Apologizes Sentence Examples
At the beginning of the series, Florrick is hosting a press conference where he apologizes for his personal choices but denies any corrupt professional dealings.
He apologizes and the video ends with scenes of Swift's happy marriage to her partner.
Meanwhile in Britain New Labor government spin doctor apologizes for cynical email advising colleagues to exploit the aftermath of the Twin Towers catastrophe.
On the one hand, indeed, orthodoxy and heresy are symbolized to his mind by the wheat and the tares respectively; he clings to the naive opinion of Catholicism, that contemporary orthodoxy has prevailed within the Church from the first; he recognizes the true faith only in the mystery of the Trinity; he judges heretics who have been already condemned as interlopers, as impudent innovators, actuated by bad and self-seeking motives; he apologizes for having so much as treated of Arianism at all in his history of the Church; he believes in the inspiration of the ecclesiastical councils as much as in that of the Scriptures themselves.
Rosberg may eventually be worn down but, for now, he actually apologizes for his " not so scintillating answers ".
After all of this, Noel still tells her that it's not the right timing for him, and after more pleading from Felicity, he still declines, apologizes, and tries to leave.
In the end, an emotional Lochmiel apologizes, and they do all do the perfect cheer to I Like Big Butts.
In the authors' eyes the ultimate "hot chick" never apologizes for how she looks or what she eats.