Appearing Sentence Examples
He walked farther in, appearing to be listening.
His attempt at appearing blasé didn't succeed.
She'd been through so many … "Good news or bad news?" he asked, appearing in her vision.
He located the nearest Watcher and Traveled, appearing in a small attic.
The games do not reference each other but often tell a similar tale of a righteous hero, the green tunic-clad Link, appearing to vanquish evil, usually in the form of Ganondorf.
On the whole, we may say that the arctic and boreal faunas of Europe extend over Siberia, with a few additional species in the Ural and Baraba region - a number of new species also appearing in East Siberia, some spreading along the high plateau and others along the lower plateau from the steppes of the Gobi.
Let a magnetized knitting needle, having north and south poles at the two ends respectively, be broken in the middle; each half will be found to possess a north and a south pole, the appropriate supplementary poles appearing at the broken ends.
The prae-genital somite, after appearing in the embryo, either is obliterated (Scorpio, Galeodes, Opilio and others) or is retained as a reduced narrow region of the body, the " waist," between prosoma and mesosoma.
On the 26th of August a force of 5000 Highlanders suddenly appearing, Cleland posted his men in the church and behind the wall of the earl of Atholl's mansion.
Beyond appearing at the meetings of learned societies he took little part in public affairs; he lived alone, conducting his investigations in a deliberate and exhaustive manner, but in the most rigid seclusion, no person being admitted to his laboratory on any pretext.
AdvertisementThe Angevins were less successful towards the south, where the first signs were appearing of that storm which ultimately swept away the Hungarian monarchy.
The failure of the material carrying a positive character to divide so as to distribute itself among all the reproductive cells of a hybrid individual, and the limitation of its distribution to half only of those cells, must prevent the swamping " of a newly appearing character in the course of the inter-breeding of those individuals possessed of the character with those which do not possess it.
It has been maintained that this tendency to a severance of the hybrid stock into its components must favour the persistence of a new character of large volume suddenly appearing in a stock, and the observations of Mendel have been held to favour in this way the views of those who hold that the variations upon which natural selection has acted in the production of new species are not small variations but large and " discontinuous."
By some writers the word " mutation " is applied only to large and suddenly appearing variations which are found to be capable of hereditary transmission, whilst the term " fluctuation " is applied to small variations whether capable of transmission or not.
It is now known to have existed in Aramaic as far back as the 5th century B.C., appearing on Jewish papyri which were lately discovered by the German mission to Elephantine.'
AdvertisementThis History of the Puritans deals with the time between the Reformation and 1689; the first volume appearing in 1732, and the fourth and last in 1738.
St Bartholomew, appearing to him in a vision, bade him add a church to his foundation.
Already in ZEthelberht's legislation we find characteristic fines inflicted for breach of the peace of householders of different ranks - the ceorl, the eorl, and the king himself appearing as the most exalted among them.
As a preventive to its attacks the copper sulphate sprays and a solution (50%) of iron sulphate have been found very useful, as well as care in planting on well-drained soil that does not lie too low, the disease seldom appearing in dry, well-exposed vineyards.
By taking into his personal service a body of Alani, and appearing in public in the dress of a Scythian warrior, he aroused the contempt and resentment of his Roman troops.
AdvertisementThe evidence, however, is not sufficiently strong to warrant a universal conclusion, the diffusion of cholera appearing to be largely dependent upon other factors than soil states.
For his essays are fine examples of permanent literature appearing in an ephemeral medium, and represent work which has solid worth for later thought as well as for the speculation of their own time.
The basis of the islands consist of granite, syenite, diorite, diabase and related kinds of rock, porphyry appearing comparatively seldonr.
Experiment showed, however, that instead of only potash appearing at the negative electrode, hydrogen is also liberated; this is inexplicable by Berzelius's theory, but readily explained by the " hydrogen-acid " theory.
His family had held a good position in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire since the 12th century, the name appearing as Sent Cheveroll in the roll of Battle Abbey, and William inherited large estates from his father.
AdvertisementIn the words of an English officer, "The sun appearing upon the sea, I heard Nol say, ` Now let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered,' and following us as we slowly marched I heard him say, `I profess they run.'" Driven into the broken ground, and penned between Doon Hill and the ravine, the Scots were indeed helpless.
Viewed from the sea, the top of one wall just appearing above the next produces a barren effect; but the aspect of the land from a hill in early spring is a beautiful contrast of luxuriant verdure.
The island of Chiloe, which lies immediately south of the province of Llanquihue, is a continuation of the western Chilean formation, the coast range appearing in the mountainous range of western Chiloe and the islands extending south along the coast.
There he discredited himself by his vanity, and shocked even the populace of Madrid by appearing drunk at the theatre.
This is the standard Catholic treatment of the Reformation, and is being supplemented by a series of monographs, Ergcinzungen zu Janssens Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, which have been appearing since 1898 and correspond with the Protestant Schriften des Vereins fur Reformationsgeschichte (1883 sqq.).
Special sights were introduced to overcome the difficulties of dis appearing guns, large guns firing through small ports, &c. Such were \ the Moncrieff reflecting sights, and the " chase sights " for the 10-in.
The central fruits of each triplet form two regular rows, but the lateral spikelets form not four straight single rows as in (ii.), but two regular double rows, the whole ear appearing irregularly four-rowed.
In 1851 Greeley visited Europe for the first time, serving as a juryman at the Crystal Palace Exhibition, appearing before a committee of the House of Commons on newspaper taxes, and urging the repeal of the stamp duty on advertisements.
According to Skeat, the origin is to be found in the name for a cask or liquid measure appearing in various forms in several Teutonic languages, in Dutch oxhooft (modern okshoofd), Dan.
He was simply Faust's "other self," appearing in various guises - as a bear, as a little bald man, as a monk, as an invisible presence ringing a bell - but always recognizable as the same "familiar."
Listes sommaires were issued in 1893; and since 1897 the completed volumes have been appearing at intervals.
Whenever opinions did happen to be expressed which could be construed as criticism of Austria or Germany the offenders were speedily punished, and it was not long before the political leaders of the Czechs and Slovaks found themselves in confinement, some of them under sentence of death, while the Czech and Slovak press was subjected to a rigorous censorship and many of its organs prohibited from appearing.
An incomplete and unauthorized edition of Boyle's works was published at Geneva in 1677, but the first complete edition was that of Thomas Birch, with a life, published in 1744, in five folio volumes, a second edition appearing in 1772 in six volumes, 4to.
Important efforts were made to attract French colonists to the country, the colonization of Algeria appearing as a means towards the extinction of pauperism in the mother-country.
The membership is not restricted to the knights of Arthur's immediate court and household, knights who are, in all essentials outsiders, appearing but as passing guests at Arthur's board, such as, e.g., Perceval and Tristan, may be elected knights of the Round Table.
These pink, worm-like creatures live in sandy, moist localities, burrowing little tunnels and never appearing on the surface.
But the connexion is clear, and hence it also explained the curious Gnostic myth mentioned above, namely that the i carnip (the light-maiden) by appearing to the archontes (cipxovrES), the lower powers of this world, inflames them to sexual lusts, in order to take from them that share of light which they have stolen from the upper world.
In nearly all the Gnostic systems the doctrine of the seven world-creating spirits is given an anti-Jewish tendency, the god of the Jews and of the Old Testament appearing as the highest of the seven.
Other estimates make the " panela " output much larger, the product being largely consumed in the rural districts and never appearing in the larger markets.
The marine Tertiary formations are confined to the borders of the continent, appearing along the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts.
A study of the family names appearing on the census rolls of two prosperous and typical American counties, one distinctively urban and the other rural, in 1790 and I900, has confirmed the popular impression that the British element is growing little, and that the fastest reproducers to-day are the foreign elements that have become large in the immigration current in very recent decades.
The annual Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada, published by the University of Toronto, gives a critical survey of the works on Canadian topics appearing from year to year.
In its ultimate form the Messianic hope of the Jews is the centre of the whole eschatology, embracing the doctrine of the last troubles of Israel (called by the Rabbins the "birth pangs of the Messiah"), the appearing of the anointed king, the annihilation of the hostile enemy, the return of the dispersed of Israel, the glory and world-sovereignty of the elect, the new world, the resurrection of the dead and the last judgment.
The Dibranchia, with only one pair of branchiae, one pair of renal organs, and one pair of genital ducts, are much more recent, not appearing till the end of the Secondary epoch, and therefore must be regarded as descended from the Tetrabranchia.
He managed to get more money than his father could ever get, and at one of his diets won the hearts of the whole assembly by unexpectedly appearing before them in the simple grey coat of a Masovian squire.
The fact that benzene and its derivatives are remarkable for their powerful absorption of the most refrangible rays, and for some characteristic absorption bands appearing on dilution, led Hartley to a more extended examination of some of the more complicated organic substances.
According to one alternative, which consistently flowed from the psychological idealism of Descartes, as well as from his own monadism, he suggested that bodies are real phenomena; phenomena, because they are aggregates of monads, which derive their unity only from appearing together to our perceptions; real phenomena well founded, because they result from real monads.
He agrees with Fechner that physical process of nerve and psychical process of mind are really the same psychophysical process as appearing on the one hand to an observer and on the other hand to one's own consciousness; and that physical phenomena only produce physical phenomena, so that those materialists and realists are wrong who say that physical stimuli produce sensations.
Having thus confused contradiction and difference, independence and solitariness, experience and inference, Bradley is able to deduce finally that reality is not different substances, experienced and inferred, as Aristotle thought it, but is one absolute super-personal experience, to which the socalled plurality of things, including all bodies, all souls, and even a personal God, is appearance - an appearance, as ordinarily understood, self-contradictory, but, as appearing to one spiritual reality, somehow reconciled.
It will be remembered that Fechner regarded every composite body as the appearance of a spirit; so that when, for example, molecular motion of air is said to cause a sensation of sound in me, it is really a spirit appearing as air which causes the sensation in my spirit.
It was the latter which gave rise to the feudal aristocracy which we see appearing under the Carolingians.
Although the Liberal record of the pope was a thing of the past, and his policy had, since Gaeta, become firmly identified with the reactionary policy of Antonelli, yet the early years of his pontificate were in such lively recollection as to allow of Pius IX.'s appearing to some extent in the light of a national hero.
Not a winter passes without its appearing in some numbers, when its uncommon aspect, its large size, and beautifully pencilled plumage cause it to be regarded as a great prize by the lucky gun-bearer to whom it falls a victim.
The reproductive spores are borne in sacs (asci) which form a dense layer on the surface, appearing like a bloom in July; they are scattered by the wind and propagate the disease.
In structure the jays are not readily differentiated from the pies; but in habit they are much more arboreal, delighting in thick coverts, seldom appearing in the open, and seeking their food on or under trees.
Brown iron ores, appearing in the neighbourhood of Bendzin as lenticular masses 55 ft.
No distinction is now made as to whether the foetus is or is not alive, legislation appearing to make the offence statutory with the object of prohibiting any risk to the life of the mother.
The king being dead, and the royalist cause appearing to be hopelessly lost, he did not scruple, in closing the work with a general " Review and Conclusion," to raise the question of the subject's right to change allegiance when a former sovereign's power to protect was irrecoverably gone.
Bright is described by the historian of the League as "a young man then appearing for the first time in any meeting out of his own town, and giving evidence, by his energy and by his grasp of the subject, of his capacity soon to take a leading part in the great agitation."
He now became specially interested in the establishment of an Irish literary theatre; and he founded and conducted an occasional periodical (appearing fitfully at irregular intervals), called first Beltain and later Samhain, to expound its aims and preach his own views, the first number appearing in May 1899.
Sales of slaves occur in the XXVth Dynasty, and contracts of servitude are found in the XXVIth Dynasty and in the reign of Darius, appearing as if the consent of the slave was then required.
One aspect of this derangement, named by Luciani astasia, is a tremor heightened by or only appearing when the muscles enter upon action - "intention tremor."
Between 534 and 565 Justinian issued a great number of ordinances, dealing with all sorts of subjects and seriously altering the law on many points - the majority appearing before the death of Tribonian, which happened in 545.
Furius Camillus as suddenly appearing with an avenging army at the moment when the gold was being weighed, and defeating Brennus and all his host.
In 1522 the bishop of Carlisle complained to Cardinal Wolsey, then archbishop of York, that the English thieves committed more thefts than "all the Scots of Scotland," the men of Hexham being worst of all, and appearing loo strong at the markets held in Hexham, so that the men whom they had robbed dared not complain or "say one word to them."
In 1524 the burgesses were exempted from appearing at the shire and hundred courts, and in 1583 the body corporate was reconstructed under the title of mayor and commonalty, and power was granted to make by-laws and to punish offenders.
Sartor Resartus was at last appearing in Fraser's Magazine, though the rate of payment was cut down, and the publisher reported that it was received with " unqualified dissatisfaction."
A disorderly levy of Scots, appearing on the hills above Dunbar, left their strong position (like Leslie later) and were defeated with heavy loss.
An article by him on the Donatist schism appearing in the Dublin Review in July 1839 made a great impression in Oxford, Newman and others seeing the force of the analogy between Donatists and Anglicans.
The sepals are leafy and persistent; the corolla is generally divided into a longer or shorter tube and a limb which is spreading, as in primrose, or reflexed, as in Cyclamen; in Soldanella it is bell-shaped; in Lysimachia the tube is often very short, the petals appearing almost free; in Glaux the petals are absent.
C. Pyracantha, known in gardens as pyracantha, is evergreen and has white flowers, appearing in May, and fine scarlet fruits of the size of a pea which remain on the tree nearly all the winter.
Gradually he came to think that Luther might be condemned without appearing.
In the first of these the mountain ranges are complex, appearing to radiate from a centre at which lies Merj el-Ghuruk, a small plain about 4 m.
A fine Norman doorway, now appearing as the entrance to a hotel, is preserved from an Augustinian priory founded in the reign of Henry I.
But when the European war broke out again in the following year, Napoleon (then first consul) became very exacting in his demands on King Ferdinand, who consequently played a double game, appearing to accede to these demands while negotiating with England.
According to Miss Agnes Clerke there are records of ten such stars appearing between 134 B.C. and A.D.
The faintness of the majority of the stars appearing in this list is noteworthy.
Jewish names, appearing in the Persian documents discovered at Nippur, show, however, that Jewish settlement at that city dates in fact from a much earlier period, and the discovery on some of the tablets found there of the name of the canal Kabari suggests that the Jewish settlement of the exile, on the canal Chebar, to which Ezekiel belonged, may have been somewhere in this neighbourhood, if not at Nippur itself.
The important discoveries in the Madeleine cave and elsewhere were published by Lartet and Christy under the title Reliquiae Aquitanicae, the first part appearing in 1865.
They could sue and be sued in their own name, and although they were able to call in their lords as defendants when proceeded against, there was nothing in law to prevent them from appearing in their own right.
A villein might be allowed to bring a penny instead of bringing a chicken or to pay a rent instead of appearing with his oxen three times a week on the lord's fields.
The change of o to a is exceedingly interesting as being a phenomenon associated with the northern branches of Indo-European such as Gothic, Albanian and Lithuanian, and not appearing in any other southern dialect hitherto known.
Instead of appearing under the Hundreds and townships they now appeared under the names of the local "barons," i.e.
Appearing at Vienna, he was again brought 3 The statement that Jerome's family name was Faulfiss, is founded on a misunderstood passage of Aeneas Sylvius, Historica Bohemica.
Sometimes Ulysses is represented as aged and worn by toil, so that Penelope, for instance, cannot recognize him; sometimes he is really in the prime of heroic vigour, and his appearing as a beggarly old man is the work of Athena's wand.
In the neighbourhood are gold-mines, the reef appearing to form the western boundary of the Witwatersrand basin.
The three main lake-basins of Nasi-jarvi, Pajane and Saima are separated by low and flat hills only; but one sees distinctly appearing on the map a line of flat elevations running south-west to north-east along the north-west border of the lake regions from Lauhanvuori to Kajana, and reaching from 650 to 825 ft.
Adalrik och Gothilda, which went on appearing from 1742 to 1745, is the best known; it was followed, between 1748 and 1758, by Thecla.
The virulence of infective diseases varies in different epidemics, and at different times in the same epidemic. It had been noted that many infective diseases did not attack an individual a second time, the first attack appearing to protect from subsequent ones.
The flowers are in fascicles, appearing before the leaves as in the Norway maple, or in racemes or panicles appearing with, or later than, the leaves as in sycamore.
It is a lofty tree (from 40 to 70 ft.), resembling the sycamore, but with yellow flowers, appearing before the leaves, and more spreading wings to the fruit.
The waters, entering through numerous domes and pits, and falling, during the rainy season, in cascades of great volume, are finally collected in River Hall, where they form several extensive lakes, or rivers, whose connexion with Green River is known to be in deep springs appearing under arches on its margin.
The Stoics explained it as a transmission of the perceived quality of the object, by means of the sense organ, into the percipient's mind, the quality transmitted appearing as a disturbance_or impression upon the corporeal surface of that " thinking thing," the soul.
Antonio Galvao, who, after governing the Moluccas with rare success and integrity, had been offered the native throne of Ternate, went home in 1540, and died a pauper in a hospital, his famous treatise only appearing posthumously.
It may be stated that the introduction of a particular bacterium into the tissues of the body leads to certain properties appearing in the serum, which are chiefly exerted towards this particular bacterium.
Certain crystals from Cumberland are beautifully fluorescent, appearing purple with a bluish internal haziness by reflected light, and greenish by transmitted light.
These beings were supposed to possess the power, whilst they continued to live in heaven, of appearing on earth in a Nirmanakaya, or apparitional body.
He then turned to meteorology, the result of his investigations appearing in Meteorographica, published in 1863.
By these citations attention is drawn to the lowliness of the beginnings of the Saviour's life, the unexpected and secret manner of His appearing, the dangers to which from the first He was exposed and from which He escaped.
Its plumage is plain in colour, being of an almost uniform greyish black above, the space round the eyes and a ring round the neck being variegated with white, and a patch of pale rufous appearing above the carpal joint, while the lower parts of the body are white.
In 12 he was made consul, and increased his popularity by appearing as an advocate in the courts of justice, and by the celebration of brilliant games.
The great coal-field on the south is a perfect example of a synclinal basin, the Millstone Grit and Carboniferous Limestone which underlie the Coal Measures appearing all round the margin.
The narrow strip of Greensands appearing from beneath the Chalk escarpment on its northern side is crowded with small towns and villages on account of the plentiful water-supply.
Various other minerals in addition to gold have been discovered, and several of them, notably copper and silver (the latter appearing with the gold deposits), may probably be profitably exploited.
It is entirely in praise of Mahomet, who cured the poet of paralysis by appearing to him in a dream and wrapping him in a mantle.
But appearing with these thinkers as the problem of perception, epistemology widens its scope and becomes, in Kant's hands, the question of the possibility of experience in general.
In 1896 a special royal commission was appointed, under the chairmanship of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, to consider the problems of the rates; it made several elaborate reports, the final one appearing in 1901.
A Greek by birth, adopted son of Jacob Heraklides, despot of Paros, Samos and other Aegean islands, acquainted with Greek and Latin literature, and master of most European languages; appearing alternately as a student of astronomy at Wittenberg, whither he had been invited by Count Mansfeld, as a correspondent of Melanchthon, and as a writer of historical works which he dedicated to Philip II.
He was a prolific writer and translator of dramas and novels from French and Italian, the latter appearing mostly in his periodical.
He became reporter to the Supreme Court of the United States in 1861, but after publishing the reports for the years 1861 and 1862 he resigned, and devoted himself almost exclusively to his private practice, appearing in such important cases before the Supreme Court as the one known as Ex-Parte Milligan, in which he ably defended the right of trial by jury, the McCardle case and the United States v.
Its head is of enormous size, broad, flat and depressed, the remainder of the body appearing merely like an appendage.
It was therefore thought necessary that an early opportunity should be taken of asserting Newton's claim to be the inventor of the method of fluxions, and this was the reason for this method first appearing in Wallis's works.
Neumayr adduced the Triassic sea-urchin Tiarechinus, in which the apical system forms half of the test, as an argument for the origin of Echinoidea from an ancestor in which the apical system was of great importance; but a genus appearing so late in time, in an isolated sea, under conditions that dwarfed the other echinoid dwellers therein, cannot seriously be thought to elucidate the origin of pre-Silurian Echinoidea, and the recent discovery of an intermediate form suggests that we have here nothing but degenerate descendants of a well-known Palaeozoic family (Lepidocentridae).
And, assuming the above theory of geometrical imaginaries, a curve such that m of its points are situate in an arbitrary line is said to be of the order m; a curve such that n of its tangents pass through an arbitrary point is said to be of the class n; as already appearing, this notion of the order and class of a curve is, however, due to Gergonne.
On several occasions there have been volcanic outbreaks under the sea outside the peninsula of Reykjanes, islands appearing and afterwards disappearing again.
Though retaining no relics of antiquity, the town is very ancient, appearing in Domesday.
All Boidae possess vestiges of pelvis and hind limbs, appearing externally as claw-like spurs on each side of the vent, but they are so small that they are practically without function in climbing.
This chalk appears to underlie nearly the whole basaltic plateaus, appearing as a fringe round them, and also in an inlier at Templepatrick.
The vegetation on the western side of the island is much less dense, often appearing as scattered clumps of trees on savannah-like plains rather than continuous forest; while in the south-west, where the rainfall is very scanty, the vegetation is largely of fleshy-leaved and spiny plants - aloes and cacti (the latter introduced), with several species of Euphorbia, as well as numerous lianas, one of which (Intisy) yields india-rubber.
In the maritime parts of Malaga and Granada the vegetation is of almost tropical richness and beauty, while in Murcia, Alicante and Almeria the aspect is truly African, fertile oases appearing in the midst of rocky deserts or barren steppes.
Petersburg bar and practised for some years as a junior and as leader, often appearing in cases concerning abuses of the administration.
Their eruption commences a few days after birth, and is complete before the end of the first year, the upper teeth usually appearing somewhat earlier than the lower.
Chandragupta himself is described as living in barbaric splendour, appearing in public only to hear causes, offer sacrifice, or to go on military and hunting expeditions, and withal so fearful of assassination that he never slept two nights running in the same room.
In entocentric transmission this phenomenon appears in general as in the case of the contemplation of perspective representations at a too short distance, the objects appearing flattened.
Moody has since shown that when all traces of carbon dioxide are removed (which is a matter of great experimental difficulty) iron may be left in contact with oxygen and water for long periods without rust appearing, but on' the admission of carbon dioxide specks are rapidly formed.
The freemen, now appearing as the ratepayers, elected the "parish officers," as the churchwardens and way-wardens, the assessors, the overseers, and (if required) paid assistantoverseers, a secretary or vestry-clerk, and a collector of rates if the guardians applied for his appointment.
Later she commonly wore the horns of a cow, and the cow was sacred to her; it is doubtful, however, whether she had any animal representation in early times, nor had she possession of any considerable locality until a late period, when Philae, Behbet and other large temples were dedicated to her worship. Yet she was of great importance in mythology, religion and magic, appearing constantly in the very ancient Pyramid texts as the devoted sister-wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.
Gardner speaks of the Bournemouth flora as appearing to consist principally of trees or hard-wooded shrubs, comparatively few remains of the herbaceous vegetation being preserved.
It forms a perfectly gradual transition to the still newer Miocene period, the newer species slowly appearing and increasing in number.
So early as 1783 Johannes von Muller of Gottingen had called attention to the historical figures appearing in the Nibelungenlied, identifying Etzel as Attila, Dietrich of Bern as Theodoric of Verona, and the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher and Gernot as the Gundaharius, Gislaharius and Godomar of the Lex Burgundiorum; in 1820 Julius Leichtlen (Neuaufgefundenes Bruchstick des Nibelungenliedes, Freiburg-im-Breisgau) roundly declared that "the Nibelungenlied rests entirely on a historical foundation, and that any other attempt to explain it must fail."
The word is common to all the Romance tongues, appearing in more or less modified forms of the Latin fornax.
Papers read at their meetings are preserved in the Cottonian library and were printed by Thomas Hearne in 1720 under the title A Collection of Curious Discourses, a second edition appearing in 1771.
A Watcher appearing in his kitchen was the worst sign of impending doom yet.
He didn't want to think about the probability behind such a powerful Oracle appearing when she did.
She'd been through so many … "Good news or bad news?" he asked, appearing in her vision.
Appearing refreshed and thrilled, beautiful, blond Hannah stepped from the Hummer and looked up, awe crossing her features.
He was not only able to control the volume of his voice without appearing to yell, but had her giggling like a schoolgirl in a matter of minutes.
She was careful with her blood, but she had not counted on the demon's next host appearing so soon.
The youthful vampire smiled in return, appearing to be a normal teen there to visit a friend.
Please clarify the meaning of any initials appearing in the proposed names.
The sleeve front featured the band in piped blazers with a Penny Farthing logo appearing on the rear.
And the factor causing a bronchospasm, appearing at this time.
People are missing, very mysterious crop circles are appearing and hidden cameras are being exposed.
A modern-day superhero has to contend with America's obsession with winners and the UK's preoccupation with not appearing too cocky.
How do you design these magic moments without them appearing contrived?
Ariel as Ceres takes center stage, appearing to grow out of the earth itself and graced by the arrival of a passing cornfield.
Fast visible image of an ELM in MAST Measurements of neoclassical island evolution appearing to confirm the strong stabilizing role of field curvature effects.
Appearing in large numbers in early summer and, if not deadheaded, they are followed by large orange red hips in autumn.
Healthy appearing decrepit 69 year old male, mentally alert but forgetful.
The list must be preceded by the comment delimiter " .. ", appearing on a separate line.
Any expression of heterodoxy at that time would inevitably run the risk of appearing disloyal.
His chum, Adam Zertal, seems similarly disposed, appearing to be a biblicist rather than a scientifically objective archeologist too.
An upper bound d for the highest power of p appearing in an elementary divisor of A must be given.
Radioactive compounds are rapidly excreted in the urine, one-third of the dose appearing in two hours.
Tamara Karsavina, the original firebird, coached Fonteyn in the lead with Somes, Ashton and Beriosova also appearing.
This picture was taken part way through, showing a glimmer of light appearing at the eastern end.
Appearing before Luton Crown Court on Friday, he admitted two charges of possessing heroin with intent to supply.
He was getting just a trifle fed up with appearing like a country hick.
The players naturally don't look happy but to see them so impassioned and appearing to lack belief is depressing.
The OU's highly organized monitoring system picked this up straightaway as appearing too impersonal, especially the abbreviations used in margins.
And I won't be able to take any notes for fear of appearing impolite.
The police investigation was not pursued as the service user was deemed incapable of appearing as a witness and his father had refused permission.
However, Anne Campbell Mcinnes soon found that the idea of so early a map appearing after centuries of obscurity provoked complete incredulity.
The tutorial initializes with a cut-away schematic diagram of a reflected light fluorescence microscope appearing in the window.
Within a few more days the fireballs were appearing almost nightly.
The lack of joint planning or joint local action resulted in services appearing patchy.
Are there any tips or guidelines that can be given on how to contribute without appearing pompous, a know-all, opinionated etc.
But poetry has been so defined in the public mind as usually to exclude the possibility of social conflicts appearing.
The presence of water appearing thus to prevent any decomposition, I used potash in igneous fusion.
Instead her now-familiar ritual of alternately preening then appearing petrified conjured up an atmosphere not of sober reflection but juvenile hysteria.
Giving the film real depth rather than appearing pretentious.
Other identities appearing inside MEP include purple (13 ), with small clusters in the southwest and southeast.
Mr Galloway was appearing before a US Senate sub-committee to face questioning over his alleged involvement in the long-running UN oil-for-food program scandal.
I am also an accomplished broadcaster currently appearing monthly on Radio 4 with my comedy series " The Hysterical Method Of Conception " .
Note the Leonine head appearing above the bindings of the cosmic serpent.
Appearing in court on Tuesday morning, Howley admitted the breaches and was refused bail by honorary sheriff Bill Wright.
Here the tale gets even more sordid with shady characters offshore funding and other private investments appearing.
A clear melody in E flat major weaves its way through the piece, appearing in a minor guise in the third stanza.
At the danger of appearing superficial, I did put a lot of importance on looks.
Appearing in a feature is worth thousands in advertising and you get a much stronger return.
In 1988, Paula caused a stir by appearing topless for a special photo shoot in Mayfair magazine.
One moment of drama has two Channel-billed toucans appearing to chase a Grey-headed Kite out of a wild nutmeg tree.
Placing huge amounts of information on our main website could result in the site appearing noticeably unbalanced.
However, some regulation is required to prevent the site from appearing too untidy.
The mats will then be sent all around the county, and drinkers can expect to see them appearing in their local watering holes!
Students may be reluctant to discuss such difficulties with academic staff, for fear of appearing weak.
For the first time ever I understand what's meant by dancers on pointe appearing weightless.
Thus poetical wisdom, appearing as a spontaneous emanation of the human conscience, is almost the product of divine inspiration.
Appearing at the elective diet of 1674 at the head of 6000 veterans he overawed every other competitor, and despite the persistent opposition of the Lithuanians was elected king on the 21st of May.
These successive new tissues, appearing in the centre of the stele, as the stem of a higher fern is traced upwards from its first formed parts, are all in.
As a generic name for the feathered vertebrates " bird " has replaced the older " fowl," a common Teutonic word, appearing in German as Vogel.
Of course, in the former case it would be absurd to regard as a physical feature of any great value the absence from a district of groups which do not occur except in its immediate neighbourhood; but when we find that certain groups, though abounding in some part of the vicinity, either suddenly cease from appearing or appear only in very reduced numbers, and occasionally in abnormal forms, the fact obviously has an important bearing.
The word is Celtic, appearing in Welsh (very frequently) as afon, in Manx as aon, and in Gaelic as abhuinn (pronounced avain), and is radically identical with the Sanskrit ap, water, and the Lat.
Severe as were the losses in flocks and herds from these imported diseases, they were eclipsed by the ravages of the mysterious potato blight, which, first appearing in 1845, pervaded the whole of Europe, and in Ireland especially proved the precursor of famine and pestilence.
Newlands in England, that if they are arranged in the order of their atomic weights they fall into groups in which similar chemical and physical properties are repeated at periodic intervals; and in particular he showed that if the atomic weights are plotted as ordinates and the atomic volumes as abscissae, the curve obtained presents a series of maxima and minima, the most electro-positive elements appearing at the peaks of the curve in the order of their atomic weights.
The specimens should be collected when the capsules are just appearing above or in the colesule or calyx; if kept in a damp saucer they soon arrive at maturity, and can then be mounted in better condition, the fruit-stalks being too fragile to bear carriage in a botanical tin case without injury.
The function of alimentation is closely associated with that of locomotion, somewhat as in the burrowing earthworm; in the excavation of its burrows the sand is passed through the body, and any nutrient matter that may adhere to it is extracted during its passage through the intestine, the exhausted sand being finally ejected through the vent at the orifice of the burrow and appearing at low tide as a worm casting.
Nor was it very easy for the Serbs and Croats to show moderation toward Italy, without appearing to desert the Slovenes, at whose expense, for obvious geographical reasons, the main amputations must inevitably take place.
Now the granite, continuing for long distances, forms the prevailing rock; then, again, it forms the foundation for thick strata of schist and sandstone, itself only appearing in valleys of erosion and river boulders, in rocky projections on the coasts or in the ridges of the mountains....
For long the chief organs for history and archaeology were the Bibliothbque de l'ecole des chartes (1835), appearing every two months and dealing with the middle ages, and the Cabinet historique (1855), a monthly devoted to MSS.
On the news of the battle (coupled with that of a fresh army appearing on the Korean coast),' Kuropatkin instantly sent off part of his embryo central mass to bar the mountain passes of Fenshuiling and Motienling against the imagined relentless pursuit of the victors, and prepared to shift his centre of concentration back to Mukden.
On his appearing before the wall with a powerful force, the citizens were induced through fear to give admission to a detachment of his troops to besiege the castle; but, on hearing that he had met with a reverse in another quarter, they suddenly closed their gates and detained his men as prisoners.
In Chinchilla the fore-feet have five and the hind four digits, the tail is long and bushy, and the auditory bullae are enormous, appearing on the top of the skull; Lagidium has four digits in both foreand hind-feet, and Lagostomus three only in the hindfeet, while the auditory bullae are much smaller (see Chinchilla and Viscacha).
In literature, from the times of Homer and Hesiod, she played an important part, appearing most frequently as the jealous and resentful wife of Zeus.
The opponents of the book rely (1) on the testimony of a certain Louis Guyon, who in 1604 declared that the fifth book was made long after Rabelais's death by an author whom he knew, and who was not a doctor, and on the assertion of the bibliographer Du Verdier, about the same time, that it was written by an "ecolier de Valence"; (2) on the fact that the anti-monastic and even anti-Catholic polemic is much more accentuated in it; (3) on the arguments that parts are apparently replicas or rough drafts of passages already appearing in the four earlier books; and (4) that some allusions are manifestly posterior to even the furthest date which can be assigned for the reputed author's decease.
Since, however, we find elsewhere one name appearing as both Sirach and Sira (ch = tt), Aceldamach may be another form of an original Aceldama (xn" t Ypr), the " field of blood."
If he ever thought of Helene, it was just of her beauty and her remarkable skill in appearing silently dignified in society.
Perhaps at another time Denisov would not have left the regiment for so slight a wound, but now he took advantage of it to excuse himself from appearing at the staff and went into hospital.
From the day when Pierre, after leaving the Rostovs' with Natasha's grateful look fresh in his mind, had gazed at the comet that seemed to be fixed in the sky and felt that something new was appearing on his own horizon--from that day the problem of the vanity and uselessness of all earthly things, that had incessantly tormented him, no longer presented itself.
From the left, over fields and bushes, those large balls of smoke were continually appearing followed by their solemn reports, while nearer still, in the hollows and woods, there burst from the muskets small cloudlets that had no time to become balls, but had their little echoes in just the same way.
Other identities appearing inside MEP include purple (13), with small clusters in the southwest and southeast.
He is a regular favorite at the Grand Theater, appearing in Music Hall and repertory seasons.
I am also an accomplished broadcaster currently appearing monthly on Radio 4 with my comedy series " The Hysterical Method Of Conception ".
So must the idea of consciousness - appearing in any form, signified by any name, intuited through any quality.
No animal appearing to suffer from such a disease could be slaughtered for human consumption.
At this point, the heavy rain became torrential and large pools of water began appearing on the already sodden pitch.
I could not believe that they could be so callous and compare nourishing my baby with milk to someone appearing topless in a newspaper.
One moment of drama has two Channel-billed Toucans appearing to chase a Grey-headed Kite out of a wild nutmeg tree.
Emotional responses are often inappropriate for their surroundings - for example, laughing at sad news or appearing unconcerned by important events.
Look beyond the objects of experience to the unknowable source of all appearing things.
The mats will then be sent all around the county, and drinkers can expect to see them appearing in their local watering holes !
For the first time ever I understand what 's meant by dancers on pointe appearing weightless.
Mastering of orthography is important for appearing intelligent in daily written communication.
Today, one of the most popular children's television shows appearing on PBS features Thomas and his friends as well, as the beloved little engine and many of his friends encounter one adventure after another on the Island of Sodor.
The pockets should align neatly on both sides with no wrinkles appearing at any of the pant's seams, either at pocket joints, side seams, in the back, or in the crotch.
Many of the reviews appearing on websites have serious biases.
Appearing in photos and videos all over the world, the chimpanzee has black hair and sometimes has whiskers on the chin.
Identity theft is a hot topic, with new developments constantly appearing.
Originally used as a coat-of-arms, it became associated with royalty, appearing not only amongst the French, but on monarchs from Spain and the Netherlands as well.
Room dividers can break a room up into smaller spaces, but should only be used if the area has enough room to handle it without appearing cramped.
Remember that part of the charm of these hanging lamps comes from their positioning and appearance; look for lightweight appearing lamps that seem to float above an area, giving direct light to the space below.
In addition to the color, this powder felt light on my skin - providing a natural dewy shimmer without appearing like I was wearing any makeup.
Smoky shadows and deep lids can be applied with a stronger hand, and rich tones can be worn without appearing garish.
Although most neutrals are considered "safe"" for the majority, redheads should avoid drab tones to keep from appearing washed out and sickly.
Recently, more and more "auctions" have been appearing with only a "buy it now" price.
You can identify a secure transaction by a padlock icon appearing at the checkout page - either at the bottom of your browser window or next to the URL.
This keeps upper arm flab from flattening out and appearing more noticeable.
Tree branches, rocks, fences and open structures like gazebos can be used to frame your photo subjects without the image appearing too contrived.
If you are experiencing stress in your life and you see patches of pink or red bumps appearing on your body, you may be suffering from stress related hives.
Each title includes poems, essays, art, photography, and fiction originally appearing in the magazine.
The dresses that are long in the back but short in the front give girls with great gams a way to show them off without appearing too informal.
Are you fascinated by the teenage fashion industry, always following the latest trends in teenage fashion and obsessed with the fashion teenage models appearing in beauty pageants?
With the return of the vintage wedding dress, more bridal parties are appearing in lovely styles from the past.
Younger brides tend to look beautiful in nearly any color, and most can wear pale pastels without appearing as though their complexions have faded.
Parker on the hit drama Baywatch, all the while still appearing on Home Improvement.
The adorable Olsen twins started their acting careers before they could walk, appearing first in 1987 in the long-running television series Full House.
Born in Arizona in 1989, Joe has also embarked on a career in acting, appearing in Disney Channel's Jonas.
Born in 1956, Kim Cattrall first make her mark in Hollywood by appearing in a handful of fun yet critically panned movies such Porky's, Mannequin, and Police Academy.
Sheen has mastered the technique of comedic acting, appearing in such films as Major League and Hot Shots, but he can also shine in dramas, as shown in Platoon and Wall Street.
This was never more apparent than in New York City the other night when Babs and a George Bush impersonator put on a skit appearing to question our Commander in Chief's intelligence.
While she doesn't object to her fellow wrestlers appearing in the magazine, she feels it's not something she wants to be known for.
Moore started her career as part of the "Brat Pack" in the 1980s, appearing in films such as St. Elmo's Fire and About Last Night.
After appearing together in the box-office hit Cruel Intentions, they were married on a plantation in South Carolina on June 5, 1999.
She was in more episodes of Kids Incorporated than any cast member, appearing in over 100 shows between 1984 and 1989.
The four-letter word about Paris was, however, uttered following a night out, with Lohan appearing to have had a drink (or two).
She's earned her share of laughs by appearing as herself on Will & Grace, Mad TV, and Saturday Night Live.
Shortly after posing for Playboy in 1996, Carmen Electra began appearing regularly on Baywatch and MTV's Singled Out.
Her first album was a Christmas collection, with singles from the album also appearing on the soundtracks for The Santa Clause 2 and Cheaper by the Dozen.
Britney Spears will be appearing in a humorous ad during the Super Bowl on February 4.
Ludacris expanded his rap career by appearing in films as well, with his first role in The Wash in 2001.
Tyra Banks wants the world to know that it's alright to have a curvaceous body, appearing on the cover of People magazine in a bathing suit to illustrate her message.
Tyra Banks will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of her cover shoot by appearing in the same bikini she wore for her Sports Illustrated cover.
She got her start by appearing in videos for Michael Jackson's "Black or White" and George Michael's "Too Funky," as well as a Lionel Richie video.
Radcliffe made a bold move with the play, appearing nude in one scene.
When she was a mere two months old, Hayden began appearing in commercials.
Her most recent brush with tabloid gossip was over her rumored relationship with Justin Timberlake after appearing in his music video, What Goes Around… The speculation came on the heels of Timberlake's breakup with Cameron Diaz.
DeGeneres moved her brand of comedy to television and the silver screen, appearing in numerous blockbusters.
As rumors swirled that pop diva Britney Spears would be appearing at several House of Blues shows during the week of April 30, 2007, fans scooped up tickets in hopes that they could catch a glimpse of her comeback tour.
Then the gossip started to fly -- Spears was rumored to be appearing at a show for the band The M+ M's at the House of Blues in San Diego.
While he seemed to have flown under the radar after the band split, he continued to have a career as an actor, appearing in My Big Fat Greek Wedding and the musicals Rent and Little Shop of Horrors.
After being out of the limelight for a few years, Paul Abdul made a huge comeback in 2002, when she started regularly appearing as one of three judges on the reality music show, American Idol.
She topped off her semi-celebrity status by appearing nude in Playboy.
Since appearing on The Hills, Montag is making a career move into music while planning her wedding to Pratt.
Jodie Sweetin started her career at just four years old appearing in a hot dog commercial.
Following graduation, he attended Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, studying philosophy, while also appearing in plays.
Since appearing in her infamous sex tape and then emerging as one of the universe's most popular reality TV stars, Kim Kardashian has become the apple of photographers' eyes.
Mendes made her screen debut in 1998, appearing in several television programs including one episode of ER, and was cast as a bridesmaid in A Night at the Roxbury.
Since appearing on Laguna Beach and The Hills, Lauren Conrad has become a regular player in celebrity gossip circles.
Trace Adkins - The man that introduced the world to "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" will be appearing on the show.
Andrew Firestone entered the reality television scene in 2003, appearing on the third season of The Bachelor.
Though her part in Boogie Nights wasn't a large one, she made a big impression by appearing on screen in nothing but a pair of roller skates.
Christina Ricci - Christina Ricci started out as a child actor, appearing in movies such as Mermaids (1990) and The Addams Family (1991).
After appearing in a number of TV commercials, Bateman landed his first television role in 1981, at the age of 12, on the television series Little House on the Prairie.
By his teenage years, Bateman became more of a household name, appearing on the series Silver Spoons as Derek Taylor, opposite Ricky Schroeder, who played rich kid Ricky Stratton.
The pair were no longer on speaking terms, but managed to squeak another season of The Simple Life out by never appearing in the same scenes together.
Cate Blanchett began acting while she was attending the Methodist Ladies College in Melbourne, Australia, appearing in many productions including The Odyssey of Runyon Jones.
At three months old, she made her television debut, appearing on Days of our Lives with her mother.
Appearing on the first season of The Bachelor, Alex Michel chose Amanda Marsh over Trista in the final episode.
After appearing on the cover of US magazine in January along with son Max, Sutter announced that she and husband Ryan have already begun trying to have another child stating, "I'd love to have babies close in age.
She also starred as a rather saucy, updated version of Princess Jasmine in a pantomime version of Alladin and stretched her boundaries by appearing in the children's miniseries, Wavelength.
Silverman kept extremely busy though, appearing in big and small roles on television and film.
Although it has been rumored in the past that Coulter was previously banned from ever appearing on the NBC network, execs say that this is simply not true.
Ray J is really William Raymond Norman Jr. He began a short-lived acting career when he was only eight years old, appearing in commercials.
Peniche was stripped of the latter title after appearing nude in an issue of Playboy magazine.
In 1991, Sandler became a cast member, appearing more frequently after every successful skit.
Always in style, she prefers to wear high heels when out on the town or appearing at media events or award presentations.
After appearing in the independent movie Finder's Fee, which was written and directed by Survivor host Jeff Probst, Reynolds landed the role of Van Wilder in National Lampoon's Van Wilder.
Cruise and Holmes have been tabloid fodder since their relationship began, often appearing with bizarre headlines in gossip magazines.
She decided to go for it and had some immediate success, appearing in a variety of television commercials.
In 1999, Dwayne Johnson played a few bit parts on various television shows, sometimes appearing as "The Rock."
Bullock lived in Nuremberg, Germany, for 12 years, often appearing in her mother's opera performances.
Markie Post played various roles in many made-for-TV movies during the 1990s, often appearing in the "mom" role.
She has since dabbled in a variety of media, including forming a band with her brother Cory, writing a book, and appearing in a couple of reality television shows.
Kirk Cameron began his acting career when he was nine years old, appearing in a number of commercials.
Furlong became very popular in Japan after appearing in Terminator 2, and he decided to try out a secondary career as a rock star over there.
Edward Furlong has also tried his hand at modeling, appearing in ads for The Gap and Calvin Klein.
A severe diet brought her down to where she was comfortable appearing on Oprah in a bikini, but once again she gained it all back - and then some.
Some of the most talented and popular actors appearing in blockbuster films are African American.
Benjamin Bratt - The former beau of Julia Roberts gained recognition on the TV drama Law & Order, and was soon appearing in films such as Miss Congeniality and Traffic.
When Hendricks was a teen the family moved yet again, this time to Fairfax, Virginia, where Hendricks continued her acting training, appearing in several high school plays and productions at the local community theater.
Cameron Diaz - Diaz also lends her voice to animated pictures, appearing in all the films in the Shrek franchise.
The night after appearing in person to pick up her Razzie Award, as well as one for Worst Screen Couple that she shared with Bradley Cooper, Bullock won the Academy Award for her role in The Blind Side.
The film adaptation of the Broadway play The Lion in Winter co-starred Peter O'Toole, with Timothy Dalton and Anthony Hopkins appearing early in their careers.
Sandra Bullock has been appearing in films since 1987 and has a string of hits behind her, many of them romantic comedies.
After Speed she began appearing in a string of films, with many of them playing to her comic sensibilities as well as her great beauty.
Bundchen became a true supermodel, appearing in advertisements, magazine spreads, and fashion shows.
As spring looms on the horizon, denim shorts will start appearing in store inventories just about everywhere.
Where higher end labels are concerned, you may find very summery garments appearing in stores as early as January.
New and innovative designs are appearing through the world of children's clothing.
Most of the characters and items appearing on this brand of T-shirts were more popular in the seventies and eighties than they are today.
Art degrees are notoriously hard to find online, however as times change, more are appearing.
Generally distance learning has few if any requirements in regards to appearing at a certain place at a certain time.
Dating back at least as far as the 1800's and reported as recently as the 1970's, the Black Dog of West Peak has been appearing to travelers and hikers.
Others report the black dog appearing in their homes in the dark and vanishing when they turn on a light.
Cushing's disease also causes hair loss, but it is usually very symmetrical, appearing in mirror locations on either side of the body.
That said, a bitch can get pregnant without appearing to bleed.
D. Cannabina is a tall and graceful herbaceous perennial from 4 to 7 feet high, the long stems clothed with large pinnate leaves, yellowish-green flowers appearing towards the end of summer.
The flowers are large, double, and of a pale rose, appearing in June and onward.
From black roots spring healthy tufts of leaves with two or three pairs of shining leaflets; the flower-buds appearing soon afterwards, almost covering the plant with beautiful purple and blue blooms in April.
It grows to a height of 7 feet or more, with wrinkled leaves and white flowers appearing singly or in loose clusters from the leaf-axils during July and August.
The flowers are brown, appearing in May, and followed by black fruits.
If the plants are examined, the centres will be found to be matted together, the stronger shoots appearing on the outside.
The yellow flowers are small, appearing in autumn, when the general effect of the plant is bold and pleasing, growing apart on the lawn or in the wild garden.
Its bright green leaves resemble those of the common Hazel, and its showy heads of pure white flowers, appearing in May and June, sometimes measure 6 inches across.
Fringed Houseleek (Sempervivum Fimbriatum) - One of the most profusely blooming kinds, the dark rose-colored flowers appearing in summer on stems 6 to 10 inches high.
Snakes-beard (Ophiopogon) - Herbaceous perennials, about 1 1/2 feet high, the flowers, usually small, lilac, appearing late in summer and in autumn in spikes, 2 to 5 inches long, rising from grassy tufts of evergreen foliage.
They are easily raised from seeds, which are freely produced in hot summers, seedlings occasionally appearing by the score around the old plants.
The leaves form a dense tuft on the top of a stem 1 to 3 feet high, and are 3 or 4 inches broad at the base, tapering to a long point; flowers in a dense oblong head nearly 1 foot long, bright yellow or tinged red, appearing in late autumn.
For June-bearing plants, pinch off the flowers until they stop appearing, usually in July.
Contemporary colors such as apple green and orange are available, as well as honed limestone appearing products.
Me and Ro is also slotted for appearing as part of The Gap ad campaigns.
She simply began appearing in novelty stores, and the rest is history.For the few who may not know who Hello Kitty is, she is an utterly adorable image of a little white cat.
Throughout the years, moonstone brooches kept appearing in jewelry stores.
For other men, who often have formal events to attend, or who simply like appearing well dressed for every occasion, being knowledgeable about different knot styles is important.
The toga was reserved for Roman citizens and generally used when appearing in public.
Prior to this era, it look a much longer time to acquire wealth; the consequence of which was that appearing "professional" was of the utmost importance.
Although it was traditionally used for dipping bread and cooking, the oil is appearing in more and more beauty products.
She has worked for Lane Bryant as a plus size model, appearing multiple times in the Lane Bryant catalog.
If appearing fashionable is something that is important to you, then consider choosing Dita.
The look is saved from appearing too "girly" by its sleek jet black frame and "vented" technology.
The exact deals each online retailer offers vary and new promotions are always appearing, so be sure to check websites frequently to find inexpensive tickets.
Also appearing for the first time in a video game are TV star Maria Menounos and UK pop star Natasha Bedingfield.
The Hulk will face a huge number of enemies that, while appearing a bit cartoonish, fit quite well into the virtual arena you can explore.
While first appearing in arcades in the 90s, the title really caught on with its port over to the Sony PlayStation and later on to the Game Boy Advance.
Well, that may have been before the intelligence games started appearing in the video game market.
Originally appearing alongside Cody and Haggar in Final Fight, Guy became the 39th Bushin ("Warrior God") ninja master after defeating his master, Zeku, the 38th master.
He is a high-ranking member of the Mad Gear gang in Metro City, first appearing in Final Fight, and is dressed in a samurai-like outfit complete with a pair of short katana blades.
So, are they appearing because more females are playing interactive games or because the mostly male video game market wants more exposure to the opposite sex?
Ratings appearing on the cover of video games and in advertisements are intended to educate consumers about possibly objectionable content in the game.
The last thing you'd want to do is to send out a critical email to an important client, only to come off appearing incredibly unprofessional for sending a message riddled with spelling errors.
How do you block your number from appearing on caller ID systems then?
With symptoms usually first appearing in childhood, the characteristics of this rare syndrome include pancreatic dysfunction and anemia (low red blood cells).
Parents can help their child by not panicking or appearing anxious, as this may increase anxiety in the child, which can worsen symptoms.
Most fevers caused by infections are acute, appearing suddenly and then dissipating as the immune system defeats the infectious agent.
The child's self-portrait appears as an amoeba person, but it will usually be the biggest figure, appearing in the center of the page.
Diagnosis is made by most practitioners solely on the basis of the unique appearance of blisters of the mouth, hands, and feet, in a child not appearing very ill.
Baby teeth may come in straight or at an angle, appearing crooked, although they eventually straighten out.
Malrotation of the duodenum is a more common cause of duodenal obstruction, typically appearing in the first few weeks of life.
Pernicious anemia is diagnosed more often in adults between ages 50 and 60 than in children or young people, although there is the possibility of inheriting the condition, with symptoms not appearing until later in life.
It also involves the persistence of HbF with larger than normal amounts appearing in the child's circulation.
This may be due to the interaction of several different inheritance patterns, different patterns of development appearing as the same condition, or a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors.
Sclerae are normal in color, appearing white or near-white.
Intestinal obstructions can occur in children as a result of congenital defects, with symptoms appearing any time between birth and adulthood.
Plantar warts are familiar to all ages groups, appearing frequently in children between the ages of 12 and 16.
They can erupt anywhere, appearing more frequently on the legs of women, the faces of children, and on the areas of the face that are shaved by young adult males.
If the hernia has incarcerated, the infant will be in obvious pain, appearing fussy, crying, and refusing to eat.
These sleep disturbances tend to decrease with age, appearing in only about 5 percent of children over two years of age.
The main concern with older children is peer pressure and the desire to fit in; therefore, symptoms may not be reported accurately and medications may not be taken to avoid comments from peers or appearing different.
The common appearing birthmark is a tiny red or purple mark.
Symptoms of congenital torticollis are a painless mass on the neck appearing during the first two months of life and a persistent tilt of the head to one side for no other apparent reason.
Paris was the launching pad for tango to come to Europe, but the dance form soon spread to other major European capitols and by 1913 it had crossed the Atlantic again and was appearing in U.S. dance halls.
Monaco is a well-known model and actress, perhaps best known for her roles on Baywatch, General Hospital and appearing in Playboy and Maxim.
Except in extreme cases where graying is caused by mitigating circumstances, there are no cures or vitamins that can slow or prevent gray from appearing.
This wide array of hair products that protect and highlight individual hair types has quickly leaped to the top of the industry, appearing on the shelves of fine retailers like Nordstrom, Sephora, Neiman Marcus and Saks.
New style hair cuts can be fun to experiment with as more innovative and unique styles keep appearing.
Casual and loose hair styles are sexy without appearing too formal or stuffy.
Remember, the online lending market is extremely competitive and new offers are appearing all the time.
These suits give you a great way to heat up your beach look without appearing appallingly inappropriate.
These bikinis, especially from a distance, give the illusion of appearing completely nude.
To save the suit from appearing too "adult-like", the front features a large graphic pattern of a heart, rose and dove outlined in pink.
Just a few years before, Australian swimmer Annette Kellerman had been arrested for indecency in the United States for appearing in a one-piece swimsuit that revealed her legs above the knees, as well as her arms.
The front uses a very small dart underneath for comfort and fit, all the while appearing virtually seamless.
If you're truly afraid of appearing old fashioned but want to wear a one piece, why not wrap a sarong around your waist for a terrific modern look.
The lucky young woman chosen is automatically catapulted into fame and fortune, not only appearing in the swimsuit issue, but also receiving a one year, $1,000,000.00 modeling contract with NEXT Model Management.
The seat of the suit offers full coverage, while the cut evokes a silhouette shape; perfect for appearing one size smaller!
Brooke has toyed with a film career, appearing in the Ben Stiller flick Dodgeball.
The giant panda serves as an emblem for China, appearing on modern commemorative coins.
Vitamin E contributes to healthy appearing skin in a variety of ways.
Shorter women who want to create the illusion of appearing taller should choose skirts that hit at the knee or above.
Trench coats are members of the history hall of fame, appearing in everything from classic films on some of the world's most gorgeous women to officers in the British army during World War I, who sported the coat as part of their uniform.
Keep your eyes open during spring, when lighter fabrics and colors start appearing.
Opt for a dress that is fitted on top and grazes the lower half without appearing voluminous.
There is an ideal middle ground that will keep the chest from appearing larger or on display.
The stripes began appearing around the turn of the 20th century, along with the mint flavoring.
If you know you're going to be in the market for an artificial Christmas tree, keep looking through the sales flyers and watch for advertisements as soon as the Christmas-themed items start appearing in stores.
Appearing disinterested when the person we like is around, or speaking to us.
Don't contact him immediately on all the sites or else you risk annoying him or appearing desperate.
While first appearing to cater to those looking for only sex, there are also men looking for real relationships as well.
This technique will keep you from appearing to change the subject.
The sort of confidence that girls value at this stage is a borderline "aloof" nature, appearing as though you're not very concerned what people think about you - you're comfortable in yourself.
These sites are very good at appearing to be filled with the kind of people you want, but there are very few happy success stories from couples who meet on them.
These gemstones are very unique because they come out of the ground appearing like a multiple-faceted, cut diamond.
With only a single stone to display, the setting needs to enhance the natural beauty of the stone without the ring appearing too stark.
Making sure that your article looks professional is an important part of appearing professional to the magazine.
Men's belts and other accessories have recently been appearing as part of the Dooney & Bourke line.
A Fendi leather gold bag may be appearing as a satchel this season or as another version of the popular Spy Bag.
More than anything else, you risk visibly appearing as though you're carrying a fake - and it's unlikely most people would take any pleasure in that.
This doesn't mean you'll actually end up going anywhere; appearing flexible is what's important.
Some autistic children regress in speech and language skills, appearing to lose the milestones they once reached.
Edward is absent for the majority of New Moon, appearing only in the first couple of chapters and the last couple of chapters.
Appearing in all three films, Shane Brolly's Death Dealer character Kraven was first credited with killing Lucian.
Ashton Kutcher has an interesting resume, but as of late has been appearing in romantic comedies.
When it comes to strange effects appearing on video, sometimes authentic ghost videos are captured.
Other park rangers and visitors tell tales of the apparition appearing on dark nights always accompanied by cries and groans.
The creature was described as appearing human-like, but covered with long black hair from head to toe and capable of breaking very large tree limbs.
Even if a video captures something as simple as an object moving on its own or an apparition appearing out of thin air, that video represents solid proof that something very real and physical took place.
Urban legends tell tales of Bloody Mary appearing in the dark when someone stands too close to a mirror whether they are summoning her or not.
Fingers on the planchette, they watched it form lazy circles, appearing to warm up.
Still, the footage is fascinating, and it does look like someone or something is appearing in and out of the tree line.
Do spirits really exist, are they capable of appearing, and do the living have the right technology to capture evidence for proof?
Most graveyards have stories surrounding them about one or more ghosts appearing at least occasionally.
Supposedly, the spirit of a murdered witch responds by appearing in the bathroom mirror with a glowing face.
Color is a big-part of the Blahnik collection, with multi-colored prints appearing on shoes of every style.
Doc Martens began appearing in color designs - some of which were hand-painted.
Magli has also gone big on bronze, with metallics appearing in both shoes and accessories.
Not one to easily walk away from the spotlight, she focused her attention on acting instead, and was soon appearing on Falcon Crest and Melrose Place.
The event calendar is updated periodically so fans can track where their favorite actors may be appearing both onscreen and off.
Cale worked primarily as a theater actress appearing in Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.
Concetta Tomei was featured in many off-Broadway productions before moving to Los Angeles and appearing in many successful television productions including China Beach, Max Headroom and Judging Amy.
Wilford Brimley is a well-known actor appearing in many feature films over the years including The Natural, Cocoon, The Firm and My Fellow Americans.
Each episode features an interaction and a way to 'listen' to the audio files of the interactions in Spanish with English translations appearing under the dialogue text.
The show was broadcast on Playboy TV Latin America originally, later appearing on different Latino channels in multiple countries.
Herring began appearing as Audrey Coleman on As the World Turns on July 24, 2009.
She went off contract in 2005, appearing in a recurring status in 2006.
The event calendar feature shows you where and when All My Children stars will be appearing in person, and whether you will be able to participate in a meet-and-greet.
By 2006, Degrassi was appearing in regular syndication in the United States and other countries.
She took a 12 month sabbatical from the show in 2008, and began appearing regularly again in 2009.
The new series was set in the same apartment complex appearing in the previous version.
Grayson's Anatomy - The season finale finds Deb/Jane ready to make some changes in her life, but Grayson's revelation that he's dreaming about her and a secret husband appearing for Jane sends her into a tailspin.
Alfonso was a gold medal champion at the Junior Olympics and later went on to a modeling career, including appearing in a television movie called The Starmaker in 1981.
Placebo's Running up that Hill is a very popular track, appearing in multiple television shows.
While appearing on The Young and the Restless, he also hosted Soul Train for four years and guest-starred in television series such as The Jamie Foxx Show and The Nanny.
Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev both had fan followings prior to appearing on The Vampire Diaries.
The actress worked some double time in the first season, appearing as Katherine in flashbacks to 1864.
Just like brother Liam, he also parlayed this into an American film career, appearing in Star Trek, among other films.
Melissa George - Starting out her career on the Australian soap Home and Away in the award-winning role of Angel Parrish, she moved on, appearing in Australian Playboy, then made a move to the States.
From here he moved on to appearing in the Canadian TV production The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone.
This led to appearing in the Brazilian telenovela Esperanca, winning her two awards for Most Promising Actress.
In 2004, Paes went back to her modeling roots, appearing on the cover of the Brazilian Playboy, and was then voted one of People magazine's sexiest one hundred people in the world.
She left the group to embark on a solo career, and also started appearing in telenovelas, including Marisol.
While he initially found success in Mexico, he moved on to an acting career in Venezuela, but eventually returned to the Mexican telenovelas, appearing in Maria Mercedes, a huge international hit.
Cane Ashby was gunned down in February, but remained integral to the series, appearing as a ghost to his wife Lily and more.
In recent years, a serious infection has begun appearing in people who got illegal or home-made tattoos.
In recent years, however, a strain of MRSA has begun appearing among the general public.
For example, one digital watch is designed to look like an analog one, with numbers appearing in sequence around the watch to count off seconds instead of a moving second hand.
He may play exclusively with that item, appearing to be completely oblivious to his surroundings and other people around him.
Autism is a developmental disorder appearing within the first two to three years of a child's life.
Having problems making conversation appearing to talk at people rather than with them.
Also watch placement - an ad appearing very far down the page of a busy blog may never be seen or clicked.
Was your family's holiday newsletter mailed out this year without several images of ebullient cheerleaders appearing somewhere near the paragraph devoted to you?
First appearing in 1979, polar fleece is a synthetic fabric created to mimic the qualities of wool -- minus a few of its characteristics.
Stephanie Courtney remains in Los Angeles and is married to a man she met while appearing regularly on stage with an improv group.
First appearing in the 1960s, they replaced stockings that were held up by garter belts.
Despite appearing in many fashion shows around the world, Tyra Banks did not become a famous household name until she started modeling lingerie for Victoria's Secret.
When you want to wear sheer robes but are timid about appearing almost nude, wear your sheer garment as a gown jacket.
Jessica began acting, appearing in a guest spot on TV's "That 70's Show", opposite Ashton Kutcher.
Not much is known of his work during this period, as he was mainly a fill-in drummer for live shows, not appearing on the bands' albums.
Before long, NIN were darlings of rock radio everywhere, appearing all over MTV and being heralded as the new alternative music heroes.
Phair has also completed a few acting jobs, appearing in the TV show American Dreams and the movie Seeing Other People.
In the meantime, younger brother Joe caught the acting bug and began appearing Broadway shows as well.
The tide really turned for The Jonas Brothers after appearing on Hannah Montana, when the band was propelled into overnight superstardom.
That music career actually began in 1999, while McCartney was still appearing on All My Children.
His luck began to change after winning an Academy Award for appearing in From Here to Eternity.
It was tradition for artists appearing on Unplugged to do at least one cover version.
After a few years of constant touring and appearing on nearly every variety program on TV, Elvis landed a $40,000 record deal with RCA - at the time, the largest deal ever made.
The stars of High School Musical are now teen pop-culture icons, many of them appearing in movies outside of the Disney company.
Elvis Presley himself was also a star of the decade, appearing in numerous films.
If you crave the fame - or the infamy - of appearing on a reality TV show, here's the lowdown on the application process.
Season one contestant Erik has lost a total of over 200lbs since appearing on the show.
Since the contestants are all clothing designers, appearing on Project Runway gets them exposure they may not have otherwise received.
Although she was known by fans as sometimes appearing anxious and stressed out during the episodes she still managed to deliver innovative and stunning clothes during her time as a contestant.
Appearing on a realty program doesn't guarantee automatic celebrity status.
Charlie Sheen reportedly had huge reservations about the children appearing on camera, so Denise found herself defending her decision to allow her entire family to participate in the show.
Some of the contestants featured on this show have made quite a career out of appearing on reality shows.
Some contestants have made a career of appearing on this show and competing for cash and other prizes.