Applying Sentence Examples
Left with her towel and her toiletries, she took her time applying the thick moisturizer and lotion over her entire body, then finished by combing through her hair.
More than two thousand years before Europe or England had conceived the idea of applying modern industry to the manufacture of cotton, India had matured a system of hand-spinning, weaving and dyeing which during that vast period received no recorded improvement.
Before applying for an absolute divorce the plaintiff must have resided in the state for the year next preceding, unless the cause of action is adultery committed while the plaintiff was a resident of the state.
The great river itself is known in Tibet by many names, being generally called the Nari Chu, Maghang Tsanpo or Yaro Tsanpo, above Lhasa; the word " tsanpo " (tsang-po) meaning (according to Waddell) the " pure one," and applying to all great rivers.
A county board of education examines applicants for teachers' positions and pupils applying to enter high schools.
In Prince Andrew's eyes Speranski was the man he would himself have wished to be--one who explained all the facts of life reasonably, considered important only what was rational, and was capable of applying the standard of reason to everything.
After all, it would have been perfectly acceptable if she were in a swim suit and he had been applying sun lotion.
Applying this principle to the art of poetry, and analysing, line by line and even word by word, the works of great poets, he deduced the law that the beauty of poetry consists in the accuracy, beauty and harmony of individual expression.
In 1749 he furnished a method of applying his principles to the motion of any body of a given figure; and in 1754 he solved the problem of the precession of the equinoxes, determined its quantity and explained the phenomenon of the nutation of the earth's axis.
If the draw-bar pull is known to be R v, then applying the same principles to the vehicle alone which above are applied to the whole train, total draw-bar pull = Wvry 2240Wv 2240Wva.
AdvertisementBoth lines of study were readily combined by applying to the interpretation of descriptions of natural objects the allegorical method adopted for the interpretation of Biblical texts.
In its medicinal use glycerin is an excellent solvent for such substances as iodine, alkaloids, alkalis, &c., and is therefore used for applying them to diseased surfaces, especially as it aids in their absorption.
This tendency can be resisted by giving a twist to the torsion head and so applying to the movable coil through the spring a restoring torque, which opposes the torque due to the dynamic action of the currents.
By applying these early in the season, great benefit may be derived from retarding the blossom till the frosty nights of spring have passed.
The determination of the true relation between the length of a pendulum and the time of its oscillation; the invention of the theory of evolutes; the discovery, hence ensuing, that the cycloid is its own evolute, and is strictly isochronous; the ingenious although practically inoperative idea of correcting the "circular error" of the pendulum by applying cycloidal cheeks to clocks - were all contained in this remarkable treatise.
AdvertisementApplying the principle of the conservation of internal energy, he demonstrates that for iron in a field of woo units and upwards the E.M.F.
But now bolder spirits arose who did not shrink from applying the distinctions of their human wisdom to the mysteries of theology.
Thus, if we have an equation P=Q, where P and Q are numbers involving fractions, we can clear of fractions, not by multiplying P and Q by a number m, but by applying the equal multiples P and Q to a number m as unit.
The algebras discussed up to this point may be considered as independent in the sense that each of them deals with a class of symbols of quantity more or less homogeneous, and a set of operations applying to them all.
The American note reaffirmed these principles as the accepted basis of armistice and peace, and insisted on applying the same methods toward Austria-Hungary as Germany.
AdvertisementBy applying the method of the differential calculus, we obtain cos i= { (µ 2 - 1)/(n24-2n)} as the required value; it may be readily shown either geometrically or analytically that this is a minimum.
One question on which great contention arose was as to the propriety of applying to the Divine nature attributes which belonged to the human nature - e.g.
It is difficult to understand a much-discussed passage of Origen (De oratione, 14), except as applying to prayer addressed to the saints.
The highest importance was attached to applying all remedies at the right moment, and the general principle enforced of making all influences - internal and external - co-operate for the relief of the patient.
It is enough to say that on this fantastic basis Helmont constructed a medical system which had some practical merits, that his therapeutical methods were mild and in many respects happy, and that he did service by applying newer chemical methods to the preparation of drugs.
AdvertisementWhen the glass is cold the surplus is removed either by grinding, or by applying heat to a line scratched with a diamond round the bowl.
The finished cylinder is next carried to a rack and the pipe detached from it by applying a cold iron to the neck of thick hot glass which connects pipe-butt and cylinder, the neck cracking at the touch.
To make a really good mirror of glass two things are required - a plate free from bubbles and striae, and a method of applying a film of metal with a uniform bright surface free from defects.
The principle of applying metallic films to glass seems to have been known to the Romans and even to the Egyptians, and is mentioned by Alexander Neckam in the 12th century, but it would appear that it was not until the 16th century that the process of " silvering " mirrors by the use of an amalgam of tin and mercury had been perfected.
The method of using them most frequently adopted consists in applying them to the seeds of leguminous plants before sowing, the seed being dipped for a time in a liquid containing the bacteria.
Experiments have shown that excellent effects can be obtained by applying 5 or 6 cwt.
S i milarly soils can be improved by applying to them marl, a substance consisting of a mixture of clay with variable proportions of lime.
He was well acquainted with the use of magnifying glasses and suggested a kind of telescope for viewing the moon, but does not seem to have thought of applying a lens to the camera.
Moestlin and his pupil Kepler - the latter applying it in 1607 to the observation of a transit of Mercury - also by Johann Fabricius, in 1611, for the first observations of sun-spots.
On the 30th of March Lord John Russell moved a resolution in favour of an inquiry into the temporalities of the Irish Church, with the intention of applying the surplus to general education without distinction of religious creed.
In 1520 a potter named Gorodayu Goshonzui (known to posterity as Shonzui) made his way to Fuchow and thence to King-te-chen, where, after five years study, he acquired the art of manufacturing porcelain, as distinguished from pottery, together with the art of applying decoration in blue under the glaze.
Applying the above equation to a gas obeying the law pv=RT, for which the work done in isothermal expansion from a volume i to a volume r is W=RT loger, whence dW=R log e rdt, he deduced the expression for the heat absorbed by a gas in isothermal expansion H=R log er/F'(t).
The Board has also a certain control over the curriculum of schools under the Endowed Schools Acts and the Charitable Trusts Acts, and also over that of schools voluntarily applying for inspection with a view to being recognized as efficient.
In practice the courts allow themselves wide latitude in applying this principle.
It may be objected that hereby the term pleon is used in two different senses, first applying to the abdomen alone and then to the abdomen plus the last thoracic segment.
He apparently, however, confined himself to applying the silver direct to the surface of the copper after the latter had been given the shape destined to it, and was thus limited to the production of small articles such as snuff-boxes, knife handles, toilet articles, &c. It was reserved to Joseph Hancock to realize that by making the plate first and working it into the desired form afterwards he could almost indefinitely extend the possibilities of the material.
The British admiral was accused of applying himself so entirely to seizing and selling his booty that he would not allow his second in command, Sir Samuel Hood, who had recently joined him, to take proper measures to impede the arrival of French forces known to be on their way to Martinique.
He is well known also as the author of The History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (1862), applying the methods of physical science to history, a History of the American Civil War (3 vols., 1867-1870), and a History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874).
In applying to the total population of 1790 the rate of growth shown since 1790 by the white people of the South, this rate, for the purpose of the above compirtations, is taken in its entirety only up to 1870, and thereafterin view of the notorious lesser birth-rate since that year in the North and Westonly one half of the rate is used.
Above all we must avoid applying our own standards of taste, style and morality to the judgment of the text before us.
Printing has accustomed us to publication, and misled us into applying to ancient times the modern method of bringing out one book after another at definite dates by the same author.
But this lapse only shows how powerful a dominion Plato exercised over Aristotle's soul to the last; for it arises out of the pupil still accepting from hiAmaster the unity of the universal though now applying it, not to classes, but to essences.
It is possible by applying a little oil to the upper part of the bulb of a common or of a Sikes's hydrometer, and carefully placing it in pure water, to cause it to float with the upper part of the bulb and the whole of the stem emerging as indicated in fig.
By applying the several weights in succession in addition to No.
During the summer of 1865 he set up provisional civil governments in all the seceded states except Texas, and within a few months all those states were reorganized and applying for readmission to the Union.
In Europe this clause has been uniformly treated as applying to all reductions of tariff without distinction.
The discussion as to the causes of this widening has turned a good deal on the question whether it is primarily due to changes of density, pressure or temperature, but some confusion has been caused by the want of proper definition of terms. For the cause of this the writer of the present article is jointly with others at any rate partly responsible, and clearness of ideas can only be re-established by investigating the mechanical causes of the effect rather than by applying terms which refer to a different order of physical conceptions.
Applying the reasoning to the case of a homogeneous radiation traversing an absorbing medium, we realize that the mutual disturbances of the molecules by collision or otherwise must bring in the free period of the molecule whatever the incident radiation may be.
Applying this " synechological view " to the supposed inclusion of soul in soul, he deduced the conclusion that, as here the nature of one's soul is to unite one's little body, so hereafter its essence will be to unite a greater body, while God's spirit unites the whole world by His omnipresence; and he pertinently asked, in opposition to the " punctual " view, whether God's soul is centred in a point.
Not, says Wundt, by association, as Hume said, but by thinking; not, however, by a priori thinking, as Kant said, but by logical thinking, by applying the logical principle of ground and consequent (which Leibnitz had called the principle of sufficient reason) as a causal law to empirical appearances.
Kant, applying them only to sensations, concluded that we can know nothing beyond by their means.
But Laurie, applying them to " attuitions " of objects outside, considers that, though they are " reason-born," yet they make us know the objects outside to which they are applied.
Such corrections may be made by the device of applying additional unpaired, or what we may call external, forces to particles of the system.
In view of historical and geographical facts there is much to be said for applying the name Mesopotamia to the country drained by the Khabur, the Belikh, and the part of the Euphrates connected therewith.
For some years the Porte has been applying steady pressure on the nomads to induce them to settle, by increasing the number of military posts, by introducing Circassian colonies, as at Ras al-`Ain, sometimes by forcible settlement.
The conception of a semi-permeable membrane, permeable to the solvent only, was used by van't Hoff as a means of applying the principles of thermodynamics to the theory of solution.
Under William III., Governors Sloughter and Fletcher worked for a law (passed in 1693 and approved in 1697) for the settling of a ministry in New York, Richmond, Westchester and Queen's counties; but the Assembly foiled Fletcher's purpose of establishing a Church of England clergy, although he attempted to construe the act as applying only to the English Church.
Although enormous quantities of water are required during the summer season, great care must be exercised in applying water to the winter crops.
The results of applying tannic acid are to harden the pelt and discolour and weaken the fur.
Now, in this case, the first definition expresses much better the whole chemical behaviour of ozone, which is that of "energetic" oxygen, while the second only includes the fact of higher vapour-density; but in applying the first definition to organic compounds and calling isobutylene "butylene with somewhat more energy" hardly anything is indicated, and all the advantages of the atomic conception - the possibility of exactly predicting how many isomers a given formula includes and how you may get them - are lost.
The, chief uncertainty in applying this method appears to have arisen from variations of temperature at different parts of the surface, due to inequalities in the heating or cooling effect of the stream of water flowing over the surfaces.
The external heat-loss was estimated by varying the temperature of the jacket surrounding the bar, and applying a suitable correction to the observed difference of temperature.
In those territories in which several races dwell, the public and educational institutions are to be so arranged that, without applying compulsion to learn a second Landessprache, each of the races receives the necessary means of education in its own language."
Thrusting aside all the multitudinous deities of Egypt and all the mythology even of Heliopolis, he devoted himself to the cult of the visible sun-disk, applying to it as its chief name the hitherto rare word Aton, meaning sun; the traditional divine name Harakht (Horus of the horizon), given to the hawk-headed sun-god of Heliopolis, was however allowed to subsist and a temple was built at Karnak to this god.
By applying the pragmatic test on the other hand, it is possible to describe how truths are developed and errors corrected, and how in general old truths are adjusted to new situations.
Since that date the most important changes effected in the elementary education system were the abolition, in 1886, of individual inspection of the lower standards - afterwards extended to the whole of the standards, the inspectors applying a collective test, the " block-grant " system, to the efficiency of a school - and the abolition of school fees (1889) for the compulsory standards, the loss being made up principally by a parliamentary grant, and partly by a proportion, earmarked for the purpose, of the proceeds of the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act 1890, and the Education and Local Taxation Account (Scotland) Act 1892.
In applying tests of memory, it may be legitimate to allow a candidate to pass who answers correctly from 30 to 50% of the questions; such an allowance if applied to a test of capacity, such as the performance of a sum in addition, the solution of triangles by means of trigonometrical tables, or the translation of an easy passage from a foreign language, appears to be irrational.
In applying a single test in a qualifying examination it would be sufficient to mark candidates as passing or failing.
It is, however, far more probable that it was a general term that gradually became crystallized as applying to that service in which the dismissal represented a more solemn function.
In the sailing directions, issued in 1561, for the use of this expedition the phrase " las Islas Filipinas " was used as applying to the entire archipelago.
Two new systems of applying imprisonment have commended themselves to English administrators, and both have been effected by the Prevention of Crime Act 1908.
Mohtadi, who was a man of noble and generous spirit and had no lack of energy, began by applying the precarious measure of power which was left him to the reform of the court.
In applying this principle of similarity, each of the three processes in its own way has to premise both that something is somehow determined and that something is similar, and by combining these premises to conclude that this is similarly determined to that.
In applying the term " endemic centres " to these localities, no very precise meaning can be attached to the word.
The argument of these books, however, depends in turn upon the assumption of a benevolent Creator desirous of communicating with His creatures for their good; and the Natural Theology, by applying the argument from design to prove the existence of such a Deity, becomes the foundation of the argumentative edifice.
Method 2.The second method is based upon the vector representation of velocity, and may be illustrated by applying it to the four-bar chain.
In applying this principle to the drawing of an acceleration diagram for a mechanism, the velocity diagram of the mechanism must be first drawn in order to afford the means of calculating the several radial accelerations of the links.
The art with which these threads are woven together was recognized by Wolf himself, who admitted the difficulty of applying his theory to the " admirabilis summa et compages " of the poem.
The effect of the Roman Catholic Charities Act 1832 is to place Roman Catholic schools, places of worship and education, and charities, and the property held therewith, under the laws applying to Protestant nonconformists.
The Divine Comedy, the Canzoniere and the Decameron were works of monumental art, deriving neither form nor inspiration immediately from the classic's, but applying the originality of Italian genius Petrarch to matter drawn from previous medieval sources.
California was applying for admission to the Union as a state under a constitution which did not permit slavery.
In 1580 he appears to have taken the first step in his career by applying, through his uncle, Burghley, the lord treasurer, for some post at court.
Haeckel distinguished autogeny and plasmogeny, applying the former term when the formative fluid in which the first living matter was supposed to arise was inorganic and the latter when it was organic, i.e.
The methods by which such results are to be obtained cannot, however, as yet be practised economically on a working scale; one great difficulty in applying them to the refining of metals is that the jets of liquid would be liable to carry with them articles of anode mud, and Swan has shown that the presence of solid particles in the electrolyte is one of the most fruitful causes of the well-known nodular growths on electrodeposited copper.
To indicate the variety of uses to which jute is applied, the following quotation may be cited from the official report of Hem Chunder Kerr as applying to Midnapur.
At the request of his friends he devoted a fortnight to applying the same method to the first or metaphysical part of Descartes's philosophy, and the sketch was published in 1663, with an appendix entitled Cogitata metaphysica, still written from a Cartesian standpoint (defending, for example, the freedom of the will), but containing hints of his own doctrine.
Extract of belladonna is added to lessen the pain which might occur during the removal of the corn, and this acts as a corrective, while the flexible collodion forms a means of applying it conveniently, and constitutes the vehicle.
Another way of applying cold is to dip an ordinary sheet into cold water, apply it for three or four minutes to the surface of the body, then remove it and replace it by another sheet while the first one is being dipped in water.
One of the great difficulties in the way of applying this treatment is that in all probability many of the ferments or enzymes are altered during the process of absorption in the same way as the normal ferments of digestion, and unless the tissue enzymes can be isolated and injected subcutaneously the desired results will not be obtained.
To his mind the convent is not far removed from the church, and as a layman he is not at all inclined to accept the principles of monachism as applying to himself or to square his views of history in accordance with them.
Originality of conception, vividness of presentation, fertility of imagination, wide knowledge of Scripture and a happy faculty of applying it, intense spiritual fervour, a striking physique and a powerful voice made him a great pulpit force.
None of these systems, which are chiefly due to the medical bacteriologists, has maintained its position, owing to the difficulty of applying the characters and to the fact that such properties are physiological and liable to great fluctuations in culture, because a given organism may vary greatly in such respects according to its degree of vitality at the time, its age, the mode of nutrition observed; or, at any rate, the strictest rules should be followed in accepting the evidence adduced to render the union of any forms probable.
The methods employed in studying the relation of bacteria to disease are in principle comparatively simple,but considerable experience and great care are necessary in applying them and in interpreting results.
Of course, in applying the method means must be adopted for suitably diluting the bacterial mixture.
The courts, however, declared that the clause in the constitution of New Jersey was a " general proposition," not applying " to man in his private, industrial or domestic capacity."
The probability is that in such cases governments and courts applying international law would probably be guided not by technical facts - such, to take the case of British possessions, as the fact that an order in council permitted appeals to the Judicial Committee - but would look to the facts of the case.
Applying to the French classics the rigorous method used with regard to the texts of the middle ages, he published the of Pascal, revised with the original manuscript (1887-1889), and the Provinciales (1891), edited with notes.
Antony committed suicide, in the mistaken belief that she had already done so, but Octavian refused to yield to the charms of Cleopatra who put an end to her life, by applying an asp to her bosom, according to the common tradition, in the thirty-ninth year of her age (29th of August, 30 B.C.).
Applying a characteristic common to some taxes, we can make a group of them, and set them against a group of all the other taxes lumped together.
The mixture, then, was composed of such materials as sulphur and naphtha with quicklime, and took fire spontaneously when wetted - whence the name of wet fire or sea fire; and portions of it were "projected and at the same time ignited by applying the hose of a water engine to the breech" of the siphon, which was a wooden tube, cased with bronze.
An amendment which was adopted (177,615 for; 147,290 against) in November 1908, and came in effect on the 4th of December 1908, provides for initiative and referendum applying to statutory law and to constitutional amendments, but emergency measures, and appropriations for the state government, for state institutions, and for public schools are exempt from referendum.
The principal grounds for divorce are impotence, bigamy, adultery, conviction of felony or other infamous crime subsequent to the marriage or before the marriage if unknown to the other party, desertion or habitual drunkenness for one year, such cruel or barbarous treatment as to endanger the life of the other, such conduct as to render the condition of the other intolerable, and vagrancy of the husband; but before applying for a divorce the plaintiff must reside in the state for one year immediately preceding, unless the cause of action was given within the state or while the plaintiff was a resident of the state.
Sarpi spent four years at Mantua, applying himself to mathematics and the Oriental languages.
As an example of one mode of applying the system, suppose that a night inspector begins work at 11.30 p.m.
Hamilton himself seems not till this period to have fully understood either the nature or the importance of his discovery, for it is only now that we find him announcing his intention of applying his method to dynamics.
Jacobi, accepting the law of reason and consequent as the fundamental rule of demonstrative reasoning, and as the rule explicitly followed by Spinoza, points out that, if we proceed by applying this principle so as to recede from particular and qualified facts to the more general and abstract conditions, we land ourselves, not in the notion of an active, intelligent creator of the system of things, but in the notion of an all-comprehensive, indeterminate Nature, devoid of will or intelligence.
Besides, the tendency of applying a formula of this sort to history is to assume that the elements are developed in a certain regular or necessary order, whereas this may not at all be the case; but we may find at any epoch the whole mixed, either crossing or co-operative, as in the consciousness of the individual himself.
The function of a judge in a criminal as in a civil action was to see that the facts, with modifying circumstances, were fully and truly submitted to him, and then by applying the law to these facts to ascertain and declare the amount of compensation that would make a legal adjustment.
There are also an adult probation law and a juvenile court law, the latter applying to every county in the state.
In his later years he fell into the vice of hoarding money for its own sake; so necessary was it to his policy that he should be free, as far as possible, from the need for applying to parliament for money, that he became morbidly anxious to have great hoards in readiness for any possible day of financial stress.
The principle in its original form as applying to a right line was used throughout by Chasles in the investigations on the number of the conics which satisfy given conditions, and on the number of solutions of very many other geometrical problems.
Few men, if any, have ever acquired a settled mental habit of surveying human affairs broadly, of watching the play of passion, interest, circumstance, in all its comprehensiveness, and of applying the instruments of general conceptions and wide principles to its interpretation with respectable constancy, unless they have at some early period of their manhood resolved the greater problems of society in independence and isolation.
There is also a general resemblance in the number, characters and mode of succession of both series; so that, although individual teeth of the upper and lower jaws may not be in the strict sense of the term homologous parts, there is a great convenience in applying the same descriptive terms to the one which are used for the other.
Prior to 1691, however, Dr John Clayton, dean of Kildare, filled bladders with inflammable gas obtained by the distillation of coal, and showed that on pricking the bladders and applying a light to the escaping gas it burnt with a luminous flame, and in 1726 Stephen Hales published the fact that by the distillation of 158 grains of Newcastle coal, 180 cub.
There are a great number of methods of applying the regenerative principle which vary only in detail.
Applying to the study of the French Revolution the rules of historical criticism which had produced such rich results in the study of ancient and medieval history, he devoted himself to profound research in the archives, and to the publication of numerous most important contributions to the political, administrative and moral history of that marvellous period.
Disraeli studied too, no doubt, reading and inquiring and applying set thought, but such means were insufficient to put into his mind all that he found there.
Moral insight, in the view of the most thoughtful Jews of the age immediately preceding Christianity, was conceived as knowledge of a divine code, emanating from an authority external to human reason which had only the function of interpreting and applying its rules.
They are not content to write a history of moral development, applying to it the principles by which Darwinians seek to explain the development of animal life.
Applying this deviation to the measured arc, the true zenith distance of the body is found.
That island was now left an open field for the intrigues of Philip. Worst of all, the party of Eubulus not only defeated a proposal, arising from this campaign, for applying the festival-money to the war-fund, but actually carried a law making it high treason to renew the proposal.
They had but one desire, to put themselves on a good footing again with Cond, instead of applying themselves honestly to the service dAnc,e.
Incapable of applying himself to great affairs, but of sane and even acute judgment, Louis XIII.
Applying this interpretation to the formulae given above, it follows that when the incident light is polarized at an azimuth a to the plane of incidence and the second medium is the less refracting, the reflected light at angles of incidence exceeding the critical angle is elliptically polarized with a difference of phase A between the components polarized in the principal azimuths that is given by tan (A/2) =cot i l l (1 - µ 2 cosec 2 i).
The extraordinary advances made by him in this branch of knowledge were owing to his happy method of applying mathematical analysis to physical problems. As a pure mathematician he was, it is true, surpassed in profundity by more than one among his pupils and contemporaries; and in the wider imaginative grasp of abstract geometrical principles he cannot be compared with Fermat, Descartes or Pascal, to say nothing of Newton or Leibnitz.
We conclude by applying Ohm's law that the electromotive force, E, of the thermocouple may be approximately represented for small differences of temperature by the formula E=CR=p(t-t').
By applying the first law of thermodynamics, Kohlrausch deduces that a quantity of heat, CBdT, is absorbed in the element dT per second by the current C. He wrongly identifies this with the Thomson effect, by omitting to allow for the heat carried.
Some instanCes of ii occur in the ancient tongue, applying indifferently to the nominative and the objective case; el applying to the singular is also not wholly unknown.
Applying the same method of careful observation to the sun and planets, and later to some of the constellations and to many of the fixed stars, it will be apparent that the body of observations noted must have grown in the course of time to large and indeed to enormous proportions, and correspondingly the interpretations assigned to the nearly endless variations in the phenomena thus observed.
Gauss's system of absolute units to electromagnetism, Thomson took up the question, and, applying the principles of energy, calculated the absolute electromotive force of a Daniell cell, and determined the absolute measure of the resistance of a wire from the heat produced in it by a known current.
It is impossible within brief limits to convey more than a general idea of the work of a philosopher who published more than three hundred original papers bearing upon nearly every branch of physical science; who one day was working out the mathematics of a vortex theory of matter on hydrodynamical principles or discovering the limitations of the capabilities of the vortex atom, on another was applying the theory of elasticity to tides in the solid earth, or was calculating the size of water molecules, and later was designing an electricity meter, a dynamo or a domestic water-tap. It is only by reference to his published papers that any approximate conception can be formed of his life's work; but the student who had read all these knew comparatively little of Lord Kelvin if he had not talked with him face to face.
Huxley, in his article on this subject in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, for applying the name Amphibia to those lung-breathing, pentadactyle vertebrates which had been first severed from the Linnaean Amphibia by Alexandre Brongniart, under the name of Batrachia, have not met with universal acceptance.
Even applying the normal fortitude to secondary victims only is the rule still justifiable?
I don't feel any qualms about applying it to the people who wrote and voted for the rule.
You can download a style letter applying for independent adjudication here.
The position should be dealt with by an express article applying them in such cases in order to remove any ambiguity.
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Seems I had a natural aptitude for applying behavioral models to criminal cases.
Mixing up the different ingredients and applying them doesn't prove too arduous.
There will be a dressing and an elasticated bandage over the operation sites, applying pressure to assist with healing.
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The Black Death was treated by lancing the buboes and applying a warm poultice of butter, onion and garlic.
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In this chapter we shall examine the effects of applying square waves to cr circuits.
The model was validated by applying to cohorts without lung cancer excess and to cohorts of smokers and non smokers.
It focuses on applying ant colony behavior to search the robot's configuration space.
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Above all the principles of honesty and integrity when applying the PMS are essential to enable genuine creativity in design and realism in management.
Access to these files may be arranged by applying to the senior curator at the above address.
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Although you learn more theory in university than you actually use day-to-day, I do enjoy applying the theory to the practical work.
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All unstable (flaking or peeling) paint surfaces, especially water-soluble distempers, must be removed or washed off before applying Emulsion.
The work consists of applying computational fluid dynamics simulations to study the fluid dynamics simulations to study the fluid dynamics of surgically reconstructed fluid domains.
Applying one third of the nitrogen after crop emergence has given good results in recent trials and is especially beneficial in wet years.
Sand and fill existing lining paper particularly the seams, taking care to re- paste any loose paper before applying emulsion.
You can win by applying a suitable technique while you are mutually entangled.
Roger Evans reported that he had sent out a second draft booklet entitled " Applying to Register a Design " .
Research Paul's current research is concerned with developing and applying statistical and mathematical models for the vCJD epidemic in the UK.
Now may we be convinced of the propriety of applying the epithet " good " to humility or piety toward God.
Applying moral theory is only part of what computer ethicists do, however.
On the other hand, control of these chaotic motions is also studied by applying a parametric periodic excitation.
The expectation of many individuals applying feng shui is unrealistic to begin with.
Applying liquid tomato feed will encourage better flowering - see ' Feeding ' .
It reviews the principles of statics and kinematics and applying them to the approximate analysis of pin and rigid jointed frames.
You can also try rubbing your baby's gums with your finger or applying a small amount teething gel.
Don't try to tape the eye straight after applying gel or drops as these make the eyelid greasy and the tape wont stick.
Do not eat, drink or smoke while applying the product and wash hands after use.
Real life problems tend to be tackled by applying suitable heuristics to simplify the problem.
Some strategies for applying the metric heuristics to translation are provided.
It is however invidious to have different funding mechanisms applying to young people's learning opportunities.
This will have to be worked out on a case-by-case basis applying the jurisprudence to which we have referred.
This can also be done to rake out dead moss a couple of weeks after applying a chemical moss killer.
Alan will have completed the cladding repairs by early October and this will enable us to begin the unpleasant task of applying the lagging.
Are we not capable of demonstrating our peaceful intentions by applying all our abilities and our ingenuity to achieving a truly lasting stability?
But it is perfectly lawful to employ someone who is still in the initial stages of applying for a NI no.
More reactive N is being released into the global environment by burning fossil fuels, applying fertilizers and growing legumes than by natural processes.
The official receiver is able to apply under this section for revival as the " former liquidator " applying on the company's behalf.
Logbook A trainee applying under the transitional arrangements may bring the old style logbook A trainee applying under the transitional arrangements may bring the old style logbook to the Exit examination.
Bryson highlights the lunacy of applying Latin grammar to a Germanic language and the smug, slimy pedants it has given us.
By applying a step sequencer to a drum kit, you can use RADIAS as a programmable drum machine.
You may contact the Veterans Agency direct or our own Head Office or the merchant mariners for help in applying for the badge.
Using the original Industrial Tribunal calculation and applying the statutory maximum then in force Mr Clements ' compensation should have been £ 11,000.
Practical sessions will cover all areas of measurement including basic metrology, estimating uncertainties and applying corrections.
This is done by applying a standard multiplier to the increased value of the eventual pension benefit.
We recommend a Dust Mask be used when applying this product as it can rapidly dry nasal and throat passage if inhaled.
At the time of his seizure, he was in the process of applying for British nationality.
The second chart has a slightly debilitated Mercury in an overwhelmingly negative chart, with the Moon applying by opposition.
Avoid applying nematodes in bright conditions; apply in dull weather or in the evenings.
Stop any obvious bleeding by applying pressure with an absorbent pad.
Most of this is just applying patches from the queue.
Comb your eyebrows before applying eyebrow pencil and then, ever so lightly, comb them again when you have finished.
Without applying external perturbations at the inflow boundary, large vortical structures develop naturally in the flow field due to buoyancy effects.
Its more natural look is achieved by applying a surface pigmentation to the top face of the sheet.
The House of Lords, applying Lord Wilberforce's " aftermath test, " dismissed the plaintiffs ' actions.
When applied over clay undercoat or one-coat plaster, the previous layers should be fully dry and shrinkage complete before applying finish coats.
When applied over clay undercoat plaster, the previous layers should be fully dry and shrinkage complete before applying finish coats.
In this project, we are applying e-Science and Grid technologies to the area of polymorph prediction.
Dust off your garden furniture, applying fresh preservative where required.
We are applying these methods to study ultrashort pulse propagation within the cavity of semiconductor lasers.
The number of successful male Protestant applicants was broadly proportionate to the numbers applying.
Comments (2) something to do with my reverse proxy applying a rule to the forms post address.
Are there any special criminal offenses applying to late night refreshment houses?
First, kill the tick by applying alcohol or nail polish remover on a cotton swab.
Plenty of history of applying for owns SAM 's town interest among youth.
Once your dog is thoroughly wet you start applying the shampoo in the same order.
What is the risk to wheat of applying Cerone beyond flag leaf sheath opening stage?
The almost slavish adherence to the idea that presentation is paramount is like applying gloss paint to rotten woodwork.
Layout grids provide the best solution for applying consistent vertical spacing between elements.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model spitfire.
I had a stammer for many years, however applying the speech rules I learned on your course have helped me to achieve fluency.
Chapter Two considers the normative syllogism, a formalization of the process of (deductively) applying law to facts.
Several options are available for applying less than full icosahedral symmetry.
Spray both sides which need to be stuck and allow the area to become tacky before fitting and applying pressure.
Methods of Inquiry forms an introduction to research methods and ways of applying knowledge in interdisciplinary teamwork.
Covers all stages from paint removal to applying a new topcoat.
The aim of applying a tourniquet is to block the flow of blood in the veins going back to the heart.
He cut the cord and we cuddled her, only later realizing that the midwife was applying cord traction.
We note first that the son's significator, the Moon, is making a mutually applying trine with Saturn.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
We have done this by applying the principle of progressive universalism.
By the time Frank reached the age of 18 he was no longer a Minor and became unprotected from the law applying to Adults.
First, within-word pronunciation variants were generated by applying a set of five optional phonological rules to the words in the baseline lexicon.
Conclusion The Commission is becoming increasingly vigilant in applying the EC state aid rules.
This link enables or disables this function by applying 0 volts or 5 volts to pin 30.
Its therefore a good time to be applying a systemic weedkiller.
This can be done indirectly by applying the same yardstick to the Marxists and the disciples of Foucault as they apply to others.
By abolishing the illusory pensions fund, by applying and amending the Bank Laws, effecting economies, and increasing taxation upon corn, incomes from consolidated stock, salt and matches, he averted national bankruptcy, and placed Italian finance upon a sounder basis than at any time since the fall of the Right.
These, however, were ere long rivalled and afterwards superseded by the Shorthorn or Durham breed, which the brothers Charles and Robert Coiling obtained from the useful race of cattle that had long existed in the valley of the Tees, by applying to them the principle of breeding which Bakewell had already established.
It may be held to recognize the validity of divine laws, for example; or it may be confined to the deductive process of applying those laws to particular cases, known as "cases of conscience" (see Casuistry).
With these definitions it is now possible to prove the following six premisses applying to finite cardinal numbers, from which Peano 2 has shown that all arithmetic can be deduced i.
The force required to detach it is measured by a registering spring balance, which is clamped to the upper end of the rod, and thence the induction or the magnetization is deduced by applying the formula (B-H)2/81r = 27r1 2 = Pg/S, where P is the pull in grammes weight, S the sectional area of the rod in square cm., and g=981.
Applying these principles to the consideration of the Arachnida, we arrive at the conclusion that the smaller and simpler Arachnids are not the more primitive, but that the Acari or mites are, in fact, a degenerate group. This was maintained by Lankester in 1878 (19), again in 1881 (20); it was subsequently announced as a novelty by Claus in 1885 (21).
If it were desired to use an angular aperture so large that the aberration according to (13) would be injurious, Rowland points out that on his machine there would be no difficulty in applying a remedy by making v slightly variable towards the edges.
Recently, however, a well-known sugar maker in Germany has altered his battery in such manner that instead of having to open a large door below the cells in order to discharge them promptly, he opens a comparatively small valve and, applying compressed air at the top of the cell, blows the whole contents of spent slices up a pipe to the drying apparatus, thus saving not only a great deal of time but also a great deal of labour of a kind which is both arduous and painful, especially during cold weather.
Its basic principle wa liberty of the individual, liberty of the family and liberty of th nation; it was always found on the side of broad-minded justice, an it derived its materials from economic, social and scientific sources Other newspapers of greatly improved character followed the Jij i Shim p0, especially notable among them being the Kokumin Shimbui In the meanwhile Osaka, always pioneer in matters of commercif i enterprise, had set the example of applying the force of capital t journalistic development.
Modern Congregationalism, as highly sensitive to the Zeitgeist and its solvent influence on dogma, shared for a time the critical and negative attitude produced by the first impact of a culture determined by the conception of development as applying to the whole realm of experience.
The term acquired a special significance in the philosophy of Kant, who used it to describe the contradictory results of applying to the universe of pure thought the categories or criteria proper to the universe of sensible perception (phenomena).
In these instances, however, we can explain the difficulty away by applying that great fundamental principle followed by the Semitic priests and scribes who played with and on the Sumerian idiom, and in the course of many centuries turned what was originally an agglutinative language into what has almost justified Halevy and his followers in calling Sumerian a cryptography.
The demand was politely but firmly refused, and Bismarck, judging that the moment had come for applying the match to the powder magazine, published an edited version of the telegram from the king describing the episode, a version which without the addition of a single word turned the refusal into an insult.
The difficulties experienced in applying the 1880 decree were great, but the perseverance of British officers gave the oppressed peasants, in 1885, an equitable law, which has been since improved by the decree of 1900.
If, therefore, a logic fails to employ the pragmatic test, it is doomed to remain purely formal, and the possibility of applying its doctrines to actual knowing, and their real validity, remain in doubt.
What has just been said as to the treatment of the final vowels in Catalan must be understood as applying only to pure Catalan, unaltered by the predominance of the Castilian, for the actual language is no longer faithful to the principle we have laid down; it allows o atonic in a number of substantives and adjectives, and in the verb it now conjugates canto, temo, sentoa thing unknown in the ancient language.
I define wisdom as deriving a course of action from applying a value system to a situation.
Finally, when I use the word "wisdom," I am talking about applying a value system to knowledge to suggest a course of action.
Then he vividly pictured to himself Bogucharovo, his occupations in the country, his journey to Ryazan; he remembered the peasants and Dron the village elder, and mentally applying to them the Personal Rights he had divided into paragraphs, he felt astonished that he could have spent so much time on such useless work.
Drill at slow speed, applying light pressure and use lubricant, make pool with putty for oil or water.
But I do n't feel any qualms about applying it to the people who wrote and voted for the DMCA itself.
Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune.
Daily variations in reflectance factors were quantified in relation to changes in the solar zenith angle, applying the modified Walthall et al.
Applying a tan remover such as San Tropez Self Tan Remover within four hours of applying the solution removed it instantly.
Some of the earliest work applying statistical methods in volcanology involved looking at the expected repose interval between volcanic eruptions.
Most respondents were in favor of applying a flat rate deduction.
Plenty of history of applying for owns sam 's town interest among youth.
On applying for membership please provide a detailed description of why you are interested in the subject of schizoid personality disorder.
Before applying the fertilizer, spike the lawn with a fork or with a spiking machine and water the area thoroughly.
They seek instant gratification from games that load in seconds, not the quiet satisfaction of applying the crowning brushstroke to a model Spitfire.
The replacement was a form of " no fault " insurance applying to all categories of claimants, including sportsmen.
Depreciation for tax purposes is calculated by systematically applying the straight-line depreciation method.
Applying sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or more to all exposed areas of skin.
Applying tamper evident labels around the lid profile of pharmaceutical cartons.
I 'm applying for a second tranche of funding.
Set your base by applying a dusting of translucent powder.
A test cell for applying true triaxial stress states to core plugs, with three independent principal stresses, has been developed.
We note first that the son 's significator, the Moon, is making a mutually applying trine with Saturn.
After applying some simple algebra to some trite phrases and cliches a new understanding can be reached of the secret to wealth and success.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of Tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
The beads rub along the shaft of the penis applying a little pressure at random to perfectly replicate the feel of a real vagina.
By applying a bias voltage across the capacitors, an electric field is set up within the ferroelectric, causing its permitivity to change.
Guy Bradbury said NGC regarded it as not applying to a walk-on survey.
The pattern was created by applying chemical dyes mixed with rice paste through stencils on to the surface of the woven fabric.
Some types of false eyelashes do not react well to water or moisture, so avoid applying mascara and weepy films !
This means regularly applying the whitening product at home over two to four weeks, for 30 minutes to one hour at a time.
When applying for a job, show how you can contribute to the success of the company.
Baby signing is the process of applying elementary gestures to common words or commands.
Licensing Procedures-This may include applying, withdrawal, renewal, advertising, and department visits and/or consultations.
Avoid applying glue to the pacifier itself.
Many parents handle a diaper rash by cleansing the area with baby wipes and then applying a standard diaper cream.
Then, dry your baby's bottom thoroughly before applying a quality diaper cream.
Moreover, a sports bra that is designed with the intent to lock the breasts in by applying pressure to the chest area may also aggravate or even induce conditions such as plugged ducts or mastitis.
Married couples must have been married at least five years before applying for adoption.
Married couples must have no more than two biological children living at home when applying for an adoption.
You can suspect a yeast rash if you've been applying diaper cream regularly but it doesn't seem to work.
Always be sure to closely and carefully follow the directions for applying a facial mask.
After applying, go to a spot where there is not only a mirror, but natural light as well.
Finally, of course, you will need all the tools required for applying and removing cosmetics.
Heat can inactivate the effectiveness of venom, so applying heat to the affected bug bite area should relieve the itch.
No skills are required, other than calmly applying the seeds.
They work by applying acupressure directly where the pain is.
It's like applying a mural piece by piece, and I selected my designs from the animal patterns and jungle theme category at the
Move the kitten's bladder and bowels by wiping the areas using a wet rag while applying mild pressure.
Always follow the directions on the label when applying treatments to your cat.
Frontline Flea & Tick Control has the ability to kill 100 percent of fleas within 12 hours of applying.
Before you fill out an application and stick it in the mail, you should read this article to understand exactly what you are applying for.
Consider applying for a card with a photo.
Applying the amount earned directly to the card's balance.
Applying for a Target Visa is an easy and quick process.
Optional SafetyNet® - This is a wonderful option to look into when applying for a Target Visa.
Applying for a platinum card is relatively simple.
While the card's appearance may attract attention with its translucent appearance and blue square in the center, most people review the card's benefits to decide whether they are interested in applying.
Although it makes for tedious reading, it's important to read over the terms and conditions before applying.
Applying over the phone is similar, as once the information is entered into the lender's computer system, it is also protected with staunch security and privacy measures.
It is also wise to compare cards before applying.
Applying is a simple process, but customer service representatives are available to answer any questions applicants may have.
You will usually receive your approval or denial within 60 seconds after applying on the web.
Applying for one of these products is simple when your personal information is already in the Capital One computer system.
Applying for this card is quick and easy.
When applying for state and/or federal licensing.
Fees vary from bank to bank, so be sure to check your issuing banks fees before applying for your Maestro card.
It is important to weigh all your options before applying for a merchant account.
Applying for a First Equity Visa Card is not as easy as applying for other cards.
Be prepared to supply a copy of your latest paystub or income statement and the paystub of anyone else applying for the card jointly with you.
Be sure to check the APR on purchases and cash advances on each consumer card before applying.
On the other hand, don't be apprehensive about applying through a completely different provider as long as it is a reputable institution.
Applicants should keep in mind that applying for one card does not necessarily guarantee that it will be the exact card they are approved for.
Applicants can choose from several different options when applying for a card.
Before applying for a gas card through this company make sure that there are participating stations nearby so you can get the highest amount of rebates possible for your purchases while also taking advantage of the card's convenience.
If you live on an area where FINA gas stations are prevalent, applying for one of their gas cards may be the answer to adding a bit more convenience to an otherwise hectic life.
From applying online and paying at the pump to affordable monthly payments, FINA strives to provide its customers with a reason to keep coming back.
Individuals should consider the current interest rates, service fees and application requirements before applying.
If the drawbacks for a First USA card seem too much for you to handle, or if you can't foot the highest interest payment available from the outset, you might want to reconsider applying.
The goal of applying for a balance transfer card is to save money on interest payments by moving your balance from a card with a high rate to a card with a lower rate.
After applying for an account through the company, merchants can select the best type of payment processing tool for their particular needs.
If the rate offered online or through a paper application seems too high, contact the lender directly before applying and request a lower interest rate.
Read the fine print in any application before actually applying.
Offers do change from time to time, so check the website of the lender before applying.
Compare offers without applying directly.
If you have even the slightest doubt about whether you can repay card balances in full and on time, hold off on applying for any new accounts.
Make sure you read the terms and conditions carefully on any card you are applying for so you will understand what your fees and other obligations will be.
Applying for a Citi Forward card is easy.
Always check current offers before applying.
Applying for a Chase MasterCard is easy.
Read through all of the terms and qualifications provided by Capital One before applying.
Read the entire terms and conditions disclosure before applying.
Avoid applying for loans online or making purchases online.
Be sure to look at the most up to date information on the website before applying as terms and conditions are subject to change.
Be sure to read the terms and offer details on the website before applying.
Discuss your particular small business partnership needs before applying for a card.
Be sure to check the current terms and conditions before applying as these may change frequently.
Be sure to check the details of any offer before applying.
Be sure to read the current offer, terms and conditions before applying for these or any other cards.
Check the Chase Student Center website before applying as terms and conditions are subject to change.
If you are interested in following an environmentally responsible lifestyle, it's important to educate yourself about important water conservation facts and applying what you have learned in your daily life.
Dead plant matter and residue can also transfer into a renewable energy source by applying heat.
Applying the gel to the affected area several times throughout the day will soothe and cool the painful burning feeling.
Other natural remedies include mixing a tablespoon of salt and black tea, applying it to your hair, and rinsing after one hour.
Applying rosemary directly to your pet will protect from fleas and other parasites at home or at the dog park.
Certainly, applying a sweetly scented eye mask filled with lavender blossoms is pleasant and safe unless you eschew traditional medicine for a serious condition in favor of aromatherapy.
Wear rubber gloves, goggles, and a mask when applying the stripper.
Finish your new heirloom by applying a sealing coat of clear, poly-acrylic finish.
Big Box Retailers - Major DIY retailers, such as Lowe's and Home Depot, have special paint sections with a variety of paint products, painting accessories, and kits for applying specialty paint treatments.
This is affected by applying a heavy coat of plaster on the wall and moving your trowel in a semi-circular motion across the wall, leaving irregular half-moon shapes.
Proponents swear that applying Feng Shui to their home has given them significant stress relief.
You should also consider an additional mirror to be used when applying make up or shaving.
Practice any technique first before applying it to any wall.
Let this coat dry well before applying the sponge coat.
Make sure the paint dries before applying a new coat.
You will need a minimum of two coats - be sure to let each coat dry completely before applying the next one.
A woman applying makeup in a red room can end up putting on far too much and looking more made up than she intended.
How-to Guides teach you the basics of applying interior and exterior paints.
Learn from others' experiences in choosing and applying Olympic Paint.
Applying paint can be a great way to mask the ugly tiles and create a great new look.
Stenciling is an art form that uses a repetitious method of applying color through a cut out shape.
Create a tone-on-tone damask design by applying a flat paint onto a semigloss basecoat.
Before applying contact paper, be sure to prepare the surface.
Use sandpaper to smooth a surface before applying contact paper.
If you wash or wipe down a surface before applying the paper, give it enough time to dry thoroughly.
After applying the paper, wipe it down with a rag to ensure that it is attached to the surface.
Don't make the mistake of applying a generic design to a specific space.
You may also want to play around with spacing of words and position on a flat surface first, before applying the letters directly to the wall.
Consider the sizing based on both the size of the wall, the number of polka dots you are applying and the size of other accents in the space.
Don't apply these without first applying a primer.
To warm up the pencil, try swiping it across the back of your hand a few times before applying it to the lid.
Soften the line further by applying a matching shadow on top.
With some other types of liner brushes, your hand can obscure the view of where you're applying the liner.
Applying your foundation, concealer, and any highlights and contours you'd like to add will set the stage for your colorful products, like blush, shadows, and lip color.
Small, handheld implanters are the most common method of applying permanent cosmetics to the skin and are similar to a tattoo gun, but allow the artist to have more control.
The hand technique involves applying cosmetics to the middle layer of the skin with a small pen like device that looks similar to an eye liner or lip liner pencil.
From simple steps in contouring with eyeshadow to the perfect mascara application, a few tricks can help make applying eye makeup easier and give you greater freedom to create the look you want with confidence.
Simple tips, such as applying eye shadow for your eye type and knowing how to apply liquid liner, can make a big difference.
Whether you're preparing for day or night, it's a good idea to begin by applying an eye shadow primer base to your lids to help your eye makeup look fresh longer.
The most important part of applying mascara is selecting a high quality brand in the first place.
Applying eye makeup can be fun, but it also takes practice, so take time to experiment with it at home until you find the colors and techniques that make your eyes look their very best.
By matching the makeup to the brush and following the application tips in the brochure or on the DVD you won't have to worry about applying the wrong shade to the wrong area using the wrong brush ever again.
Also consider a face primer, as it seals in the moisture and smoothes the skin before applying the foundation.Whichever type of foundation you choose; the steps for application are relatively the same.
If you end up applying too much, you can always blot the excess with a tissue - a good practice for oilier skin types as it also absorbs some of the excess oil before the foundation has set.
Applying lipstick can truly be an art form.
To prevent your lipstick from bleeding - a horrendous affect with red lipstick - place your face powder around the lips after applying your lip color.
For an overall lip plumper facial appearance, experiment with the following outline of applying your lip products.
Before applying a spray tanning product it is ideal to prep the skin.
Exfoliate your entire body between three to twelve hours before applying the tan product - ideally with a moisturizing body scrub.
This line can be used as a guide when applying and will hide any skin that may not be covered completely by the lash strip.
Always let the glue dry for approximately 15 - 30 seconds before applying the false lashes to your eyes.
If using individual lashes, continue applying until you have reached your desired level of fullness.
They have a product that prepares your skin prior to applying cosmetics.
Once you have this, you'll have a much easier time applying your makeup.
Wipe off excess on tissue before applying to eye.
Plus, hide any imperfections you may have made while applying the liner.
There are several published books on the topic of applying makeup.
As you should with any makeup regime, be sure that your face is cleaned, toned, and moisturized before applying evening eye makeup.
Next, you want to start applying the aforementioned eye shadow.
The makeup of the 80s decade was all about applying more to bring attention to a woman's facial features.
Use a steady hand when applying makeup for more formal occasions.
When applying both shades simultaneously, the effect was fabulously three-dimensional, creating a depth not often found in lip color.
For most women, you will want to use your natural pigment line as a guide when applying on your lips.
For the perfect intense line, warm the pencil briefly in your hand before applying.
Top off with some indigo eyeliner blended on top and bottom and finish the look by curling your lashes and applying the blackest black mascara.
Try a face illuminator like Revlon Skinlights Custom face powders, and use a light hand when applying.
Applying eye makeup can be tricky, confusing, and downright aggravating.
The loose powder will "catch" any eye shadow that falls while you're applying your makeup.
When you're finished applying your eye makeup, just whisk away the excess powder with a large velor powder brush.
Applying eye makeup is a wonderful way to stand out from the crowd.
Finish your look by applying mascara and eyeliner if desired.
Requesting the doctor to abstain from applying any pigments containing iron oxide or other metallic components is a good way to keep you safe from potential complications with permanent makeup.
When applying cosmetics and other precision facial care, an 8x lighted makeup mirror can be indispensable for a variety of reasons.
Even in well lit areas, shadows and lack of direct light can create difficulty in applying cosmetics.
Professional makeup artists contend that this side, or surround lighting, is best when applying makeup.
From applying eye makeup to eyebrow tweezing, putting on lip liner to blending makeup colors, a good cosmetic mirror is at the top of the list when it comes to a woman's beauty tools.
Applying any makeup, and especially eye makeup, can be difficult with a standard mirror.
Avoid a makeup meltdown by applying a tinted moisturizer or light foundation.
Applying it over the entire eyelid will ensure your makeup stays put.
After applying color, insert your index finger into your mouth and pull it out.
Apply a good moisturizer and lip balm about 10 minutes before applying your makeup to smooth and prepare your skin.
Show your designs to the person who will be applying the henna to give them an idea of your preferences.
The tapering does make reaching the tiny bottom lashes much easier and the quill-like bristles allow the lashes to separate cleanly when applying.
For a more intense color, you could also moisten the shadow brush before applying.
I began applying her makeup via standing on a dining room chair or bathroom commode.
Another trick is to use gloves when applying the product.
Then when you have finished applying the eye shadow, you can simply whish the powder away with a large powder brush.
Since applying color to the eyes and brows requires such painstaking care, it is usually easier to make (and detect) mistakes in these areas.
If you love the scent, dab an emolliating substance, such as Vaseline, a shea butter cream or an unscented body oil onto your pulse points prior to applying the fragrance.
Applying Halloween makeup can be a daunting task.
When applying Halloween makeup, you'll make your lines more distinct and your color contrasts more obvious.
Also, don't forget that allergy test before applying Halloween makeup to your whole face.
Start by applying a heavy duty theatrical white face paint.
Especially if you're applying for a job as a makeup artist, one of the most important makeup and makeover application tips you can learn is how to clean brushes and keep the products sanitary for the next client.
One area the makeup and makeover application tips really come in handy is when you're applying for a job as a makeup artist at a counter.
Always start with a small amount of eye shadow when applying your dark (contour) eye shadow as it's much easier to add more color than it is to remove color when you're working with darker eye shadows.
Before applying Shiseido products, or any beauty products for that matter, make sure your skin is clean and dry.
Applying the shadow with the provided applicator was a piece of cake.
Depending on the type of look I'm going for and where I'm applying the powder, I rotate between several brushes to apply it.
Benetint is not a moisturizing product, so be sure to apply a clear gloss to the lips after applying the tint if you want to maintain a supple feel all day long.
When applying mineral makeup, it's important to remember that a little bit is all you need to achieve complete coverage.
Applying lipstick stains are easy; just roll or brush on.
The trickiest part of applying a lip stain is working quickly.
Work quickly when applying a brush on stain to avoid visible lines.
Following the tip of applying a lip balm prior to lip stain application will help keep your moisture level in check.
If you find yourself regularly applying waterproof eye makeup, you'll need to stock the medicine cabinet with a waterproof eye makeup remover such as Neutrogena's Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover.
Always blend carefully and thoroughly when applying dark eye shadows.
Experiment with color, length and intensity of liner, and applying highlight and contour shades to different parts of the lid and brow.
Before applying makeup, always start with a clean canvas.
Before applying smokey eye makeup, gather all the necessary tools and "prep" the eyes to begin receiving color.
Complete the smokey look by applying several coats of mascara.
Finish up as usual by applying several coats of mascara.
Those that enjoy and appreciate the art of applying eye makeup can take heart.
Even those who have less experience in the field can easily come to appreciate the intricacy involved in applying color to the eyes.
Prior to applying any color to the eyelid, use an eye shadow base, such as First Base or Second Base by Too Faced.
This is also an easy, quick way to skip applying foundation on the face to give you a bronzed and even skin tone.
Using a moisturizer or primer prior to applying can help the makeup adhere more evenly to the skin for those who have dry areas.
However, most women find that the easiest, most comfortable and most accurate method of applying concealer is to use the fourth finger, which applies the least pressure, and pat until the makeup is blended.
Keep the zombie makeup basic and pay close attention to applying the makeup in a realistic fashion.
This can be achieved by using the black and green makeup and applying it lightly with a sponge.
You'll also want to cleanse your skin prior to applying your makeup.
If you've got the time, though, it's definitely worth applying it with the appropriate tools.
One side is flat, wide and perfect for applying color to the entire eyelid.
Use it to pull off a dramatic smoky eye by first applying Black Violet liner on the top lash line, tracing from the inner to the outer corner.
The key to applying runway makeup is to be attentive to your features.
As it stands right now, applying the product, to the base of the eyelash, as it were a liquid eye pencil, is all that is recommended.
I've usually ended up defeating the purpose and applying a generous amount of gloss on top of the stain in an effort to impart some moisture.
The stains are easy to grab and go, though in general I prefer applying them with a lip brush as opposed to dipping my finger in the pot.
That said, applying it with a finger is not difficult and is, in fact, rather quick.
More neutral shades, like Shy Pink, are much more appropriate for applying in this manner; dark shades may require more attention.
Avoid applying powder to the brow bones or cheeks, keep these areas powder free to add a dewy and fresh look to your face, just like Rhianna's makeup.
Make sure that the liner goes with/or is in the same family as the eyeshadow you'll be applying.
Allow the moisturizer to soak into the skin before applying the makeup.
Although white eyeliner can be used in a retro-like fashion when applied as a thin line across the upper eyelid, applying eyeliner in an inverted v-shape on the inner corner of the eye will instantly make eyes appear large and wide awake.
When applying eye makeup, try using one shadow, rather than two or three shades.
Make sure your curl eyelashes with an eyelash curler prior to applying mascara.
Women with small eyes should also heed caution when applying eyeliner.
Once you are done applying, simply whisk the powder away and voilà!
Before applying your makeup be sure that your face is clean and oil free.
Finish your look by applying the glitter tattoo to your face.
Applying makeup to thickly can cause it to cake and not look smooth.
Face paint can be drying, so use a balm under it as well when applying to your lips.