named the two great classes Crustacea and Arachnida (included by Linnaeus under Insecta as the order " Aptera "), assigning to them equal rank with the remaining Insecta of Linnaeus, for which he proposed the very appropriate class-name " Hexapoda."
Lamarck, however, appears not to have insisted on this name Hexapoda, and so the class of Pterygote Hexapods came to retain the group-name Insecta, which is, historically or etymologically, no more appropriate to them than it is to the classes Crustacea and Arachnida.
His virtues are not arranged on any clear philosophic plan; the list shows no serious attempt to consider human life exhaustively, and exhibit the standard of excellence appropriate to its different departments or aspects.
At first they are little more than mere inventories of sins, with their appropriate ecclesiastical punishments; gradually cases of conscience come to be discussed and decided, and the basis is laid for that system of casuistry which reached its full development in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Jandol, one of the northern valleys of Bajour, has ceased to be of political importance since the failure of its chief, Umra Khan, to appropriate to himself Bajour, Dir, and a great part of the Kunar valley.
The king voluntarily abandoned lay investiture and the claim to homage during the pontificate of Paschal II., but continued to interfere with elections, to appropriate the revenues of vacant benefices, and to exact an oath of fealty before admitting the elect to the enjoyment of his temporalities.
Frazer, the human representatives or animal representatives, in the rites, of the spirit of vegetation; of the corn spirit; of the changing seasons, winter or summer, have been developed into many forms of gods, with appropriate myths, explanatory of the magic, and of the sacrifice of the chief performer.
The original volumes have each an engraving of Anion and the Dolphin, and the appropriate inscription in usum serenissimi Delphini.
In 58 they attempted unsuccessfully to appropriate certain districts between the Rhine and the Yssel, and in 70 they took part in the campaign of Claudius Civilis.
His connexion with Birmingham University was indeed peculiarly appropriate to his character as a man of business; but in spite of his representing a departure among men of the front rank in politics from the "Eton and Oxford" type, his general culture sometimes surprised those who did not know him.
Not, as was at first thought by some, specially the Israelites, but all those tribes of land-hungry nomads (" Hebrews ") who were attracted by the wealth and luxury of the settled regions, and sought to appropriate it for themselves.
The spherical aberrations, however, can be overcome, or at least so diminished that they are quite harmless, by forming appropriate combinations of lenses.
The size of these details in the image depends only on the magnification of the objective, M and can by appropriate choice of the focal length of the objective be brought to the right value.
The cuticularized epidermis, especially, is often thus preserved, and may be removed by the use of appropriate reagents and examined microscopically.
Carruthers, however, in 1872 established its Algal nature, and gave it the more appropriate name of Nematophycus.
If Howie was successful and a tip was in order, Martha would call me and after Betsy would find the most appropriate authority to call, I'd convey the tip.
Someone had been using his computer; he returned the mouse and computer screen to their appropriate angles before seating himself.
Fitzgerald's entry was a flat trailer, pulled by a Jeep, bedecked with appropriate flags and bunting while a tiny speaker blared America the Beautiful.
The conversation drifted to clothing—Cynthia's search for an appropriate wedding dress for the mother of the groom, and Jennifer's west coast dress shop.
It was Dean's idea to telephone Jake Weller to intercede in breaking the news in the appropriate places that at least half the search was now unnecessary.
All the spaceships, computers, and weapons within the Five Galaxies were made from ore from Anshan mines-- even the swords, the only weapons sanctioned by the Planetary Council as fair and appropriate for man-to-man combat.
They shared a respect for the high-country conditions, prudent advice at any time, but even more appropriate on these winding roads, unprotected by guardrails, and bordered by sheer drop-offs that caused sweaty palms and racing heartbeats for many a first time driver.
She wore a tee shirt with no bra, perhaps in some vague attempt to emulate Penny, but with only a fraction of the appropriate equipment.
He grabbed her wrist, about to give her a lecture on appropriate behavior, but instead said, "Screw it" and locked eyes with her.
The party for the departing employee, if you could call it that, had been a quick affair—a pat on the back, a few appropriate words and a token going away present.
These deliver pragmatic, appropriate, transparent actions leading directly to positive impacts.
Even the most fluent speakers and writers would probably confess to an occasional uncertainty as to the most appropriate preposition.
Theproduct offering is not only attractive but age appropriate.
Caveat emptor, or buyer beware, has never been more appropriate than in the housing market.
To this end, the nearest appropriate approved abattoir is to be used.
Appropriate drug choices need to be made based upon the particular lipid abnormality to be treated.
We take appropriate measures to safeguard databases against unauthorized access.
The draft annual accounts show sufficient revenue to allow necessary maintenance whilst retaining an appropriate reserve fund.
For once his hammy acting is entirely appropriate, and I loved his brave possum character.
This article reports a case of endobronchial actinomycosis which failed to respond to appropriate antibiotic therapy.
In your case the appropriate addressee of communications from the auditor to those charged with governance is the Audit Committee.
In cases of aldosterone-producing adenoma, surgery in the second trimester is the most appropriate option to avoid a poor obstetric outcome.
The appropriate standards must be rigorously adhered to in achieving the highest quality.
The failure to appoint a curator ad litem in appropriate circumstances could amount to a breach of both Convention rights.
Futures are an incredibly risky investment vehicle that are appropriate for only the smallest percentage of highly advanced investors.
In such circumstances, reactors with a large surface area and surface aerators are more appropriate, and lagoon systems are preferred.
When fixed amounts of this dilution series are mixed with an appropriate agar and incubated, then different numbers of colonies will be obtained.
Thus the ' landscape ' can be simplified by only including the ' closest ' most appropriate metadata aggregation matching the user's definition.
However, some hydrocolloids now contain an alginate, for example Comfeel Plus, making these more appropriate for small donor sites.
For simple organic molecules, including alkanes, alkenes and cycloalkanes, construct appropriate isomeric forms, given a molecular formula 11.
Furthermore, appropriate therapy, Eg allopurinol should theoretically prevent the development of chronic erosive arthritis.
Doctors are also entitled to charge a mileage allowance, where appropriate.
Images are supplied with descriptive alt attributes where appropriate.
Despite the benefits of pre-emptive analgesia, it is not always appropriate to use it.
I want to appropriate this terminology in order to identify two general tendencies within contemporary anarchism.
The figure below shows the condenser annulus (left) and the phase plate (right) from a more appropriate angle.
And even apparently apolitical absurdity is on some level an appropriate response to mass panic.
The powers will curb freedom of speech where free speech is entirely appropriate.
Foundation Modules In order for a project to be considered appropriate it must relate to School of Computing advanced modules.
Then they took receipt, if you like, of the money involved and used that money as they thought appropriate.
Also, they fit best during the mambo sections of the tune, but they may be danced whenever the dancers feel appropriate.
I had incorrectly assumed that because the same security was on the new system that it was the most appropriate.
Compliance audits and EDP audits are included in financial and value-for-money audits as appropriate.
Your awning manufacturer will then advise on the nearest size of awning manufacturer will then advise on the nearest size of awning appropriate for your measurement.
We treat injured badgers, where appropriate in our holding pens.
We would not want to see any artificial barriers placed in the way of appropriate recognition of new units of assessment.
Pay some tax cars may decide two-ton behemoths and to undertake appropriate.
Bes regions, a technical topic appropriate to current issues of the day will be presented.
Shape and lens size appropriate for all lens options, including bifocals.
Obtain (or make up) a potting mix which you consider appropriate for growing bonsai in.
Tho the exercises were appropriate to the injury I had sustained, they were quite frankly boring.
We are leaving it open for schools to interpret the brief in the way that is most appropriate for them.
A challenge that is, perhaps, more appropriate for the successful businessperson.
Sketch the circuit free hand using busses wherever appropriate.
Course content is appropriate for ascent capture end users as well as Solution Providers, integrators and consultants who are certified in Ascent Capture.
In addition appropriate data were already available on a number of genotoxic carcinogens in some of these animal models.
Large amounts of debt are more appropriate for mature companies with stable cash flows which will not require much capital for growth.
It may also be appropriate to lodge a caution against the property with the Land Registry.
Antibiotic rationale A third-generation cephalosporin has the required spectrum of activity against the majority of likely pathogens and is an appropriate initial choice.
Michael, Brian is 13 so maybe a bit of Xmas cheer would've been more appropriate, rather than a mocking reply.
Interactions with other medication together with the individuals ' medical history should be taken into account when deciding on appropriate malaria chemoprophylaxis.
Staff Set-up places selected instruments automatically adding appropriate clef, transposition and instrument name.
The research should where appropriate have been approved by an ethics committee.
In order for the channel to respond to the appropriate ligand they have specific regulatory domains attached to the ion conduction pathway.
Heart surgery for dogs will only be appropriate for the relatively small number of dogs that have very specific, usually congenital heart problems.
Thou shalt also in the same operations duly repeat the appropriate conjurations, with all the solemnities marked in the respective Chapters.
XtSetValues then calls the constraint set_values procedures so that the parent can recompute derived constraint set_values procedures so that the parent can recompute derived constraint fields and move or resize the child as appropriate.
It is appropriate to narrowly construe a provision which sets the limits of criminal liability.
In these conditions it seems appropriate to activate intact visual cortex of blind or partial sight patients to rehabilitate vision.
The aim should always be to ensure that the implemented countermeasures are appropriate to the risks.
These problems are rendered all the more intractable simply because insufficient knowledge is available on which to base appropriate countermeasures.
It is a matter for the trustees to judge whether the person they select to advise them is suitable or possesses the appropriate credentials.
You should ensure that the offence(s) charged is the most appropriate to reflect the criminality of the defendant.
Other development programs need to integrate into health issues (preventive and basic curative) with appropriate back-up support from the medical program.
In people without an HLA-identical sibling but with an alternative donor, this type of transplant was rated appropriate in those with unfavorable cytogenetics.
The spooling daemon uses the appropriate filters to print the data accordingly.
Appropriate traffic calming measures should involve the use of vertical deflections in the form of speed humps, cushions or raised junctions.
Factors to be considered when selecting an appropriate scanner include optical resolution, optical density, bit depth and scanning time.
Briefly, target molecules will be used on bone marrow stem cells in tissue culture to induce specific appropriate differentiation.
How appropriate then, to study nationalism in a city so imbued with history and a sense of identity.
Similar advice is appropriate for travelers by bus or train who spend many hours immobile in cramped conditions.
Examples of bail conditions imposed by courts A court can imposed by courts A court can impose any condition that seems appropriate in the circumstances of the particular case.
Their position in the text should be clearly indicated in the margin at the appropriate point; sources should be listed.
Chemical waste disposal comes within environmental protection legislation so appropriate steps must be taken to render waste innocuous before disposal.
These facilities ensure appropriate assessment for all emergency inpatients.
The curriculum says children should be taught to use clear diction and appropriate intonation.
Appropriate antibiotic therapy, often intravenous at first, is the mainstay of treatment and pain relief is also important.
The first joist is fixed appropriate distance away from the wall edge then spacing timbers at 400mm centers.
Both obstacles had now been removed and this was considered an appropriate juncture to revisit the issue.
But sensitivity testing can be invaluable in guiding the choice of a more appropriate antibiotic where bacterial keratitis is progressive.
IllegalArgumentException - value is not appropriate for the specified key.
Before changing the entries, you might have to run GAP once first to create the appropriate registry keys.
I tried to make them look good, pairing each fluffy kitten with an appropriate puppy.
Create unique, exciting toys lakeshore preschool toys and props to help children learn in appropriate ways.
I had them all laughing when I sang my own rendition of the Gilligan's Island theme, substituting names when appropriate.
I think you should try sending it out to magazines with the appropriate ideological leanings.
These tables allow ready comparison of the differences between rats fed diets containing foreign lectin and the appropriate controls.
Measurements either not made to an appropriate level of accuracy or presented in a haphazard form.
In any kind of writing you should have a sense of appropriate register or special lexis.
You will be provided appropriate links to download the plug-ins required by your browser or your computer.
Nevertheless, given the confluence between technology and management, the two organizations are working to strengthen linkages in appropriate areas.
Diagnosis of the cause of raised plasma lipid levels will enable appropriate decisions to be taken with regard to management.
Essentially biological liposuction works because it is possible to trick the immune defenses into thinking that the fat cells are appropriate targets for elimination.
Would it be appropriate to keep several llamas under such circumstances?
Please consult local Parish Councils on what route is appropriate, as well as Oswestry communities and north Shropshire.
Once the property claimed under section 307 has been sold, post monies to LOLA ledger and note Lois if appropriate (CA08/CA15 ).
I could have opened up BBEdit or something similar and constructed the appropriate find and replace there, but that seemed annoyingly long-winded.
Do seek the advice of the local Consultant in Communicable Disease Control on appropriate insecticidal lotions.
If a slit-lamp is not available, examination is possible using a magnifying loupe and appropriate light source.
To assume an identity is to don the mantle appropriate to the account to be offered.
Fleetwood Museum S RM 3. Encourage local entomologists to search for wall mason bee in appropriate season.
I suggest an adaptation of Henry Ford's famous courtroom maxim is appropriate - The future is bunk.
The Act, therefore gives the Lord Chancellor power to make the use of electronic means for conveyancing compulsory, subject to appropriate consultation.
Consequently, as Nikon focuses more on the digital camera business, the company must adopt appropriate measures to ensure its continued success.
How appropriate are the current funding mechanisms for the support of international research in farm animal genomics?
In appropriate and safe circumstances, victim-offender mediation has powerful healing effects for both parties.
Imipramine helps with anxiety and depression and is used when stimulant medication fails to get a response or it not appropriate to be given.
Surgery to repair or remove the torn meniscus may be appropriate for some people.
Settings The resolution of the underlying triangular mesh can be controlled using the appropriate slider to the right of the view.
Researchers are encouraged to report cases of suspected misconduct and to do so in a responsible and appropriate manner.
For example, chaotic pregnant misusers may benefit from inpatient assessment, stabilization and detoxification where appropriate.
The display, measuring 7.5 mm across, is to be used in viewfinders, with appropriate lens magnification.
Isn't it appropriate for the name of the re-assembled monopoly to be re-cristened ATT?
Dianna agreed that focusing on the regulatory morass and public acceptability was appropriate.
His personal motto is, " appropriate technology for the appropriate job.
The local authority works out the Business Rates bill by multiplying the rateable value of the property by the appropriate multiplier.
Always try to select the appropriate newsgroup for your article.
It's a great shame nobody mentioned X-Press 2's gloriously appropriate house anthem, Give It.
The nominee shareholding relationship would usually be confirmed by appropriate declarations or pre-configured share transfer documents from the nominee shareholding relationship would usually be confirmed by appropriate declarations or pre-configured share transfer documents from the nominee toward the actual clients.
Each qualification contains a number of units from the appropriate National Occupational Standard.
Often, an ms nurse will contact the midwife to ensure appropriate pregnancy care plans are in place.
The Council was not only entitled, but also obligated, to take appropriate measures.
The veins can be made more prominent by using appropriate means of venous occlusion.
Notices are intended for low level, usually first time offending and will not be appropriate for those who repeatedly offend.
To disseminate among Members and others, information on all matters affecting dispensing optics, and publish written material as appropriate.
Reports on academic matters mainly originate from the appropriate Faculty Boards.
In Scotland a full kilt outfit is also appropriate for formal occasions.
It may be appropriate to shock so long as the lighting does n't overplay itself.
Diseases caused by external parasites should be controlled by appropriate parasiticides.
More successful was the hunt for an appropriate postcard from which to make the pastel that is seen behind Jeremy in the picture.
Skill is needed to achieve the appropriate balance to avoid creating an unacceptable pastiche.
To develop referral pathways to ensure more appropriate referral of severe cases to specialist services.
Opinions have been expressed that it might be appropriate for the Forum to have an honorary patron.
This year a change in the ICR procedures has enabled me to recommend consolatory payments in appropriate circumstances.
For longer stays, you should apply to the appropriate office for a residence permit.
The level is appropriate for students with an understanding of some elementary physics.
All around me people were decorating away with a vengeance, so I applied myself to painting a face and some appropriate Chinese pictographs.
Give preference where appropriate to those species of tree which deer prefer to browse or fray, such as Norway spruce and Lodgepole pine.
Ensure suitable precautions are in place where appropriate, e.g. in restricted areas such as near slurry pits or where sick animals are isolated.
Occasionally, if an appropriate product is not available, it may be necessary to use RhD positive platelets.
The idea of a small ' cabinet ' or elected provost taking decisions and excluding most councilors is not appropriate.
Every student is also a member of one of the colleges and the college provosts and other staff will provide support where appropriate.
All schools should have monitoring procedures to ensure that gifted and talented pupils continue to make appropriate progress.
Where the control of Japanese Knotweed is not feasible in situ the present lack of appropriate facilities will make disposal extremely restrictive to developers.
Major trophy winners retain the appropriate trophy for one year and also receive a commemorative plaque to retain permanently.
An appropriate place sensual and promiscuous coverage for a. Working poor roe worth ensuring that.
The new roundhouse required the appropriate planning consents and visits from the Building Officer and Fire Officer at the various stages of its construction.
Suspect ours is quite rudimentary compared to yours - finding some appropriate Read codes has been an issue.
A small number of vestments are always laid out in the main sacristy in the appropriate liturgical color of the day.
A breach of privacy would surely be justified under such circumstances as long as there are appropriate procedural safeguards.
A good salesperson should be able to offer you several appropriate choices of lighting.
Click here for an appropriate salutation to Rodney 1080 District - Click for list of 1080 Club sites District 1030 Darlington.
Countries that fail to exercise appropriate self-restraint should be restrained by the world community.
The farmer decides which traits are most desirable for his or her farming purposes and buys in the appropriate bull's semen.
Where appropriate, he relates classical semiotics thinking to the highly mediated, postmodern world of mass communication.
However, the decision on tender acceptance must be taken by an Officer of appropriate seniority, not otherwise involved in the tender process.
The most appropriate home list will usually be a seminar series of some kind.
In appropriate circumstances it can be used to protect victims of serious sexual harassment.
These sophisticated online tools offer great value to intending purchasers seeking to choose an appropriate shortlist of suppliers.
In addition, any failure to display appropriate signage could result in a fine of up to £ 1,000.
We represent the King of kings and Lord of lords and must declare His message with utter sincerity and appropriate authority.
They defined ska as a driving, assertive and truly home grown music appropriate for the newly independent island.
Unfit foods were stained in accordance with the appropriate sterilization and staining regulations, prior to leaving the slaughterhouse.
This is an outdoor activity so wear appropriate clothing, be warned it gets very smoky!