Approaches Sentence Examples
The total length, with approaches, is 5,630 ft.
But I soon found that I was cut off from all the usual approaches to the child's heart.
Everybody gets a little nervous as the wedding date approaches.
On the lath of December, when the Swedish approaches had come within 280 paces of the fortress of Fredriksten, which the Swedes were closely besieging, Charles looked over the parapet of the foremost trench, and was shot through the head by a bullet from the fortress.
Projected perpendicularly against a plane boundary, the motion is determined by an equal opposite vortex ring, the optical image; the vortex ring spreads out and moves more slowly as it approaches the wall; at the same time the molecular rotation, inversely as the cross-section of the vortex, is seen to increase.
Then it again rises gradually as it approaches the hilly tracts which enclose the great plain.
At two points the Russian boundary nearly approaches that of provinces which are directly under British suzerainty.
The plant grows freely in good garden soil, preferring a deep welldrained loam, and is all the better for a top-dressing of manure as it approaches the flowering stage.
It is to be regretted that Bacon did not complete this portion of his work, in which for the first time he approaches modern conceptions of change.
The afternoon minimum at Kew gradually deepens as midsummer approaches.
AdvertisementThe decrease is most marked as saturation approaches.
The sudden withdrawal of the drug from a morphine habitué is followed by a train of alarming symptoms. As the time approaches for the usual dose there is marked restlessness, followed by excitement and later by chills, pallor, sinking, nausea, with perhaps vomiting and diarrhoea.
Its weight varies from 48 to about 55lb the cubic foot, but in very hard slowly-grown trunks sometimes approaches 60 lb.
The Bergamo sheep is the largest breed in the country; that of Cadore and Belluno approaches it in size.
The various approaches to the citadel on the northern side - the rock-cut flight of steps north-east of the Erechtheum, the stairs leading to the well Clepsydra, and the intermediate passage supposed to have furnished access to the Persians - are all to be attributed to the primitive epoch.
AdvertisementAt his appearing all nature rejoices (Yasht, 13, 93); he enters into conflict with the demons and rids the earth of their presence (Yasht, 17,19); Satan approaches him as tempter to make him renounce his faith (Vendidad, 19, 6).
For general purposes nothing approaches the Black Hamburgh (including Frankenthal) in merit.
Its general type approaches more closely to the African than to that of southern Asia.
The approaches of the Anglican Church through the Church Missionary Society in the first part of the 19th century were politely repelled.
The sea is connected with the Arctic Ocean northward by Bering Strait, at the narrowest part of which East Cape (Deshnev) in Asia approaches within about 56 m.
AdvertisementThe extreme depth of the strait approaches 50 fathoms, and it contains two small islands known as the Diomede Islands.
Here the maritime range approaches the ocean, leaving a narrower strip of coast, but the fertile valleys are closer and more numerous.
Its approaches are strongly Victoria.
After May it retires from the low-lying regions and gradually ascends to higher altitudes as midsummer approaches.
The fountain Pirene, "behind the temple," still exists, but so much earth has accumulated about it that one now approaches it by going down a ladder.
AdvertisementDuring the nine or ten years which had elapsed since the conclusion of this remarkable treaty the Dacian prince had immensely strengthened the approaches to his kingdom from the Roman side.
The general scheme of ocean currents depends on the prevailing winds taken in conjunction with the configuration of the coast and its submarine approaches.
It approaches the text of Phaedrus so closely that it was probably made directly from it.
For the better accommodation of the increasing commerce of the port of Boston, the commonwealth bought a considerable frontage upon the harbour lines and constructed a dock capable of receiving the largest vessels, and has supplemented the work of the United States government in deepening the approaches to the wharves.
It is allied to the European species of shad and pilchard, and, like the latter, approaches the coast in immense shoals, which are found throughout the year in some part of the littoral waters between Maine and Florida, the northern shoals retiring into deeper water or to more southern latitudes with the approach of cold weather.
The Aztecs settled there because of the security afforded by its islands and shallow waters - their city, Tenochtitlan, being so completely surrounded by water that a handful of warriors could easily defend its approaches against a greatly superior force.
This approaches most nearly to the wild stock, from which it is distinguished by the non-jointed axis and somewhat shorter awns.
In consequence its price in London nearly approaches that paid for manila.
V i brat i ons thus excited are termed forced vibrations, and their amplitude is greater the more nearly the period of the applied force approaches that of the system when vibrating freely.
The siege approaches were first directed against theTemple Waterworks group, which was stormed on the 19th and 10th of September.
Pan-Lung was connected with the Japanese lines by covered ways, approaches were begun towards several of the eastern forts, and on the 10th of September 180-Metre Hill was stormed, though the crest was untenable under the fire from 203-Metre Hill.
The total length of the bridge is 940 ft., and that of the approaches 1260 ft.
To fill the gap in the approaches when the bridge is rolled forward a frame carrying that part of the road is moved into place sideways.
This view has been proved to be erroneous, and we know now that this fish lives throughout the year in the vicinity of our shores, but at a greater depth, and at a greater distance from the coast, than at the time when it approaches land for the purpose of spawning.
So far as Nestorius himself is concerned, however, it is certain that he never formulated any such doctrine;2 nor does any recorded utterance of his, however casual, come so near the heresy called by his name as Cyril's deliberately framed third anathema (that regarding the "physical union" of the two hypostases or natures) approaches Eutychianism.
The wild camel approaches the north outliers of the Astin-tagh, but rarely, if ever, ventures to enter their fastnesses.
Having received all its important tributaries, the Dnieper is here a broad (400 to 580 yds.) and navigable stream; but as it approaches the town it divides into two arms and forms a low grassy island of considerable extent called Tukhanov.
After this failure Tresckow once more resorted to the regular method of siege approaches, and on the 2nd of February the second parallel was thrown up. La Justice was now bombarded by two new batteries near Perouse, the Perches were of course subjected to an "artillery attack," and henceforward the besiegers fired 1500 shells a day into the works of the French.
The right wing of the position was covered by the Antietam as it approaches the Potomac, the upper course of that stream formed no part of the battlefield.
This place guarded the approaches to Wilmington, North Carolina.
Though undoubtedly sparing his Swedes unduly, to the just displeasure of the allies, Charles John, as commander-in-chief of the northern army, successfully defended the approaches to Berlin against Oudinot in August and against Ney in September; but after Leipzig he went his own way, determined at all hazards to cripple Denmark and secure Norway.
The Murrumbidgee is here spanned by a steel viaduct, the approaches of which are formed by heavy embankments.
The presence of a heart in this genus helps to make it a link between the Podoplea and Gymnoplea, though in various other respects it approaches the next family.
Every early religion seeks to realize such an intercourse with the object of worship as shall be two-sided; when the worshipper approaches the deity he desires to have an answer assuring him of acceptance and divine aid.
Fortification was well understood, as may still be seen in the remains of walled and escarped strongholds on hills and in steep ravines, while lagoon-cities like Mexico had the water approaches defended by fleets of boats and the causeways protected by towers and ditches; even after the town was entered, the pyramid-temples with their surrounding walls were forts capable of stubborn resistance.
The third zone loses its arid character as it approaches the coast, and is better clothed with vegetation.
They are industrious and abstemious in their lives, and when living up to the standard of their faith they present one of the nearest approaches to the realization of the Christian ideal which have ever been attained.
In most details the nearer a hunting man approaches to a steeple-chase jockey the better; but in the matter of the seat it must be remembered that a jockey's exertions last but a few minutes, while none can tell when the hunting man may finish his day's work; the jockey can therefore ride with more absolute grip during his race than the rider to hounds.
As might be expected under these conditions, it ranges from fine sand to silt which approaches clay in texture.
The main ridge approaches the western sea, and is continued from the lofty knot of mountains on the frontiers of Samnium, nearly due south to within a few miles of the Gulf of Policastro, and thenceforward is separated from the sea by only a narrow interval till it enters the district of the Bruttii.
The position approaches to paradox and is not likely to be generally accepted.
In the highly specialized mastoid region of the skull, the North American Oligocene Protoptychus approaches to Dipopodomys, while the contemporary Gymnoptychus and Entoptychus likewise appear referable to the Geomyidae.
As the larva approaches maturity these vessels become gorged with a clear viscous fluid, which, upon being exposed to the air immediately hardens to a solid mass.
The most complete hydrogen spectrum is that measured by Evershed 8 in the flash spectrum observed during a total solar eclipse, and contains thirty-one lines, all of which agree with considerable accuracy with the formula, if the frequency number n is calculated correctly by reducing the wave-length to vacuo.9 It is a characteristic of Balmer's formula that the frequency approaches a definite limit as s is increased, and it was soon discovered that in several other spectra besides hydrogen, series of lines could be found, which gradually come nearer and nearer to each other as they become fainter, and approach a definite limit.
But, for a generation or so, it has been denied that this can be inferred simply from the fact that the epistle approaches all Christian truth through Old Testament forms. This, it is said, was the common method of proof, since the Jewish scriptures were the Word of God to all Christians alike.
The approaches to Cossack, North Australia; Cape St Francis, Labrador; the coasts of Madagascar and Iceland, are remarkable for such disturbance of the compass.
The acceleration of a falling body is naturally attributed to the presence of the earth; and, though the body approaches the earth in the course of its fall, it is easily recognized that the conditions under which it moves are only very slightly affected by this approach.
Augmented by the Abakan on the left and the Tuba on the right, it traverses the mining region of Minusinsk, approaches within 6 m.
At the limit of dilution, when the concentration of a solution approaches zero, we have seen that thermodynamical theory, verified by experiment, shows that the osmotic pressure has the same value as the gas pressure of the same number of molecules in the same space.
He approached parties as a statesman approaches them, as facts which have to be dealt with, and governed, not suppressed in the interests of some one of their number.
The only railway approaches to the park are a branch of the Northern Pacific railway up the valley of the Yellowstone to the main gate at Gardiner, Montana, and a branch of the Oregon Short Line up the valley of the North Fork of the Snake to Yellowstone, Montana.
Pigeon dung approaches guano in its power as manure.
In short, from Ar 3 to Ar t the excess substance ferrite or cementite, in hypoand hyper-eutectoid steels respectively, progressively crystallizes out as a network or skeleton within the austenite mothermetal, which thus progressively approaches the composition of hardenite, reaching it at Ar t, and there splitting up into ferrite and cementite interstratified as pearlite.
The sea approaches are guarded by ten coast batteries besides the old citadel.
The principal of the clergy present then approaches and gives a palm to the celebrant, who then, in his turn, distributes the branches, first to the principal of the clergy, then to the deacon and subdeacon, and to the other clergy in order of rank, and lastly to the laity, all of whom receive the palms kneeling, and kiss the palm and the hand of the celebrant.
Four stone lions couchant guard the approaches to the bridge.
From profiting by robberies in which he had no share, Wild naturally came to arrange robberies himself, and he devised and controlled a huge organization, which plundered London and its approaches wholesale.
Greenland lies to the north of Fritz's curve of maximum auroral frequency, and the suggestion has been made that the zone of maximum frequency expands to the south as sun-spots increase, and contracts again as they diminish, the number of auroras at a given station increasing or diminishing as the zone of maximum frequency approaches to or recedes from it.
No siege engines are depicted, even in the time of the Empire,, and the absence of original representations after the XXth Dynasty renders it difficult to judge the advances made in the art of war during the first half of the last millennium Bc. The inscription of Pankhi, however, proves that in the 8th century approaches and towers were raised against the walls of besieged cities Priesthood.The priesthood was in a great degree hereditary, though perhaps not essentially so.
The Arab geographers considered it impregnable, and from its steep approaches and well-arranged defences it was able to offer a protracted resistance to the Mongolian conqueror Hulagu and to the armies of Timur.
There can be little doubt that in some cases the epiphytism approaches parasitism.
The contending parties, queen's men and king's men, now made approaches to each other; neither had a share in the Hamiltons' crime.
An examiner may have underestimated the time required to answer the questions which he has set; this will be obvious if with a large number of candidates (say 300 or 400) none approaches the maximum mark.
The tree is grown at Tellicherry, in Java, the West Indies, Brazil and Egypt, but the produce of none of these places approaches in quality that grown in Ceylon.
In the north-east, where the coast approaches most nearly to Sweden, is Helsingor or Elsinore.
After years of tentative approaches on Schiller's part, years in which that poet concealed even from himself his desire for a friendly understanding with Goethe, the favourable moment arrived; it was in June 1794, when Schiller was seeking collaborators for his new periodical Die Horen; and his invitation addressed to Goethe was the beginning of a friendship which continued unbroken until the younger poet's death.
Two approaches to the citadel were constructed, both passing through the wall; the openings of both are rectangular.
Its composition approaches the formula CaOC1 2, and it is regarded as a double salt of calcium chloride and hypochlorite, which by the action of water splits up into a mixture of these salts.
The Berber, on the other hand, is straightforward, honest, by no means averse to money-making, but not unscrupulous in the methods which he employs to this end, intelligent in a degree to which the ordinary Arab never approaches, and trustworthy as no Arab can be."
In some respects it approaches the dog more nearly than the cat tribe.
As midnight approaches they return to the house of the bride, and escort her, with her dowry, to the house of the bridegroom, and, having delivered her safely to her future lord and master, disperse to their respective homes.
The total number of students in the university approaches t000.
The rivers of British North Borneo to the north of the Padas are of no importance and of scant practical utility, owing to the fact that the mountain range here approaches very closely to the coast with which it runs parallel.
Moreover, the soul approaches most nearly to perfection when it is least differentiated from elemental fire; it follows that "while we live our souls are dead within us, but when we die our souls are restored to life."
The central plateau (2500 to 4500 ft.), with no navigable river and few natural approaches, with its monotonous scenery and severe climate, is a continuation of central Asia.
The Aland Islands occupy a position of the greatest strategic importance, commanding as they do both the entrance to the port of Stockholm and the approaches to the Gulf of Bothnia, through which the greater part of the trade of Sweden is carried on.
If A, B have the same sign, this is equivalent to au = cosh mO, (23) if the origin of 0 be suitably adjusted; hence r has a maximum value a, and the particle ultimately approaches the pole asymptotically by an infinite number of convolutions.
The case of 2BT=ri, exactly, is therefore a critical case; it may be shown that the instantaneous axis either coincides permanently with the axis of mean moment or approaches it asymptotically.
If the effort varies by insensible gradations, the energy exerted is the integral or limit towards which that sum approaches continually as the divisions of the path are made smaller and more numerous, and is expressed by JPds.
The more nearly the efficiency of a machine approaches to unity the better is the machine.
It is a place of some strategical importance, as it commands the approaches to India and Seistan from Herat.
The maximum number of "rainy" days (with a rainfall of more than o oi in.) rarely approaches ioo at the most unfortunate locality; for the whole state the average of perfectly "clear" days is normally above 50%, of "partly cloudy" above 30, of "cloudy" under 20, of "rainy" still less.
The manufacturing industries (wood-products, metallurgy, machinery, textiles, paper and leather) are of modern development, but the aggregate production approaches one and a half millions sterling in value.
Its colour, which is not so high as Serajgunge, begins with a cream shade and approaches red at the roots.
The approximate value of the world's oyster crop approaches f4,000,000 annually, representing over 30,000,000 bushels, or nearly Io billion oysters.
At Naini Tal north of the United Provinces it is about 90 in.; at Simla about 80 in., diminishing still further as one approaches the north-western hills.
At every stage the degree of tension requisite for existence is slackened, and the resulting element approaches more and more to " inert " matter.
At first the tension will diminish, but if the process be continued the tension will reach a minimum value and will afterwards increase to infinity as the chain between A and B approaches to the form of a straight line.
During the early centuries of the Christian era Bessarabia, being the key to one of the approaches towards the Byzantine empire, was invaded by many successive races.
The shores of the Severn estuary are low, but the Welsh coast, sharing the general character of the land, is more or less elevated throughout, though none of the higher mountain-masses directly approaches the sea.
The common-law liability to repair a bridge extends also to the road or approaches for a distance of 300 ft.
The coasts are rocky and surf-worn and the approaches are exceedingly dangerous, the land rising immediately from the coasts to steep, bold mountains.
As the main range approaches the Caspian its granite core gradually disappears, giving place to Palaeozoic schists, which spread down both the northern and the southern slopes.
On the whole, Huxley's division probably approaches more nearly than any other to such a tentative classification as may be accepted in definition of the principal varieties of mankind, regarded from a zoological point of view, though anthropologists may be disposed to erect into separate races several of his widely-differing sub-races.
The country approaches nearest to the ocean on its N.E.
No other article of import approaches cotton in importance, but a considerable trade is done in arms and ammunition, rice, sugar, flour and other foods, and a still larger trade in candles and matches (from Sweden), oil, carpets (oriental and European), hats and umbrellas.
From analyses of the leaves, bark and root, it appears that quinine is present only in small quantities in the leaves, in larger quantity in the stem bark, and increasing in proportion as it approaches the root, where quinine appears to decrease and cinchonine to increase in amount, although the root bark is generally richer in alkaloids than that of the stem.
No other Rumanian translation approaches it in style and diction, although the authors, as they own, utilized the older translations, and for the New Testament and the Psalter they utilized Sylvestre's work.
The south bank of the river is bordered by a long ridge, which becomes steeper as it approaches the sea, and upon this the Russians, under Prince Menshikov, were drawn up, to bar the Sevastopol road to the allies, who under General Lord Raglan and Marshal St Arnaud approached from the north over an open plain.
The 2000fathom line approaches close to the coast except (I) in the Bay of Bengal, which it does not enter; (2) to the south-west of India along a ridge on which are the Laccadive and Maldive Islands; and (3) in the Mozambique Channel, and on a bank north and east of Madagascar, on which are the Seychelles, Mascarene Islands and other groups.
It broadens considerably as it approaches its mouth, where it is about 1750 ft.
Its prevailing colour is grey, with a broad black band, bordered with white, commencing on the chest, and passing obliquely over the shoulder, diminishing gradually in breadth as it approaches the loins, where it ends in a point.
The Don, after curving east through the government of Ryazan, flows generally south through the governments of Tambov, Orel, Voronezh and the Don Cossacks territory, describing in the lastnamed a sweeping loop to the east, in the course of which it approaches within 48 m.
C. Baur and his school interpreted it as a manifesto of anti-Pauline Jewish Christianity; on the contrary, it closely approaches Paul's doctrine of the Atonement and his Christology.
Locke here unconsciously approaches the spiritual view of active power in the physical universe afterwards taken by Berkeley, forming the constructive principle of his philosophy.
These Thessalian passes were of the utmost importance to southern Greece, as commanding the approaches to that part of the country.
The realization of reason, or of human wills so far as rational, thus presents itself as the absolute end of duty; 1 Singularly enough, the English writer who approaches most nearly to Kant on this point is the utilitarian Godwin, in his Political Justice.
Continuing his journey towards the south, the north celestial pole sinks below the horizon; the south celestial pole rises above it; or to speak more exactly, the zenith of the observer approaches that pole.
But an unlooked-for fresh opportunity was afforded by the discovery in 1898 of the singularly circumstanced minor planet Eros, which occasionally approaches the earth more nearly than any other heavenly body except the moon.
The pitch of a steam-whistle quite obviously rises and falls as the engine to which it is attached approaches and recedes from a stationary auditor; and light pulses are modified like sound-waves by velocity in the line of sight.
Where such natural defences are wanting the village is protected by high palisades and by fighting platforms on trees commanding its approaches.
These were at once accepted; he was requested to sit on the Naval Retiring Board - a board then specially constituted for clearing the navy of unfit or disloyal officers - and a few months later was appointed to the command of the "Western Gulf Blockading Squadron," with the rank of flag-officer, and ordered to proceed forthwith, in the "Hartford," to the Gulf of Mexico, to collect such vessels as could be spared from the blockade, to proceed up the Mississippi, to reduce the defences which guarded the approaches to New Orleans, and to take and hold the city.
Each burrow has but one entrance, which is closed up when winter approaches; a second hole, however, being previously driven from the sleeping place to within a short distance of the surface of the ground.
The idea of the world as the totality of being is, like the correlative idea of God, only of regulative value; it is transcendent, as we never do more than make approaches to a knowledge of the sum of being.
One chain, the Kuku Mountains (average height 2000 ft.), approaches close to the Nile and presents, as seen from the river, several apparently isolated peaks.
Within the equatorial zone certain areas, especially on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea and in the upper Nile basin, have an intensified rainfall, but this rarely approaches that of the rainiest regions of the world.
In places the desert approaches close to the river on both banks and immense sand dunes fill the horizon.
In this feature, and in its almost universal conservation of the final vowels e, i, u (o), Castiian comes very near Italian, while it separates from it and approaches the Gallo-Roman by its modification of the consonants.
The barrier here approaches close to the mainland, and the position facilitated the co-operation of the Genoese with the Carrarese and Hungarians, but Chioggia is distant from Venice, which could only be reached along the canals across the lagoon.
Charles of Navarre, now in league with the English and master of lower Normandy and of the approaches to Paris, returned to the immediate neighbourhood of the city, and Marcel found himself driven to avowed co-operation with the dauphin's enemies, the English and the Navarrese.
In its relatively long ears and general build it approaches the African wild asses, from which it chiefly differs by the striping (which is markedly different from that of the quagga-group) and the reversal of the direction of the hairs along the spine.
Although it is in connexion with Hebrew and Christian monotheism that this belief in the devil has been most fully developed, yet there are approaches to the doctrine in other religions.
These islands increase in number as the river, without quickening its current, approaches the falls, whose nearness is indicated only by a veil of spray.
The median vein is occasionally prolonged beyond the summit of the petals in the form of a long process, as in Strophanthus hispidus, where it extends for 7 in.; or the prolonged extremity is folded downwards or inflexed, as in Umbelliferae, so that the apex approaches the base.
He believes that the cetacean approaches not only rocks, but ships, in the hope of freeing itself from its lodgers.
Arthrodendron (Lower Coal Measures) approaches Calamodendron in this respect.
The Cenomanian flora of central Europe appears to be a subtropical one, with marked approaches to the living flora of Australia.
As Siegfried approaches Worms, Kriemhild's brothers, the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher and Gernot watch his coming, and to them their faithful retainer, "the grim Hagen," explains who he is.
North of Kamarangu the wall of the valley approaches the water in a series of bluffs some 300 to 350 ft.
The Black God had failed to elicit anything other than a sneer with every one of his approaches.
Alternative approaches do exist, particularly in human health.
Resolving the VAT anomaly remains the most obvious means of promoting more sustainable approaches to the housing stock.
These approaches tackle absenteeism by seeking to reduce the number of absences.
The nearer a person approaches the Lord, a greater power will be manifested by the adversary to prevent the accomplishment of his purposes.
Certainly, this reveals a limitation of ' externality adders ' approaches.
Her areas of research interest include adolescence, physical disability, psychotherapy, and identity development, particularly using qualitative approaches.
We strive to create a caring and stimulating learning environment and use the latest teaching aides and innovative approaches to learning.
American's recent announcements provide perfect examples of both approaches.
We do this through participatory approaches that put poor people at the center of decision making.
Teachers learn more about teaching approaches in the other sectors.
Be ready, instead, to use approaches like drawing diagrams, repeating things and committing them to memory or making audiotapes.
Other features include a three-axis autopilot, yaw damper and flight director with which auto coupled approaches may be flown down to DH.
As the anniversary of VJ Day approaches, the Western ruling classes are keen to justify this barbarity.
To complement genetic approaches we are establishing a confocal based screen for small molecules that interfere with peroxisome biogenesis.
Several approaches to the control and prevention of pasture bloat have been experimented with in various parts of the world.
Transgenic approaches would be useful to deal with problems related to stem borer, leaf blight, and sensitivity to waterlogging in corn.
Dart 34470 approaches Carfax corner last Saturday shaded from the spring sunshine by the ever present tall building in Oxford.
This conference looks at the different approaches to becoming network centric, and provides a forum for discussing funding, rationalization and convergence.
New approaches to participation in planning and service development have had the impact of making this relationship less clear-cut.
A man approaches a garrison of the Foreign Legion, and asks to see the commanding officer.
Qualitative research approaches are considered as complementary to, and not in competition with, quantitative approaches.
Access and approaches The crag can be reached from several directions.
Wheelchair access is via two ramped approaches, both with dropped curbs.
These points of departure approaches mad better use of all the data to estimate the dose-response curve.
The work will provide information on the contrasting approaches to organic dairying.
Current approaches to weight control include dietary and lifestyle interventions, drug treatment, and surgery, and have varying degrees of success.
Amazing cereal links As harvest time approaches, cereal crops such as maize and wheat look very different from each other in the field.
This is unlike approaches such as discriminatively trained Gaussian mixture models or other discriminative classifiers that discriminate at the frame-level only.
Left by her own mother as a child, Mia has grown more distant from her father as she approaches adulthood.
Experience in comparing the two is relatively limited; even then, the approaches are conceptually distinct, and not necessarily substitutable.
I am equally doubtful whether these approaches can be combined with genuine decentralization.
Lately a number of researchers have suggested approaches which help to transcend such dualism.
To escape this problem, the article turns to Hegel's dialectic in order to overcome the subject/object dualism implied in economic approaches.
Control of autonomic dysfunction Many different approaches to the treatment of autonomic dysfunction have been reported.
We studied two approaches to achieve co-delivery of multiple effectors via a single transgene.
We are using a variety of different approaches to identify new markers of stem cells in human and mouse epidermis.
The site also offers a number of introductory essays on approaches to ethics.
Approaches to overcome elasticity estimate for turn people compare individual health insurance quote down.
Applications are encouraged equally from scientists using experimental, theoretical, modeling or remote sensing approaches.
This paper combines both approaches in a nonlinear model with multiple steady states due to a production externality.
Factorial screening techniques, either full factorial screening techniques, either full factorial or sparse matrix approaches, have proved successful in the crystallization of many proteins.
It's now festooned with a merry looking garland of traffic lights, with broad three or four lane approaches from all directions.
However, none of these approaches can be absolutely foolproof.
They involve working with teachers in a number of schools to see what approaches seem most fruitful in evaluating the impact of EMU.
But who will clinch the title, as the championship approaches the final furlong?
The aim of the Darlington gateway Environmental Scheme is to improve the approaches to Darlington as the western gateway to the Tees Valley.
We have employed yeast genetics along with biochemical approaches to uncover remodeling of extensive chromatin domains.
Aarts, Bas (2005) Approaches to the English gerund.
There is a very wide variety of types of involvement by local authorities, from direct provision to very hands-off approaches.
The deep green forested hillsides we pass through look for all the world like the approaches to Merthyr.
For example, one of the possible approaches is so-called enhancing our own immune response.
But if it gives an indication of the range of approaches, how can we reconcile such apparently incongruent perspectives?
It reaches the minimum in a circular object and approaches infinity in thin, complex objects.
As the list of harmful things approaches infinity, I have found something new to fear, take note of this warning.
These natural approaches can help normalize hormone levels, diminish hot flushes, and relieve the insomnia and anxiety that many women experience.
Soldiers were everywhere, guarding the approaches to Everest, one of the few parts of Nepal not yet subject to the Maoist insurgents.
It established a waste management hierarchy, which stressed the interdependence of approaches to waste disposal.
These kinds of approaches to therapy, by encouraging emotionally arousing introspection, are actually working against nature.
A yew hedge screens the approaches to the formal gardens near the house, where a north-south path is edged with pale blue iris.
These skills or approaches are not itemized or specified here since they will vary from topic to topic and period.
Season approaches legislators able to tell insurance by families.
As the Swedish midsummer approaches there is no escaping from the darkness of society.
Lighting Effects - Some random musings about various possible approaches to realtime lighting.
We are using molecular genetic approaches, in particular random mutagenesis, to analyze fungal genes involved in the disease process.
The social approach is likely to identify future needs whereas other approaches concentrate on improvement in current products.
We try to prevent disturbance from inherently noisy activities by using a number of different legal approaches.
Traditional approaches to early nonconformity have divided its history at the Toleration Act of 1689.
There are at least two approaches to analyzing omnipotence that hold out some hope of success.
Biochemical and molecular approaches are used to assay mediator release and to identify and manipulate proteins required for movement and exocytosis of secretory organelles.
She uses a variety of techniques and approaches, including cranial osteopathy, as required to suit the patient's individual needs.
Broadly, two approaches are employed to diagnose osteoporosis.
Thus without some solution to the problem of psycho-physical parallelism such interpretative approaches are incomplete.
This finding suggests novel approaches to studying disease pathogenesis.
Question 17 A. false B. false C. true D. true E. true There are 3 common approaches to blocking the brachial plexus.
The course will reflect the plurality of perspectives and approaches to the SIS subject matter.
A good fairy story As the General Election approaches opposition politicians are talking about regulatory excesses.
House with conservatory for solar ventilation preheat Simulation can be used to explore the potential for novel energy conservation approaches.
Review on the impact of genome-wide approaches in developing new prognostic and therapeutic strategies.
Secondly, cross-word pronunciation variation was modeled using two different approaches.
There are a number of different approaches, including psychoanalysis.
These large traffic flows cause delays and long, slow-moving queues along Thames Road and its approaches.
Easter approaches and for many the festival is about celebrating the rebirth of Christ.
These may come from new approaches such as the role of sigma, NMDA and acetylcholine receptors.
Novel therapeutic approaches with innovative preparative regimens are warranted for the remaining high-risk patients.
All these approaches bring to mind conflict resolution studies.
For a start, the more sophisticated approaches have developed during the age of the Bermudan rig.
A handsome rogue of a man called, say, Gary, approaches the crowded counter, burger in hand.
However, with many conventional approaches, the experience often requires a roomful of electronics and a stack of manuals to explain them.
These approaches combined show a potential way out of the current artificially created resource scarcity of spectrum.
This work is full of such iconoclastic approaches, which the author presents in a captivating, entertaining and yet scholarly manner.
Moreover the taxonomy of the related yellow sedges has been confused by the different approaches of various authors.
To develop the student's expertise in quaternary sedimentology by consideration of both theoretical and practical approaches.
Should approaches be based on encouraging greater self-awareness, or being punitive about racism?
The directors of the other films took distinctive, even showy, approaches to their subjects.
There are two relatively simple approaches to solve such equations.
He takes the tube and after a while approaches the gleaming skyscrapers of 'the city ' .
This is a guide to reading the sonnets and an overview of critical and creative approaches to them.
Both rational redesign and directed evolutionary approaches are being used in my laboratory to alter the specificity and chemistry of selected enzymes.
Here feminist approaches that rely upon a radically different ontological position in order to move beyond the mind/body split are utilized.
Some of the common approaches of computational stylistics are therefore ruled out.
The half-day symposium was entitled ' Molecular Approaches to Brain Disease ' and invited five neuroscience speakers to make presentations.
In the eighties I studied astrology and transpersonal psychology and researched into Jungian approaches to reading tarot and I Ching.
The wise interpreter allows his knowledge of genres to control how he approaches each individual biblical text.
The compelling offer that will encourage readers to contact you AVBP offers a toolbox of approaches to help customers meet the challenges sustainable development.
He approaches the deck with such care, trying to remain unseen.
Within these fundamentally different approaches, there are several encoding variants.
Trying to introduce new approaches in the beleaguered education system is about as effective as shooting a water pistol up the Niagara Falls.
Finally, the model suggests that international bankruptcy court proposals may be superior to existing contractual approaches in securing such write-downs.
Thus man approaches the beasts, and the animal kingdom is nearly joined with the vegetable, and so on down to the lowest and " most inorganical parts of matter."
In laying out the approaches and station yard of a passenger station ample width and space should be provided, with welldefined means of ingress and egress to facilitate the Passenger ci rculation of vehicles and with a long setting-down stations.
The chief approaches from Servia and Montenegro have also been strongly fortified by the Turks.
However much compressed by mechanical means it is still a porous mass, and when it is confined as in a gun the flame and hot gases from the portion first ignited permeate the remainder, generally causing it actually to detonate, or to burn so rapidly that its action approaches detonation.
A " transudate " is a liquid having a composition resembling that of blood-serum, while the term " exudate " is applied to an effused liquid whose composition approaches that of the blood-plasma in the relationship of its solid and liquid parts, besides in most cases containing numbers of colourless blood-corpuscles.
The " gatherer " approaches one of these openings, removes the shade and introduces his previously heated " pipe."
In this form the doctrine of emanation approaches certain forms of the evolution theory (see Evolution).
But he who without faith approaches the sacred table, albeit he communicate in the sacrament, yet he perceives not the matter of the sacrament, whence is life and salvation..
The sedentary population of Tibet has to a greater or less degree the same physical traits as the Dokpa, but as one approaches China, India or the border lands generally, one observes that the admixture of foreign blood has considerably modified the primitive type.
At such times he lies crouched upon his belly in a thicket until the animal approaches sufficiently near, when, with one prodigious bound, he pounces upon it.
Further, he showed that the spectrum of a dense ignited gas resembles that of an incandescent liquid or solid, and he traced a gradual change in the spectrum of an incandescent gas under increasing pressure, the sharp lines observable when it is extremely attenuated broadening out to nebulous bands as the pressure rises, till they merge in the continuous spectrum as the gas approaches a density comparable with that of the liquid state.
This was not the first time that approaches had been made to such a doctrine, and Diogenes of Apollonia in particular was led to oppose Anaxagoras, who distinguished Nous or Thought from every other agent within the cosmos which is its work by postulating as his first principle something which should be at once physical substratum and thinking being.
But in his attempt to draw still closer the realms of faith and knowledge he approaches more nearly to the mysticism of Eckhart, Paracelsus and Boehme.
Gradually, teachers will internalize these common approaches to better support their pupils ' learning.
But a day of reckoning approaches, Beetle mine.
Perhaps we have to reconsider some basic assumptions underlying all approaches to the frame problem.
With reflux disease the argument seems to be between two different approaches.
The book covers a wide spectrum of approaches from Bach flower remedies to reminiscence therapy.
It should be noted that many of these propositions resemble other more mainstream therapy approaches.
This is acutely problematic among elderly patients who are frequently unable to tolerate the rigors of more intensive treatment approaches.
To develop the student 's expertise in Quaternary sedimentology by consideration of both theoretical and practical approaches.
The bibliography from Poetics Today includes unfamiliar material on semiotics approaches to culture.
Indeed, some of these advances help to overcome current shortcomings of the new functional genomic approaches in cultured cells, worms or fish.
Pat Hudson emphasizes the similarities between quantitative and qualitative approaches and their joint value in reconstructing the past.
We 're all flat on our backs, ridden with injuries and swatting away flies as marathon day approaches?
The original research was based on a comparison between two slightly different approaches to the teaching of phonics.
A new project looking at novel approaches for controlling Thrips palmi began in September 2005.
Therefore animal approaches, especially with tractable systems, will continue to be essential in the foreseeable future.
As they pause at the base of this hill, transfixed by the beauty of the vision, a horseman approaches behind them.
As winter approaches, you should be prepared to unfreeze door locks and defrost the windows.
It is possible to achieve business results that you can measure, through proven scientific approaches to unlock people potential.
At this point, to our horror, an irritated and well-spoken woman approaches the car.
Is experimenting with several approaches to alternative emergency winterized shelters.
In the digital media business, for instance, your primary revenue models are advertising and subscriptions (though variations exist with each of these approaches).
Once they've made their choice, the agency then approaches the prospective adoptive parents with the details of the adoption.
As your due date approaches, you'll begin to receive lots of adorable baby gifts.
As the birth of your newborn approaches, make sure you have a plan in place for when you go to the hospital.
As your child approaches her second birthday, you can begin helping her learn how to brush her teeth on her own.
Doctors may use some of the following approaches in addition to observations to monitor the condition.
There are several approaches you can take when potty training stubborn girls.
Use your newborn's weight as a guide; you'll want to move up to the next size as his or her weight approaches the larger end of the spectrum.
For example, if a toddler is fascinated by a plastic candle holder with a lit candle in it, there are several approaches a caregiver can take to this potentially dangerous situation.
Finally, different publishers put out travel guides with different approaches.
As April approaches, many will be without vacancies on their appointment calendars!
For many, selecting a Christmas card is the first thing they do when the holiday approaches.
As the holidays where fireworks are traditionally used approaches, prices will skyrocket courtesy of a dramatic rise in demand and an accompanying decrease in supply.
In reference to actual dollars, people typically spend more as December 25th approaches due to last minute holiday deals, desperate shoppers willing to buy anything as a gift and last minute gift givers.
When a divorcing couple consults with a mediator, they are working with a trained professional who approaches the situation from a neutral position.
When the co-parent introduces a new activity or approaches a situation in a way you would not, accept it.
If anomalies are noted, address them immediately and openly, armed with several possible approaches to resolve them.
Whether you are new to the co-parenting game or a seasoned professional who just needs to brush up on the latest approaches and techniques, enrolling in a co-parenting workshop may help you do a better job.
There are a number of approaches you can take when you're looking for used hotel furniture.
There are many approaches that will yield results, though time frames may vary.
Planting vegetative covers, strict erosion management and implementing beneficial farming methods are just a few of the many possible approaches to soil conservation.
All of these herbal remedies represent alternative approaches to your health by promoting healing and strengthening your body.
Chinese Medicine Practitioners-These professionals use alternative approaches to healing, including acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies and practices thought to restore balance to the body.
According to the paper Natural Approaches for Flea Control from Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, these methods are the least effective in the treatment of an established infestation.
Natural Approaches for Flea Control cautions that certain essential oils, rosemary among them, have the potential to induce seizures in susceptible animals.
They approach designing the interior of your home the same way an architect approaches designing the exterior of a building, with factors like space, environment, scale, and location.
The Christmas tree is the center of most Christmas decorating adventures, and there are a lot of different approaches you can take with your tree.
A symmetrical display with a centered piece of art or a plasma television screen may work well for you - or maybe your room needs to try one of the newer approaches for fireplace decorating.
There are two approaches to this design.
If you love the few, brief moments when the last of the sun's daylight is slipping away over the horizon and the deep blue-black of night approaches, this color palette will appeal to you.
Combining both of the early approaches, a perfume is identified by the top, middle and lower notes.
They take different approaches in their ingredients and style, leaving them top ranked both here in the U.S. as well as overseas.
As graduation approaches, there are a few steps college students can take to get started on the online job search.
Soul Song offers one of the most comprehensive approaches to buying a meditation cushion.
As Christmas approaches, stress levels rise for many people.
Chances are, she will be surrounded by a group of friends when he approaches her.
If you choose your tux early then you will need to go back and get fitted once prom approaches.
Role play with a good friend or family member to help you figure out how to handle things the next time the bully approaches you.
A magnet is small and simple, yet because it can be affixed to any metallic surface - a filing cabinet, refrigerator, metal shelves, etc. - it is less likely to be lost or forgotten as the wedding date approaches.
Following the wedding planning timeline will make things easier as the big day approaches.
Remember to always confirm final quantities, as these may change as the wedding day approaches.
Many guests challenge themselves to come up with unusual wedding gifts when wedding season approaches with its flurry of registries filled with matching towels, sheets, and dinner plates.
The variety of approaches to alcoholism recovery ensures that once the decision is made to stop drinking, there is a workable method for each individual to try.
Holistic approaches to addiction and recovery are also becoming very popular.
Homeopathy, massage, meditation, and nutrition adjustments are just a few of the holistic approaches that can be incorporated into your treatment.
These approaches can be extremely effective at the start of treatment and throughout all of the other recovery phases.
These types of centers use compassionate and therapeutic approaches to treat a number of addictions using diverse techniques.
Promises Treatment Center has a beautiful location and combines evidence-based treatment with holistic approaches.
There are a number of approaches that can be used for cocaine addiction treatment.
There are still three more celebrities who will round out the cast, whose names will be announced as the premiere date approaches.
Somers has always preferred holistic approaches, and as such she refused chemotherapy for her cancer.
As the ship approaches the dock, you will have a spectacular view of New Providence Island, including the many eccentric buildings.
Electronic dog doors open when your pet, who will need to wear a special collar, approaches the door.