Appreciated Sentence Examples
If you weren't appreciated, you wouldn't have made it past the first trip.
I thought you appreciated my human perspective.
It didn't hurt, but I appreciated your gentle touch.
Yun-nan is appreciated throughout the empire.
He is so well known, so much appreciated by everyone.
The performance was appreciated by the crowd.
He appreciated, without overestimating, the value of England's insular position.
I don't mind, but I'd like to know my efforts are appreciated.
How far he was above his contemporaries, how little appreciated or understood by them, is shown by the absence of references to him in other Greek writers, and by the fact that his work had no effect in arresting the decay of mathematical science.
Except in the case of a select few, Irving's preaching awakened little interest among the congregation of Chalmers, Chalmers himself, with no partiality for its bravuras and flourishes, comparing it to "Italian music, appreciated only by connoisseurs"; but as a missionary among the poorer classes he wielded an influence that was altogether unique.
AdvertisementThe importance of sun heat to the general well-being of plant life, its influence on the production of flowers and the ripening of edible fruits, has long been appreciated in horticulture.
Charles of Lorraine thoroughly identified himself with the best interests of the country, and was the champion of its liberties, and though he had at times to make a stand against the imperialistic tendencies of the chancellor Kaunitz, he was able to rely on the steady support of the empress, who appreciated the wise and liberal policy of her brother-in-law.
Some of these results have been widely quoted, but they are far from consistent, and it may be doubted whether the difficulties of observing rapidly varying temperatures have been duly appreciated in many cases.
At all events Hobbes was satisfied with the rule of a king who had appreciated the author of Leviathan, and protected him when, after a time, protection in a very real sense became necessary.
Lysias was the first to make this adaptation really artistic. His skill can be best appreciated if we turn from the easy flow of his graceful language to the majestic emphasis of Antiphon, or to the self-revealing art of Isaeus.
AdvertisementHis work in this paper was highly appreciated by the friends of temperance, but a change in the proprietorship led to his withdrawal before the end of the year.
An appropriation of $2500 per annum was made for training ten idiot children under Dr Howe's supervision, and by degrees the value of his School for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Youths, which, starting in South Boston, was in 1890 removed to Waltham, was generally appreciated.
While the natives of India appreciated the results of Lord Hastings's achievements, the court of directors grumbled at his having extended British territory.
Being a very watchful bird, its cry of warning, when it flies off on the approach of danger, is probably appreciated by the crocodile.
The decorative value of hieroglyphic was fully appreciated in Egypt.
AdvertisementChristian Hviid Bredahl (1784-1860) produced six volumes of Dramatic Scenes' (1819-1833) which, in spite of their many brilliant qualities, were little appreciated at the time.
The Romans, however, appreciated neither his motives nor their results, and in 1452 a formidable conspiracy for the overthrow of the papal government, under the leadership of Stefano Porcaro, was discovered and crushed.
In America and elsewhere the stupendous character of the British performances and sacrifices has been inadequately appreciated because they were not made known at the time.
Following the example, as he declared, of Oliver Cromwell (for whom he showed an admiration in other respects - culminating in 1900 in the erection of a statue outside Westminster Hall, which was not appreciated either by the Irish Nationalist party or by others among his political associates), he took a pride in owning racehorses, and afterwards won the Derby three times, in 1894, 1895 and 1905.
But it could not be appreciated by readers who would not take the trouble to learn a new language.
AdvertisementLady Ashburton, a woman of singular social charm and great ability, appreciated the author, but apparently accepted the company of the author's wife rather as a necessity than as an additional charm.
The reward which many of the clansmen of the Peninsula and Waterloo received may be appreciated by those who read the introduction to Scott's Legend of Montrose.
In Palestine game has always been plentiful, and the Biblical indications that it was much sought and duly appreciated are numerous.
The magnificence of its mass is imposing from almost any point of view, but it can be most fully appreciated from its western or Pacific side, where its base is covered with forest up to the snow-line, above which its pure white cone rises another 5000 ft.
The new ware was greatly appreciated, and Wedgwood was appointed potter to the queen and afterwards to the king.
William Gascoigne was the first who practically appreciated the chief advantages of the form of telescope suggested by Kepler, viz., the visibility of the image of a distant object simultaneously with that of a small material object placed in the common focus of the two lenses.
Klingenstierna showed from purely geometrical considerations, fully appreciated by Dollond, that the results of Newton's experiments could not be brought into harmony with other universally accepted facts.
Very large sea turtles are often captured by the fishermen, and their flesh is highly appreciated as an article of food.
At that time it was the custom to call up the whole able-bodied population of the manor, with the exception of the housewives for two, three or more days of mowing and reaping on the lord's fields; to these boon-works the peasantry was asked or invited by special summons, and their value was so far appreciated that the villagers were usually treated to meals in cases where they were again and again called off from their own fields to the demesne.
But the full value of the ancient theory of these processes cannot be appreciated until we recognize that as Aristotle planned them Newton used them.
The services which Count Moltke rendered to Denmark cannot be too highly appreciated.
If any one was ever awake to the joys of living it was the minnesinger, troubadour or goliard, and the world had to wait until Rousseau and Burns before its external beauty was discovered, or at least deeply appreciated, by any but a few Dutch artists.
For purposes of mathematical treatment a force which produces a finite change of velocity in a time too short to be appreciated is regarded as infinitely great, and the time of action as infinitely short.
The differences between the several countries in their age-constitution can best be appreciated by reference to some recognized general standard.
It would be a great mistake to suppose, however, that the influence of the president was fairly appreciated during his term of office, or that he himself was uniformly respected.
He was the first representative of the British government in America who fully appreciated the value of the western territory.
Some fruits are famous and vie in excellence with any that European orchards produce; such are the peaches of Tabri2 and Meshed, the sugar melons of Kashan and Isfahan, the apRIes of Demavend, pears of Natanz, figs of KermgnshAh, &c. Ihe strawberry was brought to Persia about 1859, and is much cultivated in the gardens of Teherfln and neighborhood; the raspberry was introduced at about the same time, but is not much apprecIated.
The tumbaku for export is chiefly produced in the central districts round about Isfahan and near Kashan, while the tumbaku of Shiraz, Fessa, and Darab in Fars, considered the best in Persia, is not much appreciated abroad.
Whatever the motive, the act itself was highly appreciated by Suleiman, and became the means of cementing a recently concluded peace between the two monarchs.
The profound reflections of the apostle on the radical antithesis of law and gospel, works and faith, were not appreciated in the and century.
This patriotic act was not, however, sufficiently appreciated by either King James I.
His great work, The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Course and Constitution of Nature, cannot be adequately appreciated unless taken in connexion with the circumstances of the period at which it appeared.
Yet, while the scholars of his time admitted his pre-eminence, neither they nor those who immediately followed seem to have appreciated his real merit, but to have considered his emendatory criticism, and his skill in Greek, as constituting his claim to special greatness.
Though we know that much has perished, the four Indexes of the 16th century give some idea of the rich repertory of the popular theatre, and of the efforts necessary to destroy it; moreover, the Spanish Index of 1559, by forbidding autos of Gil Vicente and other Portuguese authors, is interesting evidence of the extent to which they were appreciated in the neighbouring country.
But though they generally had the best scholarship of England against them, they were bold, acute, well-informed men; they appreciated more fully than their contemporaries not a few truths now all but universally accepted; and they seemed therefore entitled to leave their mark on subsequent theological thought.
That the deists appreciated fully the scope of difficulties in Christian theology and the sacred books is not their most noteworthy feature; but that they made a stand, sometimes cautiously, often with outspoken fearlessness, against the presupposition that the Bible is the religion of Protestants.
Sugar refining is another industry, which, although of recent date, has had a very great development, and the breweries produce a beer which is appreciated all over the world.
But in spite of its defects the Church History is a monumental work, which need only be compared with its continuations by Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, Rufinus and others, to be appreciated at its true worth.
This kind of dialogue has been employed in English, and with conspicuous cleverness by Mr Anstey Guthrie, but it does not seem so easily appreciated by English as by French readers.
Hints, indeed, occur of his devotion to the study of music and of ancient history; and we can perceive that his character was more and more appreciated by the principal men of Lu.
Forster's pluck in speaking out like this was fully appreciated in England, but it was not till after the revelations connected with the Phoenix Park murders that the dangers he had confronted were properly realized, and it became known that several plans to murder him had only been frustrated by the merest accidents.
In Edinburgh he did not earn great local professional success; and, it must be confessed, he was not appreciated as he deserved.
The changes may be appreciated by comparing the systematic synopses at the end of this article with the classification adopted in 1877 in the 9th edition of the Ency.
That his eloquence was highly appreciated is shown by the facts that he pronounced the discourse at the consecration of Gregory of Nazianzus, and that he was chosen to deliver the funeral oration on the death of Meletius the first president of the council.
Acasta sulcata, Lamk., in the scientific study of zoology had replaced the fabulous tales of medieval writers, it was a long time before the true affinities of the barnacles were appreciated, and they were at first classed with the Mollusca, some of which they closely resemble in external appearance.
The best proof that King Henrys orderly if autocratic rgime was appreciated at its true value by his English subjects, is that when the second series of rebellions raised by his undutiful sons began In 1182, there was no stir whatever in England, though in Normandy, Brittany and Aquitaine the barons rose in full force to support the young princes, whose success would mean the triumph of particularism and the destruction of the Angevin empire.
The weakness of the Chinese empire was not appreciated at that time; the unfortunate incident on the Peiho in the previous summer had created an exaggerated impression of the strength of the Chinese arms, and some natural anxiety was felt for the success of the expedition.
It was occupied as a colony at latest by the end of the Republic, and its importance as a fortress was specially appreciated by the Goths and Lombards in the 6th and 7th centuries.
They have a habit of depositing their droppings during successive days on the same spot - a habit appreciated by the Peruvian Indians, who use those deposits for fuel.
At first it was thought that the attack would be fatal, and Lord Fitzmaurice in the House of Lords compared the incident with that of the death of Chatham, a compliment much appreciated in Germany.
The peasants had always been on friendly terms with the gentry, and the agrarian changes made by the Revolution had not been appreciated so highly as elsewhere.
Nowhere was he better appreciated, and most of his books were first issued in English.
Obradovich, or rather " Dositey " as Servians call him, was so highly appreciated as an author, savant and patriot that in 1807 Karageorge invited him to Servia and appointed him a senator and minister of public education, in which capacity he established in Belgrade the first Servian college (Velika Shkola).
The power and spirit of the analytic method will be appreciated by showing how it expresses the relations of motion as they were conceived geometrically by Newton and Kepler.
Still less can it be appreciated in all its large wisdom and sustained self-mastery if it is viewed merely as a duel between the ablest champion and the craftiest enemy of Greek freedom.
Handel was appreciated in Dublin at a time when it was still the fashion to decry him in London.
Rice of a kind not much appreciated in Persia, but much esteemed in Gilan and Russia, is largely cultivated and a quantity valued at about £120,000 was exported to Russia during 1904-1905.
The difference between the two theories is most readily appreciated by drawing the potential diagrams corresponding to the supposed locations of the E.1VI.F.
She and her husband both appreciated him, and amidst the woods of this retreat he composed several of his books.
While still a youth, he entered the service of King Sigismund, who appreciated his qualities and borrowed money from him; he accompanied that monarch to Frankfort in his quest for the imperial crown in 1410; took part in the Hussite War in 1420, and in 1437 drove the Turks from Semendria.
George Bancroft was the first to point out that there is small evidence that Hamilton ever really appreciated Washington's great qualities; but on the score of personal and Federalist indebtedness he left explicit recognition.
The extent of the principal elevated plateau is best appreciated when we consider that it maintains its general altitude in a westerly direction from Dry's Bluff (4257 feet) on the north to Cradle Mountain (5069 feet) in the north-west, a distance of nearly 50 miles; from Dry's Bluff in a south-westerly direction to Denison Range, a distance of over 60 miles; and from Dry's Bluff to Table Mountain in a southerly direction, a distance of above 43 miles.
As the delights of clear, cold weather in winter and of tobogganing (here called "luging") and skiing became appreciated, the higher hotels (such as Les Avants, Caux, Glion) were frequented at that season, as well as at other times.
While Alex appreciated beauty, his pride would hardly depend on it.
Dinner was a quiet affair, cooked by the returning Fred O'Connor—hamburgers, a tad over-broiled, but the Deans appreciated the effort as they were busy with Bird Song's other chores.
There was no doubt that she appreciated Cynthia's cooking far more than the bus stop steam lines of the last few days.
She never appreciated his strength or level of discipline, either, before this day.
Dean wasn't sure he appreciated the compliment but the pair made fast work of folding up his tent and moving the small enclosure to the new site.
There were so many things – things they didn't need, but appreciated all the same.
They appreciated the enormous effort you put into the photos of the day.
The works on display were much appreciated in France.
I really appreciatedbeing able to speak to a real person.
We are continually striving to improve our e-newsletter -- any comments and feedback would be gratefully appreciated!
It is appreciated when the van is fully loaded.
Several appreciated the depth of their courses for helping them gain important perspectives on their present work.
His music has also been heard and appreciated by millions over the radio and TV airwaves.
I would have appreciated a more technical appendix that explained the killer techniques he picked up.
The castle commands magnificent views that can be best appreciated from the mighty battlements.
In fact, we are not yet even in the position where politicians have appreciated the real breadth of our energy options.
A flock of 100+ choughs and Alpine choughs was something I hadn't appreciated last time.
Any help in any direction would be most appreciated as I am totally clueless but really need help!
They were praised by Pliny and over the centuries their strength and flavor have come to be appreciated by connoisseurs all over the world.
A check for £ 1 would be appreciated to cover the cost of postage.
More recently, it has been appreciated that Hydroxychloroquine has many other beneficial effects that can partly counteract the side-effects of steroids.
He really appreciated the dedication I had to making sure the details were correct.
Perhaps then Buddhism's role in the shaping of song dynasty Chinese society will be better appreciated.
I do not feel that enough information was made available in the article for the enormity of the Permian extinction to be appreciated.
The Friends have greatly assisted with the appeal and your continuing generosity and fund-raising ideas are deeply appreciated.
She has no idea who it was, but really appreciated the gesture very much and was greatly touched.
Any advice on techniques or locating grayling would be greatly appreciated.
A floppy, cotton hat can be an appreciated item on a hot, sunny day.
Your help will be much appreciated Answer Congratulations on stopping smoking with the aid of Bupropion hydrochloride.
His work is now much acclaimed by collectors, as his talents as one of the leading impressionist is appreciated by the art establishment.
However, what it does have is vast amounts of thought-provoking and sincere drama that is best appreciated if you're feeling inquisitive.
This continuity of translation, and support, their attention to detail, and unfailing kindness were much appreciated by us both.
An email, a phone call, or perhaps a couple of days leeway would be appreciated.
The temporary disabled loos erected on the field were also much appreciated.
I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen.
To the south attractive meadowland belonging to Broadlands is a visual amenity appreciated by residents.
In addition, a wonderful melee of river life on the Thames can also be appreciated while walking across the bridge.
From the industrial archeology perspective, those satanic mills are full of an interest that their real occupants may not have appreciated.
The opening chapter summarizes the case, including a much appreciated explanation of how biological nitrogen fixation actually works, at a simple level.
He was nominated by a member of staff who appreciated the professionalism and standard of care shown by Keith.
A good riposte will be appreciated by the House, who will have forgotten what the original question was.
There was a long standing ovation at the end which told me that people really appreciated the second act.
Graham was credited with a number of unorthodox solo climbs, church steeples, office corridors etc., not always appreciated by officialdom.
At committee meetings he expressed balanced opinions and made helpful suggestions, and we appreciated his quiet sense of humor.
Pat Barton & Terry Robertson did a smashing job with their hot supper which was greatly appreciated.
The caramel toffee flavors were greatly appreciated by the assembled company.
I understand it may cause disappointment to the people who have supported us and have appreciated our mod, but life is sometime unkind.
Any advise would be appreciated. thanks Barry Most snakes are not venomous in this area.
Far from being a derelict industrial wasteland, the valley has many attractive features, which are greatly appreciated by local people.
Their range, as musicians, is expanding and their lyrics, sadly under appreciated by many fans, continue to involve complex wordplays.
Pericles likewise is responsible for the epoch-making splendour of Attic art in his time, for had he not so fully appreciated and given such free scope to the genius of Pheidias, Athens would hardly have witnessed the raising of the Parthenon and other glorious structures, and Attic art could not have boasted a legion of first-rate sculptors of whom Alcamenes, Agoracritus and Paeonius are only the chief names.
The work has been variously appreciated in subsequent ages, some regarding it as a treasury of wisdom, and others, like Avenzoar, holding it useful only as waste paper.
Cromwell appreciated this feeling at its exact worth, and his pre-eminence in the Civil War was due to this highest gift of a general, the power of feeling the pulse of his army.
Mutual benefit societies have increased rapidly, both because their advantages have been appreciated, and because, until recently, the state had taken no steps directly to insure workmen against illness.
A strictly orthodox theologian, and a clear writer, though not a very profound scholar, Luthardt became widely appreciated as the author of apologetic lectures.
It is in fact one of the peculiarities of this theology, which professed to be at once churchly and philosophical, that most of its formulae could be interpreted and appreciated in utramque partem.
Berzelius immediately appreciated the importance of this discovery, notwithstanding 1 The reader is specially referred to the articles Alizarin; Indigo; Purin and Terpenes for illustrations of the manner in which chemists have artificially prepared important animal and vegetable products.
The development of the Hungarian kingdom can be better appreciated by a comparison of the estimates for the year 1849 prepared by the Hungarian minister of finance, which shows a revenue of £1,335,000 and an expenditure of £5,166,000 (including £3,500,000 for warlike purposes), with the budget of 1905, which shows a revenue of £51,583,000, and an expenditure of about the same sum.
So highly were his merits appreciated by his professors - Schleiermacher was accustomed to say that he possessed a special charisma for the science of "Introduction" - that in 1818 after he had passed the examinations for entering the ministry he was recalled to Berlin as Repetent or tutorial fellow in theology, a temporary post which the theological faculty had obtained for him.
Very soon, however, the enlightened makers of modern Japan appreciated the importance of journalism, and in 1871 the Shim bun Zasshi (News Periodical) was started under the auspices of the illustrious Kido.
The king, Prince Charles and the governing circle appreciated the merits of their faithful lieutenant less than did his enemies Waller and Fairfax, the former of whom wrote, "hostility itself cannot violate my friendship to your person," while the latter spoke of him as "one whom we honour and esteem above any other of your party."
The large Carnivora, lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards are the first favourites; then follow monkeys, then the large ungulates, elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, camels and giraffes, deer and antelopes and equine animals, whilst birds are appreciated chiefly for plumage and song.
His principal treatises on this subject were the Measures of Submission to the Civil Magistrate and The Origin and Institution of Civil Government discussed; and his part in the discussion was so much appreciated by the Commons that in 1709 they presented an address to the queen praying her to "bestow some dignity in the church on Mr Hoadly for his eminent services both to church and state."
He was a man of wide literary, historical and artistic culture, a Dante student, and the author of several books and articles on social questions, the conditions of Sicily, foreign affairs, etc.; his Lettere dall'Albania are deservedly appreciated, and his geographical studies led to his being elected president of the Italian geographical society.
As it was, the importance of Kepler's generalizations was not fully appreciated until Sir Isaac Newton made them the corner-stone of his new cosmic edifice.
The clerk glanced round, evidently hoping that his joke would be appreciated.
Excellent selectivity and sensitivity, and a smooth regeneration control are appreciated features of this receiver.
As the weather became warmer the thin serge suit was much appreciated.
To fit us in at such short notice is sincerely appreciated.
Their assistance and advice in shaping a strategy document for the completion of the canal is essential and much appreciated.
This was appreciated as it enabled me to gain access easily although I did have to pay a quid for some tombola tickets.
Student or townie pub, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Vasovagal attack or hypotension of other cause - often NOT appreciated clinically.
I appreciated the clock built into the speedometer and the water temperature gage usually fitted only on high priced cars.
The Pole was in the end unsuccessful, but his wholehearted efforts were clearly appreciated by the crowd.
The young comedian's puerile jokes were not appreciated by the mature audience.
I appreciated the irony of his response when he said, "Lucky us," when he learned we would have to work all weekend.
She appreciated her friend's optimism in the face of the difficult situation.
Savings bonds are almost always appreciated for either gender!
Because personalized gifts are often more expensive than non-personalized ones, and personalized items can seldom be returned, it's a good idea to ensure that the gift will be appreciated.
I think I appreciated the 15 lullabies more than my baby did.
Whether you special order the basket or make it yourself, a basket filled with goodies will be greatly appreciated.
Double the babies equals double the expense, and any way you can make the upcoming mommy's life more convenient will definitely be appreciated.
Throw in a custom engraving for extra sentimental value, and you've just created a gift that will be truly appreciated and loved.
While you can certainly purchase a baby shower corsage, a homemade corsage will be appreciated even more by the mother-to-be when she recognizes the thought and care that went into the lovingly designed decoration.
The gift of a Baby Einstein DVD box set will continue to be appreciated long after it is first given.
These kinds of personalized items can make a great gift into a fantastic one that will be appreciated and remembered for years to come.
At the end of the afternoon, a Care Bear baby shower favors can let guests know their attendance and gift was appreciated and give them a fun reminder of the afternoon.
Hand-crafted invitations are a lot of work, but are always appreciated by the expectant mother, as well as the shower guests.
Mixing gifts from both categories ensures that some of your presents will be greatly appreciated by the parents, and others may become favorite toys or books of the baby.
Unique gift baskets made with care will definitely be appreciated by the new parents.
Do not buy something that will only be useful to or appreciated by the individual that you have the closest relationship with.
While the sentiment will be appreciated, there is something to be said about cost Vrs return.
And diamonds can be appreciated forever.
However, there are some useful tips in helping narrow down the choice and enable you to buy a baby gift that is perfect for the little one as well as being appreciated by the new parents.
Don't worry if you can only afford a small gift, even an extra packet of diaper wipes will be appreciated.
The Shield's easy-to-use interface is appreciated by novices and the company is also lauded for offering one-year of free technical support.
A new briefcase, power tie, office equipment or other professional item can be useful and appreciated all year long.
Ultimately, holiday gift guides can only give you a starting off point- make your gift personal and right for the person you are giving it to and your gift will be appreciated long after the holiday season is over.
Helping with the harvest, tending a roadside booth, or even hiring seasonal help can be thoughtful and much appreciated gift.
Cat figurines, also much appreciated gifts that come in a wide array of styles.
Cat jewelry, including pendants, earrings and pins are great gifts that can be appreciated all year long.
Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
Any thoughts, suggestions, tricks that have worked for others would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Your input about how I can solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Today, the Siamese cat is appreciated for its unique appearance and unusual temperament.
F. Finch, entrepreneurs and majority company stockholders, knew wood and appreciated quality construction and attention to detail.
The Stickley brothers believed that the oak should be left as natural as possible so that the natural beauty of the wood grain could be displayed and appreciated.
The best action photography freezes the drama and passion of the game in a single moment so it can be slowly appreciated.
From lamb to pastel colored eggs, traditional foods will be anticipated and appreciated by your family.
She works hard all year, so on Mothers Day, why not let her sleep in and surprise her with a delicious brunch to help her feel loved and appreciated?
Just put all the love you can into it and watch how much it's appreciated when you give it.
Paying for the tween to take guitar lessons at a local music store or to attend basketball or cheerleading camp can be a very nice gift that will be appreciated and remembered for years to come.
Money or gift cards are open gifts and are in itself much appreciated.
Since some brides require attendants to pay for most of their own adornments, inexpensive options will be most appreciated.
It doesn't have to be a big ostentatious display, just a little something to show how much their efforts are appreciated.
While these may not be traditional wedding gifts, guests who know the couple is planning a honeymoon can be assured these gifts will be appreciated.
The thoughtfulness of the gesture is sure to be appreciated.
While housewares are needed and appreciated by most newly married couples, gifts associated with organizing, cleaning, and maintaining the household are more unusual and perhaps even more appreciated.
It is certainly a lovely gesture and most appreciated by the bride and groom, but it is not obligatory.
There is no shame for a best man to say he loves and supports the couple, and his toast will be welcomed and appreciated by the couple, bridal party, and guests alike for its authenticity and sincerity.
Men are traditionally known as sports enthusiasts, which makes a gift in this category not only appreciated and useful, but also personal.
With the popularity of this classic sport, a gift with a golf theme is almost always appreciated.
Popular shows also have memorabilia, like clocks, bedding or office décor that would also be appreciated.
Monthly club memberships, like wine, fruit, cheese, chocolate or cake, may also be appreciated.
Your attendance in black tie appropriate dress is appreciated.
By using a registry, the couple gives guests a convenient way to buy gifts they know will be useful and appreciated.
The personalized aspect of the card makes it unique, and because it is a gift card, you know it will be appreciated and practical.
Couples often choose personalized mini candy bar wrappers for wedding favors to show their guests how much they are appreciated.
A congratulations cake is one of the easiest to make, but it's a classic that will be appreciated at any grad party.
A good tip should be a sign from anyone, especially stars who can afford to be generous, that this extra work is appreciated.
Their sturdy construction, numerous pockets, and comfortable fit are still appreciated today by working men and women across the country.
If you don't know any of the brands that are well-liked by the girl you shop for, perhaps one of the brands listed below makes an item that appeals to you and will be greatly appreciated by the girl you buy it for.
Clothing with characters from this hit television show is sure to be appreciated by parents of all types, making Sesame Street clothes an ideal gift even if you don't know the parents of the child all that well.
Embellishments will be kept to a minimum, though embroidery is typically appreciated.
However, this effort to bridge the gap between the fashion world and the modesty movement is not always appreciated.
Today, unique items are more and more appreciated by parents and children alike.
Mom will certainly feel appreciated if she is presented with a weekend away on a cruise all by herself as a Mother's Day gift.
Although these trips may not visit particularly exotic locations, they are a great option for moms to still feel as though they are appreciated without having to spend a lot of money or travel long distances.
Intricate glass etchings can also still be appreciated in the Mermaid Lounge.
Any ideas on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.
Any advice or suggestions you have would be appreciated.
Polyanthuses are not at all sufficiently appreciated, considering the wonderful array of beauty they present, and that for rich and charmingly inlaid coloring they surpass all other flowers of our spring gardens.
This makes an interesting wall plant, and is worth persevering with where good plants are appreciated.
The care instructions for this would be greatly appreciated.
This hydrangea is hardy in Zones 4 to 8, and is often appreciated for its airy white flower clusters that appear in early summer.
On the contrary, classical music is alive and well, and it's still very much appreciated around the world.
Since there are a limited amount of guitar tabs for Astrud Gilberto songs on the Internet, adding new ones will likely be much appreciated by your fellow guitar players online.
It can be a long and tedious process, so the extra time will likely be appreciated.
This is a gift that will be appreciated for years to come and in time will become a much treasured family heirloom.
Complement your wife's style - if your wife has a distinctive style, then picking an item of jewelry that complements this will be much appreciated.
This is a simple way to ensure that even the most basic item of jewelry will be much appreciated.
Surprise - surprise gifts are always appreciated and can be given at any time.
Musical jewelry boxes are also much appreciated by young children.
A birthstone locket is appreciated as a gift for such occasions as Christmas, Easter, anniversary, graduation, birth of a child, Mother's Day, christening, or confirmation.
It took many years for Dior to find a design firm that appreciated his unique and tailored fashions.
This gift will surely be appreciated every time he slips them on.
You can be sure it will be much appreciated.
The best gift of all for a retiring senior is knowing that his career and service were appreciated.
If you get the feeling your talents, enthusiasm, and experience won't be appreciated, move on to the next potential employer.
Many senior citizens may feel alone because many people get caught up in their own busy lives so taking time out of your schedule will be appreciated just as much.
You'll make a gift choice that will truly be appreciated because they will know that it came from your heart with love.
Many active seniors find that volunteer work is a satisfying endeavor, allowing them to feel needed and appreciated in their community.
Gift cards to stores with technology items, such as Best Buy may also be appreciated.
Seniors are especially appreciative of thoughtful gifts that make them smile and feel appreciated, and also gifts that improve their quality of life.
Also, gifts that share how much the years of service meant to the company and handwritten cards and notes about how much she will be missed are always appropriate and appreciated.
This is a wonderful way to salute a female coworker and let her know how much you appreciated her years at the job.
When you are buying a retirement gift for a southern man, you want it to be something that will be memorable and show him how much he is appreciated.
Choosing a retirement gift based on the retiree's hobbies or interests is certain to be one that is greatly appreciated.
Why not give something that can be set out and appreciated?
Interviews and movies are nice, but even more in-depth interaction would have been appreciated.
If you feel your portfolio is weak, spend some time creating your own sample projects; video game developers admire this kind of initiative and the demonstration of creativity is appreciated.
Some players have gained an interest in learning how to play a guitar for real, while others were introduced to artists that they may not have known or appreciated before.
There's not a lot to delve into here, it's a one-dimensional Cab that won't stand out in a crowd, but it can be appreciated for its price performance value ratio.
If you don't have a clue of what to give, I always default to Champagne and a bottle of Dom Perignon, and while perhaps it's a hackneyed gift it is for a reason-it's always appreciated and never a mistake.
A gift of wine and glasses is always appreciated, but you can make it even more special by presenting it in a fine wood box.
This Madame Alexander baby doll has appreciated more in value then most of the other collectible dolls from the Baby Dolls series.
Another way to make older children feel loved and appreciated is to set aside some quality time to spend alone with each of them on a regular basis. has long been appreciated as a quality inspirational quote site.
Younger generations enjoy ballet classes, contemporary dance study, and many other genres also appreciated here in the west.
The dancers are so widely appreciated that the Rockettes now also have a contingent who go on tour to bring the style and class of the Rockettes to far-ranging places.
Some girls are not enthralled by ballet; however, the majority of young girls are, which means that ballerina dolls and bears are almost guaranteed to be greatly loved and appreciated by the receiving party.
It is logical and only right to thank people for gifts, cards, charitable donations and practical acts of support, but for some it is as important to thank someone for the meaningful and much appreciated psychological support they offered.
This kind of attention to detail will be appreciated and will make you stand out from the competition.
If the home did not increase in value, or if you spent money faster than your home appreciated, there will be a final amount owed at the time of your death or at the time of sale.
This will reassure the lender that when the property is resold, it will have appreciated substantially in value, so they may be more apt to lend you the full value.
Whether you want to flatter the man with a mug or t-shirt that says 'World's Greatest Dad' or 'World's Proudest Father', or you want to offer heartfelt advice in the form of a parenting book, the gift is sure to be appreciated.
While the novelty aspect is appreciated and sometimes encouraged, it's generally agreed that the ideal of extreme swimwear is to be as exotic as possible.
While a one-piece suit isn't for everyone, it can certainly be appreciated as a viable option when you want to get more daring.
Until the last century, curves were not only appreciated, but actually celebrated and preferred.
The extra body coverage is greatly appreciated.
Juicy Couture is a company that has long appreciated the beach appeal of terry swimsuit coverups.
In the end, voluptuous swimsuit models are living works of art, and they deserve to be appreciated as such.
Children are in need of amusement and comfort for all 365 days, and your donations will be even more appreciated during the "off season" where the cold weather is gone, but kids are still in need.
The toy seems to be durable and much appreciated by animal lovers of all ages that can't have a real animal.
A versatile work wardrobe creates a smart and pulled together look that is always appreciated in professional environments.
This leveling of society might not have been appreciated by those on the top, but even women who were not strictly flappers thought well of aspects of women's flapper fashions.
Many bright and effusive colors are appreciated by cutting-edge designers, but these colors and prints may be a little too loud and distracting to be church appropriate.
The wax still didn't smell very good but it was better than tallow, and the candles had the advantage of holding up during the hot summer months, which Colonial candle makers appreciated.
Picking up several votive candles personalized with the message "Thanks for all you do" and your name will make a person feel appreciated.
These make great gifts and are bound to be much appreciated.
An item that is useful will not only be appreciated but will also be used and noticed, which in return will promote the event.
Whether you walk, volunteer or donate money, any gesture will be appreciated.
Supplies are also appreciated, including pet food, leashes, collars, fleece blankets, printer paper, stamps and dish detergent.
Donors are an important part of any nonprofit organization and it is critical to let donors know how much they are appreciated.
Whether it is your time or money, all efforts are appreciated and will be put towards a good cause.
No matter what you choose, all donations are appreciated and will help make the lives of those living in Haiti better.
A thank you letter can help reinforce a donor's belief that his or her gift was appreciated or noticed.
You could use a phrase such as "Your continued support is greatly appreciated" or "We hope that you will contribute $X again this year.
Children's books are especially appreciated since children are often left without many toys or things to do.
Small and large donations are appreciated.
Since building homes takes a lot of resources, donated materials are greatly appreciated.
Whether you want to personalize a poem for an individual or an organization of volunteers, making the poem sound as though it were written just for that individual or group to show your gratitude will always be appreciated.
A new hand-weight set will also be appreciated.
Candles are always useful and appreciated.
When giving Christmas gifts to couples, items for the home are always appreciated.
Gift baskets are always appreciated, but not everyone has the time to create and package thoughtful collections of goodies themselves.
Simple and thoughtful gifts, such as a framed photograph of a special moment or a plate of homemade cookies, often end up being the most appreciated items under the Christmas tree.
Just because something is a luxury present does not mean it will be used or appreciated.
Romantic ideas should cause your loved one to feel appreciated.
He told me that he would wait for me, and I told him that I appreciated this.
When you get the chance, give a genuine compliment; look for opportunities make others feel liked and appreciated.
Women love to be pampered and appreciated.
In either situation, your gift will be appreciated, but which one will have the bigger impact?
Let him know that you appreciated his time and would like to reciprocate the kindness.
With a little planning, you can have an enjoyable meal that will be greatly appreciated by your sweetheart.
Everyone loves to feel loved, wanted and appreciated.
In the letter tell him how much you appreciated all the 'firsts' the two of you shared.
Many men do not feel appreciated by the people in their life.
On the other hand, tickets to "The Lion King" with a stuffed lion that says, "You'll always be my Mufasa!" will make him feel appreciated and special.
Let other girls and guys know how immature and hurtful a SMS breakup is and how much you would have appreciated a kinder method.
The cheating housewife phenomenon has much less to do with being alone than not feeling appreciated, understood, and emotionally connected to her husband.
A girl who is too easy isn't appreciated as much as a girl who is elusive and lets him chase her.
Your willingness to watch something out of the ordinary will touch her heart and all the effort that went into celebrating her birthday will make her feel so appreciated.
After all, even if the stone is never meant to be sold and will be set in an engagement ring or other piece of jewelry for a loved one, it still represents an investment in that relationship and the quality will be appreciated.
Gift cards, certificates for romantic dinners, movie tickets, and small sums of cash fit well in a card and are always appreciated as a couple begins this new phase of their life together.
By sending such a card, the giver expresses support for the relationship, and as the stress of wedding planning mounts, that support will be welcomed and appreciated.
If they are asked, they can mention that they've already set up a wedding registry, but they should also stress that engagement gifts, while a thoughtful gesture and much appreciated, are not necessary.
Taurus is a loyal friend and employee as long as he feels appreciated and valued.
Once Taurus makes the commitment to marriage, he's in for the long haul as long as he's adequately appreciated.
A well-planned film is instantly recognizable and will be appreciated by your audience.
Food gifts are also appreciated for Christmas and other special occasions.
A gift that is personalized to fit the recipient is sure to be appreciated, regardless of the price tag.
Ever since the late Coco Chanel started designing clothes, women all over the world have appreciated the luxury and classic style associated with the name Chanel.
Reveals were not drawn out, the beats of the story were not drawn out for every nuance to be appreciated and suddenly, fans couldn't afford to miss a day or they might miss a key scene that changed the soap landscape.
Historically, eye candy is appreciated on daytime television every bit as much as it is on prime time.
In a world where tattoos are not always accepted and appreciated, lower back tattoos offer people a way to wear their ink without letting the general public know about it unless they choose.
The first settlers to Myrtle Beach were the Waccamaaw and Winyah Indians who appreciated the beauty of the beaches and their surrounding area.
Watch and bracelet sets are thoughtful gifts that will surely be appreciated by men who like to give a little thought to what they're wearing.
No matter the cost, a bracelet and watch set is a unique and unusual gift that will surely be appreciated by a man who likes to dress to impress.
Priced at between $45 and $150, this Timex makes a nice gift and one that will be greatly appreciated.
This traditional style of clock makes a lovely gift and one that is appreciated by people of all ages.
A character watch, such as a Mickey Mouse watch that features the favorite character of a child is likely to be much appreciated.
Giving a young child a gift that will be long appreciated is a very satisfying experience.
Whether the clock is shaped as a ball to throw at a wall, or decked in a team's colors, it is bound to be appreciated by a baseball fan.
With the pre-teen crowd, this will truly be appreciated as opposed to a watch that is pushed into the back of a drawer and only brought out when you visit.
The Friend Watch will probably be appreciated more by younger teens of 13 or 14 years of age.
These benefits are enjoyed by all practitioners, but can be especially appreciated by athletes who may have sustained injuries or who are in need of an additional type of physical movement.
The staff's dedication to quality instruction is appreciated by students new and old.
Baby boomers still remember simpler times and they have a lot of money to spend where they feel appreciated.
As individuals write these letters, consider which types of character traits and wording is most appreciated by potential employers.
Be specific about what the person did for you and the fact that you appreciated it.