Applications Sentence Examples
Such applications at the momelit when spores are germinating on the leaves, e.g.
Other applications depend on the strength of its resistance to acids.
The applications of anthropogeography to human uses give rise to political and commercial geography, in the elucidation of which all the earlier departments or stages have to be considered, together with historical and other purely human conditions.
It is an energetic oxidizing agent, and on this property its most important applications depend.
The science of geodesy is part of mathematical geography, of which the arts of surveying and cartography are applications.
I do not intend to allow such applications to 18 disrupt the smooth running of the Inquiry.
The theological interest which attaches to the idea of the preAaronic king-priest in these typical applications is practically independent of the historical questions suggested by the narrative of Gen.
The result of this harsh law was that numerous applications were made to Rome for secret absolution; and thus much money escaped the Inquisition in Spain.
During the first ten years after the act came into force 545 applications for orders were received, 313 orders were made, and 282 orders were confirmed.
They pointed out that while during the first five years the act was in force there were 315 applications for orders, during the second five years there were only 142 applications, and that proposals for new lines had become less numerous owing to the various difficulties in carrying them to a successful completion and to the difficulty of raising the necessary capital even when part of it was provided with the aid of the state and of the local authorities.
AdvertisementA large number of applications for mining concessions have been received since the establishment of the autonomous government.
The title of his work, Principles of Political Economy, with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy, though open to criticism, indicated a less narrow and formal conception of the field of the science than had been common amongst his predecessors.
The selection of the topics of mathematical inquiry among the infinite variety open to it has been guided by the useful applications, and indeed the abstract theory has only recently been disentangled from the empirical elements connected with these applications.
Thus the current applications of mathematics to the analysis of phenomena can be justified by no a priori necessity.
The micas are bad conductors of heat and electricity, and it is on these properties that many of their technical applications depend.
AdvertisementThomson (Applications of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry, 47) that on dynamical principles there must be a reciprocal relation between the changes of dimensions produced by magnetization and the changes of magnetization attending mechanical strain.
In the applications of the calculus the co-ordinates of a quaternion are usually assumed to be numerical; when they are complex, the quaternion is further distinguished by Hamilton as a biquaternion.
It should be observed that while the use of special units, or extraordinaries, in a linear algebra is convenient, especially in applications, it is not indispensable.
In most cases these subsidiary algebras, as they may be called, are inseparable from the applications in which they are used; but in any attempt at a natural classification of algebra (at present a hopeless task), they would have to be taken into account.
So far the development of algebra and geometry had been mutually independent, except for a few isolated applications of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical problems. Certain minds had long suspected the advantages which would accrue from the unrestricted application of algebra to geometry, but it was not until the advent of the philosopher Rene Descartes that the co-ordination was effected.
AdvertisementIn the applications with which we are concerned, t, n are very small quantities; and we may take P = x yn - At the same time dS may be identified with dxdy, and in the de nominator p may be treated as constant and equal to f.
The New English Dictionary points out that whereas the old Teutonic type of the word is neuter, corresponding to the Latin numen, in the Christian applications it becomes masculine, and that even where the earlier neuter form is still kept, as in Gothic and Old Norwegian, the construction is masculine.
Practical Applications Medicine and surgery have never been slow to appropriate and apply the biological facts of pathology, and at no period have they followed more closely in its wake than during the last quarter of the 19th century.
For applications of the hodograph to the solution of kinematical problems see Mechanics.
These and other tributary streams have been covered in and built over (in some cases serving as sewers), but it is possible to trace their valleys at various points by the fall and rise of streets crossing them, and their names survive, as will be seen, in various modern applications.
AdvertisementCornish pumps are the oldest of the machines for draining mines; in fact, one of the earliest applications of the old Woolf and Newcomen engines in the 18th century was to pumps for deep mines.
Mercury, by doing so, becomes viscid and unfit for its ordinary applications.
Similarly soils with less than i% of nitrogen are likely to be benefited by applications of nitrogenous manures.
The chief applications of Chile saltpetre are in the nitric acid industry, and in the manufacture of ordinary saltpetre for making gunpowder, ordinary Chile saltpetre being unsuitable by reason of its deliquescent nature, a property, however, not exhibited by the perfectly pure salt.
Its chief applications are as a manure and in the nitric acid industry.
Among other ingenious applications, he used it to determine the form of movement of a vibrating string, by him first successfully reduced to mechanical principles.
Since 1875 increased attention has been devoted to the applications of the rarer metals.
Alcohol is extensively employed as a solvent; in fact, this constitutes one of its most important industrial applications.
During the next three decades (1861-1891) the law was extended, and methylated spirit was duty-free for all purposes except for use as beverages and internal medicinal applications.
As it would be impossible within the limits of this article to illustrate or explain adequately the applications which have been made of the principles of thermodynamics, it has been necessary to select such illustrations only as are required for other reasons, or could not be found elsewhere.
He studied chemistry under Priestley and gave attention to the practical applications of the science.
He contributed two memoirs to the Philosophical Transactions, one, "Logometria," which discusses the calculation of logarithms and certain applications of the infinitesimal calculus, the other, a "Description of the great fiery meteor seen on March 6th, 1716."
The most numerous applications are in America.
The chief industrial applications are for making denatured alcohol (q.v.), and as a solvent, e.g.
But these applications are being superseded by the electric furnace, and electric light.
In physical and mechanical applications, where concrete measurements are involved, there is, as pointed out in the preceding section, the additional inaccuracy due to want of exactness in the figure itself.
Official figures show that the total number of applications for pensions up to that date had been 31,271, of which 23,877 had been granted.
The money is lent by an official board, which deals with applications and manages the finance of the system.
He published in1828-1830his Cours complet d'economie politique pratique, which is in the main an expansion of the Traite, with practical applications.
At all the more important schools the number of applications is many times greater than the vacancies.
The equations (66) - (71) are Siacci's, slightly modified by General Mayevski; and now in the numerical applications to high angle fire we can still employ the ballistic table for direct fire.
In the Church of England the word is applied to a private place of worship, attached either to the palaces of the sovereign, "chapels royal," or to the residence of a private person, to a college, school, prison, workhouse, &c. Further, the word has particular legal applications, though in each case the building might be and often is styled a church.
The investigation of all new applications for relief was committed to the deacon of the district, and every effort was made to enable the poor to help themselves.
The table occupies 300 pages, and there is an introduction of 88 pages relating to the mode of calculation, and the applications of logarithms.
On the whole, as in the case of vertebrate palaeontology, the pre-Darwinian period of invertebrate palaeontology was one of rather dry systematic description, in which, however, the applications of the science gradually extended to many regions of the world and to all divisions of the kingdom of invertebrates.
Iodine has extensive applications in volumetric analysis, being used more especially for the determination of copper.
The therapeutic applications of the drug are based entirely upon its anaesthetic or anodyne power.
These applications, however, never proved successful; he invariably found that his advisers "possessed not what they professed."
But, using substance as he does always in the Kantian sense of permanent substratum beneath changing phenomena, and never in the Aristotelian sense of any distinct thing, he proceeds to make distinctions between the applications of causality and of substance.
The discovery of the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarized light, though it did not lead to such important practical applications as some of Faraday's earlier discoveries, has been of the highest value to science, as furnishing complete dynamical evidence that wherever magnetic force exists there is matter, small portions of which are rotating about axes parallel to the direction of that force.
Keenly alive to the importance of the technical applications of chemistry, he devoted special attention as a teacher to the training of industrial chemists.
It had also the duty of considering applications for the concession of indulgences and of interpreting the rules with regard to them.
Sodium aluminate is obtained in the manufacture of alumina; it is used as a mordant in dyeing, and has other commercial applications.
Subsequently the hard top hairs are taken out as in the case of otters and beavers and the whole thoroughly cleaned in the revolving drums. The close underwool, which is of a slightly wavy nature and mostly of a pale drab colour, is then dyed by repeated applications of a rich dark brown colour, one coat after another, each being allowed to thoroughly dry before the next is put on, till the effect is almost a lustrous black on the top. The whole is again put through the cleaning process and evenly reduced in thickness by revolving emery wheels, and eventually finished off in the palest buff colour.
His disappointment at its reception was great; and though he never entirely relinquished his metaphysical speculations, though all that is of value in his later writings depends on the acute analysis of human nature to which he was from the first attracted, one cannot but regret that his high powers were henceforth withdrawn for the most part from the consideration, of the foundations of belief, and expended on its practical applications.
The proportion of primary schools has in fact been steadily decreasing, and the applications for admission to the secondary schools and colleges are on the average twice as great as the number of vacancies.
Two years later he first tried the effect of electro-puncture of the muscles on a patient under his care, and from this time on devoted himself more and more to the medical applications of electricity, thereby laying the foundation of the modern science of electro-therapeutics.
He published over fifty volumes containing his researches on muscular and nervous diseases, and on the applications of electricity both for diagnostic purposes and for treatment.
Various applications of the same system are in use, but the most popular is to place the leaves on trays of wire network in a high temperature for about twenty minutes, after which they are firm and crisp. Up to this point of the manufacture the leaf has been in the stalk, the leaves and bud being unseparated.
Omitting numerous minor applications of this drug, we may pass to two therapeutic uses which are of unquestionable utility.
The general condemnation of " shams " and cant had, of course, particular applications, though he left them to be inferred by his readers.
After the passing of the act (1886) the Crofters' Commission in 15 years considered applications for rent and revaluation of holdings which amounted to £82,790, and fixed the fair rent at £61,233, or an annual reduction of £21,557; of arrears of rent amounting to £184,962 they cancelled £124,180, and also assigned 4 8, 949 acres in enlargement of holdings.
The theory of chance was applied to the study of human variation by Quetelet; but the most important applications of this theory to biological problems are due in the first instance to Francis Galton, who used the theory of correlation in describing the relation between the deviation of one character in an animal body from the mean proper to its race and that of a second character in the same body (correlation as commonly understood), or between deviation of a parent from the mean of its generation and deviation of offspring from the mean of the following generation (inheritance).
One of the most important applications of the heliostat is as an adjunct to the newer forms of ' horizontal telescopes (q.v.) and in conjunction with spectroscopic telescopes in observations of eclipses.
The idea - a very old one with Jefferson - was not entirely original; in essence it received other attempted applications in the Napoleonic period - and especially in the continental blockade.
The three processes, as different applications of the principle of similarity, consisting of different combinations of premises, cause different degrees of cogency in their several conclusions.
Hamilton was led to his great invention by keeping geometrical applications constantly before him while he endeavoured to give a real significance to .,I - i.
We will therefore confine ourselves, so far as his predecessors are concerned, to attempts at interpretation which had geometrical applications in view.
In a further communication to the Annales, Argand pushed on the applications of his theory.
But there is nothing to prevent its being represented by a directed line if, as further applications of (a) and (b) show we must do, we take it perpendicular to each of the factor lines.
He has the power to veto bills, to pardon, to grant reprieves and commutations, and to remit fines and forfeitures, but the Board of Charities and Reform constitutes a Board of Pardons for investigating all applications for executive clemency and advising the governor with respect to them.
This case has important practical applications; for instance we may use the method to find the pressures on the supports of a beam loaded in any given manner.
In structural applications a frame must be stiff, or rigid, i.e.
The most important applications of the theory of vibrations are to the case of continuous systems such as strings, bars, membranes, plates, columns of air, where the number of degrees of freedom is infinite.
The literature of graphical statics and its technical applications is very extensive.
In electricity Abel studied the construction of electrical fuses and other applications of electricity to warlike purposes, and his work on problems of steel manufacture won him in 1897 the Bessemer medal of the Iron and Steel Institute, of which from 1891 to 1893 he was president.
The third covers the period between 1831 and Clerk Maxwell's enunciation of the electromagnetic theory of light in 1865 and the invention of the self-exciting dynamo, which marks another great epoch in the development of the subject; and the fourth comprises the modern development of electric theory and of absolute quantitative measurements, and above all, of the applications of this knowledge in electrical engineering.
Turning to practical applications of electricity, we may note that electric telegraphy took its rise in 1820, beginning with a suggestion of Ampere immediately after Oersted's discovery.
Going back a few years we find the technical applications of electrical invention had developed themselves in other directions.
About the same time he made two ineffectual applications for the mastership of the wards; the first, on Salisbury's death, when it was given to Sir George Carey; the second, on the death of Carey.
The sources of copper, its applications and its metallurgy, have undergone great changes.
The principal alloys in which it forms a leading ingredient are brass, bronze, and German or nickel silver; under these several heads their respective applications and qualities will be found.
The term is also used of a handful of hemp or other fibre, and is one of the many technical applications of "strike" or "streak," which etymologically are cognate words.
In chronic rheumatism the chief remedies are salicylate of soda, and its allies iodide of potassium, guaiacum and sulphur, while massage, liniments and baths are beneficial as local applications.
Many topical applications are of great efficacy.
Representations on the matter in England, coupled with assurances from Somerset as to the fertility of the district, induced the British government to vote £50,000 for the purpose of sending out a number of emigrants, Applications were called for, and no fewer than 90,000 were received.
Herein lies the key to the entire system of the Stoics, as Cleanthes's epoch-making discovery continually received fresh applications to physics, ethics and epistemology.
In this supplement Laplace gave many important applications of the theory, and compared the results with the experiments of Louis Joseph Gay Lussac.
Quite distinct is the search for the germs which cause undesirable changes, or " diseases "; and great strides have been made in discovering the bacteria concerned in rendering milk " ropy," butter " oily " and " rancid," &c. Cheese in its numerous forms contains myriads of bacteria, and some of these are now known to be concerned in the various processes of ripening and other changes affecting the product, and although little is known as to the exact part played by any species, practical applications of the discoveries of the decade 1890-1900 have been made, e.g.
These facts, and the further knowledge that many bacteria never observed as parasites, or as pathogenic forms, produce toxins or poisons as the result of their decompositions and fermentations of organic substances, have led to important results in the applications of bacteriology to medicine.
He also sketched a theory of chemical affinity on the facts he had discovered, and concluded by suggesting that the electric decomposition of neutral salts might in some cases admit of economical applications and lead to the isolation of the true elements of bodies.
Besides the ordinary chancery jurisdiction it hears all applications for divorce or nullity of marriage.
Up to the present time, however, the courts have refused to accept as a principle that a smallpox hospital is necessarily a source of danger to the neighbourhood, and for the most part applications for injunction on that ground have failed.
He and the council examine and pass upon election returns; he may summon extra sessions of the legislature, and he may grant pardons, reprieves, and commutations in all cases except impeachment, but the manner of hearing applications for pardon is in a measure prescribed by statute, and he must present to the legislature an account of each case in which he grants a pardon.
He was full of new ideas concerning both the laws and the applications of mechanical forces.
Some English applications of free trade theory in recent times in the matter of import duties have been pedantic - the abolition of the shilling corn duty in 1869 by Robert Lowe (Lord Sherbrooke) being typical of this pedantry, though it is not the only instance.
For oxidizing purposes bromine is generally employed in aqueous and in alkaline solutions, one of its most important applications being by Emil Fischer (Berichte, 1889, 22, p. 362) in his researches on the sugars.
We have seen above numerous applications of the Doppler effect.
The possible applications of anomalous dispersion are varied and interesting, and have recently had much attention given to them.
These bands Julius calls dispersion bands, and then, assuming that a species of tubular structure prevails within a large part of the sun (such as the filaments of the corona suggest for that region), he applies the weakening of the light to explain, for instance, the broad dark H and K calcium lines, and the sun-spots, besides many remoter applications.
Fourier, has been of immense and ever increasing value in physical applications of mathematics.
He was ever courteous and kind in answering applications for assistance in the study of his works, even when his compliance must have cost him much time.
In inorganic chemistry its principal applications are based on its solvent power for metals, and its power of expelling other acids from their salts.
The daily activities of the great mass of the adult population, in countries where commodities are sold at definite prices for definite quantities, include calculations which have often to be performed rapidly, on data orally given, and leading in general to results which can only be approximate; and almost every branch of manufacture or commerce has its own range of applications of arithmetic. Arithmetic as a school subject has been largely regarded from this point of view.
Partial applications of this method are found in many languages.
Applications to Physics are numerous, but are usually only of special interest.
Text-books on arithmetic in general and on particular applications are numerous, and any list would soon be out of date.
The theorem of duality is considered and developed, but chiefly in regard to its metrical applications, by Michel Chasles in the Memoire de geometrie sur deux principes generaux de la science, la dualite et l'homographie, which forms a sequel to the Apercu historique l'origine t.
The study of the physical properties of fluids in general constitutes the science of hydromechanics, and their applications in the arts is termed hydraulics; the special science dealing with the physical properties of gases is named pneumatics.
The chief applications are found in the analysis of flue gases (in which much information is gained as to the completeness and efficiency of combustion), and of coal gas (where it is necessary to have a product of a definite composition within certain limits).
Clemens Winkler contributed two works, Anleitung zur chemischen Untersuchung der Industriegase (1876-1877) and Lehrbuch der technischen Gasanalyse (2nd ed., 1892), both of which are very valuable for the commercial applications of the methods.
The latter treatise' analyses the method exemplified in the formation of ideas, in the new inductions of science, and in the applications and systematization of these inductions, all exhibited by the History in the process of development.
The drug is largely employed as a counterirritant, the pharmacopoeial liniments being very useful applications.
Perhaps the most valuable of all the medicinal applications of turpentine, and one which is rarely, if ever, mentioned in therapeutic textbooks - owing to the fact that gynaecology has been so extremely specialized - is in inoperable cancer of the uterus.
The produce of the second barking is still so coarse in texture that it is only fit for making floats for nets and for similar applications.
His scientific work was chiefly concerned with galvanism and its medical applications, with the construction and illumination of lighthouses, and with experiments for preserving human life and material objects from destruction by fire.
Human law, however, can deal with outward conduct alone, and natural law, as we have seen, is liable to be vague and obscure in particular applications.
With Price, again, he holds that rightness of intention and motive is not only an indispensable condition or element of the rightness of an action, but actually the sole determinant of its moral worth; but with more philosophical consistency he draws the inference - of which the English moralist does not seem to have dreamt - that there can be no separate rational principles for determining the " material " rightness of conduct, as distinct from its " formal " rightness; and therefore that all rules of duty, so far as universally binding, must admit of being exhibited as applications of the one general principle that duty ought to be done for duty's sake.
For the relations thus arising, and their practical applications, see Time, Measurement Of.
Our knowledge of these bodies is of necessity derived through the medium of the light which they emit; and it is the development and applications of the laws of light which have made possible the additions to our stock of such knowledge since the middle of the 19th century.
From its primary sense are derived such applications of the word as a chain of reasoning, a fact or reason given to support a proposition, a discussion of the evidence or reasons for or against some theory or proposition and the like.
The verb "to dress" has various applications which can be deduced from its original meaning.
This work, the germs of which had appeared during the two preceding years in the journals of Schweigger and Poggendorff, has exerted most important influence on the whole development of the theory and applications of current electricity, and Ohm's name has been incorporated in the terminology of electrical science.
These may be various transferred applications of the name of the animal, but the "frog" of a horse was also called "frush," probably a corruption of the French name fourchette, lit.
These are mainly embodied in his three great treatises, Cours d'analyse de l'Ecole Polytechnique (1821); Le Calcul infinitesimal (1823); Lecons sur les applications du calcul infinitesimal a la g'ometrie (1826-1828); and also in his courses of mechanics (for the Ecole Polytechnique), higher algebra (for the Faculte des Sciences), and of mathematical physics (for the College de France).
In the East, where vegetable oils form an important article of food and serve also for other domestic purposes, various ingenious applications of lever presses and wedge presses, and even of combined lever and wedge presses, have been used from the remotest time.
Essential oils have an extensive range of uses, of which the principal are their various applications in perfumery (q.v.).
A clinical or therapeutical classification into such divisions as anaesthetics, expectorants, bitters, and so on, according to their practical applications, also leads to difficulties, as many drugs are employed for numerous purposes.
The general principle of the adaptation of nature to our faculties of cognition has two specific applications, with the second of which it is more closely connected than with the first.
Alumina as a refractory material is chiefly used in the form of bauxite, but its applications are somewhat special.
However, large or potentially contentious applications are decided by panels of councilors.
Every major physics concept is treated, but should arrive to the student in a real-world context.The book departs from the "physics for physicists" approach of concentrating on physics principles and trying to find applications.
A completed project at this cost is predicated on the existence of consultation on such applications.
Applications for this award are very competitive, and are judged on one criterion; the candidate's outstanding academic ability and research potential.
All applications and notices that are received will receive a written acknowledgment of receipt.
The Wiener-Hopf equation is derived as the optimum receive filter, illustrated with applications including adaptive filtering.
Hands-on testing to destruction of metals and polymers in mechanical, aero and marine applications.
Ajax applications are also difficult to debug because the processing logic is embedded both in the client and on the server.
Several real world applications of text analytics will be presented.
Auction site eBay will release new Apis in the next few months so developers can start creating applications.
Although some were designed specifically to meet the needs of computational chemistry applications, they remain generally applicable.
The deadline for submitting complete applications is 1 March 2002.
The Intermediary Registration Board is looking to expand its current register of 77 accredited intermediaries and invites applications for registration in 2006.
We welcome applications which are reflective of the local community.
It's just nonsensical to refuse well-researched planning applications for Wind Farms, in order to protect " landscape value " .
A suitable delivery fiber will greatly help the integration of high power lasers into these industrial applications giving greater flexibility in system design.
While there is no application deadline, most application deadline, most applications are received between January and March for places starting in October.
My role was to examine grant applications in computer science education 12.
In principle, the Home Affairs Committee will look into aspects of the operation and effectiveness of IND and the scoping of visa applications.
The Housing Options Center is also where all households will need to make applications for homelessness assistance.
Closing date for applications, which may be sent by post, email attachment or fax, is 20 June 2003.
We were also reducing the backlog of asylum applications.
The lamps with an integral ballast are usually the best option for most domestic applications.
Running the myriad of applications we expect from a computer is a whole different ballgame.
Major advances in understanding the treatment of asthma have resulted in patent applications for the use of interferon beta in the treatment of asthma.
Prolonged applications of cold water contract the tiny blood vessels and thus the amount of blood in the part is lessened.
An unchecked buffer exists in one of the functions that helps to locate incompletely removed applications on the system.
Composite coatings of electroless nickel containing silicon carbide exhibits superior abrasive wear resistance to hard chromium plate in some applications.
Growth and characterization of diamond-like carbon, carbon nanotubes and nanowires for coating, electronic and sensing applications.
For most applications, timber of any durability class does not require treatment for internal carpentry or joinery.
Default Startup Applications The first time xsm is started, it will need to locate a list of appli- cations The first time xsm is started, it will need to locate a list of appli- cations to start up.
I have been using cheetah for a while and like it for applications where all content is under proper control.
The HEM 700 meets the requirements of highly specialized contractors who need a powerful, heavy mobile chipper for a variety of applications.
For many applications, however, the constraint they provide is too coarse.
If you need a product to interface XML with COBOL applications then you must have COBOL programs and a COBOL compiler already.
He also co-chaired the 1993 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications held in Honolulu.
The applications have to be made in the Autumn preceding the commencement of the course, which runs from September to June each year.
Over the past 10 years, we have demonstrated the complementarity of SIMS and IR spectroscopy through applications in a number of areas.
Even in small capacity applications the latest diesels seem to work better than their gasoline counterparts.
How to Apply Applications are made directly to the Department as postgraduate courses are not included in the UCAS system.
Applications so far include the determination of blood cyanide and the generation of oxygen radicals.
However, often the postscript produced by applications has a lot of unoptimised header macro definition which can lead to enormous files.
The generic framework will be deployed in a proof of concept demonstrator in the context of maintenance applications for civil aerospace engines.
Applications are widespread, ranging from ore deposits in mining to pattern recognition.
Below are the major considerations to think about... the site will explore in sufficient depth each of these alternative types of pump applications.
The definition of a determinant in all dimensions will be given in detail, together with applications and techniques for calculating determinants.
This has taken account of planning applications awaiting determination on a range of brownfield sites.
The move will enable developers to create interactive applications for digital cable.
Easily is now accepting Pre-Registration Applications for .Eu domains.. .
The XSLToolbox's goal is to help developers avoid the drudgery of writing the complicated XSLT transforms often needed to integrate XML applications.
As such it provides a viable alternative to a single channel electron multiplier particularly in restricted space applications such as field portable leak detectors.
The techniques we develop would have a wide range of medical applications including tissue engineering.
Does that entail dealing with asylum applications at the High Commission?
Applications are welcomed both pre- and post-A level, and for deferred entry.
Another batch of applications wing their way over the electronic ether.
Applications are encouraged equally from scientists using experimental, theoretical, modeling or remote sensing approaches.
However, many applications of DLs require expressivity that cannot be expressed in description logics.
Great for all general applications they feature fully multicoated lenses, good close focus and twist-type large diameter rubber eyecups for viewing comfort.
Jacksons fencing is a market leader in gate and barrier automation, utilizing the latest technologies to satisfy domestic and commercial security applications alike.
The technique may reduce finger-pointing on multivendor IT projects and yield better performance for applications.
It is an excellent corn syrup for baking, flavoring and beverage applications.
State clearly on any advertising fliers " We welcome applications from black and minority ethnic people.
It lifts the floodgates to the future growth of telecommunications as the vehicle for a host of new ICT applications and innovations.
Most applications simply use XLoadQueryFont to load a font to load a font and query the font metrics.
Even requesting employees to avoid certain websites and refrain from downloading applications cannot be a completely foolproof solution.
Local authorities control the sulfur content of heavy fuel oils used in such applications.
Use our APIs to connect your applications to our global SMS gateway, with free testing.
The Act will establish a gender Recognition Panel with the power to decide applications from transsexual people seeking legal recognition in their acquired gender.
In conclusion, extensive use of kanamycin resistance marker genes in genetically modified crops is unjustifiable in the face of current medical applications.
The party subsequently faced two applications for dissolution; the party planned to participate in the upcoming general election.
Tokai Carbon Europe is a stockist of premium grade graphites for EDM electrode, high temperature and mechanical applications.
It is difficult to get lacewings to reproduce in the area applied so repeat applications maybe required if fresh greenfly or aphid populations appear.
Standard duty covers virtually all highway applications all the way to maximum legal gross weights.
Whether or not a party will suffer undue hardship is the key consideration in applications to extend.
It provides considerable performance headroom for the most demanding departmental applications.
He also has research programs in compact heat exchangers, which includes semiconductor and motorsport applications.
Knowing that their crops will more or less tolerate an herbicide, farmers are not likely to reduce their applications.
You have hex 11 to FF available as non-volatile RAM for applications use.
Using speculative applications is, of course, a rather hit-and-miss business.
Windings are resin impregnated for greater reliability in incremental motion applications.
The outcome has been rather inconclusive, tho it is still considered that they have applications in highly sensitized pain states (hyperalgesia ).
Applications to the Court to amend the indictment because of error should never be necessary.
Most inverters for motor drives or power supply applications drive power into loads which are highly inductive.
In addition to the seemingly inexhaustible flow of applications, work on the new Local Plan has taken much time.
Public filings by JAMDAT and SEVEN Networks are a signal that the market for wireless chemical raw material applications is exiting infancy.
Comment about a neighbor's planning application background information on how you can comment on applications made.
Wizards simplify the installation, set up and administration of applications written for both Solaris and Java environments.
It provides an enterprise data management service to the BBC, promoting applications integration using the latest technologies.
Multiple sealing materials are used to preserve sensor integrity over a wide range of applications.
Applications include intelligent CRT terminals, information display systems and video games.
They are completely inundated with calls from farmers seeking help with their applications for the single farm payment.
Do n't jeopardize someone else's chance of success by your own indiscriminate applications.
For good measure, they have agreed they will submit to applications for summary judgment.
These useful units have several sets of contacts and an adjustable time knob on the front, plenty of applications!
Much of our recent work has involved the analysis of composite laminates in various structural applications.
Applications of optics and SLM devices, including neural networks, telecommunications switches, WDM switches, volume holography and tuneable lasers.
He is involved in our work studying the applications of blue diode lasers.
Applications sent by fax or email or any that arrive late will not be accepted so always be aware of the deadline!
This feature allows you to have a full screen launcher for your applications.
He explains probability in clear, layperson 's terms, and shows its practical applications.
Customers were also leery of Oracle discontinuing support and development for the PeopleSoft applications they were running, he added.
The parole board decides on further applications and all mandatory lifers who are released are on a life license and subject to recall.
Prospective candidates must submit a limerick with their applications.
For sliding applications it does not normally require lubricators.
Applications include the measurement of induced and remanent magnetism and use in site surveys prior to the installation of MRI equipment.
Possible applications to observations in the terrestrial magnetosphere are discussed.
In years past, enterprise single sign-on was a desired means for accessing legacy mainframe applications.
Specific projects have included thermoacoustic refrigeration, automotive wheels and tires, bioengineering applications, robotic manipulators, washing machines and MRI scanners.
It contains more than 350 monographs describing the functions, indications, combinations and applications of commonly used materia medica.
We have many key stage 1 (KS1) applications to cover KS1 maths KS1 english and KS1 science.
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications is the professional and learned society for qualified and practicing mathematicians.
The content consists of a number of strands of pure mathematics with associated applications.
Melamine faced - melamine faced - Melamine faced MDF panels for use in all design applications.
This set of related projects looks at the more generic issues surrounding Internet-enabled metrology that would be common to all applications.
Applications must be received by midday Thursday 13th July on WDM's application form in hard copy.
Use of these types of antennas is typically mobile UHF and SHF (cellphone) applications where gain is desired.
Many of their applications utilize the ability of these particles to stay firmly attached to oil-water interfaces, thus forming particle monolayers.
Background It is advantageous to use three-phase motors in many applications.
Its core streaming platforms deliver the highest quality multimedia content for 3D mobile messaging; wireless broadcasting and rich media content applications.
Just a quick note to everyone who has sent their membership applications in for the 2006/2007 membership year.
Finally, access to others ' data may be feasible and even obligatory in some applications how straightforward is this?
One other current offshoot of the laser will certainly have some military applications.
Well, many intranet applications can be bought off-the-shelf, some may have to be custom coded.
Most of our sales come fr ome fr om applications where it is sold as a computer not a CDTV.
A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class.
Reliable in vitro maturation (IVM) of human oocytes is an intellectual, scientific and clinical challenge with a number of potential applications.
Having called for proposals for chamber operas, we received 210 applications from all over the world.
The Shanghai Visa Section will accept postal applications and the student fast-track service is still operational.
Now comes the moment to admit that my ` applications ' of countable ordinals were, in a sense, a con.
Other methods of determining the machines orientation can be examined for applications where sighting the unit is not suitable.
The applications are non-overdrive, ' A ' type overdrive, ' A ' type overdrive and ' J ' type overdrive.
The Scottish Arts Council is calling for applications for the next round of funding for its artist residency pplications for the next round of funding for its artist residency program, p art ners.
Whether or not paranormal forces exist, French's research will have useful applications.
We will continue our strategy of seeking partners for these applications.
Applications for tickets should state which day you will attend, and enclose a check payable to Guildford Museum.
Applications are particularly welcome from women, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and disabled people from ethnic minority backgrounds and disabled people.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
For many applications, including pharmacology, the two enantiomers need to be separated, which is not a simple process.
Other facilities We hire NPL designed high performance photometers which can be optimized for particular applications.
This is particularly important for applications like high-energy physics analysis that require access to relatively small subsets of massive, object-oriented physics database files.
All these applications purchased separately will cost more than this reasonably priced platinum Pack.
The theater is looking for applications from aspiring playwrights to receive a place on its New Writing Award scheme.
The range meets the varied applications of the flexible, integral skin, RIM and rigid polyurethane [PU] foam markets.
This is the first version of the LSB to include portable Linux desktop applications.
Section 3 documents how ColdFusion 5 applications work with CAS and the MyEd portal for authentication and single sign-on.
Receipt of applications will only be acknowledged if you supply a stamped self-addressed postcard.
Postcode Type in a full or partial postcode Type in a full or partial Postcode, to find all matching planning applications.
The fee will not be charged for applications postmarked in July.
Control Modes The CN2110 provides precise, solid state proportion control with automatic reset (PI) that will control most heating applications.
There is no predetermined number of applications or tools to be selected.
Metron can also conduct application trials to verify performance predictions for new applications and the impact on existing systems prior to implementation.
In partnership with Fujifilm Electronic Imaging, ink-jet printing machines will be developed for future applications.
He highlighted how this research has now demonstrated that the applications of Seprion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion can be expanded to the detection of abnormal prion in blood.
Proven ability to design, program and debug size-critical, low cost embedded applications is essential, as is some knowledge of assembler programming.
The Spice Girls have also been extremely prolific in the field of trade mark applications.
Factorizing quadratics An essential skill in many applications is the ability to factorize quadratic expressions.
Fit up to 168 servers in a 42U electronics rack for multiple computer applications to reduce overall system. eCommerce.
International Light carries a complete line of phototherapy radiometers for both research and diagnostic applications.
Chelton radomes Ltd. Designs, manufactures and tests high performance radomes for Aerospace and Defense applications.
For highly demanding applications continuous fiber reinforcement can be used.
Applications with speakers will be taken first followed by the remainder of the Agenda.
Different applications impose very different requirements on the virtual city.
A particularly popular choice for HVAC applications is the bulk polymer resistive sensor, which provides a direct, secondary measurement of RH.
This is a high grade resin suitable for many applications including roofing.
Rogue Wave® LEIF is a framework for creating scalable, high-performance service-based applications using new or existing C++ code.
In the context of working applications where there is often a difference between the schema in use and the ' standard ' namespace schema.
They'll find that staff there have most experience of administering applications from serving seafarers.
Of course, there are serious enough problems with manual segmentation to prevent it from being a viable solution in most applications.
However the institute will also look at broader applications of bioscience to energy, including carbon sequestration and enhanced recovery of oil.
Amorphous silicon, a solid in which atoms are arranged in a non- periodic jumble, rivals crystalline silicon for photovoltaic applications.
Watts ' current product offering of strainers focuses on small diameter strainers for plumbing applications.
To allow time for processing, all applications to purchase strychnine must be received by the departments by 28 April 2006.
The research into relatively high temperature superconductivity will continue because of the potential commercial benefits, but there are also possible military applications.
But has the information superhighway and other multimedia applications curtailed the impetus?
Triodos Bank anticipates a surge in applications as investors rush to invest before the share issue closes, possibly in May.
Dr. Ohri expressed some surprise at the low number of applications received.
However, possible future applications for the Stratellite also extend to areas such as border control and battlefield surveillance as well as climate research.
Applications should be accompanied by a synopsis of the proposed lecture.
Possible collaborations include telecommunications, civil aircraft and military applications.
This results in an improved speech quality, which will find applications in videoconferencing, loudspeaker telephony and high-definition television.
Surface applications of phosphorus can stimulate rooting within the thatch layer, thereby further aggravating the thatch accumulation rate.
In this article, I will be looking at the use of infra-red thermography in a wide range of build- ing diagnostic applications.
Currently more and more industrial applications for reinforced thermoplastics are emerging and new developments are in progress.
They have been manufacturing quality lithium thionyl chloride batteries since 1983 and can produce custom cells if required to suit most applications.
Applications of Decis or Evidence for other pests of peas will also have activity on pea thrips.
The selection timeout is the time within which the two communicating applications must respond to one another.
Details regarding previous work on the processing, properties and characterisation of porous titanium for bio-medical applications can be accessed by clicking here.
When it comes time to add vocals - or another acoustic instrument - the mic simulator recreates the ideal tonality for various recording applications.
Designed to be used between 1/2 " square drive torque wrench and socket to accurately set the degrees of turn required by certain applications.
Most of the prospective trainees that I come across tell me they have made " 27 " applications.
So how is using XSLT to perform transformations on XML better than writing " custom applications "?
I joined NPL in June 1997 to work on applications of single-electron transistors in precise measurement of small electrical currents.
We aim to produce single electron transistors for high speed, low noise applications.
Video bandwidth of 250MHz ensures that it remains transparent even in the most critical production, presentation, or broadcast applications.
This thin walled, translucent heat shrink tubing is often used for chemical applications.
For applications utilizing a larger turbocharger, APS recommends the use of a high performance blow off valve.
Interesting to see the applications that are coming forward to leverage the ubiquity of the mobile phone!
In real applications where there is a need to process many different element types, this style of program can quickly become very unstructured.
There is a case for introducing some restriction on repeated applications to develop the same site, as these could also become vexatious.
And equally vibrant and important research occurs in theoretical areas whose applications are as yet unknown.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, should be made to the Administrator at the above address by 15 September 2005.
The Agency is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting watercourses.
She came to Oxford in 2001 to undertake her doctoral research on the applications of plasma waveguides.
Whilst the level of applications has not wavered the area in which activity is highest has.
However, for some applications the text thesaurus may already exist or the the time investment may be deemed worthwhile.