Apparently Sentence Examples
Apparently he did a lot of walking.
Apparently she was wrong.
Apparently something had been discussed in her absence.
I did, but apparently that status changed.
Apparently the horse knew the rider meant business, because it didn't act up again.
Apparently it was the only thing that frightened him.
Apparently Señor Medena and his daughters had lived here all their lives.
Apparently he hung up.
The count is suffering physically and mentally, and apparently you have done your best to increase his mental sufferings.
The call was from California and Howie was on the line, apparently distraught.
AdvertisementApparently Mrs. Marsh had no idea of Brandon's plans for his future.
Apparently Julia considered her to be some kind of competition.
His gaze searched her eyes, but for once apparently found no answer.
But their conversation... was an expression of love for a sibling – siblings that had apparently been through a lot together.
Apparently Pete wasn't concerned about Bordeaux getting lost.
AdvertisementApparently the duo was considered part of the family.
Apparently Señor Medena had two children who denied him.
If I refuse to talk to her, she spells into her own hand, and apparently carries on the liveliest conversation with herself.
Can't you do it more gently? said the Emperor apparently suffering more than the dying soldier, and he rode away.
Here in the spring time south, I have no such fear because I'm not stupid as he apparently was.
AdvertisementShe jumped toward the child, apparently crying out and evoking a threatening wave of the knife by Grasso.
The officers were about to take leave, but Prince Andrew, apparently reluctant to be left alone with his friend, asked them to stay and have tea.
Apparently scrounging food off the desert wasn't nearly as easy as harnessing a team of mules.
The third company was the last, and Kutuzov pondered, apparently trying to recollect something.
Prince Bagration, apparently not wishing to be severe, found nothing to say; the others did not venture to intervene.
AdvertisementSarah apparently hadn't noticed the car.
Apparently time had caught up with Mom before she could finish.
Despite his apparently delicate build Prince Andrew could endure physical fatigue far better than many very muscular men, and on the night of the battle, having arrived at Krems excited but not weary, with dispatches from Dokhturov to Kutuzov, he was sent immediately with a special dispatch to Brunn.
Napoleon apparently remembered seeing him on the battlefield and, addressing him, again used the epithet "young man" that was connected in his memory with Prince Andrew.
He held the pistol in his right hand at arm's length, apparently afraid of shooting himself with it.
The princess was apparently vexed at not having anyone to be angry with.
He could apparently not refrain from expressing the thoughts that had suddenly occurred to him.
Your excellency! he kept repeating pertinaciously while he shook Pierre by the shoulder without looking at him, having apparently lost hope of getting him to wake up.
The French generals lost touch with the Russian army of sixty thousand men, and according to Thiers it was only eventually found, like a lost pin, by the skill--and apparently the genius--of Murat.
He had become far too familiar and apparently assumed a relationship that didn't exist.
Apparently he was merely looking for companionship - his kind.
After all, you're the goal he apparently seeks.
These trees were alive and apparently flourishing at midsummer, and many of them had grown a foot, though completely girdled; but after another winter such were without exception dead.
Apparently his mood had been inspired by the telephone call she made to Connie a few nights ago.
After that introduction, my wife listened; for more than five minutes, while Howie apparently continued to ramble.
I updated him on all we'd learned, with the only good news that baby Claire was alive and apparently well.
Claire apparently had left.
Sometimes he would come up unexpectedly on the opposite side of me, having apparently passed directly under the boat.
And Boris, having apparently relieved himself of an onerous duty and extricated himself from an awkward situation and placed another in it, became quite pleasant again.
Before they reached the room from which the sounds of the clavichord came, the pretty, fair haired Frenchwoman, Mademoiselle Bourienne, rushed out apparently beside herself with delight.
Though it was not clear what the artist meant to express by depicting the so-called King of Rome spiking the earth with a stick, the allegory apparently seemed to Napoleon, as it had done to all who had seen it in Paris, quite clear and very pleasing.
Apparently finding what he was looking for, he finally shrugged.
Apparently he was shipping someone twenty-five thousand dollars worth of cocaine.
Apparently her instincts had been correct when she suspected that he was trying to warn her.
Bordeaux was a persuasive man with a tendency to move fast - apparently not only with women.
After all, Howie and Betsy were apparently committed.
Apparently that's what the authorities told the family.
Apparently Rob didn't think I'd been encouraging him.
Pierre remained gloomily silent, answering in monosyllables and apparently immersed in his own thoughts.
While the soldiers were shouting Kutuzov leaned forward in his saddle and bowed his head, and his eye lit up with a mild and apparently ironic gleam.
The ancient historians all employed one and the same method to describe and seize the apparently elusive--the life of a people.
Apparently this was a favorite haunt for Giddon... and how many others?
She paused for no more than a few moments, but apparently Giddon hadn't heard.
Tammy was finally allowed to swim to her heart's content... apparently for the first time.
Apparently the cavalry caught up with the renegades.
Apparently she found Mr. Cade not only attractive, but also irresistible.
Apparently the water had been shut off up here to keep it from freezing.
He served his time for the crime they convicted him of doing; apparently it was not the murder and definitely not the murder of Annie Abbott.
Just her little fangs and the odd presence she found subtle but which apparently had a staggering effect on men.
Apparently, the portal isn't closed from Hell.
Some of our guests are apparently leaving early.
It was pleasant and touching to see these little girls in love; but apparently the sight of them roused no pleasant feeling in Vera.
The infantry passing before him came to a halt without any command being given, apparently obstructed by something in front.
When they arrived, they recognized the spot immediately, not only from Martha's description but also from the disruptive markings, apparently caused by Fitzgerald when he recovered the bones.
Dean wasn't anxious for Westlake to pursue the conversation and was relieved that the subject apparently held no interest for him.
No other vehicles were encountered—the storm apparently frightened away the more faint-at-heart tourists.
The Lucky Pup has apparently been sealed up for the last forty years until someone—kids, we think—broke into the mine this spring.
They were also concerned over yesterday's strange call, apparently from a state worker, asking if they'd heard from the girl.
The only picture was of a teenage boy, apparently the deceased brother.
Patsy Boyd apparently lifted a set of keys from a worker in the lodgings where she and Martha were temporarily quartered and made her escape in a twenty-year old Buick.
Brandon Westlake offered his concerned condolences, apparently having heard the news from domino eavesdroppers.
Apparently the shine is off Mr. Faust's halo.
When conversation lagged, they apparently took the hint and retreated into Bird Song.
The Dawkins Four had apparently left and the newcomer guests were out seeing the town.
Alex must have heard something, but he apparently chose not to share it – even when asked.
Apparently opposites did attract.
Apparently he had been there several times.
Apparently he found the idea of jail less frightening than the huge dog.
Apparently the man had never entered the house and no damage was done.
Apparently he wasn't ready to talk about it.
It read Fendril, apparently the name of Molly's mate.
She apparently wasn't, and it made him uneasy.
Apparently this town was cluttered with them and my great-aunt and her husband had a thankless life mission to attend to the trash.
He called her again as soon as he rose, but she had apparently left earlier as there was no answer.
Everyone else was apparently asleep as Bird Song was as quiet as a tomb.
Apparently mom, before assigned to hard time in Cañon City, had dragged the poor child over most of Colorado and the West.
Apparently only when it really matters to me.
Apparently you've found something to say.
Apparently I cannot bite Elisabeth.
Apparently Alex didn't want to talk about his relationship with Lori.
Apparently Josh thought they were having an affair.
Apparently they weren't on such bad terms after all.
Apparently his relationship with Lori was mostly business.
Yeah. Apparently Rhyn has gone on some rampage to kill Death. Kiki wants us to go to the underworld and stop him.
A suit jacket and pants were laid out across the bed, and underwear was dropped on the floor next to it, apparently discarded by Byrne when he changed to his bathing suit.
The other occupant was slouching down in the passenger's seat with his hat pulled over his eyes, apparently napping.
He handed the old man ten dollars and was handed a slip of paper with the phone number from the rental sign Mrs. Glass was apparently an early riser and answered the phone on the second ring.
Dean asked as he sniffed a highly flavored—and apparently expensive—coffee.
Just then the third round of drinks arrived, apparently as a result of a nod to the waiter by Cynthia Byrne.
The conversations were brief and the trip apparently uneventful, however Dean continued to have second thoughts about allowing Fred to dig into the matter on his own.
Apparently Alex had spent a good deal of that time talking to Lori about another woman.
Mums had apparently accepted Alex as one of the family.
Apparently Bill had something to show Alex.
Alex kept looking back; apparently to make sure she didn't fall off.
Apparently he found it.
Apparently it had fallen out of her purse at some point.
Apparently he was eager to get back to the clinic.
Apparently it was in another room.
Apparently Josh hadn't told him she was there after all.
Apparently that was what inspired his decision to arrange for a trash truck once a week.
Apparently his house was still in his name.
Apparently you'll do anything to hold a baby in your arms – even risk your life driving on ice.
Apparently following through with that decision was impossible for her.
Apparently they were fighting again.
Apparently Josh thought so too when he married her.
Apparently he saw the blood, because his step quickened.
Apparently her calm acceptance encouraged him to continue.
Apparently he thought she should know what he was talking about.
Lori was keeping a low profile and apparently Josh had forgotten about her.
Apparently the idea came up when the boys heard it called road apples.
Apparently the arrangement pleased Destiny because she stopped crying when Carmen left her.
Apparently that was a signal that he had found her.
Apparently she saw the light and came up the stairs to talk.
Apparently Alex didn't have any more time for Jonathan than he had for her.
Apparently it did nothing for Alex except make him wonder what she was up to.
Apparently he had called Gerald and he had walked over – catching her before she fell.
Apparently you thought I should do something now or you wouldn't have thrown it in my face.
Alex flinched, apparently shamed speechless.
Apparently Alondra came to the same conclusion.
Apparently he saw the longing there, because he slowly leaned down and kissed her lips.
All was forgotten in her mind, but apparently not his.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, though apparently not hostile.
Apparently their Collie had a secret lover.
Apparently the area where the cabin sat was a dead spot for cell phones.
Actually, her instincts before he arrived had apparently been correct.
He nodded, apparently encouraged by her smile.
Some things were meant to be - or not to be, and apparently this was one.
Because apparently, to humans, explosions were more interesting than the fact they were watching him – a creature that hunted humans – cook their food.
But some phenomena are difficult to reconcile with pressed into less than one five-hundredth of a cubic foot, or, if allowed to expand, the air originally occupying the cubic foot can be made to fill, apparently uniformly, a space of a million cubic feet or more.
The "symbols" for the elements used by Dalton, apparently suggested by those of the alchemists, have been rejected in favour of those which were introduced by Berzelius.
The church of St Lawrence has Norman portions, and an arch and window apparently of pre-Conquest date.
The Picts and Britons now recovered their independence; for Aldfrith, apparently an illegitimate son of Oswio, who succeeded, made no attempt to reconquer them.
Eardwulf dux, who had apparently fled abroad to escape the wrath of !Ethelred, was now recalled and held the crown until 807 or 808.
In October 1704 the "Cinque Porte" returned and found two of these men, the others having been apparently captured by the French.
The salter waters apparently tend to make their way westwards close to the African coast, and at the bottom the highest salinities have been observed south of Crete.
Santarosa was killed, apparently because he was too miserable and desperate to care to save his life, when the Egyptian troops attacked the island of Sphacteria, near Navarino, on the 8th of May 1825.
But this genealogy, though it is attributed to Hesiod, is apparently post-Homeric; and it is clear that the Ionian name had independent and varied uses and meanings in very early times.
Above sea-level, the climate is hot, humid and unhealthy, and the conditions for permanent settlement are apparently unfavourable.
In the north, however, the ranges which separate the river valleys are apparently the remains of the table-land through which deep valleys have been eroded.
These small individuals present apparently no other differences, and Sergi maintains that the difference is racial, these being the descendants of a race of pygmies who had emigrated from central Africa.
Intermarriage (sometimes illicit) was apparently freely used by the dominant families for the concentration of their power.
They are magnificent evergreen trees, with apparently whorled branches, and stiff, flattened, pointed leaves, found in Brazil and Chile, Polynesia and Australia.
Henceforth the place lost its importance; in Strabo's time the original site was apparently deserted, and the citadel alone remained inhabited.
In this crisis Pericles induced the Spartan leaders to retreat, apparently by means of.
A revulsion of feeling soon led to his reinstatement, apparently with extraordinary powers.
The name Larissa was common to many "Pelasgian" towns, and apparently signified a fortified city or burg, such as the citadel of Argos.
The Albanians are apparently the most ancient race in southeastern Europe.
Lord Stormont's family was Jacobite in its politics, and his second son James (c. 1690-1728), being apparently mixed up in some of the plots of the time, joined the court of the exiled Stuarts and in 1721 was created earl of Dunbar by James Edward, the Old Pretender.
The portion of the lachrymal duct communicating with the cavity of the nose has, on the other hand, been abnormally developed, apparently for the purpose of cleansing that chamber from particles of sand which may obtain an entrance while the animal is burrowing.
Of more interest is the imperfectly known Wynyardia, from older Tertiary beds in Tasmania, which apparently presents points of affinity both to phalangers and dasyures.
Dromotheriidae, and apparently showing decided traces of reptilian affinity.
But his successors did not act with similar leniency; when the city was captured by Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, twelve years later, the fortifications were partially demolished and apparently not again restored until the period of the high priest Simon II., who repaired the defences and also the Temple buildings.
The grammatical form of shabbath suggests a transitive sense, "the divider," and apparently indicates the Sabbath as dividing the month.
Earth movements are still taking place both along Bass Strait and the Great Valley of South Australia, and apparently along the whole length of tht southern coast of Australia.
The Palenque builders apparently used nothing but stone tools in their work.
The so-called Great Palace consists of a group of detached buildings, apparently ten in number, standing on two platforms of different elevations.
The sacred tablet on the back wall of the sanctuary is carved in low relief in limestone, and consists of two figures, apparently a priest and his assistant making offerings.
Although the first definite endeavour to locate the Golden Chersonese thus dates from the middle of the 2nd century of our era, the name was apparently well known to the learned of Europe at a somewhat earlier period, and in his Antiquities of the Jews, written during the latter half of the 1st century, Josephus says that Solomon gave to the pilots furnished to him by Hiram of Tyre commands " that they should go along with his stewards to the land that of old was called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India, to fetch gold."
The constitution of fulminic acid has been investigated by many experimenters, but apparently without definitive results.
They had apparently been used as the foundation of a portion of the city wall, reconstructed in A.D.
Seward himself, apparently sharing these views, although not out of vanity, at first possessed an unbounded confidence in his ability to influence the president and his cabinet.
He supported stoutly the extreme party of opposition to the king, but did not take the lead except on a few less important occasions, and was apparently silent in the debates on the Petition of Right, the Grand Remonstrance and the Militia.
This result was apparently confirmed by some independent experiments, but it Is very far from the truth, for it is now known that the actual ratio, or factor as it is commonly called, of the velocity of the wind to that of the cups depends very largely on the dimensions of the cups and arms, and may have almost any value between two and a little over three.
The Code recognizes complete private ownership in land, but apparently extends the right to hold land to votaries, merchants (and resident aliens?).
He had then to assign her the income of field, or garden, as well as goods, to maintain herself and children until they grew up. She then shared equally with them in the allowance (and apparently in his estate at his death) and was free to marry again.
The system was put into practical operation in 1887 on the Lehigh Valley railroad in the United States, and worked well, but was abandoned because it apparently fulfilled no real public want.
Cuyaba was founded in 1719 by Paulista gold hunters, and its goldwashings, now apparently exhausted, yielded rich results in the 18th century.
It has been defined as apparently a kind of collective madness.
Except, therefore, for a very small and apparently isolated area in the north of Latium and south of Etruria, all the tribes of Italy, though their idioms differed in certain particulars, are left undiscriminated.
At first, indeed, the term was apparently confined to the regions of the central and southern districts, exclusive of Cisalpine Gaul and the whole tract north of the Apennines, and this continued to be the official or definite signification of the name down to the end of the republic. But the natural limits of Italy are so clearly marked that the name came to be generally employed as a geographical term at a much earlier period.
Thus, after a struggle of more than half a century, ix spite of apparently insuperable obstacles, the liberation an the unity of Italy were accomplished.
Measures, apparently successful, were taken to reassure the negus, but shortly afterwards protection inopportunely accorded by Italy to enemies of Ras Alula, induced the Abyssinians to enter upon hostilities.
It established that all Italian cabinets since 1880 had grossly neglected the state banks; that the two preceding cabinets had been aware of the irregularities committed by Tanlongo; that Tanlongo had heavily subsidized the press, paying as much as 20,000 for that purpose in 1888 alone; that a number of deputies, including several ex-ministers, had received from him loans of a considerable amount, which they had apparently made no effort to refund; that Giolitti had deceived the Chamber with regard to the state banks, and was open tosuspicion of having,after the arrest of Tanlongo, abstracted a number of documents from the latters papers before placing the remainder in the hands of the judicial authorities.
If we did hit the exact mark, apparently we need no longer be immortal.
In this instance it may happen that the work of intelligence has only been mimicked in nature by blind forces which have accidentally produced organic life; and Mill is disposed to hold that if the evolution of species should be clearly established as due to natural law - if there has been no creation by special interposition - the argument falls to the ground and theism (apparently) is lost.
The parasite effects a lodgment in the host either by invading it as a free-swimming planula, or, apparently, in other cases, as a spore-embryo which is captured and swallowed as food by the host.
The observation of the existence of structures, in a rudimentary and apparently useless condition, in one species of a group, which are fully developed and have definite functions in other species of the same group.
The apparently clear distinction between flowering and flowerless plants has been broken down by the series of gradations between the two exhibited by the Lycopodiaceae, Rhizocarpeae, and Gymnospermeae.
When it appeared that he was recovering from his wounds, Cesare had him murdered, but not apparently without provocation, for, according to the Venetian ambassador Cappello, the duke had tried to murder Cesare first.
The writ apparently issued for no court inferior to the bishop's, unless upon the bishop's request.
About a century before this the Dipa-vamsa, or Island Chronicle, had been composed in Pali verse so indifferent that it is apparently the work of a beginner in Pali composition.
In January or February 169 Verus died at Altinum, apparently of apoplexy, though some ventured to say that he was poisoned by Aurelius.
Wren apparently did not himself approve of this second design, for he got the king to give him permission to alter it as much as he liked, without showing models or drawings to any one, and the actual building bears little resemblance to the approved design, to which it is very superior in almost every possible point.
He defined them as possessing radial instead of bilateral symmetry, and as apparently destitute of nervous system and sense organs, as having the circulatory system rudimentary or absent, and the respiratory organs on or coextensive with the surface of the body; he included under this title and definition five classes, - Echinodermata, Acalepha, Entozoa, Polypi and Infusoria.
In higher forms the conducting strands of the leaves are continued downwards into the stem, and eventually come into connection with the central hydrom cylinder, forming a complete cylindrical investment apparently distinct from the latter, and exhibiting a differentiation into hydrom, leptom and amylom which almost completely parallels that found among the true vascular plants.
The sieve-tubes differ, however, from the tracheids in being immediately associated, apparently constantly, not with starchy parenchyma, but with parenchymatous cells, containing particularly abundant proteid contents, which seem to have a function intimately connected with the conducting function of the sieve-tubes, and which we may call proteid-cells.
In some cases where there is apparently a well-marked plerome at the apex, this is really the young pith, the distinction between the stelar and cortical initials, if it exists, being, as is so often the case, impossible to make out.
So long as they are connected together mechanically they have apparently the power of influencing one another in various ways, and of passing liquid or gaseous materials from one to another.
The apparently structureless substance is saturated with it; and if once a cell is completely dried, even at a low temperature, in the enormous majority of cases its life iS gone and the restoration of water fails to enable it to recover.
In addition, certain inorganic salts, particularly certain compounds of potassium, are apparently necessary, but they seem to take no part in the chemical changes which take place.
Oxidases.Another class of enzymes has been discovered in both animals and plants, but they do not apparently take any part in digestion.
Besides the internal or centripetal growth, some cell-walls are thickened on the outside, such as pollen grains, oospores of Fungi, cells of Peridineae, &c. This centrifugal growth must apparently take place by the activity of protoplasm external to the cell.
The vegetation of the Palaeozoic era, till towards its close, was apparently remarkably homogeneous all over the world.
At the close of the Pliocene the European flora was apparently little different from that now existing, though some warmer types such as the waterchestnut (Trapa natans) had a more northern extension.
This cannot apparently be done for insects or foi birds; Newton accordingly unites the two into the Holarctic region.
The Mediterranean, however, has apparently been a barrier to the southward passage of the arcto-alpine flora which is totally wanting on the Atlas.
The French term "quillon," apparently formed from quille, ninepin, is applied to the projecting arms or cross guards of the hilt of a sword.
The red type is peculiar to America, inhabiting every climate from polar to equatorial, and containing representatives of many stages of culture which had apparently developed without the aid or interference of people of any other race until the close of the 15th century.
The absence of the ambiens muscle in all owls, which apparently use their feet in the same way as the Accipitres (all of which possess it), indicates that owls are not developed from the latter, but from a group which, like the other Coraciiformes, had already lost their muscle.
But the whole mass of bones is in hopeless disorder, apparently without any record of association.
But there are also species, though not Passerine, which are absolutely identical with those of Britain, the barn owl, common quail, pigmy rail, and little grebe or dabchick, all of them common and apparently resident in the island.
The ease with which explicit invocations attach themselves to many of these apparently self-contained forms proves that there is not necessarily any perceived difference of kind, and that implicit address as towards a "something not-ourselves" is often the true designation of the latter.
Herodotus also came in for a considerable share of his regard, but more, apparently, for recreation than for work.
Towards the end of the reign of lEthelberht, who died about 616, Radwald of East Anglia, who had apparently spent some time at the court of Kent, began to win for himself the chief position among the Anglo-Saxon kings of his day.
The root-feeding larvae of the cockchafer and allied members of the Scarabaeidae have a ridged area on the mandible, which is scraped by teeth on the maxillae, apparently forming a stridulating organ.
The Paussidae are a very remarkable family of small beetles, mostly tropical, found only in ants' nests, or flying by night, and apparently migrating from one nest to another.
They have eleven segments to the feeler, which is clubbed at the tip, and apparently three segments only in each foot.
The foot has apparently four segments, .as in the Chrysomelidae.
Thus apparently he asserted his authority, but in reality, being only thirteen years old, he was a mere puppet in the hands of one of the opposition factions, who wished to oust their rivals, and for the next four years the misgovernment of the nobles went on as before.
Accompanied by these so-called Oprichniki, who have been compared to the Turkish Janissaries of the worst period, he ruthlessly devastated large districts - with no other object apparently than that of terrorizing the population and rewarding his myrmidons - and during a residence of six weeks in Novgorod, lest the old turbulent spirit of the municipal republic should revive, he massacred, it is said, no less than 60,000 of the inhabitants, including many women and children.
The new tsar, Alexander III., was an apt pupil of his tutor Pobedonostsev (q.v.), the celebrated procurator of the Holy Synod, for whom the representative system was a modern lie," and his reign covered a period of frank reaction, during which there was not only no question of affected even the stolid and apparently immovable masses of the peasantry.
In time it became a common practice to cover them with a thin sheathing or plating of iron, in order to add to their life; this expedient caused more wear on the wooden rollers of the wagons, and, apparently towards the middle of the 18th century, led to the introduction of iron wheels, the use of which is recorded on a wooden railway near Bath in 1734.
If these special rates are published in the tariff, and are offered to all persons alike, provided they can fulfil the conditions imposed by the company, they are known as commodity rates, and are apparently a necessity in any scheme of railway charges.
Of trespassers the number killed per mile of line is about as large in England as in America, the density of population and of traffic in Great Britain apparently counterbalancing the laxity of the laws against trespassing in America.
But the general tendency to regulate rates by authority of the state has apparently rendered unnecessary the old plan of rate regulation through competition, even if it had not been demonstrated often and again that this form of regulation is costly for all concerned and is effective only during rare periods of direct conflict between companies.
He took priests' orders and appears to have held the chaplaincy of St Matthews, Dundee, but in March 1539 he was accused of heresy, apparently for having, in conjunction with his brothers, written some anti-Catholic ballads.
The death of his patron in 1513 apparently put an end to his connexion with the west, and he became a monk in the Benedictine monastery of Ely.
Inside its boundaries there is the restored Remigius Kirche, apparently dating from the time of Frederick I.
In the same year - apparently about June - he saw for the first time, and forthwith loved, the beautiful, intelligent and accomplished Mademoiselle Susan Curchod, daughter of the pasteur of Crassier.
The Demeter of Cnidus in the British Museum, of the school of Praxiteles, apparently shows her mourning for the loss of her daughter.
In the campaign Mr Taft boldly defended his course from the platform, and apparently lost few votes on account of this opposition.
In Hyginus's version of the legend, founded apparently on a tragedy by some follower of Euripides, Antigone, on being handed over by Creon to her lover Haemon to be slain, was secretly carried off by him, and concealed in a shepherd's hut, where she bore him a son Macon.
Their language differs very slightly from Roman Latin of that date; for apparently contracted forms like Fougno instead of Fucino may really only be a matter of spelling.
Of 24 protected persons, all escaped but four, and these had to be out at night or otherwise neglected precautions; of 38 unprotected persons, all contracted malaria except two, who had apparently acquired immunity.
This immunity is apparently not due to the absence of favourable conditions, but rather to the presence of some inimical factor which prevents the development of the parasite.
Apparently the parasites may remain quiescent in the blood for years and may cause relapses by fresh sporulation.
It is customary to divide the Orthorrhapha into the two divisions Nematocera and Brachycera, in the former of which the antennae are elongate and in a more or less primitive condition, as described above, while in the latter these organs are short, and, as already explained, apparently composed of only three joints.
Many instances of exaggerated and apparently unnatural structure nevertheless occur, as in the case of the genera Pangonia, Nemestrina, Achias, Diopsis and the family Celyphidae, .and, as might be expected, it is chiefly in tropical species that these peculiarities are found.
Hess now observed that in the process of mixing such neutral solutions no thermal effect was produced - that is, neutral salts in aqueous solution could apparently interchange their radicals without evolution or absorption of heat.
The young emperor was during the first years of his reign completely in the hands of Prince Felix Schwarzenberg, to whom, with Windischgratz and Radetzky, he owed it that Austria had emerged from the revolution apparently stronger than it had been before.
The former, however, is based upon the account of victories by the Ephraimite Joshua over confederations of petty kings to the south and north of central Palestine, apparently the specific traditions of the people of Ephraim describing from their standpoint the entire conquest of Palestine.
Apparently even the older accounts of the exodus are not of very great antiquity; according to Jeremiah ii.
It is a new source which is here suddenly introduced, belonging apparently to a history of the Temple; it throws no light upon the relations between Judah with its priests and Israel with its prophets, the circumstances of the regency under the priest Jehoiada are ignored, and the Temple reforms occupy the first place in the compiler's interest.
Elisha was apparently the champion, and posterity told of his exploits when Samaria was visited with the sword.
The assumption that the decay of Assyria awoke the national feeling of independence is perhaps justified by those events which made the greatest impression upon the compiler, and an account is given of Josiah's religious reforms, based upon a source apparently identical with that which described the work of Jehoash.
There are a number of apparently related passages which, however, on internal grounds, are unsuitable to the present period, and when they show independent signs of a later date (in their present form), there is a very strong probability that they refer to such subsequent disasters.
Apparently it was in progress at the time of his coming to Egypt in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes I.
Jonathan was summoned to Antioch, made his peace and apparently relinquished his attempt in return for the addition of three Samaritan districts to his territory.
But some cities defaulted, and they were apparently among those assigned to Malichus.
Caligula was not predisposed to favour the favourites of Tiberius; and Antipas, having petitioned him for the title of king at the instigation of Herodias, was banished from his tetrarchy and (apparently) was put to death in 39.
Some attempt was apparently made to rebuild the Temple; and the Jews of the Dispersion, who had perhaps been won over by Aqiba, supported the rebellion.
Many showing human figures apparently contain lists of personal names.
The central object of cult in this shrine was apparently a marble cross.
But though the majority of Labour men were apparently in his favour, public opinion in other classes was strongly against any conference with Germans in the midst of war.
Aldus in his edition of Cicero's De universitate (1583), dedicated to Crichton, laments the 3rd of July as the fatal day; and this account is apparently confirmed by the Mantuan state papers recently unearthed by Mr. Douglas Crichton (Proc. Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1909).
It is thought that the differences are, in part at least, due to differences in the nature of the food supplied to larvae, which are apparently all alike.
These segments spring apparently from the top of the ovary - the real explanation, however, being that the end of the flower-stalk or "thalamus," as it grows, becomes dilated into a sort of cup or tube enclosing and indeed closely adhering to the ovary, so that the latter organ appears to be beneath the perianth instead of above it as in a lily, an appearance which has given origin to the term "inferior ovary."
Within the perianth, and springing from its sides, or apparently from the top of the ovary, are six stamens whose anthers contain pulverulent pollen-grains.
The broad mountainous slope by which it is connected with the lower levels of Hindostan contains the ranges known as the Himalaya; the name Kuen-lun is generally applied to the northern slope that descends to the central plains of the Gobi, though these mountains are not locally known under those names, Kuen-lun being apparently a Chinese designation.
The Malays, who occupy the peninsula and most of the islands of the Archipelago called after them, are Mongols apparently modified by their very different climate, and by the maritime life Malays.
This connexion, if true, must be very ancient, since it apparently goes back to a time when the distribution of land and water was other than at present.
Assyria was an offshoot of Babylonia lying to the north-west, and apparently -colonized before the second millennium.
The second half of the 16th century was a period of ferment and anarchy, marked by the arrival of the Portuguese and the rise of some remarkable adventurers, one of whom, Hideyoshi, conquered Korea and apparently meditated the invasion of China.
He was imprisoned from 1825 to 1828 for coining, though apparently on insufficient evidence, and in 1833 came to push his claims in Paris, where he was recognized as the dauphin by many persons formerly connected with the court of Louis XVI.
Lady Atkyns was trying by every possible means to get the dauphin out of his prison when he was apparently already in safe hands, if not outside the Temple walls.
The fabric of the small chapel is apparently of the 14th century, and may have been attached to the manor house of Portpool, held at that period by the Lords Grey of Wilton.
This connexion of successive nephridia (in Lanice) has its counterpart in Allolobophora, Lybiodrilus, and apparently in the Lumbriculids Teleuscolex and Styloscolex, among the Oligochaeta.
There are no setae and apparently only two pairs of nephridia, of which the anterior pair open commonly by a common pore on the third segment after the head, whose segments have not been accurately enumerated.
So that a leech in which only twenty-seven segments are apparent by the enumeration of the annuli, separate ganglia, nephridia, lines of sensillae upon the body, really possesses an additional seven lying behind that which is apparently the last of the series and crowded together into a minute space.
Other analogous glycerides are apparently contained in greater or smaller quantity in certain other oils.
Triacetin, C 3 H 5 (O C 2 H 3 0) 3, is apparently contained in cod-liver oil.
Deane, however, died in 1503, and Wolsey became chaplain to Sir Richard Nanfan, deputy of Calais, who apparently recommended him to Henry VII.
There is a curious reference to Iamblichus, apparently the neo-platonist philosopher, whose name Jordanes, being, as he says himself, agrammatus, inserts by way of a flourish.
It was Ablabius, apparently, who had first used the Gothic sagas (prisca carmina); it was he who had constructed the stem of the Amals.
He apparently felt encouraged by circumstances to rebel.
Taylor did not vacate his fellowship at Cambridge before 1636, but he spent, apparently, much of his time in London, for Laud desired that his "mighty parts should be afforded better opportunities of study and improvement than a course of constant preaching would allow of."
In the autumn of the same year he was appointed to preach in St Mary's on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, and apparently used the occasion to clear himself of a suspicion, which, however, haunted him through life, of a secret leaning to the Romish communion.
Here he apparently did not especially distinguish himself, belonging to the class of bons ordinaires.
The missing books were apparently lost early, for there is no reason to suppose that the Arabs who translated or commented on Diophantus ever had access to more of the work than we now have.
This tract he named " Nonesuch," and here he attempted to establish a small body of soldiers who had occupied a less favourable site in the vicinity; but they objected to the change and, being attacked by the Indians, sought the protection of Smith, who made prisoners of their leaders, with the result, apparently, that the settlement was abandoned.
Almost half a century afterwards the practice had become still more alarming; and in 1534 a new act was tried, apparently with as little success.
The apparently hopeless outlook for corn-growing compelled farmers to cast about for some other means of subsistence, and to rely more than they had hitherto done upon the possibilities of stock-breeding.
It would seem that in his fits of despondency one of the thoughts that marred his dreams of human improvement was the apparently inexorable character of economic laws, condemning thousands of labourers to a cramped and miserable existence, and thousands more to semistarvation.
Mill's friendship with Mrs Taylor and their marriage in 1851 involved a break with his family (apparently due to his resentment at a fancied slight, not to any bitterness on their part), and his practical disappearance from society.
With his father's murderer, Ptolemy, Antiochus was soon compelled to make peace, abandoning apparently Macedonia and Thrace.
The Parthian king was apparently granted peace on his submission.
Under an apparently uniform and stable system of social regulation there was much variation and movement, the significance of which it is impossible to estimate.
In studying, therefore, such an apparently simple question as the effect of an act of parliament on wages in a small group of trades we want a general theory which we can use as a kind of index of the factors we have to consider.
The result will be that while the doctrines are apparently being brought into closer correspondence with the facts of life, they will in reality be made quite useless for practical purposes or economic investigation.
The law may apparently be " a general rule " or " a tendency " which is liable to be " checked," or a particular case of the law of the conservation of energy.
Mill apparently is not content with the confusion between " law " and " agency " or " force," but opposes the one to the other.
But the net result of the development of the doctrine of rent is that all problems in which this factor appears, and they embrace the whole range of economic theory, must apparently be treated on their merits.
But, while apparently aiding Edward, Bruce had taken a step which bound him to the patriotic cause.
On his way to Greece (apparently in the year 230) Origen was ordained a presbyter in Palestine by his friends the bishops.
The connecting link with Hyracotherium was formed by Pachynolophus (Pro palaeotherium), and the line apparently terminated in Palo plotherium, which is also Oligocene.
The security of the island was apparently violated not long after 150o B.C., the Cnossian palace was sacked and burned, and Cretan art suffered an irreparable blow.
John Pits 1 says, but apparently without authority, that he became a Benedictine monk.
The opening words of the Philobiblon and the Epistolae as given by Bale represent those of the Philobiblon and its prologue, so that he apparently made two books out of one treatise.
The antennal segment apparently entirely disappears, with the exception of a pair of appendages it bears; these become the antennae; it is possible that the original segment, or some part of it, may even become a portion of the actual antennae.
A remarkable fossil from the Scottish Coal-measures (Lithomantis) had apparently small wing-like structures on the prothorax, and in allied genera small veined outgrowths - like tracheal gills - occurred on the abdominal segments.
But, though apparently without such a knowledge of the anatomy of birds as would enable him to apply it to the formation of that natural system which he was fully aware had yet to be sought, he seems to have been an excellent judge of the characters afforded by the bill and limbs, and the use he made of them, coupled with the extraordinary reputation he acquired on other grounds, procured for his system the adhesion for many years of the majority of ornithologists.'
The original project was apparently to give a figure and ()Udall.
The primary circular divisions of every group are three actually, or five apparently.
In these " Fragments," apparently his earliest productions, we find him engaged on the subject with which his name will always be especially identified, the structure and arrangement of feathers.
He also admitted among his characteristics a physiological consideration (apparently derived from Oken 1) dividing the class A y es into two sections Altrices and Praecoces, according as the young were fed by their parents or, from the first, fed themselves.
Be that as it may, he declares that characters drawn from the sternum or the pelvis - hitherto deemed to be, next to the bones of the head, the most important portions of the bird's framework - are scarcely worth more, from a classificatory point of view, than characters drawn from the bill or the legs; while pterylological considerations, together with many others to which some systematists had attached more or less importance, can only assist, and apparently must never be taken to control, the force of evidence furnished by this bone of all bones - the anterior palatal.
Among his chief systematic determinations we may mention that he refers the tinamous to the rails, because apparently of their deep " notches," but otherwise takes a view of that group more correct according to modern notions than did most of his contemporaries.
His conversion apparently took place at Ephesus; there, at any rate, he places his decisive interview with the old man, and there he had those discussions with Jews and converts to Judaism, the results of which he in later years set down in his Dialogue.
It is a noble portal, erected in 1460, apparently from designs by Fra Giocondo, with the lion of St Mark in the attic. The statuary, with Sta Giustina on the summit of the tympanum, was added in 1571 and 1578.
After that, apparently, logic was to be treated; then, possibly, mathematics and physics; then speculative alchemy and experimental science.
Nestor mentions that the Bujanes and Dulebes occupied the Bug, while the Tivertsi and Ugliches, apparently all four Slav tribes, were settled on the Dniester.
There was a public municipal library in Boston before 1674 - probably in 1653; but it was burned in 1747 and was apparently never replaced.
In the very early rock inscriptions of Thera (700-600 B.C.), written from right to left, it appears in a form resembling the ordinary Greek X; this form apparently arose from writing the Semitic symbol upside down.
An agricultural tenant may not contract himself out of his statutory right to compensation, but " contracting out " is apparently not prohibited with regard to the right given him by the acts of 1883 and 1900 to remove fixtures which he has erected and for which he is not otherwise entitled to compensation, after reasonable notice to the landlord, unless the latter elects to purchase such fixtures at a valuation.
This great source of supply, when apparently most abundant and secure, was shortly after suddenly cut off, and thousands were for a time deprived of employment and the means of subsistence.
Possessing soil, climate and apparently all the requisite elements from nature for the production of cotton to an almost boundless extent, and of a 1 Approximately.
Like the high court, the court of burgesses had also its assizes 4 - a body of unwritten legal 4 As was noticed above, there were apparently separate assizes for the three principalities, in addition to the assizes of the kingdom.
Since the days of Godfrey and Baldwin I., Egypt had been a 3 Manuel was an ambitious sovereign, apparently aiming at a world-monarchy, such as was afterwards attempted from the other side by Henry VI.
The XpovcKOV Teel, ' (composed in Greek verse some time after 1300, apparently by an author of mixed Frankish and Greek parentage, and translated into French at an early date under the title "The Book of the Conquest of Constantinople and the Empire of Rumania") narrates in a prologue the events of the Fourth (as indeed also of the First) Crusade.
It then often retains its vitality for a long time, apparently crawling as if it were itself a worm, a phenomenon which is at least partially explained by the extraordinary development of nervous tissue, equally distributed all through the walls of the proboscis, and either united into numerous longitudinal nerve-stems (Drepanophorus, Amphiporus) or spread out into a uniform and comparatively thick layer (Cerebratulus, sp.).
Organs of hearing in the form of capsules containing otoliths have only been very rarely observed, apparently only in Metanemertini.
Small tufts of tactile hairs or papillae are sometimes observed in small number at the tip of the head; sometimes longer hairs, apparently rather stiff, are seen on the surface, very sparingly distributed between the cilia, and hitherto only in a very limited number of small specimens.
Some of the verses are apparently from the author, some from editors.
Gallatin tried to earn a living by teaching French in Harvard College, apparently not without success, but the cold and rigid civilization of New England repelled him, and he made his way to the South.
In 743, however, the mayors decided to appoint a king in the person of Childeric III., who was apparently connected with the Merovingian family.
The vessels contained a dark dust, apparently disintegrated ashes, small pieces of bone, and a number of small pieces of jewelry in gold, silver, white and red cornelian, amethyst, topaz, garnet, coral and crystal.
Other cubes of rock, apparently altars, exist in the neighbourhood.
In the time of the Peisistratids the Agora was enlarged so as to extend over the Inner Ceramicus on the north-west, apparently reaching the northern declivities of the Areopagus and the Acropolis on the south.
Built over this early precinct, which Dorpfeld identifies with the Dionysium Ev Aiµvais, or Lenaeum, is a basilicashaped building of the Roman period, apparently sacred to Bacchus; in this was found an inscription containing the rules The city of the society of the Iobacchi.
Its fortifications, though not increased, were apparently strengthened by the Tyrants.
Adjoining it to the east are the remains of a large rectangular building, which was apparently fronted by a colonnade; this has been identified with the XaXKO011Ki, a storehouse of bronze implements and arms, which was formerly supposed to lie against the north wall near the Propylaea.
After the failure of this expedition the Athenians apparently became absorbed in a prolonged struggle with Aegina.
The Lex Saxonum apparently dates from 803, since it contains provisions which are in the Capitulare legi Ribuariae additum of that year.
These materials were apparently brought together at the beginning of the 9th century, at a time of intense legislative activity at the court of Charlemagne.